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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi indeed follows, closes the doors and walks with his master through the halls, the candles flicker briefly at his approach but one would put that down to the breeze the pair kicked up rather than the malicious shadows playing at the corners of the light. Amano's tension was visible the deeper they went into this den of harpies and while tension alone would not ruin the plan there were some things that required a relaxed frame of mind. Watching his master intently he catches, not for the first time, the boys habit of pressing his fingers to the brand and a brief smile threatens to bloom across his face. How cute, for a mouse to feel so safe in an owl's wings opposed to the cat's claws, desperation and desire were what called him here and Amano sure had enough of both, albeit purer than most he'd usually serve.

Upon entering the hall the reason for his discomfort was evident but those piercing blue eyes remained on his masters back until they reached the woman he called mother. She was pretty enough by mortal standards and there was a part of him that thought seducing and bedding her would be rather amusing, a sort of revenge on Amano's part. However he ignored such fleeting urges that would otherwise over power a normal demon and instead with movements as fluid as water took up one of her delicate hands, cupping it as one might a butterfly while the other rested with feather like gentleness on top. "My Lady, it is an honour to meet you." He dropped, with the silent swooping graceo f a barn owl, to one knee where upon he kissed the back of her knuckles, brushing his fingers briefly over the spot before releasing her hand and moving slowly to stand. "It is easy to see why you are considered the most beautiful woman in town, why, the other Ladies must be rather green with envy."

The boys at the table got nothing from Illiendi, the demon giving them no more attention than if they were not even in the room to begin with. Their crude jokes were ignored and aside the blush that he saw from the corner of his eye, Amano did not rise to their bait either. "With your leave My Master, I will go and see if your cook requires any help in the kitchen. It is the least I can do to show my gratitude and I would be humbled if the sweet Lady of the house would at least try my dessert?" He flashes Amano's mother one of those smiles, gentle on the outside but caused blue eyes to deepen to caverns, "If of course, the idea suits you my Lady?" He offers as way of extending his manners, there were indeed ways to silence people and food was often the easiest of all. Since it was dinner time it was the perfect time chance to still at least some of the rumours.

While ultimately he cared nothing of if the family thought he was cheap it was Amano's desire to see his family proven wrong about him in every sense of the word. While making him marry was not an option there was still this. He would show these stupid little mortals the skills he contained until the boys at the very least conceded he indeed had a superior servant. The one who commented about Amano's chances of laying a man 'that' good would also be receiving a visit from him in the night, comments such as that usually pointed to one reason, the brother liked men. He'd trick and trap the boy and make it look as if it were the brother tricking and trapping him, he wondered if the shame of being denied by a man 'like that' would sober and silence the bully. "I am of course at your families service for whatever you might need while we stay here." Such said with a slight bow to the entire room half acknowledging the brothers presence for the first time.

By Amano's leave he would make the journey to the kitchen as if he'd already stepped the halls for many years, the cook already grumbling about another mouth to feed and the worry Amano caused. With a smile and a touch to her shoulder Illiendi laughed lightly and asked forgiveness before stating he would make supper for his master himself to save the cook the extra worry. Sliding off his jacket and rolling up his shirt sleeves until they were folded neatly at his elbows he set to work with the ingredients he found within to make the young Lords dinner. No less than five courses was going to be permitted for his master, a true show of his 'worth'. The first course was simple enough, he cubed and lightly oiled and salted potatoes before throwing them into the oven, while they cooked he bought chicken stock to the boil with a little water and caramelised some red and white onions. The former cut into long thin strips and the latter diced quite small. When cooked they were thrown into the chicken stock, juices and all and mixed thoroughly ash e added pepper and salt to taste.

The cook had a hard time complaining for if it appeared Illendi would be in the way the man simply pirouetted out of the way. The washing was placed in a bucket ready to scrub and he kept the surfaces clean. Moving as a man that had been married to the kitchen for more than twice his apparent age. When the potatoes were ready he carefully ladled a little of the soup into a clean, polished china bowl a top a small saucer and sprinkled some of the potatoes on top of the soup, garnishing with a little rosemary sprig, complete with the delicate white flower. This was transported to a silver tray where not a drop touched the rim of the bowl or the plate it was upon and Amano set about making his master a drink to accompany the food. Wine was the usual preference of a lord however something less harsh to start the day. Grinding lemon juice into water, adding the juice of a lime and two, large, fresh mint leaves he garnished with the curled zest of both fruits and placed it upon the tray, cup and saucer. Checking the silverware he polished the soup spoon until it gleamed and selected the cleanest napkin, folding it into the shape of a swan which rested behind the food and beverage.

With the first course ready he bowed his head to the cook and whisked away with the tray balanced on the tops of his fingers where it did not so much as wobble and the contents did not so much as stir from their place. Once back in the room -and assuming Amano now seated- he strolled easily to his master where he took the swan and with a flick of his wrist tucked the napkin across his masters lap. "Your first course is a light Caramelised Onion soup with roast potato croutons." Such announced as it was placed carefully and effortlessly to the table, not a drop out of place. "After the long day you have had I forgo the usual wine and made a refreshing, palette cleansing lemon drink. I hope you do not mind." With the drink placed with similar grace to the table top he lowered the tray under one arm and offered that faint but devilishly charming smile of his. "I hope everything is to your liking master? Would you care to hear the other four courses I will have prepared for you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

'Wow. He's smooth. I do believe mother wishes to drag him off right now. . .' Amano keeps his expression in check as Illiendi shows his respect for the lady of the house. However, something about the demon seems different when he's addressing his mother. 'It's that same thing that I saw when he spoke to the captain. Well, I suppose it is to be expected. He's here to serve me, and since I am his master, it is only natural he treats me differently. . .I wonder if anyone else notices. . . He internally rolls his eyes at the thought. Of course they would see it. Illiendi isn't exactly secretive when it comes to treating Amano as his master, as opposed to how he treats everyone not.

For a moment he considers what is would be like to have that odd charm turned on him, or if even perhaps it has been already and he not noticed, however as once more those intense blue eyes meet his own all of his focus returns to the present. He is ready to reply right away, but something about the taller male's stance makes him pause, waiting for him to finish speaking. He can see his mother, looking once more a little dazed, smile and nod at Illiendi's question directed at her. 'Wow. . . I wonder if I look like that once in a while. I know I am not that way all of the time. I have to have my wits about me when speaking with Illiendi, least the flee my mind entirely. Mother seems quite distant at the present. I suppose when Illiendi is being charming, that I too have been so taken by him. However, I feel that perhaps he does not try so hard to win my favor. Even as his master, I do not suppose such interest would lay that way with me'

His thoughts, while ones that would normally embarrass the young man, cause no outward reaction in the young lord's visage. When at last it seems that the demon is finished speaking he nods his head slightly, careful to stay as he's been schooled as far as posture is concerned. “You have leave to make use of the kitchen Illiendi.” It still doesn't quite feel right just giving the man orders like that, but he knows it is what is expected of him, master to servant. When Illiendi is out of sight Amano steps forward and takes his mother's arm gently. She still seems quite happy, but as he helps her into her seat she comes once more to her senses. The look on hie face tells him that she is not quite finished speaking with him in the matter of his plans to leave the estate. For once however Amano is glad when his brothers set into him fist. As he takes his seat at his mother's right hand Tawney eyes him critically.

“So, twit, where'd you find a pet like that? He seems really full of himself.” His tone is highly corrosive, however with a discrete brush of his hand over his brand Amano keeps his cool.

“I sent word to Marth some time ago for them to send me a manservant that would suit my needs.” A fierce sense of satisfaction races through him as they both look a little stunned. Marth has a reputation. There are many scholars and halls of education there, and many of kings of the surrounding countries have their servants trained there. 'I suppose that Illiendi knew that when he told me. I guess the world was not too different last he was here to know of the reputation Marth has' Some of his satisfaction must have shown on his face for moments later he draws his leg back, biting his lip from the pain of having his shin kicked under the table. He knew better than to complain aloud. His mother would punish Burtis without question, however in the long run, it would not be worth it.

'I have the distinct impression that if Illiendi caught Burtis getting his payback for my tattling, Burtis's head would end up on a pike somewhere, and while I don't much care for my brother, he is family. . . .' His lets out a slow breath and his mother looks at him curiously. He gives her a soft smile, the kind of smile she's always said makes him 'look so hansom', and she smiles in return with a fond look in her eyes. This earns him some silent teasing from his brothers about being a mama's boy, but he ignores it. His gaze wanders over to the kitchen door and the young noble tilts his head curiously. 'I wonder what he'll cook. I mean, he's a demon, but if he went in there with such confidence, does that mean he's good at cooking human food?'

As he muses his mother asks Tawney and Burtis about their day and their plans for the evening. At least eighty percent of what they say is bull, but Amano isn't about to call them on it. Instead he begins working over he and Illiendi's plans, trying to figure out how to outline his activities the next day. He can only get so far on his own, knowing there are thing Illiendi will think of that he doesn't, and still have other things he will prefer doing alone. Amano's smile widens when Illiendi reappears before the topic of discussion has a chance to turn back to him. It is far easier to steer or avoid conversation when there is food involved. He sits back as the demon approaches, fixing the slight slouch in his back. He chides himself at slipping up, but as Illiendi reaches across his lap with the napkin all he can do is wonder once more at that fantastic smell coming off the demon.

He does not have long to wonder as Illiendi announces his first course, placing each piece down with such smooth grace that even his brothers still to watch him in action. He can see the beginning sparks of jealousy behind their gazes, but after a quick glance he turns his attention to Illiendi and a light smile plays across his lips. 'His movements are perfect, his tone, beyond reproach, and his manner, well above astounding. He is everything one could ask for I a servant. He's. . .almost too perfect to pass as human. . .I wonder if that has ever been a problem for him' He tilts his head slightly, his smile still soft and light as he replies to the demon's questions.

“It sounds quite delectable Illiendi, and the smell is beyond words, thank you.” He tempers his tone, making sure not to sound as delighted as he really feels. He knows his normal tone would sound quite childish with how he is feeling right now. Back by the kitchen doors he can see the servants filling out slowly to serve everyone else. “I would love to hear what else you have planned for this evening's meal. Proceed.” Picking up his cup he takes a polite sip as he listens to what Illiendi has to say. 'This stuff is nice. I am so glad he did not go with wine. While I can drink it, I have never developed the taste for it the rest of my family has' He wonders briefly if somehow Illiendi knows this about him, however he brushes the thought away, focusing on the demon's words.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi gave a light nod of his head and briefly glanced to the servants carrying the rest of the families meal, "After this the fish course of gently smoked salmon fillets with a butter and herb dressing on a bed of lightly steamed rice, accompanied with a subtly sweet berry drink which I am assured will bring out the true flavour of the fish as you eat. This will be followed by a starter of goats cheese tartlets, flavoured with fresh grown herbs from the garden, accompanied by the fragrant honey milk tea. Your main tonight will be honey roast pheasant breast with twice roasted potatoes and delicately steamed vegetables with a light red win jus. This will be accompanied by a small glass of chateau de'neurff red wine, too much would ruin sirs tastebuds for the dessert. A light, airy lemon mousse with a white chocolate base, drizzled with a summer berry coulis, to which my master may have whatever he desires to accompany." When he was done reciting the meal he gave another light bow of his head to signify he was done, a glance to the brothers beneath those dark locks of his was enough to see the beginnings of that easy sin people oft fell into.

He rose only after Amano would tell him it was satisfactory and offer a glance to the Lady of the mansion, "If it would please you my lady I shall make two desserts so you might try some and offer me any criticism's necessary to improve my worth to this household. I am afraid my training had me in the court of a Maarth Prince and my peoples tastebuds differ greatly from those here. Far gentler, unlike a rose but like an orchid, rare and precious indeed." A brief smile was offered before his gaze turned to the two brothers, oh had he but an inkling of how they treated him as soon as he was gone...well he would do nothing, the demon had plans and one thing he had plenty of is time to act them out. So it was easy to offer them that same disarming and devilishly charming smile as he addressed the table in full, "If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to call, I would be honoured to be of service."

With another neat bow he excused himself back to the kitchen where he got started on the meals he had spoken of, while the cook took a break he effortlessly set to the preparation of the courses he had described, starting with the meats followed by the vegetables and rice before finally -the trickiest part- the dessert. His movement's were quick but never hurried and despite how much hard work he seemed to be putting in the demon did not break a sweat. There was a lot, no doubt, that would garner questions and curiosities but it was not unusual. Most humans, even when demon summoning was prolific, did not want to believe in demons or magic, it made things a little too real and made people uncomfortable. It was therefore child's play to simply shrug off any disbelief at his skills or abilities as nothing more than good service and people were happy to lap up the idea.

It took no more than fifteen minutes for everything to be cooking and on schedule as he wished and with the courses cooking -or setting in the desserts case- he swept from the kitchen like a shadow in the presence of light, unhurried but without pause. Back to the dining room he returned and circled the table to his masters side once again, standing behind the young lord and awaiting the confirmation that he was either done, still eating, or required a refill on his drink.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Amano listens politely to all the courses Illiendi has planned and a part of him hums happily at the idea of such good food, while another part hopes he'll be able to eat it all. 'Good, only a little wine. Perhaps I should bring it up later. . .' He cocks his head slightly to the side, wondering what drink he'd want with such a rich sounding dessert. As he thinks he spots Illiendi glancing at his brothers and fights to keep from chuckling at the looks on their faces. Finally with a faint nod he makes his decision. “With my dessert I would like some hot amowa tea with a teaspoon on honey. Thank you Illiendi.” He suppresses a shiver at the feeling of his mother practically melting at his side, the glares from his brothers poorly hidden behind their wine glasses.

“That would be delightful.” his mother murmurs softly as the new servant's gaze turns to the young men on the other side of the table. Amano focuses on the meal before him, taking in the smell with a long inhale, his smile shifting slightly as he realizes how hungry he is. 'I have not really eaten today, so this will be a real treat' He doesn't even look to his brothers as the demon leaves, instead focuses on the dish in front of him. He keeps his pose as he begins eating slowly, savoring each bite. He lets the flavors dance around him mouth, his smile remaining small and polite as he munches on that delicious meal before him. After a few bites of her own meal however, his mother's attention once more turns to Amano.

“So,” she begins, “even if you are hoping to discuss this later with you father, perhaps you could tell you poor mother about these sudden plans to leave you family?” Though posed as a question, it is clear that she expects and answer and will not let him rest until she gets one.

Taking his time finishing off the mouthful he has, Amano begins putting together what will hopefully be a good enough answer to get his mother off his back, but also keep from turning his shins black and blue by the end of the meal. 'I have to tell her just enough to have her curious to hear it all from father, without telling her so much that she will demand to hear the rest from me right here. And I know Tawney and Burtis are just waiting for something that they can laugh at and tell me I'm going to fail. I have to get them to laugh, or I'm not walking very strait away from this table' Swallowing, he wipes his mouth off and sets his fork down. He can feel a little tingle as Illiendi exits the kitchen, however he does not pay him any mind, his focus instead on getting his story strait.

“Mother, this is not as sudden as it seems. I have known for quite some time that I will never be able to make a name for myself in this family, not with my elder brothers to complete with. I have never had a head for the kind of work I could get in this town, and if I ever wish to do anything father can be proud of, I must find some place where my skills are worth something. I can only pray to find something worthy of my place in this household somewhere else.” He casts a sad gaze at his mother but inside he smiles wide. He brothers are already laughing at his rather pathetic tone, and his mother's eyes are beginning to tear slightly. Turning back to his meal he finishes the last few bites and downs the last of his drink. Despite his slight frame, Amano has always been able to eat quickly without looking hurried, the food seeming to vanish into one of his many metaphorical stomachs.

Sitting back to signal he is finished he waits for Illiendi to remove the empty dishes and fetch his second course. As the demon is walking away, both brothers watch him go before turning on Amano once more. “So, he's gonna to be your arm candy? Get you what you want by batting his eyes?” Burtis's voice is grating, however the youngest brother refuses to rise to it tonight. He's been hearing crap like this for years, he can hand it, or so he hopes. . . .

From the front hall there is a light jingle and all attention turns to the door. Only visitors and messengers use the bell. After several silent moments one of the butlers arrives carrying a small white envelope. “Madam Chesia.” He says with a bow, handing the letter to his mother. She takes it gently and opens it, reading the small note inside.

Letting out a long sigh she hands it back, signaling that he should throw it away. “You father shall not be back tonight. He and Erick have some business at one of the businesses at the edge of town and they will be staying the night there.” There is a note of sorrow in her voice and Amano's heart goes out to her. He knows what 'business' means as well as everyone else in the room, however his brothers look rather proud of the announcement, disregarding their mother's feeling openly. Amano shifts his attention back to the table as the butler walks out of the dinning hall, closing the door behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Amano leaned back he cleared the dishes, cutlery and 'soiled' napkin, his eyes firmly on his job and his master, once again utterly ignoring the brothers very existence and offering the mother a charming smile as their eyes meet before he leaves the hall. The tension in the air could be felt, though for a demon it was no mean feat to do so, the brothers were envious like all older brothers got when their youngest, weakest sibling had something new and special. It was such a base jealousy he doubt even the boys realised that their dislike for their brother wasn't out of simple hate but out of a sheer jealousy. Amano was free to do as he wished, if he was cut from the family he'd lose nothing in the long run and there were no real expectations of him where as the older ones had to be groomed for business. No doubt they were jealous of Amano's bond with their mother as well, though it was unlikely they'd admit such unless under torture, which was a briefly pleasing notion. The mother's tension was a whole different thing, it was from the kind of maternal instinct he'd never truly understand, it made him somewhat nauseous and so he was glad to be back in the now stifling kitchen.

The cook was grumbling, muttering something about this 'new guy' but abruptly stopped when he entered, with all the charm of a snake he purred an offer to teach her some of the meals he was preparing so that she too could make them. Dismissed with a grunt and shrug he simply returned to his food, sleeves up once more and to work. The fish course was almost ready, it was so simple to prepare after all. While the herb butter melted atop the bright pink salmon fillet he added crushed peppercorn and diced sweet red peppers to the rice before neatly arranging in the bowl in an oval shape. There upon the fish was laid atop and placed upon the silver tray, the berry drink was simple enough. A handful of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and black currents were crushed through a sieve, their juice added to a third a glass of water and stirred until one colour. When satisfied there was no seeds or leaves in the drink that too went upon the tray with a fresh napkin which was expertly folded into the shape of a butterfly, plucking a rose from the flower arrangements that were being changed, plucking each thorn from its stem he then hid it within a sleeve, which of course were pulled back down when serving.

With tray balanced on one hand he once more made his way through the halls to the dining area, he could hear voices once more and the tone of the mother seemed decidedly disappointed. How very fortunate for him, it would make his gesture a little less bold and a little more charming no doubt. Not a hair was out of place, not a splash of food or stain of grease upon his shirt as he made his way back around to Amano. How many years had this taken to learn? It would perhaps surprise Amano to know that there was a time he couldn't tell cod from salmon or a carrot from a banana. Though nothing of that showed upon his features, a rather stoic look upon his visage as most butlers were oft to wear and then once again he carefully set the table with fresh cutlery first, then the berry drink and finally the fish dish. With the silver tray beneath one arm and the butterfly Napkin in hand he gave it a shame until it unfurled and placed it in Amano's lap as before. However as he did so he flicked his wrist just so, the rose slipping from the cuff of his sleeve and with stem in hand he placed it almost 'accidentally' in the mothers lap. "Your meal Master."

If everything was to Amano's liking he turned to leave to continue with the other courses. The starter was practically ready, it just needed heating but the main needed his attention to make certain it was right and ready in time for the rest of the meal. He knew the air was thick with mixed feelings, Amano's father the cause of most of these and he had to fight back a smile as he made his way to the hallway. The boys who thought their father was amazing, who no doubt wanted to emulate him, the mother who was deep in sorrow and loneliness every time he stayed away. It was a wonderful stretch of luck that such things were happening, it would make the night so much easier for him. When the dunce brothers were out and Amano in bed he would 'hunt' the mother, she wouldn't be too hard to seduce and he could make it seem the other way around without much effort on his part. The brothers no doubt would return home separately making them easier targets for his hunting, one to be seduced and rebuffed, one to simply have a 'nightmare' visit.

Once back in the kitchen the staff were already clearing up and preparing for the next course which meant Illiendi had more room to work, the tray was wiped, not that a drop had spilled or a piece had fallen from place and the next course readied. The only reason he knew Marth was a previous master and while things had changed considerably the cuisine and standards of such a country rarely did. Where once the servants were slaves; in the days he was there, they were still held to a very high standard. Cup and saucer were placed upon the tray as he prepared the milk tea with honey for the starter. Again he busied himself until the food was all but ready, giving Amano fifteen minutes or there about to finish his fish course before once again, with silver tray in hand, slipping towards the dining area to, if the young noble was ready, start clearing away the dishes, napkin and cutlery.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

His brothers are whispering to one another as Illiendi comes back into the hall, once more making Amano smile gently and praise him in his mind. 'Keep this up, and I do believe my brothers will be truly green with envy even before the meal is finished' He remains sitting back against the back of his chair as Illiendi places the napkin however this time he has to try very hard not to gawk openly as to what else passes beyond the sight of his brothers. The flash of red makes him glance down briefly, however at the sound of the demon's voice he calls his attention to the meal before him and nods gently. “Thank you.” His tone is only slightly subdued, however it would be rather clear if one is paying attention.

With a little nod to signal everything is alright he turns his attention on to the actual contents of his meal. 'Peppers. . .I don't like peppers. They make me sneeze' Out of the corner of his eye he watches his mothers fingers close gently over the head of the rose. He spares he a glance to see how she is reacting to the demon's actions and he's not at all surprised that she no longer looks sad, and perhaps now, a little shy. 'I wonder what he's up to. Is he trying to further win her favor? I do not think he has to try so hard, something about him already has her well within his grasp should he choose to get to know her that way. . .' He does his best to not imagine his mother in such a situation, however having walked in on his parents before, it is no easy feat.

He eats at his steady pace, the food vanishing quicker from his plate than from his brothers' and mother's without Amano himself looking as if he's hurrying. At his side his mother begins speaking of her day, a new note in her voice that he tries to ignore. 'I am happy that she's no longer so sad as she was bare minutes ago, however I'd rather not think of mother being that much like father that she would accept such things so quickly and without much thought. . . .Who am I kidding, she married my father without much thought, not that she was given much of a choice, however now that I think about it, they do have some glaring similarities' He is careful as he eats to place the peppers off to the side of his plate in a neat row, following the curve of the edge.

He is on his last couple bites by the time his new manservant enters, and without looking hurried he finishes off the dish before Illiendi comes to a stop at his side. Once more the heated gaze of his brothers follow the demon, and his mother has a lighter look in her eyes now as she look upon him. Amano ignores this and sits back, watching Illiendi clear his dishes once more and offering him a soft smile and a nod.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Once again he clears the plate making a keen note on the left over peppers, they had been a gamble but the new knowledge of his masters dislikes was filed away as he began to clear the cutlery. Once again the boys were spared no glance and the other was given that charming smile. Once the tray was filled with the dirty dishes he returned to the kitchen and plated up the now hot starter. In the middle of the plate the goats cheese tartlet sat, no bigger than the palm of a hand and only three fingers deep. The pastry was soft and flaky and smelled of warm butter and a hint of nutmeg while the contents were a rich creamy scent with dotted herbs to take away from the dull colouration. Neatly around this he arranged slices of lightly steamed carrot and then set to making the tea. He added the honey to the milk tea and placed a small sugar dish with two spoons of sugar and a clean teaspoon inside. It ought not to need it with the honey but some people liked unbearably sweet food. With it all plated up and a fresh set of napkins and cutlery -this time the napkin folded like a flower- he made his way back to the dining room.

Once more he laid the cutlery, beverage and food with ease and took the little rose napkin, with a flick of his wrist it unfurled and was laid upon Amano's lap. "The starter is served master, I hope it is to your liking. After your meal master I shall away to run your bath and ready your room for tonight if such pleases you." Humans rarely liked having dried blood, possibly not their own, on their skin and thus bathing became quite important to the human. Of course, it also fit with their cover story of him being out all night to pick him up from the ship yards. People often over complicated lies, making them too big and grandiose, too detailed and then forgetting such details and being caught out. A good lie, like this one, was simple and with details that could be fleshed out if really needed or left simple and was just as believable. "The tea is already sweetened with honey though if master desires sweeter I have prvoided sugar." Glancing to the lady of the household he smiled. "Would the lady care for a drop of tea?"

After the yay or nay to the bath idea and the offer of tea. Illiendi saw himself out with another gracious half bow and back to the kitchens where the finishing touches to the meal awaited him. His first job was to open the wine though and then he left it to breathe. The meal was then put together with the meat being given a final swirl of honey, had the lady expressed interest in trying some, he would then pour a cup of tea for her and take it out to her with a small sugar bowl for if she took it sweeter. Then with a bow back to the kitchen to finish the main. The pheasant was allowed to rest on the plate as he swept in to clear the dishes and then back out again. The rest of the meal was then plated up, roast potatoes and the other veg arranged as neatly as the breast of meat itself was, the jus was created and drizzled atop in a flourish and with four clean and polished wine glasses he made his way with the wine, glasses and dinner in hand to the table where his master sat with the family he called his.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

His mother continues telling the boys about her day, sparing Illiendi a smile as he passes, but otherwise shows no sign of stopping any time soon. The youngest son only half listens, his mind drifting elsewhere as he waits for the demon to return. 'I am sure there are many more things that need to get done before we go. Perhaps I will have him give me a list or something that I can refer to. I know it sounds childish, but checklists have always been useful for me. I am a bit of a scatterbrain at times' He watches Illiendi sweep back into the room, smiling at the smell coming from his next dish. Behind him a few other servants come out with the next course for the family, their entree, and Amano has to fight to not grin at his brothers, gloating about his divine meal.

He doesn't have to fight too hard, really wanting to keep his shins intact, and as he watches as once more Illiendi sets down his food and unfurls his napkin, the youngest son keeps his smile in check. 'Those designs he has been bringing them out in, I must ask him about that. I did not know one could fold a napkin like that. . .' When Illiendi offer to run him his bath Amano smiles warmly. “A bath sounds very nice Illiendi, thank you.” He looks to the sugar beside his tea and smiles. “The honey is enough, thank you for the thought anyways though.”

He watches carefully as Illiendi offers to bring his mother some tea, his eyes narrowing a bit as one of the servers seemed to take offense to the offer as the laid his mother's wine glass on the table next to her meal. His mother however ignores the servant in favor of nodding her head gently towards the demon's offer. “That would be divine, thank you.” Her voice is so sweet that Amano almost doesn't recognize it, and he sets into his meal, attempting once more it ignore what's going on between his mother and his manservant.

With little success. 'He must be doing it for a reason, but what said reason is is beyond me. Then again, despite being born into it, I have little understanding of the politics of high society. He could be working one of those angles father is always talking about. I guess I can ask him about it later' Amano eats his meal with relish, while keeping himself from moaning at the delectable flavors now dancing across his taste buds. He spares Illiendi a glance as he pops back in to drop off his mother's tea, but turns back to his half finished meal with a delighted smile. 'He really know how to cook. . .' He hums softly, downing the meal quicker than the others before sipping at his tea slowly. The warm sweetness with the bitter undertone feels good on his tongue as he washes down the tartlet.

He sits back happily as once more the dishes are cleared and the conversation once more turns to Amano himself. “So, dear, how are your lessons going? I have heard good things from your fencing instructor.”

He smiles, turning to look at his mother and away from his bothers' rolling eyes. “Yes, the instructor has told me that I have advanced far quicker than he would have expected, however it seems that I have a knack for the blade.”

“Yeah, right. He's just feeding your ego bro. I bet you couldn't defend yourself from a four year old with a wooden sword.” Burtis chuckles loudly, however his mother ignores the comment, instead smiling wider at her little boy. She has always taken for granted that older brothers will always tease the younger so such comments seem to never really have an affect on her.

Amano too ignores the foolish comment, knowing that none of his brothers have any idea just how skilled he's become, having never bothered to even watch a single practice. The eldest brother has some skill with the blade, however the younger two have always seen it as a waste of time, much preferring using their fists to do combat. Illiendi comes back in once more with the main course this time and he turns his attention on to that. The smell of the meat is tantalizing, however he can not help but spare a glance at the many wine glasses present. 'Is he serving it to everyone? I suppose, there are four glasses. . .' His sits up properly, and waits to see what happens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illidnei set down the man's cutlery, the napkin this time folded into an elegant winged bird shape, though next the glasses went down, one by one, first Amano's, then one to his mother's side, and the last two closer to the brother's side of the table. "Do forgive me if I have been a little presumptuous but it would be such a waste not to enjoy such a good quality wine with ones family." Illiendi keeping up the air of utter ignorance to those spiteful little beasts and the mothers delicate and gentle nature. Illiendi set to pouring Amano's wine, half a glass, no a drop splashing or spilling on the rim of the glass, as one could only hope from such a 'skilled' butler of course. "This wine has a decidedly delicate flavour with an after taste of wild berries an black cherries. It'll compliment your meal wonderfully master." He purred to Amano, setting the meal down before him and once more tucking the tray under his arm. The napkin was then unfurled with that singular grace and smoothed into Amano's lap before the demon leaned away and allowed his master to digest the visual aesthetic's of the meal.

Should the other three table occupants decide upon the wine he quietly and just as skillfully poured their classes to the same level before placing the remainder of the bottle in the middle of the table and once again excusing himself. The desserts were already chilling so there was nothing to prepare there which meant he had time to slip to the kitchen and deposit the tray and then leave via the servants exit to explore the household and memorize the lay out as best one could. The demon strode with an air of confidence and while he had no clue where he was headed at first the layout became rather obvious and logical the more he explored, the master bedroom was easily enough found and Amano's room, the smallest and furthest away from the others was obvious even before he'd turned the handle. His main desire though was to find the bathing room and locate the tub to ascertain how easily run the bath would be, a porcelain bath was installed however there were no taps or obvious ways one might fill the bath. Although there was a stopper in it's base which meant time had progressed at least some ways passed the old tin bath.

The main meal would take approximately half an hour, or there about he had assumed and with the distance between any water source and the room it would take quite a while to run a hot bath. Unless. The demon absconded the bathing room and slipped to where the buckets were stored, two were taken and filled with cold water and carried up to the bathing suite where they were emptied into the bath. The plug held which was good and the water swirled at the bottom of the tub until the porcelain bottom was hidden. At this point with sleeves again rolled up Illiendi swirled in oils of lavender and chamomile, then back down the stairs with buckets in tow and such was repeated until the bath was three quarters fall with fresh cold water. It had taken perhaps twenty minutes for the baths drawing thus far and with a final run for yet more water he assumed the bath full enough. With the door closed Illiendi glanced to the porcelain and gauged its integrity before inhaling quietly, a spark of energy forming like golden firelight at the small gap between his lips and when he blew out a jet of heated air -though far from the fire breath one would assume of a demon- barraged the water and as he continued to exhale the water began to heat and finally steam began to rise from it. It would be a little hot for another fifteen minutes but there was at least that much time between the main and the dessert. Decorating the baths waters with Lavender blossoms and piling fresh, soft towels onto one stool, an array of oils and lotions to bathe his skin in upon a small tray which balanced neatly over the baths edges and a fresh silken robe hung at the doors back.

Satisfied that the room was readied to his standards he slipped out again, shutting the door behind him and slipping back through the halls like a ghost until he was once more in the kitchens, not pausing in step as he grabbed the tray and made his way to the dining room where his master, had he timed the meal just right f course -it was never an exact science- was just finishing his main. Taking his typical place at his masters side he waited for the clear sign that the young lord was done and cleared the things. "I have run your bath master, it should be at the correct temperature after you have finished your dessert. Will you require my assistance with your bathing needs?" Straightening once cutlery and napkin cleared he glanced to the others at the table to see if they required anything of him and then off Illiendi went to retrieve the desserts.

Two had been made, a beautiful crystal brandy glass was a third filled with a delicate light white chocolate mousse base, the air bubbles in such small and delicate looking. Atop this a light yellow lemon mousse filled another third of the glass, finely crumbled honeycomb was sparingly scattered atop and the berry coulis drizzled over the top in an intricate fleur de lis symbol.Each glass was placed upon the silver tray and accompanied with the most elaborate -and time consuming- of his napkin sculptures, a peacock with its tail fanned and both these napkins were a wonderful deep shade of red. Amano's tea was then made with the one teaspoon of honey as he had asked for and placed upon the tray along with the desserts. The tray was then lifted and with the same accomplished ease he head for the dining area, avoiding the feeble attempt at tripping him from the slightly disgruntled looking servant.

Illiendi's mind was working several hours ahead of the now, though he was no less aware of the present. If Amano required his assistance in bathing then he would of course comply, which would put his duties to cleaning up his own mess behind by a time and make it harder to slip away to see the mother. However there was a chance, due to his brothers being present, that Amano would not ask for Illiendi's assistance which meant he would return to the kitchen to clean up the dirty plates. This gave the lady a chance to 'happen' upon him should she desire or him the excuse to happen upon her. It was a dirty game from human perspective but Amano had not asked for a good clean fight, he'd asked to become successful. The mother was proving to be an obstacle and he highly doubted Amano would allow him to kill her, the next best thing was to seduce her and win her round after. The brothers opinion mattered little, unless of course the father listened to them but even the fathers opinion ultimately meant nothing from what Illiendi had discerned from his little master. It was the mothers opinion thus far that seemed to concern Amano the most.

Once more into the dining room and once more he sweeps across the room with all the grace of a deer in the woods, presenting first the spoons to the master and then his Mother before carefully placing the brandy glasses down before each of them. "I do hope this is to your liking." He uttered, allowing the peacocks to be admired a moment before a flick of the wrist had one sprawl out across Amano's lap, turning thereafter to repeat the motion for the mother and lightly brush out the creases -as he had with Amano's- as they landed. "I do hope my lady enjoys it as well." Then, awaiting orders from the two brutes, or indeed from his master or the mother he took a step back to Amano's side and awaited silently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Amano watches with a keen interest as Illiendi sets out the food and wine, his curiosity piqued. However he keep his question to himself even as more and more string to his mind as the moments go on, trusting the demon to tell him what he needs to know for now. As he pours the wine the lack of that harsh bitter smell he is use to makes him smile and give Illiendi a grateful nod. He lets out a faint hum, looking over everything when the demon steps back. Ignoring a few rude mumblings from his brothers and the subsequent hushing from his mother Amano gives an approving nod and faint thanks for the meal before his mother speaks up as to her wish to try the wine.

As Illiendi caters to the rest of his present family the youngest takes in every aspect of the main course before leaning in to begin consuming it. The flavor pulls a very soft noise from him, and once again his brothers make rather uncouth jokes about it. He ignores them completely without trying, his complete focus on the meal. His mother does not even try to engage him in conversation, it being obvious to her eyes how much his focus is on the well prepared dish. Soon after Illiendi leaves the servants come in with the rest of the family's desserts. Amano's mother looks to the servant coming around the table and waves them off. “Illiendi is preparing me a dessert. Feel free to share mine amongst the staff.” The servant looks first to the chocolate pudding cake, topped with a flower made of a sliced strawberry, then to his mistress, then with a small bow returns to the kitchen with the small cake.

No one speaks for a while as the children enjoy the food before them, and the mother pours herself another glass of wine. Scooping up the last few bites Amano sits back with a content smile. His mother looks to him with an eyebrow raised in curiosity. “How was your meal dear?” He can tell from her slightly flighty tone that the glasses of wine she's had with the meal were not the first glasses she's had that day.

With a faint chuckle he nods to the now empty plate. “As with all of his dishes, it was exquisite mother. Perhaps you could have him make you a few one of these nights.” She titters softly, her gaze going to the kitchen door as it once more opens and Illiendi enters with the same grace and efficiency he seems to come by naturally as most do breathing. Cocking his head slightly at the question Amano glances to his brothers before murmuring softly, “I will manage on my own, thank you.” He knows he is thanking 'the help' far more often than is warranted, and in many cases, than is expected, however he can not help his polite nature, feeling that everyone deserves the same level of gratitude for their actions no matter their station.

When Illiendi re-appears Amano can not repress a light 'Ahhh' at the sight of the red peacocks. As Illiendi serves first him then his mother the young noble smiles wide, admiring the sight right up until it becomes nothing more than a regular napkin once more. He almost feels a little put out by the unfurling of such a fantastic creation, however his attention then turns to his dessert and his curiosity about the dish dispels his disappointment. He leans in, inhaling the smell of it deeply before taking up his spoon. As Illiendi falls back to his place back and tot he side of his chair Amano's older brothers grow tired of watching the display and excuse themselves from the table. As their mother waves them off they offer brief bows to her, out of habit, before heading off to their rooms to quickly freshen up before heading out.

A couple of the staff exit the kitchen, clearing away the boys' messes. They are not as graceful or well organized as Illiendi, however it is clear that they are at least competent at their jobs. Amano does not see the occasional less than polite look they give to Illiendi, only growing more frequent as his mother proclaims passionately how much she adores the dessert. Never the most delicate of an eater it takes Amano only a handful of bites to down the delightful dish, and as he sits back with a sigh he once more thanks Illendi for the meal and offers him a smile. Looking to Chesia he offers his mother a little bow an excuses himself.

Quite sure at this point that Illiendi has his own plans for the evening Amano looks him in the eyes for a few seconds before giving him a slight nod and walking out of the hall. Once out of sight, or more precisely, out of Illiendi's sight, Amano lets out a long sigh and all but races up to the bathroom. From the moment he mentioned the bath Amano has been itching to get in and scrub the grime of the prior evening's events off of his body. He slips inside the bathroom just before Burtus comes out of his room and as a precaution Amano locks to door. 'Do not need one of them slipping in for a little “fun” before they head out to go wenching' Sticking his tongue out is distaste Amano makes his way towards the delightful smell coming off of the bath water.

At the sight that greets his eyes as he approaches the tub he lets out a faint groan and his entire body slouches. “I really need this. . .” he murmurs softly before making his way over to the clothes hamper. Quickly stripping down, flinching slightly when his clothing scrapes over the still rather sensitive brand, the young man dumps his clothing unceremoniously into the wicker basket before tottering over to the bath. He tries not to look down at the filth currently littering his body as he tests the water with a hand. 'Hot, but not scalding. He really is a perfect manservant' Another groan leaves his body as he slowly climbs in, settling his body down into the scented water. He has to bite his lip against crying out as the hot water strikes his brand, however he bares through the pain and eventually is able to relax into the soothing water completely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The room gradually empties, the two elder brothers off first followed by Amano and even the servants who had been standing by all this time began cleaning the table and filing out leaving just him and the mother who seemed a slight bit tipsy already. Whether or not that made things any easier for him he wasn't sure, he laid the tray upon the table and began collecting the wine glasses, brandy glasses and the cup and saucer Amano had used onto the tray. When suitably alone Illiendi's voice came warm and flowing through the small space between them. "I hope my lady did not mind my forwardness earlier, you just seemed so lonely, such a beautiful woman such as yourself should not know the meaning of lonely." He finished gathering the items upon the table and when a servant came out to check that the table was suitably cleared they were signaled to take it and grudgingly did so.

Illiendi then set to pinching out the candles and was interrupted by a small voice, "I was not offended." Said the woman still seated at the table, still gently cupping the roses bloom in her fair fingers. Illiendi offered her a gentle smile and it seemed that was all it took for the woman to speak a little louder. "In fact, it is appreciated. I spend too many nights here alone, feeling like part of the furniture." She gave a slight sigh to which Illiendi offered a faint frown, "You? Part of the furniture, you are the most radiant jewel in this household, begging your pardon if such is too forward of someone of my station but any man should feel blessed to have such a woman at his side and treat her like the rare and precious thing she is." She blushed, it spread across her cheeks like a burn and she briefly lowered her head, so that was where Amano got that habit from? "Thank you." She uttered in that same quiet tone that reminded him so strongly of Amano's own shyness.

The lady could not, despite her desire, sit in that room much longer and keep an air of dignity to her and so she began to move, the new servant slipping behind her chair and helping to ease it out. When had she become so easy to woo? When her husband had stopped trying and spent more time with his 'business' than with her she didn't doubt. Still, she had taken oaths and promises when she had wed him and while he may not keep them she was going to keep hers. As she rose from the chair however she staggered, suddenly light headed and fearing a faint, a pair of warm arms were immediately around her, steadying her and a warm, strong chest behind her head. "My Lady?" The voice called, exotic and warm like the tea he'd served earlier that night. "Are you well?" Every part of her new better than to enjoy the feel, of those strong hands that clasped her as gentle as a doves and that warm chest that offered comfort and support but she could not help but feel lost in the moment and savour the feeling perhaps a second longer than she ought to. "I am okay, just a little light headed from the wine." She assured, fingers clasping for the rose only to be mortified she'd dropped it.

Illiendi waited for Chesia to seem stable enough and then with one arm still holding her he bent and scooped up the rose, breaking the stem shorter so he could lightly tuck it behind her ear. "I think My Lady needs a bout of fresh air, the gardens perhaps? No doubt the sweet fragrance of the flowers will revive you as well as the cool night air." Chesia gave a nod and followed up with, "Do you mind helping me to the garden, I still feel a little faint." It was a partial lie, she felt a little weak but otherwise was fine, she hadn't even really comprehended what she had said until the words had left her mouth, now no longer able to take them back. A brief hint of embarrassment flooded through her and she was about to apologize and blame it on the wine when that warm voice said, "As you wish My Lady." A brief flood of excitement flooded her as if she were but a young girl once again but she ignored it as much as she could, it was highly inappropriate what she was doing but fainting on the dining room table was more so.

With one arm used to support the lady Chesia's own and the other lightly about her waist Illiendi escorted Amano's mother out into the gardens, the night had a beautiful part moon and was relatively cloudless, casting great shadows and playing with beautiful lonely light across the bushes and flowers in the grounds. He felt the woman breath a gentle sigh beside him, clearly the garden must be a favourite place of hers, as they descended from the walkway and onto the soft grass she leaned a little more against him, perhaps unknown even to her at the time. They took a slow walk around the rose bushes, no doubt of differing hues and well manicured by whichever gardener they had hired to keep their grounds looking good. A small stone seat, made for one, two if they were pressed close to one another, obscured from the house by the rows of rose bushes and it was here their slow meandering stopped. "I would like to sit for a while." Chesia uttered and llliendi released her long enough to remove his coat - to her confusion- and slip it across the stone seat. She smiled when she realised he was saving her from getting a chill and more so when he aided her to sit upon his jacket and the stone. "Thank you."

Illinedi lowered himself to one knee upon the grass beside her and watched her eyes dart with that mixture of lust, excitement, confusion and a smidgen of disappointment as she realised he was not going to sit beside her. "I am sorry to call you so far away from Amano..."
"Do not apologise My Lady he asked me to serve you all equally and will understand." He watched her shiver at the way he spoke her honorifics, the same way Amano did when he used the term on him. No wonder the two were so close, they were so very similar both in looks and mannerisms.
"I must confess." The Lady spoke and his musings over genetic's fell dormant so he could pay attention to the slight stammer in the Lady's voice. "I...I have enjoyed your company this evening. It has been a breath of fresh air to the house, Amano has never seemed so confident, I've always noticed how his brothers teasing upsets him, sometimes he'd go to his room and I'd hear him cry. Though, don't tell him that. Tonight, with you there, it was as if he were a different person, it's as if he feels safe around you." The wine had clearly loosened her tongue for normally Chesia would not speak so freely to the help, especially new help but he listened and it made her feel important.

His bright blue eyes gazed up at her with the reflection of the moon playing behind them causing them to dance with an almost silver light. His tanned skin looked so warm despite the milky pale light thrown down over him and his hair, that soft looking hair seemed to absorb the light rather than reflect it. "I am sorry... I am rambling...Though, I feel the same. Safe that is. I." The servant rose a hand and lightly pressed it to hers, lifting it with all the care he had the moment they met and dropping a kiss to the back of her knuckles again. It sent a jolt of excitement spreading from her hand through her heart and to her loins, the first stirrings of desire in what felt like years beginning to manifest themselves but ultimately she ached for more. Usually such actions would be contained and ignored, she'd chastise herself for feeling so foolish around a servant and send herself to bed. However the wine had loosened her hold on her composure and the servant was like no one she'd ever met before, she wanted to touch his hair, feel his skin against her own, feel his hands roaming her body and his lips against hers. She wanted to feel him inside her, to feel her and make her feel young and beautiful again while whispering her name in her ear. So she could not but help to turn the hand he held so softly and cup his cheek, running his thumb across his smooth skin which was as warm as hi hands, a blush crept into her cheeks but she did not dare stop and so her fingers slipped up into the servants hair which felt as soft as cat's fur, silken and free of tangles.

Illinedi leaned into the touch as she began to finally explore his skin and hair with her trembling fingers, "My Lady I a glad you feel that way about me, it makes me proud to know I am serving my master and his household well." Chesia looked at the butler and bit her lip lightly, a nervous expression written on her face. "I am sorry."
"You do not need to apologise." The servant replied.
"Kiss me." Chesia whispered, a desperation to her tone that hinted at a need for the affection rather than simple desire. Illiendi made sure to look confused by the order but internally he was grinning, taking her hand he gently kissed the back of it. "No." Chesia sighed, turning her hand over and exposing her wrist. "There." Illinedi hesitated, glanced to the woman and then leaned in to press his lips against the soft flesh of her wrist, his warm soft lips sending another jolt through her body which only made her need him more. "Higher." She uttered lifting the sleeve to reveal her lily white forearm.
"My Lady that is..."
"You said you would serve us, right Illiendi?"
"Yes My Lady."
"Then Higher." Illiendi held Chesia's wrist and pressed a kiss to the middle of her forearm, where upon Chesia emitted a delicate sound of pleasure. "My shoe lace is undone." She announced, watching as Illiendi released her wrist and dropped to her skirts. Never had Chesia acted so brashly, not since her youthful days and the first year of marriage but the wine was in her head now and the slow, creeping desire burning in her gave her a confidence she would not usually have. She lifted her skirt enough to flash her delicate ankles, lily white as with her arms and she whispered, half excited and half terrified. "Kiss me." Lifting her foot just slightly so he would have to take hold of it.

To her surprise he did and placed it upon his bent knee so he might lean in, hesitate and finally press a delicate kiss to her ankle, whereupon she lifted her skirt more, she didn't need to utter a command as Illiendi pressed a kiss to her calm muscle, her shin and finally her knee. It was there she stopped, her senses briefly returning and a flooding wave of guilt and shame coursing through her body, what was she doing? She was a married woman and certainly not like her husband. Tears threatened to sting her eyes and she was about to order Illiendi to stop when a gentle thumb brushed at her eyes and uttered a soft. "Hush now My Lady." His face mere inches from hers and those bright eyes once more upon her face, "I am sorry if I offended, I shall take my leave. I over stepped my boundaries." The idea of him leaving was more terrible than she could bare, she had a feeling of warmth in her loins she hadn't had in years and while she could always sort it out herself it was ultimately unsatisfying and left her feeling lonelier than before.

Chesia intended to ask him to stay, she intended to apologise for her behaviour and ask they never speak of this to anyone, she intended to gather her composure and hope her husband returned wanting in the morning so she could let him ride her like the pig he was. Instead of any of this she grabbed his shirt by the collar and pulled herself in to kiss him, he tasted divine, like honey and spices as exotic as his accent, his lips were so soft compared to her husbands. When she urged his lips to part they did so, though not to try and suffocate her with a sloppy ill placed kiss but to dance his tongue against hers letting her lead all the while. She broke the kiss only long enough to utter the most desperate, pathetic request she ever had as tears ran across her cheeks. "Illiendi make me feel pretty again. Please."
"If my lady wis--"
"Chesia, tonight call me Chesia. I wish it, I wish it." Whimpered the poor deprived woman and Illiendi wrapped an arm about her back, standing so he was stooped over her and pressed his lips back against hers as his other hand brushed away the tears on her cheek.

The garden was still and quiet save two bodies hidden by a maze of rose bushes that danced together in the moonlight for hours, until the night was fully arrived and the sky as dark as the hair on Illiendi's head. Chesia had never felt so alive and while shame lurked at the back of her mind she felt satisfied, fully and utterly, for the first time since before her sons were born. She felt sore and achy in a way she forgot she could and she felt beautiful. Illiendi kissed her breasts one more time before kissing her lips and whispering, "I must away, lest I am missed." Fixing his shirt, Chesia almost begged him to stay, to not break the illusion but she too knew better and fixed her own clothes and hair.
"T-thank you Illiendi."
"You are a beautiful woman Chesia, thank you."

With a final kiss Illiendi left Chesia in the garden to compose herself and head back to the house and Amano's room to await his master.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A low noise rolls at the back of Amano's throat as he simply lets the water work it's way into his body, soothing his muscles, warming his skin. Amano has a great love for nice hot baths, though he tries not to have them too often, not wanting the delight of them to wear off by taking them too close together. He has oft noticed in life that if one has too much of something they enjoy more often than is warranted then the wonder of such things is swiftly lost and one is left to try and find the next great thing. 'There are only so many things in this life that are a true delight to each individual, and should one get through all of them, one is left in a world where nothing holds any wonder for them any more. I can see my brothers heading swiftly down this path, taking night after night to further take themselves away from who they once were and into what our father is now. . .It is sad for me, though I bare no great liking for them, my love for my family makes such things feel quite tragic'

As his thought move on the sound in his throat grows from an odd low tone to a very distinct groan. 'Now is not the time to be thinking of such things. I have my bath, and I have not had one like this in over a week. Tonight I must get clean and off to bed for I suspect that tomorrow will be chocked full of things to do' His eyes refuse to open even as he wills them to. For a good long minute he is unable to move at all, the weight of not only everything that has happened, but everything that is about to, weighs him down like a great stifling pile of rocks that only grows collapses further upon him with each stone he manages to shift. A hint of panic enters his mind at the thought, memories of tales told him by several people in town how easy it is to fall asleep and drown in a bathtub.

'I must move, I can not let the heat take me, the warm blanket of water lull me to sleep so it may take me to the other world without a fight. Move your bones Amano, you aim to be far greater than any before you, how can you even think of accomplishing this if you can not even keep yourself from drowning in nothing more than three feet of water, hmm?' He feels silly giving himself a pep talk, however it does the trick and after a few seconds he manages to pull his eyes open, pushing with his feet until he's sitting up a little straighter than the slope of the back of the tub. His hands come up to play idly with the petals drifting lazily along the surface of the water. Unused to such things in his baths Amano amuses himself with them for a time, until at last the ache from his body seems almost a memory, and the water beneath the petals catches his attention.

Fighting back the urge to simply flee the already faintly filthy water the young noble reaches for a sponge hanging from a hook near the tub and begins scrubbing off what he can reach. 'Perhaps I should have had Illiendi aid me after all. I am sure my back is dirty, and while I can scrub back there with a relative amount of success, I can not be sure I got it all. . .' He stares at the sponge for a few seconds before deciding to just keep scrubbing until the sponge no longer appears filthy after a round of scrubbing. It takes some time, but eventually Amano is confident that he is as clean as he can be, and with a light huff he pulls himself to his feet. Glancing around he spots the pile of towels waiting to be used and smiles softly. 'I am beginning to wonder if there is any chance of him ever forgetting something or needed correction'

The young man does not count the earlier event of having to tell Illiendi that he will not take a wife just to have an angle for becoming what he longs to be. 'For he does not seem to understand love. One could not expect him to know my own views on the matter of something he himself does not comprehend' Stepping out of the now lukewarm water he is careful to lay out a towel to stand on before beginning to dry himself. The slick nature of the bathroom floor has claimed more then one life in this town, and Amano refuses to be added to that number. Not when it is so easily avoided. He towels off carefully, not wanting to rub off all the oils Illiendi mixed into the water to help his skin and keep him from stinking of young hormonal male. He is especially careful around his brand, his eyes falling to half mast as he once more admires if fondly.

Though it hurt to be places, and still pains him on occasion, for some reason Amano feels so drawn to the mark, it's beauty and the power it gives him almost intoxicating when he focuses on it for too long. 'With this, I will become far more than anyone ever though of me, and though I may lose my soul in the process, at least I will leave this life knowing I have lived it, and with others not being able to deny that I lived' He snaps out of his thoughts at the sound of a someone knocking at the door. With a faint cough he wraps one of the towels in place around his waist before calling out for whoever it is to enter. He quickly straitens up, remembering that he's suppose to look a certain way in front of people, Illiendi's disapproving head shake flashing before his eyes. The demon has never looked at him quite like that, however it is not hard to put an expression he sees so often on a now familiar face.

A kind face old woman enters, offering Amano a slight nod before wandering over to the clothes hamper. The young man lets out a sigh. The day having made him so use to having far more in a servant the normal acknowledgments from the staff feel wholly inadequate. 'If it were my father in here, or even my mother, perhaps even one of my brothers, she would have waited for them to finish before retrieving the wash. However that is not the case. It is only me, the youngest, he who will inherit nothing of the household save a name, and even that is not a definite' She offers another nod before exiting and he slouches slightly as she closes the door behind her, leaving him once more alone in the bath chambers. He finishes quickly, pulling on one of the clean robes hanging along one wall before slipping out into the hallway.

He moves swiftly down the soft carpet running the length of the hallway, ascending the stairs at the end and practically running down yet another hallway until at last he reaches his room. The bath and other facilities are on the opposite side of the house than his room, he having the equivalent of a finely furnished guest room in the opposing wing to his family. Down bellow him are the servant quarters, and down the rest of the hall are indeed guest rooms. The only thing making his room better than the rest is that he has a corner room, giving him to walls with windows to the outside rather than just one. As he slips inside he notices that once more the servants have not yet lit his fireplace, however he does not mind, the night being warm enough that it is not strictly necessary. Much of the floor of his room is hard wood, the only carpeting being under his four poster bed and the area directly around it.

Taking the one towel he took with him when he left the bathroom and placing it open on his head, Amano takes a few steps into the room before noticing that something feels a little off. A moment later he spots Illiendi and smiles. “That bath was wonderful, thank you Illiendi. I fear I left a frightful mess for the cleaning staff to scrub with all the crud left on my body from the events of the night previous.” His eyes drop to the floor. Having no one other than Illiendi around to see him Amano takes on a more comfortable stance as he waits for the demon to speak. He can feel his shyness creeping back in as he realizes he's not wearing clothes, strictly speaking, however it is easy to pass of the faint flush on his cheeks as what he acquires from his near run to the room up stairs and down halls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

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Illiendi slipped from his place in the back of the room and moved towards the hearth, there he threw a couple of logs on the fire and spread a handful of bark chips across the base. It would have been childs play to light the kindling the way he had warmed the bath but humans often took a dim view on things they could not explain and so he avoided it. Instead taking a match and a little paper and starting the fire that way, it wasn't too cold but it was necessary to take the chill off the room. Already a heat pan was under the sheets, warming them for his master. "I am glad you enjoyed it my master. I am sure your staff shall not begrudge a little grime, though if it pleases you I shall go clean it before they have a chance to see the state it is in."

Once the fire was crackling quietly he stood up and turned to face his master, "If you are not overly tired we have much to discuss, your father not returning was a rather useful little hiccup, although significantly delays our plans by at least an evening. We have an itenairary that needs writing, a plan for the day we set sail and how we spread word about this venture without making it look all too obvious. Your mother will not oppose your decision to leave anymore, she may in fact be the key to winning others around. Your younger brothers will be silenced of course, we can not have them mock you so openly in public, it will damage the image we are building you. Also there is the issue of where you would like me to reside while you are sleeping. I have no preference."

The butler brushed at the sleeve of his suit jacket, straightening it and freeing it from a minuscule piece of dust before taking that relaxed yet still some how predatory stance while awaiting his masters replies. The younger one, Tawney? He would be easily dealt with, he'd stumble home drunk after wenching and the shame of what would happen -or nearly happen- would silence his mocking tongue for fear of being exposed. A human's pride was a wonderful tool, the other was the problem, seduction wouldn't work on him, which was fair enough as both were hardly interesting to him. However he needed careful silencing, knocking him to his arse would likely be enough but it would be Amano that needed to do that, not Illiendi and while he did not doubt the childs prowess with a sword it was the fists that would silence that one, convincing Amano of that might be tricky though. Given his predisposition to 'love' which no doubt extended to even the worst members of his family. The fathers absence, while delaying plans, was of some use, it gave him time to win over Chesia and formulate a better plan and strategy with Amano.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Amano watches the demon with a curious smile as he lights the hearth. He contemplates telling him there is not need, however he decides better of it. 'Illiendi does what he does for reasons I may not yet understand, and I shall let him do such, unhindered, when I can' He hums softly, passing behind Illiendi on his way over to the desk to light the lamp waiting there. He slows only slightly in his trek when the offer to clean the mess before it is seen comes up, but holds back his reply until he has the lamp lit. “I spend my days outside the city much as of late, and as such, this shall not be the first time they have had to clean up after my misadventures. They should suspect nothing out of the ordinary, so we should leave them to it. You and I have more important matters to attend to I believe.”

Turning up the lamp to add to the light already flooding his room from the flame in the fireplace Amano turns to look at the demon as he speaks once more. He meets the other man's eyes and nods in agreement to them having planning to do. He listens intently to the list of everything they have yet to accomplish before they head out, his head tilted down slightly. That is until the subject of his mother comes up. Even as the demon goes on to speak of “Silencing” his brothers, a disturbing word choice that would at most times have him more than a little on edge, Amano remains stuck on his mother.

'There is no doubt he has already done something to her. I pray there is no need for this worry rising in my chest, but, perhaps, I should make sure. After all, he is a demon, and I have no idea of his real capabilities. . .' His ears remain sharp, even as his thoughts flow distractedly in another direction, and when the other man falls silent his head comes up to address the matters stated to the best of his abilities before he brings up the most pressing matter. With a faint cough he even manages a smile at the thought of Illiendi silencing his brothers. Many vague images run through his head, childish ones. Ones that had long festered in the back of his mind, growing with each strike of each kick and each insult thrown from foul lips.

Taking a breath he tilts his head to the side. “Deal with my brothers as you see fit, I only request them not be killed, or maimed as so they can not maintain their stations. I carry no great liking for my brothers, however mother would be devastated should they suddenly lose an eye or some such.” He manages not to stutter as he speaks of his mother and with a nod he takes a step back, slipping into his desk chair with a sift sigh. Pulling open one of the drawers he takes out several sheets of parchment and his writing kit. More use to charcoal pencils, his calligraphy is not exactly the most beautiful out there, however he feels it is good enough for writing a simple list.

It crosses his mind for an instant that he is once more engaging in a task a manservant may be expected to perform, however he brushes the thought aside. 'I may have him here to wait on me hand and foot, however that is not what I wish of him. I do not wish to grow lazy just because there is someone else around to complete the task with more skill than I' And Amano has no doubt that the demon's writing skills far exceed his own, but he stand by his decision, unscrewing the cap to his inkwell and setting aside the parchment. 'If there is something more important, something that actually has to look professional, I will let him do it, no question'

Looking to Illiendi he decides to next address the issue of his sleeping accommodation before mentioning what he really wants to talk about. With a rather impassive look he says quite calmly, his distraction perhaps coloring his judgment. “As for where you sleep, I do not mind. The servant's quarters are on the floor just below me, and all the guest rooms are empty, but if you would rather stay close, I do not know how you feel about sigh things, however my bed is huge and I do not move very much in my sleep, or so I have been told by the servants.” He does not give his words a second thought before he sets down his quill and turns in his seat to properly face the demon.

He thinks a moment of how to phrase his queries and decisions before looking up into those exotic eyes and speaking his mind. “I do not know, nor do I think I want to know, though I have my suspicions, what you did to gain my mother's assent in my plans to leave, however I must ask that you say not a word, nor even threaten to do so, to my father. He is not a powerful man, but my mother is frail, and while he has had little occasion to do so, I have never seen him hold back when he feels that she has wronged him. She does not hold it against him, this apparently something to be expected in such a respected household, or so I have been told, however I personally do not approve of such actions, and will not have any part, no matter how remotely, in them coming about. Nor do I wish my mother to live in fear of such a thing coming about.”

He fights to keep his gaze up, a part of him feeling that Illiendi may actually approve of his attempt to look and sound resolved, but beside that, he really is resolved on the matter. “While a man may have as many woman as he wishes in this era, if my mother is discovered to have done anything less than be completely faithful to my father, there is nothing to protect her from his wroth.” He takes in a slow breath before continuing. “I know you tell me I need not explain, however this may prove useful to you in our travels. While I over all disapprove of the disregard for woman, it is only my mother that I am forbidding you to threaten with exposure, if that was even your intention to begin with. I do not presume to know your mind, I just wish to be cautious, leaving such things not to chance, but to certainty.” Having said his bit, Amano returns his attention to the parchment, taking up his quill and dipping it in the well as he waits for whatever comes after his little speech.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi paused and listened and hiked a brow at every mention of deceit, murder and other assumptions, one might assume he was a little insulted but when one looked it was a vague disappointment that shone there. Like when one had taught a mouse a trick only to try and show it to another and the mouse fall. It seemed for a moment as if the demon was going to explain himself but Illiendi prided himself on using only the words necessary. Did it really matter that he'd had no intention of blackmailing the mother or the father with the act committed behind the rose bushes? Nor did it truly matter to explain the brothers would only be harmed in ego and wounded in pride. He was a demon, a king of hell he had no need to explain himself to a human even his master. The plan he had would work regardless of his master being in full understanding or not and he hardly needed the approval of the man. No, his father and he, if they were ever alone, would chat on a good many things but the softness of Chesia's body or the noises she made when touched there were as unlikely to leave his lips as they were hers. Unless the woman was a fool and a gossip. So the demon took a deep breath through his nose and released it slowly offering the human a brief bow to show his understanding in the matter.

"As master seems to find the idea of sharing a bed with me quite distasteful, it is best I stay in the servants quarters, it will make other parts of my plan much easier for me to execute." The cruelty of his first words slipped away for the traditional coldness that was associated with Illiendi. It would mean Chesia could find him while they remained here whenever she desired, the younger of the two brothers could also find him and no doubt the older too, though he did hope at separate times, it would be rather difficult otherwise. It made him that bit closer to the kitchens and other necessary areas of the house as well, the gardens, the pantry, the main hall and laundry rooms. The condition and position of the rooms was rather irrelevant as he did not require to sleep, oh he could pretend to if such was necessary but the demons body didn't need food or rest to continue functioning. Any use of the room would purely be for aesthetic or theatrical purposes.

With Amano once more facing the parchment ready for the notations the demon summoned back the list at the back of his mind and reorganised it to take into account the new 'information' since arriving at the place. "You will rise from now on with the bird song, I will come wake you and if required help you sponge bath and dress. You will have breakfast and send me to town for supplies for your trip. Assuming your father returns home while I am out you will explain to him the parts of your plan and we can write up and practice what you intend to say to him tonight. When I return we shall begin packing and gathering your assets for the voyage. I shall make certain to find a gossip so by even fall the town will know you plan to leave the following day. In the afternoon you will send for men to raise a plinth so you might address the crowds tomorrow, though certainly your father might suggest something similar when you win him around. Regardless of your fathers ruling you must be resolved to leave, or there is nothing more I can do for you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Amano can not help jumping slightly, casting a quick glance at the demon at the comment about he finding sleeping in the same bed distasteful. 'I have never said that, have? I just don't want him talking about he time with my mother. . .Perhaps that somehow translated into my not wanting him around me? I am so confused. . .I told him I don't mind him staying with me. . .' Quite despite himself he mumbles a little sullenly, “I never said I would find it distasteful. . .I am more than willing to share. . .” He bites his lip, knowing that there is no point in it after all. Since he claims it will be easier for him to stay in the servant's quarters he shrugs off whatever misunderstanding there may be and instead focuses on what Illiendi has to say next.

The young lord smiles at the first part, already use to early waking from a mix of his time training with his fencing instructor, and getting out of the house before his hungover brothers would get up. It keeps at least his morning a little more pleasant, despite his father never missing a breakfast, that never ending dismissal of his presence training even the finest of breakfasts. His eldest brother would often come to breakfast as well, drinking a little less that the other two now that he has a wife to come home to every evening. Amano was a little surprised the night before not t see her at the dinner table, though she has often eaten in her room to avoid the less than respectful gazes that her now younger brothers cast her way.

'Father will be at breakfast. He can meet Illiendi then' His cheek flush at the prospect of a sponge bath and is ready to turn it down right then, however the demon goes on without hesitation, so Amano holds his tongue, marking it down in his head to bring up later. On the parchment he writes down that Illiendi wishes to be sent out after breakfast for supplies, then quickly jotting above it 'Have father meet Illiendi at breakfast'. 'Father will not talk business at the table, so it will be after breakfast that I may be able to get him on his own to speak. I pray he has not important business early tomorrow. I doubt it, having spent the night out, but there is always the chance in his line of work'

Like lightning he slips a free bit of parchment to the side and writes at the top 'Plan Outline' before retuning his attention to the list being dictated by the demon. His focus is sharp, his fingers quick. Even if his writing is not beautiful, it is legible, and he looks like a professional scribe as his hand races across the parchment. 'Packing, digging around for what I think I'll need, can't forget to buy that scabbard. I know he'd do it, but I'd rather the one I know is hidden somewhere in this room. . .I liked it. My teacher gave it to me after winning that competition. . .Oh goody, I have to write up a speech no doubt, for addressing the town. That will be a treat' His thoughts turn sarcastic on him for a moment before he shakes his head, clearing away the touch of doubt of being able to carry out all these tasks.

'No I will do this. No matter what anyone else thinks, Illiendi believes that this is what I must go to become the man I wish to be, and as long as he has faith in me, I feel I can do anything. After all, I have the most unfair advantage in the world' His eyes go up to the man moving about the room, his eyes alight with the passion found only in a man set immovably on a path of his choosing. “I have no intention of letting anything stop me from turning my life into one worth living. You just tell me what needs to be done, and no matter what, I will have it done.” His voice echoes with a confidence he didn't know he had until that precise moment, but in the instant he does notice it, his head falls meekly and he stares at the parchment, doodling idly as he mutters, “Or, at least I'll do by best. . . .”

Jotting down a few things on the side, mostly a few people he wants to bid a personal farewell, he once more goes over what Illiendi had dictated then with a nod sets it aside and pulls forward a clean sheet. Writing simply the word 'Speech' at the top, he sets it aside as well and pulls the plan outline into place and dipping the quill, ready to begin working out just what to tell his father to try and convince him to let him go willingly. 'It may not be easy, depending on how seriously he takes me. Seeing as he barely even notices my presence, I doubt it will be too difficult to acquire his blessing. After all, it's one less mouth to feed' For a moment Amano wonders what Illiendi has planned for breakfast, the thought making him smile slightly.

He blinks, remembering about breakfast. Looking back up at the demon he informs him of the likeliness of his father being at breakfast. “He will not talk business at the table with me, however I should be able to get some time with him afterward. Would you like to go strait out to shopping, or would you rather be present for the talk?” A part of him prays that Illiendi will want to be there with him, the young noble feeling a lot more confident when his demon is in the room. 'Even if he's not there, I will get this done. I will not fail. . .'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the young man scribbled what was dictated to him the monster set himself about the room, the drapes were drawn the bed turned down and the other small jobs necessary for the end of the evening were accomplished. Thereafter Illiendi helped himself to the boys closet and began regarding the outfits that lay within, many were viewed only to be slid aside and another to be looked at. Finally he settled on a dark mahogany suit jacket, cream linen shirt with a dark wine hued cravat, dark brown breeches to match the suit jacket were chosen and cream stockings to match the shirt, lastly he found a waistcoat that was as close in colour as could be to the jacket and breeches and hung all up on a hanger which he then hung on the closed closet door.

When the other made comment about his willingness to share the bed there was no reply, a decision had been made and while they stayed under this roof at least it would be easier to dispel the notion that Amano only liked men if he did not keep his man servant in his quarters at all times. Amano would not want to see what he did to each of the brothers, or what he might do again with his mother should the woman deign it so. With notations being made about all else they spoke of he brushed off hair and dust from the suit before taking a pair of Amano's shoes to his knee and using a handkerchief buffing them of the dirt that had gathered. When finally talk turned to the father Illiendi glanced up, placing one shoe, now polished without the need for polish to the side. "I shall be there if that is what my master desires. What do you plan to tell him?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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The young noble can hear the demon moving about the room as he speaks and wonders just what he's up to even as his hand flies across the paper. When at last it comes to his question being answered with a question Amano turns to look at Illiendi, a look of deep concentration on his face. Though it is a simple question, the internal conflict raging beneath the surface boarders on legendary. 'I know I told him that no matter what, I will get this done, but if he's not there it will be that much more difficult. I can talk to my father, but something like this requires skills I have as of yet to test. I may have acquired a ship and the like, but I do not have much else ready at the moment, and if my plan seems half baked, it will be hell trying to get his approval'

He bites his lip gently. 'And while that will not stop me, it seems like Illiendi thinks I should have the approval, and I know having him with me would be useful, but how am I to ever expect to be great if all I do is rely on my demon? Even if it is just for moral support' A faint smirk finds it's way to his lips at that thought, however it vanishes a moment later as his eyes returns to the plank sheet of paper before him. The one that will eventually hold what he plans to tell his father. 'I am just starting out, so it is only natural I have a crutch, right? Or, should I be trying to do my best on my own, only relying upon Illiendi when I absolutely can not do it on my own? Perhaps I am missing the point of even having a demon to do my bidding, but honestly, I should use him the way I see fit, right? That is what he keeps saying. . .'

His head slowly sinks down on to the desk as a long sigh finds it's way out between his tired lips. For some reason, despite the rest this morning and the lace of any real activity throughout the day, Amano feels suddenly exhausted. 'I need to get things done, and get them done right, and no matter what I need him to do, I am sure Illiendi can do it without fail and no matter how much time he has to do it. He's a demon after all, and from his own words it sounds like he's never failed. He's just too confident to not be one of, if not the best at fulfilling mortal's wishes' He takes in a deep breath, his face having betrayed very little of his internal conflict and as his head comes up he appears just as calm as ever. He learned long ago that when it comes to troubles, no one really wants to hear about it, so he's learned to settle matters like that without bothering people.

His simple quill begins gliding slowly over the paper as he begins speaking softly. “If he finds out this is a sudden plan out of nowhere, there is no way he will accept it or bless it, so I have to use my savings and my hiring of you as proof that I have been planning this for a while.” He dips his quill slowly, his brows furrowed as he continues taking notes. “If the lateness of my acquiring a ship comes up, I can simply say I wanted for you to be here before I set a date, and due to the tides at this time of year, the sooner, the better. It's true,t he tides and currents can cause a little trouble this time of year, so it's not a lie, per se.” His eyes remain locked on the paper, and despite his calm demeanor he has an obvious tenseness in his shoulders. “I would like you to be there, my reliance on you will be more convincing if you are there for my father to see and question. . .” His voice trails off and he casts a glance at the other body in the room before returning his attention to the paper.

“I will of course tell him my destination, and he is sure to find out about the ship from his spies, so I think we should pay him early tomorrow, perhaps while you are out, so he can give the spies positive feedback.” He falls silent once more, his lip going between his teeth. “The only problem comes is unlike my mother, father will nit pick into details that I do not have yet, or that I have not thought of, and if you come up with all the answers, or if I look at a loss too often, he will notice, and he will lose more and more faith in my plan. Not that he shall have much to begin with, but I must keep it from falling too low. . .” He eyes go once more to Illiendi. “I do not know what else to put down. Perhaps you have some details for me to write down so I can memorize them tonight?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The boys deep contemplative thought betrayed little except his concern over his father, the demon though, with room readied for bed, now took to sitting at the window ledge, one might think that with the depth of the windowsill being little more than a hands length that balance would be nigh impossible and yet the faux butler sat there without a wobble or seemingly any strain. One leg crossed over the other and his head rest against the window frame as he watched his little master struggle with a decision that took most humans naught but a few seconds to come to. A human usually used him for all they could and why not? At the end of the contract he took the only part of them that lived on -aside memories- and fed off it to keep himself alive, or what demons called life anyway. However this one struggled, was it due to the fact that the demon looked human? Or that demons in general had not been seen or heard of, other than in fairy tales, for hundreds of years? Ultimately Illiendi didn't care but it did make his new little master a curious creature.

As the master at length spoke but with a faint hint of uncertainty in his voice the demon remained silent, the man given time to speak his piece and when he seemed done the demon spoke up, his voice like the crackling fire, warm and inviting but not without it's danger, " My Master, I am your sword and shield, I am your quill, I am whatever you need to be, you should not hesitate so much at the idea of using me." However with his next sentence Illiendi's smooth honey like tones returned as if the first sentence had never been uttered, "I have the details needed, what sort of servant would I be if I did not? You have been planning this trip for over a year, saving the money yourself from your allowance to pay for it without causing your father any 'shame' and to prove your worth as a man capable of managing his own affairs. You purchased me with the coin but due to the uncertain weather and stormy shores of my home it was hard to tell when I'd arrive. You have had your gear and chosen crew assembled for some months now and the Captain was paid only tonight as he was out at sea until recently, you had the choice of three ships after all two others, The Dancing Lady, another cutter and The Spritely Marlin, a sloop. The latter two's Captains wanted over the top fees and would carry you only as cargo not as master of a voyage, which you were unhappy with. The lateness of the declaration to him comes from the fact you also hoped to find a woman you'd like to call your own but have as such found no fitting match as yet, you have written each of the matches he has selected and will have delivered each letter to explain that you will be gone some time on a trip. Obviously the pirate island is not the final destination, we will be crossing the Dragon's Tail and voyaging close to the Shadow lands." A particularly unknown part of the world, many have voyaged there but due to treacherous seas, wild animals and apparently savages few have made it back with their minds or lives in tact. "Likely crossing over from Drakin into the Shadowlands themselves once we meet your contact -which has taken several months to establish- there."

Illiendi paused to watch his master, to take account of his features, "The food preparations are of course last minute to stave off any rot too early into the travel and as for what he will get out of this, if we are successful we will be returning with more than just fools gold, of which you will happily share a percentage of your find and the glory with your family and the household. Though upon your successful return you will be opening your own business and moving out the familial home so you might find your name for both your own pride and the pride of your family. If he questions what it is you hope to find out there you can tell him that there are stones that make diamonds look like pebbles and animals so wild that they make tigers look like rats. The women out there are nubile and they have ways with plants and herbs that your medicinal experts can only dream of and that is just the start."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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He keeps his flush in check as once more those words cross the demon's lips, making the young human feel as if he is staring into the eyes of danger itself. He lets out a long sigh, a faint lightness in his chest as he moves on to his usual self and turns back to the papers before him. His head is down even as he writes, taking in everything while only writing down prompts for he memory. Little notes and phrases that will later serve to jog his mind into recalling all the facts and plans the demon has for him to use in winning over his father.

'He's still pressing the wife thing, but at least he's not exactly asking for a pure lie this time. I have in fact found no woman to my liking, though I have not been looking. It should not be too hard to write letters to the woman father is contemplating, and I shall add in my friend to make it seem a little more realistic' Amano only has one female companion, however she knows he does not find her appealing in that manner, even if she is a striking beauty. She already has several suitors, and she has often brought the young noble along to help her decide their worth. After all, with his station and his brothers' activities, he has the skinny on almost every young bachelor in town.

'She would be willing to pretend, however I do not want her to have to wait for a man she knows she will never have, and having her marry someone else after some false vows would do me no good as well. However, I think this is not too much to ask. I will write her as a friend, and I do believe she will enjoy the letters' He smiles at the thought of her reading about his travels, listening for word in town about what he is up to from merchants he may meet in his travels and from his own accounts sent back. He swallows hard as Illiendi outlines their journey, knowing in his mind that the demon can more than keep him safe from the dangers, but it does little to settle his heart grown on tales of the horrors awaiting them. 'If it is even half as bad as the tales, I know I will come out safe, but I am not so sure on my sanity. . .'

Though he feels the strong pulls of concern, his eyes remain focused on his task of taking account of things. He casts a glance at the demon in his window when he pauses only to look quickly back to the desk after meeting that otherworldly gaze. 'What is he looking at? I'm just taking notes. . ..' He begins taking his notes again, unable to stop his flush as once more he brings up the subject of woman, but as he moves on to speak of herb lore the flush fades and he gets an honest smile. 'That would be nice. It could make me the name I wish for, and help people at the same time. Once I start making enough money, I could even help out those who can not afford the higher grades of medicine in secret. . .' He chuckles at his little plot, fairly sure he looks a little crazy laughing to himself, but for a brief moment, not really caring.

Having sat still for so long as soon as the last string of notes are made he stands and begins stretching hid body. Despite the chair providing perfect posture, the hard wood seat makes his spine swiftly stiff and after a few bends and twists audible pops come from his joints. He's never spent much time in the chair before to discover such things about it, however he knows he will only have to put up with it for so long. With a smile to the demon he wanders over to his closet. “The chair has made me stiff. I will break now and see if I can find that scabbard I wanted. . .” He sighs softly as he throws open the doors and looks down at the mess. While his wardrobe holds his clothing, his closet hold seemingly everything else. 'My box of precious things is in here as well' he muses, falling to his knees to begin his search.
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