Avatar of TheHangedMan


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4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
Today's the first time in a long time that I've felt empty. Not even sad or tired, just empty. This quarantine is getting to me more than I thought.
4 yrs ago
@Jessica Bunny: You live in America! College is optional (and expensive) and around you is opportunity. I believe you can make it!
4 yrs ago
Magical Girl RP, Original World: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Oh shit, I've been surrounded! The room is ripe with the scent of bitches!


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Also @unicorgi You haven't added your CS to the CHAR tab yet! Oh, and change her room to 22-F.

The breakfast at the Mess Hall was, needless to say, an exorbitantly grand one. Breakfast foods from all over the world were arranged in tables according to region. More than a thousand students were gathered, and yet the food had yet to be found lacking in quantity or quality - there was always something to choose from, and you could spend the whole day sampling the food arrayed for them and not even be halfway through.

The Headmaster himself was there, in his authoritative, large brown mantle cloak, with a serving tray in hand and lined in with the rest of the students over the service areas. He was talking with some of the newer students - who were rather reluctant to be so amicable with authority.

At this point, pretty much everyone had gathered into groups they were comfortable with. Some had finished eating already and went outside in order to explore the school, or otherwise had some other business to attend to - most of the newer students would likely pursue a bed, considering the hour, plus the need to simply be inside their rooms.

Some others had broken into a fight somehow - as per usual - and the Enforcers stepped in to stop them. Polyanna, who was dining with the Headmaster, took delight in watching them settle matters through force, while the Headmaster preferred if they were settled through diplomacy. So naturally they began betting on every fight.

At some point the fairies and other spirits that roamed the University had intruded on the breakfast. Some of them began picking off servings of food for their own - fortunately not from any of the students. Yet.

All-in-all, a typical way to start the morning here at B.U.M.

For those that turned in early, B.U.M. dormitory rooms were simple, though spacious. It started with a walk into the apartment, which seemed much too small to contain over a hundred such rooms, but such was how it was; the rooms themselves were divided into seven parts: four bedrooms, two bathroom, and a living room that doubled as a kitchen. Furniture would be sparse, at first, with just the dining table, a few chairs, a living room couch, and a bed being provided. Over time, however, students added more and more character to their respective areas.

@EpicKDP @Rune_Alchemist @Spike

@Ryteb Pymeroce@QueenNugget@Aviaire
@Sewer Rat Nice. I've got my own tourney coming up, but it's at June and boxing instead of wrestling.
Yeah, I was thinking of a Discord, but never really felt like bringing it up.
@Sewer Rat oh my god, Hugo is more amazing than I could have hoped for. Also, how was wrestling?
Elspeth Macbain

Interaction: Hugo @Sewer Rat

With every word that came out of the newcomers mouth, Elspeth felt her rage peak higher and higher. Her initial, stunned reaction quickly gave way to a seething anger that she had no wish to hold back. Clenching her teeth, the Slytherin prefect was about to utter a few choice words for the troglodyte sitting in front of her, when he drew his wand.

Several things happened went through her mind at once, but predominant among them was an instinct carved into her by nearly half a decade of being the top duelist at Hogwarts:

When a wand is pulled at your face, you pull yours out right back.

The light might have made it impossible for her to look at him, but sitting in carriage and knowing where he sat made the rest of it easy.

"Petrificus Totalus," she uttered, her voice much calmer than she felt. The spell shot out immediately, and made a beeline for the offending party.
@EpicKDP link has been updated. Hop on board!
@EpicKDP oh yeah, I didn't say so? Yep, accepted. Room 27-A
@EpicKDP looks pretty good. As for the image, if you're having problems, then you can save the picture then upload it on RPG and use that link instead.
@webboysurf leaving it up to you if you wanna have Tom follow Elspeth.
Elspeth Macbain

Interaction: Hugo @Sewer Rat

Patrols in their section had gone off without much incident, asides from a few overtly rowdy first years, where Elspeth made sure to impress upon them the mistake of misbehaving in her presence. So with little fanfare, their tenure on the Hogwarts Express ended, and they were off to the carriages. Thomas, naturally, managed in his own way.

She had to guide the second years to the carriages, however, so she was somewhat delayed in boarding her own. She entered the sixth carriage, and was greeted with the sight of a familiar face, and one not so familiar.

"Hello Marvin, behaving yourself I hope?" she stated conversationally. The boys' reputation was not as reviled as Thomas, in most part due to the fact that unlike him, he frequently got caught and punished. His misdemeanors cost them house points, so he was not well loved by Slytherins either.

"'Course I am Macbain, right n' proper," came his even response. Personally, she was disgusted with him, but since he knew better than to antagonize her and involve her in his 'pranks', she took no action. That may change this year - as prefect, she was now held a position of power, and the responsibilities that came with it.

"See to it that doesn't change." He nodded quickly in response, and she turned her attention to the other occupant of the carriage. He looked around their age, but she wasn't familiar with him. "Good day. I'm afraid I don't recognize you? Are you a 4th year?"
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