Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Erion, who had went and tried to ride the beast, leaving Rose in the back so that the stable hand could take care of her, was a bit nervous. Robert wanted to ride, and it might be best to go with him in this cause of his inexperienced with beasts. When the creature then took flight, Erion shivered a bit, before calming down as he then stirred the beast slowly. Then the thing started head towards the Holliander and the group. Well, it did need to go and stretch it's wings a bit. Just then, when the beast started to be confused and scared, Erion holded on, making sure not to fall off. Unfortunately, Robert did fall off, which was rather bad to say the least. At least Erion was able to hold on, although it was hard.
"Easy there... easy.... It's alright..." he says in a soft tone, gently rubbing his hand at her neck.
"it's alright... no one here will hurt you... just try to relax...." he says in a comforting tone. He looked at the other people, and then looked at the woman.
"I don't know... who could have done thing. Maybe some power mage was able to bring her here?" he says. He then looks at Robert, before concentrating and... actually use choco-cure, or at least a different version of it, on his friend before the wyvern headed back towards the stables. He got off and then looked at Holliander.
"Why you outside the tent... I hope your not planning on trying to escape..." he then says.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I get up from my fall, and keep a note that I really should have taken the chocobo rather than try to hitch a ride with Erion, who quickly healed me after I fell. "You there, stop where you... are...!" I say somewhat dizzily, as I've hit my head on the way down. I then come back to my senses, and add "Okay, you two are going to have to explain... you're supposed to be held captive with the rest of the army, well, one of you is, anyways... the other, ms. Bunny over there, is a little suspicious, too... so, I'd like to ask you guys... why in the world did you run off from camp? And you, why are you helping someone who's under suspicions of being a traitor? None of us are going to attack you unless you attack us, I'd just like an explanation," I then tried to edge a little closer to where the group could see me better, just to show that I meant no real harm... yet. If they attacked, or I saw them summon a zombie, then I'd burn both of them, and tell them to release the other guy, but if they said something about Holliander's brother escaping... then I'd still have to chain him up, and possibly even report the viera for helping a possible traitor... at least for now. If the brother was caught doing something shady, and somehow escaped, then I'd obviously tell them to free Holliander. After that thought, I simply stand there, ready for anything to happen, and ready to counter whatever they try, if anything, with my own magic... Erion might have a difficult time attacking in the air, but, if I was still on that wyvern, I'd be nearly untouchable to those who use melee combat, as I'd be in the air... and wouldn't need to swoop down to attack anything thanks to my ability to use magic... of course, I obviously wasn't fit to ride those things, but, I suppose one can dream.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Arus watched the scene with a mixture of confusion and amusement. It seemed the two that had followed him from camp were suspicious of Holliander. While he could vaguely understand their thoughts he suspected they were unwarranted. Certainly even if Holliander was trying to escape he wouldn't do so whilst so underprepared. "While I lack the suspicious of my comrades I too would like an explanation for this somewhat peculiar series of events." Arus said calmly. After all it was not an unreasonable request and he was sure Holliander had a good reason. Though he was curious about the animals strange reaction as well, as he couldn't think of any good reason for it. Perhaps it had been drugged or magicked asleep but why would someone do such a thing?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Araguay Woods


With a heavy sigh, Holliander raised his hands over his head while facing in the direction of the Nu Mou and Moogle, "You're right, you're right... I shouldn't really be out here. A soldier gave us news that the Veira were leaving camp, and I came to see if I could persuade them otherwise. The shamaness-" Holliander motioned to the Veira that seemed to have spoken to the wyvern just a few moments ago, "and I have been friends for some time now. I was the one who first offered her sisters shelter in Dorter-"

"We did not have much of a choice, Holliander," The woman spoke once more, "If it were not for the creatures encroaching on our warren, we would have stayed. This one sought shelter for her kin, and now the shelter has fallen. We must find a place to weather this storm, before we are dragged down in it's chaos. I'm sorry, Holliander... This one thanks you for your aide to this point, but our sisters are not safe here."

Holliander merely shook his head, breathing yet another heavy sigh as he spoke, "Your kin are needed as much as they are wanted, Riva. They are some of our better healers and scouts, and without them we will suffer a heavy loss. While I understand you have to look after your own first, we have women and children that are relying on you and your sisters." An awkward silence seemed to linger over the group. It was in the moment that Riva stepped forward, carrying herself with an air of grace that could not be ignored, only to place herself before Holliander and cradle his hands.

"This one is truly sorry, Holliander. I hope to find you well once more should the darkness fade," She spoke before turning back to her sisters and the wood. It wasn't long after that, a couple of heavily armed guards strode up behind Holliander. They made no act of aggression, and upon them halting mere steps behind them, Holliander hung his head as he turned to face them. Without word, they bowed their heads, as the smaller female with dragon wings steppe forther, placing manacles about his wrist.

"I'm sorry Holliander, Summoner's orders. He doesn't want you escaping from the tent before the deligations are over."

"Nor do I fault him. I knew my actions were suspicious, but I did what I thought I must." Holliander replied, starting to make his way back to the command tent without resistance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Arus nodded, "See? Simple enough, good luck on your journey." He called out to the leaving Viera and turned to go back to camp. Well that was one event that disturbed the otherewise relatively quiet night, hopefully nothing more serious would happen. He went back to his relatively unattended campfire and began writing again, wondering what tomorrow would be like.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Erion just stood there as the Viera started to leave, going out to not get into the fight or anything. He frowned a bit. This could be bad if they lose valuable allies like them, but it was their choice. If they wanted to leave, then he could not stop them. Then Holliander started to walk, going back to his camp. First he was in rage, then hes that calm... maybe it was possible that none of the 2 were traitors and that it was a big misunderstanding? He just did not know. He just hoped that the group could figure out soon. Until one of them go and actually does something abnormal, both of them should be watched for. He then looked at Robert.
"I best go back to get Rose. Flying that wyvern sure was something, but it is best if I stay with my birds for now... although this was a experience I... actually enjoyed, even if it was rather high in the sky." he says before going back to the stable, hoping the wyvern was still there. Never knew, maybe he could ride one into combat one day... but would it be the same for what he learned while riding his birds? Probably not... but he could still see about this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

That was honestly easier than I thought it would be, with Holliander being taken in by a gria who I could swear I've never seen before, despite the fact that she likely operated from the back lines, where I would normally be. I would have said something to convince the viera sisters to stay with us, but I just couldn't find the right words, and, it was too late. Was this because of my meddling? Maybe I shouldn't be so nosy from here on out... but, then again... I'm sure Arus would have been happy to see us if those two turned hostile. I think as I look down, not really in a good mood thanks to possibly driving the viera away, as it seemed like Holliander was trying to get them to stay. Then again... what if the viera sisters are also working for the zombies? Of course... she probably wouldn't have asked for the darkness to fade if that were the case, and, she didn't seem to be working with them, earlier when we were on the wall, or, at least, her sister didn't seem that way. I thought as I continued towards camp, lost in my own thoughts of whether what I did was a good thing, a bad thing, or just didn't actually make a difference. Erion said something about sticking to his chocobos, and I just nodded in response, while absentmindedly tossing a chunk of salted meat to the wyvern he was riding at the time. As expected, Erion left the wyvern in the stables so that the stablehand could take care of it while he looks for a new rider. He would probably find Rosa easily, and there was no way she was killed or taken during this time, so I just went back to the campfire, and just sort of stared into it, still thinking about whether or not I should have meddled back there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Araguay Woods


As the sudden gathering came to a close, the trio could clearly see the camp had become dead still as others began watching the events unfold. However, the silence was quickly broken as a Seeq spoke out from amongst the crowd.

"Cowards! You turn your tails and flee at a time like this?!" a high pitch squeal resounded, followed by a clearly disgruntled snort as he continued, "Saints take you to whatever hell they wound up in!" Sure enough, a chorus of shouts rang out- most seeming to be in support of the creatures word- as the rest of the camp now seemed on edge. However, the ire was short lived as the mood of the camp became slightly darker and more desperate. Those who were just a second ago shouting in unison, now were crawling into whatever tents they were assigned. Those stationed on guard held their weapons aloft, though with no conviction or confidence... This was a heavy blow to morale.


As duo made their way past the stables, they couldn't help but notice the wyvern sitting outside of the makeshift corral, preening her wings and scales. She seemed content now, and not so alarmed as earlier. However, there was a distinct lack of the stable hand, and the beast had not been securely restrained. Though that was the only odd occurance of the night, should they choose to return to their tents, the night would progress to the morning, and hopefully answers to the questions that surely circulated about the camp.


The warrior would walk amongst the broken men and women about him, his eyes catching those that stood about him; their eyes sunken and dim as if they had faced death itself. Tonight's events were done and now everyone would have to suffer the consequences. But tomorrow is another day, and perhaps a chance at salvation. Only time will tell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Arus frowned at the Seeq's outcry but said nothing. Anything he said would simply make things worse and things were bad enough as it was. He reluctantly held his tongue and put up his writing tools, though he felt no desire for sleep he also wanted to be fully capable in the event of the no doubt upcoming fights tomorrow. As he made his way to his tent Arus glanced at the downtrodden soldiers around him. Truly they needed something good to happen soon, an army with no morale was about as helpful as no army at all. Arus entered his tent and lay down, covering himself with the thin blanket and staring up at the strange stars through the hole in the top of his tent. What an interesting situation he found himself in, Arus mused to himself as he futility attempted to find sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I wait for Erion to leave, and think one final thing before leaving the wyvern... Maybe one day... but, not today, I guess... I then take out a small piece of meat, and toss it to the wyvern before trying to make sure that it was properly restrained, or, at least, restrained enough for the stablehand to get back, and actually make sure the thing doesn't fly away in the night... however, I wasn't very good at tying knots, so it was likely that I not only used the wrong one, but, also did it wrong. I then wondered why Erion didn't try to do this, though, the wyvern did seem oddly obedient for something that just threw me into a tree earlier. Everyone seemed pretty depressed over something as I left for my tent, and my only response was "I saw one of the possible traitors leave the tent. I couldn't just let him run off, could I?" my voice made me sound tired, and, just as well, it was getting late, and I was getting sick of everyone blaming us on everything. I noticed a hole in my bag once I got to my tent, but, nothing was missing from it, save for some smaller pieces of meat, which probably left some sort of trail to my tent. As I tried to fall asleep, I tried to figure out where, exactly the trail started, and whether or not it actually led to my tent. For all I knew, it started and ended somewhere in the forest, which, of course, would be bad, as it would lead the zombies on a trail, somewhere. Of course, it also seemed likely that the hole simply led from the stables to my tent, which would be better... but then I might have a wyvern breathing down my neck when I wake up, and that would be weird... but, at least there won't be zombies trying to attack us, as a result of my poor-quality bag.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Erion looked as Robert tried to go and secure the wyvern, so that it would not escape during the night. He sighed a bit, too tired to go and check behind Robert right now. He then headed towards his own tent, hearing what Robert said.
"If only those guys would have stayed... we needed the most people here... and leaving like that..." he says shaking his head. Those people were probably heading to their deaths... if everyone would have stayed together, then maybe there were more chances to survive, but it did not seem like these people understood that. He then entered his tent and went to go sleep, tired right now, hoping that nothing were to attack the camp during the night. Sure, his tent was close to the stables, cause if they were to act, he had to get to his ride quickly.... But he preferred not to end up having to fight during the night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Araguay Woods


The night passed in silence, no alarms or incidents to report. As the final patrols made their way back to the camp, things still remained calm throughout the masses. Over towards the command tent, one could see a single scribe rush forth from the tent into the campground. Shortly after, the familiar figures of Robin and The Summoner emerged from the tent, flanked by Vernier and Holliander- both in their respective arms and armor. Those who listened, could hear the scribe calling for an assembly around the HQ, stating the new commander was to be named.

Over towards the civilian sector, another group was gathering as well- though no announcement or clamoring could be heard. The entire mass was diverse, all manner of creatures present and seeming to whisper amongst themselves.

However, the stables remained unmanned since the night before. The wyvern was still outside the corral, but sleeping soundly with no signs of distress or agitation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Arus had been sitting in his tent meditating silently when he heard one of the scribes calling for a meeting about the new commander. As curios as anyone Arus quickly rose and walked outside to the HQ. He was most curious to see what decision had been made. It seemed more likely that Hollilander would be chosen but then again anything could happen. Either way he would've very much liked to know more about the situation but that sadly wasn't much of an option.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Erion, who woke up a bit earlier, went to the stables to make sure thing were alright. He saw the wyvern and smiles softly, before hearing that the Scribe was calling a assembly at the HQ. He looked towards where the HQ was, and frown, before starting to move towards there, wondering who was going to be named here. Maybe it was someone that fought before and that could be seen as a good commander. He was wondering who it would be. Probably not him or Robert, cause they just arrived and they were not from the same place as these people. He waited, wondering and pondering in this. He looked around for anyone of the group and sighed.
"I hope he won't name someone that risk being corrupted by those dang risen." he says under his breath.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I was still in my tent when I heard something about some sort of assembly at HQ. I wasn't exactly awake, given that I've always been one to sleep in as much as I can, but, I did manage to drag myself out of my tent, and over to the HQ tent... at least, that's where I thought I was. Turns out I'm not as good with directions when I'm half asleep, and I somehow ended up near the tent where they occasionally served food before I saw a crowd gathering somewhere that I assumed was the HQ. I passed by Erion, and gave a half-hearted "Good morning," to him as I passed by. I noticed that the wyvern was still there, probably either put under a spell, or trained incredibly well at this point, so, I didn't bother with it, this time. It still looked cool, and I'd probably be a much better fighter if I could actually ride that thing without getting a face full of twigs, leaves, and dirt but I didn't want to accidentally get bitten right now, and, given my tiredness, I was probably just that much more likely to make a mistake if I did try to interact with the thing, so I just continued onward, and joined the crowd in seeing yet another new general. The last one didn't turn out so well, but, then again, it's possible that the last one was just fine, and wrongly accused of doing something that his brother did... or, the opposite was true, we probably still didn't have any idea what happened, and I'm sure that neither of them have given any sort of unbiased, reliable story, and for all I knew, they didn't find any evidence that has proven that either brother was responsible. Oh no, what if neither of them are responsible for this? What if we're keeping our good generals locked up for practically no reason? Then again, they both seemed pretty quick to accuse each other... maybe one of them IS responsible... I think as I stand in the middle of the crowd, waiting for a new general to be named.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Araguay Woods


As the trio rallied around the mass of soldiers that now gathered around the tent, forming a half-circle around the commanders as small murmurs could be heard from the people. After a moment, Vernire would lift his hand, and everyone would fall silent.

"Enough! Due to the circumstances that be, I'm stepping down as the leader of this expedition," A small torrent of whispers could be heard once more, though falling silent quickly after, as the mountain of a man continued, "We all have decided that it's for the best that my brother and I need to stand down... In fact, we'll be taking our leave." At this point a sudden gasp resounded about the group.

At this point, Holliander stepped forward, his regal voice a stark contrast to the abrasive tone of his brother's, "Now, now, it's for the best. Having people accused of treason at the helm can only bring about more chaos and mistrust. Vernire and I have seen this first hand," At this point, the brothers cast a rather awkward glance between each other, "And as such, we will be setting out as to not cause more harm then we already have." At this point, the whispers hushed almost completely, though a few soldiers began to hang their head and mutter under their breath. "But, with this news, I'm pleased to announce that the new leader of this voyage will be none other than our own, Remus-"

"It's 'Summoner'!" the green cloaked man snapped slightly, seeming to be mostly in jest as his hand rested upon the odd orange horn upon his forehead. If this was an attempt to lighten the mood, it failed... But the leaders still held onto their smiles. Well at least, all but Vernire.

Holliander chuckled as he shook his head, "Very well. 'Summoner' will be named commander, I ask that you respect him as you've done with my brother and I." With that, Holliander would step forward, placing a hand upon the younger male's shoulder, "He will do great, I'm sure."

At this point, Robin cleared his throat, "Those who are wanting to follow the former commanders may choose to leave without prosecution. I do not blame you for wanting to follow those who you feel you can trust. But what I do ask, is that you consider what's at stake." At this point, all of the commanders look back to Robin, "We have entertained the idea of a traitor in our ranks, and it's not impossible... Though I'd hate to point the finger at any of those I had to fight beside. The only thing we'll say is this: if you are attempting to ruin us and break our spirits- we will persevere."

With that, Vernire rolled his shoulder before walking off in silence, his blackened armor rattling heavily as he stormed off, followed shortly after Holliander, "May God shelter you all. You all will be at the heart of my prayers."

As the assembly came to a close, Robin and Summoner stood outside the tent as they began to converse and distribute orders to those that remained, while saluting and shaking hands with those who left to follow the former commanders. In the end, the remaining forces were only half as strong. As the trio looked upon each other, they knew a decision awaited them.


Having been part of a scouting party that had become separated from the main force, Quill and other soldiers that had survived made their way to the rendezvous point that had been established. Sure enough, the sight of white smoke rising above the trees and the subtle smell of morning meals filled the air. The pace suddenly picked up as the men and women rushed forward, entering into a clearing and greeted with the sight of the main camp. For a moment, it was a welcomed sight... Until the dire mood of the camp settled in upon them. As Quill began to make her way deeper into the camp, she'd pass by a group of oddly dressed women (probably from this strange new land) clustered together and whispering.

"Word is, some of the others are planning to jump ship soon." A voice spoke loud enough to be heard by the dancer.

"Really? Is that wise? I know we have lost so many, but what can we hope to do on our own?" Another replied, seeming much younger in tone.

"I don't know. But if it's enough to scare the Veira away, perhaps we should flee to. It wouldn't have been a bad idea to follow them."

This defeatist attitude was odd... Very odd. Wasn't the survivors in better spirits not a few days before? It was only once she reached the army portion of the camp, did Quill notice a distinct lack of soldiers. It seems now that over half of the original force was no longer there... It was only then, Quill realized the dark and dreary reality that was her new life, here in this hell called Ivalice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Arus watched silently as even more of their army was depleted following the leaving generals. Though he liked Holliander his service was pledged to Robin and he would not leave it willingly. He patiently awaited his orders, no doubt changes would have to be made to account for their reduced army size. At this point guerrilla tactics may be worth considering given their greatly reduced size, if they encountered armies of similar size to those they had seen already. Arus shook his head, strategy was not his job it was Robin's. He watched as more and more people left wondering how many would remain at the end.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Quill preferred to remain optimistic despite the odds, however the somber mood of the camp she walked into got to her. Tobias walked briskly next to her and even he senses the dread that hung over the camp like a miasma.

As she entered the army part of the camp, she noticed a distinct lack of soldiers. She didn't like the look of it. Tobias whined and she picked him up, petted his head and smiled, "Don't worry boy. I am sure things will be fine. We aren't in Ylisse anymore.." she said matter-of-factly.

Enough was enough, she was here now, she would do her best to help out where she could. She imagined they would need as many hands as they could get. As she continued to walk she noticed a large gathering near a central tent with some people talking. She decided that was the first step and made her way over to the crowd.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Araguay Woods


As the remainder of the forces begin to settle back down into camp, the four warriors are left to their own devices. While there seems to be nothing of not going on at the camp at the moment, they can see that the troops are starting to ready to depart. Shortly after, Robin and the Summoner emerge from the command tent. Oddily enough, they seem to move towards the trio of Arus, Robert, and Erion, stopping just shy of the three.

"It's good to see your still with us," Robin spoke, looking over to Arus as he nods slightly, "I was afraid we'd lose many more due to morale."

"We still lost a good few. It will be a rough trip the rest of the way." The oddly dressed summoner spoke, folding his arms beneath his cloak as he began gazing about the camp, "We'll have to travel slower, and probably divert from the roads."

"I have an idea... And just hear me out," Robin spoke, turning his attention to the summoner, "I know you dismissed it back in the tent-"

"And I will dismiss it now. The fact we have an audience will not help bolster your stance. We will not be staying here any longer then we have to."

"The troops are weary, the people are scared, and we have been traveling non-stop. We both know we cannot survive with our troops spirit broken." Robin interjects, seeming resolute as the two begin to discuss this out in the open.

"So you'd rather just have us sit here, waiting for death to come to us while we drink and make merry? For a strategist, you are a fool." With that, the summoner turns back to the camp while his blue robed ally stands erect with a heavy sigh.

"Well, that's that I guess..." And with that, Robin turns to Arus as he leans in and whispers to him (will be pmed) before turning back and heading to the same tent as the summoner. Those who look about can see another scouting party has made it to camp. Arus recognizes one of the group as a dancer from his realm, but it will be up to him to place the name. However, this adds a few more bodies to the camps lowering numbers.

A few minutes pass, the silence of the camp broken by the rustling and bustling of troops preparing for their trek. However, the subtle noise is suddenly broke by the camps crier.

"People oof Ivalice, and our guests from Ylisse! The commanders have proclaimed that tonight will be without task. You are free to commune with your family and prepare for travels on the morrow!" With that, an odd silence settles, all the while the soldiers begin glancing about one another as they attempt to make sense of what was just spoken.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Arus's face didn't display the surprise he felt at the whispered words. He merely nodded in for reply, then turned to survey the troops that were left. Far fewer than he would've liked and not even that many he recognized. He'd just started moving to pack up his tent when the camp crier spoke, well, cried out. Arus was once again surprised, they were given a day off? They were fighting a war! They couldn't just, take a day off. Ugh, there must be some bigger reason behind this. Regardless he now was to figure what to do for a day. Arus had already gotten plenty of sleep, he had no desire for more. He'd checked his equipment already and food and been prepared. With not much left to day Arus simply decided he would patrol camp, it wouldn't do for an attack to occur while they were resting and he wasn't sure that anyone else would take the duty upon themselves.
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