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I just want to see you shine
'cause I know you are a star, girl.

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Level 4-
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (26/40)
Word Count: 2328
+4 EXP
Edinburgh MagikaPolis - Nyakuza Metro

On the train pulled by the large friendly cat, Raiden opted to stand in silence and solitude as he held onto the handgrip of the moving train. He looked at the passengers who had made themselves comfortable previously, some- if not most of them, clearly of feline origin. He examined the team, now well rested and ready for another day of adventure for a moment before the outside of the train went dark as they passed through the mouth of a tunnel. There was nothing much for Raiden to do in the time being, so he simply tapped his foot for a moment, avoiding direct eye contact with any of the passengers. He was sure the sight of a metal-clad man had been a sight enough for most of them, staring at them any longer would only raise the awkwardness Raiden felt in the momentary silence.

The voice over the intercom had voiced their arrival before light broke the darkness into a new area. Raiden, now eager to get off the train immediately released the handgrip of the subway before striding over with the rest of the group. "Finally..." He muttered to himself as the vehicle broke to a stop as the doors slid open for the crew to exit into the brightly lit area filled with neon signs and multiple attractions for the group to visit. The metro possessed an air of charm as the room was lit with multiple tracks in the sky, pulling Raiden's attention for a moment as he examined the atmosphere. Now... Where to go next?

It seemed Big Band had begun investigating the platform for clues as to where they should go, but he seemed just as lost by the information as everyone else was. Luckily, a short cat, clearly familiar with the metro had introduced itself to the crew, allowing Raiden a hint as to what to do next. Clever and convenient. Raiden, opting to search for more information before finding an immediate means of payment for a pass, stuck back and examined the kiosk. It took a bit of puzzle piecing, but it seemed each of these lines was color coded with their track, leading to a new area, however, none of these new areas sounded remotely familiar to the cyborg. Raiden seemed to be the first to notice this, for as soon as he had turned to inform the others of this news, many of the others had begun slipping around the area to collect small circular emerald crested objects. It was clear to Raiden that these were his means of currency in this unfamiliar area. He took a moment to gather himself and began exploring the station.

Raiden found himself, after a bit of sightseeing and exploring, now on a part of the station that lead to a black track and platform, seemingly an area completely unexplored by any scavengers or new friends of Raiden, yet even considering his enhanced cybernetic eye, couldn't see any clear indication of any Pons nearby. It was odd, considering many of them seemed to be placed in convenient areas for hiding or areas which required precise bodily movements. Raiden sighed, now ready to explore a different part of the station.

That was until he saw a very panic-stricken young cat in a plaid dress anxiously wobble about in place for multiple moments. It was clear that while she followed the cat theme like every other denizen surrounding the metro, she was somewhat unfamiliar with the location in which she found herself. Perhaps she had gotten lost? Raiden knew time wasn't to be wasted, but surely helping such a lost friendly face couldn't take too much of his precious time, right? Who knows, maybe he could be rewarded for helping her out. In the end, it couldn't hurt to help a poor soul out. The cyborg walked over to the small feline, gently poking it in the head before it turned, some panic left in her soft black eyes. "Something wrong, friend?" he said casually as the cat continued to wobble about, panic mode still on.

She seemed slightly taken aghast by the offer of empathy presented by Raiden, performing a small gesture of surprise and then afterward sighing in slight distress. "Just... Guess today just isn't my day is all." She said, seemingly becoming less tense simply by talking. "How so?" Raiden asked the small feline simply, willing to allow her to vent her struggles to him for a moment.

She seemed to enter a small train of thought as she began speaking. "Well, it all began when I entered the platform leading to the metro. I boarded the train, and everything seemed fine and dandy. It was when I exited the train that I realized..." She seemed to take a small break of a dramatic pause. "I had forgotten my pass on the train! And paying for another would be such a pain, especially since I didn't bring any money..." She sighed again before flopping her arms down. "What am I gonna do..." She whispered gently under her breath.

"What's your name, miss?" Raiden asked the little cat. She looked back up for a moment before introducing herself. "Lolly?" She said slightly confused by the origin of the question.

"Lolly... I'm Raiden." After crouching down to meet the cat's height, Raiden jutted his hand out for a shake. Lolly took his hand into her paw for a moment, still seeming slightly confused by why such formal introductions were being conducted. "I'll get you your pass back." At the offer, Lolly seemed more excited by his generosity. "Really?! You mean it?!" She asked like a small child. "Sure." Raiden nodded with a cold expression on his face despite his attempt at kindness.

Lolly seemed as if she was soon to say something more but quickly silenced herself, provoking a moment of thought in herself. "How'll you do that? No matter how long I've waited here, I hadn't seen the same train pass by..." Raiden poked at his skull for a moment, thinking of how he could logic his way into finding the right train. Then he remembered... Each of the trains was pulled by cats. "Does the train you're looking for having any distinguishing features? A marking, maybe?" Lolly didn't even need a moment to think. "Sure I do, it was being pulled by a cat with a little white diamond on its forehead." She pointed to her forehead, clearly indicating the location of the diamond she meant.

"But even if you have a pass, it'll be impossible to get to it without standing for hours..." Raiden shook his head. "I don't have a pass... but..." Raiden pointed to an oncoming train, which quickly had its doors open. It was led by another orange cat. "I'll hitch a ride." Lolly somewhat cocked her head to the side in confusion to Raiden's answer. "You need a pass to board a train..." She seemed slightly disappointed again.

"Who said I was boarding the train?" Raiden answered in tandem. He began walking towards the train as Lolly realized what he meant. "W-wait! Mr. Raiden, I don't think you can do that!" While everyone else used their passes to enter the platform to board the train, Raiden climbed the side of the entrance, looking to make sure he was being stealthy enough to not be caught. Lolly continued to worryingly try to wave Raiden back to her, but he continued to climb. She flapped her arms rapidly at her as he dropped from the wall, down to the top of the train.

Raiden plopped down on the neck of the cat who mewed gently (yet somewhat loudly) at the sudden shock of having a heavy cyborg land on it. Raiden patted the cat's ear affectionately, noticing a familiar glint on the head of the creature. A pon. It took him a moment to stand up and reach for it, but after clambering over the patient cat's head, he collected it. One down... Raiden had no idea how many he was supposed to gather, but he knew one certainly wouldn't be enough.

Raiden knew to get off the cat because as soon as the whistle in the station blew, this cat was going to start building up speed. He crawled off the tail end of the cat and clambered on top of the first compartment of the line of trains. From here, he was able to see that through the top of the main compartment of the train were four more of the pons, which after being collected would ring him up to five. Before he could stand to run and grab them quickly, the whistle Raiden had narrowly avoided rung throughout the black line boarding platform, signaling the cat to begin pulling the train car to its next destination. Raiden turned to notice the edge of a tunnel, giving him just enough time to swiftly crouch down, his blonde-platinum hairs just barely scratching the roof of the tunnel.

Unlike the train he arrived at the metro on, this one quickly faded out of the dark abyss, and lead to one of the many rails present in the sky. Raiden looked down at the sights of the metro before getting back on his feet and using his ninja run to put spring in his step as he dashed along the top of the train, collecting the emerald-crested tokens one by one. Shortly after running for a few seconds, Raiden had gathered a total of five Pons and if the trains were consistent with one another, the train holding Lolly's pass should hopefully have five as well, totaling Raiden up to ten at the end of his little mission. Hopefully, that'd be enough.

Raiden searched around for the cat that Lolly had said hosted her pass, his visor closing back up, to allow wind to be blocked from his face. It took Raiden no time at all to notice the sheer amount of cats pulling trains and how each and everyone was orange, but some had more noticeable features than others, and yet none had that distinguishing white diamond on the forehead as Lolly had mentioned. He hopped off the top of the train, grabbing onto an empty track and pulling himself onto it. From here, he had a slightly better overhead view of the rest of the metro and scouted from left and right. Many of the cats moved at bullet-like speeds, yet Raiden knew he would be able to hop on one again.

With a large meow reverberating from his left, Raiden hopped high and far enough out to grab onto the side of a new train and pull himself upward. It took a moment, but after standing, it only took mere moments for him to find the cat with the tiny white diamond, which was halfway across the station. Ignoring the valuables littered on the top of the train Raiden had his footing on, he used his ninja run to dash from train to train, avoiding the gaps in between each by using his lightning to give him an extra step in his leaps.

Just as Raiden neared the train with Lolly's pass on it, he jumped and narrowly missed the tail-end of the compartment, causing him to catch himself with a baseball-style slide. He quickly got back onto his feet and dashed rapidly after the train, able to surprisingly beat its speeds. As he was inches away from grabbing onto it, he used the walls to perform a wall jump on the corner of the train where he clung as the train continued moving. While he used his cybernetic strength to hold on, he knew the rougher part of his mission was now over, and soon he could climb into the main compartment, grab Lolly's pass, grab the remaining Pons on the top, then return to Lolly.

Once the train halted to a stop, he wiggled off the end of the train and slid past the moving crowd of exiting passengers, bumping shoulders with a few of them. Once he entered the unfamiliar train, he checked each seat for a missing pass, since it had only been a short time since she had lost it. He found it jammed between the cushions of two seats, sticking out three-fourths of the way out. He grabbed it in between his fingers then as passengers were allowed on the train, he exited and climbed on top to rushingly grab the remaining 5 Pons, which sure enough, followed the same ideology as the other train he rode on. Swiftly jumping off the roof of the train, he made sure to not be gathered by security who might have seen him hitchhike the top of the multiple trains.


It took Raiden a fair few moments to return to the entrance to the black-line platform, but once he got there, he was greeted by the sight of a pacing Lolly, clearly now anxious by the stunt Raiden had just pulled. Not noticing her new friend arriving immediately, Raiden chimed in monotone. "Lolly." He said to gain her attention. She looked up and began stimp-stamping her way huffily over to Raiden clearly ready to lecture him. Before she could say anything, Raiden held up her missing pass. "You... got it?..." She said, obviously shocked by the skill he must have displayed to perform this feat. Her eyes blinked rapidly as she had no idea what to think. Raiden smiled cheekily before saying "You're welcome, Lolly." He said simply before walking away to find the place to purchase a pass for himself. He had decided he would board the Black Line legitimately once he obtained his own. He thought about meeting with Tora once more before doing so. As he continued walking away, the dumbfounded Lolly finally gathered her bearings and shouted a glad "Thank you!!" before Raiden disappeared behind a pair of stairs, a goofy grin slapped on his pale face.

Level 2-
|||||||||||||||||||| (3/20)
Word Count: 903
+2 EXP
Frozen Highlands - Dragonspire
Malaise Counter: ////////// (0/10)

The Prisoner looked upward at the cold (probably both physically and socially) Albedo, who inquired The Prisoner about his infectiousness. "Gee, don't get too excited." He edged back at Albedo's displeased tone. "Well... I'll be real, I don't really know." The Prisoner would've shrugged if he had arms to do so. "All I know is that whatever happened to me to make me a headless freak tends to deteriorate the corpses I live in. If it wasn't obvious, I'm dead, and piggyback off dead people's bodies to get around." The Prisoner, rather than asking for a boost up the ledge they had begun climbing up, stuck to the wall, and rolled upwards, meeting the top with relative ease thanks to the Homunculus Rune.

"Yeah, no, touching me is a bad idea, and I guess by carrying me, I more meant maybe letting me sit in an empty bag or something until I can get my hands on a beheaded person." He watched for a moment as Albedo assisted Frisk up the ledge, unable to give immediate assistance. "And yeah, in this form, the best I can do for you in a fight is launch myself at an enemy and maybe cause a distraction. I'm kinda useless right now." He stared at Albedo for a moment as he chatted The Prisoner up some more for a moment. Damn, this guy talks a lot... The Prisoner thought to himself, not particularly upset by the new company. "Nope. Cold feels cold, warm feels cold, hot feels cold. The only thing I can feel is direct pain from the nerves in a body I hitch rides from, 'sides that, everything's pretty numb."

Once both party members had managed to mount the cliffside, The Prisoner looked back to Frisk who had answered the same questions Albedo had previously answered. "Hmm... Yeah! I think a sack could work for now. Good thinking kid!- Er, guess I should just call you Frisk now. Don't look very kiddish anymore." He thought about the travel between where the cliff side they stood atop and the camp. "Isn't the camp a bit of a ways back though, now that I think about it now?"

The Prisoner watched for a moment as Frisk produced a pink heart from their own body and offered it to the blob. For a moment, the scene confused The Prisoner as Frisk dropped it on top of his mangled head. "Ey, what're you-" The Prisoner was cut off by the heart dissolving into him, causing his head to lose the grey shade clouding it and the place where an eye would be to return to its natural form. His original body slowly fizzled back to life, starting at his feet and repairing itself upward as his head floated slowly upward, following the reconstructed body. Once his body was back to its original shape, The Prisoner's viral head writhed through the headless corpse, filling it with his disease, allowing him to possess it once again. He clenched his fists, forcing his head to reappear on the nape of the neck. "Y'know, that is much better." He said, examining his returned body. The Prisoner gave Frisk a thumbs up as he inspected his weapons which were back in his possession again. Huh... That usually didn't happen.

In fact, a lot of the Prisoner's thoughts seemed to clear up, as he began to notice a lot of oddities in this world. "Wait." He said, confusion now present in his tone. "Where the hell even am I, this ain't an island..." The prisoner scratched his head like a confused monkey for a minute. "Usually when I die in a corpse, all my loot disappears." He held out his Balanced Blade for a minute as it indeed had come back into his possession. "Ugh, this is hurting my brain." He said, completely aware of the fact he had none to have been aching.

After recuperating somewhat from the shock of being released from Galeems influence, The Prisoner checked his loot once again to notice a new, yet very familiar item...

The Prisoner sloshed the contents of the flask around for a moment as he scratched his nonexistent chin. "Hmm..." He grumbled to himself as he thought for a moment. Both of them had sustained some pretty nasty injuries and he had just the fix for it! He snapped his fingers with an "a-ha!" idea and turned on his heel, chasing after Albedo and Frisk in a frenzy to catch back up to them from the short distance they made. "WAAAIIIIT!!" He shouted, waving the flask in the air for a moment, trying to catch their attention.

As The Prisoner approached them again, he held out the vial. "This, will help with your injuries." He said gesturing to the bottle as he swirled the liquid inside. "Now I know you guys probably don't have full trust in me, but I don't think being in this condition while being ambushed is 100% ideal." He uncorked the bottle, offering it to the two. "So trust me on this."

Level 1-

|||||||||| (11/10)
Word Count: 982
+2 EXP
Frozen Highlands - Snowy Forest

Malaise Counter:


“Blinking” (if you could call it that), The Prisoner woke to his vision obsured by the weight of the winter on his body. He never should have strayed off the path that Frisk, Linkle, and Albedo lead him down. He had expected to find new adventure parting from the skeptical Albedo, yet only found himself lost in the snowy fields. They had to have sprawled around for miles in each direction. He looked down at his hands worriedly to see that they had completely nearly rotted into a disgusting green and purple mush of flesh and disease. He had no blood to shed to fend off the infectionous Malaise. He could feel his body whithering underneath him with each step he took. He was going to die and much like he did on the island and ruins, find a new body to host himself in.

The Prisoner stopped dead in his tracks as his body began to violently vibrate, the disease he festered now rapidly spreading across the interior and exterior of the corpse. It started at his feet as his body began to wither away, turning to a mushy pile of disease before fading into ash, blowing into the wind. His body had been desecrated. Reduced to now his Malaise-ridden head, the Prisoner now laid in the snow. “Well, shit.” He said complaining about the situation in the silence of the wind and snow. There’d be no way he could continue like this for very long. He had very few options. Either go back to find Frisk, or bare the harsh winter around him, trying to find a way to possess a new body.

The choice seemed obvious. Frisk was the only member of the crew who openly accepted him and possibly with time he could learn how to be a part of a team. The blob-like form of The Prisoner began slowly rolling through the snow, leaving a small trail in the snow as he went on his way to meet back up with the group. He hadn’t been walking for long, so on feet, it should only take a few minutes to regroup, but in his current condition, it was very possible that The Prisoner could be delayed.

The Prisoner made no delay to admire the scenery as he rolled as fast as he could as a simple head could, collecting snow on the surface of his head. “Frisk, I can’t see you buddy!” He shouted from the ground, still able to somehow speak despite not having an actual throat. His voice could have easily been drowned out by the winds or muffled by The Prisoner’s rolling through the thick white flour of winter, but just in case it helped him locate his new companions through the difficult terrain.


After have been rolling for what had seemed at least a mile, The Prisoner found himself back in the general location of where he had deviated from Frisk and Albedo, though he suspected they had pressed onward towards the tower Frisk had mentioned in their introduction. It took him a minute to find any leads as to where they went, following a trail of what was the feet of a few people, but most prominently, the trail of a child’s shoes. He knew they had decided to go in this direction once seeing this and made immediate way to following the trail he had picked up.

The Prisoner had slinked through the flat and hills of snow, now determined to regroup with the small group that had set out, and within a few minutes of his journey found the sight of Frisk, Albedo, and the bird-man who acted as a sort of guide. It had seemed that The Prisoner had missed quite a lot in his aimless rolling, because as soon as he started proceeding towards them again, he had snapped at Albedo before taking off to the sky, leaving Albedo and Frisk in their lonesome. The Prisoner slowly approached the duo, making his best attempt to not suddenly startle them, now being in this odd, bodiless form. He’d had given them a friendly wave if he still had his arms, but being reduced to a discusting, green, vine-like blob made that impossible. “Hey.” He intejected from below, looking up at the alchemist and the child.

From afar, it would’ve taken The Prisoner a moment to notice the change in Frisk’s overall appearance, however being closer to the child, or rather, now young adult, brought the changes clear to his eye. He rolled up to Frisk and Albedo, his green, mossy-viney head of sickness littered with sprinkles of snow. “Whoa, what happened Frisk? I was only gone for a few minutes and you’re... Older?...” The Prisoner seem genuinely perplexed by the change in overall form, but paid it little attention, as his curiousity had not been quenched. Where did Teba go? And why had he seemed so upset. “I... take it something happened between you three?” He asked clearly in reference to Frisk’s new appearance and the now missing Teba.

He kinda slithered up closer to Frisk and Albedo’s shoes, ready to continue their “mission”. He looked up at Frisk. “You mind giving me a ride? I wouldn’t advise touching me, but, I’m a little short on stamina right now.” He seemed very proud of that joke, as he let out a short chuckle before he lookef back up at the pair. “Seriously though, I might need a ride.”

Level 4-

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (22/40)
Word Count: 1,872
+3 EXP
Sandswept Sky - Outside Gerudo Town

Direct mentions:@Crimson Flame - Bede, @Lugubrious - Tora

Raiden rose from his deep slumber by the waking call of the other Seekers. As he shot up in attention, this head clipped the edge of the headboard as a loud thump was heard from his room in the inn. Hearing the rouse of the other seekers had alerted him to new activity outside the room. Was it finally time to move again? Better yet, what was even going on? There was little for Raiden to remember the night prior, which he chalked up to the heat effecting his memory, but a few things he does remember was the waking feeling of being released from Galeem’s influence and his adventure with the other Seekers. He had (albeit) been inducted unofficially but the extra hand was welcomed none-the-less by the crew.

Raiden finally got out of the bed and politely tucked the sheets around the bed and underneath the pillow before he attached his dangerous armaments back to his body. By the time Tora had popped in his room, there had been no traces, save for the cyborg himself, of any living being. “Well aren’t you lively today.” He added in a neutral tone. He rolled his shoulders before following the small engineer out of his room. By the time he exited, it seemed many of the other Seekers had already made their bouts in either the nearby town or raided the markets for all they had sold. If he hurried, there might still be time for a quick purchase, though he may have to part with a few trusty grenades to make any buys worth while.

But all that would have to wait right now, as it seemed many of the other Seekers were gathering in a nearby saloon to get quickly filled up before the change in adventure awaiting them. Raiden double checked for everything one last time before finally making chase to the rest of the group who induldged themselves in breakfast. Raiden had no need to eat, being a metallic husk of the human he is, but still took part in the pleasure regardless as he enjoyed the refreshing cool lick of water and assorted beans and fruits. It was an odd mix, but being out in the middle of the desert was sure to limit resources of food, so he enjoyed regardless.

After the group had finished eating their meal, one of the members Raiden recognized from the earlier travels on the Virgin Victory had kicked off their discussion of plans. Raiden listened carefully and quietly, making sure he gathered every detail that was spoken. Things had seemed grim for the Seekers who sought to continue their travels, however it was reassured there may be an alternative option for the group to pick and based on the details, it seemed like it may be time to soon board another train. Raiden nodded as he listened along to the continuing discussion.

Some of the next details were positively eye-raising to Raiden. It seemed like this train could move him from point to point in the world. It had seemed for a while there that he had been trapped in the sandy hills for centuries, but now he could simply go anywhere. It sounded too good to be true Raiden had a sour feeling in his gut, the one that screamed ‘I have a bad feeling about this’, yet he kept his concerns to himself.

The group was then dismissed to prepare for the journey and as Raiden slipped away, a young boy appeared who introduced himself as Bede and mentioned something about training. Raiden didn’t know what a Pokémon was, and this kid certainly did not look like a body builder, so maybe that term has more merit in his own than the context Raiden has. Still, the menacing cyborg extended a friendly hand for Bede to shake as he began introductions. “Name’s Raiden. Most of the other guys have been here longer than I have, so they might be willing to help you.” He pointed in the general direction of Big Band, Tora, and the others. “I’m taking a trip down to the markets for a minute. Feel free to tag along if you need to make any last minute purchases.” He added, announcing his short departure from the rest of the group.


Once Raiden reached the oasis, where many merchants had laid out their goods, wares, and services. Raiden didn’t know what he wanted to look at, but he figured some new gear in this mysterious world was required in order to adapt. Being crunched on time, he panned the area for anyone who seemed to sell more “advanced” weaponry and came across a dark green canopied, pop-up tent which was lit up inside with lanterns.

While it was dark inside the tent, stepping inside Raiden found no problem making out the details of what was inside. There were racks and shelves filled to the brim with scrap metal, rusted weaponry, and makeshift weapons. This tent was selling scrap accessories and weapons. Raiden walked next to the shelving of scrapped accesories, seeing clear in the back a man with a shaved head clad in camo and an apron next to his workbench. He examined the shelves for a minute longer before a quiet voice spoke with an English accent behind Raiden. “Looking for something, friend?” He asked as Raiden turned to face the mechanic.

“Just looking for some upgrades, I suppose.” Raiden answered, before perusing the stock once again. The man didn’t seem to mind Raiden examining his merchandise, giving him ample time before speaking again. “You got a name mister?”

“Oh... well, you can just call me Rigs.” He told Raiden before scratching his head. “And, well, I don’t have much in terms of... robotics?” He looked Raiden up and down for a minute. “I tend to fix up my own weaponry and resell them to paying clients at a fair price.” He stayed at his work bench, watching Raiden as he spoke. “You know, guns, blades... I mean, I do have a few scrapped parts that may be what you’re looking for.” Rigs stepped towards one of the shelves and began searching it’s contents. “Just gimme one sec.”

Raiden went back to examining the shelves as Rigs scavenged for the parts he mentioned. Many of the stock seemed to look handmade, but each one looked slightly different, even if they served the same function. After a few minutes, Rigs returned from his search with three weapons, each either seen with wear or rusted from the aging of the desert heat.
The first was a sort of blaster attachment that seemed completely busted, and beyond use. The next was a sort of
Blade relic
which could attach to Raiden’s wrist with ease, but seemed incredibly out of date, but the last item of interest was the most peciluar to Raiden.

They were a pair of severed robotic arms Raiden had no clue what the purpose of them were, but Rigs quickly interjected admist his skepticism. “Those arms there aren’t just prosthetic. A supplier gave them to me for some scraps. I don’t think they knew what they were giving up, but those, have blades inside of them.”

Raiden’s interest was now piqued. While he’d never volunterily give up his or Sam’s sword, having an ace up his sleeve could prove useful. “Mind if I?” Raiden gestured to the fleshy hands, indirectly asking if he could examine them.

“Oh, sure I guess. Just, you know, break it buy it.” Rigs added as Raiden lifted one of the severed arms up to look at it, twisting it in the air as he felt the clear weight in the arm. He didn’t want to force the blade out, but was curious regardless. He gently set it back down on the work bench before turing back to the salesman.

“So what do you want for those?” Raiden asked, taking inventory of what he could realistically trade for the arms, as cash was unavailable to him. Time to barter.

“Well, I actually don’t take cash. I make a majority of the stock here out of what my customers trade in scrap metals.” Rigs told Raiden. “Or... what weapon’s they’re willing to part with.” Rigs had clearly eyed down Raiden’s blades for a moment before speaking again. “Again, I’m not picky. Just make it seem worth it.”

Raiden adjusted his gear for a minute, as he eyed his firearm holstered to his hip. It’s true that he had been more used to regular blades in the past years. “Will this do? Socom-23, though I assume that name means nothing to you.”

“Afraid not. Though...” Rigs scratched his chin for a moment. “I guess that’d make it all the more intriguing.” He seemed to think again for a moment longer. The silence was near deafening for a moment before Rigs finally chimed again. “You got a deal, though as a weaponsmith of sorts, gotta give you the courtesy to know that I will be dismantling your weapon to sort of reverse engineer it in a way... that alright.”

“Yeah.” Raiden said without a thought. He never really made use of the gun, except for fighting Hegel the day prior. The truth was just that there was no need for it anymore, he was a master with blades, not guns anymore, and this new attachment would improve his skillsey further with training. He turned the gun over to Rigs before he shook Raiden’s hand firmly before tightening the severed arms in a wrapped rag and handing it to Raiden.

“Thank you for your business.” Rigs nodded as Raiden returned the favor, and left the little tent into the sunny oasis.


Raiden quickly returned to the Saloon where operations were continuing to be held. He remembered mention of the robot Poppi having been constructed by her master Tora, one of the original members of the group, and probably the most distinguishable. Raiden bravely made his way immediately to the small engineer as he made no waste of time. “Small friend-“ he caught himself, and quickly remembered the new companion’s name. “Tora” he corrected. “Could we talk for a quick moment, I... Might need some help.” It was hard for Raiden to ask for help. It was similar to how he was with the young robotics protegy Rose when he was a young adult. He gently handed the wrapped arm blades to Tora, giving the Master Nopon an opportunity to examine the contents.

“I’d like some modifications, and to my knowledge, you might be able to help me?” He tapped on the arms he had just handed to Tora. “There are concealed robotic blades inside of those arms, and while they’re in questionable condition, I think they could be fixed and installed into my own arms.” He looked back to the Nopon’s eyes. “Obviously, since we’re crunched on time, not right now, but once we have a free minute, you think you could do it?” He believed in Tora at that moment and while his expression was blank, he hoped that sentiment was clear.

Level 1 Prisoner - (9/10)
Malaise Counter:
////////// (0/10)

Level 2 Frisk - (17/20)
Word Count: 2371
+4 EXP
Frozen Highlands - Forest Clearing

The Prisoner watched as many of the foes lead by the bigger snowman were being mowed down one by one by blade and arrow alike. He continued to snipe the frosty bad guys from the comfort of the trees as the elven lady and the blonde-haired mystery guy continued the front-line attack. The blonde man he had yet to introduce himself to seemingly held some strength in powers as he summoned plant-life by his own will simply by spreading some sort of dust across the land, then quickly plunging his blade into the chest of the bad snowman. Their attack, with the impromptu assistance of The Prisoner was seemingly going well.

It was then that the other forces held an attack of their own, summoning a wave of snow from atop the mountains to slow the group down. The avalanche threatened to shake the Prisoner out of his hiding spot amongst the bush of the trees as he held on tightly to the unstable branches. His grip loosened, quickly knocking him face first into the snow, feet away from the child who held onto the gun The Prisoner had previously warned about, grunting as he landed directly into the snow. He took a minute to pull himself out of the deep white blanket and pull himself on top.

...Or atleast, the kid was holding the gun.

Maybe the child was unaware of just how much recoil was on the seemingly innocuous rifle. Or perhaps they simply chose to ignore the headless guy's warning. Either way the result was all the same. With a startled yelp, Frisk was forcefully parted from the Alternator. ...Maybe they should just stick to smaller firearms? Once the initial shock passed they kicked a bit of snow at the rifle in frustration. "Useless scrap of metal!!"

At least their friends were having no trouble carrying this fight, including the new guy that they assumed was the one following them.

Cause as it turns out, they'll definitely need the help.

The remaining bad-snowguy remained on the offense, forcing Frisk to evade it's initial waves. They saw the alchemist go in for a fatal stab, all for nothing. Except an avalance of course. The youth visibly tensed up, not sure what to do before it hit them. As much as they wanted to rush over and help free Albedo from the snow baddie's grip, they didn't have enough time. So instead, just as the headless guy fell from his spot in the trees, Frisk hurried over and shielded the both of them from whatever threatened to reach the two.

The Prisoner had managed to pull himself out from the covering of snow as Frisk provided some defense, which gave him ample time to get back up on his feet. If The Prisoner had a face, he'd give the kid who probably saved him from being completely buried in snow a gentle grin, so rather instead he nodded his head and gave them a thumbs up. "Thanks kiddo, guess I owe ya one!" He said in his ghost-like voice.

Frisk in turn grinned back at their new ally. "Thanks for the cover fire." They told him.

The politeness from the small child was enough to convince the Prisoner they were an ally worth fighting alongside. He'd turn towards the gun that the child had lost from the recoil and pick it up to inspect it's craftsmanship for a moment. He'd eye it down for a moment before looking back at the kid. "Mind if I borrow this?" He asked them as he looked down the scope for a moment.

Frisk nodded. It was probably more useful in someone else's hands anyways. They attempted to push the snow that blocked their vision away with both a free hand and their barrier.

The Prisoner examined the field after the snowman's attack to his new teammates, the one blonde alchemist now seemingly trampled by the force of the snow. Seems he'd be out of the fight unless he could pull himself up. The Prisoner aimed the gun directly at the head of the boss snowman, ripping bullets through his frosted skull as he quickly found out the gun shot bursts of flames at the snowman. Perfect.

If he could get closer to the leader snowman, this fight could be over within seconds, reducing the guy to nothing but a puddle by the end. He held on to the gun underneath his arm as he switched to his shield, following in lead with Frisk. "If we can get the snow out of the way, I can get close enough to melt him with this gun, and you can dig your friend out. I'm just out of range to hit him and this thing could do some nasty damage." He looked over for confirmation for his plan of attack.

It took a bit longer for the child to realize what had happened, and dread kicked in quick. Bad Frosty's taunting fell upon deaf ears. Friends were in danger. The headless guy fortunately had a plan, there was just one problem...

Frisk quickly shook their head with a frown. "I can only move so much with this thing up! But I think..." They trailed off, closed eyes turning to the sword that pierced through their adversary. They did have an idea, but brushed it aside with a shake of their head. If they had a hard time with a stupid rifle, trying to fight with an actual sword could also prove difficult. Their shield remained held up to defend them both from incoming attacks.

But the sight of a frying pan on his headless person did catch Frisk's attention. Now that's something they could use! "Think I can borrow that pan of yours?" They asked him. "I can distract him!" And they really need a proper weapon. Good grief.

The Prisoner seemed surprised at the kid's request. They wanted to borrow his frying pan? His trusty frying pan? "Hm, you mean this?" He'd pull the pan off of his hip where it carefully was strapped to his side with a makeshift holster. The pan was dirty and dented inward as well as along the sides. He'd twirl it in his hands before dramatically hugging it goodbye. "Take good care of it." He pointed at Frisk as he began clearing more snow.

Even if their fingers were still numb, Frisk held on tightly to the borrowed weapon. It was worn, but not burnt like the last frying pan they once wielded. Hopefully fighting will be easier with something they're more familiar with. Once they saw an opening, their soul turned back to it's default trait, allowing them to break away in a sprint.

"Kinda cheap using minions to do your job for ya, isn't it?!" Frisk taunted the Bad Frosty to make it attack them instead. They'd remain evasive for now, but if the headless guy was being attacked instead, they'll rush in to strike.

The Prisoner continued to clear a path in the snow, approaching closer and closer as he bashed away more and more of the blanket. They were surprised with the speed of the child as they rushed head first into battle, but the more time they bought for him, the better. He'd get closer and closer as Frisk continued to taunt and toy with the big boss.

Once he got into optimal range, he'd raise the gun up once more so that the fire effect of the weapon would be in closer range of the snowman. "Outta the way kid!!" He shouted as he mounted his shield back on to his back.


Soon as their ally called out, the child dodge-rolled out of way before they got hit with friendly fire.

The Prisoner let the bullets rip the minute Frisk dodged out of the way, as balls of fire flung in the same direction. He'd aim all of his fire on the big bad boss as he chuckled maniacly to himself. "You ain't burying me in no snow!" He'd cease his fire after a decent few shots, preserving the ammunition that was left in it as he kicked at the snowman's chest, putting the gun to his side, switching to his Balanced Blade.

Once they were certain the big boss won't try and hurt them during it, Frisk hurried over to where they assumed Albedo ended up in and frantically tried to dig him out first.

"Albedo?! Albedo, can you hear me?!" The child called out to him. "Please if you can hear me, grab my hand! I'll pull you out!!"

Just don't be dead. Please. They thought.

Frisk dug and dug until the snow drenched their gloves and numbed their fingers. There simply was too much snow, and without any sign suggesting where the alchemist might be, it was difficult to prevent despair from setting in. Any of the seconds passing by, after all, might be the one in which suffocation or hypothermia might finally claim Albedo's life. Not too long after all hope seemed lost, however, the fallen child's hand came to a stop on a frosted flap of familiar material--the alchemist's coat.

Frisk gasped. The growing despair they felt turned into the ever familiar determination. Cold, damp and numbed hands picked up the pace, digging the snow away from the coat before attempting to pull it out, even using the borrowed frying pan like a shovel at one point. And hopefully, it's owner will be pulled out with it.

The Prisoner held his green sword with great zeal as he sliced and chopped away at the snowman, trying to evade his melting blows all the while. "Not so hot now, aren't you?" He said in between swings. "How's it going back there kid?" He shouted behind his shoulder to the kid who disappeared for their own goals.

"I think I found him!!" They shouted back.

"Your friend?" He asked for a moment to look back and see that Frisk was pulling Albedo's coat out of the snow. "On the way." He shouted back before hitting the snowman with a second mighty kick.

He'd take a jump backwards before running back to the area where Frisk had dug out a portion of the alchemist. He'd examine the situation for a minute before grabbing onto the hanging portion of the man's jacket. "We can get him the rest of the way out if we pull at the same time." He nodded to Frisk before mounting his feet into the ground. "One... Two..." He braced himself. "Three!" He began pulling immediately on the count of three. Frisk would follow suit in unison, quietly hoping Linkle was okay too.

They pulled the rest of Albedo's weight out of the snow quickly as The Prisoner tumbled backward. Before anything bad could happen to the crew again, he scooped Albedo into one of his arms as he did the same to Frisk. He'd dash the two away, slightly slugged by the weight of a man and a child as he carried them back to the clearing near the beginning of the forest. He'd set Albedo down on the cold ground and Frisk on their feet.

"Thanks again." They said to him, once they were set back down. For now, they shrugged off their coat, and draped it over the Alchemist. Hopefully it'll warm him up, at least a little. Speaking of, they cupped their hands over their mouth to try and warm them up themselves. "I'm Frisk." The youth decided to go ahead and introduce themself.

The Prisoner seemed slightly confused with himself. Did he have a name??? Surely he did if he lived at one point, but he surely didn't remember it. He scratched his chin for a moment. "Well, I don't exactly know my own name as crazy as that sounds..." He thought for a moment. Had he really never thought about what his own name was? Well, guess he could always make one up on the fly.

"Call me Prisoner. Best I can do for myself, unfortunately. It's a pleasure to meet you, Frisk." He extended his hand for a casual handshake for the child, the skin on his fingers clearly rotting. "Err, maybe don't shake my hand." He added.

The fallen child only rose their brows in response. "You're undead too!"

...Which concidering the lack of a head, makes sense now. They tilted their head to the Alchemist. "This is Albedo," Then looked back to see if Linkle was still around. "Aaand Linkle will hopefully pop up at some point. She's something called a Skullgirl. We were on our way to this city pass that mountain over there." Frisk pointed to Dragonspine.

"I guess. Usually I'm a big old disgusting ball of disease." He told Frisk. "I just live in whoever's body doesn't have a head on it. Sorta like free living." He joked.

He looked up at the tower atop the mountain, which scaled in size to any small dungeon he was forced to crawl through. New opportunities arose. He nodded in thought as his eyes scouted the mountain from afar. This surely could be more entertaining. "Well, if you guys need a plus one, I'd be more than happy. I've been stuck in those ruins back there for a while now." He stated.

Frisk smiled, twirling the worn frying pan in their hand before handing it back to him. "After this? It'd be good to have you on board with us, Prisoner."

"Know what kid, why don't you hang on to that pan. Doubt a kid like you has a whole lotta protection." He'd gently push the pan back into their hands before giving them a thumbs up.

Level 4-

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (19/40)
Word Count: 521
+1 EXP
Sandswept Sky - Middle of Nowhere

Raiden strolled along side the group at a modest pace, keeping up with their steps while also saving his stamina from being further exhausted. It started to seem like they were beginning to trek an endless hike through the deathly desert, their only source of cool being a blast of momentary cool air. Keeping his composure, Raiden heard the voice of the small impish woman. "Raiden. Good to put a name to your face." He said nodding as she explained the world they now found themselves in.

He turned his attention to the ball of light he had previously assumed was simply the sun, but now looking at it, noticed many issues with this belief. "That explains all the little sombrero folk back at town..." He said, now clearly able to think for himself. "Is this guy really this strong that he was able to influence my free will? Hah, and I thought America was good at doing that." He joked to himself as he strode.

"So we have nine of... things... like that left in the world? God, I think I'll be due a cold, stiff drink after all that." He took a minute of silence to consider his options. Should he join this ragtag team of heroes? Or should he return to town to further search for purpose now that he knows the nature of the world? "Consider me included. I will be the blade that fights for justice in this world." He placed a hand on his chest as he spoke.


The pack travelled for a while in the same direction towards what Raiden had believed was the general direction of civilization before the small engineer called for a "Moogle", which had explained that they could be rescued, but it could take an indefinite amount of time. Sighing quietly, the cyborg knew he was in for the long haul. All he could do was wait with the crew and try his best to help out.

Sectonia, the queenly bee Raiden had met earlier had mentioned the creation of a temporary campsite. "I ain't got much for building, food, or supplies, but if anyone needs to charge anything I can spare some electricity." He offered to the crew before watching as Sectonia created large magnificent structures of crystals to serve as a temporary home base. She than suggested to him that introductions were finally in order.

"Right. My name is Raiden. I was a government mercenary, but that road's been past me for a better year or two now." He gently took off, folded, and sat his poncho down onto the sand, placing his sombrero on top. "I'm already acquainted with the Queen Sectonia, as you saw from the assistance she lent me in our combination attack, however many of you are unfamiliar faces to me." He planted himself neatly next to his Mexican attire as he adjusted the bandage covering his eye to be better snug in place.

"I wish to join your ranks. No human, monster, or cyborg should have to be a puppet. I've felt this feeling before, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone else."

Bumparoni! Still taking these folks!

Level 1-

|||||||||| (5/10)
Word Count: 1315
Frozen Highlands - Snowy Forest

Malaise Counter:
////////// (1/10)

Slinking across the shadows of the snowy woods was where the Prisoner was sure he was the safest from the sights of the company of three, however, he couldn't help but have a gut wrenching feeling that they had assumed he were following them. Realistically, he was never a body of stealth, as his entire gimmick was crawling inside of headless corpses to deal with his immobility as a mass of flesh-crawling disease. Surely, he had to have stepped on a branch or two, or dashed slightly just out of the shadows, making him visible... However, none of that seemed right. One of them knows he's there, The Prisoner doesn't know how, but the small, Elven looking girl looked as if she knew about him before the other two did.

Dashing from tree to tree, The Prisoner tried to keep his wits about him regardless if his "spy mission" was foiled or not as he continued to leap to the best of his abilities through the wild brush. Hey! This was actually kinda fun! Without the constant imminent threat of forcing to revive, The Prisoner was actually able to enjoy himself as he leaped peacefully through the decaying tree of cold. Snow was... pretty nice! Watching as the snowflakes fell peacefully between the pines, The Prisoner had nearly forgotten he was following a small gang of three from their flank. As the elven lady spoke to his amidst the clearing to her companions, the Prisoner's worst fears were realized. Somehow, he knew that she knew that he was there. Was it intuition? Mostly. But her glanced behind and around her were key enough to clue in his guess.

Suddenly, to the Prisoner's luck, another unfortunate event took place. As he was getting into the mojo of swinging through and about trees and bushes, there became a very obvious lack of trees in the near future. Not noticing this, The Prisoner slipped a few steps out before quickly tucking his tail between his legs and hiding between a tree and a bush, which provided his rotting body just enough coverage to peak around and scope the new surroundings.

For one thing, the clearing had opened up much wider into an entire section for the crew to explore, snow padding across still as far as the eye can see. Picking at his pockets and dangling accessories, he pulled out his bow and kept an arrow knocked just for good measure. There were icy rivers as well, sure to turn The Prisoner into an undead popsicle if he slipped downward. He watched the waves of the hill change up and down as snow layered each and every new spectacle the Prisoner saw. He was about ready to pop from excitement purely from just the new scenery. He shook his thoughts from his empty head as he considered the next step of exploring the snowy landscape. That was until, he realized he had completely lost the crew of three from eye sight.

Now having lost his impromptu guide, he cusped his hands together, temporarily setting the bow and arrow to his side to form a pair of fake binoculars so that he could search for them. It seems in his gallivanting in the snow, he had ended up a few paces away from where they were. They had only been a decent few meters away, as the funnel that the pathway they good opened up to had diverged the tree path The Prisoner had taken. He watched as they set a sled down and began talking about the oddly shaped square snowmen who had seemed to make themselves comfortable in the area, along with many other snowy fiends, along with the larger snowman who looked crooked as all get out.

It seemed, despite his attempts at keeping a close perimeter checked, one of the smaller snowmen donning an icy crown had discovered where he had been hiding. Hearing the noise of approaching snow shuffling The Prisoner quickly grabbed the bow and arrow, quickly bringing the weapon to the middle of the small creatures eyes. Ready to release, The Prisoner kept a dead stance and "stoic" expression as it suddenly stood dead in its tracks, seemingly quaking in fear. In it's defense, the Prisoner was nearly double it's height, and also threatened it's very livelihood, so he naturally felt bad. Relaxing his aim, he took one hand off the bow and arrow to pat the creature on it's sort-of shoulder. "Sorry little fella. Didn't mean to 'shpook' ya." He said purposefully making the spook sound silly, as if attempting to comfort the little snowman.

Letting down his guard for this seemingly innocent creature was a poor idea, because as soon as he stood to watch over the three again, the small snowman rammed right into him, definitely freezing part of his already frozen, undead leg. Feeling the pain of sudden frost-inflicted damage, and as a result, the Prisoner became upset, quickly loosing his cool. "Oh! You slippery little..." He'd provide a swift kick directly to the main segment of the snowman, shoving him back a few feet. "Bitch!" He growled in unison with the attack. He then quickly pulled his bow's string back, arrow in formation to pierce the poor creature directly between the eyes as he had originally intended to hit.

Sighing in frustration, the Prisoner realized the issue with this serious of attacks. First, he had kicked the small snowman back far enough for the small group to see. Second the thud of the impact the snowman made was loud enough any skilled hunter could hear it. Third: The whistling sound of his air flying through the air is surely a familiar sound to these travelers. Surely, he had been found out now, not to mention his foul tongue which scolded the snowman was certainly in earshot.

They definitely knew they were being followed.

The three had found themselves in a fire-match with the snowball slinging snowmen being the primary threats. As they battled their way out of the icy threats, The Prisoner couldn't help but feel an odd sense of guilt. While they were out there dealing with monsters, he was too busy twiddling his thumbs thinking of ways to mask up the obvious sounds of a stalker.

Then it came to him. An idea to both temporarily mask himself and provide cover fire for the crew. Taking his Balanced blade out from the sheath adorned on his back, he used it to barbarically climb up a tree without any actual tools. Masterfully balancing himself atop the cold branches, he took aim with his bow and arrows, sniping out some of he slowly encroaching enemies as both the elven lady and blonde, robed boy clearly took interest in the big bad of the area. Apparently the child had a gun as well. Hm. He didn't like that. He didn't know why, but some part of his brain told him that kids and guns do not mix well together.

As they fired the gun, he took it upon himself to talk to them. "Hey, uh, kid. Up here, weird guy with the misty head and rotting corpse. Yep." Said an ethereal voice shrouded by the branches of trees, still sniping enemies with his bow as he acknowledged Frisk, watching them through his peripherals. "Do you know how to use that thing? Cuz if not, I'd advise against it, m'kay? Thing doesn't look very lightweight." He said, masking the idea of not liking a kid with a gun. "I mean, hey, don't let the random stranger in the tree tell you what to do, just giving you some advise." He shrugged.

He'd continue his long distance work, trying to knock out enemies one by one, hoping he could, at the very least, establish some friendly barriers between the two. It wasn't much, but hey, cover fire is cover fire.

Level 4-

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (18/40)
Word Count: 1154
+32 EXP
Sandswept Sky - Gunner Train: End of Red Eye Boss Fight

Raiden continued to fight from the grounds as his companions continued their downward descent, providing cover for their eventual attack. Many of his companions had opted to either stay in the air and give clear a path for the final assault, or took it to themselves to attempt their own attack. Raiden continued his decimation of the flying Trilids around him, providing backup and ground support for his allies. Raiden, being the closest ally to the exposed weak spot of the Red Eye, readied his sword to chain his attack from flying enemies to the large core which the flying Akrids had attempted to defend into a clean vertical strike which bled it of the Thermal Energy it had, leaving it exposed for his friends. After leaping backward from the leaking wound, Raiden looked upwards to his slow falling teammates. "Now's your shot guys!"

Seeing as many of the enemies have now been dealt with by the combined efforts of Raiden and many of his sky bound companions, Raiden now turned his gaze towards the sky as many of his teammates had worked together to charge towards and prepared their own attacks. Lucky to have rolled away in the knick of time, a comet of ice created by the rabbit lady Raiden had known, pierced the large monster further into the skew of girders and metal was followed quickly by a torrent of attacks from Big Band. Met right after was Tora and Poppi who came crashing into Raiden's general direction, attacking the core of the large Akrid. However the assault wasn't ended until after the Phantom Thieves finished off Red Eye's final weak point as it was ripped to further shreds by final attacks. The fight had seemingly come to a conclusion.

As the giant creature that was sentenced to death in his metal prison had begun to turn to ash, Raiden's theory had been confirmed. Yes, the fight was finally over. Drawing a quick breath, Raiden sheathed the large red blade into it's home as he rolled his neck. As his visor snapped open, he manually switched his pain numbing abilities back on, flipping his Jack the Ripper persona back of. As Big Band gave a short congrats to the team after arriving back on foot, Raiden looked to the man. "So that's it? We beat 'im?" He asked, ready to move on.

It was in between conversation, however, when Raiden felt something change within him. Not only had the stress of battle come to an end, but as if some strings were cut off a marionette, Raiden felt freed from some greater grasp of evil. His body, which he hadn't even realized was engulfed in a shadowy effect, had begun to fade and his once ominous gleaming red eyes (which were not from his Ripper Mode capabilities) had faded back to just a regular, dull grey, a sign that he had regained his humanity. Rubbing his head, now confused, he looked to his new allies. "The hell was that?... That felt really weird..." He asked, looking to his teammates for answers.

The fight was long and tiring and it was midway through Raiden exhaustedly readjusting his Mexican garbs that he remembered something. His blade had gone flying off somewhere into the desert. Slightly upset by this minor inconvenience, Raiden grumbled under his breath as he realized he would have to begin combing through the surface of the sands to find it.

His thoughts were interrupted by his new companion who mentioned that the spirit of something or another was immune to being crushed. Confused, he turned his head toward the fleshly defeated body of the Red Eye, which now had something translucent gently wavering out of it's corpse. A spirit... Raiden thought to himself, now realizing what Tora had called out to the crew about.

It was then that a lone woman came floating down to greet them. She explained that in order to keep the giant Red Eye dead, someone would have to fuse with it, which Raiden did not entirely feel up to doing, nor did he particularly have experience in as well. Raiden watched as a young man had taken initiative to deal with the spirit, and cleanly dealt with it by turning it into a sort of summonable entity. Raiden was still flabbergasted by magic and otherworldly powers, but if it meant the situation was dealt with, then it was of no major concern to him.

It was also dreadfully hot, and Raiden was lucky to have Poppi alongside his team. She managed to keep him and many of his other new friends cool for the time being.

Now laid the matter of his missing sword. Raiden had gotten so distracted he had nearly forgotten about the blade which had been flung with their flight upward. "You guys go on ahead. I'll be behind you." Walking away from the wonderful cool air, Raiden maid his way backwards and began his search nearby the bottomless hole they had been spat from moments ago.

Surely as many of the crew had begun trudging towards wherever their next destination was, Raiden had continued to comb the sands of the desert, looking for anything that resembled a sword. Through his search, he made sure the crew he had just fought the Red Eye with was still in eye sight of him. He had just met the folks, didn't want to lose new companions already. After searching for what seemed to be miles upon miles of sand, Raiden was just about to give up hope and turn tail to meet with the rest of the gang. It was then he saw to his left a silver glint in the midday sun. He quickly ran to the source and managed to pick up his blade. Gripping the sheath on his back, he lined the blade with it's proper place as he sheathed it back up. Solves that issue... He thought to himself.

Turning back towards the now fading group, Raiden played catch up as he activated what little electric powers he had left and ran towards the group. Getting in practice with running had been a useful asset, allowing Raiden to remember his VR training he had undergone with The Doktor.

The same notification which came up earlier when he was able to trigger his pain inhibitors, now notified Raiden that he could access his previous collection of VR trainings. "The hell happened to me?... So many things are missing, and I'm just now noticing..." He whispered to himself as he activated his Ninja Run. While faster than his regular sprint, it sure did get him more tired. He quickly caught up to the gang, exhausted from running such a far distance and climbing up a decent amount. "Sorry... Dropped something." He said shrugging nonchalantly as he enjoyed the fresh change of air, returning to the general area of Poppi.

Testing Room

Direct mentions: World, Forever King - @Mintz, Terra - @Dead Cruiser, Red Maw - @Atlantic, Cyrus - @Randomness,

Asta watched as the young hero placed her hand onto the terminal, speaking to him as she did so. "Mhm, everything is built off of magic, even our technology! My ability is weird though, like I said, I don't technically have any magic." Asta scratched at his chin for a moment as he though about his abilities. "Think of magic like water and I'm a sponge... I don't have magic, but my ability acts as something that absorbs it." He nodded at his explanation, thinking it could make enough sense to the girl. "Though, yeah there are a lot of people who use their magic for bad things so I joined a team of wizards to fight those bad guys!" He did some air punches to simulate him fighting "bad guys".

For a minute, the panel seemed to register Terra's palm as it spoke her name and absorbed some of the wind around them, to present a decent sized portal. "Woah! There's some portal here! Man, where's Finral when stuff like this happens." He blurted seeing the mysterious void appearing in the room. Almost immediately, an arm began to emerge, followed suit by a man wearing a menacing suit of silver and black armor. He certainly had a presence about him!

"Asta..." He said introducing himself to the man who came from wherever the other side of the portal was. "Nice to meetcha, Forever King, sir." He said, watching him bow, before returning the gesture. "Miss Terra here knows more than I do. All this space stuff kinda makes my brain all fuzzy." He rubbed his head, slightly embarrassed but truthful in his tone.

It took a decent moment before a large robotic dinosaur crept through the portal, seemingly following The Forever King, as if being pulled by an imaginary leash of command. Asta severly doubted the creature could be of magical origin, and saw him as another interdimensional entity, whatever that ended up meaning. A drop of sweat dripped down his brow as he watched the large dinosaur-ic creature bring it's attention to him. "Heh... Uh, nice machine monster..." Asta said spoken through a nervously gritted smile. Yeah, this thing was scary.

"You said there was more of your guys? How many guys are left though? I don't know if you counted your metal friend as an ally, but if he is, cool!" Asta looked around the mans body, looking to see if anyone was concealed by his presence. After seeing no one else had been behind him, on cue another man followed through.

He was a tall brooding, stoic man with steely blue hair and an emblem embroidered on his breast. He held a terrifying presence himself as well as his compatriots. Asta turned his attention back to Terra as the newcomer questioned them. "Well, it seems we have been sent here by some magical force, yeah, or some technology none of us understand yet... We have some pals dealing with it in a room filled with screens... Hope they're getting more info outta it..."

"I'm Asta and this is my new buddy Terra! Nice to meetcha too Cyrus." He thought for a moment as he stared back at the portal. "Y'know, now that I think about it, where did you guys come from? Obviously the portal, but what was on the other side? Are there anymore of your friends on the other side?" He asked, his head cocked to the side.

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