Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Thomas tried hard to not have a case of 'resting murder-face' as someone from her past said hi to Carol. He hadn't seen him in their group, so it must have been someone who left her behind. That earned someone named [u]Oliver[/u[] a black mark in his book. He wasn't jealous, not in that way, he had asked Carol out before and she turned him down. He figured someday she might want to take him up on it. He considered asking her to his senior ball, but he hadn't acted on it yet. He also thought of asking Sani as well to keep keep up her social image until she came out of the closet on her own.

"Leave it alone. Let it burn itself out! The fire will go out. It doesn't have anywhere to go. Let's get to the cafe before class starts. I need to grab a bottled water."

She was right, it more startled him than anything. He trusted her and pushed on to the cafeteria, he was already hungry and her request made him even hungrier, he could already see himself there in the cafeteria and for a moment he must have lost his grip on the chair as he lurched forward. Staggering but recovering before head-butting the back of her skull.

He recovered after a moment but was feeling faded it couldn't be low blood sugar, he just ate. Oh well, he wanted more food already, this just confirmed it. As they entered the cafeteria, he saw oliver again and tried to push past him before Carol saw him again and got more hurt. She wanted water, but he waned to avoid the drink machines, so he took her to the main line, it was longer but it was further away. If Oliver could read his mind, the word would be 'Traitor.' But he didn't know how in touch this kid was with his third eye chakra. Everyone was psychic, to one degree or another, he just didn't know how aware some were over each other.

"I missed breakfast, I'll buy your water if you wait with me in line. Which reminds me, How much do you put into...dreams?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It took a lot of deep breaths and telling herself that she was fine and that things would go back to normal soon and that even if they didn't it was a big deal before Lyra had finally managed to calm down. When she did the shadows all around stopped twitching and went back to normal too. Right about this time, Lyra noticed the smell of cigarettes and felt someone sit down next to her. She recognized the voice as Jeff's.

Lyra brought her face up from her hands, still keeping her eyes closed, and gave Jeff a small smile, "Ah, well, it's not exactly been a great morning for me, but I'm pretty sure it can go up from here." She told him, hoping that last bit was true. "Anyways, how are you?" She asked as she took another sip of her coffee, hoping to distract herself from all that had been happening by talking with Jeff until it was time for class to start.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Throughout the day Paul was beginning to seriously question if he was just going insane or if something was seriously going on his clothes. Though after awhile he stopped wondering about the clothes and more himself. Sure he was still a growing young man, but he was pretty sure he couldn't bang his forehead against the top of the door going into his social studies class. What made it weirder was he didn't come close to banging his head against the door on the way out later. Internally Paul was questioning if he should go to the doctor, is there a science for this kind of height changing stuff?

As the final period came to a close the PA speakers was an announcement, asking for an unusual amount of students to come to the head office. Amongst them Oliver MacIntyre, Paul Lombardi, Thomas Fan, Lyra York, Danielle Hale, Derek Quintanilla, Jefferson Ween, Eric Pierce, Carol Ronick, and even a teacher in Ms. Velmont. Paul heard the announcement and there was a shiver of fear going through him. He was a pretty good student all things considered. So being called to the Principle's office was a bit weird. Paul felt pretty small with everyone looking at him, and in reality he was very slowly shrinking in height. Finally when he got to the Principle's office he had to wait in his office, he wasn't there, and Paul was left to be quietly waiting as he didn't realize what was happening to him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 5 days ago

There was nothing Oliver loved more than having to report to the principal's office. That was, of course, a lie. In fact, Oliver was terrified. His first thought was that they had somehow traced the broken mirrors back to him. Then, he realised it didn't make sense for the others to also be called to the office. Perhaps someone had found out his insanity? During the day, he had been playing around with his apparent ability to read minds. It worked, definitely made his math test easier, but he wasn't fully convinced that he wasn't insane.

On his way to the office, he thought about the others that had been called to the office. Himself, Paul Lombardi, Thomas Fan, Lyra York, Danielle Hale, Derek Quintanilla, Jefferson Ween, Eric Pierce, Carol Ronick, and Ms. Velmont. Paul and Carol, he was acquainted with. The others, he had never spoken to. He didn't take Ms. Velmont class, but he knew that most of the other kids hated her. He approached the door to the principal's office, finding that Paul was already there. He nodded a hello, and began pacing back and forth rapidly in worry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

The school day seemed to progress slowly for Carol. First and second period were normal enough aside from some unusual discomfort. It was hard to pin down exactly was it was. More like an aching feeling than anything. But really nothing odd seemed to happen until third period. The students were heading out of class and Carol was following along. She had a slight dizzy spell but recovered quickly. Thinking nothing of it she pushed to roll forward like always. But instead of moving forward she pivoted backward and spilled out on the floor. It wasn't bad and others quickly helped her back into her wheelchair. Afterward she tried to replicate the accident but couldn't and chalked it up to doing something wrong.

Fourth period was not very enjoyable as she was starving much more than usual. And by the time she could have lunch she ate quite a bit more than usual. Normally her appetite was less when she was sick, which is what she assumed was wrong at this point. Thankfully that seemed to pass eventually. Along with the last three periods Carol headed to to the library for a couple books. While grabbing the books from the isles she realized that one she needed was outside her reach. Well no matter she could always ask someone for help. Whilst waiting for someone to pass by she began to drift into the air. It took a second to realize what was happening and when she did Carol dropped her books and grabbed the shelf. Several seconds passed where she hovered above the ground. When she finally did drop she landed on her feet. Normally her legs would buckle at this point but she wobbled awkwardly before steadying. She could stand? What the hell?

By this point Carol had no idea what was going on. She felt that maybe she was dreaming or something. But she didn't want to reveal what was happening to her. It made no sense and would probably make her sound crazy. Of course at the end of the school day was the worst. That was when the majority of the changes hit. She felt like she was overheating from working out. Her bone and muscle mass underwent accelerated growth while becoming super dense so her body didn't really increase in size other than bulking up. The heat exhaustion was bad enough that she hit the showers and ran cold water just to cool off. Thankfully there were separate stalls for the handicapped which meant she could actually try standing without having to worry about others seeing.

Properly being on her own two feet again was weird. First because she was told she could never do it again, and also because it had been such a long time. Beyond that though something clearly going on with her body. This morning she looked, well, average. Rather thin without much definition to speak of. Now though she looked like she had been doing weight training for the last couple years. Self toning body wasn't a thing as far as Carol knew though. Even when she played soccer she wasn't close to being this fit. The confusion was only compounded when her and several other's names were called. Drying off she got dressed and headed where she was told.

Arriving at the principal's office Carol had opted to stay in her wheelchair for now. She had some trouble with the newfound strength, nearly ripping a door off its hinges and almost crashing numerous times. But she learned that a light touch was necessary to at least somewhat appear normal. Most largely ignored her too which was good. Carol supposed she should have worn looser clothing today because if someone actually payed attention they would see her newly chiseled body. Hopefully no one would think twice about it. It appeared that two of the others had already arrived. Oliver she recognized and waved weakly. "Hey again." Glancing around she saw that the principal wasn't there yet. That seemed a bit odd. "Do either of you have any idea why we were called here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

She was always energetic. She was a cheerleader, she had to be. But his was just ridiculous.

At this point, Dani felt like she had enough 'pep' for the entire pep rally all by herself. She had been feeling more and more energy running through her all day. In every single class, she finished her work before everyone else. That never happened. Ever. Having to sit and wait for everyone else to catch up afterwards was torture and she was glad when every class ended. For a brief moment, she wondered if Derek had slipped some pcp into that coffee. She was fairly certain her friend wasn't a drug addict though. So there had to be some other explanation.

Dani was sitting twiddling her thumbs in the final class of the day, going slowly insane, when an announcement came over the PA. A number of students, herself included, were called to the principal's office. "Thank God!" she all but yelled as she stood quickly, knocking her seat over and drawing the entire class's attention to her. She quickly realized what she had done and immediately felt embarrassed. She had reacted entirely on impulse when she realized she could finally leave this class. With everyone now looking at her, she laughed nervously before adding "I mean..." but after an awkward pause decided not to even finish her sentence. Instead she simply snatched up her bags and hurried out the door.

She had to admit, she wasn't used to being called to the principal's office. Back when she had been a member of the student council, before resigning, she had spoken to the principal quite a lot. But she had never been called in with a bunch of seemingly random kids. Was she in trouble? She hoped not. She couldn't think of any reason why she would be.

When she pushed the door open to the office, she noticed a couple of others already waiting but there was no sign of the principal. She took a seat next to Paul and glanced over at him. She immediately did a doubletake. Paul had always been taller than her but looking at him now, he seemed notably smaller. Smaller than her even. That was weird. She didn't even try to hide the fact that she was confused. Her confusion only grew as she slowly turned her head to look at Carol who looked like she had been working out. A lot. Dani had admittedly never paid a whole lot of attention to the girl in the wheelchair but she was fairly certain she wasn't always that buff. It was kind of impressive and Dani was actually a little jealous. Oliver's pacing seemed relatively normal compared to these two so she paid little attention to him. By this point she was quite visibly looking back and forth between Paul and Carol.

There was a lot of weird going on here and Dani felt increasingly uncomfortable with it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When Eric managed to avoid burning during his attempt to smother the trashcan fire, he though his had begun looking up even if he did ruin his jacket. Unfortunately though his temperature kept raising to the point that before long he took off his sweater and walked around his shirt, oddly enough he didn't feel sick or anything just hot.

Other odd things kept happening to him that day, like the hand shaped scorch mark he somehow made on his desk during biology, or the fact that a girl burned her hand on a doorknob he had just used seconds ago. Those two coincidences were enough to make suspect that he somehow caused the fire.

During lunch-hour he decided to avoid the cafeteria despite the fact he felt hungrier than normal and instead went outside, hoping that his usual spot was empty. When he arrived at the outside wall of the library there was indeed no one there. "Perfect." He ripped an empty page out of his notebooks and easily managed to get it catch fire.

While Eric had been half expecting it, it still came as a shock. "Hmm in manga when someone has fire powers, creating fireballs is a common ability so I wonder." While it took more effort than burning the leaf, he eventually managed to create a golf ball sized orb of flames in his dominant right hand. As he was patting himself on the back about it, he got the idea to see if it was possible to set himself on fire without getting hurt like so American comics had fire based characters doing. "Not a good idea to try that here, after all just because I didn't burned this morning or right now doesn't mean that's impossible, and even if it was I have no desire to destroy my clothes and walk around naked."

For his last period Eric had one of his favorite subject history and the fact that the teacher was Mr Putin didn't hurt either. Unfortunately it had to be during that class that he was called to the principal's office. Hi first thought was that it was because of the trashcan-incident but that didn't make any sense. When he arrived he saw that four of the other students who were called had beaten him there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia had just droned through her day like normal. She was half awake during most of her classes and wasn't really paying attention. Around third period though she started to have more trouble walking than normal. Her feet felt like they were in squishy socks. Except it felt more like she didn't even have feet. During her break between classes Cia took off her shoes only to find that her feet looked like they were melting. "The hell?" Cia said looking at her feet, though these were more like puddles. As Cia felt more alarmed her feet went back to normal. "I wonder." Cia though at this point she started to tug on her arm finding it to actually stretch. Her eyes went wide at this. "I must be more tired than I thought." Cia said to herself as she pulled her arm back to normal after tensing up again.

"I-I need more coffee." Cia stated to herself as she headed back to the teachers lounge. Throughout the day she had noticed several students doing equally strange things. "T-There is something wrong with me." Cia said putting a hand to her head. At this point though she bumped into the one person she really needed to see at this point. George the Janitor. "Well someone seems to be in a flustered mood today." George said with his normal kind smile. He is after all one of the kindest people within the entire school.

Cia looked up at George with a relieved sigh. "Yeah, I think I'm just having one of my weird hallucagenic episodes." Cia said. Saying this to George made her feel alot more at ease, like talking to a psychologist. "Maybe you should try yoga sometime, it might relax you." George offered want to try and ease Cia's pain. "T-That's not such a bad idea, thanks." Cia said before heading off to the rest of her classes for the day. After that conversatoin Cia was a bit more at ease.

When Cia heard herself being called to the office with a bunch of other students she could only assume that the students were going to complain about Cia's teaching. Cia got results sure, but her methods of teaching often seemed lazy and without any effort on her part. There was a reason other students hated her.

After entering the office Cia looking around at the other students in the room. "This is about my teaching methods isn't it?" Cia asked as she rubbed her head. She was being very blunt that was for sure. "Your all complaining about it and hoping to get me fired right?" Cia asked the other students in the room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Two other students entered followed shortly by Ms. Velmont. No one had really had the chance to give a solid answer as to why they were called. One of the girls (Dani) seemed perplexed by something and kept glancing back and forth between her and one of the boys there. While Carol didn't recognize the girl she seemed to have noticed something odd be be acting the way she was. It made the situation all the more awkward and Carol hugged her arms a bit to hide what she could. By now whatever had been happening to her seemed to have stopped. She wasn't sore thankfully but did feel a might stiff. She wanted to stretch to loosen up her muscles but this was neither the time nor the place for that.

No one had yet to really offer an explanation as to why they were there. Thus far everyone seemed just as clueless as the next person. That is except for Ms. Velmont, who right away assumed that they were there to get her in trouble. The math teacher did have a reputation of being a zombie, but that didn't really make sense for this meeting. "I don't know about anyone else Ms. Velmont, but I'm not here for that. I don't really know what I'm here for." Carol was in one of Velmont's classes today, which made sense given her major. The girl froze for a moment realizing she probably just drew the attention of someone that might actually notice her change from earlier in the day. Come to think of it, Oliver likely would have already noticed when she entered.

@Cuccoruler@Duthguy@Subject Zero@Nevix@DrewVonAwesome
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Thomas had been feeling heady all day, a little less than real and scatterbrained, seeing himself in laces and not remebering walking from lace to place. It was normal behavior he knew to ignore the insignificant things, but this was getting out of hand. Lunch came and he was shocked that the amount of food he piled up was as much as the varsity carbo-loading.

As bad as it was to buy that much food was the fact that he ate it all, six slices of pizza, 2 cartons of milk, three trays of chillicheesefries and two helpings of what they laughed to call fried fish. He wolfed it all down but was still hungry and spacing out. Thankfully the bell rang and he was off to the library for his 'teachers aide' class for the school librarian. Mostly it was 30 minutes of putting the books away pulled from lunch and a half hour for his own studies, he would normal knock out one of the first three periods homework with all the class books kept in stock in the library, on fridays he'd usually chew on another book of poetry or language to pass the time.

Today though, today was weird. He kept dropping books or getting dizzy and ending up across the library where he wanted to put a book away. Once he could fight back the nausea, he stood perfectly still, concentrated really hard about the Xerox machine, felt the nausea, and looked down to see himself in the middle of it like a ghost.


He jumped back and went through the wall and came out in the fiction/supernatural section with enough force to knock a book off the shelf, landing on his head. *bonk* "Ow.... Not dead." Looking to the book, it was on the the graphic novel of eXcalibur with shadowcat and nightcrawler. He tried really hard to not pop around the library but he did try focusing on putting his hand through things rather than teleporting since he did not want to pop into something solid and get stuck, or worse, killed. That was how he spent the better part of a half hour coming to terms with being ghostly.

After lunch and library was Gym which he was now currently dreading and Math with Miss Velmont to finish the day. In gym he cited a stomach ache with witnesses to his gorging himself at lunch and was made to take a lap around the ENTIRE school for an hour. This thought this could give him a limited opportunity to test his teleportation on empty straightaways if he could find secluded spots like behind the bleachers and the like. But like batman with a bomb, he could NOT find a moment when anyone wasn't in line of sight. The gods were conspiring against him!

Lastly was math, math for a final class was an utter torture. More than once he tried to make a gris-gris of pocket watches in order to speed up sixth period, but it just seemed to stretch on like elastic. Even the teacher seemed as bored with the class as the students were, this compunded with his scatterbrained mind envisioning himself out of there already did not help! He grabbed into his spiked bracelet to keep himself grounded so that he didn't teleport out of class, a lack of a hall ass would be the least of his problems.

Finally the final bell and he is FREE- until the announcement for lots of people to come to the office, including the teacher, him, Carol, and someone named Oliver. He could feel fate starting to bend him over the table as he followed alongside the teacher to the principals office. Looking around, he saw the cookie cutter from this morning, the guy near the burning trash this morning with his jacket and that Oliver. He shot another mind spike of 'traitor' to Oliver before looking away as the teacher spoke up.

"This is about my teaching methods isn't it? You're all complaining about it and hoping to get me fired, right?"
"I don't know about anyone else Ms. Velmont, but I'm not here for that. I don't really know what I'm here for."
"Just tell me what the quadratic equation is useful for, 'Negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac squared over 2a.' Tell me how I use that for anything useful and i'll petition you for teacher of the year."

He looked over to Carol and cocked his head to the side, something was off but he couldn't place it. Then again, he might be scatterbrained from everything going on today. But looking over the group, he dared to ask:

"Anyone else have a weird dream last night?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

While waiting in the office Paul could feel the awkwardness just making the room more and more stuffy by the moment. Between Oliver quietly pacing the room, Dani looking at him in a way he wasn't liking, and now his math teacher accusing him of trying to get her fired. Paul felt very uncomfortable and wishing he could just vanish.

It wasn't helping that while he was wishing that, he was still steadily shrinking more and more. His clothes looking more and more baggy on him as he slouched against his chair. He wasn't noticing yet but he knew something felt off at the moment. “Dude, I don't want to talk my dreams, I just want to go home.” Paul said matter of fact. He didn't really have an issue with Thomas, the guy seemed alright barring the more 'interesting' parts about him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dani's attention was slowly diverted away from Paul as others piled into the room. The Zombie was the first to distract her and Dani snorted slightly at the accusation that they were all there for the sole purpose of getting her into trouble. "Not everything is about you." she said with a roll of her eyes. She actually felt a little bit bad for the teacher. But only a little. Stuck in a dead end job, convinced that everyone hated you? That was sad. Ms Velmont was practically the polar opposite of Dani. Dani had tons of energy and a drive to go as far as humanly possible while the zombie just seemed lethargic and depressed. But that didn't mean Dani wanted her to get fired.

And then there was Tim, asking if anyone else had a weird dream. Dani tensed at the memory of her own dream. The dream had given her the creeps. The fact that Tim, who was actually in her dream, had also had a weird dream just made her even more creeped. She was uncomfortable with everything that was going on right now. And when Dani got uncomfortable, she got catty...Or more catty than usual.

"Aren't all your dreams weird, Lestat?" she practically hissed. The comment was uncalled for and she knew that but she wasn't going to apologize. "And is no one going to comment on Benjamin Button over here?" she asked the room, throwing a thumb towards Paul next to her while looking incredulously at everyone else.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Well," Oliver cleared his throat. "I didn't want to bring it up first." He then laughed. "None of this is normal!" He chuckled hysterically "You already brought up Paul's reverse growing. Carol looks like she's been living entirely on protein shakes for five years, I swear to God I saw Thomas flicker for a second. I keep hearing people's minds and I broke a mirror with my mind! Who knows what the Hell is up with Dani, Eric, and Velmont!" He calmed down for a moment.

"So how's everyone's day going" He flashed a goofy smile. "Aside from becoming freaks of nature overnight?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heathen
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Heathen Astrologist Know-It-All

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Derek Quintanilla

One of the waiters had barely put his drink down on the table before Derek's friend Dani sat right beside him and snatched it up for herself. He had reached over to grab it only to look up and see her drinking it nonchalantly as if it belonged to her. "Well damn don't mind me. It's not like I was going to drink that or anything," he said sarcastically before giggling to himself. After conversing with one another for a few minutes, everyone seemed to scatter from the cafe and onto their respective classes for the day. Nothing too spectacular happened throughout the day with Derek except promoting the pep rally that was after school. He did have a mild headache which he assumed was from not having any coffee in the morning thanks to Dani. The only thing that was remotely weird was during Biology class when Derek went over to one of the lab table to pet the class pet hamster, Rodney. When he reached inside and took out the hamster, he could feel a tingling sensation in his hand when he held Rodney. Derek couldn't exactly explain what it was and thought he just had the jitters.

Before he knew it, school had ended but not before he heard his name over the intercom with other names included to head to the principal's office. He immediately started to panic in his mind and tried to remember if he did anything bad throughout the day. He couldn't remember breaking any rules and he was a good kid. A detention or suspension could ruin his clean record and possibly affect his future. As he began to dramatically freak out, he walked reluctantly to the front office where the others had already sat waiting. He glanced over at Dani who was sitting next to that cute waiter that worked at the cafe. He rushed over and sat next to her quickly, not even taking note the weird things that were happening with the other students.

"Oh my god, am I in trouble? We did we do? What did I do? I have a bad feeling about this," Derek rambled as he looked around nervously. If it wasn't known, he had a knack for wanting to be a goody two shoes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia looked around at the other students realizing that none of them were there to get her fired. "Really? Huh, speaking of dreams. That was one of the rare dreams I ever got. But man did it feel good to get some sleep." Cia said with a smile as she thought about the fact that she actually got some sleep for once. As she thought of that feeling of bliss though her body started to melt. Soon enough her legs had becoming nothing but a puddle of skin. "Yeah that was great... why is everyone taller?" Cia said looking at the others in the room. She then realized that one of the students, Paul, had become shorter as well. "Your all talking about weird things happening. So I'm not hallucinating then?" Cia said before looking down to see the puddle of skin again.

"Right, I'm sure there is an explanation for this." Cia said looking at the others now trying to be an adult despite being shorter than them currently as half her body was a puddle. "I'm sure that since we are all experiencing this and we were all called here, someone will explain what is going on. Right?" Cia said trying to be optimistic. Sure she wasn't a great teacher, but she atleast knew how to prevent a panic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Paul glanced at Dani with an awkward glare of confusion as to what she was talking about, then Oliver chimed in with complete insanity. Paul wasn't sure what was going on, but he wasn't quite buying that it was something weird. Paul wasn't the kind of guy to just buy into crazy stuff, he would like to think he was a normal person, rational, and not just fall for any stupid crap. “Okay seriously you guys? Here's a thought, maybe you guys should stop with the stupid conspiracy theoHOLY SHIT MS. VELMONT?!”

Suddenly Paul's powers kicked into overdrive. The sudden shock of watching Ms. Velmont melt near him caused him to lose all thought, and his powers caused him to practically vanish in his seat. His clothes gently fluttered down onto the chair as Paul suddenly found himself naked and in a weird new world of cloth skies and denim lands. He glanced around frantically, “Uh guys? Melting Velmont? ANYONE?! ...AHHHHHHHHHHH!” Paul screamed in complete fear, though no one could possibly hear it based on the fact that he was so small his voice couldn't be heard from such a distance. Still he tried to cover himself as he glanced around. “Uh... I might go ahead and reconsider what you guys were saying?” He awkwardly said aloud.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Carol was having a hard time wrapping her head around what was going on. Dani had pointed out Paul and she had to watch for a while to realize that the boy was shrinking. She didn't really know him so only until she saw it did the reference click. Oliver mentioned several other odd things but not having seem them herself she couldn't really say. Obviously she knew of the things that had happened to her. "Okay, I do remember a dream and I think several of...you..." Ms. Velmont seemed to halfway melt before their eyes. However she didn't seem to be in any pain and actually was trying to keep things calm.

Despite the teacher trying to keep things from going crazy Paul seemed to lose it and suddenly disappear. Or more likely he shrank rapidly as his clothes flopped down where he stood. Dumbfounded Carol ran her hands through her hair and groaned slightly. "I'm not checking on him." He was probably naked under the clothes and she wanted nothing to do with that. This is crazy. Whoever called us here needs to hurry up and explain some things. Alright, so the dream thing seems to be a common theme. It's kind of hazy for me. I remember being on something like a medical table and getting a dose of something. I just thought it was a nightmare from when I was in the hospital or something. What about your dreams?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Lestat? Really? I'm shocked you aren't vapid enough to call me Edward you twihard."
"Aside from becoming freaks of nature overnight?"
"Welcome to the club, we have tee-shirts

It was hard to guess or not assume which we he was speaking with as he tried to set his hand on carol's wheelchair handle. A cheerleader and a soccer jock finally on the receiving end of being outcasts. It was about damn time! Unfortunately, his hand phased through Carol's chair, and carol, and he lost his support as he fell through the counter top of the office and solidified on the other side with a crash into one of the computers, shocking his hand and actually teleporting himself back across the room to the rest of the students in a reflexive crouch over the place of the disappearing Paul's pile of clothes. Did Paul teleport too? And was he somewhere naked?

Looking back over to Carol, the light did go on from what Oliver said that she did look more muscular than before. Mostly in th face and neck lost its softness and the way she framed her shoulders. She was stronger in the upper body over the last two years of using the wheelchair, but now that he had distance and a cue to notice the way she sat in the chair it was more obvious.

Eyes went from Carol to the teacher to see her melting like a candle but speaking in perfectly calm tones. She didn't seem to be in pain, but he still didn't want to risk getting too close so he stayed crouched on the chair with the chains and straps of his pants dangling.

This is crazy. Whoever called us here needs to hurry up and explain some things. Alright, so the dream thing seems to be a common theme. It's kind of hazy for me. I remember being on something like a medical table and getting a dose of something. I just thought it was a nightmare from when I was in the hospital or something. What about your dreams?"

He had to agree; this was getting too freaky, too fast. If someone didn't settle the situation soon it was all going to go to hell in a hand-basket. He nodded in agreement to her explanation of last night.

Same here, lots of people, strapped down and stabbed with god knows what. Then I woke up. Didn't mind the strapped down part.

The last he added with a pointed look to the cheerleader to get her goat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Miss Velmont might not be the greatest teacher ever, the fact that she managed to keep everyone relatively calm was impressive, even more since she did while seemingly melting. When the girl in the wheelchair asked about their dreams, Eric was instantly reminded of his nightmare. "I had a similar dream, they were injecting some glowing liquid into my arm."

He had barely finished talking when the noticed that the situation had become even more bizarre, the guy working in the cafeteria seemed to have shrunken to the point his clothes obscured him from view, while the skateboarder he had seen that morning had seemingly phased through the wheelchair girl.

While Eric still managed to keep from panicking the shock was enough for him to accidentally set his entire upper body on fire, thus ruining his shirt. His first thought was to let the others know he was unharmed. "I'm okay but you might wanna stay away from me, in case something else goes wrong!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cinderella Man
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Cinderella Man shall become the wings of Rebellion

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Having spent all the time he had up until class started speaking to Lyra, Jefferson realized that he hadn't done his homework for a few classes. Sitting in the various classrooms throughout the day seemingly increased the amount of nausea that he felt in general. At first, he thought it was just some idiot's fault. All he could smell was the wafting scent of a burning trashcan, a scent that he recognized from his time hanging around with the beach delinquents. Throughout the day, whilst ignoring classwork and teachers, he realized that the last time he felt as he did then was when he was a child, riding on a boat for the first time. Then there was an announcement that called him to the office. Did they catch security camera footage of him smoking? Only one way to find out.

Almost immediately after entering the room, Jeff was bombarded with all kinds of genuinely surprising information. What appeared to be a pile of clothes, a literal puddle of flesh, and several freaking out students including someone yelling about poisoned water, burnt crops, and halved food supplies! Or something to that effect. Perhaps it was the rampant seasickness that he was somehow dealing with on land, or the fact that someone just happened to light themselves on fire in front of him, but Jeff leaned against the nearest wall to him and began to violently reject large quantities of surprisingly salty water from his mouth. After his body decided it was done pushing moisture from his body, he wiped his mouth and coughed aggressively.

"Uh.. sorry about that."
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