Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The circle grew brighter and brighter, glowing a deep shade of red, before materializing a tall man in a final explosion of smoke. He was tall, wearing a garment of red over his black underclothes.

EMIYA, summoned as Archer, took in a deep breath as he opened his eyes. What knowledge granted to him spoke volumes of why he was summoned. Certainly troubling, but he was still summoned to act as the summoner's sword. Nothing new for him. The summoner stood before him looking rather apprehensive. A smirk appeared on his face as he took in the visage of what would be the Master.

A fetching young girl, just barely reaching towards adulthood. Certainly not the worst he could imagine, but certainly not the best either. But looks can be deceiving, as he himself knew, so perhaps there was something else to her that escaped his eyes. Then again, things often looked like how they were. EMIYA did not speak, simply waiting for the summoner to act first, fixing his unwavering gaze upon her.

What sort of content would the unpromising cover reveal?

Dr. Jekyll

As the circle glowed brightly, smoke swirled around it, with darker and more malicious looking wisps roiling underneath, before dissipating completely to reveal a young bespectacled man dressed in a fancy white dress shirt under an olive green vest. He wore a pleasant expression with a soft smile as he looked towards his summoner.

"Good-" Jekyll looked around for a moment, hoping for a hint of the time. "-morning. I assume you are my Master?"

It would seem that he was summoned for the express purpose of solving singularities with his master, who he was assuming to be the man in front of him for now. The man seemed normal, with barely anything that really stood out, save for the fact he had summoned a Heroic Spirit. Perhaps he could be a powerful mage in his own right, being able to wield magic as he willed and could concoct any sort of potion he desired. Or he could just be an average mage who learned how to just learned summon him. Either way, Jekyll would serve him to the best of his abilities. He was summoned for that very purpose after all, and there wasn't any real reason for him to refuse. Perhaps Hyde would disagree, but Hyde was hardly anyone he would take advice from.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cojemo
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Felix Wade

The nerve of this girl. Who was she to call HIM unintelligent when he was clearly the only person to know what was going on. If there was one thing Felix despised it was idiots who thought themselves better than everyone else. After all, that wasn't him. He knew how superior he was. This girl, however, was obviously deluded and couldn't even conjure up a half decent insult let alone a powerful Servant. Not only that, but she seemed to refuse to accept her defeat gracefully and instead opted to behave childishly. Of course, Felix knew when to drop a conversation, and this seemed like exactly that time. So, instead of firing back with his logic, the magus instead simply smirked at the girl and picked up his bag, feeling quite proud of himself.

He'd see how haughty she was once he'd used his catalyst.

However, before he could leave the buffoon's presence and get to summoning his trump card, A girl by the name of Seyrun interjected herself into the situation, opting to help clean up the mess he'd admittedly caused. Yes, in truth Felix knew that he should probably assist the girls, because in truth it was his temper that'd scattered the clothes on the ground in the first place. He paused, staring at the various undergarments for a moment, before turning his back and making his way towards his circle. Under normal circumstances Felix would have no problem fixing his mistake, but in this case it'd require him to suck up his pride and admit he was wrong to that... slow witted idiot. And, as one may have guessed, there was no way in hell that was going to happen.

Still, despite his foul mood, he couldn't help but chuckle at the comments from the younger girl towards the situation. "Panties guy? Is that my name now? I'd prefer Panties Man actually, sounds like a much better super hero name." He joked back with his poor attempt at humor. Such comments coming from a child always warmed the stern Magus' heart, as they never failed to bring back memories of his sister. She was his motivation, the main reason why he did what he did. Having a reminder of her definitely helped push him forward. Of course, Felix had opted to ignore the comment that had come from Seyrun herself. He knew full well how to treat a woman! Just like any other person of course. Shinobu, though, barely classified as a person so as far as he was concerned everything was fine.

By the time Felix had unpacked his bag and taken out the metal box containing his catalyst, he could already see a few other had summoned their servants. However, another thing he noted was that there were quite a few females in attendance, a fact that made him smirk. Opening the box, Felix removed what looked like the tusk of a boar and placed it in his summoning circle. "Nice Servants there fellas, but you haven't seen anything yet." Felix said aloud to the whole room. "Oh, and laides, I suggest you shield your eyes."

"You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!

With the final words of his chant, Felix's summoning circle grew brighter, and a flash of light caused him to shield his eyes. The man smirked, knowing that his planning and preparations would pay off right now. He knew for a fact he didn't have the strongest Servant; despite his resources there was no way he could obtain such a catalyst. However, in his mind the choice he'd made was the most tactically sound, and in a few moments everyone around would be met with the sight that would prove he was the most eligible to be a Master.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 1 day ago

El Cid

But my lord, you surely can't be thinking that! Please, you've done enough... It is time for you to rest.

Jimena, my sweet wife... I beseech you. Let me do it. My time is nigh regardless. I've defied my King, and taken a Kingdom as my own. I shall never die in peace thus. However you, our daughters, and my men do not deserve my fate. Even though this city shall fall, they deserve one last battle. They call me "Al Sidi". They call me "Campeador". The master of battlefields. The lord of battle. So Jimena...

...please tie me to my horse. El Cid shall ride one last time. Let the trumpets resound. The banners fly high. Let the Reaper know, that when my time is due, it shall not be in a bed. It shall not be in lament. I shall charge atop, proud, inspiring men to become better. And even after my spirit abandons this earthen vessel, i shall fight on. Let them know... how a true warrior and lord dies.

Time became eternity. Reality became abstraction. For a time, or a lack of time, the one known as the spirit of El Cid awaited. A ritual, a spark of magecraft or prana to manifest, dwelling beyond the reach of mere men. And then it was felt. A tug, a push. A feel. A word. A chant.

The magical circle shone brightly, slight mana flickers changing as if the colors of them were little embers in the battlefield. Out of the circle, the servant's body surged, his eyes closed. An imposing figure, carrying two swords, with an air of wisdom and experience. The catalyst was gone, consumed, as the armored figure opened his eyes. His sight rested in one of his hands, flexing his fingers back and forth inquisitevely. His eyes then stared deeply at the figure of front of the circle, as if sizing him up and down, examining his very body and soul. His eyes rested on the fading pattern that was appearing in the young man's arm.

Servant Saber. And he is to be my master.

The command seals.

El cid then smiled, as he brought his right hand curled into a fist, bumping against his armor, and offering Cecil a salute. "Thus you spoke, and thus you were answered. I greet you, my Master and lord. The sword of this Servant is... at your disposal." He said in a somber tone, his body lowering in a respectful curtsy.

It was then, when his eyes opened again, and looking forth and back between the collective of humans and appearing servants, his eyes narrowed so slightly.

What is the meaning of this? He asked himself mentally.

"I shall extend my greeting for those in this abode aswell, it seems." El cid spoke, a very subtle hint of confusion mixed with annoyance in his voice. His sight then focused on a particular person, whom he singled out of the crowd. The one with the most poise of the lot, situated in an elevated stance.

I see.

"Specially you, my lord, master of all masters present, if this servant is not in the wrong." He added, offering an additional corteous greeting to Zelretch, before resuming his stance. He eyed at his master, as if waiting for instructions.


Athena wrinkled her nose, upon hearing the comments. All adults seemed somewhat silly, what with hearing things that Athena didn't mind. Also why shouldn't she speak of babies? Babies and families were cute, after all! Although the other lady talked about something about luch. And heiress. But she had been lost at the "lunch" word. She was hungry after all. So all she did was nod and smile. It was the best way to look smart when adults talked about complicated things!

Also the other guy was apparently a superhero called Panties Man. She smiled with glee. Maybe he could help fight her bedhair!

"YUP! I'm Athena Phoinix. My great great great granny was a mighty witch in greece! She made soldiers grow out of the ground or something like that!" Athena beamed, as she salivated at the perspective of food.

And then old man Zebratech said that they all were to do some summoning. Or whatever that magical circle thingie was. Some kind of telephone for mighty spirits? Athena furrowed her brow, furiously trying to concentrate. She had written instructions of this! She would look totally cool and make glowy circles.

Except said instructions were in a room. Oh well, she could always copy the others in that regard. She focused on her hearing and repeating her interpretation of the chant. She concentrated, opening her circuits. She felt hot, like being closer to a bonfire, as she projected all of her will and being into the circle...

"You, sewer heathens climb a tree wart of podwer, arrive from the thing of Terrance, O sheeper of the baaa lance ―――!"

It wasn't working. It really wasn't working! Athena pouted furious, and flailed, her magic circuits at full power. In her tantrum-laden mind, she spouted the words that first came to her mind.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The purpose of the Grail Wars was to summon a Servant, a powerful “familiar” that would act as a both the shield and sword of the “Master”. Of course, comparing a “Servant” to a “Familiar” would be a grave understatement of its prowess. Even the 5 true magics wouldn’t be able to form a “true contract” with a Servant. Therefore, the Grail producing a “Servant” was not a true summoning, but rather a “loose contract” with the Throne.

Even those beings that had transcended the knowledge of Magecraft into something more tuned to Magic would not be able to form a contract with a Servant. Thus, the Grail acts as a medium in order to allow these beings, Servants, to exist in the world. If anything, the Master of the war was more akin to an anchor than a true “master”. The magus existed only to support the Servant in such a way to keep them from dematerializing. And considering that a traditional magus would be no less than a pincushion to any Servant’s power, it would be wise to 1) keep one’s Servant in the world as a means to combat enemy Servants, and 2) keep infighting to a limit.

In the event that a Master is unable to control their Servant, the founders of the Grail System had also created the idea of a “command seal”. Whomever invented such a binding must be given their due credit. Perhaps to an extent the command seal was more wondrous than they system of the Grail itself. The ability to compel a Heroic Spirit 3 times was something incredible within itself, and a failsafe system like no other to ensure a degree of control to one’s own Servant.

Despite this fact this ritual had its origins within the circles of backwater magus families, it could not be understated that the actual concept of the ritual was not rushed. Each construct was well thought out. The families themselves could be considered “skilled” to some degree, but of course in the grand scheme of things, with few exceptions, they were but fledglings.

The Saber was the class of swordsmen. Those heroes who had donned a blade for their country, for comrades, for themselves. This happened to be one of the, if not the strongest class. However, that did not mean that the Saber was constantly the strongest servant, but rather a very likely contender for victor of the war. Unless you are Takeuchi in which case this is the best class fuck all other classes gg Saber best Saber tbh fam.

The Lancer was the class of spearmen. As one of the knight classes, the base class was stronger than other classes. Though compared to the Saber base class, the lancer held very little advantage. However, the forerunners of this class tend towards great agility, displaying exceptional prowess with their weapon and speed unrivaled by other Servants.

The Archer was the weakest of the Knight class, but still comparatively strong.Servants placed within this class excel in possessing powerful Noble Phantasms, are able to act as highly effective scouts due to the skill “independent action”. However, archers tend to be less useful in closer engagements compared to the other Knight Classes. However, their range and ability to kite opponents tended to make them formidable regardless of the occasion.

The Rider was the class of mounts. The companionship of beasts was a commonplace in stories of old. From horses to pegasi, the Rider was able to tame and act as a cavalryman with their mounts. Of course, Riders tended to have the advantage of “Summoning another being to fight”, despite the being being an animal. Some animals in legends were able to present issue to Servants, and but it tended to be a fight in the Heroes’ favor due to circumstance. A formidable class, nonetheless.

Assassins were the classes of intrigue. Those who had taken to the shadows during their life, using their stealth to claim their victims. Able to nearly disappear from the world at whole, the Assassins specialize in “picking off”, for lack-there-of a better term, those whom had become separated from their Servant. At the very least, Ravel hoped she didn't summon a Servant of this class. It seemed, at face, to be one of the hardest classes to win a war with, but one with "some possibilities".

Casters were the class of Mages. The strongest casters of spells throughout the history of man were placed in this class. Mages with abilities that might have been eventually surpassed by modern comprehension, but at the same time, beings so powerful modern magi might be incomparable to their prowess. Due to not requiring any strong statistics, they generally have low combat abilities, and due to the majority of Servants having some form of Magic Resistance, this class is thought to be the weakest of all seven. However, the ability to utilize arts lost to the modern systems of Magecraft does present its own tangible benefits.

The Berserker was the class of the mad warriors. From antiquity, Heroes had a tendency to embrace their own madness to ensure their strength. Though it was obvious that a class that had their mind warped by the shapes of madness would have the disadvantage of changing their Servants from their “true nature”, or perhaps this madness was their “true nature” itself, but this merely made them a “dog” to their master. Perhaps, if that is what one needs, this would be for the best.

Shinobu Shiratori


Shinobu had to surpass the individual who had given her such a rise. Someone who was truly the enemy of all womankind. A bastard who couldn’t even admit when he was wrong. She would prove to him that she was the superior magus.

Eastern and western arts were incompatible. Perhaps the same was true of women and men of different cultures. Though perhaps a “different culture” was not true in this day-and-age. The Japanese had their culture hugely ingrained in western arts and the like, imitating it with their own twists.

But Shinobu desired to win the grail war.

Her “offering” was simple. Simple enough to be mistaken by anyone else as a mundane item. Perhaps that wasn’t far from the truth. Simply put, it was but a simple lotus flower. But the association with a certain Prince might give Shinobu the ability to pull a strong “card”.

So she began, as the currently designated “Panty-man” had, to summon her servant.
Saying some chuuni shit the summoning ritual, eventually the circle reacted to her and her “offering”. She had to summon a Servant as powerful as “Panty-man”,otherwise she wouldn’t be able to live this down.

Ravel Livoria D’Arby

@Nanashi Ninanai

It was time for Ravel to begin her summoning. She had not a single shred of what could be considered a "catalyist". However, she didn’t need a catalyst. She would summon the best heroes without one, as she was destined to do so. Perhaps not on the forefront of her mind, but there was a degree of pride in herself. Ravel was a magus who had been from a dying family revitalized by her genes. Her existence was one of chance, and she had given herself to that discipline long ago. Luck would be on her side, as luck had sided with Ravel Livoria D’Arby long ago.

"You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!

It was time to see what “card” she pulled. Surely the best, no doubt in her mind. She would pull the “Saber-classed” card.

Cu Chulainn, Lancer


It was a simple ritual. In fact, it was hardly anything fancy considering what one summons.

A Hero.

A being that is the idealization of humanity, from it’s worst to its best. After all, what was a human without hope. Hope for the new day is what drove humanity to tame the world with its tools and machines. Hope which drives one to protect what one cares about.

But heroes aren’t without flaws. Even the most idealized hero is to have something which caused them to lose their way. Some sort of chain holding them down, and a wish to change what they had wronged.

Anyone would want to do so. After all, what is wrong can be changed to something that is “right”, and the “right” trumps the “wrong” in every instance.

Caring to change the wrongs to write is a different story though. After all, Heroes were being that are idealized by humanity. If they are to regret their choices, they have failed that pedestal which is so favorably granted to them.

The man before the young girl was definitely strange looking for a hero. Though muscular, his frame was lean. His [jumpsuit] armor was a deep blue which seemed to match his hair, hard to imagine that something like his armor would offer much protection. His eyes a deep red, as if to show some sort of “difference” between himself and the commonfolk. If anything, one could definitely state that he was exceptionally pleasing to look at. Perhaps enough to make men scared for their wives’ sake. Perhaps enough to force an individual to marry so they may have a shred of hope their wives would stop ogling the man.

His face had a bestial grin, and his stretch mirrored the same. Perhaps it wouldn’t be wrong to say that there was a degree of humanity about the person before Athena. At the same time there existed a more bestial existence. A hidden rage and passion perhaps buried behind the smile.

For the time being, he seemed satiated.

But the most important thing about the man before Athena was the spear in his hand. A weapon that seemed simple at first glance; a spear died a crimson red. But one can see what appeared to be barbs on the pole of the spear.

Every servant understands who their master is. It is as a child who looks at their mother’s face the first time they are born, or a similar idea at least. A Master held a “bond” with their Servant. One that drew deeper as time went on.

A Master merely acted as the anchor for the Servant. The "power of the grail" is what had been successful in summoning the Servant. Under normal circumstances, Magi are not able to supply the sort of prana needed to sustain such a being, of which not even the 5 Mages would be able to make a familiar contract with. Being that powerful the existences known as Masters were important to keep in line. Hence the creation of the command seals. Every Servant knew of these. They were the “timeout” button a Master could use to enforce a demand upon their Servant.

“Yo, Mast…”

The Heroic Spirit known as Cu Chulainn had held promises to many people. In fact, had he been summoned in his “true form” rather than a replication of his Heroic Self, perhaps his bindings would have followed in the form of the geas he had inflicted upon himself in life. He held each and every promise to those who were his “lord”, or at the very least attempted to.

“Wait a second, my Master’s a child!?”

But he never held a reason to listen to a child before. But something didn’t feel right. The child before him … she was clearly the one who held his command seals. He could feel it from the established contract the two shared. Even the most rudimentary magus could discern such trivialities. But the Blue Spearman of the Wind didn’t feel “weighed down” by his Master. Perhaps it was the fact there was a shared ritual, however ,the Blue Spearman, though not a traditional “magus”, did understand that perhaps his Master was not as they seemed
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Amari's eyes finally readjusted themselves, and the spots in her vision faded away. The hall was nearly filled with smoke from all the summoning spell, but Amari paid no attention to the rest of the Masters or Servants. As she lowered her arms, she dimly caught a glimpse of the red mark now adorning the back of her hand, but she ignored it in favor of the red figure standing in the circle.

He's too muscular to be a Caster, I'm sure of that. Too flashy to be a good Assassin, and his eyes are to sharp and aware to be Berserker. That leaves Rider and the weapon based classes, but I see neither mount nor weapon. I don't recognize him from any of the books I've read, and the catalyst was beyond bizzare. Who could this possibly be?

Amari's entire internal dialogue took less than a second as she studied her Servant, her partner for the foreseeable future. She knew nothing about him, and that would have to change, but not right now.

Belatedly, she realized she had been frowning intensely this whole time, her brow furrowed in thought. Now she smoothed her features with a concious effort, replacing her scowl with a small smile. Gently, she held out the hand with her command seals toward the Servant, palm upwards toward him.

"My name is Amari Vale, and I am your Master." She hated the sound of that. Leave it to a great mage family to label mages as above legendary historical heroes. Regardless of her own feelings, though, that's what she was, and she would just have to swallow it. "Please tell me your class."

While they were technically working together, Amari trusted these people less than strangers. She had already noticed enough were arrogant fools that she might spend more time fighting them than actual enemies. There was no sense giving them the advantage of her Servant's name.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cojemo
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


This was unexpected. Emerging from the bright explosion of light emitted from the amateurish summoning came a figure of elegance, draped in dark purple with long flowing hair. Her red eyes slowly opened, staring directly at the one who had called upon her. Scatach, gatekeeper of the Land of Shadows. This had never happened before, her presence being summoned from the Throne of Heroes. In theory it should have been impossible. Unable to die, she should not have been qualified as a heroic spirit, yet here she was, surrounded by warriors of the past. What had changed? Why was pulled from the Land of Shadows? Even the warrior queen herself could not answer such a question at the present moment, though this didn't mean she was left completely in the dark. Scathach could sense that there was an anomaly created somewhere, allowing for this oddity to occur. Lifting the red spear she grasped in her hand to rest on her shoulder, Scathach lightly smiled.

Yes, the warrior who had lived for thousands of years unable to die was thankful for this opportunity. Finally, she'd have a chance to tes her might against many more, though whether they could provide what she yearned for was a different question entirely. After all, Scathach knew better than anyone that she was a heroic spirit with unbelievable talent. Did there exist anyone in history who could put an end to her curse?

Well she'd have to find that out at a later date, as for now she was faced with addressing the one who had defied fate itself. "You have summoned me from my position of Guardian of The Land of Shadows, and for that I thank you. I am Scathach the Warrior Queen. You are the one I shall call Master, and thus the one that has defied the Throne of Heroes, correct?" With soft but strong eyes, Lancer examined the girl who she stood before her. She was, to be blunt, a child. Inexperienced, clumsy, and rash, Scathach could tell that her summoning was not one done purposefully. This girl still had a lot of work to do before even being called competent, though there was something there. With her keen eyes the Warrior Queen could see a small glimmer of potential within her master that, if tapped into, would make her a Master more than worthy of the title. "I suspect this will work just fine."


Jack The Ripper

If appearances were any indication, then what had answered the call should not even be considered a Heroic Spirit. Small in stature and childish in expression, Jack's eyes wandered and observed her surrounding curiously. there were so many people, and other people like her. She knew why she was their, but the whole situation still brought a sens eof wonderment to Jack. With very little clothing, the one who represented the class of Assassin appeared like a harmless child who'd gotten lost, though this couldn't be farther from the truth. A killer without hesitation, Jack was a formidable Servant, and one that would serve her Master well.

In fact, due to her summoner being who it was, they may as well have won the lottery. The second Jack laid eyes on Ghyslaine, the small girl gazed at her with fascination and admiration. Her Master? Her Mother? Had she finally found who she was looking for? For her entuire life she longed to feel the warmth of where she originated, to feel the love of the one who birthed her. Was this woman her? A smile quickly formed along Assassin's lips, her hand reaching out towards Ghyslaine for a brief moment before being quickly pulled back by the shy girl.

For a while, Jack simply stood there, staring into the eyes of her Mother. In truth, the Assassin was at a loss for what she was to do. Like, she'd been granted the knowledge necessary for her purpose, but still. She was just so overwhelmed with happiness that ot was difficult to compose herself. Finally, Jack slipped her two knives into their holsters and spoke. "We're uh, Jack the Ripper. We'll fight for and kill for you." It had been decided. This women that stood before her was now her mother. There was nothing that'd stand in the way of her fulfilling her mothers wish. No matter how many she had to kill, no matter who she had to tear to shreds, Jack would make sure her mother was safe, Not only to fulfill Ghyslaine's wish, but her own. "In turn, you'll take care of us, right Mother?"

@Raineh Daze
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 29 min ago

Alexander Nevsky

Nevsky watched on with the patience of someone born to rule as the man he had addressed simply stood there, as if he had been overcome by his Charisma. Which to be fair was a concern he supposed, though at least he wasn't acting like a peasant or something like that. It would be fairly unbecoming of a summoner to do something like that, religion or not. But he was in no hurry, so he waited patiently until the man did respond to his presence.

To put a point upon it. he would admit that his Master seemed a bit feeble, voice low and barely audible were it not for his superior senses. It confirmed what he had already known though, and that was enough to move forward with this whole thing and towards the purpose that he had been summoned for in the first place.

With a step forward he dropped to a knee, head bowed as if he was showing his allegiance to the Khan once again, though this man was hardly the horse borne warriors that had taken over his country. "So I ask, are you my liege?" Maybe not Master, but it was an alteration that shouldn't be a problem, as far as he knew.


Cecil Lavernth

Cecil watched with wide eyes as a figure appeared in the circle, created by mana and maintained by the Grail, a Heroic Spirit given physical form at his call. And what a figure it was, strong, two swords, someone that could fight and do the sorts of things that he himself couldn't. A grin split his face as the light faded away to reveal the warrior in full. The catalyst he had gotten had definitely done the job for him, that much was clear. And the relief of having done it right, to not need to worry anymore. That was welcome too.

He took a moment to compose himself before nodding, bowing as well. "Hello. I am Cecil Lavernth, your Master. Let our bond endure until the end of our trial." A prickly feeling appeared on his hand, and he glanced down to see the glowing red there of the command seal, indicating that he was a Master. A sight he had never expected to see, and honestly he still wasn't sure whether it was real. But the red lines were hard to deny, and he memorized them before looking back up at his Servant, Saber.

Looking back upwards once again, he could see that his Servant was confused, and he quickly moved to assuage the concerns that the man might have, even as he checked Saber's parameters. Yep, definitely what he had been hoping for, as he skimmed the numbers that appeared. "Thank you for your support. In a journey like the one we're going to be going on, I think we'll need it." Sure, there were a lot of other strong Servants around, but Zelretch wouldn't have gotten them together if they weren't all needed for the project to succeed.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Svetleaze von Einzbern

The homunculus stood and watched as her Servant--her oddly modernly dressed Servant--made his entrance. Her first thought was taking in the obvious: he was big. Not just in terms of height, boasting more than a foot on her, but in both breadth and muscle. The muscle was the most surprising part: she expected Servants to be athletic, but to get one that effortlessly gave off an aura of an international strongman.

And within ten seconds of opening his mouth, there was no difficulty in guessing what her Servant liked: from the belt buckle proudly proclaiming it to the sheer amount of jewellery he was wearing Kintoki obviously had a thing for gold. It was something that Svetleaze could respect, both from a seeming desire to look good and her own appreciation for finery. She preferred silver however, at least to go with her everyday clothes; gold on her would quickly mean getting confused with her famous ancestor.

Her Servant seemed... fun. It was the wrong thing to be thinking when called to assist the Wizard-Marshall, but this was the first time in her life that Svetleaze had left Einzbern grounds, and it was impossible to not find enjoyment in a Servant that appealed to her base desire to stand out--as well as look good. Enough so that she unconsciously mimicked his pose with the axe, resting the sword-axe over her shoulder.

"Indeed; I, Svetleaze von Einzbern, am your Master... Berserker?" With his appearance and weapon, many classes could be discarded out of hand: Rider was still a possibility, and distantly Saber, but...

Ghyslaine Vinla-Meir

The brunette had been expecting the Servant she summoned to be at least her height, though as a tall woman it wouldn't have been unthinkable to get one slightly smaller. Instead, in looking straight ahead, Ghyslaine missed her Servant entirely for a second. Then a glimpse of white caught her eye and the blood-using magus looked down, sizing up the supposed hero that she had summoned. It was, without any shadow of a doubt, a child. An incredibly poorly dressed child, at that, but she kept her expression neutral until she could ask whether they liked these clothes.

If they did, it would be a matter of persuading her into something more appropriate.

The small girl seemed to happy to see her, yet reluctant to show it and... bearing knives? Somehow, this small and frail-looking Servant must have become a famous killer, as none of the other classes could fit such a frame or weapons. A famous killer indeed, as she said. The mysterious Whitechapel Murderer was this girl? The most famous serial killer of all was a shy girl that... viewed her as a mother? To be called that...

Smiling warmly back at the girl, she crouched down to Jack's level, scarf in hand--and set about covering a bit more flesh, even if it was only because of the length of the scarf against the Assassin's small frame. "Of course! To look after a young girl like yourself will make me happier than any other Servant could."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ShadowKingman
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ShadowKingman Wandering Sushi Seeker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Amedea stepped back in awe for a few moments - who wouldn't; being so grossly unprepared as she was? Prior to a week before, the biggest threat to her life had been some potential deranged man with a knife or a gun, now she was facing something out of legends. The other mages, the other magus, might be used to something ridiculous like this but she most certainly wasn't.

Taking a hesitant step forward towards the towering man in front of her, it took her a few more seconds to find any words to say to him but she finally managed to calm herself. It took her a deep breath and a visible moment to calm herself though - something which she feared would lower the servant - hero - legend's opinion of her.

"Yes, I am." she said with a voice that she wasn't quite sure sounded as resolute as she wanted it to be. It was then that she realized she had no idea how to dispel any kind of awkward moment and thus decided to pass the initiative to the servant, "Is there anything you need to say after that?"


Shinobu's circle glowed with power; accumulating until he chant was finished. In an explosion of light and smoke, where there was once a lotus flower there was now the kneeling form of a young Chinese youth clad in decidedly not Chinese attire. With a blue suit and white skirt accompanied by a white jacket and thigh high white socks, her head, adorned with a blue hairband with the accessory of a single white wing, rose to meet her master. A red sash fluttered in the leftover minature wind from the summoning as she slammed the butt of her spear onto the ground, striking what she thought was a suitably heroic stature.

"Hmm..." She said as she leaned in, peering at Shinobu and examining her up close with eyes narrowed and her free hand cusped around her chin, examining the magus as if she was some kind of statue or work of art "So you're going to be my master?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Victoria Vandive Velosi

She had done what she did in the heat of the moment, never once thinking whether it would have worked, or if it would just explode spectacularly. That it succeeded at all was surprising to say the least, and actually summoning something proper even more so. A woman had appeared, a beautiful woman holding a red spear. Her outfit was kinda erotic now that she was actually taking a proper look. It was highly likely that the Servant she had summoned was a Lancer, due to the spear she carried, though Assassin and Rider was possible as well.

"You have summoned me from my position of Guardian of The Land of Shadows, and for that I thank you. I am Scathach the Warrior Queen. You are the one I shall call Master, and thus the one that has defied the Throne of Heroes, correct?" Scathach turned her gaze upon Victoria, causing her to blush slightly. "I suspect this will work just fine."

"Yes! I am the one who summoned you. My name is Victoria Vandive Velosi," Grinning widely, she extended a hand to Scathach for a handshake, "Nice to meet you! We'll be working together from now on."

The last remark made by her Servant was bugging her a little, but nothing she was worried about. After all, they were going to be partners, fighting together to solve.... something? She forgot what Zelretch said. But more importantly, she managed to summon a Servant. The marking of what seemed to be three triangles intertwined with each other on the back of her hand was proof of that. Would her father finally believe her if she showed it to him?


A flash of blue caught his eyes for a moment, a familiar face amongst strangers. That girl, once again summoned as Saber. Memories both fond and bitter flooded back in an instant, causing him to close his eyes for a moment. All of it happened in but the space of a second, and he looked back towards his summoner, who had summoned up a smile now. She raised her hand towards him as she started speaking.

"My name is Amari Vale, and I am your Master. Please tell me your class."

"Ah, a pretty straightforward Master I have here." EMIYA replied with a small laugh. "To answer that last question, I would be an Archer. But I would have to ask, where is the proof that you are my Master?"

It may have sounded rude or impudent to some, but he needed to know exactly what sort of Master he was working with. EMIYA knew of the Command Seals on her hands, having glimpsed it as she was raising her hand, but the question he asked would reveal at least a hint of the Master with the answer they gave.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago


"..." Atalanta stared wordlessly at Keisuke's hand for a few moments before suddenly realizing that this was this era's customary form of compliment, at which point she returned the gesture by firmly shaking his hand as well. "Keisuke, huh? If we are not to be enemies then introducing myself here won't be an issue, right?" Atalanta didn't waited for a confirmation before continuing, her instincts told her that it wouldn't be an issue this time. "I, Atalanta, summoned as Servant Archer, swear to be your eyes and ears in this task by the name of my goddess, Artemis, my bow and and arrows will be yours, to strike down any opposi- Huh!?"

Atalanta had almost completed her pledge to Keisuke, after deeming that he would be a worthy Master when both her ears and tail became ramrod straight, just like a scared cat. She let go off Keisuke's hand the moment she heard a voice she would never forget even if had been alive all the time from the Era of the Gods to now. That deceitful voice that all who took part in the Argo expedition knew all too well. The voice of...

"The Witch of Colchis? What in the name of the Gods is someone like you doing here?" Atlanta said all of a sudden, loud enough to be heard by anyone on the summoning room, as she turned toward the mysterious woman draped in concealing purple garments. Even if her figure was veiled by the darkest of shadows, there was no way that Atalanta would forget the voice, or the smell, of the traitorous Princess of Colchis. Even then, Atalanta didn't forgot that, in her time of need, it was Medea who healed her wounds with forbidden magecraft, thus earning Atalanta's respect. Which was a nice thing, considering how badly the deal with the Argo ended for both women.

Nevertheless, that didn't excused the fact that Medea was a dangerous mercurial woman who had killed her own brother to escape her homeland and, most of all, that Noble Phantasm the Witch owned. The thought of what could happen if Medea were to misuse it made Atalanta's hairs rise. "I hold a debt of honor to you. However, be aware, I'll not lay my eyes off of you while you have that dagger." Atlanta extended a protective arm over Keisuke. If they were to cooperate, that would be the best possible scenario, but she couldn't be sure of it until she heard it from the Witch's own lips, after all few were the lies that Atalanta's ears couldn't discern.

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze
Diarmuid Ua Duibhne

Once more Diarmuid heard the call of a mage begging him to come back to the world. The last time was an experience he could never forget, though it ended in yet one more betrayal and one more bitter page on Diarmuid's story. He was going to be summoned as Lancer once, which left Diarmuid wondering if it was a curse or a blessing that he could once more wield his beloved spears. At least his time, Diarmuid hoped that his curse wouldn't cause him much undue troubles.

If... if he could get the chance to fight an opponent such as the King of Knights once more... That enough would make it worth being summoned, no matter what hardships Lancer would have to face. Either way, there was no time to think about such issues. The moment Diarmuid answered to the summons, another flash of light shone through the summoning hall, this one dissipating in scattering motes not unlike rose petals thrown to the wind.

Before Felix the figure of a tall, impossibly handsome, knight sporting an enchanted —cursed— mole on his face, was knelt facing the ground. His right forearm rested over his bent down knee and his left hand planted against the floor. To each of the knight's side laid a spear, deep crimson, like freshly drawn blood and vivid gold, like the Sun it self.

Without waiting for a word or order, the knight's voice rang loud and clear, proclaiming his vow of servitude to his new Master. "I Servant Lancer, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, First Spear of the Fianna, heard your summons. From this moment forth, let my spears be thine, my Liege." Honoring one's traditions came first, even if Diarmuid could sense the presence of many more mages as well as Servant around him.

The only thing that he could hope is, that if any of them had the tiniest shred of honor, they would reveal their identities in a similar fashion.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nanashi Ninanai
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Nanashi Ninanai Strange Bird of the Moon

Member Seen 5 days ago


Her consciousness became light.

Golden light bathed the swirling vortex of the summoning circle, and from within the blinding spectacle, a figure clad in white and gold materialized. As if signifying that the figure has awoken, turquoise-colored lines shone from the accessories she wore. An ornate, golden sun-like ornament covered her face almost completely, and to the one that summoned her, only her mouth was clearly visible with that obstruction. An air of royalty surrounded her.

Her materialization had been completed. Once more, she had returned upon this world. Residing in a vessel instead of a purely flesh and blood was an inconvenience, but it was a minor one that could be mitigated in some ways if she put some time to it, although it was not a priority now. Something else felt off, however. Despite from outwards she displayed no movements or any changes of expression, inside she was expressing some mild inconveniences. She felt something amiss about herself, something unrelated to her own physical condition. She attempted to figure out what was it, but after several tries of nothing, the woman decided that perhaps she should not think about it, at the very least, not for now.

She shifted her attention to the one that summoned her. A youthful magus? Still refusing to show any expressions or saying anything, the woman continued to inspect the nature of the magus. She was seemingly the excitable type, someone that was still full of hope and pride. Perhaps ambitious, but not too much so. Maybe someone extroverted? It was clear that she couldn't just judge her only by silent observation. But what little she knew of her...ah, the girl reminded her of her younger days. A smile formed as she finally decided to address her new Master.

"Come tell me, my child. Are you my Master?" Ah, it almost felt like aeons since she last spoke to a human being. An attempt for a friendly and caring tone was a way for her to see how she should adjust her speaking tone for this occasion. It might come off robotic for the time being, but she was sure that soon she would get better at it. The existence of the other magi in the room, alongside their summoned servants also made her feel some unease, but part of it was mainly due to her missing a few points regarding why was she summoned here.

Ah, something inside of her wished that she was not summoned as a queen. Caster sighed internally as she continued her attempt to still look as regale and charismatic as before, while she continued to await the answer of the magus before her. Perhaps she could be less dull from her attendants? At this rate, the answer would depend on the words that escaped that little mouth of hers.

Queen Himiko
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Amari sighed lightly. She just had to have gotten a difficult Servant, didn't she? Still, a willful Servant probably meant an intelligent one, who could think for himself without needing her orders on everything. That could have it's own advantages.

"You know full well who your Master is. The ritual that brought you here also bound you to me, and these Seals are only the visible part of that pact. How would someone even perform the summoning without knowing that?" She had been a bit harsh, but she was under a bit of stress right now, between the pressure of her mission and the tumult around her. She finally spared a glance around the room, her curiosity overcoming the need to focus on her own problems. The room was almost crowded now, with twice as many people as it had contained before. Among the newcomers was...

A truly beautiful man. The most gorgeous man she had ever seen, from his perfect hair to his...

FOCUS Amari. You're caught in a spell, obviously. Break line of sight.

Reluctantly, she raised her hand to cover her eyes, not opening them again until she had turned back to her own Servant.

"I need rest." She mumbled to herself. "There's no way I'd be caught in such a simple curse if I could focus." Sullenly, she reached into her bag and riffled around for a second, retrieving a simple spherical lollipop in a simple paper wrapping. Tearing off the paper, she put the calming candy in her mouth and looked at Archer again. "So, Archer then. I'm sure you're already aware I'm not a powerhouse of a magus. Assuming this was a Grail war, where do you put our chances of success?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Richard Montag


Richard had not needed to wait long for the ritual to take affect and disgorge a plume of concealing smoke that swiftly parted to reveal the form of his Servant. They mutually appraised each other, and the magus could tell that the Heroic Spirit wasn't impressed by what he saw in Richard.

Contrary to what may be expected, this greatly pleased the unassuming man who offered his hand in greeting to the man who appeared to be someone from around the 18th century or so, judging by the crisp attire alone.

"You would be correct in your assumption. I'll be working with you for the foreseeable future, so please feel free to call me Richard. In a room full of Magi and Servants, calling out for 'Master' would only lead to miscommunication going on, so we may as well get acquainted." Richard said, head turning to the doorway for a moment. "Perhaps we can converse on our way to the next meeting of ours? The mechanics of your summoning should have been informative in their own right, but I imagine you must have some questions just as I have for you."

Questions like Class and his name, neither of which he would ask when surrounded by so many on lookers. Cooperative they may be, Richard couldn't know if the identity of his Servant would conflict with any other spirits invoked here. After all, those dark motes of light during the ritual had not escaped his notice.

Margarita Reynard


Margarita was suitably stunned by that which she had called down from the Throne of Heroes. Considering her line of work, a battle worn monster hunter would have been a likely candidate, or even one of the crones of legend wielding arcane knowledge over physical might. Yet what greeted her through the veil was neither maiden, matron, or crone, but a child.

Adorned in frills and bright colors with an angelic doll clutched close to her breast, Faust was a bundle of energy in a rather cherubic body. Her words came out at a mile a minute, Margarita having a bit of difficulty keeping up, but eventually could discern that whomever she summoned was well informed on their current situation and needn't here Zelretch's explanation once more.

"Ah Yes...I am your Master. Call me Margarita or Reynard if you like." The aged Enforcer said, lowering herself to a knee so as to be level with the chipper child. While she hadn't a clue who this was or how they could qualify as a Servant, Margarita could discern she wasn't any of the knight classes given the exuberance to meet one for the first time. "I don't have any milk, but I was on my way to get some food and I'm certain they'll have some for you. Here, maybe this can tide you over till then."

Then she produced her preserved scone and offered the chocolate chip filled treat to the innocent child before her with a characteristic smile on her painted lips. "Don't forget to share with Gretchen if she wants some, okay?"

Tamamo No Mae


A call rang across time and space, drifting through vulpine ears to reach the most magnificent Servant of them all. Her heart fluttered from the contact and drew her attention to the gathering that had already drawn a large number of her kind already. Without hesitation the Heroic Spirit followed and arrived in the mortal world among a motes of light.

Before Seyrun was a voluptuous woman of Asian descent, her bizarre blue dress, detached sleeves not withstanding, being enough to draw ones mind to the land of the rising sun if they were to wager on her homeland. Black stockings and sandals adorned her legs with a sash swaying around her waist holding it all together. The ensemble was completed by a large bow in her pink hair, the blue of the fabric serving as the backdrop to vulpine ears that stood ram rod straight atop her head.

When Tamamo laid eyes on the Master who called, her bushy tail wagged eagerly behind her.

"Rejoice Master, your divine spouse has heard your pleas and come to bestow upon you the truest love this world shall know!" The Caster greeted without a care for the other persons who would hear the loud proclamation. "With me at your side, we'll blow up all those nasty singularities in no time~!"

Without considering whether or not Seyrun would even accept her newly summoned Servant, Tamamo stepped out of the circle and glued herself to the Magus' side, both arms clutching Seyrun's with inhuman strength to get comfortable beside the girl she'd follow for the rest of her natural life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kumozaki Keisuke

Keisuke smiled as Atalanta responded to his handshake, and though the public introduction was kind of strange, he couldn't find fault in doing so. Her actions immediately thereafter, on the other hand, were a different matter.

"So much for cooperation, huh?" he sighed internally as Atalanta simultaneously gave the Caster respect and took it away. It was certainly a strange set of affairs he had found himself in, but at the very least... They weren't at each other's throats?

Quite frankly, it was more of a Pyrrhic victory than anything else, but the fact that his Servant was already protective of him was kind of unexpected. As far as he knew, Atalanta had been far from the sort of person that would do something like this in mythology...

Was Medea's Noble Phantasm truly worrisome enough to warrant such a reaction? For the sake of everyone else in the room, he certainly hoped as much...

"Er... Well, I appreciate the thought, Atalanta, but... For now, I think we shouldn't antagonize anyone," he suggested, trying to diffuse the situation as best he could without the Wizard Marshal having to step in. "Our job should take precedence for the moment, so I recommend we discuss more on the way to the dining hall. You should know as well as I do that hunting on an empty stomach is dangerous."

Placing his right hand on Atalanta's left shoulder as he turned to leave the room, Keisuke glanced back at Medea and her Master, in hopes that they wouldn't take too much offense to Atalanta's actions.

Sakata Kintoki

"Yep, that's me! Sakata Kintoki, class: Berserker. Your weapon seems pretty cool, Master, but it'd be cool to have some shine on it, y'know? Well, whatever happens, I'm with you all the way!" Kintoki declared, giving a thumbs-up to Svetleaze before looking around the room again. The appearance of a certain fox-eared Servant caused him to raise one of his eyebrows in curiosity. Of course, the aviator shades masked some of the momentary wariness, but the GOLDEN Berserker simply shrugged it off and turned back to his Master.

"Man, though, I'm in the mood for some food; haven't eaten in AGES. You wanna go get some grub right now? I mean, like, assuming you're not waiting for someone or somethin' like that. Your choice."

Kintoki tossed his axe into the air before slipping his hands into his pockets, the axe itself dematerializing as it began to fall. Though he certainly had the strength to carry it around, the thing was still pretty damn heavy to hold onto; if he could help it, punching things to death could do the job in case anything went wrong. Or wrestling. He was pretty good at that, too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Beloss
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Walgrave nodded softly, his eyes dull and vacuous as his Servant knelt at his feet. "Yes... I am your, hrrmmmm... Master. Obey me, and partake of my power..." His whisper trailed off as the finnal compact was made. His magical circuits burned pleasantly as his prana began siphoning away to deny the causality of the world and give this creature strength and life.

Walgrave gestured for the mighty spirit to rise, swaying slightly on his feet as the burning sensation in his circus faded. Under his cloak his familiar cockroaches scuttled to and fro in agitation, sensing their masters disquiet. Stiffly, Walgrave made a deep bow of his own as the Heroic Spirit rose before him. Though summoning was not his strong suit, he had lived to long to ignore basic formalities when it came to bargaining with higher powers.

"My name is... ah... W...Walgrave. It has been a long hmmm time since I have entertained... well, anyone. I hope that you find my company suitable for a hrmmm... hero."


"Yes, I am... Is there anything you need to say after that?"

Sinfjötli's rose to his feet, towering over the girl who had called him into this world he swept his bright helm from his head with a small flourish. It dissolved in a shower of gold and he planted his hands on his hips, gazing down at the small visendakona. She was small and delicate looking, with an odd sleeveless low cut blouse that he somehow knew was not out of place in this age.

The grin slowly faded from his face as he saw her nervousness. It was no good if she was a timid worthless person, even if she was skilled seidrist.

He looked her up and down critically a few more times, expression neutral, his eyes lingering on the strange amulet she wore on her breast.

"No." He said eventually, his voice rich and light, but tinted with arrogance. He was not quite sure what to make of her at a glance, her jewelry and delicate features seemed to indicate a noble, but her demeanor lacked the austerity he would have expected from someone of quality blood. Then again, if his knowledge of the current age was anything to go by, fine clothes and jewelry were not the sole domains of nobility any longer. He grimaced internally at that."Nothing besides that. So, who are you then? Who is your Father? Your Grandfather?" He glanced around the chamber briefly, takeing in the bizarre multitude that was emerging out of thin air all around them. "What are we mustering for?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ravel Livoria D’Arby

@Nanashi Ninanai

She was stunned.

The person known as “Ravel D’Arby stopped being able to think for but a moment, captivated by what her own hands had pulled from the “deck”.

The Servant wasn’t a Saber like she had hoped to grab. The lady was a beautiful woman who wore the garb of the east. A beautiful thing that looked more like a flower than something for war. Her skin was pale and pretty, her hands hardly showing the strains of the world itself. Something that one would wish to protect and cherish beyond all possible doubt, almost as if a doll.

Even without being able to see her face, covered in some sort of ornate headdress of sorts, Ravel felt that like the rest of her body, it would be beautiful.

It is better to imagine the monster in a movie. Actually showing the creature indefinitely reduces it’s ability to match the thoughts produced by the audience. A device of “telling, but not showing”. Tantalizing the audience until they are able to piece together some rational thoughts of the creature itself rather than the creature showing.

On the individual level, mystery causes intrigue, but perhaps once this superficial layer of intrigue wears off, they learn that they never matched up to their expectations and choose to accept this, or move on.

And after but a moment, likely less than that of a second captivated by her beauty, Ravel regained the ability to once again create complex thoughts.

“Y-Yes. I am Ravel Livoria D’Arby, ma’am! I am the one who had summoned you.”

Simple introduction. Perhaps a bit too simple, but it was likely that Ravel was still captive by her own will. She had wanted a knight classed Servant. She had not gotten one of these, but one could say that Ravel wasn’t disappointed in the slightest. At the very least the visage of a beauty like her Servant would at least denote something great, or so she hoped. Even if she wasn’t up to snuff for this “war”, at the very least Ravel would of had the opportunity to participate. Life was a journey.

But there was no doubt that Ravel had drawn the strongest “card”. Even if she hadn’t drawn the class “saber’, her Servant was likely the best Servant. Because they were her own Servant.

“It is a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can work together to overcome any adversity!” she said with a simple bow. Hopefully her Servant was someone who she could work with at the very least. If that was the case, she could be happy with that fact.

Shinobu Shiratori


The flash had subsided.


Not what Shinobu had expected. The girl before her was pretty. Her dress wasn’t from the east at all. In fact, Shinobu thought it reminded her of some sort of magical girl anime that she definitely didn’t watch in her youthful high school years. Her appearance was a bit too goofy from what the young magus had originally expected.

There was also the glaring fact that the person who Shinobu believed she was going to summon was a male. A Prince, no less. Someone who would be able to take her off her feet and the like. Perhaps not like those western stories, but it wasn’t too farfetched.

But that didn’t matter. Shinobu would have to work with what she had been given. Surely the Servant before her was one of great strength. There was not a shred of weakness within Shinobu that she could easily identify. If she had summoned a Servant, it would have to be the greatest Servant. A top class Servant. Perhaps something that would win a standard grail war with ease. That was the sort of mage that Shinobu was. She was a master of Houjitsu. She was a master of Juijitsu. And she was the “Master’ of this servant.

“I am your Master, Shinobu Shiratori”

Simple and concise.

“I am the one who had summoned you. Though I understand that my beauty might captivate you, I assure you that our business is to fight the singularities, and I shall be the one to lead you.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ShadowKingman
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ShadowKingman Wandering Sushi Seeker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"We're mustering for war, I assume." Amedea looked around the room, finally taking her eyes off of her own servant in order to examine what everyone else had - from exotic eastern shamans to european legends of bizarre clothing, it spoke volumes when the hero she summoned seemed one of the more normal - she supposed the word for it - of them. He at least looked like he came from the 12th century.

"We are gathered to do battle against singularities, irregularities, whatever else the Grand Marshal has in store for us." she explained as she turned her attention back towards the heroic spirit. She had regained most of her composure and was much more calm now, especially seeing how nothing had gone wrong so far and all she needed to do now was bring him out for breakfast before awaiting further orders. One step at a time; it would just be like her first day in the Academy.

"Theoretically, we are all to band together. In practice, many have gathered here anticipating a war in which their allies to be were their opponents to the death. I hope that, whether it be a knife in the back or an abomination in front of us, you won't have any trouble dealing with it, right..."

She paused there, realizing that this was where she was supposed to say his name - which she currently did not know.

Shit, I knew I forgot something. And I had it all figured out too.

"Who are you?"


Nezha continued her examination of her master even as she spoke before finally getting out of her personal space and her hand was placed on her hip. The inquisitive, almost critical gaze she had earlier was gone, replaced by a youthful smile. She was glad - she had wondered what kind of person had summoned her; feared it was some sort of greedy, upstart mage or someone who was desperate for something they had no means of attaining by themselves - someone who would go further than most would deem comfortable, acceptable or moral to go. Instead, instead of a mutual killing she was certain she had arrived in a battle of a much more noble nature.

And she was perfectly fine with that.

"Hm!" she nodded in satisfaction. "Cute, determined, youthful, assured! I like you!" Giving the Fire-tipped spear a twirl in the air, she slammed it back down on the ground again and raised her free hand towards Shinobu, fingers locked in a "V" position.

"If you're going to lead, then I'll follow you. I'm Prince Nezha, son of the Pagoda-wielding Heavenly King, disciple of Taiyi Zhenren and the subjugator of the dragons of the East Sea, and I accept you as my master!"

Then, pausing for a moment, the servant's smile disappeared and she mused at her master for another moment before adding another line.

"Although you might want to do something about your attitude. While I think being confident and self assured is a good thing, there comes a point where it becomes vanity, you know?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Beloss
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago




Berserker frowned, an irritated crease forming on his brow. She hadn't given him the names of her family, and he silently flipped his estimation of her from probable noble to a likely commoner. They said that common women sometimes sold their newborn infants to elves in exchange for tutorship in the seidr arts.

As for the rest though... how odd. He did not know much about singularities or any of the other esoteric terms which she had thrown around, but some part of him which had not been there as a mortal was aware, at least partially, of the reason he had been summoned. It was no Ragnarok but it seemed that he had been called upon to protect an endangered cosmos in some capacity.

What a strange turn of events...

Sinfjotli felt his anger begin to stir. Did the gods think that he would be satisfied if they allowed him this? To accompany a war party of foreign heroes to pacify some minor apocalypse? As if to compensate him for their broken promises? A deep feeling of resentment was building inside him as he scanned the ranks of the other emerging Servants, and it was with effort that he forced this train of thought away and turned back to the one who had summoned him.

"Yes... yes I will have no trouble marching to war with this strange band I think, provided I am adequately compensated of course."

He turned to the forming crowd, looking doubtfully at some of them. There was a bizarre menagerie of warriors and witches from all corners of the globe, some of which looked quite regal, worthy comrades or advisaries, while others... he eyed a posh looking Servant in a victorian suit with distaste.

"And that my dignity is not challenged by those who legend does not compare to my own."

He spotted what appeared to be a child no more than ten, and turned away abruptly. Were the gods insulting him with this?

Turning back to his Master, this

"I suppose I owe you my name before you give me yours hm? That's fine. Impudent but fine. I am Servant Berserker, but my real name is Sinfjotli, the Worlds Chosen. You are very lucky girl."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Amalie Georg Faust, Caster

"Mar-ga-ri-ta!" declared Caster brightly, smiling cheerily. "That's really fun to say! More people should have fun to say names, right Gretchen? ... Right! Gretchen agrees she thinks it's a great idea to have more people with fun to say names that are really great though Gretchen is the most fun to say name becau-ooooohhh!"

The little girl's eyes immediately fixed on the chocolate chip scone. Clutching Gretchen to her chest with her left hand, she immediately snatched it up in her right, and without a moment's hesitation she took a bite. After a few moments of silence, as she savored the taste, the tiny girl burst out with a rather excited exclamation.

"IT'S GREAT!" she declared, waving the scone in the air before bringing it to the doll's... lack of a mouth. "Do you want some, Gretchen?! Huh? Huh? ... No? You don't have a mouth right now? I guess that is true... but there's a lot of prana here!"

Well, that was certainly an interesting remark...

"Hey hey Margarita, Margarita! There's lots and lots of prana here does that mean I can start summoning my friends?!" asked the small girl cheerfully, beaming, "It means I can let Gretchen go too so it'd be really nice we could have a big big biiiiiig party that has lots and lots of food and cake and big decorations and it'll be so much fun and we can invite all the knights here too look at them there's a bunch I'm so excited Gretchen is too she is she is she is and we can ride a horse and feed the horse cake too I bet horses love cake lots and lots of cake and then we'll fight a dragon because that's what knights do!"
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