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Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current This link expires in two days, but if anyone is wondering what combined with writer's block has been occupying my time recently, I don't think this'll dox me: streamable.com/o13hsy
6 mos ago
"What is life if not a chance to make more regrets?" - YourMoonstone
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7 mos ago
"It's not my fault that god didn't make you guys in his image." - IBeatPandas (Twitch Streamer)
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7 mos ago
Finally back on my own computer.
2 yrs ago
Honestly, a Trauma Center x Toyko Ghoul (with or without Code Lyoko in it) sounds like a phenomenal concept.
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"And how smart you are only determined which way you fall." - a dream I had once
"Court should be adjourned because the jury are fools, and the judge can't decipher his left from his right or his right from his wrong." - Streetlight Manifesto (The Hands That Thieve)
"Time whether wasted or well spent is still time." - Rise Against (Zero Visibility)
"Your honor, I think there's a discrepancy. Apparently, the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but the First Amendment only guarantees freedom of speech on condition that you do not speak." - RC

Most Recent Posts

Well, as long as we're posting WIPs, here's the one I've been stuck on for a while now.

Marrie Knight

I'm saving you whether you want it or not, damnit! Marrie thought as Pac fell out of her chain. She used the last bit of flight given to her by her note to drop down at an angle in an attempt to avoid the starship and it's attack. As she fell, and her skin began itching, she used her backup. The bracelet she had been given worked its magic to heal herself up again. She had to conserve mana at this point, she knew. She hit the ground and rolled before bursting into a sprint towards Pac-a-fist. She was not going to give up, and Pac had to be running low on mana too. A quick glance at Justin made it clear that they were in the second phase of the boss fight, and the damnable Diver was still making things worse. What was the next one again?

Oh. Oh shit.

19 | Female | Freelancer | Misty Steps
Apexer Predator | Dagger | Physical | Heavenly Chain
Arctic Storm | Masking
Step of the Hurricane | Wind | Riding the Currents
After You Get Smacked UP | Disco Fever
[Storm (4), Flight (6)] Damage X (6), Multi-Cast (4), Blink (4), Magic Sense (6), Heal (16), Portal (8), Rain (2), Scatter (2), Bounce (2)


After You Get Smacked Up : Bronze Self - Powerful - Enhance - Heal


Crystal hadn't once considered that hanging on to a flying entity as it lost its ability to be airborne might result in events including but not limited to: falling out of the sky, crashing into the ground at high velocity, being crushed underneath the weight of the flier, losing grip on her Gladius, having to have a friend rescue her, and/or death. Luckily, only two of these seemed to be the case, as Rivka came blasting through the sky to slam into her, catching her and slowing their decent together with her Elementum. Rivka hadn't said anything, but she didn't need to. She also probably shouldn't, considering that her focus was going to determine if the two Ars Magi walked away unscathed or not.

The unfortunate part was that the collision between the two had hit hard enough for Crystal to unclench her teeth and swallow the grape-flavored gum she was still enjoying. But that could be replaced. She wanted to help somehow with the landing, but distracting her roommate would probably not end well, and creating ice near where fire was about to be was not the greatest of ideas. So instead she simply trusted in Rivka's ability and took the moment to observe the battle below. Selma was kicking ass, as expected, and Chie was clearly up to something. Unfortunately it seemed that whatever she was doing was taking a moment, and Crystal had wanted some target practice... So as she and Rivka rose slightly from the impact between them, Crystal took aim at one of the drones and fired a ball of ice at it from the tip of her Gladius. Not enough to pierce it, most likely, but hopefully enough to knock its aim off of Chie.

And then she once again began to fall, this time supported by her teammate.

Nemo wasn't sure how to respond to Noel. He seemed to be the one in charge, but he also showed unnecessary worrying considering his position. He also didn't know how to react to having his head pat like that, so he simply stood there with a blank expression. Orders had been given to attack, but of course he wasn't included in that, not being able to do anything meaningful. And that lack of use was grating on him quickly before he was asked about his Noble Arm.

Can't fight. If I can't fight I can't be useful. I n- His thinking was cut off when Noel asked him about his weapon. It was close enough to an order, a reason to do something to be useful that it brightened his mood.

"Vitae responds to emotions. Known effects are anger, sadness, happiness, determination, and agony. Anger is an offensive state, Sadness is a defensive state. Happiness makes it easier to use, determination has a healing effect, and agony is an anti-capture use." Nemo explained succinctly. He didn't take his eyes off of Noel, the commanding officer that he was, at all since being addressed by him. He needed to be told what he could do to be helpful, now that there were no nearby opposing forces enemies.
Having trouble making a bio, but I have internet again! So I'll get something up soon~
Marrie Knight

"I don't know who that is!" Marrie shouted back as she cast a flight melody. She didn't care about the lightning, she rushed over to the fallen cars and saw both an unrecognized esper, likely this 'Leroux,' and Pac-a-Fist. She didn't have time for this. Since the other esper seemed to be awake, Marrie gave her a flight melody as well and grabbed Pac, lifting her out of the car and out to... well, not safety. Doing so with one arm was difficult, but possible. She'd just have to be careful. She wrapped her Instrument's chain around her as quickly as she could, one-handed, for better leverage as she pulled Pac under the nearest roof or overhang.

19 | Female | Freelancer | Misty Steps
Apexer Predator | Dagger | Physical | Heavenly Chain
Arctic Storm | Masking
Step of the Hurricane | Wind | Riding the Currents
After You Get Smacked UP | Disco Fever
[Storm (4), Flight (6)] Damage X (6), Multi-Cast (4), Blink (4), Magic Sense (6), Heal (16), Portal (8), Rain (2), Scatter (2), Bounce (2)


Bronze Self: Flight - Multicast (80)
Bronze Touch: Flight (48)

I'm stuck away from a computer for a while, but I'm slightly against biomerge personally. No real thought out reason for it though. Figured I'd add my vote though. Adventure/02 specifically.

I'm also in the boat of trips between being good chances for some characterization. Even a single round of posts per trip might allow for some good interactions.

Will send in a CS once I get comoputer access again. Phone use is a bit too tough for me to write one with.

Edit: A few questions while I brainstorm until I can write, what digimon are banned from being partners, if any, and are there any restrictions on moral alignment of characters? :3
Further, are there analog world locations that we should stick to or avoid for human characters?
Marrie Knight

Marrie felt her arm pop out of its socket and clenched her jaw as tightly as she could. She'd only get one shot at her plan, and she had to make sure it worked. Not knowing that Orion was casting a melody at her and Justin, she could only think of one thing to do. Her Instrument was pointing straight up, and she couldn't move it due to Justin's eyes. So she tried something. She fired a projectile straight into the air, and soon a cloud of magic formed about seventy-five feet above them. Soon magical projectiles fell down, and these projectiles bounced around, each creating a portal where they landed. It was going to be an interesting few seconds.

19 | Female | Freelancer | Misty Steps
Apexer Predator | Dagger | Physical | Heavenly Chain
Arctic Storm | Masking
Step of the Hurricane | Wind | Riding the Currents
After You Get Smacked UP | Disco Fever
[Storm (4), Flight (6)] Damage X (6), Multi-Cast (4), Blink (4), Magic Sense (6), Heal (16), Portal (8), Rain (2), Scatter (2), Bounce (2)


Bronze Projectile: Rain - Portal - Bounce (112)

Gah, another digimon. Must join.
Marrie Knight

As she flew threw the air towards Orion, Marrie only had one thought. Thank god for the Holy Diver. As Orion dodged out of the way, leaving Marrie to land on the explosive frogs, she was already preparing a new melody combination. With a renewed Storm melody to raise her Sentinel and protect her from the lice, she cast a Flight note on herself as well, hovering above the frogs on the ground. She watched Orion fire a beam at Justin, and prepared for his reaction, flying towards him at a speed just barely slower than that of Orion's beam melody. As soon as it hit or missed, she was on him, circling around the tendrils of blood and slamming into his chest. She angled her ascent so that he had his back towards the sky and went as high as she could. The lice would cover the bastard and hopefully suck away his blood ammunition, so all she had to do was stab him in the chest as she reached her apex.

Then the real fight could start.

19 | Female | Freelancer | Misty Steps
Apexer Predator | Dagger | Physical | Heavenly Chain
Arctic Storm | Masking
Step of the Hurricane | Wind | Riding the Currents
After You Get Smacked UP | Disco Fever
[Storm (4), Flight (6)] Damage X (6), Multi-Cast (4), Blink (4), Magic Sense (6), Heal (16), Portal (8), Rain (2), Scatter (2), Bounce (2)


Silver Self: Cold - Storm - Multicast (120)
Silver Self: Warm - Flight (96)

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