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2 mos ago
Current 2/3 maybe time to start cooking.
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2 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
3 mos ago
4 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.
4 mos ago
Madame Web is a movie about a character most casual fans won’t know, and use it as a back door pilot for three female spider-man characters casual fans don’t know.


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@Fading Memory No worries. There’s more details I’m working on adding in to give Afterburn more of a “culture” than the generic stuff. Work’s tight this week so I’ll post when I can
Yup. We’re still going. Just hit a brick wall on my end because personal life got kinda crazy 😅
Probably just to be safe
Should have my stuff finalized soon. It’s my 1st anniversary this weekend so I’m spending the time with the missus
@BigPapaBelial I said the Pack MIGHT be robots. Haha. If you wanna go ahead and confirm a one-off line of dialogue then be my guest. We can hammer out the more specific details over DMs and add on anyone else who picks that faction.
@BigPapaBelial Approved. Sorry for the slow setup on this. Work has been rough this week. I didn’t sleep for 36 hours…
@Fading Memory Eithet option sounds viable. I will say for option one, if an Heir were to be “exiled” as you put it, I think - as long as he/she has the money - the other Heirs would allow this person to operate within the Spire. They’d give outcasts a base modicum of what they’d call “decency”, but anyone would still be publicly and privately shunned if that makes sense?
@Eviledd1984 I do not want to be rude, but both times you submitted your character last time, you didn’t read the OOC. I’m sorry but your old character can’t work.
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