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9 days ago
Current Some of y'all are either too old to act the way you act, or too young to be taken seriously. Hard to tell some days.


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Tosram Li

Tosram sighed and closed his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose out of slight frustration at the scene. When it was just other Earth Nation prisoners fighting, starting a riot and finding a way out of the prison was simple. But an Air Nomad? Now it was messy.

Tosram clenched his fists, hesitating as he stood near Ryuu. The suggestion was reasonable... but Tosram wasn't sure that he could live with letting another Air Bender die to the Fire Nation. "Think there's a way we could get the flying one out of here with us? I'd hate to give these bastards the satisfaction." As he gazed over the scene, Tosram tilted his head slightly as he took everything in. "If we move quick, we might be able to overpower the guards. Or we can just use this opportunity to get ourselves out, and hope the kid can bend her way out."
And... now I'm officially back. Dev makes his triumphant return by being pissed off at everything.

The blaring sound of the Captain's message forced the Demolitions Expert (and now Loadmaster) to grit his teeth and slowly rise to a sitting position. He walked over to the sink in his cabin to splash some water in his face, but even that couldn't wake him up properly. He hadn't slept well the past few weeks, haunted by his sentence. This was certainly better than prison... but death as a free man would have been preferable to his enslavement on-board a ship where everyone hated him. He took a moment to look over his physical appearance, nodding in satisfaction after combing back a few loose hairs.

Dev clasped his sidearm into its holster and slung his favorite weapon over his shoulder. The latest attack had left him a little paranoid, especially if a few of those rat bastards were still on-board somewhere. He was in the doorway and ready to leave when he sighed and went back for his data pad. He had more responsibilities now, and the last thing he needed to do was prove anyone right about him being a worthless convict. Once the data pad was secured in its place, Dev sauntered through the hallways towards the lounge.

As he entered the lounge, his eyes darted between Astrid and Yasaliah. Out of the two, Yas was usually more pleasant to be around, especially since the lovely engineer seemed to have a habit of placing the guy blowing the ship up from the inside on her shit list. So he strode towards Yas, taking a seat on one of the couches and propping his feet up on the coffee table. He had heard Astrid's question as he walked in, and decided to let that linger as he closed his eyes in his reclined position, hoping to catch the briefest of naps before the meeting started.
And, with that mess of a post, the first 8-issue arc for Iron Fist is completed. Feels good to get that off my shoulders. Ended up planning it out to involve a shit-ton of action set-pieces.

So, much like the Star Wars prequels, expect the next arc to involve unnecessary romance subplots, trade negotiations, and assassins.

Issue #8: Nothing will come of Nothing

Staten Island, New York City

December 25th, 2018 | 7:00pm | Rand Residence

"Thank you, Colleen. Yeah, I'll let you know. Merry Christmas.

Daniel Rand lingered with the phone remaining on his ear for a few moments. The previous night had been wild. The two had managed to cripple the Golden Tigers severely. The most concerning part of the night, however, was the discovery of a cluster of Golden Tiger corpses. Colleen didn't know who could possibly do it... but Danny knew deep down who was responsible.

So when he heard the doorbell ring, he wasn't surprised to find Davos on the other side of the door. "I'm taking them down tonight. Are you in, brother?"

Danny hesitated in the doorway, gritting his teeth for a moment. After the pause of a few seconds, Danny gave a nod and opened the door wider, letting his close friend into his home. They had a long night ahead of them.

Chinatown, New York City

December 25th, 2018 | 11:11pm | Rand Residence

There were no signs of Christmas in the dimly lit warehouse Danny found himself in. His hands were wrapped in chains behind his back, and was forced to his knees. His face was bloated and bruised from the beating he had endured, and Davos looked similar. Both of them had been unmasked, and now disabled as they were forced to kneel before a man lounging in a large chair in this rather empty room. He was covered in tattoos, and was wearing a fur coat while lacking a shirt. Several of his teeth were now golden, a sign of poor dental hygiene at the very least. He gave a small smile. "It would take more than one punk to take down my men. So there are two 'Iron Fists.' Fascinating. No matter."

Almost on command, a few Golden Tigers were dragging in a resisting prisoner. It was a police officer, seemingly a rookie judging by his youthful appearance. He was gagged and bound, tossed to the ground at the feet of the leader of the Golden Tigers. Danny took the time to look at Davos. "Once out, we disar-"

"No. We slaughter him."

"That's not the way of-"

"The way of the Iron Fist? You know nothing of the Iron Fist. You have proven that much."

"If we kill him, we're no better. We need to be better than they are."

"So you suggest we do nothing? Let these scum continue their actions? Nothing will come of nothing."

"Strike them. It seems they know not their position."

A few Golden Tigers moved closer to Danny and Davos, delivering swift blows to their faces. Chaka, in the meantime, grabbed the police officer by the collar and dragged him closer to Daniel Rand. He flashed his golden teeth briefly, squatting down next to his enemy. He placed his fingers upon the fleshy neck of the police officer. Almost instantly, the officer's skin began to gray, and he choked for life as if it was being pulled from him. Yet... Chaka was doing nothing more than lightly touching his skin. It took only seconds until all the life was gone from the officer, and he slumped next to Daniel Rand. Chaka got up, kicking aside the corpse as he went around behind Danny and Davos. "Well... I showed you mine. Show me yours, if what they say about you is true."

Danny looked towards Davos, then back to the ground. His right hand clenched into a fist around a small bit of chain before glowing. Almost instantly, the chain snapped, and chaos broke out. Chaka immediately began swinging with his fists towards Danny, who was doing his best to both free his arms and dodge any wild swings from his opponent. The few Golden Tigers nearby began to crowd Danny. Davos cracked his left arm, managing to get his left shoulder out of socket enough to slacken the chains and free his hands.

Danny had just managed to free his hands to swing his Iron Fist towards Chaka. It was anticipated, though, and the leader of the Golden Tigers managed to clasp his hand about Daniel Rand's wrist. The skin began to gray momentarily, before returning to its original color. The golden light of the fist began to fade instead. Davos was able to spring into action, rushing up to two of the Tigers and taking their extra knives, slitting their throats in a fluid motion before flinging the dagger in Chaka's direction. The villain was forced to spin about to dodge the attack, and Davos moved in to kill the other Tigers. Daniel grimaced at Davos' actions, but had little pause before having to face off against Chaka again.

Blow was met with block, and block with blow. Chaka, Danny, and then Davos all traded their martial arts prowess and skill. Davos and Danny were admittedly more than a match for even the leader of the Golden Tigers. They seemed to be holding back in part, not knowing what their partner would do. Finally, Danny went to make his move, his fist lighting up and moving towards Chaka's right leg. Upon impact, the sickening crack forced the villain down to his knee as he shrieked in pain. Davos took this as his time to strike. Almost unceremoniously, the dagger struck Chaka between the eyes, parting flesh and bone like butter.

Danny had been late in stopping Davos. His left hand failed to catch Davos' hand, only grasping it as the dagger was already in Chaka's head. Davos simply shook his friend's clasp, beginning to walk towards the exit where the sounds of shuffling feet were drawing near. Daniel looked down at his best friend's... no... brother's work. He slowly rose to his feet, looking at Davos. "No... no... I thought you were better than this."

Davos turned slightly, the rougish smile of the two boys' childhood returning to his lips. "I expected more of you, brother. You've proven you are no Iron Fist. So my service to you has ended. Enjoy your life of opulence... I have work to do."
Getting back to rewriting the post I was working on, cause a failure to save the word doc before my laptop died sort of reset that progress and it's always hard for me to bounce back from that.

City of Arokan, Cleftland Kingdoms

3:07pm | Fang Family Guild Hall

Cassio leaned back in his chair, fingers interlocked with his thumbs resting upon his chin as he listened carefully. His expression was blank and borderline frustrated as the conversation progressed. Frankly, Cassio wasn't exactly a fan of the joking around. This was a serious meeting for the North Wren Alliance, and it had devolved into children playing games. As much as Ragar's policies and tactics were unethical and controlling, it was nice having an adult in the room, if only momentarily. Parks' suggestion in checking in on the People of the Land could prove promising, and he had little interest in running lower-leveled characters to kill monsters.

Cassio gave a slight nod to Garkan, as if the two knew exactly what the other was thinking. "I believe I could be of some use in your diplomatic mission, Parks. I was planning to set up a trade negotiation at some point to get a steady stream of trade going between the Blades and the People of the Land. If you want someone to accompany you and make sure we get there safe, I suppose I can push forward that time table." Cassio's smile was unsettling on an avatar that appeared so young, carrying with it years of experience and a slight air of pretentiousness that only he could master in that moment. His eyebrows then raised upwards slightly as he turned his gaze towards the others before settling on Parks himself, looking for some sort of confirmation.

City of Arokan, Cleftland Kingdoms

3:00pm | Fang Family Guild Hall

Cassio approached the Guild Hall silently, his hands tucked firmly in his pockets. He was used to the bitter cold in real life, and this was no different. It also helped that a small, practically insignificant necklace was worn underneath his shirt, providing protection against the cold and warming his skin to a comfortable temperature. It was just another one of those simple gifts a close acquaintance of his had given him when the seasons had began to turn. If Cassio didn't know any better, he'd think the man cared.

"We're late, Cassio. I believe I saw the good Captain carting one of his prisoners in just a moment ago." The two men stood at around the same height, and Cassio rolled his eyes upon Garkan's arrival. Garkan's black robes had a slight green and gold trim, adding some slight coloration to the otherwise dark attire.

"Might be best to head in promptly. Wouldn't want to keep the good Captain waiting." At this, Garkan gave a slight nod and the two walked in towards the Guild Hall in unison.

Once inside, the two walked in without much fanfare. Garkan went to fetch two seats relatively close to Parks, while Cassio folded his arms and watched the Captain for a moment, eyeing the prisoner he had brought. "Still impeding the will of fellow players I see? Glad to see nothing has changed." Cassio's disdain for the militaristic nature of Captain Ragar and his guild had always been apparent. Unfortunately, The Knights of Bahamut were a necessary evil. Perhaps even moreso now.

Without skipping a beat, Cassio joined Garkan and took the seat closest to Parks. He gave a slight nod towards him. "Glad to see we're having a meeting to sort things out, rather than just let the Guilds go off and do their own thing. Should be interesting."

Updated the CS in the initial post with the newly added question. I don't believe I'm missing anything else then.
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