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i need a medieval fantasy rp like i need oxygen
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Heyo, sorry I haven't posted yet. Managed to get sick in addition to the shoulder injury :'D it hasn't been my week.

Shoulder's been getting better though (and I swear to god my left arm is buff af now, I've used it for everything to let the other rest), so I'm pretty sure I can get a post in by Sunday latest!
Posted! I meant to have Ardour address the group (especially since said group changed just now), but I wasn't surer if that messed up anyone's plans... So I left him quietly enjoying the darkness for now.

As for his position, hmm, he'd likely move closer to the corridor where he can see everyone and also see forward. He'd probably like to be somewhere somewhat close to the front for reconnaissance purposes and such. Gotta put that stealth to use.
Theatrics. How foul.

Ardour wished he could've stood further away from Durnan and his unprompted display of lung capacity, but with the crowd gathered so close, there wasn't really any other place for him to stand. Discontent, the tiefling struggled to find a proper pose and expression for the occasion. He was no stranger to being peered at by curious eyes, but never before had he felt quite as exposed as he did now, deliberately placed on a stage. Every murmur was a breach of privacy, every pair of eyes a strung bow ready to let loose a gaze as sharp as an arrow.

The only fact Ardour could take solace in was that he wasn't the biggest freak present. A tiefling was an unwelcome sight, but a lizardfolk and tortle alike were foreign and strange, certainly worth many more a raised brow than him.

The finger Durnan jabbed at the group's direction seemed far more threatening than it was probably meant to be - as did the question he presented, and went without answer to for an uncomfortably long time. Out of the corner of his eye, Ardour glanced at his companions. He had little hope any of them were capable of producing a satisfactory answer.

Just as Ardour was about to let slip the first descriptive word that came to mind - one that was unlike to be too flattering - Aurix saved him. Or, rather, her horse did, disrupting the scene with the calm gait of a horse unaware of its own heroic deed.

Saved by an animal... if Ardour were any more superstitious and believed in ill omens, he would've likely turned tail while he still could.

As it turned out, quite a few members of their little entourage did just that. For reasons not entirely clear to Ardour, half of their group slipped into the crowd, soon replaced by a man they'd only met briefly prior. Was it cold feet that drove Lin and the rest to abandon the task? Or, perhaps...?

A hand on his shoulder tensed Ardour's entire body, his hand nearly moving on instinct to tear at the offending presence. He retained his composure through sheer sense of will, a small, feral glint in his eye the only sign of a fate that had nearly awaited the man that dared touch him so carelessly.

By the time Ardour spoke, the glint was almost gone. "We're in agreement, my friend," he offered in a civil - if cold - manner, sliding away from him just in time to catch another string of words directed at him. It was Aurix, impatient and generous enough to pay for his share, as well.

Ardour gave a light bow, his usual smile in place as he gestured towards the abyss. "After you."

As one would expect, the dungeon below was dark, illuminated only by Lauk's crystal. But darkness was a friend most dear to the tiefling, and its embrace a welcome respite from the million-eyed crowd above.
I see! Alright, that works quite well, just firing colorful flames into the air as if they were fireworks. That way it would have combat utility later on too once she gets her falna and starts directing it at people.

And heh, she likely has to be in bit of a danger to change her ways evenually, so I wouldn't mind that either. You did mention spell slots in plural, though, so I also assumed the illusion wouldn't be the only thing she has throughout the adventure. :P

But I can go with the flame option, aye.
Alright, gotcha! I wasn't sure how exactly magic works here, but what I hoped was that maybe some spell could be used as a means of entertainment in addition to combat (in this instance, ironically, she would've learnt the magic as a form of entertainment at first and only realized it had combat applications once she used it to save the little girl). Like, hmm, say, if the spell was originally her creating dancing flames on her palm or something, and then later on realizing she could actually just yeet that fire at someone too, ha.

Illusions were actually another idea I entertained, so if that works, I don't mind using a spellslot for that either. It fits her theme, and while it probably doesn't have much direct combat application, I could see it being a good utility spell to compliment more offensive spells. It could work as a distraction, for example, or if they ever need to trick info/goods out of someone, or so on.

I'll check out the PM next!
@CollectorOfMyst Just to check that I've got the situation down right:

Vaal injured one Kobold (D), and Cassandra then killed it

Rhayela killed one Kobold (F)

Sebastian killed one Kobold (H)

Magdar killed one Kobold (E?)

So that leaves Kobold G alive, the one with the slingshot, yeah?

Edit: Dang, forgot to tag... I don't think an edited-in tag works. But yeah, I can get a quick post in tomorrow once I get confirmation.
Here we go, I'm a bit sleepy, so there might be errors and such. Just let me know and I'll fix whatever needs it, be it lore errors or typos! Also, I assume she would start with some sort of magic...? But we'll probably figure that out along with the stats afterwards. I left all mentions of it in her history vague.

Working on my character!

Considering I don't know much about the Gods and Goddesses of Danmachi, my vote goes for the die. It's never let me down before. Except that time I was rolling HP for my Rogue in D&D and got three nat 1's in a row...

Also, thanks for adding stuff on magic, that'll be useful. Maybe not my brightest idea to focus on magic in a magic system I know nothing about, but ay, I'll do my due diligence and read up.
Hmm, so I had an idea to go for a commoner who bears a crest. That is because, unbeknownst to him, either he's the bastard of one of the noble houses, or someone in his family was and the capability to get a crest was passed down that way. Not sure how far back the connection goes. Anyway. He's caught thieving/spying/doing other shady stuff in a prominent noble's house and gets caught. But as they realize he has their family crest and their own heir(s) don't, he's adopted and presented as their legitimate son who they've just kept away from spotlight all these years. So this scoundrel who knows nothing about nobility or customs ends up being sent to the academy and having to play the part of a noble heir, ayy.

I might reuse an older character (with appropriate tweaks) since he fits the role quite well, or make a new one. Haven't yet decided, but got the basic idea down.

Also! Could I reserve house Sylmare? I feel like the whole atmosphere of sabotage in Cretus would fit my plans the best. The house could claim they kept their crest-bearing heir a secret in fear of assassination, after all.

Speaking of, his eventual class will be Assassin, so sword/bow focus.

Err, with all that said, would I mark him down as commoner or noble class?
Remember that we're all either starting as a noble or commoner class. :)

I remember, yeah. Just planning for the future as far as flavor and weapons go so that the eventual class change doesn't come outta the blue. So if I wanted to make someone a cavalier in the future, I'd include mention of them having ridden horses before, etc.

By the way, will we have a personal skill/class skills?
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