Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
10 mos ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
11 mos ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!
11 mos ago
Worse: partner into a mahjong gacha game
11 mos ago
Being bullied into learning how to play mahjong
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21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

@Yankee At first I was looking for the Smash render but there aren't any good PNG of Conker. But something more Bad Fur Day-esqur would be appreciated. I loved Bad Fur Day and believe Microsoft ruined thd franchise.

Jeez I can't even find a decent PNG of Conker I like, found an awesome header image though.

What kind of vibe are you looking for? A cuter Conker like the early stuff or something more Bad Fur Day-esque? I was quite the Conker fan back in the day I can try and help you out

Word Count: 1396 (+3 exp)
Level: 6 - Total EXP: 57/60
Location: Edge of the Blue: The Drowning Wench -> Smash City Alcamoth

"Aw, well, you know. It's been a long day," the Cadet chuckled, rubbing a hand against his cheek when Nadia and Link made comments about his order. A hunter needed to eat. Honestly the price hadn't even crossed his mind - he supposed he was still relying on the princess' generosity. Thankfully said princess made her way over as well, so surely he was off the hook. He'd really had to try and do something nice for Peach in return. "There's gonna be plenty to go around so I don't mind sharing!"

Before that though, it was time to learn of the Red Team's experience. Ms. Fortune was quite the story teller. The Cadet listened to her every word, piecing things together with the context whenever an unfamiliar term threatened to distract him. The Dead Zone... he remembered first hearing about it in Lumbridge, passing by a group of refugees as they worried about the place - and what a rotten place it sounded like. He wondered if Nadia and the people she mentioned had been part of that refugee group, but at the time he'd had other things on his mind, and he hadn't recognized her when she appeared here in Limsa.

Linkle... Cadet had only known her for a short time, the same as the others, but he felt the same as Nadia and Link. That she must be okay out there. She was strong in body and mind. The Cadet leaned back, crossing his arms and balancing his stool on one set of legs. He nodded and chimed in, "Yeah, we'll definitely find her and save her. Or maybe she'll save herself before we even get to her!"

The only thing they could do right now for her is be optimistic, and hey - that was a specialty of his.

"Thanks for telling us everything," the hunter said to Ms. Fortune. Pretty quickly after his eyes moved from their new teammate to the plates of food being delivered. Breads, stews, sliced meats, skewers and fried foods of all kinds. Patiently he waited until everything was placed and the others had their dishes as well, then reminded them of his offer to share should they see anything appetizing before he let the stool fall back onto all four legs and dug in. His eating habits were kind of erratic, taking bites of everything here and there with no order or pattern in mind. It didn't seem very efficient, but it was quick - but he wasn't a barbarian, they gave him utensils and he used them! Cadet was halfway through when Frog made his way over, and the hunter paused to smile at the warrior. With his cheeks full, Cadet almost looked like a frog himself.

"Oh my wrog, this is delicious," he said to himself after finishing the nearest plate, putting it in the small stack with the other empty ones. Though his pace was slowing, he still reached for another helping or two (some gooey cheese stuffed bread roll with one hand, and a refreshing looking salad in the other), though on Ms. Fortune's mention of parasites he paused, squinting his eyes at her. Right in front of my salad?? He turned in surprise when Link admitted to it - ah, wait false alarm. Just regular bugs. Cadet laughed and shook his head. "Just muscle and metabolism here." If his arms weren't preoccupied with gathering, cutting, and eating food even now he'd have flexed for her. Instead, he added on a bit to Link's explanation.

"That was a rough situation, you and the others you were with had these black arrows that turned people into... well it like froze them solid, like this," he produced the Dark Link statue, putting it on the center of the table and tapping it a couple times. "But bigger. It worked out and we got you on our side!

"For me, I was Lumbridge for a while. I think maybe since this whole thing started? One of the areas outside turned into one from my world, so of course I went on a hunt there. I met The Courier who was already there and here I am now!"
Conveniently the Cadet left out the part where the Tzitzi-Yaku roughed him up a little bit, because he could totally take a Tzitzi-Yaku, it was probably just because be was still red-eyed and rusty at the time. Peach's straightforward explanation was probably the best though, once you freed someone and explained everything, most people wanted to help.

Soon after the princess left the air at the table turned somber again. The Cadet edged away from Nadia's disembodied hand, watching it crawl with some fascination. It seemed a powerful ability, but with a heavy cost... or rather, an ability that only came about because of those unfortunate circumstances. The hunter's heart went out to her, and the mention of the Skullheart again just reminded the Cadet of his promise to deliver his scoutflies in order to find Linkle all the sooner. He should do that before the night was over.

Ace Cadet stood up as well, having eaten his fill and then some. Between all of the plates on the table he may have poached some things from the other's without knowing, but hey - there was still some food and drink left on the table that the party was welcome to. The Cadet wrapped up a few items and tucked them away, then lifted a mug and slammed it's contents back, one last good taste before heading off. He placed a hand on Nadia's shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. "Hey, that's the spirit!"

There was one more thing to mention before he left, and he motioned to the little trophy still sitting on the table. "I'm going to stop by the Alcamoth tonight before turning in. I'm not really sure what to do with that, so..." He looked at Link and shrugged a little, implying that maybe the Hylian should take it. It was a trophy of his own shadow, after all. The other option would be to give it to the Guildmarm as a gift, a token of adventure, but then she'd be staring at a figure of another guy. That wouldn't do!

As Blazermate approached the Cadet passed her by heading the opposite direction, giving the bot a nod and a smile. Outside of the Drowning Wench, he only got turned around once before the main market came into view and he could make his way out of the city. He passed by the dock area near to where Junior's painting was located, and briefly considered stopping by to check in on the prince and Sakura. He figured it could wait though, since Bowser and Peach should already be there he could always check in on the way back.

A few moments after passing the area, a soft, steady tunk tunk tunk sound starting following the hunter. Confused, he looked around and spotted a little purple pig, with a dark mane and large horns - a golden ring surrounding one of them. It caught up to the Cadet and looked up expectantly at him, it's little eyebrows furrowed.

"BB!" Ace Cadet knelt down, beckoning the minion closer and scratching under it's chin. "Didn't I tell you to guard the princess? I didn't see you with her when she came up to the restaurant. Not Ya-cool, lil guy."

The baby behemoth snorted and flopped over, and it's current master moved on to rubbing it's belly. "You at least guarded the gold until she got back, right?"

It snorted again, and the Cadet couldn't tell if it was an affirmative or not. Honestly he had no clue if BB could really understand him. Still, he was happy to see the little monster was alright. He pulled one of the leftovers from his bag and fed it to BB, who squealed happily. Despite the angry expression it seemed to default to, it seemed to have finally taken a shine to the Cadet. Technically that was bad news, given that he still intended to get BB back to it's family or natural habitat somehow... but for now, it would do just to make sure the minion stayed close to him.

The duo of monster hunter and baby monster departed, stepping through the painting portals until they arrived back in the brilliant hub of the Alcamoth.
[ Hungry King. ]

I gave it a shot. Concept seemed fun, like the game "Everyone is John."
I take a staggering step forward.

The movement is slow. Heavy. With deliberate force I sink the bones of my feet into the soil; metatarsals, phalanges, disappearing beneath the dirt before I again lift them away from it. I take another step. I dig into the earth with my bone and I move on. I take another step. I prove to myself that no prison of mud can hold me now. My body shakes and crackles with mirth, resentful mirth for being trapped in the first place. The bangle clinks against my wrist and produces a most curious noise.

Air moves through the nest of my ribs, and the gaps between my teeth. I open my mouth, letting the jaw hang open wide as I shamble on. I can taste it. I can taste it. The sour flavor of death, rotting leaves covering up corpses. A taste of magicks. Beyond that, something sweeter. Ahead somewhere. I seek it out.

Passing through the glade is arduous. The terrain is unfamiliar. These bones, I think, are not mine. I would know my own bones. I would have to know. The skull shifts from side to side with every step, the jaw still limp and hanging. There is nothing inside this cranium, except my mind somehow. Swirling. So the bones are mine now, I have taken them. Distantly, I wonder what could have happened. Where is my body, and where is my crown?

I think the body is not so important as the crown.

I step over one of the fallen people. With deliberate force I sink the bones of my feet into the flesh; calcaneus, tarsels, disappearing beneath the skin and squelching, coming away red. I take another step. I move on. I spare no thought to any skeleton besides the one that is now mine. If I focus on anything else I may lose the grip I have on this body. My mind may fly from it's eye sockets and disappear. I give nothing away, not even a glance. I never have.

I can taste it. I stumble into the treeline. The shovels of my feet eventually grow weak... no, no, not that they have grown weak. Not that the dirt has hardened beneath them, packed with plant roots and stones. The earth itself has rejected me, I have won and I am decidedly free. I raise my arms as I walk, faster now. The bangle clinks against my wrist and produces a most curious noise. Besides it's rhythmic, primitive music there is no sound in the forest. If there was anything at all alive, it cowers from me. Even the trees fear and grow still, refusing to drop their leaves as I pass under them. Even the grass leans away from my every step. This is natural, and as it should be. Even dead I command respected, and am respected. Even dead... Even dead...?

I live. I will live. I am a skeleton now but I am alive. Surely I am alive. Surely my thoughts now, my movement now prove I am living, thinking. Not breathing, not yet, but I can still taste the air when it blows around me. I taste that sweet something, ahead. I seek it out.

There is something bright shimmering in my view, peeking into the forest between the tree trunks. I hear something, joining the chorus of the bangle's tink tink. It calls to me. Sings, a steady gurgling that rushes from my head through my marrow. I run, and I join the chorus now too, my jaw bouncing and teeth snapping violently together as I rush forward. As I get closer the sparkles only grow more dazzling. They are golden coins, they are crystals and diamonds. I stretch the bones of my fingers out in front of me as my body carves through the otherwise still atmosphere. I long to hold them and feel them pool in my palm and drip down the length of my arm, soak my neck and shoulders with splendor and slide down my throat into my stomach.

I can taste it!

From the forest I burst, and the force of my exit shakes the trees and rouses the animals from their petrification. Behind me the wind pulls leaves from their branches and creatures from their hiding holes, the leaves whisper and the animals scream. I don't care. I spare no thought to any of them. I give nothing away, not even a glance. I focus on what I want now, what I need now, the deep thirst that sits in the crevices of my bones and the largest parts of my soul. Before me is the river, lit up with speckles of the sun. I yearn for it. I reach for it. My body topples over and I plunge through the reeds and into the water. I drink my fill even as the current ushers me away from my waking place. The water enters every part of me, passes from my mouth through the holes in my jaws and the spaces between my ribs and gaps in my pelvis. I can't keep it in. It flows, in and out, and around me. I grow drunk with the effort of breathing in the river. I would cough and cackle if I had the flesh for it. When I am under I look up and see a golden dish, I surface to grasp it. I look down and see precious stones, and dive under to swallow them.

I am not a prisoner to the river because I choose to take it and taste it, and futilely fill my belly with the sweetness. It carries me because I let it. Soon the treeline on either side grows thin and the weeds on the river's bank grow thick and I am in a place as equally unfamiliar as the burial mound.

Distantly, I wonder what could have happened. Why was I there, and why are jewels of my crown all strewn on the ripples of the water?

I think the answer is not so important as the crown.

Word Count: 1082 (+2 exp)
Level: 3 - Total EXP: 15/30
Location: Sandswept Sky

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
It was strange, when the light died down and Primrose felt the changes to her body. Changes made instantly, instead of over time. She stepped back, giving others that wanted access to the spirits more room and gently grazed a hand over her stomach, then lifted her arms up to inspect the new gloves. Her skin color seemed to have changed as well, which was interesting. She touched the veil hiding her face. It wasn't the first time she'd worn one, but she preferred not to. One would be surprised to know the amount of men that could be twisted with just a pretty girl's smile, after all. For now she didn't remove the garment, or any part of her new clothes. A wayward thought that she wished the new outfit would have come as a spare was quickly forgotten as she continued inspecting herself. She heard Tora say that not much had really changed, and for that she was grateful.

She turned her inspection inward, focusing on the pyromancer's spirit. There was a heat there, and she reached out to it, producing a small flickering flame in her hand. It felt different from the type of magic she was used to, not just from her natural dark magic but the fire spells of Orsterra as well. She tossed the flame from one hand to the other, while watching the results of the other fusions. The changes to the Personas, Midna and Yoshitsune playing around and further testing their new abilities, and Panther's change...

Primrose's eyes made their way back to the flame in her hand. She stared into the little fire, thinking on what Panther and Mona had said to her. Our Personas are our rebellious spirits, with the power to take revenge on those who take advantage of the weak. By accepting our desires, we gained the power to achieve them.

May be you have it in you, too. Listen for a voice inside you.

Accept your lust for revenge.

She snuffed the flame, curling her fingers into a tight fist, the glove's fabric squeaking lightly at the sudden movement. No one needed to tell Primrose Azelhart to accept her vengeance. It'd been a long time coming. The image of Simeon was permanently burned into her mind, and she suspected it would be long after she got the chance to kill him, but at least she wouldn't be left with this sickening feeling of incompleteness. Or so she hoped.

Her ragged smile was semi-concealed beneath the face veil, but even so Primrose lifted a hand to her face as though to physically wipe it away before she mingled with the group again. Among the items produced from crushing the spirits, only the shiny ones caught her eye. The small gold emblem, the fanciful crown, the glowing insect-looking thing... She picked these items up, turning them over once or twice. She didn't need anymore hoods, given that with her cloak included she was up to two. The emblem, while charming in some way, didn't seem to have any use she could see besides being decoration. The insect, well...

"I cannot even tell what some of these are," she said, holding the glowing bug item as an example. She passed it off to one of the mercenaries, who held it close to his face while examining it. With a wave Primrose dismissed the items, letting the others have at it. She gathered up her own things, re-donned her cloak, and stood with her arms folded until everyone was settled and satisfied and as one Team Yellow moved out of the oasis. On their way out, Primrose leaned down to Midna, her voice steady but her eyes light, "Let me know if you'd like any pointers."

The path out of the oasis was a straight forward one. At time they would run across hostile creatures, which were all handily taken care of. Even Primrose got to try out one of her new spells, the light of the flame fan dancing on the corridor's walls whenever an enemy managed to make it's way past the others and get close to her. The fire was particularly effective against the dry cloths of the smaller ones.

At the end, the Thieves were quick to descend through the hole in the ground, and even Sectonia didn't hesitated to go through, though she chose to slide instead of fly. Perhaps her wingspan was too wide. For Primrose, it wouldn't be the first time today that she slide down a sandy ramp. With a nod to Necronomicon she went through, sliding down the exit way. Ahead she could hear the echoes of the teammates who went before her. The sudden flash of fading sunlight as the slope opened up came sooner than she expected. Primrose gazed out over the sand, towards the mountain in the near distance. Once at the bottom of the slide she stood up quickly, brushing herself off and noting that some of them were quite mesmerized by the sight of the desert at dusk. Once upon a time she had been too.

They set off again, with Joker setting a quick pace. Primrose blinked in surprise, looking around at the other members of the team. Were they meant to run until they were tired? Stamina was one thing, endurance running was another. Primrose was more a sprinter than anything. She sighed, following after, her pace a little slower. She thought she would be able to keep up, even if it meant falling towards the back of their group. Riding on Hippowdon was nice, though it's slow. I will have to pick up a quicker creature too if this kind of thing is going to be common.

It wasn't very long into their trek when the sky brightened. At first Primrose thought that her initial comment about the sun never setting was partially true, and that it was coming right back up after dipping just past the horizon. However, the light was growing bright much too quickly, and a blinding shape loomed into the sky. It seemed distant, back in the direction they came from, but visible because of it's immense brilliance. As it died down there was movement in the sky as well, then everything passed as if nothing had happened at all.

Primrose had slowed to a stop at some point, watching the light glow brighter until she could look at it no more, shielding her eyes until it vanished. "What... what was that?"
Check what's inside the hat

HP: 309/610 - MP: 610/610 - SP: 610/610
_________________ []
The smell was probably the worst assault on her nose that Ames had ever experienced in her life. She gagged while holding her blade inside the monster's gut, twisting the sword in revenge for the pummeling it had just given her. When it's insides lit up Ames fought the urge to close her eyes and look away. As disgusting as it was, she was in a dangerous situation, and who knew what could happen while her eyes were shut? Although she ended up really wishing she hadn't seen what happened next. The oni's body suddenly went limp and little wiggling black worms started to make their way out of it, jumping onto her body and the ground around her. Ames screamed bloody murder, throwing the corpse off of her and swatting the worms away as she scrambled to stand up.

"W-what the hell!?" the warrior squeaked, shaking the last (that better be the last of them!!) of the worms off of her and smushing several of the creatures under her boot with an aggressive stomp. Her panicked reaction to the worms made the ideal opening for another attack from the second oni, but thankfully Amulak was there with his spell to keep it off of her back. Ames turned back to the mage and gave him a shaky nod. "Thanks! Now three to go..."

Honestly Ames didn't even want to get close to these things anymore, but they were in the thick of it and she wasn't about to run blindly away into the fog alone. Could she catch up to the oni making it's way to Magpie? Should she head for Raime instead, who was facing down two oni of his own? ...good luck, Mags! You can do it! With the internal cheer Ames turned to their scout, running over to him. Apparently Mags had taken out an oni already, so she was sure the girl be fine! Or she hoped so anyway.

"Raime!" Ames skidded to a halt beside the man, her flaming sword still in hand. "They - they're weak to fire," she told him, not having missed the way her sword lit up the inside of that monster. "If I give you some fire to light your arrows with, you'll cover me, right?"

Ames' stressed her words, making it clear that if Raime didn't cover her, she would be very upset.

She approached the one-armed oni, feeling like her chances against it were good. However she was hesitant of the one behind it, the one that... was gone now?

There was instead a crater in the ground where it was. Her eyes flickered up into the overcast sky. Holy crap.

That was definitely not good. Ames felt she had to deal with this oni in front of her quickly before that thing came down on one of her friends, or her. With her weapon raised and ready, she took the first opportunity she saw to spring forward and attack, a straight on thrust to the monster's mid-section.

Hmm, one unspoken rule I can think of is regarding the tab function on this forum. It's a pretty unique set up, and very helpful. Some RPs you will see listed in their individual rules section: "Don't post in the IC or CHAR tabs until approved in the OOC tab." However, not every RP lists this rule, but I think it's still kind of expected. That's the only thing that comes to mind.

Anyway, enjoy your stay!
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