Avatar of xXSINXx


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current Returning from family reunion today to all my friends I'm currently role-playing with I will get posts out today
11 mos ago
In the name of Shenan, if one shenans, they will shenanigan
2 yrs ago
I'm not man enough to be human, but I'm trying to fit and and I'm learning to fake it ;)
7 yrs ago
Tried making cheese sticks for the first time...... well more like cheese logs now
7 yrs ago
Looking for a 1x1 partner pm me to discuss ideas.
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Most Recent Posts

@Dark Light@Eveekitten@Spin The Wheel Morning guys, I'm happy to let you all know ere very close to launch. If we can at least get one tech person, we will start and have one tech an one cam open for any who join. Please if you know anyone interestee, send them here.
@Dark Light Same I'm eager to get underway. Hopefully in the next day or so. If you know anyone whom might be interested bring them along
@Rekker Hope you're still interested we have both a cam and a tech open. Please update us soon
@Dark Light im sure the van will suffice thank you for submitting him :)
@Dark Light Perfect I'll make the OC changes now
@Dark Light something to experiment with, I'll definitely bring up the matter again once we get underway, Inhope we can get started soon I reqlly like everyones character so far
@Euphoria I know right, it would also add some sentiment between them.
@Euphoria Thats fine by me, you would know alot of the darker aspects in her life and understand her more than the others. Maybe have him a bit upset because he used to do her hair alot when they were younger when it was long for the fun of it.
@vancexentan definitely the shipping idea from andre would definitely have then thinking about it
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