Avatar of Yankee


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7 mos ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
9 mos ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
10 mos ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!
10 mos ago
Worse: partner into a mahjong gacha game
10 mos ago
Being bullied into learning how to play mahjong
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If you're here on my profile, check out World of Light
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, problematic ones. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts


HP: 810/810 - MP: 660/660 - SP: 690/690
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Ames stretched her arms over her head after she finished re-donning all of her equipment. Finally, officially, she'd obtained her second class. She took a few minutes to read over the new abilities it came with, finding them pretty interesting. Flying weapons? That's cool! I wonder if it's like automatic or I'll have to pilot it or whatever... I'll try it outside of town.

Happy with Animist, she turned her attention to her coin purse. They were back in Nyu-Taro so they might as well buy more stuff. Well, at least Ames planned to, she couldn't speak for the rest of the group. Shoring up the holes in her equipment slots was probably a good idea.

"Thank you!" Ames spun in place and struck a pose with Raime's congratulations. "So you're thinking we can split up and meet back here again, right? That's fine with me. But..."

She frowned, thinking. "Weren't we going to leave the clans alone for now? Or do you guys think we're strong enough to not get picked off...? And..." She looked between Raime and Amulak, who she knew were planning two completely different clans. She had no clue what Magpie or Klein were thinking with that either - and who even knew what was going on with their other "members." "Won't it be kind of a problem if we pick different clans?"

As cool as getting Raime some kind of cyber arm would be (and Ames would totally pitch in to help obtain it) she wasn't sure if this would drive some kind of wedge into the group, either physically or socially. Wouldn't they be expected not to associate with each other if there was some kind of clan war going on?

"Maybe it'll be fine. I just don't really wanna lose anymore people from our group, you guys have been fun to play with so far..." she chuckled, a little sheepish, but it was true. Their start was kind of rough but now they all felt pretty familiar, at least in Ames' opinion.
Dang links, thought I caught it. Thank you though!
Well what better to follow up a half-demon than an angel, right?

Word Count: 1423 (+3 exp)
Level: 7 - Total EXP: 9/70
Location: Edge of the Blue: Shippy's Hold

Shippy's hold was a mess of water, wreckage, and ugly abyssals. To say the area was turbulent was an understatement, as the body of the ship herself fluctuated between steadily repairing itself and being ripped away by dark metal mouths. The Cadet could feel the vessel lurch with each painful blow. The situation was dire, and the hunter did not waste time. As soon as his initial attack connected and the arrows found their mark in the largest of the abyssals, he was nocking a couple more. Some of the enemies turned on him, eager to take a bite, and it was only the fact that most inside were still occupied with tearing Shippy apart that the hunter wasn't immediately overrun. Imps turned their guns on him, and the Destroyers sped through the shallow water with their teeth bared. For now the Cruiser moaned and reached towards it’s back to try and grasp the arrows sticking out of it, awkwardly shifting and failing. The Destroyers’ bodies were easy to dodge, their movement simple and single-minded in the interior space, but their shots were another matter. They were reckless and wild. This was the first time the Cadet had been shot - with modern bullets, at least - and while some rounds grazed him, others dented his armor and others managed to penetrate. It hurt, a ragged burning pain radiating from each little wound.

Both Cadet and the abyssals were momentarily surprised by Link's appearance, but none were idle for long. As soon as the Hylian finished his flashy spin, the Ace Cadet met his eyes and gave him a quick, sharp nod before moving. The Hero of the Wilds would handle the smaller abyssals, and the hunter would finish off the Cruiser. Cadet raised his bow and shot at the monster. Having given up on extracting the arrows from it’s body, the Cruiser turned hard and destroyed the projectiles mid-air with the broad side of one of it’s faces. Then it surged forward, hands stretched out towards the Cadet and the guns on it’s head beginning to charge. Crap. Rather than try to trade arrows for bullets, the Cadet moved forward to meet the Cruiser. He got in close and ducked, the shots going over his head. This kind of close quarters combat wasn’t ideal for his current weapon choice - he tried to step back, bring an arrow to the drawstring again, but the Cruiser caught one of his arms in it’s own. It yanked the hunter back towards it, the jaws of it’s multiple mouths opening wide.

”Oh no you don’t! The Cadet growled at it. With his free hand he brought up the arrow he’d been trying to nock and shoved it inside the closest mouth. It reared back in pain, dark tongue trying to push the arrow out, but it was firmly stuck. The Cadet wrenched himself free of it’s grasp and pulled a few more arrows from his quiver. The Cruiser’s guns were lighting up again, trained on the hunter. A wild idea came to the Cadet and he followed through on it without so much as a second thought, firing the giant arrows straight into the Cruiser’s gun barrels. Blocked, the guns exploded, blowing the Cruiser up in a shower of fire and ash. The Cadet himself was thrown back from the explosion. Hitting the wall of the hold hard, he let out a puff of pained breath.

Shippy continued to shake and rock, and a particularly loud sound permeated inside the hold just before the hull opened up and fired some kind of energy out before closing again. It was followed by shouting and screaming from outside. Whatever just happened, it stirred the enemies into a frenzy. With renewed vigor the abyssals outside began chewing their way in.

The Cadet heard Link say their current plan of just fighting for their lives wasn’t cutting it. He didn’t try to look over at Link, instead he shouted back over the chaos, ”A couple things!”

He swayed to his feet, kicking at an imp that got too close, and turned his bow towards the hull where the Destroyers were pushing through teeth first. Moving quickly, the Cadet set up his blade wires and fired them at a couple of more recent holes. The arrows stuck through the hull on either side of the holes, the wire spread between them acting as rough stitches to pull the wood together while Blazermate healed the boat. The wire also helped block some of the Destroyers as they cut themselves up trying to squeak through. It didn't stop all of them, not even most of them, but if they could just try and stem the tide a little, if they fought hard enough, surely they could save Shippy… right?

Then the battlefield changed dramatically.

"What - ?!" the walls of the hold suddenly pushed in on them, the entire area shrinking while Cadet, Link, and their enemies stayed the same size. The change certainly threw the hunter off balance. He fumbled as the water rose higher and higher, and the abyssals were pressed closer - and closer, and closer.

Suddenly there was all kinds of pain around the Cadet’s body. Hot, piercing shots from the abyssal’s gun. Sharp, grinding tears from their teeth. Before when the water had only been knee-deep, it was possible to avoid them. Now the abyssals had a huge advantage, especially when their opponents couldn’t breathe under water.

This time Ace Cadet did search for Link. The hunter wasn’t one for running, but he had no clue what just happened and if they stayed in the hold underwater with the abyssals swarming, they would die. He stowed his bow and pushed off against the wall, swimming towards the last place he’d heard the Hylian’s voice come from. He tried to keep his head above water, but with the level increasing it wouldn’t be long before he was under.

”Lin - ” A Destroyer leapt and sank it's teeth into The Cadet’s shoulder, it's jaw squeezing and working to make it's way past the scale armor plating. The Cadet gasped in pain just before he was dragged under water.

The Destroyer shook it’s body viciously with it’s teeth still clamped tightly down. The Cadet could feel his skin tearing even under his protective gear. He reached up with both hands, gripping each side of the Destroyer's mouth to physically pry it off of him. A couple of imps swam up to him and covered his fingers with their tiny palms, interfering with his grip so that he couldn’t dislodge his attacker - all the while he was being peppered with bullets and nibbles. The Cadet thrashed and screamed in frustration, but nothing escaped his mouth but a large cloud of air bubbles. If this was how he was faring with his armor, then Link…

There was a strange heat in the Cadet’s chest. It wasn't exactly painful, not like the wounds piling up on his person, but it was intense. It was passionate. Filled with the desire to protect the ship and everyone on it. Right, there was no way Link was dead - and surely everyone on deck was fine too. They had to be. As the Cadet fought the abyssals mobbing him, the heat in his chest grew and he saw a flash of pink. That thing, from that woman, Aphrodite? Well, if there was ever a time to test out a new and unfamiliar power it was now. The Cadet gave up trying to rip the Destroyer off of him and thrust his hand out feeling the heat travel from his core outward. It manifested as the Crush Shot, a wide pink wave of energy that covered the immediate area and the enemies in it. Some weaker, injured abyssals burst into ashes right there, and the ones that remained found their attack power lessened.

They reeled back from the attack, and the Cadet was freed from the jaws on his shoulder. However, he was still floating in the middle of the flooded hold, with no air and no escape in sight. The stairs, he had to find a way there, but … he choked, bringing a hand up to his throat as though he could force air into it that way. No way am I dying here, he thought, but the situation looked grim. He grabbed a few shimmering abyssals spirits in either hand and crushed them, getting desperate for anything that could help him survive.

Word Count: 844 (+2 exp)
Level: 3 - Total EXP: 21/30
Location: Sandswept Sky: Sweet Canyon

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●
Another stranger, hm? Primrose looked the newcomer up and down warily as the whole group moved off, chasing the dust Midna left them in. The latest member was a mercenary apparently, so Primrose thought they'd fit right in. As with the rest of the Gleaming, though Primrose's expression smoothed into a neutral one under her veil, her wariness never quite left, even when 'Red' didn't seem to take offense to Yoshitsune's abrasive greeting and walked along normally with them into the trees. Honestly, thinking back to the lessons on how the world worked back at the Alcamoth, Primrose had expected those under the light's influence to prove much more a problem. So far, they'd been nothing but helpful. Some had even saved her a time or two. If they were careful not to set anyone off, and they kept collecting random passerby, would they have a small army by the time they got to their destination?

The troupe moved through the woods with purpose. The atmosphere wasn't bright and relieved like it had been earlier at the oasis, although low chatter did pass between people. Primrose didn't miss the mention of Red's benefactor, but she didn't comment. Everyone was still tired. Primrose held out the small ball of flame in front of her, choosing again to travel towards the rear of the group. The light helped illuminate the back of their people-train, and the dancer stepped carefully around any particularly gross looking spots on the ground. She didn't want to get sucked into syrup or milk or sugar... or whatever the squishy ground was made of. So focused on walking, Primrose was surprised by the sudden shout ahead and looked up sharply.

"What happened?" she asked, her brows pulled tight together. That sounded like one of the teenagers, and the follow up concern from Panther confirmed it. Just ahead of her the Heavy laughed and went to pat her shoulder, but the dancer shifted away. The large man didn't seem offended, instead he answered her with a chuckle. "Blonde boy step on root and get trapped. He fine now, get scared for nothing!"

Ah, so the landscape wasn't as cheery and innocent as it appeared. Primrose glanced at the trees around them and endeavored to be even more careful - especially when not long after she heard Fox's voice call back to warn everyone not to eat anything.

I can't imagine anyone would... but he said 'nobody else.' The culprit was lagging behind and showed up at the back of the pack with his trusty companion a bit later. Primrose looked at Tora, from his face to his new tasty looking limb. ...it suits him somehow. She held in her mirth and continued on, stopping at the village's edge with the others.

The town might have been charming if she weren't already sick of seeing sweets everywhere. In the center of town there were a couple of large machines, sticking out like sore thumbs among the dessert decorated houses. Their focus was in the air, where Necronomicon's lights were glowing. There was also a cage nearby, with someone inside it - and Midna there, freeing them. The first thought Primrose had was a strong hope that those machines didn't turn around and smash the Twilight Princess. The second was, why? Who was the person in the cage, and why free them? What if they were there for a reason? Of course, Primrose couldn't voice those thoughts aloud. First they wouldn't do anyone any good, and second - the robots did indeed turn, and they split up and started trampling the village, one going for the now poorly disguised imp.

The group moved in, jumping into the action quickly. Primrose looked between those that had headed directly into battle, getting up close and personal with the machines, and considered which steps she'd take to help. A dance of strength, or a display of defense? ...no, there were much too many people to dance for. In this situation, she might as well buff herself and pile on damage.

With a twirl, a shake of her hips, and an arm thrown up into the arm Primrose felt her own magical power increasing. Unfortunately the robots were too far apart from each other for her to use her wide range attack, so she'd have to choose one. The choice was easy - while Tora had one preoccupied, the other was doing a number on her companions. She followed in Panther, Skull, and Mona's footprints and arrived not long after, standing a little ways back.

"Here," she said, her dark magic gathering in her hand, "Moonlight Waltz!" She took a step and thrust the spell out towards the robot. It shot forward, and with the robot stuck in place thanks to Panther's whip there was no way she would miss - unless, of course, an unforeseen combatant appeared and punched it out of the spell's path. The dancer was bewildered, but she began preparing another spell to strike the machine with. With her aim adjusted she let loose, sending the dark energy out again.
Hello, welcome!

Word Count: 1206 (+2 exp)
Level: 7 - Total EXP: 4/70
Location: Edge of the Blue

The harbor was still buzzing even with most of the navy at sea already, and the last of the people gathered prepared to take off. Brineybeard rang the last call bell, sadly cutting the reunion with the half of the Atomos' crew short. Oh well - while the Cadet would have loved to hear Sakura's tale about the sortie from yesterday, he supposed that after today's assignment it wouldn't really matter... because they'd win, and wouldn't have to worry about any undying army of ships, or dark untraversable seas.

The Cadet stood up straight, stretching his arms as he did so. It was time to depart. He caught sight of Nadia waving to him and he turned to her, finding himself chuffed a moment later at her comment. They would need an Ace like him on Shippy, especially if the Atomos already had a Witcher. The Cadet grinned at Ms. Fortune and nodded, hopping down from the airship and jogging over to Shippy to catch up. It was the same crew that had stayed at the tavern last night, all friendly and comfortable with each other - the Shippy had a good crew indeed.

The hunter boarded just as the living vessel pulled away from shore. For some, the mission had a serious and solemn feel - those going to defend their homes and avenge their comrades. For others, it felt like the start of a fresh adventure. Ace Cadet was firmly in the second category, and he mirrored Nadia's enthusiasm. "Hellblade yeah! It's go time!"

During the trip out to sea, some of the crew split up as best they could aboard the relatively small ship. The Cadet never went far himself, glued to the railing as he spent his time looking out across the water, into the colorful beaches nearby, or staring into the water below to try and spot anything interesting. There were some strange creatures he would have liked to get a hold of, but there was no time to stop and see the sights. The only time the Cadet left the ship's edge was when all of them gathered at the center of the deck to talk about a... murder?

"First I've heard of it," the Cadet said. He hadn't exactly been keeping an ear out for that kind of thing when he'd arrived at the harbor. "Sephiroth, huh? ...oh, wait, the guy with the longsword?" The redhead was a little later to catch on, but he put two and two together. He nodded along with Link's comment, having also assumed that the man was a random good samaritan. If that wasn't the case... had he joined the battle not because he was just a good guy caught up in it, but simply because he saw a powerful person and wanted to obtain that power? ...nah, no way, right?

"When we get back to Limsa we can find him and ask," the Cadet suggested with a shrug. Then he turned to Frog with a curious expression. "Glenn, huh?" he asked, having had no qualms about just calling the amphibian man "Frog" before he wondered which name was preferred.

It was little while longer before a communication came through. The fan-wielding ship girl stood close so that they could all hear the plan: fight their way through the bay and make it to an inland river, then ride it straight through until they reached their destination. It was as good a plan as any, no complaints from the ace hunter. The Cadet pulled Gough's Greatbow from his back as soon as the communication ended. He drummed his fingers along the grip, excited to use the huge wooden weapon for the first time. When their ship turned into the bay he obliged himself, pulling the drawstring back as far as it would go and letting the over-sized arrows he'd commissioned fly.

It felt good, the bow was sturdy and strong, yet supple. The Cadet fired two, three more arrows out and continued at that pace. The smaller abyssals exploded into ash with just one shot, but the bigger ones needed a couple more. With as many enemies swarming as there were, he didn't have the luxury of taking careful aim at each one after all. When an arrow hit their armor instead of their exposed flesh it left a great dent, making an opening for follow up shots to pierce through - or served as enough of a distraction for the squid or seadogs to finish the monster off.

The sea churned with battle. Water splashed up and everywhere, and wind and heat blew through the area as well, generated from the Atomos and the combined efforts of Sakura's flame-looking power and Bowser's actual flames. Just as the king stated, it was pretty awesome. Cadet focused on picking off the abyssals that were getting too close, sending their spirits into the sea for the recovery team to collect. The number of them was overwhelming, and he couldn't stop all of them. The enemies that did get onto the ship he trusted his companions to deal with, and they did so as quickly as possible. One stray little abyssal crept it's way towards the hunter, but BB squealed loudly to alert it's master, who turned and stuck an arrow into the thing's head.

"There's so many of them!" That was pretty obvious for every single person in the bay, but the Cadet said it anyway, continuing to pick off abyssals one by one with his bow. He'd traded defenses with Sakura - while she fired hadoukens at the monsters attacking Shippy, from his better vantage point Cadet took aim at those pelting the bottom of the Atomos. For every one that turned to ash, it seemed another was close behind. Something rocked the boat even harder, and the Cadet looked over the side to see a few enemies eating their way into Shippy's hold. "Dalamadamnit," Cadet cursed to himself. That was not good.

Then, a screech rang through the air, followed shortly by a massive bird taking wing. Now that was a monster - and oh, the Cadet wanted a piece of it. It's great bulk and beautiful plumage were easy to see even from a distance. As much as he wanted to stay atop the deck and engage the bird as soon as it got close enough, there were more pressing matters that needed attention. The mission came first, and it would be mission failed if the creatures below deck ate through the ship's hull and sank them.

"I'm going below deck!" Cadet called out, tearing his eyes from the bird and settling them on the remaining pieces of Shippy's railings. He fired the slinger at it, and once the hook took a firm hold on the railing he vaulted over it himself, swinging over the water then back towards the ship and into the hole the abyssal's had torn through before Blazermate's healing patched it up. The bow was far less suited to a ship's interior, but the Cadet rolled with it - literally, as he landed inside and rolled with the bow in hand, springing up with three arrows held tight in his grip and already nocked, the triple volley launched at the abyssals inside a moment later.
I haven't turned signatures on since I joined the forum. It took a while to even realize they were a thing here since they are turned off by default (which I liked). I agree they are very distracting especially when reading in-character posts.

I have avatars on because it's easier to tell at a quick glance who posted what with them. And it shows some personality too.
Happy Birthday!

HP: 610/610 - MP: 610/610 - SP: 610/610
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Ames was grabbed before she even registered the oni's movement. Before panic there was confusion. Didn't she speed herself up, or in the heat of battle did she make a mistake? If it was the later, she was distantly glad that no one was around to see the blunder. Of course there were more pressing matters at hand - literally pressing, as the oni gripped Ames close as though to smother her in it's chest. It was gross. She leaned as far away from the foul smelling head as she could as it dipped forward from where she'd sliced it. There wasn't much room for escape, and even struggling didn't make the oni's grip slacken. Ames grimaced and slide the blade under the last patch of skin still connecting the head to the oni's body and roughly cut it away, slinging the rotting skin and skull away from her.

Then she felt it. The push against her stomach, the wriggling and tiny little teeth of the dark worms. Her face went white. This was much worse than when the other oni had just collapsed on top of her, then she'd been able to just push the corpse off and brush off the worms. Now, she was pinned here and desperately struggling, trying to angle her blade in such a way that she could hack through the arm holding her.

W-what the hell?! It's like, dead-dead! Is this some kind of rigor mortis or something?!

Her panicked rush job wasn't working out too well, but she was focused - too focused to try and crane her neck to see what that giant light from behind her was. She wanted to escape as soon as possible, so when Magpie appeared pure relief flooded Ames' face and eyes. As soon as Ames could feel the hold on her give due to Mags' attack on the oni's body, she shoved herself away from it and swatted at her front to dispose of any worms that were stuck there. She swept them off and squashed them under her foot like last time, making sure they were as dead as possible.

"Oh my God," she squeaked. She turned to Mags, voice full of gratitude. "Thank you, I was about to light myself on fire."

It had been her back up plan. Better to get dead and poof then have your body controlled by nasty worms.

The party reconvened. They were all healed now thanks to the level ups, but...

"Um, are you... feeling okay?" Ames asked, clumsily gesturing to Raime's lack of limb. "Is that normal? Is it like, a Nuclei thing...?"

The warrior looked around at the rest of the party, and out at the ominous fog. "We should go back to town, right? Or at least another area. We barely made it through that fight... and I don't wanna see another worm, like, ever."

Finding a black castle against a dark sky and darker mountain was actually kind of difficult. Especially when the would be 'Masters of Evil' kept the place dark, save a few rooms. Apparently it was supposed to be spookier that way, but Pouri thought someone just wasn't paying for enough wood for torches. The path leading up to the castle was equally dark and treacherous, supposedly to obscure it from the more heroic of society. The earthquakes were new though. So was the giant molerat, and the lasers. The bombs too.

Pouri raised an eyebrow. It hadn't been that long since the last convening. The group had the budget for this but not more lights? Jeez.

The blight mage continued moving, munching on something pungent and ignoring the battle that they assumed was a defense measure and making their way to the castle's main entrance. They turned the handle, finding it unlocked (probably because no one would get through the monster and lasers and bombs), and stepped inside. They looked left, then right... then shrugged to themselves, choosing a random path and hoping it led to the meeting hall.
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