Avatar of yoshua171


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3 yrs ago
Current Just...drifting along.
5 yrs ago
The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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5 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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@Dark Jack I was in the mind to post today and had the time when I suddenly realized "Is I'on supposed to know who Male'dai's master is? Are they infamous/famous?" So I realized I couldn't write the post until I knew more about whether I needed to know about that or not haha.

Ooops. At worst I'll have a post up, not tomorrow(Tuesday, since I have work), but Wednesday.
@Rhaevnn Xeno alrighty. Where is the napping vampire, though?
@Dark Jack sorry that the post is so short, but well...I'm not as used to fluffing things up and there wasn't much to add unless I went into the dream he'd been having or decided he was already awake and doing something (the first of which I didn't want to do, and the second just...didn't make sense given how tired he was the previous day).

Nonetheless, we finally have some Zerul interaction again! So there's that :D
I'onriyi Stonehand

Knock knock

"Mmh," a groggy I'on vocalized, shifting slightly in his bed. For a long moment he thought he was still dreaming, but the feeling rapidly faded away as consciousness beckoned him. After about twenty seconds he opened his eyes properly, sighed, and forced his small frame out of bed. It took several minutes, but he dressed himself in something mildly appropriate, grabbed some water, and then headed for the door. If there were more knocks on the interim, well that was just too bad. They'd woken him up...and from a decent dream no less. A dream about home.

It had been so long. Too long perhaps, since he had seen his own kin, his parents. As he made his way to the door he called out, "Yes, just one moment." In the next moment he had unlocked and opened the door to find himself looking up at a deigan, and by the build and feathers, a True Deigan at that. Not unheard of on the surface, but not exactly terribly common either. The woman looked...out of place, really. Narrowing his eyes as he stared up at her in silence, he noted the condition of her clothes and his small natural scowl lightened, becoming something of a scowl.

"Well, out with it. You've woken me up and I've yet to eat breakfast. What is it!" He clapped his hands once, issuing a sharp noise before he crossed his arms over his chest. Having no intention to let a strange deigan into his home and wanting this over with so he could eat, it seemed that the penin had decided that it would be easier to be rude and pragmatic rather than polite.

Pleased that they'd found what they had come for, he briefly allowed himself a self-satisfied smile...before everything started unravelling, just as he had suspected it might. Dammit! Chatterbox thought for a frantic moment before narrowing his eyes and tuning his power to max on anything except for his teammates as he opened his mouth. "Well that's just a damn SHAME!" He yelled the last word and it resonated through the warehouse, its acoustics sufficient. Immediately his awareness of additional people being affected by his power expanded. His hand entered a number of tap codes to the device he'd been using to communicate to his loyal fans.

He smiled wide and raised his hands and began clapping as he shook his head, keeping close to Sofia. "Wonderful! Fantastic! We've got interlopers my dear friends. Looks like we're in for an eventful escape doesn't it?!" He laughed again, voice resonating throughout the room with each sound he made.

Oh how he loved the compounding effect of acoustics. He intended to put some more specific emphasis as he spoke, "Or perhaps it won't be terribly eventful at all," he said...and then something strange occurred, like a faint disruption in his power.

He felt something even as he took stock of the amount of people he was effecting and how it had gone up a moment ago. There were at least five additional people by his count, not including the drone, which wasn't really a person. To begin with. However, that didn't account for anyone outside their location.

Tapping his finger against his thigh a few more times, he was rewarded a moment later as one of his lackeys spoke into his bluetooth headset. Tapping again he let the woman repeat what she'd said to all of his teammates.

"There are at least three people outside currently. Four entered and we saw one climb the roof earlier. That makes a total of seven people." The words would be inaudible to everyone except the Jacks.

As he walked forwards, Sofia presumably at his side, he stepped into the nullification field unwittingly and everything briefly went awry. His eye twitched, but like the actor he was, he showed no other hint of being effected. Instead, he chuckled and exhaled from his nose. When he looked up and spoke there was a note of irritation in his voice, "So you've got tricks. How troublesome." As he said it he looked to Headhunter and Thunderbolt, while simultaneously drawing a gun at his side. His eyes scanned the room, noting where he'd begun being effected by the nullification. Wait, a moment ago, he'd heard the door, and he had sensed people in that general direction as well.

Wasting no time waiting for his teammates, he fired his gun at the drone several times and took a number of steps back as he did so. These people, they were capes, or at least one of them was. That and they were heroes and their timing was far too convenient.

As he felt the swell of his power return to him—having stepped out of the field—he made contact with Sofia. "Ignore us," he commanded, though without the use of his power, before continuing to everyone who could hear, his ears ringing from the sound of the gunshots--hoping that he had driven the drone to a position it couldn't see them properly. "I deduce that you're all a bunch of heroes. However, I'm going to have to tell each of you not to waste your time being heroes." His smile dimmed, becoming a small smirk instead. He had put emphasis on them not acting heroic or rashly. However, he was playing the long game, projecting his influence via his power to tug at their sense of responsibility, and their will to act.

He wanted them to feel hopeless, powerless, and while it would take time, this introduction of it would sow the seeds...and some of them might be more vulnerable than others.

"That leaves us with two options. You can let us go and take the rest of this Community loot to do with as is lawfully appropriate, or...hehe, and this really amuses me, you can try to take us in as well." All fanfare fell away as he glared up at the drone—the only presumed thing that could see his expressions and was on the opposing side in that moment.

"At which point you will find that you are severely lacking," the words would bite more than they normally would. Feeling more like one's own inner voice calling them useless or like the bite of truth, rather than a stranger's words. Yet, nothing was strange about that. After all, Chatterbox was just at the edge of the nullification field and it could be easily mistaken to still have effect. Besides, with none of them knowing his power, they really had no way of knowing that the more they listened, the more fucked they would be.

It was a beautiful thing really.

A beautiful thing to be a performer.

He loved it so and soon they would too.

Why hadn't the old man been expecting them? Was he faking maybe? Something wasn't right.

Looking to the approaching delinquents, Jake tilted his head. He flickered a glance back at the old man, taking a step back from his teammates so that he was behind and to the old man's right. He didn't want to let the civilian out of his sight. Either to protect him or to apprehend him, because something was off...just like it had been when the woman had 'hired' them. Turning his gaze back to the 'Rockers,' he leaned forwards and whispered to Kyoshi, "Something's up. The timing is too good. Keep an eye on the old man. I'm gonna find somewhere to shift."

He then backed up again, patted the old man on the shoulder and smiled—though it felt unnatural on his face. It probably looked mostly genuine. He'd practiced. "Stay near my teammates, they'll keep you safe, sir." He then stalked off and broke into a jog. Once he had turned a corner and was out of their sight—though not the sight of the many gawking civilians—he ran past a number of allies at full speed. He stopped only when he saw a maintenance ladder, which he made a break for as precious seconds ticked by.

After a few moments of climbing he made his way to the building's roof, only about two minutes having ticked by, at which point he took a deep breath, let it out, inhaled again...and switched.

Everything went black...or maybe white...for a brief moment. There were no sounds, smells, tastes, or sensations. He was nothing, he was nowhere.

Then, in a brief moment of disorientation almost like falling, he existed again. Shaking his massive form in a shudder, he made a mental checklist of his status, noting the tendrils, general dimensions, and the layout of his surroundings via his various senses.

Prepared, he folded the tendrils along his body and compressed his anatomy somewhat with his own barrier, and flew. He was fast, but not at all a blur as he kept a tight handle on his movements, weaving between obstacles. Even avoiding doing damage to the buildings and other objects in the vicinity, he still arrived in seconds.

As he arrived a rush of emotion struck him and he felt his other body smile...wherever it was. Joy, elation, anger, freedom, dislike, distrust, unease all wrapped up in a bundle flooded his mind...and he enjoyed every moment of it.

Even the negative emotions caused whatever the equivalent of endorphins were in his weird biology to trigger. It all felt good. It was relief. It was being human, despite not looking it. Man did he love using his power.

He shuddered again, tendrils undulating faintly as his shadow covered the delinquents as he swam through the air. All the sounds in the environment fed him information on his surroundings, as did the electrical impulses that ran through living things and the electrical wires. It was all laid out with incredible clarity.

His eyeless gaze turning to face downwards at them like a great monster considering its prey, Outsider spoke, his voice booming out over the area, cutting through the ambient noise entirely.

"I'm going to have to command that you either go somewhere else, or surrendur yourselves." He felt a rush of confidence, pride, and strength as he said it, grinning to himself internally as he moved his tentacles, splaying them out in the air behind him like numerous floating tails. He began drifting through the air, almost circling above the teens. He made sure to let tendrils or body periodically block out the light so they couldn't forget that he was there—not that it would be easy for them to do so to begin with, given his size.

"I would really rather not fight you, because chances are...only you'll be getting hurt." He said it, sounding almost regretful, despite the strange detached sound of his voice. Some people on the other side of the street had taken out their phones and were recording. Traffic was slowing down as people tried to gawk, perhaps making an effort to figure out what was going on.

They were drawing more attention now, which for the delinquents, was hardly good.

All the while, Outsider kept his senses tuned, making sure to keep track of the old man.

He didn't trust him and the feeling of unease—though not unpleasant to his emotion-starved mind—was stronger than before. Still, through the general feeling of living it was a bit more difficult to focus. Had his senses not been so different it may have even been a problem.
Lilliana Merrycure

Letting go of her weapon right before it was pulled from her grip by Saban, Lily mentally willed liquid metal down her body. It encapsulated her legs and waist, then back, reinforcing her spine, hips, and legs significantly, before some of it shot out down below her as she neared the ground. The material slowed her descent, and when she struck it pooled out in small waves that eddied away from her, before pulling back inwards and reconstituting as two arms on her back.

The cannons went off moments later and she grinned as she heard their impact. Turning to face Saban, body sideways, her arms split so she had four clawed metallic appendages, plus the metal claws on her own hands. She stared down the cloud of debris, ready to act if necessary, but as Krabbe acted it became unnecessary. Quickly their adversary fell, finally spent, and she—after several seconds—let herself relax.

Taking stock of the situation she looked at former enemies and her nakama, before nodding to herself. Deftly tiny tendrils of metal reached into her bag and extracted a number of syringes. Glancing at the boney visage of her favorite crewmate, Lily smiled and headed in his direction. The boy, having his priorities well in order, situated Caesar on a bed of flora before addressing her, and then Krabbe.

As he turned to speak to the bounty hunter, Lily's smile shifted, a certain pride coming into her eyes. She was happy to see how her little FJ was turning out. He was such a good kid.

Taking a moment to watch before she turned to Caesar in earnest, Lily considered how damaged Krabbe's ship was, then shrugged to herself slightly as she exhaled. Calming her nerves quickly as she shifted into a more focused state, the world around her began to pale and dull around her. Eyes grazing over Caesar she found the ideal location and then gave him a shot from her Syringe, retrieving bandages and some salve from her pack. She fixed up his various scratches and bruises somewhat, making sure he was taken care of, before she gingerly picked him up with her metallic arms and hopped onto one of the few pieces of intact railing. She glanced back at Bonesword and Krabbe, “Well fought,” she said, a measure of respect in her tone, before she turned her gaze specifically to Bonesword. “I'll be on the Runner, FJ. Don't be long, okay sweetheart?” She beamed at him like only a mother could, winked, and then turned away.

Bending her knees, she then released the tension, jumping up and forwards, landing on the deck of the Rum Runner moments later. Caesar, even if he hadn't been unconscious, would hardly feel the movement as she took special care not to jostle him at all.

Frowning slightly at the oil and other detritus spread about the ship, she shook her head and sighed as she made her way below deck and found a place to lay Caesar down to rest. Once he was situated, with water by his bunk, a pillow under his head, blanket tucked around him neatly, and weapons nearby, but not too near, she headed out of his room.

She headed above deck, going straight for Boone and hugged him without explanation. “I'm glad you're okay,” she said, stepping away and wiping a small tear of happiness, before ruffling Slick's hair a moment later. “You too. Of course you will be helping with the ship's repairs mister. Oh, by the way, where's Feya?” There was a note of worry in her voice and a glimmer of anxiety in her bright eyes.

She hoped their doctor was okay.
I've got tomorrow (Tuesday as promised) off. So I'll be able to cook up a post.
Oh. Heh. Funny story, appears I misread one of your posts. I guess I am up on that scene, then; I'll try to get to work this weekend.
Hmm... Planning ahead here, but would it be all right for me to just presume that I'on would simply answer the door when someone knocks? Otherwise I figure my post would be pretty short, too, having to end it after knocking... And what would he be wearing?

For one: I forgot to reply to this. My bad.

Beyond that though, you said that'd be ending the post really early, but I really enjoyed how you introduced this character and had her move to the point of knocking. Ending the post there makes it seem like an interesting pivotal turning point in her life. Pulls me in more than if there was more, I think. Anywho, I will endeavor to make some time to reply. Should be within a week. I tend to reply when I have days off, which fluctuates (the when of it does at least). If I feel that it's draggin on I'll just work on a post when I have work before I go or after I get home.

Also, I do plan--at some point in the near-ish future--to introduce a second character. I had a Deigan lass that I wanted to play a while back, which I discussed somewhat with you and somewhat with @Shienvien. I find that I still want to play her, if only to explore more of this fantastic world you've built :)
Alright, so, @Decoy is gonna be going over sheets with me for this iteration. So send your stuff to him as well.

Oops. Will make new PM with him in it as well.
audun iaessar. . . . . . . . . . . . .
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“I serve the Rezā Liaesma and in turn it serves me as well. I have always wondered why.”

Now-dune Lea-sahr

Two-hundred-thirty-one Male Bound-Human Elite Sentinel
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance

Standing at 5'9 and weighing in at roughly 200 lbs without his armor, Naudun is a well muscled, if weathered man. His red, unruly hair and prismatic eyes give him a striking countenance, especially when coupled with his somewhat gaunt features and piercing gaze. Altogether, Naudun gives off the air of a weather man used to holding power, despite being detached from it. There is an aloofness about him and he carries it wherever he goes.
[ ⊰⊱ ] io

[ ⊰⊱ ] quipment

[ ⊰⊱ ] apabilities

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