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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Everything was fine at the shrine this morning. Yumiko hovered over her ilk grandfather,... "Yumiko,.. Can you go and get some medicine?" She heard coming from behind her. She turned to see her father. "Yes, father..." She asked. She rose up going to the door. She put on her sandals and exited. She made her way to her room and entered kicking off the sandals. She was about to remove her kimono when she saw Toji. He sat there on her bed staring at her with wide eyes. She blew air up through her bangs in annoyance. "Toji seeing as you are here. Can you untie me?.." She asked. He gulped and rose up and pulled the fabric. He quickly looked away as it fell away. He felt a little flushed as he looked to see her almost naked. All she had was her panties. He looked away again as she turned around. She smirked and pushed her hand into his forehead as she moved to her closet. She put on her favorite Mikku shirt and her black skirt. She then picked out her favorite boots. She got them on her birthday from Tojen. A man who had her quite confused over. He asked nothing in return except that he would get front row seats at the next festival. She liked them too. She took her bow and stuck her hair through it. Looping it around. Once she was set she prepared to leave. "Toji,... Can you help out my father? He is trying to get my grandpa better so no one can attend the charm stand and look after the wishing tree." She asked. He looked to her and nodded. "Yes ma'am." She was almost out the door of her room when she heard him say that. She turned and glared. "... Sorry, I meant yes Yumiko" she smiled. With that she left the room and the building in which her family stayed. She headed out going under the arcs and down the long steps. She made a right and saw that two college girls standing there. She sighed and once more blew some wind up at her bangs. She reached the sign and instantly felt their eyes on her.

"Look Hikari,... Miss perfect is making her way out of her pretty palace." They said. She ignored her and just whistled.
"Don't ignore me you stupid..." The other girl said as she grabbed at Yumiko's pony tail. Out of instinct she rose her foot up and kicked behind her. Her boot slamming into the girl's shin. The girls head went forward, while Yumiko's head went backwards slamming it into the bitches face. Breaking her nose. Yumiko turned around and rose a fist at Hikari. Hikari flinched, and Yumiko sent her fist into Hikari's face. Both were on the ground holding their hands to their faces. Yumiko scouffed and once the bus arrived she entered. She paid the fare and took a ride down about five miles into Tokyo.

Once it hit the right stop she got off thanking the driver. She proceeded to move and began to pass by a soup shop. She saw Toji there as usual. He looked up from his newspaper and smiled.

"Miss Yumiko, pleasure morning to see you in town. Still having problems with your grandpa?..." He asked. She stopped and looked to him nodding. He put the newspaper down and rose from his stool and embraced her in a hug. Once they pulled away Tojen brought out a wad of cash. He pulled a couple thousand yen out and handed it to her. "Get him some of the good stuff,... He was always a nice guy. Took care of me a couple times." He said gesturing to his arm. She followed the finger to a scar. She smirked and punched it. "I did the stitches not him,..."
He chuckled and nodded.
"Yeah,... Anyhow be safe Yumiko. Weird shit is going around." He said. She nodded and walked off.

........ Meanwhile. A good sized rat rotting of decay was moving about a alley way with two or three others. They moved in for prey and when they did they lunged at a passer by. The businessman hit away two with his briefcase, but one dug into his arm and he yelled. With the help of a foot cop and a newspaper store own they were able to crush the rodents. "Thanks,... That never happened before..." He said and the other two had to agree. The guy in the suit continued off rubbing the bite mark made by the rat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It was before dawn in the Shinba Park Hotel near Keio University and Danica was out cold in her bed, hugging her pillow and trying to sleep off the jet lag from arriving the previous day. Her alarm had gone off but she had yet to climb out of bed, mumbling something about five more minutes. Then she awoke with a gasp as she was drenched with ice and water, screaming and huffing as she jumped out of bed but got caught in the sheets and ended up on the floor with a rather loud thud. A man stood over her bed dressed in jeans and a T-shirt just laughing at her as he dropped the ice bucket and winked.

“Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!” Sean said in a thick Irish accent as he took a few cautious steps back. Danica growled slightly and lunged for him but her foot was still caught in the sheets.

“You limey Irish Bastard!” she snapped in a southern drawl. “Trying to have my catch pneumonia before my jump?” she hissed as she rolled over onto her rear end and untangled the sheets.

“You won’t be jumping from anywhere if we don’t get going lass, now move it before I refill the bucket,” he teased as he picked up his camera bag. Danica gave him a one finger salute before getting up and grabbing her bag to change into something dry. After a few minutes she came out and pulled her hair up into a ponytail before slipping her shoes on.

“Okay, I’m heading to the Tokyo Tower, where are you going to set up?” she asked as she grabbed her base gear and tossed him her climbing bag.

“Main Observatory and then I will meet you after you contact me when you land,” he said as he caught the bag and slung it over his shoulder.

“Okay, let’s do this,” she said as she opened the door to her hotel room and went on her way. It was now early morning and she wanted to grab something to eat but she knew better than to scarf anything down before a jump. They quickly made their way through the hotel and at a moderate pace walked to Tokyo Tower, arriving just shortly after it opened for tourists. Hitting the elevator they started their ascension, not really saying anything. Didn’t matter how many times she jumped she always got nervous. Sean hopped out at the Main Observatory and wink as he stepped off. Danica just smiled and waited for the elevator to take her up to the Special Observatory Deck. Once she got there she looked around and slowly made her way towards the emergency exit; one of Japans finest security guards was standing there as well as some officials and a group of reporters, all of them looking at her oddly as she approached them.

She bowed deeply before introducing herself in Japanese and handing over her paperwork. It had taken nearly a year to get the okay from the Tower and local authorities as well as a stack of paper work a mile high and legal documents saying people wouldn’t sue them if she died. After answering a few questions for the press and taking some pictures the emergency exit door was opened and she was allowed to go through.

The wind was blowing at a good rate but other than that everything seemed good. Setting her pack down she pulled out her base jumping suit and slid into it before zipping it up and throwing her pack on her back and securing it for the ride down. Taking a deep breath she began her free climb up from the 250m point of the S.O. to the 300m agreed upon jump point. It took a bit to get to the taped off location but Danica didn’t mind. The view was spectacular and her adrenaline was pumping. As she reached the point she turned around and pressed her back against some of the metal and pulled her eye goggles into place.

“Okay Danica, you got this,” she said giving herself a pep talk; taking a few long deep breaths as she bent her knees. “Three…..two…..one,” she whispered to herself before making a big push from a low squat and jumping off the top of the Tower. “Bonsai Bitches!” she screamed as she went into the air and started to head for the ground. Danica fanned her arms and legs out to slow her decent with the help of her suit and slowly made her body turn with the currents that high up. She felt that rush she always craved and as far as she was concerned this day was going to be the best of her life. (Boy was she wrong.)

Sean pushed to the glass of the floor he was one and started snapping pictures, managing to catch one of her waving in the general direction of the tower. Once she reached the mini parachute pull point, she ripped the cord and it pulled out, catching on the down draft and yanking her back up someone in altitude before the descent resumed. Once she had Sean ran to the elevator and made his way out of the tower looking around to see if he could find her.

Danica had landed in the park half way between the Hotel they had stayed in and the Tower itself, people clamoring around her taking pictures with the camera phones and asking for selfies. She posed for some, throwing up the peace sign as she did before she was able to get them to back off enough for her to get out of her gear. Then her phone rang and she pulled it out of the zipper pocket on the suit.

“You get that?” she asked excitedly.

“Lass, it was bloody brilliant! Where are you?” Sean asked and Danica quickly gave him her location as she sat down on the grass. “Right, be right there,” he said before hanging up and running off to where she was; wasn’t long until he found her still taking selfies with locals and tourists. The press hadn’t seemed to locate her yet. “Waiting for the news to show up?”

“Screw that, I already interviewed, let’s get the hell out of dodge,” she said as she handed him her jump pack and he handed over her climbing gear. “Let’s get food, I want to hit the bullet train and find a hotel near a mountain by tonight,” she said as she grabbed his hand and they ran off, getting lost in the crowd before the press could find her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was an ordinary day for the young Miss Kazumi, popstar of japan, she was just getting into work with her suitcase dragging along and like always a load of paparazzi were at her feet, taking photographs all the time, she just managed to get through her doors when she tripped over the moment she entered and sighed to herself.

‘Grrr!!! Will they not LEAVE ME ALONE!!!???’ getting up quickly she dusted off her newly-designed fashion which she designed all by herself and saw her manager ‘Aah!’ he grinned ‘Morning Kazumi!, how was your trip!?’ he was obviously taking the piss and she didn’t really like that, so straight up she answered with ‘oh it was totally great, I went to the bahamas and everything’ with the added sarcasm.

The manager helps her get her suitcase up the stairs into her studio and he opens the door for her, allowing her to walk in, she finally placed her suitcase down and sat on a chair; allowing a wave of stylists to come hither, Kazumi just sighed softly; feeling lazy because she never really had to do this herself.

‘Come on ladies!’ he clapped his hands ‘make her beautiful for her next photoshoot!’ they all gave him the ‘Don’t you fucking dare do that’ look and just proceeded to do her hair and makeup, leaving the manager to leave in embarrassment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zomura Tojen

Zomura sighed and sat back down. "Hey Chou!,.. how much longer for those noodles." He yelled as he began flipping through the newspaper.
"Not much longer Mr. Tojen" The cooker answered. Zomura nodded and peaked upwards and saw a business man walk by holding his arm. He smirked and was about to say something, but decided no to. The guy already had a rough day.

If he had looked at the business man's face he would have noticed that the effects of the bite had already begun to take in effect. Would not be long now before things would get rather interesting. He placed the paper down and checked the time on his watch. He sighed and saw some kid walking by with a cigarette in his hand. Zomura slapped it out of the teen's hand. The teen turned raising his fist as if to retaliate but froze as he saw Tojen. "What did I say about smoking those damned cigarettes?" He barked. The kid frowned and looked to the ground. The kid was right around sixteen years old. Too young to start that habit and prayed that no kid would ever start. He then noticed from a reflection on some glass a parachute and shook his head.

Zomura smacked the kid on the back of the head. "Don't let me see you with another cigarette got it?..." He demanded and the kid nodded walking off. Fucking, stupid kid. Would like to know who his parents were and give them a piece of his mind. He then sat back down and when he picked up his newspaper the cook put down the bowl of noodles. Little did Zomura know, that this bowl of noodles would be the last thing he would eat from this cook. Today his life would change and he would not worry about little jim smoking or anything.

Yumiko Ryusaki

Yumiko enjoyed talking with Zomura despite his background. She knew he was Yakuza muscle. The guy who knocks on your door to collect your payment. He seemed rather nice though. A lot nicer then the others she has run into. She then noticed the parachute flying down towards the park and she shook her head. Wonder what that is all about. She wanted to go over and see but she was on a errand and Grandpa needed her. She sighed and kept going and recalled that the popstar Kazumi was going to be doing a photoshoot close by. She wanted to at least get a look see. Maybe after she gets her grandpa's medicine she will go see her. Who knows she might want to read a fortune from a genuine priestess.

Yumiko smiled at that, She thought it would be cool to do that. Maybe she would invite her down to the shrine, sure would boost up its popularity. All thoughts on the matter were erased when she reached the medicine store and walked in. The bell at the door jingling. The sound caused the clerk to jump up. She moved to the counter and explained her grandpa's situation and that she need to get him medicine.

Tojiyama Hitomi

He stood there at the booth and waited for people to come in and purchase a charm or to help them tie a wish to the cherry blossom tree. It wasn't as active as most days, but it was just the morning. People would come eventually they always did. He then began to wonder about the old man. He was healthy two days ago and now this?... what the fuck happened to him?

Doctor Li

"Sir we have a problem..." The doctor said as she buzzed at the door. The general sighed and pressed a button under his desk to unlock the door. He wasn't a Japanese General exactly. Everyone knows the imperial army was disbanded long ago. He was a american, over seeing experiments being conducted over seas where it wasn't illegal to do so. Their own laws restricted them of experimenting with with such sciences.
"What is it Doctor Li? I am busy..." Zhen spoke.

"Remember how you told us to seal the lab?,... well we found out one of our rats has gone missing he might have been infected." She said and he stopped what he was doing and stood up looking into her eyes. Totally not shitting you type of look. He grimaced and bit his lip. "We must find those rats... containment is the only answer."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Danica and Sean made their way quickly from the park and sought out somewhere to grab a bite to eat. They both had skipped breakfast and now with the stunt done they could relax a bit before catching a train out of the city. Stopping at a corner at the edge of the park Danica took a look around to try to get her bearings. She had visited Toyko a few times over the years but she only really new a few major stop points in the city. She knew the mountains far better than the streets.

"Hrm, what to get to eat," Danica muttered as she drummed her fingers on her lips before looking over to Sean.

"McDonald's?" Sean asked as he rubbed his stomach before Danica slapped him upside the back of the head.

"Dude, seriously? We're in Japan!" she scolded before she looked around again. Sean just smirked and rubbed the back of his head slightly.

"So where then?" Sean asked as he continued to try to sooth where she struck him.

"Noodles, I want noodles," she said as she started walking, Sean jogging along to keep up with her quick steps.

"You and noodles," he remarked as he followed her into a place. "What's this place?" he asked.

"Chou's Noodle Shop," she answers before walking over to the counter and bowing deeply to the person there. "Yes, I'd like to make an order," she said as she switched from speaking in English to Japanese to the person in front of her, her parachute sticking out slightly from her bag as she placed an order for her and Sean before paying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zomura sat there eating his noodles. He enjoyed it so much, he did not even use salt. His tattooed arms exposed to the world. They made people sit several stools away from him. Chou the own came up to the counter to address the woman. Zomura looked over and studied the woman. He saw the parachute sticking out and rose a brow. That explains things, Americans, He went back to his noodles and as he ate he heard a kid, about eight years old run past him. Rather in a hurry. Then came the two bullies. The kind Zomura hated the most. One was five feet tall and four inches. The other was smaller then the other by two inches. The taller one bumped into him spilling some of his noodles onto the floor.

He watched them as he stared at the mess on his pants. He was fuming and got up. Everyone else gasped at what the two bullies had done. Worse part, they two where american. Transfer students by the looks of them. He walked over as they pushed the kid down to the ground. The kid was Chou's as he took notice. This only fueled his rage. He walked around Danica and to them. They did not know he was behind them. His foot prints kept unnoticeable due to their laughter. He towered over them and pulled from his pocket his switch blade. He hadn't pressed the tiny button that released the blade yet. He moved his hand until it was right beside the bully's ear and pressed it the blade springing into place with a 'shink' sound. The bullies heard it and turned around. They saw him and his tattoos and gulped.

"You have ten seconds to get out of my sight, before I make your stay in Japan end right here." He threatened. They ran before he could finish his words. He spat at the ground and looked to the boy. He smiled and with his free hand ruffled the boys hair. He then returned to his seat. "If you like noodles, you should get what I have. It's the best around here" He said as he sat down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sean took a seat as Danica stood there, then the scene unfolded around her as a man stepped passed her looking rather vexed. Working a brow she turned around and watched what happened, a smirk coming to her lips in approval to his handling the bullies. American or not, she didn't care. No kid should be picked on by anyone. As he spoke to her she nodded and bowed to him.

"Thank you I will give those a try," she said in Japanese as she turned around and changed her order and added an extra bowl for the man since it seemed he had lost part of his meal due to someone from her country. Picking up a few napkins after she paid the extra she walked over to him and held them out.

"Sorry about them, trust me, we aren't all like that," she said to him in his native tongue. Sean just sat there wondering what she was talking about since it didn't matter how much they traveled together he always just let her be the translator.

"Lass, everything okay?" Sean asked in his thick Irish accent as he looked at the two of them. Danica turned and looked over to him nodding her head yes.

"Yeah, everything is fine. He was just being kind and I figured he could use a napkin after everything," she said before turning her attention back to the anti-bully enforcement agent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"In this country two types of americans there are. There are the Americans who come to enjoy what Japan has to offer,... Then there are those two. They give the other a bad name." He laughed. He was surprised that she understood his language. Pretty well in fact. It was a good way to show respect. He then took the napkins whipping his lap. "See me and Chou here,... Have a deal. See my organization targeted him and his shop as a good target for collections. " he said. "My deal with him involves this bowl of noodles. If I eat here for free I would pay his protection money for him. That tells you,... Not everyone in the Yakuza are bad people. Everyone just has there own way of surving." He said. He said this in between eating. He then eyed the parachute. "So your the thrill seeker? Where you going to next?" He asked.

He gestured to Chou making the gesture that he needed something to drink. Chou grabbed from a small fridge a bottle of coke. He handed it to him. He twisted the lid and took a drink. "Besides this is my neighborhood. I grew up here. It would be just bad of me to not help out."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Danica chuckled somewhat and nodded. "Yes, it seems there are two sides to every group of people," she said, continuing to speak in Japanese to be polite. She always tried to speak in same native tongue as those around her, even if she wasn't fluent and was reading from a translation book. Danica felt that when you go into someone's home you followed their rules as best you could. To her it was rude not to make the effort. Right now she was just thankful she was in a country where she spoke the language well enough not to need to keep referring to some book.

The order came up and Sean brought over Danicas bowl and the one she ordered for the kids savior and sat it down. "I'll be over here if you need me," he said in English before taking a seat at another table. He knew to leave her alone when she was talking to the native folk and for him he would rather eat alone as he went through the picture he had taken during hee jump.

"Thanks Sean," she said in English before switching back to Japanese. "Oh yeah, thrill seeker. Us crazy Americans I know. I write for a travel magazine, so I try to find different things to do. Hoping to head out tonight to find a new climbing spot," she said as she patted hee climbing bag.

"Yakuza? I guess that explains the ink work, I take it you had those done the traditional way with wooden bamboo and dipped ink instead of my way with a modern needle," she said as she pulled up her t-shirt slightly and turned to show a small portion of the ink work covering her back.

"Name's Danika Graves," she said as she lowered her short and looked back over to him. "Mind if I join you? Or would it ruin your reputation to be seen with a gaijin?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago


(written late at night, 2:49am)
...1998… Kosovo...

tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat The explosions of the machine gun popped in the twelve year olds ears as he clung onto the mounted death dealer on the back of a rusty pick up. The bald tires squealed and protested as it screeched around a turn of the broken pavement road. Dust stung the youth’s eyes, and the sun sweltered on his bandana covered head.

tik-tik-tik The sounds of the bullets biting flesh echoed the bangs of the gun as the boy held on for dear life, his fingers white with pressure against the trigger as he waved the sights over a pursuing vehicle. He gritted his teeth, the scarlet holes he left in the other people were no longer figures of question and guilt in his mind, but a sense of relief, knowing there was one less man ready to kill him, and his family. Though he was a young boy as he fired the rounds into the enemies jeep, he had the heart of a man.

Whoooosh The smokey trail of a rocket belched out of hills. The shell slammed into the road with a baritone roar and the boys stinging teary sight was dried and lost in a fiery inferno.


The warehouse was grey, the boxes filling it were grey, and even the sunlight that peeked through boarded windows revealed the grey dust floating in the air. Japanese shadows were silently unpacking amorphous figures from the crates, and loading them into a large semi. Shotguns and rifles glistened in the dim light, overlooking the operation from catwalks. Sharp eyes darted back and forth, and skeptical grunts were released by even more skeptical guards of ambiguous moral.

A fat man sat in the seat of the semi, he looked important, and considering the truck was facing the exit, and the frustrated look on his red face, he was also in a hurry. He knew that a sitting duck was easy to catch, and a duck with many enemies was even easier. A cold sweat started to bead from his anxiety as he impatiently tapped the steering wheel.

A warehouse worker heaved with another as they picked up one of the crates. One of them swore, dropping it and the armed guards turned their attention to the workers for a moment. The worker shrugged, complaining about the weight, receiving vague death threats in reply. He grumbled and looked down at the crate as he got ready to lift it again. The man cocked a brow as he noticed the missing nails in it’s lid, and he flittered a finger across the coarse wood curiously.

Pain shot through his chin and into the back of his neck as the lid blew off, snapping his head back. Saw dust polluted the air with a poof. There was a click and suddenly an explosion of white flashing light. The flashbang threw the workers back with it’s white light and shattering crack.

A lone figure dressed in a dark kevlar and flak armor thrusted out of the crate, a small assault rifle cozy under his arm. With near silent whistles the soldier let loose a rain of bullets. The guards took cover, witnessing their confused partner’s heads popping into blood and gore. Five more crate burst into identical beings of silent peril and soon the warehouse became a war zone.

The first figure, Armend, rolled out of the crate and behind a metal support for the catwalk. A blast from a shotgun blew by his face and he quickly crouched and aimed his rifle, taking careful aim as he uniformly let out small bursts of bullets. tik tik Two in the chest, ti-crack! Two in the head. The shotgunner was blown off the catwalk by the bullets and crumpled into a mess.

There was a loud groan of an engine, and then the headlights of the semi shot on with a blinding white beam, cutting off Armend’s sight. He ducked his head, trying to peek through the visor of his helmet. The others were easily taking care of the rest behind the semi, swiftly and accurately dispatching enemies while avoiding the workers.

A faint clank caught the man’s attention and he looked down at a hissing grenade. Immediately he dove from the position. An ear shattering bang erupted behind him as flame licked his boots and a shard of shrapnel ricocheted off his helmet with a clink.

With a hard poof of dust, he landed on his belly. His gun was pulled against his cheek and he squeezed the trigger. Silent bullets oozed out of the barrel and buried into two of the guards.

The semi belched exhaust and barreled through the warehouse entrance, the fat man eager to escape the invaders.

“Armend, rifitoj ... gjallë,” one of the soldiers hollered, ripping a blood soaked knife from the spine of one of the guards.

“Lexuesit nuk e kuptojnë gjuhën e Shqipërisë!” Armend shouted back before looking over to a dusty motorcycle, keys conveniently placed inside. The other went to shout back but a sudden flash of a shotgun muzzle burped a mist of lead, slamming into the man’s side, and sending him over the catwalk railing. Armend winced and without hesitation, he hopped onto the bike.

The semi roared as it plowed onto the roads of Tokyo. Cars honked and beeped as it raced past, shoving slower cars out of it’s way. With a small roar of it’s own, Armend and his convenient ride burst out of the fire fight, and screeched onto the road in hot pursuit.

Sharp blue eyes squinted behind the protective visor of the helmet, and he twisted the accelerator. The wheels groaned as it speed to the side of the plain white semi, sides illuminated by the sun. Cars protested and shouted, and drivers slammed their horns down at the racing duo.

One car raced beside Armend and its balding red faced driver started yelling at him in some language that Armend didn’t quite understand past the horns and ringing in his battle torn ears. The Kosovar lifted his rifle and showcased it to the man with a flourish. The driver seemed to shrink with his mouth agape as his car quickly slowed down, leaving the road rage to the professionals.

Armend smirked and raced along side the right of the semi’s trailer. A japanese man leaned out, AK waving and popped a few rounds. The Kosovar swore and swerved, swinging his rifle over his shoulder in favor for his holstered pistol. With one hand he steered while the other aimed his glock carefully. The Japanese man poked out the window again, but before he could aim Armend let loose two bullets, the first one hitting the mirror of the truck, the second blowing a pink and red hole out the back of the man’s head.

Sirens started to scream in the distance behind the scene, and the corpse of the Japanese man hung out of the truck window, arm’s flapping in the breeze of the chase. Armend revved his vehicle and forced the motorcycle up against the door of the truck. He grabbed the slippery arm of the dead man and pulled him out of the window, the limp body slapping against the concrete.

Sucking in a moist breath, the Kosovar kicked off his bike, and halfway into the truck, resting his belly on the window sill of the door, while his legs dangled outside. The fat man looked over at the soldier, shock in his eyes, and anger gritting his teeth. The man took a tight left, nearly tossing the semi on it’s side and throwing Armend out of the truck.

Cars blared their horns and the sound of a few screeching into a crash could be heard behind the turn. The police sirens sounded over the explosive crashes, getting closer. Armend forced himself through the door, and remembering the words of his fallen brother in arms, he threw a heavy left into the side of the fat man’s head.

The fat man swerved and his shoulder hit the door, propelled by the force. He yelled at Armend in Japanese and the Kosovar propped the hot metal of his pistols barrel against his head, “ku është shenjë!”

“I.. what?” the fat man yelled in English, horrified. Armend snarled, and his deep voice twisted with a heavy Balkan accent, “vare es the marrk.”

“The mark, what?” the fat man said incredulously. Armend slapped the man’s face with a crack of his pistol, forcing a grunt from the fat man. A small rivulet of red trickled from the side of the man’s forehead and he whimpered. The truck swerved around another corner, shaking from the spastic steering of the fat man under attack.

Armend grunted and grabbed the fat man. With a heave he slammed the fat man against the door of the truck, breaking the latch and swinging the door open. The fat man’s grip on the steering wheel slipped and as he hung outside the truck door, only Armend’s grasp kept him from grinding against the quick moving asphalt.

The wind whipped at the man with force as the truck continued to bullet, now shaking without control as its steering wheel jerked and turned freely, without a driver. Armend growled again, “vare es the marrk!”

“You’re crazy-” the fat man started to say, when suddenly the truck crashed. The window’s of the establishment the truck had battered through blasted into a hail of glass as the semi barreled full force through the entrance of “Chou’s” Cafe. A wooden beam caught the fat man’s skull and ripped it sideways on his neck with a sickening snap. The truck slammed into another wall, forcing it to a stop with a clap of a head splitting crash, luckily avoiding the patrons.

Armend’s eyes widened as his body was flung full force through the windshield, his helmet taking most of the blow. He flew for a split second before tumbling hard into a table, his cracked helmet flying off and slamming into another. Sirens screamed in the distance along with frightened patrons. He quickly patted his rifle to ensure it was still there, and with only a scratch on his forehead and one seriously sore body, he rolled to his heels, pistol in hand. He looked at the bloody mess that was the fat man and swore, “sëmbon yndyrë.” He spat the ground, and scanned the mess with his blues, eager to find an escape from the encroaching sirens.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zomura nodded at Danica,.... "Sure,... I dont mind." He said looking to his watch one more. "Yumiko,... Should be on her way back by now..." He looked up at her. When he was done eating he join Yumiko and go with her. He wanted to see her grandfather. He then stuffed some of the noodles into his mouth snd then looked to Danica. He swallowed. "Hey,.. Ever been diwn to the old shrine?... I have a friend or two. One of them not being to good. Care to join me after this?" He offered.

He then gestured to Choi and making a signal he wanted domething to drink. The man webt into a mini frig and pulled out a diet coke and brought it over to him. His hand wrapped around it's black label. He twisted the bittles cap until it came off and then took a long cold drink. He then heard the screeching of rubber on pavement as he sawing a trucking coming there way. Had he not told choi to get him a soda he would be dead. Choi instinctly reached out and pulled Danica away from the initial impact as they hit the floor.

Debri from the wooden counter flew right over where she was sitting skinning his cheek just in time. He looked to Danica and rose up. "You alright?" He asked.

Yumiko was at the light when she heard the sound. Grandoa's medicine in her hands. Her gripp tightening as she saw it. She did not wait for the light to change and ran across. People got out of their cars to see what had happened. The young priestess ran towards Choi's Noodle Shop. She saw Zomura with another woman, he had pulled her away. Yumiko reached them sliding to her knees. Her hands touched his shoulder and then his face. " Tojen-chan,.. Are you okay?" She asked. He looked over at her and smile "A Okay" he said raising a thumbs up.

Yumiko sighed in relief seeing the blood coming down his cheek. She reached into her skirt pocket and pulled out a vocaloid bandaid. She wet her fingers to rub the blood away as she applied the band aid. "I'm glad your alright..." She said and looked to Danica. A bit of jealousy rolling over her features. "Who is she?..." She asked.

Zomura looked from her to Danica. "Danica, meet Yumiko. She is the priestess at the shrine." He explained and rose up to his feet. He helped Yumiko up firstss and then offered to help Danica. The brown maple color of his ankle holster peaking through at the bottom. He looked to the truck as his hand waited. He saw the albenian stand up and curse. He had a rifle on his back. He figured he was responsible. He then looked to his noodles all spilled about. He sighed and looked back over to Danica. "Well it won't be long before the coos show up,... Lets get out of here,... Give you a proper lunch at the shrine." He offered. He then looked to the Albanian.... "You should come too... unless you want to explain to authorities why you have a Hk and why you went through someones windshield." He said with a smirk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kazumi continued on with her busy day ahead, she still had to do that photoshoot, but she knows she doesn’t want to just yet as something didn’t feel right whatsoever… As the stylists continued with her hair and make-up she looked at herself, she she felt amazing but she certainly didn’t feel amazing; she wanted to do something really exciting during her photoshoot… Not just poses and such, luckily the styling will be over soon.

Just as the styling was finished the manager walked in with his assistant and marvelled at what the stylists have done, clapping his hands in the most fake-like way that anyone could have possibly done, showing that he is most likely just in it for the money and not for the love of anything else. As he clapped his hands she stood up and sighed; she really hated her manager…

‘Bravo! Bravo!’ the manager repeated ‘Bravo indeed! all of you have done a splendid job!’ and the stylists looked at him with the ‘no shit sherlock’ look before they walked out of her room, which leaves him flabbergasted once again. He then gave her a new set of clothes as the stylists left; to which Kazumi was not happy about at all ‘Excuse me, why can’t I use my own??’ she asked sternly.

‘Why! then it wouldn’t be a photoshoot of the latest fashions’ he simply answered, to which she wasn’t having, they had photoshoots before where she could wear whatever she want… ‘Right...’ she simply said ‘Just remember, I got a concert soon and I need to be there; asap’ nodding his head he sighed at how specific and ‘on time’ Kazumi preferred to be. ‘yes yes, now come along; the photoshoot needs to be done!’ he grabbed Kazumi’s arm and literally dragged Kazumi along without realising it ‘umm excuse me!? can you please stop dragging me!!!?’
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Danica smiled and gave a quick bow before sitting herself across from Zomura. She began to eat and moaned softly. “You’re right, these are the best in town,” she commented between bites. As he asked if she had ever been to a shrine before she stopped eating and sat back in her chair. “No actually, most of my articles are for the outdoors and don’t focus on much more than the best places to climb or jump from,” she said before a considerate look came over her features. “Though I think I can spare some time. Would a nice change. Yes, I would be honored,” she responded.

Sean perked a brow as he listened to them, he didn’t have a clue to what they were talking about but he knew that look on Danicas face all too well. Their plans had just changed. Taking a few big gulps he finished off his food quickly and sat there making sure everything with his bag was in order for when she was ready to do what she had her mind set on.

Danica was about to speak again when she felt someone reach out and grab her, her hand coming up to remove it but before she could she was pulled out of her chair and went spilling out onto the floor. Sean jumped out of the way and pressed himself against the wall quickly as the vehicle came crashing into the shop. Danica grunted slightly, she felt like she had just fallen from an unstable rock base.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” she grumbled slightly as she looked over to Zomura. “And I thought delivery drivers in the U.S. were bad,” she said as she got up and dusted herself off. “Sean you okay?” she asked as she looked over to him, he just nodded slowly; turning her attention back over to Zomura who was now with Yumiko. “Nice to meet you,” she said in Japanese before looking around at the devastation caused by the crash. “Well hell, there goes dinner plans,” she said as she stepped through the rubble and fanned the dust cloud away from her face.

Her eyes falling on a man who was saying something in a language she did not know, the dialect sounded familiar but she couldn’t make out the words. “Hey, where’d you learn to drive!” she snapped in English, doubting he could understand but she didn’t care. “My sisters pet pig has better road manners than you do,” she grumbled before looking back over to the mess and dug out her pack, shoving the slightly torn chute back into the bag fully and zipping it closed. Her clothing was slightly ripped and she had some scrapes and bruised but nothing bad. Placing the pack on her back she stepped back over to Zomura and Yumiko.

“Yeah, let’s get the hell out of here. I’ll check the dumbass over there when we get to the shrine,” she said as she pulled a few pieces of noodle from his hair. “And a quiet lunch sound perfect,” she said before looking back over to Sean. “Come on your Irish Bastard, we have to get moving.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Armend turned on his heel, gun ready, flicking away drops of crimson that had trickled down his forehead to his strong jaw. He lowered it as two civilians entered his iron sights. Everyone else was screaming and running from the scene, a few even were in the corner heaving about the dismembered fat man. Not these two, no, they were inviting him to dinner.

He looked back at the truck, his contact was dead, and his squad out in the warehouse, he was alone, and even if he felt a tinge of worry for his comrades, he needed to save his own hide. He sucked in a heavy breath and walked by the pair, waving the pistol casually, he tried to force his accent down, “lez go.”

He slapped the solid flak armor on his belly and nodded, “eat, yes?” Sirens started to blare louder, and his face stressed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yumiko looked at Danica as she took in the woman's choice for words. Sounded like the typical American. She then looked to the man with the gun and then to Zomura. If the police came before they left the both of them would be arrested. The man for being armed with illegal hardware, and Zomura just for being with the Yakuza. Zomura began to lead the way with Yumiko right beside him. Zomura saw his reflection and sighed. His hand touching the bandaid... "Just had to be a vocaloid bandaid didn't it."

"Oh shut it, I could have just let your cheek bleed all over." She responded. Zomura smirked. He looked over at the Albanian. What the hell were those Albanians doing. He shook his head and looked forward. Yumiko just walked along beside him. You would almost think they were brother and sister. In a way Zomura kind of felt that way about her. He had known her for a good long while. Luckily they were not all that far from the shrine. They could take the bus, which would have been better, but he heard no one complaining.......

..............Back at the warehouse something was in the air and it wasn't the dust or the smell of blood. It moved its way undetected looking for a host. It wasn't alone either. The virus suddenly found its way into bodies of the dead warehouse guards. The virus moved through through the veins and worked quickly. Unknown to it the bodies were being put in bags and zipped up and carried off to the police department. Where they would rest in the morgue until the biopsies would be done on them. It only took a couple minutes before they reached their destination. When the bodies were being transported down stairs. They had the last one going through when they felt resistance from inside. Was this man not dead yet? The two Ci's looked to each other and back at the bag setting it down. Two police officers saw the movement and came to investigate as well. One of the C.I.s began to unzipped the bag. Gun shots went off startling them. The startling part was they came from inside the police station. Not paying attention the C.I. did not see it in time as the body rose up from the bag and grabbed a hold of him and bit down on his flesh. The C.I. screamed and the two officers began hitting it with their batons....

..... in one of the big office buildings something else was going on. In the mens bathroom the man bitten by the rat was eating. Eating on a fellow coworker. Tell finally the coworkers became just like him. They rose up and moved out of the bathroom. In the office many more of them moved about as people scrambled to exit the building..........

....... it did not take long before they reached the steps of the shrine. Zomura sighed and then began climbing. "Wonder how your grandfather is doing..." He asked. She wondered the same thing as they climbed the hundred steps to the top. A cherry blossom in the center with pieces of paper tied to its branches. The paper contained the wishes of some of Tokyo's citizens. Toji waved over at the two raising a brow as Yumiko returned with some odd friends. The man with the gun for one. He gulped. "If you go into that building I will bring food to you right away..." She said. "First things first, I have to get this medicine to my grandfather." Zomura went with her and when they went to the room that housed her grandpa she saw her father pulling over the covers. The covers were being placed over the old man's face and she dropped the medicine. Her hands going up to her mouth as she tried not to cry.

Zomura pulled her in and embraced her.. "Go on let it out,... best not to hold it in."He said. The moment he said that she broke out into crying. He looked to her father and nodded. Zomura brought up his cellphone and went through his contacts and then hit call once he found one titled 'Uncle'... "Hey Uncle you there?" He said speaking in japanese.
"What is it Tojen" a voice rang out.
"You need to get out to the old shrine... Old man Riusaki just died." He said and he heard the phone hung up on the other side. Him and his family were very close to these people. Suddenly Zomura and Yumiko would hear a scream coming from the room coming from her father. When they moved to go look once more. Her grandfather was biting down her father. "Nanda ittai?" He said as he moved to shove the old man off. The old man looked crazed with his eyes hazed over as he tried to bite him. "what the hell is wrong with you old man" He kicked him off. The old man's body began to recover from the fall. Zomura moved quickly to grab his .32 from its holster and fired three shots. At that time his uncle's car as well as three others arrived hearing the gun shots. His uncle and about a dozen others hopped out running up the stairs to see what the gunfire was all about.

When they reached the room they saw Zomura with his .32 and a body of the old man with two shots in the chest and one in the head. They also saw her father holding his neck. He was losing a lot of blood. "What the hell happened?" His uncle yelled out. Yumiko quiet and in shock.
"The old man attacked Yumiko's father and nearly tried to bite me too." Zomura answered.
"What? is that true?" His uncle said asking her father. The man nodded and Zomura's uncle cursed. Suddenly things turned to the worse as the father felt himself drifting from the blood loss. Yumiko went to rush over but Zomura grabbed her and took her with him outside. His uncle shoving one of his goons in to try and stop the bleeding.

Suddenly the men jumped even more including Zomura and Yumiko as Toji moved to them to see what was going on, they heard cars screeching and gun fire from inside Tokyo... what the hell was going on?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Danica nodded and headed out following Zomura and Yumiko, looking over at the Albanian as they headed towards the shrine. Reaching into her hoodie pocket and pulling out a tissue. “Pressure,” she said before pressing it to her own forehead and then handing it over to him as they walked. Sean keeping pace with Danica as they walked, letting out a low whistle as he saw the Shrine, it was definitely something he would love to photograph if he ever got the chance. Maybe after lunch he thought to himself.

Danica kept up and nodded as they were instructed to part ways for a bit while she handled somethings with her grandfather. Danica gave a quick head gesture to Sean for him to follow her and made their way into the building. Danica froze in her tracks as she heard the scream and the subsequent gun fire, involuntary ducking down for a moment, Sean hitting the floor hard. Rolling her eyes at him she stood back up and ran towards the sounds.

Seeing Zomura pulled Yumiko outside she stopped in her tracks. “What the hell was all that?” she asked in English, not bothering with Japanese right then with all the commotion. “I thought Shrines were supposed to be peaceful,” she said as she walked over closer to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago


A young Armend narrowed his eyes and leveled the .45 1911 at the groveling fourteen year old kneeling before him. Tears stained both their eyes and the kneeling boy cried, “Por unë jam vëllai juaj.”

“You vere,” Armend said solemnly. His finger squeezed the trigger and the hammer shot back, burping a bullet into the young boy. It popped his crying eye and splattered through the back of his head. The slide on the gun clicked and Armend squeezed the trigger again. The hammer slammed again and another bullet bursted out of the chamber, licking the barrel as it too blew through the head of the fourteen year old. The slide clicked, and the hammer cracked again, slide clicked, hammer cracked. Bullet after bullet, until the trigger gave a hollow click.

A match hissed and was brought up to nurse against a thin cigarette. The stubble of a middle aged man was revealed by the glow, and he sucked in a deep smoky breath. A cloud erupted from his nose like a dragons as he chewed the smoke into words, the voice was American “don’t forget his sins, but remember yours first, kid.”

A tear fell onto the bloody body of the dead child, and the gun hit the ground with a clatter.

...2015… Tokyo

Armend huffed a grin and thankfully took the tissue with a nod, he pressed the white sheet firmly against the crimson crack on his forehead. The dry surface stung a little as it soaked and dehydrated his wound. He smiled, digging up his knowledge of the English language, “zank you.”

A gunshot popped in the distance and his eyes narrowed into slits, as his fingers quickly wrapped around his pistols handle. He looked over to Danica as she stopped abruptly and he instinctively tried to answer her question, not sure how detailed she wanted her answer, “dat is… uh,” he paused thinking of the right word, “double. No..” He shook his head, “trouble. Dat es trouble.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The old shrine

Zomura began to move Yumiko towards the group. Toji following behind and looking around franticly. Zomura had to use a bit of force. Yumiko's tears running down her face as she wanted to help her father. They approached Danica, Sean and Armand. He looked to them a little taken back as well from what he had saw. "What the fuck was that..." The only words he said at the moment. They heard more gunshots and Yumiko went wide eyed and tore from Zomura's grip and ran back to see her father's body ontop of one of Tsu's men. Smoke coming from the back of his head as Tsu point a gun in the direction of it. She saw the man pushing her father off and she got a look at his eyes. A glaze was over them just like her grandfathers and she just collapsed to knees.
"Father...." She said and Tsu turned around quick. His hand shaking and his eyes watery. He did not like doing that and not in front of her. He then looked to his men. "Dig a grave for these two,... we can just leave them like this." He barked. Four of the men nodded and ran inside to drag off the bodies.

Tsu then moved to Yumiko as he put his gun away. He was shaking and scared. He crouched down wanting to comfort her. She saw his features and knew he did not intentionally want to kill him. The Yakuza had no ill feelings over her family. They came around often giving them gift baskets and donating money to the shrine. She knew the problem wasn't with Zomura-chan's uncle. It was with whatever happened to her grandfather and her father. She lunged forward into Tsu's chest and began to weep. Zomura moved next to them ready to take her. "Lets move everyone inside, I will debrief my new friends of what happened." He said. Tsu nodded and guided Yumiko into a standing position. Zomura turned around and lowered himself. Tsu helped Yumiko onto Zomura's back and he held onto her legs and rose up.

He looked to Armand and shook his head. He was scared and the albanian would see it. At this point he did not care. He moved towards them. "It was weird.... the old man and her father just changed in a couple seconds. The old man had attacked her father and almost took a bite out of me too. It was weird. Almost like one of those scenes from one of those horror flicks, only this was too real....." He said. He then wondered if this was happening else where.....

Outside the Photo shoot
(Kasumi's current location)

The photo shoot was going well, even more better then the studio thought it would. The director of the shoot stood there beside her manager smiling. "You sure know where to pick them...." He said. The day would soon come to screeching halt.

"Look pal you can't be back here..." A security guard held a man back. The man was not himself,... no not himself at all. The man's eyes had glazed over and suddenly the man turned its head to the side and bit down on the bodyguards arm. The guard yelped and punched the man in the face knocking him off his head flying back as it stepped back. It got its footing and the eyes turned to look at the guard as the head came back down into position. Death could be seen in its visage. Blood trickled down the man's chin. "What the fuck?...." He said. The zombie lunged forward again taking the bodyguard again this time biting his other arm. Two more zombies entered the studio. Kazumi would notice one looked familiar.... it was one of her makeup artists. The once trusted make up artist lunged at on of the men holding the lights up and tackled him to the ground. The man tried to fight back but found himself being biten on the shoulder.

The other zombie was heading for Kazumi. The director a little shocked looked over to pick up a chair and charged forward swinging it at the zombie. The zombie hit the ground hard and the director started swinging again and again until the chair shattered. He looked back up to see more just like it wondering in. He then felt something grab his ankle. He looked down and saw the zombie he thought he pulverized biting down on his ankle.

The Shrine, 1 hour later

Yumiko was locked in a embrace with Zomura at the table as she cried. Tsu and his men standing around. The room was quiet and Toji just looked to each persons face..... he snapped.

"Okay what the fuck is going on here?... I thought zombies only existed in hollywood?... What the hell is going on here? Why did they do that?.... what where those gun shots coming from town?.... why aren't we calling the authorities?....why are we just sitting here?" He barked frantically like the coward he was. Zomura shot a glare at him. Yumiko turned her head to look towards him. She had stopped crying thirty minutes ago.

"Oh yes very smart Toji, lets call the police in here while a man from some tear away country of Russia stands here with a rifle on his back and several Yakuza members and two dead bodies." She barked. "Just untwist your panties from their not and grow some balls for once. Then maybe use your head for once." She continued. Ripping into him. They did not know what was going on either. He did not have to act like that. They were all scared.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Armend leaned against a small wooden post, surrounded by shafts of midday sun and the squawking of those in terror. He kept his face serious for the most part, but in truth he felt a little worry in his stomach. In his experiences, gunshots in the distance were usually military coos or a group of people giving "fuck all" to the local government, and that always ended very badly for everyone involved. He did have serious doubts that this was the case in this country, but the small sour tinge of anxiety still left a bad taste in his mouth. The bleeding had stopped on his forehead, but he felt the slight tickle of a concussion, and this only helped escalate his own bizarre thoughts on the matter.

He was thrown back suddenly into the conversation when one of the Japanese women targeted him, and Albania. He looked at her fairly confused, “eh, vhat?” He looked around, but received little help in the way of the others.

“I know dis not important but Albania vas never a part of Russia, not even cloz,” He shook his head, “but despite dis lez talk about the… trouble.”

He sighed and shifted his weight, “you all… scared, yes?” He nodded his head and looked at everyone individually behind concerned blue eyes, “by logjikë… eh, Logic. We can azzume the gunshots in distance vere for similar situations or maybe open battle. We can send people to check but not make move vithout.. eh.. information.”

He felt slightly stupid trying to communicate in English, and if one stared past his steely sharp gaze, they might see a little bit of embarrassment. With little more to say he stopped and slapped his sides to end his point, his hand ricocheting off a small black device on his belt. He nodded, “det is my idea at least.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Danica looked over towards Armend and nodded slightly. “Yeah, big double trouble,” she said as she heard the commotions in the distance and rubbed her temples. “Great, we have just stepped into an episode of the Walking Dead and Rick Grimes ain’t nowhere to be seen,” Danica grumbled before looking over to Sean and motioning for him to follow. Time passed and they all ended up in the Shrine; Danica taking a seat and just remaining quiet. Sean however seemed to lose it, rambling on about how he was too young to die, that this was supposed to be a vacation, that he didn’t know how to fight and one and on. Danica rolled her eyes and rose from her place before walking over to him and giving him a back fist to the jaw, sending him tumbling to the ground. “Shut the fuck up!” she snapped before stepping over to him and leaning back against a wall rubbing her fist slightly.

“Okay, okay. So this is bad, real bad,” she muttered before looking over to the group. “So, what have we learned from this movies and T.V. shows? I mean, they weren’t real but maybe at least one of them was on to something. Like, for one, get the hell out of big cities,” she said as she lowered her fist. “More people, more zombies,” she said as she held up her hands and made little quotations in the air for the word zombies.

“Weapons are needed and right now I wish I was back home. All those doomsday preppers and red necks have arsenals. Hell, walk into the Piggly Wiggly and just reach behind the counter to find a shot gun. God love the second amendment,” she said before pushing her bangs out of her face and took a long breath.

“Things we need to assess. It is transferred by bite like in some movies, airborn like others or like in The Walking Dead is it just genetic and when we die we turn now? And about killing them? To make sure they stay dead. Is it chest, head, decapitation?” she rambled off before turning and looking around for a moment and then back over at Armend and pointing to his head. “You good or need more attention?” Danica asked quickly. She may have seemed to have things in check and being able to try to assess the situation but there was fear in her eyes and a noticeable tremble in her voice, her hands shaking slightly as she kept fidgeting.

Sean just sat there on the ground holding his jaw before he looked over to her and spit out some blood and a tooth. "Fucking hell woman," he said as she slowly sat up. "What was that for?"

"I had to stop you from screaming," she said flatly with a huff that blew her bangs up and back into her face.
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