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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Jamie nodded at Rose, and began to move faster, pushing through the crowds,Jamie made a path towards where Jackie was being held. Studying the scene a moment. It didn't take Jamie long to figure that the woman that had attacked yesterday was not who Jamie thought. Jamie narrowed her eyes, "She's just doing what's required of her, and protecting Jackie when Jackie can't protect herself. Rose, get Lucas if you can, see what he knows. Use the communication lacrima if he has one. Amelia, stay with Sam and Elyse" Jamie didn't think the girl would attack the girls, but she wasn't taking a chance.

Jamie watched Angelo, continuing to studying the scene.knowing they didn't need more publication about magic in the streets or damage to more buildings, Jamie sought a way to contain any damages, erecting up her wind walls, it would at least contain the magic. She could, of course, use negate, but that would just be pointless.


Watching Karn was like watching two different people. Perhaps there wouldn't be a way to save them both, or even to split them, but they seemed to be balancing it for now. Penny didn't care, as long as Karn was here, alive, and well. Perhaps thy would all have to come to terms with the fact they had a unique case of personality disorder with the Karns.

"let's just watch a moment, see what they do" She said after a moment, appearing to take everything in with ease. And then Penny was grabbing Karn as the ground shook beneath them, trembling as if it were tired of holding itself up. She planted her feet firmly, ready to take to the air if need be. And then it hit her. If the island went down, the others would go with it. And she didn't think all of them had abilities that would enable them to fly.

Could she save them all if they went down? Would the teleport magic get them to safety?

Almost as soon as it came, the ground stopped shaking


Michael sighed, and nodded, "the trouble is, it doesn't look as if anyone is doing anything to earn trust. Or to repair it. The guild Masters just appear so...stubborn, each thinking their way is the best. But forcing your way into others is just a sure way to push them in the opposite direction.

And eventually that's just going to rear up, and everyone will be at each other's throats."
he thought back, so long ago really, and hoped what had happened there wouldn't happen here.

Above, Michael watched as the plateform gave a huge shake, seeming to drop a second before righting itself.

"I don't think that was meant to happen"


Having dressed and showered, Carrie felt ridiculous in Zephyr's clothes. For one, they were too big, hanging on her, and she had to roll the pants up, and push the sleeves up as well. She probably looked like a child, instead of a ministry official.

The only good thing was the hood. It cast her face into shadow, hiding the faint bruises and cuts there. The next challenge had been getting down the stairs, and out the hotel. She almost fell down the flight of stairs twice.

And the final challenge was making it to the stadium.

@burthstone@zarkun@silver fox@oblivion666@liferusher@joshua tamashii@jangel13@Amaya Yashia
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gregory Vale -- Crocus
As Carrie walked through the city to get to the games stadium, she would eventually come around a corner to find the Guild Master of Iron Enigma relaxing casually on a street corner, looking directly at her. He was wearing civilian clothes, though his right sleeve bore the symbol of his guild, marking who he was. Once he was sure the Council Member had seen him, he spoke up, having planted himself within auditory distance. He didn't waste many words getting to the dirt he had on her. "Rather unprofessional sleeping in the same room as a member of Dragon Fang, huh? Especially one competing in the games."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shadow Beast | Crocus
@Natsume Honnaji@Silvan Haven@Lunarlors34@Raijinslayer
After throwing a man across the street, the shadowy beast ignored the speech from Robin and began to aim it's sights somewhere closer. The closet it saw were a mother and young daughter trembling as the beast approached them until a cage of light appeared to protect them. As beast was about to search for the wizard responsible, a barrage of spikes impaled it and and fell into the ground with the spikes, vanishing. However, the beast simply pretended to fade away as it was actually lurking in the ground as a shadow and rushed towards Nidhogg with tremendous speed.

Once the shadow beast was a few feet to Nidhogg, it bolted out of the ground and with its shadowy claws crushed him against building. Just as the beast was about to bring its claws back, it kicked the wizard through the walls of the building. It stepped into the building with a screeching cry, the building soon collapsed as the darkness and shadows in the building ran through its own structure and into the beast, enhancing its speed and strength. The beast leaped out from the cloud of rubble and landed on its four as it galloped down the street where civilians could be seen trying to flee from the monster's rampage.

A few blocks down, a few squads of rune knights could be seen in distance marching their way towards situation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Fleo Plector – Phoenix Wing Stands

@t2wave@cirusarvennicus@Prince of Seraphs

The somewhat odd request from Trinity toward the mean girl earned her a raised eyebrow from Fleo. What did she care about guild marks? Sure, she didn’t like Elizabeth either, but did the minstrel actually mean to report something as ultimately inconsequential as a shove? Fleo thought about her own guild mark, hidden from sight on her belly. Ruefully, and not for the first time, she regretted not placing it somewhere more visible to show her enthusiasm for Phoenix Wing. Still, where else could it go? The idea of hiding, she thought with a trace of bitterness, fit her too well.

Feeling bad about a barely-hurtful comment proved difficult while the pouty-faced offender persisted in spreading ice through the hair of the woman she’d shoved only moments prior. This is getting weird. She watched, suddenly wary, as Elizabeth pulled up her skin to show a burn. Instinctively, Fleo looked at her own arms, fully bandaged so that not a single stretch of skin could be seen. She wanted to laugh. ”Tragic,” she managed, not sure to whom exactly she referred.

While he would not admit it to anyone, Demetri had been rather glad that a substitution had been made on his guild’s part for the first round of day four’s Games. Following a night of rest and slow recovery, he had been permitted to attend the excitement at the arena, but it would be some time yet before he recovered to full. Ultimately, he respected the man called Deyja. Demetri harbored no illusions about the Iron Enigma sorcerer’s sometimes-shy, sometimes-cruel nature, but in the end the kid managed to do a number on him. Any lingering resentment at the pain went not to Deyja, upon whom the brawler’s revenge had been immediate and no less than what he deserved, but to himself for charging heedlessly in against a dangerous mage backed against the wall. If a shadow lance to the guts would help him hone his reflexes and survival instincts, all the better—if not for his own magic and the skill of the healers, such an injury would have killed him. It would have certainly been the end of a normal person; Demetri knew to be thankful. Thusly, wearing a sleek burgundy doublet, symbolic to some of his restraint after being wounded, he observed the match without anger.

Thor struck him as a bit of a wild card despite her reluctant nature. Seldom acting and even more seldom speaking, the lightning wizard constituted a non-presence in Frenzy Plant social life, but her fighting skill and clear loyalty for the guild made her more than a few steadfast allies among its ranks. The caveat to this minigame that prevented flying seemed particularly harsh –why punish someone for mastering such a difficult magic? They would only make themselves better targets anyway- but Thor performed to expectations. Iron Enigma, Tough Love, and Pirate Lord were out, leaving Dragon Fang, Riders Blade, Frenzy Plant, and the two Phoenix Wings. Everyone but the latter appeared to be locked in ferocious battle except for the last two. It irritated Demetri to no end to see the Phoenix Wing wizards, arrogant and self-righteous stuck-ups that they were, standing on the sidelines all buddy-buddy waiting for the others to duke it out. Such tactics were not honorable in a free for all. Pushing himself to his feet, Demetri bellowed to everyone in the ring, ”Idiots! Don’t you see both the Wingers are still in, and just standing there!? They’ve barely been touched! They’re waitin’ for easy pickings! Follow their lead and gang up on them, or they’re gonna stretch their lead out!” The soldiers around him echoed his sentiments collectively, making sure that the request could be heard by the fighters.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Carrie cursed lightly under her breath. Someone just had to notice her sneaking out the hotel. She turned around, narrowing her eyes at Gregory. She sized him up, rolling her shoulders, and pulling the head back, trying to muster as much dignity as she could wearing over sized clothes. "Well, Mr.Vale, would you like to know what happened? Nothing. And as I am not a judge in the games, nor am I much concerned with who wins, it doesn't really matter where I slept last night, does it? The Dragon Fang Member, Zephyr, refused to take me back to my chambers after I stopped two dark wizards and got a good bashing myself. As you can see. Now, would that be all?" She maintained an easy tone, speaking with as much officiousness as she could, and trying to maintain an air of dignity.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gergory Vale -- Crocus Streets
Gregory would shrug innocently. "Well, if nothing happened I guess you wouldn't mind if I let the person who told me run to the presses. It'll certainly make quite the interesting story." He'd half turn away from her. "Besides, I'm sure the Magic Council can't demand certain things in the games be changed to give one contestant or team an unfair advantage. I wonder what the tabloids would say to the information..." He'd glance at her, putting his hands in his pockets. "That is, unless you're willing to do a small favor for me, in which case the world of journalism never has to hear of your, or his, possible 'conquests,'" it's clear what he's implying, but what he wants probably would still be pretty opaque.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Angel Ferrara

And thus the trap prepares to spring.

Angel's eyes lit up with the characteristic glee that came when he knew someone wanted a meal, but denied it anyway. Putting one hand in his pocket, he smiled at his feet and shrugged. Meal plans were coalescing in his head, courses forming within the cloudy, dreamy landscape of his mind. Externally, he shrugged, looked up, and smiled a little wider. In her usual attire, it was a little bit easier to avoid blushing at Cyare. A little bit.

"I'll go talk to Kaia. If you're still here when we decide on something, then we'll seeya around."

Cyare Staunton

"Do you require any aid in locating her?" Cyare asked, while she busied herself with attaching her sword's scabbard to her belt once again and making the final adjustments to her attire. She would have to wait for her hair to dry, but such things should not take too long. Finding Rei would be the hell of it. The man had an inconvenient capability, in large part due to his speed, to be wherever he wanted within a several mile radius at any given time. He might be in the inn, or he might be halfway across the city. If he did not want to be located then she would have no choice but to wait for him.

To be extremely frank, given his sense of humor, she likely had the best chance of luring him out by continuing to stay near her new associate. If she could aid in the location of his associate, and perhaps the procurement of food and additional aid for the mission, then all the better.

"It may expedite the process. Of locating my own associate, as well."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dawn Daniels - Crocus


Dawn was unsure of the stadium. Sure it was likely the most exciting event in the city but it was a great distance from where they were now. Dawn doubted that Elizabeth with her talent for moving about a crowd would be able to make it all the way there. Still they were out of other places to search and as far as locations went it was one of the more likely besides if the administrators of the Grand Magic Games would no doubt be based out of the stadium and they would be the ones to talk to about putting Elizabeth's face on the Lacrimavision. Dawn had a photo of her in a locket around his neck that they could use to identify her.

"I suppose that's good a place as any to start. Don't know she'll be there but it can't hurt to take a look round. The stadium's..." Dawn had been about to clarify directions to there destination when something very very strange happened all around them. The shadows in the street began to bend and distort. Not with the changing of the light but as if something was drawing them in. In a moment they detached from whatever object had been casting them as they swarmed over buildings in a desperate attempt to get to something a couple streets over. The moment they had disappeared Dawn heard a primal defining roar as if from some sort of beast followed closely by the sound of destruction. The street looked odd without any shadows, the light seeming to reach every corner, even those it could not possibly see into but that wasn't Dawn's priority at the moment. His search for his sister was not forgotten but whatever had made that noise seemed to be clearly intent on tearing up the city. Dawn's father had always taught the twins to help those in need, whether it was a barn on fire or some sort of monster a town had to band together to protect one another. "That ain't good. Come on, we'd best go see what we can do to help."

Dawn ran off down the street, taking the closest turn towards the sounds of destruction. The scene he arrived on was a ghastly one. Some sort of beast apparently made entirely of shadows was terrorizing the block. He pounded a few times on a sanctuary made seemingly of light before turned and vanishing into the ground. Only to appear seconds later at a different spot to attack another wizard on the site already.

With the monster distracted Dawn approached the people protected by the golden shield of light. When Dawn approached it he was momentarily unsure how to get the child and her mother out. However some instinct kicked in. Dawn reached out a hand and at first the light seemed solid however soon it morphed around his hand to allow him entry. A sort of doorway formed in the building and Dawn hurried in. He helped to dig the girl's mother out of the rubble, she was hurt but she could still walk. Dawn half carried half walked her a ways from the danger zone with her daughter trailing behind them. "Alright, just lie still, the city's authorities should be on there way with medics. Dawn didn't know this for sure but it stood to reason that the capitol of Fiore would have medics on standby, especially during such a violent even at the Grand Magic Games. With a disturbance like this it wouldn't be long till the city's leaders responded.

Dawn retreated a little from the two before turning towards Cody. "You're a wizard ain'tcha? A combat mage? Do something!" He chastised. Dawn didn't have much confidence in his own magic. He'd had the basic grasp of how it worked but he'd never used it in such a situation as this. Usually it was to light a campfire or the stove at Penelope's shop. He'd never imagined getting into a huge fight with a shadow beast.

Elizabeth Daniels - Phoenix Wing Grand Stands


Elizabeth examined each of the people she was now confronted with curiously. The calm one had mismatched eyes, the angry one shifted colors, it was however the surly one in the corner that Elizabeth found more interesting. She stood up, letting her sleeve fall over the mark on her arm. The woman was covered in bandages. Elizabeth stepped over the seat so she was standing in front of Fleo. She reached out a hand and touched the bandages that covered the woman's extremities. They felt coarse and tied tight, not a inch of skin peaked through them. Elizabeth moved her hand to the woman's stomach, her palm hovered over where Fleo's Phoenix Wing guild mark was stamped.

After a moment Elizabeth removed her hand and pulled her notebook out of her bag. She started to scribble on it furiously with a pencil before tearing a sheet off and shoving it towards Fleo it read:

So much hidden inside, so much never seen. Afraid to let yourself be known. Open up, see what's within.

It was scratched out in a messy scrawl that contrasted heavily with Elizabeth's normally neat penmanship. Her writing was always more frantic when she used it to communicate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Carrie knew blackmail when she heard it. She narrowed her eyes at Gregory, wondering if she could just smash him down right then and there. She didn't want to deal with this.

"I was expecting something smarter. So you want me to help you, so I can avoid having this information out in the world, which is according to you me in bed with another guild. People will say I was in bed with your guild if I help you. It's a lose lose situation for me, Gregory."

She gave an amused smile, shaking her head, "and no offense, but I'd rather be in bed with Dragon Fang then with you. Masahiko knows me, and knows I'd never do something like that. So tell me, why should I do something for you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn || Crocus || Game Stadium


"Kaaaaay. Want some tea then?" Karn chirped, somehow managing to get on a lacy white dress this time, holding a teacup and a teapot. The hand holding the teapot bursted with golden flame, heating it up as he hummed cheerfully, before again his cheery expression switched to one being completely dumbfounded.

"How are you even doing this? Ya know I think you spent all your energy doing the weirdest random things." Edo-Karn stated before her face changed back to cheery as Karn took over again. Giggling as he sipped the tea.

"One can never be too prepared!" he chirped before stumbling a little, leaning into Penny as she held him when the earth they were standing on suddenly shook. Quickly moving his hands containing hot liquid away to avoid burning his Guildmate. Though as another Fire wizard, she's probably be alright.

"Whoa! That was shakey!" the blonde boy exclaimed before his ethereal green eye glowed and face relaxed to one of minor suspicion.

"Don't suppose that's supposed to happen?" Edo-Karn questioned, minorlh glancing toward the yelling man in the stands and simply smirking in amusement before examining the once shaking ground.

Prince || Crocus || Game Stadium

"Mhmm maybe you should become a Guild Master and show them how it should be done." Prince purred in amusement, ears perking as the floating platform rumbled. His tail twitching as he sniffed the air for anything off, but didn't catch anything. "Mhmm. That's strange. A bit dangerous too." he mused.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 4 days ago

Angel Ferrara

Angel mulled that over for a second and then nodded. From the sounds of things, Cyare's partner liked to stay mobile - and after so long traveling with Kaia, that was easy to relate to. He hoped she hadn't gone wandering around. The note had been meant to encourage her to stay put, with the implication that anywhere that required a note to travel to was somewhere Kaia shouldn't try to follow. Too late, it occurred to Angel that maybe Kaia had gone after someone to read her the note...


"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea."
Angel managed to stifle his growing sheepishness and smiled. "I'm in."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


@Lugubrious@Caits@Oblivion666@Silver Fox@Joshua Tamashii

Something quite... odd was happening on the other side of the battlefield. It was the Karn the transformer that had changed into a worm, Thor could just about see that from the corner of their eyes. It was indeed a smart tactic to make use of the ground beneath them to take out opponents. Thor hasn't thought about that yet, unfortunately Thor's magic could only do so many things and wasn't very fond of the element dirt at all. Karn attack Grant from underneath, Thor was very impressed. Thor hoped Karn would last till the end so Thor could do some dancing with them.

The opponents fell off faster and faster and yet Thor was still in the ring with a few others. Thor hadn't take much damage yet from the others the only one that had given them some scratches was Malice with her birds A few bit marks from the birds and small bloody holes could be seen from the almost shattered cloak. Thor suppressed the pain however by disable the nerves on the spots that hurted. It was a handy tactic and didn't require much apart from having to control it at all time.

Back to Malice, the fight was still going on and Thor was able to shock Malice multiple times, it was a shock to Thor that Malice could handle electricity so well. It must have made her feel numb and a little anxious but Thor couldn't tell. Thor was quickly pushed away however and immediately jumped back a little to get some distance. Thor stood still for a minute while the legs all pointed at Malice when she made the comment at Thor that made them a little irritated. Thor launched 2 of the legs like lightning bolts at Malice at full speed. Thor heard the ignition of fire and turned their head towards the ball of fire that was coming their way. Thor's attacks didn't connect... Thor stared in front of them in the void. Malice was just there but was taken away by a giant fireball that left some trails in the ground. Thor turned their head towards Zephyr staring at him for a minute at what he had just done. He didn't seemed bothered by it and simply cheerfully waved at Thor. They looked like a team but it didn't appear so apparently. They would likely have some drama when this was over.

When Zephyr made the comment of Thor being a bug they launched the other 6 legs at Zephyr like lighting bolts but that was ruined however by the sudden punch from the side. It was so unexpected that Thor was punched right in the face and threw Thor off balance so only 3 bolts would go at Zephyr's way and the other 3 far out of the arena. In the distance 3 bolts destroyed some of the arena and houses in the distance in one straight line but didn't seem to have hitted any of the other contestants. Thor placed one of their hands on their cheeks and felt the damage the punch had done. Their cheek was swollen and when Thor spit at the ground blood could definitely be seen. It wasn't of course undeniable that it didn't do some damage to Zephyr too, Thor had one benefit of this magic being the aura around them, no one would ever dare to touch them since Thor only gave shocks to others when they did touch them.

Thor stood right up again and gritted their teeth. How could he have hitted Thor from such distance. Another ignition of fire. Thor quickly turned their head towards the sound and noticed the fireball being close. Thor quickly spun away from the spot they were standing on causing the fireball to scrape right past their leg. By the spinning the cloak of Thor had swayed about and was caught in the fire. Thor's eyes widened as they saw what happened. Thor quickly reacted and used their magic to make the parts that held the cloak together explode in only shreds. The cloak completely fell of their body and was taken by the wind across the platform while it was destroyed by the remaining fire.

Thor panted lightly with their head down towards the ground. A shadow covered Thor's eyes as the tension around them died down a little. They didn't know if anyone would be surprised by it but their true appearance was shown to everyone in the arena now. Well the cloak was getting in the way anyway so it might have given her some benefits to win this now.

Hair as light as lightning was waving through the air by all the static around the girl. She was wearing a leather jacket with a colbert underneath it, A red rhomboid skirt that came till her knees was worn underneath and her legs covered with black socks that stopped right before her knees. Parts of her clothes had been ripped together with the cloak but nothing too revealing. Thor looked around for a moment to see who was still on the platform. Zephyr, Phyrra and the duo Penny and Karn. It was easy to guess that they would definitely have the upperhand here. Thor could have partnered up with Zephyr but seeing how he knocked his sister right of the platform.

The duo didn't seem to make much of a move and Zephyr was still busy with Phyra but would likely finish up with Thor after. Thor softly murmured.


This was gonna get though the only way to possibly win this is waiting for Zephyr or Phyrra to be knocked off and hoping that either of the two wouldn't attack Thor but focus on the duo instead. If they wouldn't do that he would likely get owned by the duo too. Sparks and electricity emitted from the bare skin of Thor and continued to spread. Clouds quickly began to gather above the field and slowly started circling in a loop. The clouds grew darker and it was clear electricity was forming in the air. It took some time but it was clear that the magic of Thor was definitely at work.

Even some of the crowd had cheered them on to launch the two phoenix wingers of the platform so it was obvious that was the best choice.

They had some time to prepare but it was unavoidable that someone was gonna get some heavy ass electricity surging through their body today. When the area above the field was completely covered in clouds and it was getting darker Thor slowly rose up their arm to whatever position Karn was in. Thor formed their hand to a pistol and pointed right at Karn.


A lighting bolt came down from the sky onto Thor and redirected right at Karn. A heavy gust of wind went over the battlefield from all the power that came down from the sky making the clothes of Thor and probably everyone else wave from the wind. A heavy lighting strike was coming right at Karn's way.


@Crimson Raven

Nero agreed on Ayame being his assistant and immediately started giving her other clothes, fitting clothes to be exact. Ayame knew he would do something along those lines so she was definitely was prepared for the worst and with the worst we of course mean a stripper bunny costume. Well he wouldn't be so cruel to be doing that but you get the idea. Ayame blushed a little as Nero looked down at her and calling her cute. Ayame placed both hands on her lap and politely stood in front of Nero with her head low but her eyes looking up at him, she was definitely shy. Ayame took Nero his hand and was dragged after him to no extend having difficulty walking with the heels on her feet and on top of that the hurted a whole bunch.

They arrived at the doma flau yet again and entered the spectator area from iron enigma. Nero began talking with some random stranger but Ayame did not follow the conversation properly enough to understand. She was more interested in the games happening right now. She kind of wondered who would win but didn't take any sides. She just thought it was fun to watch.

The man Nero was talking too suddenly started being rather aggressive, well you had those kind of people. Ayame went behind Nero his back and peered at the man with one of her eyes from the side of Nero. She hated aggressive people. She didn't understand how you could have a personality like that at all.

She let Nero do the rest of the talking and yet he didn't seem too happy to have met this person either. As Nero walked away she stood against the railing to let him through. She then hopped behind him trying to catch up to him. She didn't want to get these two in a fight together, that would be the worst.

"N-nero w-wait up!!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Joshua Tamashii@liferusher@Silver Fox@Caits
Zephyr Hardt/ Loki

He shook a bit as the ground rumbled, he also felt one of his punches connect while it felt like a bit of electricity surged through him. His other punch started to burn as it was caught and was pushed away. Causing him to glance at Thor who sent the lightning bolt, and dodge through them before looking at his fists. Pyrrha tried to taunt him to which Loki laughed. "Ohhhh low blow hot stuff. Yeah I am, but I'm still a god for a reason. Yet while I would love to continue this engagement. The dumbass shouting at us has a point. Firebird and the other one need to lose one member now. For that I have a plan." Loki suggested smiling as Thor who was now decloaked fired an attack at Karn. "Oooh thunder bug figured it out. Yep fire at Karn hot stuff." Loki stated forming two orbs of dark energy before throwing them at Karn. The attack would then explode unleashing a bullet storm of mini dark energy balls at Karn. The idea was simple. Penny was being too much of a babysitter and showed she was being too protective. So she would easily jump in to take the damage. "Hahahaha! This is fun! Zephyr should let me take control more often!" Loki stated signaling that Zephyr was indeed not in control right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn || Crocus || Game Stadium

@liferusher@Oblivion666@Joshua Tamashii@Caits

Karn perked up as two others seemed to take the helpful advice. But Karn just happily waved at them cheerfully. "Oh? Wanna play? Or tea? Or cake? he innocently chirped, though bounced a bit away from Penny, dancing about in his dress as if nothing was wrong. Though was getting away from Penny so she wouldn't get caught in possible crossfire. His emerald gaze glanced up at the darkening sky as storm clouds seemed to cover it and he gave a pout as the sun vanished and so his utter supply of power. Oh well, he managed to store quite a bit while relaxing.

"Fira let's play together kay? It'll be fun practicing with another fire wizard. Ooo maybe we can do the magical combo thing and make a giant fire bomb bird? But I'll play first to start us off!" Karn chirped, his cheery expression changing to one of unamusement as Edo-Karn briefly took over and gave a sigh.

"Guess I'll let you do most of it. Unless they get too close and you run out of magic. Even in this wimpy body, I can hit quite hard. But hey, it'll be interesting if you can actually put up a fight." Edo-Karn mused before Karn switched back and giggled, blinking toward Zephyr as he and Thor started preparing attacks on them and throwing things.

"Awe. Picking on me? Changling why?" Karn pouted before suddenly transforming into a gopher, diving into the earth and tunneled quickly through to avoid the attacks. Soon he popped up quite closer to them, transforming back as a human. Giving a smile he waved before his fists glowed a golden flame, before completely engulfing his form. Slamming his fists together.

"Eastern Chimera Explosion!" he yelled and the flames bursted all around the area like a sudden bomb. Soon he transformed again into his draconic cat form, darting within his own flames for quick cover. The burns having little effect on him. The flames heated up the earth, in which case when they dispersed, he was back where he had started on the other side of the platform, still in his draconic cat like form and was happily rolling on his back. Pleased with the warmth.

"Quit messing around." Edo-Karn said, instantly forcing the transformation back to human form when she took over, in which case Karn pouted when he resumed control.

"But it's a game. Messing around is part of a game. Makes it lots of fun. Claire says so." he chuckled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gregory Vale - Crocus Streets
"Well, that's just about how the media will spin it," Gregory agreed, before digging a piece of paper out of his pocket. "As for helping me, this is the only time you ever have to be seen with any member of my guild. I just want to be sure some of their names aren't on any Magic Counsel Wanted lists," he'd hold the paper out to Carrie, it was folded up, but she could probably see through the thin paper to one of the names. Serma 'Luna' Cathris. "Or, if this is too undesirable to do right now, then do it when or if they leave my guild."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Fleo Plector – Phoenix Wing Stands

@t2wave@cirusarvennicus@Prince of Seraphs

Very wary now, Fleo instinctively moved back as Elizabeth wordlessly climbed over the row of seats to stand directly in front of her. Before the dusty woman could make up her mind on what to do, the interloper had already touched her arm. On impulse Fleo slapped the hand away lightly, but it seemed content to float in front of her stomach. Eyes widening, Fleo thought, Is this girl some kind of mind-reader!? Can’t be. OhmyGod. I can’t risk it. If she is, I can’t think about my dust limbs. Oh, crap! I thought about them. They’re made of dust. Crap! Thoroughly confusing herself, Fleo stood stock-still, and required a little bit of prodding to be made lucid enough to accept Elizabeth’s note. Terror flooded through her when she read it, and without wasting a second she crumpled it up and dropped it, then stepped back. Giving a hmph, she clasped her hands and looked away, pretending to concentrate on the event.

Cormorant Sanders – Frenzy Plant Stands

Seated about the rest of his soldiers, General Sanders watched with an eagle’s eye. He could not say that he liked the event chosen for this game, but he disliked the flippant alliance between the Phoenix Wing wizards even more. Unforgiveable. If the rules said that it was a free-for-all, my soldiers would not cheat by bandying up on the opposition, or waiting idly by for a hyena’s victory. Those I’ve trained would fight one another first; such a confrontation would be the most exciting and mean the most to them. He kept his eyes on Thor, trusting the lightning mage to do him proud. He did not anticipate that the flames of the Rider’s Blade representative would ignite the cloak of Thor and force her to reveal her face to the world for the first time since she made Frenzy Plant her home.

”Hm.” Sanders raised an eyebrow ever-so-slightly. A pity that the lieutenant could not have shared her secret with her comrades when she had the chance. He watched as she summoned a storm, turning the sky dark and filling the air with a riotous charge. Before the eager eyes of her guildmates, the Thunderbird split the heavens and dropped a column of lightning on Karn’s position. No matter how quick the shapeshifter’s reflexes or potent his magic, it seemed, he could not escape such a blast.

Yet escape it he did. Sanders furrowed his brows. Could nothing bad befall the members of Phoenix Wing? It seemed highly improbably that such a magnificent show of magical power could leave no scratch whatsoever on Karn, especially considering that lightning moved faster than the eye could see. No matter. Crossing his arms, Sanders leaned back. He knew that Thor would not stop fighting. If her guildmates knew anything about her, they knew her manic drive to win—enough to beat the fearsome Dullahan and gain the A rank on her first day in the guild.

Nero’s unhappiness left him when Ayame appeared. He stopped and allowed her to catch up. ”Hey, kiddo! Sorry if I sounded mean back there. I can’t stand tough guys. Dime-a-dozen louts, predictable as the day is long. Not one knows a thing about real magic.” His gaze shifted to the bulging, wobbling figure of Eve, who approached the two with a look of concern on her face.

Crossing her arms beneath her chest and resting them on her belly, the necromancer asked, ”What was that? Looked like you and that other guy had an argument.”

Nero shook his head. He wondered when it had gotten so dark outside. ”Nah. He was havin’ an argument. I was havin’ a grand time.” He grinned before a flash from the center of the arena stole his attention. It appeared as though a lightning bolt had been dropped. Unfortunately, the only thing he could make out in the following moments was Karn. The sight reminded him of somewhat he wanted to meet. ”Oh, hey! I know we just arrived, but whaddya say we look for some different seats near Phoenix Wing? There’s a customer I wanted to check in with.”

The girls agreed and the trio took off at a leisurely pace. They navigated the arena with Nero in the lead, skirting through the big aisle until the Phoenix Wing stands were nearby. He spotted his target instantly: her hair and style of dress made it difficult to ignore her. After bidding his companions relax and do their own thing for a few moments, Nero sauntered up some steps until he stood only a few feet away from Trinity and her friends. ”Heyo! Remember me?”

Grateful for the distraction, Fleo threw him a smile. ”Hiya! It’s been a couple months, but I remember. You’re that genie, right?”

Nero nodded, delighted to be recognized. ”Yes ma’am! Always nice to meet a fan. It’s fan-tastic! Nyeheh.” He glanced at Ariel and Elizabeth, but recognized neither. Without missing a beat he continued. ”Anyway, Trinity: I was just looking at Karn and I thought to myself, ‘he doesn’t look sick, but if he is, I oughta check in with Trin to see if I could cash in that rain check’. So how about it? Is he ready to meet the miracle worker, or d’you have something else in mind I can grant ya?” As usual, he beamed at every lady present.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Jasmine Lockwood, Cody Bloodstein and Shiro Hime

Cody simply nodded in agreement and went to go the way to the stadium when a blood-chilling, animalistic roar echoed around of them. Pausing now and glancing over at Dawn he noticed that Dawn had heard it as well.
Narrowing his eyes in thought he almost didn't noticed that Dawn had taking off and now gave chase after the mage.

"Jack!" Jasmine cried out as she watched the shadowy beast slam into the dark mage. They flew straight into a building shortly before it collapsed in on itself.
She watched in horror as the creature reappeared now and went to attack the civilians once more, completely frozen to the spot.
Shiro on the other hand had calmly watched the situation unfold from millimetres in front of her and now glanced towards the creature with slightly narrowed eyes.
"Rude." She remarked coldly before reaching to her back for her scythe, however the sound of marching rune knights made her falter slightly. It was unlikely for her to be recognised by the rune knights, but with her guild mark being so obvious....
"Better." Shiro mumbled as she pulled out an eyepatch and applied it over her guild mark eye. She now disappeared before reappearing a few feet away before disappearing again.
She repeated this process till she had appeared in front of the creature as she reached backwards, unclipped her scythe, and twirled it around to unleash an overhead slash at the creature.

Cody meanwhile had just rounded the corner shortly after Dawn, and had yet to see the madness unfolding, when Dawn had come over and started yelling at him....again. Cody hesitated slightly at the mention of 'combat' however as he now glanced downwards at his feet.
"....I can't fight." Cody mumbled shamefully as he held his arms cross to his side and clenched his fists.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Ferris frowned at Jessie's words and ruffled her hair roughly. "What's there to worry about? I'm just joining a guild. It's not like I'm high tailing away from you." He unwrapped his other arm from her and smirked playfully. "If you're so worried about me then why not come with me?" Ferris picked her up and placed her back to her chair so that they could get back to work. The manager running the games would obviously get more than annoyed considering that they were late yesterday and them cuddling together like this was very unprofessional.

"And it seems like Phoenix Wing has the advantage! I must say that I'm not a fan of their tactics, but then again any method to win that is within the rules is allowed. The rest of the competitors certainly don't seem very happy about it!" He said as he leaned into the microphone.



The oni wasn't exactly satisfied with the game. Phoenix Wing was a disappointment with them ganging up and avoiding their opponents in order to sweep in and take the rest out. While it is a viable tactic in battle, especially in a war if there are more conflicting forces, but this was an event where the challengers must defend their honor in a free for all. It seemed like he wasn't the only one who shared this sentiment. Demetri was very vocal with this outrage that lead to the rest of the soldiers showing expressing their distaste for this. Sanders was quiet though one could see his disapproval written all over his face. However, Enma was the most disappointed in Karn, who wasn't taking the battle seriously. Nolan, Karn, and him had trained for months in preparation of the games and for the oni to join Frenzy Plant, but the Chimera Slayer wasn't taking it seriously at all.

"Sheesh, such animosity. I thought these games are supposed to bring the games together. Then again, Phoenix Wing has certainly been an antagonistic lately. Damian challenged our guild, Angelo nearly killed a Dragon Fang mage, and Nolan, well, being Nolan." He said to Demetri, chuckling at the last part of what he said.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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Trinity Stratos

The minstrel caught Fleo examining her arms and gazed for a moment. A burn like this girl's hardly measured up, it was true. She lifted a hand to gently touch Fleo's back, offering her a gaze before she turned her attention back to the girl. "Well, with no guild mark to find her guild, I'm not really sure..." Elizabeth walked up to Fleo and started touching her? Weird. "what to do with her. Are you here with any..." The girl was writing something and probably not listening. She finished her note, and handed it to Fleo. "Are you here with anyone?" Trinity simply was not of the opinion that this particular young lady would probably not be venturing out places on her own. This young lady seemed to be mute, on top of everything else.

Fleo gave quite a reaction to the letter, almost immediately after reading it. Now probably wasn't the best time to address it directly, so instead Trinity simply reached out to put a hand, carefully, on Fleo's back, by her shoulder. She gave a mildly worried expression, tilting her head gently. That was a sudden change of mood out of the dust mage, unlike her. Certainly Ariel, but not Fleo.

A voice nearby garnered her attention. Nero! Fleo perked up at the distraction, and Trinity took a look at Karn, assessing Nero's judgement. "Well... yes and no. He's doing... better? But I'm not sure what that really means. You might still be able to help, though. What could you do about, oh, say... two souls in one body?" The young minstrel turned to Nero, curious of his experience in such things. If he could do something, it would be good to know.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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@Silver Fox@Liferusher@oblivion666
Penny smiled indulegental at Karn, "No, I don't think it is meant to happen. Lets wrap this up quick, shall we?" The others seemed intent on attacking them now, on pushing them apart and preventing them from doing this together. Penny wasn't particularly concerned about Karn in a fight now, knowing that they could take care of themselves. She took a few moments to watch Karn, almost playing with the others like a cat would a piece of string.

The other contestants didn't know what they were getting into, with Karn.

So Penny supposed it was time she went full out. As Karn rolled in his cat form, Penny summoned flames, bright yellow, Orange, red and some flashes of purple. They engulfed her body, forming what she took as her Phoenix form. She might not be able to fly with it, but she certainly could fight with it.

Thor was the biggest problem here. Especially if somehow she paired with Zephyr, in whatever form of his could channel lightening. So, Penny targeted Thor first. Flames began to swirl around her, growing larger and larger, a torrent of fire that spun faster and faster. "Phoenix flames!" They angled towards Thor like a ribbon, twirling still, seeming to grow stronger as it approached the lightening mage.

Penny wasn't foolish enough to believe that that would land, or do much damage. So Penny ran after the torrent of flames, leaving charred foot prints in the ground, she leaped towards Thor "Phoenix Slash!" It was essentially a slash of her flamed arm, like a wing, towards Thor.

And the ground shook violently again, this time tilting slightly.


"Yeah, that would work. I wouldn't be able to talk with half the members" Michael replied, although there was amusement, before it faded, watching Zephyr with his god take over. Michael didn't think that was a good thing. As the island shook again, Michael shifted, looking up, trying to study the island. "Its...almost like the magic is failing"

Carrie frowned, taking the list, but it didn't take her long, no more then a handful of seconds, to decide. She tore the paper up, and shook her head. "No. If I clear this list for you, that's a step in the wrong direction. That's a step in becoming corrupted, and I won't do it. Spread what you want about me. I don't care. Do what you must. I do not care. I will not tarnish this new council by doing something for you. Clean up your own messes, Vale." She let the pieces of paper fall.

"I'm not scared of you. Do your worst, Vale."

Her? Join a guild? That was almost laughable. Jessie couldn't do any serious magic. Why would any guild want her? She squirmed as she was placed back in her seat, giving a soft sigh. "Well, you do need watching" She said, trying to keep amusement in her voice, but she was relieved. She had been worried.

She shifted, and leaned back against the table, turning her mic back on. "Well, it certainly has become quite powerful! They're rocking the island! Anyone could win this event, and the contestants are sure putting on a fantastic show! A true display of a mages power!"
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