Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lennon79
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Lennon79 Senpai

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It all seemed to happen in a flash. One second he was panicking before two armed and suspicious guards, next second one was dead and the other knocked clean out. Fresno had never seen SeeD in action, but he had heard the horror stories. They didn't do them justice. Before he could speak, Duncan beckoned them over behind him, ready to breach the door. None of them looked particularly phased by what had just happened... Was this normal for a SeeD? Oh Christ, what have I gotten myself into...

'Well done. All going well, the armoury will be just down here.' Duncan glanced at the downed guards for a moment, weighing up the pros and cons of hiding them. With their kit so close at hand, they might be safe to go hot soon anyway, assuming the others achieved their objectives. A short burst of static caught his attention, emanating from Fresno's helmet. Shot with a questioning look, the soldier struggled to answer Phillips' hail. 'Y-yeah, I'm here. We just cleared the way to the armoury. About to move in, co-' Two things happened in the same moment. First, the pit suddenly and inexplicably fell out of Duncan's stomach and secondly, a wave of force ran through the entire building, knocking them to the floor. 'Dafuq was that?!' Within seconds sirens began to blare out across the prison, throwing everything into disarray. When Xerox's voice came through Fresno's radio, Duncan had to grab his helmet off him to get a satisfying enough reply. 'No shit, Sherlock!' Rescue squad indeed... His mind snagged on something Xerox said though. 'Wait, Eika? She's here? She's alive?!' Relief, euphoria, nerves and sheer abstract terror all jumbled together in Duncan's mind, silencing his voice for a time. One of those feelings didn't quite make sense to him, but he ran with it anyway.

'Uh... Shit, good plan. He'll have to be a target of opportunity though; no idea where he is. Break stealth, go loud and get those drives. If you're up to it, ambush those soldiers, otherwise slow them up. And get on the horn to Jericho too, tell him to pull the stops. Good luck mate, meet us in the control room asa you're done.' Passing the helmet back to a bewildered Fresno, Duncan sat back on his haunches, utterly overwhelmed. Hell, he might have expected a rescue mission to be launched, but with this timing..? He shook it off, focusing on the here and now. 'Ok. No more fucking about, go loud. I'll go first, then Fresno, Griff and Minerva in the rear. Move fast, hit hard, punch straight through. We hit the armoury and then set up at the only stairwell to the control room.' It would probably mean that they would be attacked, but with all their kit they could hold the position until the rest of the team arrived, especially if the power was out. 'Alright, let's move.'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Jake practically went from walking to sliding down the stairs between the ground floor and the first lower level as he had started to make his descent. Quickly coming to his senses the SeeD had scrambled back behind to the stairwell for cover as he reloaded his crossbow. peering out from behind the wall Jake observed as the Soldiers still appeared to be 'suppressing' the ground floor. "Such cowardice." The mercenary muttered to himself in disappointment, barely able to hear himself over the bellowing alarm. Using his own arm for resting on Jake took aim at one of the soldiers, their actions granting him the time to take the aim he required. He took his eye's off the soldiers for a moment as he assessed the next considerable section of cover for the floor, this horrible circular pattern would appear to be a repeating theme throughout the prison. Judging that he'd have enough time to get low behind the wall, Jake returned his gaze to the soldiers as he pulled slowly back on the crossbow's trigger. The shot had been impossible to miss as the bolt found its mark, lodging into the soldiers skull as its forceful impact pierced through the guards helmet, bringing an abrupt end to his automatics racket.

By the time the guard accompanying him had adjust his aim Jake had already positioned himself behind the central wall. "Do you really fancy your chances so much that you're willing to risk your life against SeeD?" Jake called out from the safety behind cover. The reply, was nothing short of a few bursts of bullets, chipping away at the top edge of the wall. "I'll take that as a yes." Jake sarcastically called out in response with a small chuckle. Reloading his crossbow he stayed low as he followed the wall round to get closer to his target, he'd have to reload eventually. re-attaching the loaded weapon to his belt the SeeD decided a more personal approach should be taken as he un-sheathed one of his daggers. He had almost covered the entire of the circular room, as such the remaining guard could not be far from him, this had to be done quick before more come pouring up from the floors below. Jake calmly lifted the dagger above cover drawing fire toward him once more and then click. Even with an alarm going that all to familiar sound of an empty clip rung true and loud enough to be heard, seeing his opportunity Jake rose from behind the cover and charged the guard, dagger in hand. The guards initial response parried Jake's first lunge away with his baton as he struck Jake's left cheek. Though that would be the only blow dealt as Jake swiftly followed up, slashing for the guards lightly armoured side. Holding the dagger embedded still in the guard, Jake used his free and to wipe the blood from the wound he sustained. "Time to join your friend." Jake commented as he sent yet another guard down the central shaft. However, so close to the brink this one simply fell past the floors for any awaiting guards to catch sight of. Cleaning the blood off on his armoured jeans the SeeD began to advance, more cautiously for the next floor. Resistance was only likely to increase until he located someone, and he had no intention of bailing on this mission.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ashton quickly had followed suit after Duncan, but he took care of the guard well enough. The guard was dead, yet it did not surprise the sniper SeeD member. Minerva managed to knock the other guard out so in the end they managed to get away fairly unscathed. The allied guard however, seemed to be on high level nerves and fear. Most likely after having to witness in person what a SeeD was capable of. There were many horror stories, rumors, tales to even scare children to bed... She felt a little bad for him. Honestly, she couldn't imagine how regular soldier's were trained. She was training to be a SeeD since she was just a child. Despite his apparent fear, she considered him quite brave for going through this in the first place. So in a effort to make him feel a little better, the beanstalk of a woman patted his back. It was then a radio message was apparently received, Duncan taking it before a force rattled the building. Knocking them off their feet.

The tall woman face planted, before getting back up again, rubbing her face a bit before listening to Duncan. Apparently, there was a rescue team out for them. And it seemed to be the loud kind. So in this situation, Duncan was quite correct. Going stealthy now would be pointless, so they would be forced to go loud and fierce now that the whole building was up in alarm. It was still a comforting feeling knowing they were being rescued.

Duncan instructed them the plan before instructing them to move out, which Ashton nodded to. She quickly picked up one of the downed soldier's SMG's before quickly following after. They were at least close to the armory now. She could hear many footsteps and she instantly raised her gun foreword. The second she spotted a soldier at the end of the hall and gave a brief examination as he glanced toward them and started to raise his weapon, she fired three times passed her two comrades in front of her. The soldier's head snapped backward as the bullets hit against his forehead, the nose, and the mouth area and fell to the ground. Ashton clicked her tongue as she looked at her weapon mildly irritably. Reminding her she missed her sniper rifle. Other guns took a little more bullets to get through and were more unsteady.

Continuing on, they soon reached the armory and Ashton quickly moved in and searched around. Smiling brightly as she found a chest full of her belonging's. Clothes, armor and her beloved sniper rifle, Levi. Quickly, she removed the tattered soldier coat, uncaring now of showing her bare lanky body and she changed into her regular clothing. Enjoying the baggy looking wear and her warm coat. Picking up her sniper rifle, she one armed it and rested it on her shoulders before looking to the others to see if they were ready to head to the control room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hearing Duncan tell Xerox he was stating the obvious, Xerox sighed. I was leading up to telling you that Eika was here. Duncan seemed to be shocked and only realised a little after that Xerox had mentioned Eika. "Yes, she's here and alive. She's here to bust her balls to return to your side, again." Xerox had lost his more professional tone and just started to be casual to Duncan. Being told that capturing "Mako" was a good idea, and what to do Xerox agreed, "Roger, I'll scan and look for "Mako" as we make our way to the control room. Over"

Before radioing to Jericho, Xerox agreed with Heliose that Rachel should be tended to. "Bandages, ointments, potions, hi-potions, ethers. This should be okay for now, but definitely need a better check up when we get back." Looking through the wall, the soldiers were coming up the stairs. "Heliose, can you tend to Rachel first, and when you are ready we will make our way up to the others. I'll hold back the soldiers at the stairs." Xerox asked Heliose.

Heading to the staircase, he radioed into Jericho by getting to Adams. "Hey, pass the radio to Jericho. A rescue team is here. Duncan said to pull the stops and meet with him at the control room. In other words, go loud. Right now, I'm stopping soldiers from coming up the stairs. I've got your drive with me, and I've got a spare scythe you can borrow if you want. Up to you whether you meet up with us before we head to the control room or not." He was about to stop when he heard a cry through the radio, a moomba cry. From the other end it must of been really loud. "Rue?" he asked, pulling out a turret next to the stairs, prepping to fire. Looking up, and tapping his glasses, he could see that in a room nearby Jericho, Rue was being held, with other moombas. "Jericho, On your way out, get those moombas out of the room. It's near you guys, you should be able to tell which from the cries. Please, Rue is in there." Xerox asked for the favor, before starting some suppression fire from the stairs.

The first few soldiers were unprepared, getting completely mowed down. The others hid around the side, waiting for some sort of reload or some point in time when the bullets would stop. But, Xerox was more prepared than that, he could feed in as much ammunition as he pleased, due to his large stockpile in his ESS. "Heliose! You done patching up Rachel!?" he yelled over the turret fire.

In a room near Jericho, Rue cried out. He had been locked up with the other moombas, who had been used for experiments and slavery. All he could do was wait for rescue, and hopefully get the other moombas out of the place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jericho listened to Xerox and nodded when he finished. {Copy, we'll set the charges, free the moombas and get back to the others. Might be safer to meet you at the control room with Duncan and the others. See you there.} He hands the radio back to Adam and heads for the door, having heard the moomba call out. He put three rounds each into the two guards there, then knocked. "Rue, if you're in there, get your friends away from the door and the knock call out twice to give me the all clear." He can hear sounds afterwards and when Rue calls out twice, Jericho shots out the door knob and any locks and kicks the door open, Adam already waving the quick to flee moombas out. "Rue, where are you?" When the friendly moomba made itself known by however it choose, Jericho and Adam turned and sprinted after the moombas.

When they were all two levels up, Adam used their improvised detonator and set off their homemade charges, taking out the power junction. The explosion rattled their block, and then the lights dimmed. With that, they started climbing up the stairs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Heloise resigned herself to playing nurse, and began to patch up Rachel as best as she could, and probably not doing a good job. But at least wounds were bandaged, pain was lessened and that would make things better. Hopefully. She was trying to sound positive.

As the sounds of fighting ensured, Heloise hissed, wanting to help, but focusing on Rachel. At Xerox's badgering, Heloise let out an annoyed growl, and called "I'm going as fast as I can, you want it done right or done fast? Done fast, I will probably hurt her more! So shut up and let me work!" bit she was pretty much done, with her mediocre skills in healing.

She should have tried summoning Solias, but she didn't. Instead she nudged Rachel along, and hurried off to help Xerox, "I'm coming!0
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“Thank you.” Rachel said as Heloise finished first aid and went to help Xerox. Truth was that while the first aid was going to help, what Rachel needed was in the rest of the equipment Xerox provided. The potions... well those were going to help somewhat, but the most important thing... She quickly took a syringe and some heavy painkillers. Administering them herself, she quickly began losing the feeling of pain in her arms and her kneecaps. Still that was some hell of a torture that bastard had devised. Her irises contracted for a moment, before she shook her head, finally feeling at least up for the escape now. In reality while the potions and the first aid took care of the momentary problems.

She quickly took the poison capsule from her tooth, drew the poison with a big syringe, then poured the poison in a bottle of liquid painkiller. Then proceeded to smashing another glass bottle and putting the small shards inside the poisoned one. After that was done, she quickly closed the poison along with the glass shrapnels and made her way to her party. “ Think you can shoot it if I throw it? This thing is full of glass shards and poisoned liquid now. A single scratch or a drop in the mouth or the eyes and they are deadmen.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Minerva let out a grateful sigh as felt the familiar weight of her equipment once again. Sure she was a bit embarrassed in having to change into said equipment with people there but now was not the time for such things as she sheathed her sword at her waist and gripped her spear firmly in her hand it was good to have these again it was just odd without them all things considered. "So we got our equipment whats the next step" Minerva asked as she buckled her cloak and let fall as it rested on her shoulders.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lennon79
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Lennon79 Senpai

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Pained though his manhood may have been, Duncan felt a rush of exhilaration as they broke through the guards' lines. The Galbadians hadn't managed to get themselves organised just yet, falling without incident. It felt good to have a gun in his hands once again, to be able to stand up to his captors in equal grounds. He privately hoped that he found Mako before the others; Duncan had a score to settle with that sadistic cunt. Before long they reached the main armoury and set about breaking open storage containers until they found their weapons. Duncan couldn't find his rifle though, Xerox's little wunderwaffe. Still, there was a good supply of Galbadian weaponry to choose from, so he outfitted himself with the heaviest machine-gun he could carry and enough explosives to level a small town. Galbadian armour was plentiful too, he wouldn't be completely unprotected. What they lacked was a way to transport everyone else's kit; some of them had ridiculously over-sized weapons, that scythe for example. Why some SeeDs chose to use such showy kit, he couldn't never understand... But Duncan shook that thought away. They had work to do. 'Alright people, let's find a good choke point and dig in. We're on the defensive now, at least until the others catch up with us.' He grinned widely at Minerva. 'And you get the envious job of being our only front-liner. Me and Griff'll pour the lead on, try to keep them at a distance. But if they get close, then it's your turn.'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ashton nodded in response to Duncan, picking up her travel backpack and stared at the other SeeD's equipment. Teal colored eyes narrowed thoughtfully over the giant weapons that were bigger then her sniper rifle. She remembered when she tried to use a weapon like this. It did not end well. The school refused to let her use any giant bladed weapons ever again. She could probably strap these to her bag, though it would slow her down... and might cause similar issues like the time when she did try to use a weapon ten times her size but these were her comrades equipment. The dirty blonde would have felt very happy to have her own sniper rifle returned to her. Still, probably best to hold out in position until the rest of the party catches up. With the alarm now blaring, their option of being slow and careful was pretty much out the window. Glancing around the room, she looked down the hall before moving one of the large steel boxes. Pushing it in front of the opening before crouching down.

Sniper rifle moving to shift over the cover and aim directly where enemy troops were surely to come running at them. Eyes fixated to focus on any movement and who exactly it belonged to. It be bad if she headshotted a comrade after all or perhaps a innocent Moomba. Eyes flicking a little wider as she caught a sliver a movement, she spotted the color of enemy. The build wasn't anyone she recognized and she could hear the shouts of command. She fired as the man waved toward their position, gun raising and ready to fire. Levi the sniper rifle whirred as it was fired, and just like that the bullet flew and sunk right through the enemy soldier's right eye. Her position and stance didn't change as she skillfully reloaded in a surprisingly quick manner, for a sniper at least, and resumed overwatch. She of course, didn't enjoy killing, but in this position, she had little choice. Priority was to get her comrades out alive. And SeeD's were trained for these scenarios. She could hear more footsteps and shouts barely through the alarms. Ashton hoped that the others would make it back quick. With the three of the SeeD's here though, they should be able to hold out pretty well, especially when in the Armory with ammo.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Minerva sighed as she watched the soldiers fight on they stood no chance it was obvious but they did their duty without regret and she could respect that. "Please forgive me for what I have to do" she whispered as she fought of the ones that got to close using her spear to trip and knocking them out it was the best she could do. She did not want to take a life despite not liking the galbadian military all that much she did know people in the military and she would hate to take on the duty to shake of their mortal coil. Though She was SeeD first and foremost so she fought on saying sorry to each and every soldier that got to close.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Keep going, move!" Jericho's voice echoed down the hall towards Duncan and the others, followed shortly by several short bursts of gunfire as Adam Phillips ran around the corner, a ball of fur attached to his back.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot! I'm a friendly!" When he was safely in the armory, he breathed a sigh of relief, even as the gun fire from the direction he'd come from continued. Jericho's back soon appeared, the SMG in his hand flashing from the muzzle. He could also be heard slinging names towards his attackers, who sounded like they were taking it and throwing it back.

"-in one end and out the other, you daft, sorry piece of chocobo shite!" This was answered by an increase in gunfire that had the young SEED diving for cover in a heartbeat, looking up at the spear pointing at his nose. "Easy now, I'm on your side! I'd rather not get speared after happily avoiding getting shot today." When the spear finally moved away, he stood up and got behind the lines, gathering his gear after dumping the SMG and knives and joining the spear and sword wielding girl past Duncan. "So, we got a plan for getting the hell out of dodge yet, Duncan?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lennon79
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Lennon79 Senpai

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the others took their positions, Duncan stepped across the hallway to take cover in an alcove. He could hear the soldiers thundering down both ends of the corridor toward; either they knew the armoury had been hit, or they were trying to arm up for the fight. Either way, it meant shit was about to kick off. With Ashton holding the doorway and Minerva ready to tangle with any who got too close, he took another tac. As the soldiers began filing down the corridor, he slid as far into his alcove as possible, hidden in shadows from their alert ayes. As the first Galbadian fell, minus an eye socket, he quietly cocked the machine gun and ran the sling over his head. Couple seconds more... Once the soldiers had entrenched on either side of the armoury door, all their attention fixed on suppressing the sniper long enough to break in, Duncan swung around the corner. The gun fell to hang naturally at his hip and he yanked the trigger down hard. A stream of bullets caught the soldiers completely unprepared, scything through them before they could turn to face the new threat. Caught in a crossfire between Ashton at the doorway and Duncan in the corridor, the first wave melted away. Duncan didn't hang around to gloat through, darting into the armoury as the last soldier fell. He trusted Ashton not to put a round through his skull, but couldn't help but duck reflexively as he ducked inside. 'Fine work, ladies. Ready for round two?' As the others gathered themselves for the next wave, Duncan lay took post in once corner, ready to spray the doorway at the first sign of blue. As they tenses up for the fight, they heard a burst of gunfire down the corridor and a familiar voice calling out. Seconds later Jericho backed into the room, cussing black and blue and bringing a tired smile to Duncan's lips. 'Welcome back mate. You get that gen down?' Once the others with Jericho had dove in, he sprayed the doorway with fire, giving the soldiers outside a few moment's pause. 'Plan is to wait for the others, then onward and upward.' He paused ling enough to stitch a line of holes through the arm of one soldier who didn't know how to use cover properly. 'But I'm not sure if that's viable anymore.' The whole plan had been a bit adhoc, so when the outside attackers had made their play it had all become a bit redundant. 'New plan. Bullrush these cunts, take the control room, get outta here. Objections? No? Out-fucking-standing. Minerva, Jericho, you're up front; soldiers, cover our rear.'

For his part, Fresno was still in shock. He had been set up, sword in hand for when the melee started, but those few soldiers who made it into the armoury had been butchered before he had a chance. He couldn't help but feel a whole new wave of relief for not being stationed in Dollet... He jogged over to Phillips, giving the man a shaky brofist. 'You ok man? This shit be cray...' A minute of preparation later and the SeeDs were stacked up by the doors. 'On one.', Duncan called tersely. 'Three-' He threw a grenade out into the corridor. 'Two-' Their attackers began yelling in panic, unable to escape the blast in time. 'One!' A split second after the grenade went off, they threw themselves into the corridor. From his place at the back of the line, Fresno didn't see much, but if the heavy gunfire and panicked yells were any hint, the battle wasn't going well for Galbadia. He followed along as the team stormed the corridor, breaking through patches of disorganised and disorientated soldiers. Before long they reached a stairwell, the entrance to the prison control room and, as far as he knew, the only way out of the facility. Duncan stopped them at the foot of the stairs, rapidly reloading his oversized gun. 'Alright then. Same again; grenade, you two charge, we follow.' He pulled the pin on the next grenade, nodding to Jericho and Minerva. 'Three...'

Elsewhere in the facility, two men were running desperately away from the explosions and gunfire. They dove into an open cell, slammed the door shut behind them. One slid to the floor as he partner tried to build a barricade. 'R-Royce... Did you hear which cells got opened?' The man stacking tables against the door paused for a second, his expression grim. '... All of 'em. System's fried.' The implication wasn't lost on Agent Mako. With all the prisoners free to escape at their leisure, the SeeDs he had spent so much time with must be loose. 'Oh... oh dear...' He drew his service pistol, something he had barely touched before today. Royce watched painfully as his partner tried to load the weapon; if SeeD did find them, he knew Mako wouldn't be able to defend himself. If it came to it, he would have to hold SeeD off. He sighed wearily, then chuckled. Can't beat 'em, but I can make the bastards work for it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Spraying down the enemy lines, Xerox nodded as Rachel suggested to throw the glass and poison filled bottle. As the bottle came overhead the enemy soldiers, he lined up the shot and shot through the bottle, releasing the poison and glass shards. Painful screams could be heard from the poor Galbadian soldiers caught in the poison and glass. Setting up the turret, and the ammunition, Xerox released the turret and let it fire automatically, with it's large stockpile of ammunition. "This should hold off anyone who tries to come up." Xerox noted, before flicking through his glasses for different levels of vision. Looking up, he could see the rest of the team, defending the armory, and between them, Agent Mako and Royce, locking themselves in a cell. "So, on our way to meet up with the rest of the team, there's a certain pair of individuals holding themselves up in a cell. What do you two say to catching them?" Xerox suggested.

Leading the way up, Xerox radioed to Duncan. "Duncan, Xerox here. Identified location of Mako and Royce and attempting to make a capture now. Will head your way immediately afterwards." Along the way, there were a few straggling soldiers. Rushing through, he intercepted a few, knocking them heavily into the wall with his spare giant spanner. There was no need to really fight them, but if they attempted to come at them, they were bound to be killed quickly by one of them. Going up a couple of flights, they reached the cell where Mako and Royce hid themselves. "You know, it would really be a waste to take them out of the cell to capture." Xerox said, "Let me try something, hold off any incoming soldiers please." he requested, as footsteps could be heard coming around the corridors.

Taking out a device from his ESS, which was going through it's first trial, he scanned the jail cell, with Mako and Royce in it. He was attempting to somehow enable a way to "seal" and "capture" people in his ESS. The scan attempted to create recreate the current atmosphere within the prison cell for the people captured, to enable life inside the ESS. Then, he tried to envelop the cell, walls, roof, barricade, floor, all of it, inside his ESS. He successfully was able to take in a cell into his ESS, however ... the people inside the cell were ... free. Since their clothes were also inorganic and their weapons, they also somehow made it into the ESS, but not the people themselves.

Standing just behind what used to be a barricaded prison door, was a naked Royce, and crouching in the corner was a pathetic, naked Mako. "Uh... That wasn't meant to happen, but, hey, I disarmed them at least, right?" he commented.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lennon79
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Lennon79 Senpai

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The barricade was finished, Mako stowed safely in a corner and Royce was poised ready to give anyone coming through that door a face full of lead. He checked the seals on his armour-mounted guns one last time, just to be sure; SeeD could break in at any moment, so he had to be pre- A sudden feeling of queasiness flooded over them and Royce had to grab his gut to stop throwing his breakfast back up. As he looked down, he realised that he was... naked..? His weapons were gone, his armour vanished. Before his mind could process this mind-boggling turn of events, a sharp pain erupted from his chest and he collapsed into a violent fit of coughing. Blood bubbled up in his throat as he choked. utterly bewildered by the attack, but determined not to let it beat him, Royce staggered over to the barricade to hold the attackers back. He didn't spare a glance for Mako, who had passed out cold on the deck. Royce's mind raced as his vision darkened, thinking furiously. The only conclusion he could come to was that they had been EMPed; how else could he account for his implants suddenly failing? If he had had longer, perhaps he could have made his peace. Unfortunately if his implants were down, then that meant his pacemakers would be dead too... His only regret was that he didn't have some sort of explosive left, so he could take the bastards with him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

For what it was worth, the situation wasn't all that bad. Well, compared to other possible outcomes. Ashton's movement was quick and precise, ducking into cover to reload before coming out to make a quick but precise shot. Of course, her pace slowed as the enemy soldiers focused their fire on her to keep the sniper down. And she could hear their footsteps make it pass the door. Duncan however launched into action. Coming around the corner and firing with sprays of bullets toward the taken off guard opponents. Hearing several thuds of bodies, Ashton soon resumed her quick firing now that the line of suppressing her was interrupted. Each were usually precise. Through the head, and despite Duncan now being in the Crossfire, she didn't hit him. Granted, a few times the bullet may have zoomed passed him at nervous levels if one would of slowed down time to take a good look at the bullet's path, but she never missed her intended target. Well. Maybe a little. A couple of them she hit in their throat.

As another pair of footsteps could be heard, she reloaded before aiming her sniper towards the new arrival. Finger on the trigger, before her teal eyes managed to register the man who arrived was a ally. His words confirming it as he came dashing toward them. So she didn't shoot him, but still fired passed him to hit another enemy soldier. Changing her target quickly to one more productive.

Listening to their conversation while also focusing on what she was doing, after all, it wasn't a good idea for a sniper to lose focus on what they were doing. Could lead putting a bullet in a ally's face for example. Listening to Duncan's new plan, the dirty blonde nodded in agreement.

Waiting for the others to go, she applied covering fire before rushing after them, before waiting around the corner for the second charge. Glancing toward the others for their next move.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Heloise took the time to make sure they weren't being followed, and to stop anyone who did. Anyone who did found a dagger in their bellies. She essentially covered their butts, moving along at a slightly slower pace then xerox and Rachel. She wasn't about to let herself be captured again. So it was that she came onto the scene a little bit late, seeing the naked people.

She blinked, and then shifted, daggers in hand, looking about them. And wondered what had happened, but that wasn't something she was going to ponder now. "So are we having an orgy or are they nudists?" She asked pleasantly, one dagger ready to throw, the other posed to attack or defend.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 10 mos ago

As Jake continued to fight his way down the tower it was evident that resistance was actually starting to thin out. Either reinforcements from the towers base levels were held off, or the majority of the stationed guards were higher up the tower. It wasn't long before a certain level of commotion was echoing up from the floor below, something about capturing someone, or something accompanied by the request to hold off soldiers. Hearing this Jake picked up the pace as he headed for the next floor down.

Upon arrival Jake peered around into the main corridor only to see several soldiers cut down by a dagger wielding woman. Moving back Jake reported in. "Overwatch, be advised I've made contact with part of the Joint Harden Strike Team." Jake stepped out into the main corridor where the others were. "...Xerox right?" Jake asked as he approached. "The inventor, or would you prefer engineer? Or maybe scientist?" Jake continued to question as he got closer to the three. "What are you staring at?" A gaping hole in the wall, which was clearly once a continuation of the cells provided the answer to that question. "heh, friends of yours?" As he asjed Jake turned his attention to the two women accompanying Xerox. Recognising neither of them from his previous time on the team Jake took out his PDA and snapped two quick head shots, sliding the device back into his pocket afterwards.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rachel raised an eyebrow in pleasant surprise as they found themselves, looking at naked Mako and Royce. The usually cold and professional acting trabian SeeD smirked devilishly as she patted Xerox on the shoulder.” Good job…”

“Neither… Xerox, pulled all inorganic matter before us and stored it away… leaving them in their most natural state… And it seems someone was carrying implants within his body…” She said as she made a few steps to stop over Royce… She wanted to play with Mako, but since he was out cold, that was not possible right away.” Ohh don’t think I’m letting you off the hook that easily…” She said to Royce and gave an evil grin.” Xerox… prepare medical equipment, also confine that fool that’s out cold over there… I’m going to deal with him later… For now I’m going to deal with this one.” She said and quickly jumped towards the nearby corpse of an galbatian soldier, stripping his chest armor and with a knife quickly starting to open his chest so she can get as fast as she can to the heart inside.” I’m going to get us some important people to… interrogate later… “ She said as she was already covered with blood up to the elbows.” Usually this operation takes hours… with some potions and specialized equipment I can get him ‘patched up’ and ready for transportation in minutes… though he will require medical attention as soon as we get away from here. Side effects of improper work now doens't matter as long as we get our intel People who work without morals... don't deserve moral treatment.”

“Oi… you… the newly arrived… come here and help me with this one… I want to get this guy a new heart and have him patched up before we start to escape this place.” Rachel stated to those who just arrived." Xerox, we will need something to carry this fool on."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Two...one...Go!" When the grenade went down the hall, Jericho came out of his piece of cover, his pistol firing into the hall to discourage those with guns form popping out too soon. However, despite this, he heard three wet squishes as the bullets impacted targets and he soon holstered his pistol and brought the scythe around, the familiar resistance of flesh appearing before it cut through. He proceeded forward, cutting through anyone unfortunate enough to get in front of him and gunning down those that ran. Couldn't risk some kind of warning going further down the hall.
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