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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tabitha and Mercy

Location: Transylvania, Romania
Time and date: 1300, 12th of March, 2017

Tabitha was on a plane. She didn't much like planes, finding it strange how something that heavy could fly especially when you added the people to it. The people… their scents so alluring… she could hear the blood rushing through the veins of the human next to her, the beating of their heart. She could smell it. She wanted it. Tabitha had fed just before the flight, feeding on an elk she had hunted down, but human blood… there really was nothing quite like it. She tried to turn her mind onto why she was on a plane to Romania. She hadn't seen her sister in decades. It had really only occurred to her a few months ago. Time moved so differently for her… she would know if her sister was dead. She just would. They'd been together over one thousand three hundred years after all. She knew she could get distracted… and she tended to be all over the place… but surely she would know? She frowned, staring out the window. She played with a bracelet on her wrist, letting her mind wander. It certainly was good at wandering. But it kept on coming back to her sister. She thought she would have known when… no don't go there. Mercy would be alive. She had to be. Or Tabitha would be completely lost. And alone. Which terrified her of course.

When was this flight going to end?

Jigging her leg up and down, Tabitha received some looks for her edginess. She was small enough and when she didn't put any thought into her appearance, she looked like a kid. She was quite sure a lot of people were thinking where her parents were. She rolled her eyes, and looked to the ceiling. If only they knew…

Knew that she could tear their heads off.

She grimaced, and tried to simply forget that she was on a plane. The landing could not come quick enough, and she barreled her way out, becoming first off. Tabitha checked her map, pursing her lips, she began to run. Tabitha was fast. She got to Transylvania in no time flat, thinking to herself of course it would be Transylvania. Where humans thought vampires would exist.


She frowned again, looking over the crypts. Her research had led her here and she didn't know what she would do if it was a false lead… she needed her sister. She couldn't live without her. So she just wouldn't be dead.

Tabitha wouldn't allow her to be.

Starting to search through the crypts, Tabitha stayed focused, searching-breaking into many of them she tried not to cause any serious damage, or noticeable at least. She moved fast, blinking as she recognized a scent, that of a turning vampire. But that wasn't what she was here for. Mercy… she smashed open another crypt, and there her sister was.

Mercy!” Tabitha cried with relief, trotting over to Mercy she poked her in the check, “come on, you've slept long enough! Time to get up and move it! We got things to do, Mercy!” Tabitha poked her again, giving a soft sigh, before letting her hands trail to the dagger embedded in Mercy. She snarled at the thing, reaching over to clasp the hilt, she tugged it free, and flung the distasteful thing into the corner of the crypt. “Vile disgusting thing”

The very moment the dagger was pulled free of her chest, Mercy’s body fell forward in a slump, her knees giving way from underneath her causing her shoulder to hit up against the wall of the crypt she had been trapped in, a single hand coming up and her palm pressing against it as she attempted to catch her bearings.

What the hell had happened..? How long had she been stuck here for..?

The last she remembered, she’d been arguing with Kyran… again. It wasn’t something new; the both of them were known to butt heads over even the simplest of things; but this time, it had been different… this time, he’d been more serious than she could ever remember him being before in the past. Long story made short, he wanted her… wanted her for himself- her title, her bloodline, her looks; for the pure fact of having something that his younger brother had lost out on when he had passed away… and just like Kyran; he expected her to just sit down, and to comply with what he wanted.

But that just wasn’t who she was…

“..y-you’re telling me…” Shutting her eyes tightly, Mercy took a few moments to herself, her long chocolate-brown locks falling forward and over her shoulder, hiding her face from view altogether as she stood herself back up straight, her head lifting up so that her gaze met with that of her little sister; her normally warm and loving dark brown eyes now blood-red, her skin paler than normal, the almost blackened veins over her face showing her for what she truly was: a vampire… and an original one at that, “..Tabi… how long have I have been out..?”

Tabitha watched, relieved as Mercy wasn’t dead, moving almost as soon as the dagger was removed, Tabitha refrained from hugging her just yet. She hesitated when Mercy asked the question, but she knew she couldn’t lie. It wasn’t like the outside world was like it had been even ten years ago. Technology had allowed the advancement of so many things… Tabitha shifted, looking away from Mercy, feeling like in some way she had failed her sister. She drew patterns in the dust on the ground with her foot, before speaking.

“It’s been a few decades… I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner… I just got distracted and without you around… time just… blurred… I finally managed to complete something… but when I went to show you… you weren’t there, and then I realised how much time had passed… and then did everything I could to find you… I’m sorry Mercy”

She didn’t look to her sister, instead she turned slightly, taking out some things from the bag she had there, making it seem like that took a lot of attention as she sorted through papers and finally taking out a passport, clutching it to her, the thing was, of course, fake. Mercy hadn’t been around for the invention of the damn things, but Tabitha was excellent with faking the documents. She held the passport more so to remind herself that she hadn’t forgotten it.

“I’m so sorry… Are… are you okay…? What… what happened…?”

“..Kyran happened…” Choosing to ignore the fact that her sister hadn’t noticed her missing for almost a century, Mercy instead chose to skip ahead, answering Tabitha’s question about what had actually happened to have her land in the situation she was currently in, “..after Samael… I-... I don’t know, it was as though something changed; Kyran became more… intense; more forceful towards me.”

Curling her fingers over against the wall of the crypt, her nails scraped over the cement, leaving behind obvious scratches as she pushed away, each step shaky as she tried to close the gap that was left between her and her sister, her free hand reaching out to rest over her shoulder before she kept moving, her feet slowly carrying her towards the exit, “He wanted me- it was as simple as that. I said no, and he got aggressive… when I wouldn’t see things his way, he became worse; physical... I felt something go through me, and that’s the last I remember until now…”

Tabitha frowned watching Mercy, and shook her head over the story. If she'd known… well, that was neither here nor there. She went over to Mercy, and pondered for a moment merely sweeping her up, but knew it was probably better all around to not have her, a pint-sized woman, carrying someone she had no right to unless you knew she was a vampire.

“We should get you some blood, it's a long flight…” She said, frowning still, feeling like she was forgetting something Tabitha suddenly darted to collect the dagger- they couldn't leave it where anyone could find it and perhaps use it on one of them again, she grimaced disgusted, but wrapped it up in her jacket. She'd figure out how to get it through customs… maybe a bit of compulsion. “And you probably need it to get back to full strength

She made her way back to Mercy again, “We need to go back to Carson city… something's happening there…

Carson city..?

Turning her head back so that she was able to look over her shoulder at her sister, Mercy’s soft pink lips parted ever so slightly as she let her eyes linger upon her figure, her blood-red eyes holding her own for a few more moments as if to say ‘are you kidding me’ before eventually, she shook her head lightly from side to side, causing her long chocolate brown locks to brush back and forth across her back, “..no…”

Turning her head back around to the front, she began to follow the path towards the light of the sun entering the tomb, her eyes squinting ever so slightly as the sun’s rays hit her figure, blinding her for a few moments as she did her best to adjust to it after having spent centuries cooped up in the darkness, “..Carson city is your thing, Tabi… besides, I’ve been gone too long; I need to get back to my children, and my work.”

Tabitha frowned, a little hurt, put out, she looked away and pondered what to say a moment. She gave a sigh, then said “I’m not going there just for a visit, Mercy. There’s been disturbing reports, and I think a war might break out. The world doesn’t need a Supernatural war. Do you think it’s a coincidence it starts in the very first city that thrived from our handle of it?” She shoved her hands in her pockets, always feeling like a little kid.

“There are some original wolves, and, I think, Original Vampires there, not to mention the groups of witches, the pack, and one of the largest vampire covens, in that city alone. If war breaks out, it’s a good place for it to start”

She knew she’d go by herself if she really had to. She might make a botch of it, but she’d go, she’d try and she’d do her best. “You know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important...With planes” She grimaced over the word, as if it was something disgusting to say, “We can travel all over and you could check on your things...but this is...this is...important”

Choosing to stay silent as her sister explained her worry, Mercy-Rose closed her eyes, her brows furrowing both in slight frustration and hunger as she thought over what Tabitha was saying.... So, that was why she’d come and gotten her… Carson city- their city- was in trouble… of course it had nothing to do with the fact that she’d been staked through the chest for the last god knew how many years; oh no, their city needed them…

Why wouldn’t she want to jump at the chance of getting herself caught in the middle of a war..?

“..Tabi, I-...” Turning herself around slightly, she once more allowed her hunger-filled gaze to meet with her sisters, though the very moment she did she regretted her decision. Never in the past had she been able to say no to her little sister; especially when it came to something that meant a lot to her like this did. Oh, the joys of having a sibling…

“..Tabi, I haven’t stepped foot in Carson for many years…” Lowering her gaze away from that of her sister, she paused for a moment, a single hand lifting up so that she could run her fingers back through her long locks, forcing them back off of her face before she once more brought her full attention back to Tabitha, “..look; if this is really that important to you… then I’ll go with you…”

Tabitha let out a slow breath, not needing the air, but the motion was oddly reassuring. Comforting. Such a human way of reassurance, yet... She knew that after so many years, it would have been easy to distance herself from emotions. Tabitha had...dove into them you could say. Noticing that she was letting her thoughts wonder, she blinked and looked back to Mercy.

Thank you” She said softly, before glancing away again. She rocked back on her heels, biting her lip as she tried to figure out what to say. “Mercy...I didn’t realise how much time had passed...and...well, I...I didn’t let things fall apart though...There’s so many ways of keeping in contact now…” Which probably wasn’t important right then.

I’m sorry…”

Taking a few steps closer to her sister, Mercy-Rose lifted both her hands up, placing them lightly against her shoulders in order to gain her attention, though when she didn’t get it, she brought a single hand up, hooking her chin lightly with her fingers before she lifted it up, forcing her to meet her gaze once more.

“Stop… okay; this wasn’t your fault, and besides, none of this matters now. What happened; it’s in the past, and it’s time to move forward.”

Closing the gap between the both of them, she leant herself closer, her lips gentle… lovingly as she pressed them against the centre of her sister’s forehead, holding the action for a spell before she pulled away, her back once more turning as she faced the light of the sun once more, a soft hiss escaping from somewhere within as she took a few steps out into the daylight, “..but first, I need to feed; then we can go to Carson… and I can get away from Kyran…”

Taking a moment, she turned her head so that she was once more looking back at her sister from over her shoulder, her lips parting from one another to reveal the sharp fangs usually kept hidden from sight.

“So tell me, little sister… did you bring me a snack..?”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Location: Carson City, Callie's shop
Time and Date 13th of March 2017, 0900

Callie walked with an easy confidence that she probably wouldn't have had even a few months ago, turning into her little store, she unlocked the door and slid inside, turning the closed sign to open, she looked around it, still quite amazed that it was hers. The store had quite a unique register, the walls were stocked with "Potions" (Some of course were authetnic, and did actually work, most humans tended to buy them however merely for design ideas), and herbs, shelves in the middle of the room held charms, and other assorted items. And it was all hers.

She wouldn't have been able to picture it, not after being kicked out of the coven, if it hadn't been for Caius, she would probably be...well that didn't bode thinking about. She didn't think she could ever tell him that she had seen two futures for herself. The one she was now living, and the other, darker one. She'd been graced with a vision, that even now haunted her. But it hadn't happened. And she owed that all to Caius.

Dropping her bag under the counter, Callie set up her till, and went over her inventory, making sure everything was how she left it, she was soon ready for business.

While she waited for customers, Callie made up a few potions, a couple of charms. Lately, with heavy rumors filling the air of war in the supernatural community, she had taken to creating potions and charms that she could stock pile, just in case they needed it. With her ever growing abilities-and in the recent months they had seemed to continue to grow, Callie found herself constantly learning-she would try and protect as many people as she could.

She wasn't a fool, she knew that she was rather...delicate, being a witch, particularly when compared against supernatural creatures such as Cauis and his sister Claudia, or any of the vampires, kitsune, angels, druids and more that came through her store on occassion. But she knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she did nothing while people died. So she had her shop. And she stocked piled things that would be useful.

The bell on the door rang. Callie looked up, and smiled. A customer. How lovely. Rising, she approached them, ready to serve.


Location: Carson highschool
Date and time: 13th of March 2017, 0900

Madison Burke was late to school. Again. She hurried down the street, one shoe tied up, the other threatening to slip every time her foot went to leave the ground, hair half in a pony tail it bounced along as she ran, already dressed in her PE gear, having suspected that she would be late. Madison just couldn't seem to get moving-at times it just felt that something was sapping her energy. The young woman had had a lot happen toher recently, and she wore a shirt that covered her shoulder completely, where a bite mark was visible, faded but still there.

She didn't want any unnecessary questions.

Running into the school, she hurriedly signed in, and made her way to the gym, not bothering to drop her bag off at her locker, her feet pounded on the hallway floor as she rounded the corner, skidding slightly, and contineud out the doors and to the gym building, not even panting slightly, although she did have a bit of a sweat going. She brushed a loose strand of hair out her eyes, and licked dry lips, her brown eyes a light with a hidden joy.

She was made to run.

The light faded as she entered the gym, having slowed her pace to a walk, she tried to open the doors silently and slip in unnoticed, dropping her bag by the door, she slunk towards her class, keepign her head down, hoping that the teacher wouldn't notice her if she didn't look up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Caius & Claudia

Location: Carson City, Callie's shop
Time and Date: 13th of March 2017, 0900

"Seriously? She actually said that to you?" Claudia pushed open the door of Callie's shop and stepped in, followed by her twin brother, Caius. She looked towards Callie who was busy entertaining a customer before turning back to her brother. She leaned in and took a closer look at his face. "I can definitely see why she would say that but she's a human right? How could she have seen that?" she narrowed her eyes. "Or was she just flirting with you? You'll get into trouble with Callie." she wagged a finger at him.

"Flirting? That woman was thrice my age... no, she's probably even four times my age..." Caius paused when his sister gave him a look.

"You're a really really old man, Cai."

"Yeah, if we're being literal but you know what I mean. Anyway, I have no idea. She just took one look at me and I dunno. It looked like she knew. She asked me how I liked the full moon. Probably meant nothing. Maybe she just has this weird sixth sense or something." He shook his head as he walked over to Callie. He gave her a quick kiss. "Hey baby," he greeted and then gave the customer a polite smile before he turned back to his sister who was smelling a small bottle labelled "Love Potion". He walked over to her.

The Aluredes twins were the opposite of each other in every sense of the word. While they had similar blue eyes and fiercely beautiful features, the similarities end there. Caius was tall, calm and level headed. He prefers comfortable clothes and would most probably be seen hanging out in the park reading a book when he wasn't with Callie. Claudia, on the other hand, was shorter with top of her head barely reaching Caius' chin. She was always on the go, hot tempered and could almost always be seen wearing black leather. Her love for speed takes her on the road with her black Triumph most times.

"Anyway, strange old ladies with the hots for you aside." she lowered her voice. "Do you remember that strange wolf we encountered like 4...5 centuries ago?" She nodded. "Yes. That one. He ran with us halfway to Alaska and never really communicated or anything. Do you remember how he smelled like?"

"Of course I do. He smelled strange. I don't think I can forget that smell. Well, I doubt anyone can. I couldn't even tell what he was. I had a suspicion that he could be a vampire. I've heard of shapeshifter vampires before but throughout our lives, we haven't encountered one yet." Caius picked up the love potion Claudia had been smelling a few minutes ago and took a whiff of it. He'll have to ask Callie later if it actually worked.

"Well, strangest thing... the other day when I rode past Lake Tahoe. I caught a whiff of that exact same scent."

"Are you sure?"

Claudia frowned and gave Caius a slap on his arm. "You just said it's impossible to forget that smell and now you're asking me if I'm sure. Of course I'm sure. I wouldn't be telling you if I wasn't."

Caius chuckled. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I was just asking. Anyway, what do you think it means then?"

"I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with the unrest we've been seeing lately. The werewolves up north have been agitated for a while. They say that war's coming."

"You think this strange smelling wolf has something to do with that? Maybe it's just a coincidence. I mean, I'd be worried if he was like following us or something. If he walked through that door right there, then I'd think twice about all this."

The bell on the door rang, announcing a new visitor.

Claudia blinked. Caius stopped.

That smell.

The twins turned their head towards the door.


Location: Carson City
Time and Date: 13th of March 2017, 0900

It's been a while since Scott stepped into civilization. The feel of concrete under his feet was unfamiliar... alien. He preferred the soft feel of earth under his feet, the sound of twigs breaking apart under his weight, the rustling of leaves, the small noises from the smaller creatures that hid in the shadows of the forest. The sound of cars, of people walking past and the sight of concrete buildings looming ominously in the horizon bothered him. Throughout the years, humans began building taller buildings, tearing down nature and building contraptions that almost didn't make sense to him. It was all unnatural and he did all he can to stay out of it. The only good thing about civilization was the number of humans collecting in a single place at a single time. Prey. Food.

Though animal blood was sufficient enough for him, a treat or two would be nice.

A woman who passed by him smiled at him as she took her ringing cellphone out of her bag. Scott grimaced as the piercing ringing sound hurt his ears. He felt an urge to grab it and destroy it and it took a great deal of effort to stop himself. He must have made a face cause the woman's smile faded and she gave him an odd look. Scott stared back, his nose immediately picking up the sweet scent of her blood. The woman hurried away.

Scott huffed. The treat would have to wait.

He looked around, unsure of where to go. His eyes fell on a pair. A tall man wearing a gray hoodie, jeans and sneakers and a shorter woman wearing a tight fitting black leather suit. They were walking into a shop. Wolves. The same ones he had ran with a couple of centuries ago. Original Wolves. As soon as the door was pushed open by the female, he caught a whiff of it and knew that it was a witch's shop. Not knowing where else to go and why exactly he was there in the first place, he followed them.

A few minutes later, he stepped through the door.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Zoé Flores

Location: Carson City Highschool.
Time: 09.00 AM.
Date: 13th of March, 2017.
Interacting With: Giddeon Bergan (@YoshiSkittlez), Clifford Normon (@BlackPanther), Madison Burke (@Caits), and any other students in class.

The sweet and welcoming smile that crossed over her lips as she watched her student’s one by one file into the gym said it all: she was tired. Already; and yet, the day had only now just begun for her. Homeroom was over, and while just going home and back to bed for the day sounded so damn appealing right now; she had things she had to do, and had students that she needed to teach… not to mention the stack of assignments waiting back home on the desk of her study for her to grade.

“Morning everyone..! Come on in; gather up.”

Lifting her free hand up from her side, she motioned for them all to gather around, her rather dark eyes flicking about the all too familiar faces as she mentally checked names off one by one within her mind. Rachel, Nathan, Liena, Markus… and then, of course, there was the usual round up; Eretria Losque, Giddeon Bergan, Clifford Normon… Oh, and that wasn’t even starting on the regular suspects missing from the line up…

Shaking her head gently from side to side, though having to pause a second longer as the action caused her to become slightly light-headed and dizzy, Zoé brought her hand back into her body, pressing the tips of her fingers softly against her temple, waiting until she was sure the moment had passed her by completely before she made any move, her arm dropping to her side once more as she turned her attention back over to her students, addressing them all once again.

“Alright; now I know we’ve been going at things a little full on recently. I’ve been pushing you all to your limits, but… today we’re going to be getting right back down to the basics. So, here’s what we’re going to do, guys...”

Taking a couple of steps back from the group, she gave them her back, her pace picking up with a slight bounce to it as she made her way over to where she left her stuff laying over the bleachers, her body leaning over for only a moment so that she could snatch up the sky-blue folder she usually kept all her lesson plans in, being sure to grab the two rings resting next to it, each ring holding a bunch of sashes of a different color, her opposite hand holding the folder up into the air for them all to see as she made her way back over to where they were all standing.

“You see this..? You all know what it is- well today, I want you to forget it.” Tilting her head on a slight angle, Zoé couldn’t help the way that her smile twisted into a small, however still playful smirk, her arm lowering before she brought it back up, throwing the folder back and over her shoulder in a show that she wasn’t kidding around with them, “We’re gunna take a break, and just have some fun today- you guys have earned it..! And you guys have earned a day out of this stuffy gym. Today… today we’re gunna have a good ol’ fashioned game of touch football.”

At the sound of the door closing, and footsteps hurriedly approaching the rest of the class, she paused. She didn’t need to be a genius to know which of her students was running late for class… again.

“Miss Burke; late again..? This is the third time this month; but as it’s Monday, I won’t write you up this time… let’s just please try not to break last month’s record of tardies…”

Turning her gaze over to the girl as she finished approaching the group, Zoé smiled gently, her eyes soft and holding Madison’s just that little bit longer before she turned back to the class as a whole, “As I was saying; today we’re gunna be playing some touch football- blue versus red- out on the field. And, like I said before, today’s lesson is all about you having fun and relaxing after all the hard work you’ve been doing. Now…”

Seeming to trail off slightly at the end of her sentence, she narrowed her eyes, her lips pursing together ever so slightly as she let her gaze slowly glide over each and every face in front of her, deliberating internally with herself before eventually she made her choice, throwing a single ring to each as she called out names, “Blue team captain will be; Giddeon. Red team’s captain: Clifford.”

Barely second guessing her choices for the day, she motioned for the two of them to come forward and stand on either side of her, her hands both coming up to press lightly over her hips before she slid them back and down, shoving them into the depths of her back pockets.

“One at a time, and starting with Giddeon; choose your teams boys, and hand out the sashes. Once we’re done here; can one of you go grab the ball for me, and then it’s out to the field for some friendly competition.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Clifford huffed. School...again. He hated it hated it with a passion. And yet here he was never failing to be on time. He sighed and looked around the room. A bully made eye contact and motioned to show what the kid thought he'd do. Clifford rolled his eyes and flipped him off. Bullies...the rocks of the human world.

He looked over as his teacher...Ms. Flores spoke. He inhaled discreetly as always to check the scents around him. Werewolf and Sadly leukemia. He chuckled to himself as he seemed to have perfected hiding his scent enough for the werewolf not to notice. He crossed his arms as he continued to listen. Arms that were exposed without his usual hoodie.

He raised a brow as she tossed the folder. Touch football. He felt an eye roll and managed not to execute it...his attention snagged by Madison. Hybrid. Currently in this room there were three others as he liked to say. Then he heard a scoff...that bully. He looked back at that bully and shook his head before looking back at his teacher in time to hear his name. "Aw my favorite color" he went to stand up front and let his amber eyes slide through his classmates.

He slid his gaze to Giddeon and shrugged. he better not pick Madison. His gaze now locked on the girl. Honestly...he didn't care much for games like this but a small twinge of competition ran through him. Why the hell not right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Layla Young

Layla was in a deep trance, meditation so to speak. She was staring at the screen in front of her. Popcorn in a bowl resting on her lap as she took a handful every now and then. She was watching the previous year's series of A Game of Thrones with glee, the season finale was showing. "Do it! Come on; do it!" She was watching the maid talking about how his sons were already there. Until the grand reveal, which she already suspected, was Arya before slaying Walder. It gave her such great satisfaction to see the bastard finally dying.

She stood up after finishing the entire episode and stretched. She had been sitting here for way too long. It was time for her daily exercise, but today she was going to do something different. Layla closed her eyes and focused on the surface and then let herself drift towards Carson City. The city was buzzing with activity, like one would expect at this time of day. Her mind wandered towards a parking house. Layla scanned the place and found a toilet that was empty and waved her hand in front of her and drew a circle.

The circle quickly became a portal where she could see the other side. She smiled softly and got dressed and walked through the portal, making sure to hide her colour first. She quickly exited the bathroom and nodded at the lady waiting in line for her before passing. Today was a special trip for her. She was going shopping. While she had no need to do any shopping, she grew some thing and could make the rest with magic, it did feel good to do some regular shopping and use things made the natural way.

Her first stop was the local witch's place. It wasn't often that she went there, but it happened every now and then. However when she arrived she already smelled trouble. Could these children never get along? She had hoped that when they were created that they would get along a lot better. All cursed, or blessed, with the same fate. But she guessed that people would never get along with each other as long as there was another person on the planet. You'd think that with her experience she would not had created them all, but nah, she just had to go and do that.

It haunted her a little bit. She has the power to take away their immortality, but then everyone past natural lifespan would die, and she had enough of genocide for quite some time. It didn't matter really. Even if she did offer it to all of them, most would probably reject, and the rest would be afraid that she'd do it anyway. Or that's what she thought at least.

Layla sighed as she walked into the place. "Excuse me children. You're blocking the way," she said and slipped past the trio. "Make sure to behave around here." Her voice was empty, hollow, yet strong. There was a lack of emotion in her voice as she spoke.

She walked up to Callie after she got done with her customer and smiled softly. "Hello child. I'm almost surprised to see you still being around here. With everything going on I thought that you'd leave this city already. Witches always get the bad end of it." Layla looked around the shop for a few moments before nodding. "I'll have one of each potion and a little of every herb like usual. Just put it in a few crates and load it into the portal under the counter." She leaned forwards and placed her hand on the counter and a smaller portal appeared on the other side with money visible through it.

"Take as much that you think is a fair price. Also, my place is always open if you need somewhere to shelter from the coming storm," she said and turned on her heel and walked out from the shop. Layla stretched her body. It was time for grocery shopping and get some 'real' food in her stomach for once.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Location: Carson City, Callie's shop
Time and Date 13th of March 2017, 0900

Callie finished up with the customer, perhaps a little hurriedly, her cheeks slightly red. She was use to that reaction by now. She handed the customer their bag, giving them a bashful smile, "Thank you for shopping with us, I do hope everything was to your liking" She said, giving a slight chuckle as the customer said "Well, I wouldn't mind one of those kisses". She glanced to Caius and said "Sorry Ma'am. He's mine, and I'm not sharing him". She smiled, watching the customer leave, the bell ringing as they left and then someone else entered.

Seeing Caius's and Caludia's reactions, Callie shifted, readying herself with a spell just in case this would turn dangerous, she frowned as someone else entered the store. There was something about them, that put Callie's back up. Every time. It didn't seem to matter that she was a witch. Callie glanced to the door, knowing that humans sometimes shopped her, Layla was throwing out magic as if there wasn't something to hide. She shifted, starting to collect the order, "I'm not exactly a normal witch. This is my city, and I'm no going to leave it. Besides, I'm not weak, nor am I ever really alone"

Her gaze moved ove to Caius again, unable really, to help it. It didn't seem to matter how far apart they were, her gaze was always drawn to him. She looked back to Layla. She wasn't worried too much about a confrontation in her store, she had spells set up to prevent that. This place, and home were probably the safest places in the city. And besides, Caius and Claudia could take care of many problems themselves. She finished loading the order, taking the money for it, she thanked Layla for the offer, but she wasn't going to take her up on it.

It wasn't simply that she didn't know anything about Layla, it was the fact that she trusted her own magic more then anyone elses, and besides that, she had everything she needed at home. Once Layla was gone, Callie approached Caius, Claudia and the stranger. As she got closer, her charm bracelet gave a slight vibration. Vampire, then. Where they something more? She still had a spell at the ready, Just in case.

"Hello, and welcome to my store. Are you interested in anything in particular?" Polite and professional, before seeing that Caius and Claudia had been looking at a love potion. "That one is more for show, it doesn't work, I have some at the back that do, but I don't sell them to anyone. Messing with love is not generally a good idea...and potions always fade" She didn't want a ticked off Cupid--because after everything she'd seen, she knew, why wouldn't there be love spirits out there?-coming at her. She glanced back to the stranger, waiting to see what they'd do.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Giddeon Bergan - Present Day - Carson City High School

“One at a time, and starting with Giddeon; choose your teams boys, and hand out the sashes. Once we’re done here; can one of you go grab the ball for me, and then it’s out to the field for some friendly competition.”

Giddeon’s back straightened the second that he heard that they would be going outside. Finally! No more cramped, stuffy, over-stimulating scents that would continue to give him headaches for the rest of the class. He loved P.E. He really did. But one could play dodgeball and do conditioning so many times before they just got burnt out on it. Giddeon was a runner; he loved the open spaces and fresh air - in fact, he thrived in it. A bright, white smile split his lips as Ms. F motioned for him and the other captain to stand and address the rest of the class. So Giddeon hopped up and half jogged, half walked over towards his teacher where he only just then registered that the other captain was Clifford. Of course, out of all of the students in their class, Ms. F had to go and choose the two Werewolves as captains.

It’s not like him and Clifford ever sat down with one another and talked about being Werewolves. Quite the opposite, really. One good whiff, and they both knew just exactly what the other was. Giddeon was excited upon the discovery at first, but then realized that a Werewolf not within his own pack might have meant that there was another pack in Carson City, which wouldn’t exactly make his pack happy. So he refrained from approaching Clifford about it, and the school days went on.

After that, though, it only got more confusing. Still quite young, Giddeon wasn’t too sure what to make of the strange scent coming from Madison Burke - and it just seemed to happen overnight, too. One day, she smelled just humanly fine. The next day… well he just wasn’t sure what it was. He had to cheat a bit by going to Mr. Zaiger about it. After school that day, Jake and Giddeon went out to a secluded part of Giddeon’s property where he then went into a small lesson on how to pick out a hybrid amongst the rest of the species. It took him a bit (and a whole lot of guessing), but eventually, Giddeon was able to understand that she was half Werewolf, half Vampire. Just how the hell something like that even happened, however, Giddeon wasn’t sure. And he wasn’t sure if he wanted Mr. Zaiger to just tell him, either. He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to know.

His eyes drifted to the girl in thought and he gave her a warm smile and a quick wave hello. Just when did she get into class? Had he missed something? He had been in such deep thought about a new scent, he hadn’t heard much of anything Ms. F said until she mentioned the word “outside.” Being inside sure had it’s distractions. Someone didn’t put on deodorant, for starters. One of the girls was about to start her cycle, someone had pizza for breakfast, someone was already sweating, Clifford was a big red dog, Madison was a hybrid, and Ms. F…

Giddeon’s eyes went back to his teacher. That’s right! He had been stuck on her for the earlier part of the class. Something was… off. He had sensed it in her before - there was a smell, definitely, but today it was more of a sense. He could feel something tightening in his chest - a sort of anxiety that wasn’t his own. Something was going to happen that day… he just wished he knew what it was.

“Uhm…” Giddeon put his eyes back forward and looked over his classmates. He hated picking first. It put him in a position he didn’t exactly want. His eyes then caught movement towards the back of the gym where the doors for the entrance and exit were and smiled. “Alright. I pick Mr. Zaiger!”

Jake Zaiger - Present Day - Carson City High School

Having finished all of his work he normally would have done during his free period, Jake Zaiger found himself with nothing to do but to kill time until his first class started for the day. Homeroom didn’t count. He could make it count by making the students actually work on assignments during the brief thirty minutes before their day started, but he’d have better luck trying to saddle a Werewolf and take him to the rodeo. Well… Giddeon aside.

There were perks to having the first period of the day open, like having that extra few moments before the day actually started to make sure he had everything in order. But then… it made for a very long day - especially Fridays when the students were more capable learning when they had just woken up rather than being excited over a weekend. Were there any kids that were simply interested in learning for the sake of learning anymore?

It wasn’t an uncommon thing for Jake to make his way to the gymnasium during these times when he had nothing to do. He’d simply stand back by one of the walls, usually much on some fruit or popcorn or whatever else he had around, and quietly observe. By far it was more entertaining than the alternative - the staff room. No, at least this way he could keep an eye on some of his favorite students and see them in their prime; when their blood was filled with adrenaline and their (human) true faces emerged. It had taken a lot of willpower and training to be able to get him to this point - the point where he could be around so many humans in an enclosed space where their blood and sweat scents were the most alluring… but he managed. Hell… it was worth it just seeing some of the school bullies getting smacked in the face with a dodgeball by a “geek” from time to time.

Every once in a while he would leave before the class was even close to being finished. There were just days when the students didn’t want to participate and would rather stand around, talking (and in the girls’ case, flirting) with him. The last thing he wanted was to take away the spotlight from another teacher, or cause a disruption, so he’d simply remove himself. That got the students’ attention right quick and conditioned them to behave whenever he did show up.

Today was no different. He was picking at an orange when he came in, quietly walking the length of the wall where he found his spot, perched his foot against the wall while bending his knee, and looked more content to simply do his watching before Giddeon called out to him. Having missed the conversation beforehand, Jake finished chewing his orange slice before he quirked an eyebrow at his favorite student.

“Come again?”

The small click of students who normally gravitated towards him all piped up, encouraging and cheering him on. Who wouldn’t want to see one of their teachers playing a game of touch football?

Finally getting the gist of it, Jake let out a soft, half-hearted chuckle, a smile almost appearing on his lips where the apples of his cheeks almost nearly became defined. He shook his head no.

“Fraid not. Haven’t had my physical renewed.” he joked. But his answer still held the same. He’d just rather not get involved.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Location: Carson highschool
Date and time: 13th of March 2017, 0915

Madison gave a small smile, caught out, she hadn't truly expected to be able to sneak in unawares, Ms Flores was just simply too good. A little relieved that she wasn't written up for it-and that was perhaps why Ms Flores was her favorite teacher, Madison gave a nod, not exactly promising that she wouldn't be late, but she would try. It was just that...she always intended to be on time. It just...rarely happened. Shifting slightly, Madison grimaced at pains in her body. The last few days had been highly strange. She still didn't know what had happened last night...

Frowning, as she breathed, she grimaced at what seemed to be several different smells at once. Oh, god, had someone not bothered to bath this morning, or the weekend for that matter? It turned her stomach, and Madison glanced towards the doors, to see if she could escape, but that didn't seem to be an option. There was a coppery scent, iron like...blood? Oh, christ. Did she have to know a girl was starting her cycle? And there was something else...She couldn't make it out. The smells seemed strange...

A sickly, sweet smell. An illness? How couuld she smell an illness? Her gaze landed on Ms Flores, and her heart nearly broke. Was there something wrong with her? Madison nearly went over to the teacher, nearly engulfed her in a hug, to hug her tightly and try to make things okay, even for a moment. She tore her eyes away from the teacher, her gaze landing first on Giddeon, who was looking at her. Why? Even more strange was the smile and wave. Madison returned both, but was confused as heck. Her gaze then landed on Clifford. Who was staring at her as well. Thrown off by this, two boys staring at her?, Madison shifted nervously, swallowing.

She glanced away, uncertainity flowing over her. Had she been so....involved in that group, that she hadn't seen possible friends? Or...had something changed, that peaked their interest? Without meaning to, without conscious thought, Madison reached up to her left shoulder with her right hand, rubbing it for a moment. It didn't hurt, but she could still remember the teeth of the wild animal-lord, it had to be a wild animal didn't it, no human could do that...-sinking into her skin. There had been blood, she knew there had been. And there had been a bite there. She knew it, but now there was just that faded mark.

It had healed. In days.

And then last night...No. She wouldn't think about that. it had just been a nightmare, right? Shaking her head, Madison risked a glance back up. He was still staring at her. Had she suddenly grown horns, or something? Why was Clifford staring at her life that? And jeez, the smell of a body that hadn't had deodrant applied was now filling her senses.

She felt a tightening in her chest, and she found it hard to breath. Her breaths came in short pants, and she clutched at her chest, her eyes darting about the room. They landed on Ms Flores again, and then suddenly it was too much. "I-I'm sorry....I..." It was suddenly too hard to speak, and Madison turned on her heel, fleeing the gym, she ran around Jake, her feet pounding, echoing around the building, as she slammed the doors open, and ran out, the doors slamming shut behind her.

The motion of running soothed her slightly, and her breathing evened out, but she still felt like a ticking time bomb, like something would happen, and that she wouldn't like it. Her heart was beating a mile a minute, and damn her, she wanted to go back and bite someone. Sickened, she fell to the ground, the contents of her stomach coming out in a rush, and she stayed there on her hands and knees a moment, but nothing else came out. Grimacing, disguisted, she was sane enough to go to the bathroom, clean up, before she now calmly, started out the school. she couldn't stay there, not when she felt like she was being torn apart.

Hugging herself, Madison snuck out the school, sniffling around sudden tears.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Corann Creed - Present Day - Carson City High School

Tapping his fingers against his bicep where his hand lay in his arms crossed position, Corann glanced down at his six year old Rottweiler, Boris, who sat patiently at his feet. His attention was straight-forward, solid on a small flock of birds who remained in the parking lot and pecking at what bits of breakfast were dropped as the students hastily made their way into the school that morning.

He had been watching her for a while now… Madison Burke - the first werewolf-vampire hybrid he had come across in a very, very long time. Just why he had been sent to her in the first place was a bit beyond him. Usually, that combination of blood rendered an individual near indestructible and not needing of any guarding. But the longer he observed her from afar, the more he began to realize… She was just a kid. She had no one to tell her about what was happening to her body, no one to help guide her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. He had arrived only just a few days after the initial attack having come out of his Druid Sleep a little later than he had planned, but it was more clear to him now than ever that he had been sent to watch over the right girl. Especially after witnessing the events of the night prior.

The girl had a lot of potential, but there was a lot of work to be done as well. Not to mention, the very moment he crossed the city line into Carson City, he knew immediately that the city was destined for destruction, and very quickly. Well… it was his job to see that destiny changed.

A vision had tipped him off earlier that morning. Madison, sick to her stomach, becoming overwhelmed in a physical education class and fleeing the school in a twisted knot of anxiety and terror. He had to be there for her. He had to tell her what she was, and how he could help.

As if on cue, the front doors of the school burst open and the girl in question came flying out. To where, Corann wasn’t certain, but he was there to change it. He was there to change a lot.

“If you run any faster… you’ll give yourself away.” he called out to her, keeping his relaxed pose of leaning against the brick wall of the school. Boris no longer had his attention on the birds, and instead on Madison, cocking his large head cutely to the side as the animal tried to discern just what about the girl in front of them was all about.

In hindsight, Corann hadn’t had Boris for very long. Then again… the canine did share a twenty-five year nap with him. After losing the second reincarnation of his late wife, only to see her pass once again, the half guardian-half druid did all that he could to refrain from going into a sleep as he could already feel his powers starting to lessen. So, naturally, he got himself a dog. Boris was just a pup back then, and the first six years had been tolerable. However after a rather nasty series of unfortunate events, involving a pack of less-than-friendly werewolves, Corann had no choice but to go into a sleep… and he took Boris with him.

Quite frankly, Corann didn’t even know if it would work until he opened his eyes once more and could hear the jingling of his collar as the canine rose and stretched himself out, nub of a tail wagging like nothing weird had just happened. Then again… Boris had seen more than a regular dog’s fair share of weird in his six (conscious) years.

“When did it bite ya, kid?” Corann waited, seeing just how much weight his words would hold on the obviously terrified girl. He realized he was a stranger. He realized he was an older stranger hanging outside of a high school yard at nine o’clock in the morning with a large attack dog at his heel. Hopefully, he could just set the hook with his quick words, and reel her in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Caius, Claudia & Scott

Location: Carson City, Callie's shop
Time and Date: 13th of March 2017, 0920

Scott made his way in, his keen sense of smell taking in all the strange scents. In the midst of it all was the familiar scent of the wolves he had ran with centuries ago. A young witch was at the counter entertaining an older one. It didn't take long for the customer to leave, walking past him. Her smell was different. Older. Thousands and thousands of centuries older. Way way older than he was. She didn't seem hostile and she walked past without even paying him any attention. That suited him just fine. Meddling in the business of witches was something he had no plans on doing.

He turned his attention back to the trio. The wolves were staring straight at him, the look in their eyes told him that they recognized him the way they did them. He can smell their blood from where he was standing. The female's blood was pumped with adrenaline, all directed towards her muscles. She would no doubt launch herelf at him the moment she detected any form of hostility. The younger of the wolves, the male, was at her side. His blood was purer. His heart beat was strong and steady, obviously the calmer of the two. It was a trait rare to those of his specie and the reason why he was the leader among the two. His green eyes tracked the young witch as she made her way towards the wolves. By her actions and the way she spoke, she was well acquainted with the Originals. He watched her lean slightly towards the male wolf, a clear act of possessiveness.

He glanced down at the bracelet that adorned her wrist. His keen senses detecting the small vibration on it. He guessed that it had some sort of detecting spell on it. Something that would tell her exactly what he was. Interesting. A clever witch. She probably had some spells forming in her head to ward him off. It didn't matter. Spells didn't affect him. And besides, he had no intention of causing trouble. When she addressed him, he met her gaze with a small smile of acknowledgement, or at least what he hoped was a smile. He hadn't been in contact with humans for a long time and his social skills might very well be lacking. He turned towards the wolves. Interacting with them should be easier. "Well met, wolves. It has been centuries."

Claudia raised an eyebrow. "So you are that wolf we ran with before." She didn't know if she should be relieved or be on guard with this revelation.

Scott could sense her wariness. He couldn't really blame her. He would react the same way when faced with humans. Humans were... difficult to deal with. Compared to the animals in the wild, they were complex and most times unreasonable. "I am," he admitted with a small nod.

Standing near the stranger, Caius could clearly smell what he is. A vampire. It was confirmed by the lack of a heart beat. But his smell was strange. Almost similar to how he and his sister smelled. Musky, earthy and feral. He instinctively reached out and pulled Callie close to his side, his arm protectively draped around her waist. Was it really possible that he was a shapeshifter? Did he turn into a wolf and ran with them all those centuries ago? Or was it some kind of elaborate illusion. He met a vampire once who can make illusions. Was he the same? There was something else too. Something he can't quite put his finger on. Seeing that there wasn't any other customers in the shop, he figured it'd best to just ask. "You're an Original." It wasn't really a question but a statement. One that he hoped he would confirm. Claudia glanced at her brother then back at the stranger.

"Does it matter what I am?" Scott countered.

Looking at the stranger closely, Claudia caught on to her brother's train of thought. His scent was unique. Something that was in between a vampire and a werewolf. He wasn't a hybrid, that's for sure. He was an Original. A shapeshifter. "You have the ability to turn into a wolf. What brings you to Carson City?" There was an edge to her voice.

Scott turned to the female wolf. Perhaps admitting to them what he can do will earn him their trust. Why he needed it, he didn't know. The same way he had no idea why he was compelled to step into the city. "I have. But my forms are not only limited the way yours are." He watched Claudia's reactions closely. The small movements she made clearly showed that she appreciated his candor. It was, however, far from trust. "I do not mean harm to either of you." His eyes drifted towards Caius' arm around Callie's waist. He looked at Callie. Her blood smelled of fear. "And to the witch as well..." He turned back to Claudia. "I am here for reasons I cannot quite explain. A sense that I should be here, if you will. I cannot say it pleases me. Being in this concrete jungle the humans have made is... disconcerting."

Caius chuckled at his words. Scott turned his attention to him. "That's definitely something new. I've never really encountered any of your kind that shies away from human population."

While Caius' tone was lighthearted, Scott detected the challenge in it. He rose up to it. "I do not deny that humans have exquisite taste. But I find their kind..." he paused, searching for the right words. "...a nuisance."

This time it was Claudia's turn to chuckle, her stance relaxing a little. "They are, aren't they?" She glanced over to Callie. "No offense, Callie. You're cool. But there are a lot of those self righteous ones."

Caius studied Scott for a few minutes before he decided it was best to ally himself with the strange vampire than be at odds with him. He held out a hand as a sign of good will. "Caius Aluredes."

Scott looked at Caius and then at the hand extended to him. For a moment, it didn't seem like he would take the offered friendship but he soon lifted his hand to grasp Caius', sealing what could be a strong alliance. "Scott Halstead."

"My sister, Claudia. And my mate, Callie Lenson." Caius introduced the ladies.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Layla Young

On her way to the store she sighed softly and turned her steps and started walking towards the local high school. There was a disturbance in nature there. She already knew that there were plenty of 'children' who both attended and worked there. However this presence was different, hybrid. Those were a rare breed indeed.

What she met at the gates were however something different. A druid out of his sleep, along with a dog. Another rare sight indeed. "Corann! I see that you're still praying on young girls outside of establishments. When did you wake up anyway?" Layla was smiling for once. She did have a soft spot for this one, even though she did not agree with the druid ways.

"Here for the hybrid I assume. Have you told her what she is yet? That she's not human any longer? I hope that you're aware that it's within my authority to end her. She disrupts the balance of the races, but I've never bothered too much with that.

She scratched her cheek. She had spoken directly into his mind, as to not scare the girl even more. "If she grows too much for you to handle, then give her to me and I'll change her back to human, or whichever race she prefers." She handed him a small trinket. "A way to contact me if a complication arises."

Her attention once again turned towards the girl and she cast a calming spell on her mind and inserted a suggestion, a feeling that she could trust this, strange man with the dog, for now at least. "That's all the help you're getting now. If you need me, just talk into the trinket."

She did not feel like sticking around here any longer than this. If it hadn't been him, she might just had taken the girl away from here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Clifford raised a brow at who Giddeon decided to call. Then there was cheering and encouragement. Clifford's eyes almost rolled out of his head. Teachers pet He saw disappointment form his classmates and his eyes nearly left his skull with another eye roll. He glanced at the vampire and then back at his classmates.

His eyes locked back on Madison and his brow raised. She seemed to be barely holding it together. She stuttered and then ran. His gaze followed her. He was tempted to physically follow her....but decided against it.

He would follow her later. Figure out what happened. Of course now that meant waiting on Giddeon to pick his actual choice and he'd be left with the rest of the normal humans. Ugh.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Location: Carson highschool
Date and time: 13th of March 2017, 0915

Madison flinched at the voice. She had thought to get away from the school clean, having no idea where she was going to end up, just knowing she had to get away. At his words however, Madison froze. Her mind flashed back of its own accord to the night, just over three weeks ago. She had thought she was going to have a fun night out with her friends-former friends now. Instead it had turned into what was probably the worst night of her life. There was a reason why the previous month she'd been absent from school so long...

Will-oh, god it couldn't be Will, could it?-leaned over her, great shaggy head larger then her own, bright yellow eyes glistening as he opened his maw, sharp wolf teeth glistening with siliver. He snapped at her shoulder, his claws digging into her chest, her stomach and legs, his weight almost crushing her. The piercing of her skin, muscle and bone as his jaws clamped together over her shoulder, the pain flooding a moment later, a scream tearing at her throat as she lashed out, kicking him, slamming her knees into his stomach, rolling away, Madison screamed again...

NO. She wasn't going to remember that. She shook as she turned around to face the man that had spoken, and seemed to find an inner strength she didn't know she had, her voice soft but almost defiant as she shot back, "Which time?" Which of course triggered the memory once more.

She was dying. Madison knew that. Her body writhed in pain, spasming, as fire seemed to burn through her body, causing her unspeaking agony and distress. She didn't even have the energy to scream, her body boiling hot, and her shoulder, oh, god, her shoulder.

She was beyond...beyond anything but pain. And then suddenly the pain intesified ten fold, something else bitting her, over the bite she already had, and then a warm, coppery, iron liquid filled her mouth, dribbing down her chin, and down her throat...

She shifted, shaking her head, and staring at the man. How did he know that she'd been bitten? What did he know? She hesitated, fearful all of a sudden. She didn't know this man...but he apparently knew her. She stepped back, intending to run away, watching the dog, wondering if she did run if it would attack her. Before it suddenly got too much, and her shoulders slumped, as she looked down, away, a child once more.

"Nearly four weeks ago..." She said softly, her voice shaking, shuddering with fear, uncertainity. It broke with unshed tears. She was barely out of childhood, and she didn't know what was going on. She licked her lips, and looked up, her eyes wide, fearful. "What...Whats happening to me?"

But then someone else appeared, and Madison nearly broke again, her gaze darting away, seeking an escape, she didn't think she'd get far. She stepped back, finding herself pressing up against the school sign, chest tightening once more in panic. By the time Layla turned to her, Madison's mind was a wreck of fear, panic and worry, overwhelming the the suggestion, the feeling.

"What is wrong with me?" She whispered.

Ignatius Autumndale

Location: Carson Bar and resturant
Time and date: March thirteen, 0900

Ignatius, his hair tied back in a hair net, stood over an oven. He was hot, sweaty, he hadn't with the full moon, but he couldn't be happier. Music played in the background, and his staff chatted as they worked, filling in breakfast orders from happy couples, working breakfasts, socailites, and just people who couldn't be bothered cooking themselves. There was nothing ignatius liked better then to cook. To create fine foods...ah, such a luxury he couldn't help but indulge. Such wonderful combinations...ignatius loved his food. He loved to serve it. And in the first few weeks of being n the city, Ignatius had sought a resturant to buy, his extensive supply of money more then a fortune after over a thousand years of living, he knew that if he was going to live in Carson City, he needed a resturant. Or two. Maybe three.

Chuckling at himself, Ignatius plated an order, and handed it to the nearest waiter, turning to fill another order. Ah, Ignatius was happy. The original werewolf always liked having a little nich that was his own, and he made a mental note to hire a Witch, to place protective spells over the place, and give him warning if something happened. Which, given the atmosphere he had experienced in the last few weeks, was quite likely.

Ignatius wasn't a fool. In one way or another, the Originals of all species were making their way to Carson City, as if pulled there by some force. By his recognition, the whole lot of them were just about there. He also hadn't missed the fact that there was a budding...underworld underneath the supernatural hierachy here. Maybe that imbalance was what attracted them here. He pondered that a moment, before shaking his head and filling the next order.

He should approach some of the originals, but Ignatius had been more of a lone wolf for so long...still...if there was a war on the breach, he needed to speak with them. If only so he could see where they were at. Leaving the stove, Ignatius made sure everything was running smoothly, before he started out the resturant, thinking where to go from here.


Location: Carson City, Callie's shop
Time and Date 13th of March 2017, 0900

Callie hadn't met many of the original creations of her ancestors, hadn't thought she ever would. Months ago, she'd just been a small time witch in a Coven that was quite powerful in its own right. Now...Now she was a great witch, with her own store, and a partner that would never leave her, contemplating an immortality potion. It wouldn't make her an Original witch, but it would let her continue life with Caius. She watched the Vampire for a moment, noting his glance to her charm bracelet. She smiled slightly, the whole thing had been quite a work, and it had taken her a while to upgrade. It was nice to know that it was successful, on its first test drive. For a brief moment, she enjoyed to satisfication that the Vampire recognised it for what it was.

The slight possessive protectiveness of Caius only made her fell safer, and she took comfort from that.She wasn't offended by what the Vampire said, nor Claudia agreeing. She was quite use to Claudia's behaviour by now, and Vampires tended to be...eccentric at best. And the older they were, the stranger they got. "None taken. I mean, I'm with you guys just about evey minute of the day" She said with a smile. The mere fact that Claudia wasn't at odds with the Vampire said alot, and went a long way to assertaining their character.

She let the spells she'd been forming go, and shifted, more relaxed now. "Uh, well. Glad thats sorted. Did you come in for anything specific, or was it their scents that brought you in?" She said, moving over to the registered again, she crouched, taking out a new charm, she replaced the detection charm on her bracelet, attuned to both caius and Claudia so it wouldn't react to them, she didn't yet activate it, as it would merely react to Scott again.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Mercy-Rose, Tabitha, And Ignatius

Ignatius walked for a time, letting the city’s scents wash over him; he wouldn't say he was tracking anyone in particular, yet if he found a scent that was interesting, like an originals, he was going to track it. He went to where he knew there were Original properties- it was amazing how easy it was to hack a system, when Ignatius had first arrived in the town, he had searched its history, finding that the Moonwell siblings had been instrumental in bringing the town to life. He’d then searched for any property that had been, and still was, connected to them.

They were the only ones he knew that actually had property. Over the years, Ignatius had tried to connect with all the Originals, whether Werewolf, witch or Vampire, he sought to know them all, to at least have some passing acquaintance with them all, with essentially the masters of each race. it was easier tracking the wolves- like went with like, after all. Yet he had stumbled across most of them, in one way or another- sometimes having contact, sometimes not.

He’d come across the Moonwell siblings before, and had a deep respect for them both, although he’d been worried that he’d end up in some sort of creation of Tabitha’s. He wasn’t ashamed to say he was slightly afraid of Tabitha- she just wasn’t predictable. So Ignatius made his way to their place, to see if they were in residence. With many of the Originals making their way here, he was sure they would as well.

As he approached the building, Ignatius had to laugh at human perception. In movies and books, a vampire's lair was portrayed to be dark, spooky, but often then not, they were bright and open, filled with whatever they’d accumulated over the years. Ignatius approached the door, and knocked.

The plane ride had been a long one… and it was clear that in the time she had been gone, things had changed drastically within the world she once knew. Even the planes had changed- first class was something she was going to most definitely get used to once she was able to get back to her work; once she headed back home to the United Kingdom, and to her children.

Slowing her pace, Mercy-Rose allowed the silk of her dress to fall from her hands, her arms once more returning back to her sides as she looked up at the rather lavish house that had been more than well maintained over the years, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly as she rounded the gate, her heels making soft clicks against the cobblestone as she made her way up the path, her dark eyes falling from the rather grand structure to instead rest upon a familiar figure knocking at the front door.

His scent… unmistakable. It was Ignatius Autumndale.

“..Mr. Autumndale; such a pleasant surprise to see you at our doorstep.” Slowing to a stop only a few steps behind him, Mercy brought her hands together in front of her body, a small though still gentle smile playing over her lips as she continued to eye his figure, “My, you haven’t changed a single bit... Tell me; to what do we owe the pleasure..?”

Tabitha had, unsurprisingly, lost her key to the house, but had had a spare placed in the garden somewhere. Not sure if it was there anymore, Tabitha nevertheless poked about the garden, not even thinking that there was a housekeeper that could let them in-she wasn’t even sure the housekeeper knew who they were. Had she been there, the last few decades? Knowing how humans were, chances were the last housekeeper wasn’t the current. So Tabitha poked around, searching what she thought was good hiding places, seeming to be unsurprised to see Ignatius, or perhaps she hadn’t even registered who it was.

Ignatius turned from the door, towards Mercy, smiling, wondering if it was just good timing to catch them just coming home. He noted what she was wearing, and would have pushed it aside-maybe she was just coming home from a themed party or something, except he noted the hole from what could only be a sharp instrument of some sort. “Ah, Mercy, you certainly know how to play to a guy’s ego. You look lovely, as always”

With confidence, Ignatius gave her a warm hug, one you might give someone you hadn’t seen in years. And it had certainly been years. Stepping back, he quirked an eyebrow, looking again at what she was wearing, “What are you wearing? I know retro is coming back, but still. You looked like you just popped out of the 1940s” He said with amusement, but there was underlying curiosity, and perhaps worry about the hole in the dress.

The very moment his arms wrapped around her body, she brought her own up, one by one letting them snake around the back of his neck, her lithe (compared to his) figure pressing closely against his own as she held the embrace, her eyes closing and her head lowering until it was resting oh so comfortably within the crook of his neck- wolf or not; she had missed Ignatius… more than she could ever say.

Unable to help the way that her eyes rolled at his question, she pulled herself back, her arms both relaxing though never leaving their place around his neck as she looked up at him, her own brow quirking slightly as the once warm smile she wore twisted into something that was more or less to be considered a playful smirk, “..well, forgive me for not being as dapper as you. Spending almost a century locked away in a crypt, with a cursed blade plunged through my chest hasn’t really done anything for my wardrobe. You must remind me to go shopping later; or better yet, why not come with me..?”

Dapper? Now that was a word he hadn’t heard in a long time, quickly explained by the cursed blade. How that could happen- Ignatius was sure there was only one or two of them around now-a-days; he didn’t know. “Ah. Well. I suppose that is a reasonable excuse. A lot has changed in the last several decades, including clothing” While he was sure that she was joking, Ignatius simply wouldn’t be able to help himself, joking or not, in helping out a friend. Plus, clothes were always fun. “And we’re going to have to get you up to scratch with technology, and modern terms.” He said cheerfully, before his smile faded.

“How did you get trapped, Mercy?” He asked, not able to think of anything that could trap, and stab an Original Vampire, other than another original. Which was a rather troubling thought.

She knew this had been coming; she expected it. Having been gone for so long without so much as a word… a peep of any kind… of course the others were going to start asking questions to do with her whereabouts now that she was once again out in the world. Though it didn’t mean that she was ready, or happy about it…

“..Ignatius, I-...” Mercy’s expression faltered slightly, her once playful smile slowly disappearing from her lips as she kept her gaze locked with his, seeming to search his eyes for the longest of times before finally, she gave in, knowing that she couldn’t keep the truth from him even if she wanted to.

“..it was Kyran…”

“Kyran? That ass?” Ignatius wasn’t aware the words had slipped out until he heard them, always one to never say anything bad about someone, they’d slipped through his control at his surprise. “How did he manage… nevermind. Why were you trapped so long?” he looked to Tabitha, sure that she would have been looking for her sister, still poking around in the garden, apparently having gotten distracted by a flower, and back to Mercy, “But... are you okay?” He couldn’t imagine being trapped in a stasis like that, like the cursed blades were rumoured to bring about, neither dead or alive. What toll must that have on one of them, not so much physically, but mentally?

“..I-... I don’t know…”

Speaking softly, Mercy-Rose shook her head lightly from side to side, her eyes (full of nothing but pure honesty) never once leaving his as she gave herself time to think on his question- was she alright..?

“..everyone forgot me…” Dropping her head, she took a moment’s pause, her eyes shutting tightly for a brief spell before eventually, she opened them once more, her head lifting back up so that she could again meet with his worried gaze, “..almost a century in the dark; alone… timeless… no one came for me- hell, until Tabi finished one of her pieces, she didn’t even realize that I had gone missing…”

Ignatius wrapped his arms around her in a hug once more, unable to imagine how that would be like, how it must feel to know no one came… “Oh, Mercy…” He wondered for a moment if it was plausible that someone had deliberately kept Tabitha distracted, perhaps knowing that there was one sure thing that would keep Tabitha focused-her family. But he didn’t suggest it, not right then. Why bring more problems, when it would just pile on Mercy even more?

He wanted to be able to help-heck, he’d give both of them the shirt of his own back if that would do it. He just didn’t know how, and that pained him. “Let’s get you inside, and see if there’s any clothes you can change into” He frowned slightly, glancing to Tabitha again, who was now happily weaving flowers together in a chain, amazed-although he really shouldn’t be-at how she could get so distracted.

Tabitha looked up at the gaze, a child-like glee on her face, she bounded up from where she’d been sitting, and over to the two, bouncing as she walked, she plopped the flowers on Mercy’s head like a crown before going over to the door, taking out a key from a back pocket, it probably wasn’t clear to her if it was the spare she’d found or one she’d had all along, inserting it into the lock she pushed the door open.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Alicia Ryd

Interacting With: @BlackPanther@YoshiSkittlez@Vicier Zoe, Jake, Giddeon, Eretria, Clifford
Location: Carson High School

Alicia had woken up early that morning in the hospital she looked over towards her father who was sitting there by her bed, once he had seen that she was awake he pulled himself closer towards her. "Hey sweetie are you okay?" He asked, Alicia smiled softly as she pulled herself slightly and looked towards him. "I'm alright." She said as she looked at him still confused at what had happened the night before, she ran a hand through her hair. "What happened?" She asked as she looked down at the IV in her arm. "It looked like you fell last night while you were out on your walk." He answered Alicia nodded softly as a nurse came in and started to take out the IV and looked at her and smiled and then looked at her father.

"She seems perfectly fine, and is able to leave whenever you'd like." He nodded towards her and looked at his daughter. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked, she smiled and gave him a quick nod. "I feel fine, probably going to be late for school." She said as Alicia got up from her bed and saw a set of clothes and backpack were set in front of her, her father nodded and turned to head off to the hallway. Alicia went to get changed into her day clothes and left her hospital gown on the bed.

Alicia followed her father down towards reception and signed her out of the hospital, she always hated being in hospitals they always gave her bad memories. When he was finished with all of the paperwork her father started to write up the excuse why she was late for school, she went and got into the side seat of her father's car. She turned to look up at him and smiled softly as he pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive off towards Carson High School. "If you end up feeling sick, head straight to the nurse okay?" He said Alicia sighed softly and nodded she felt completely fine. "I will." She said once they were there Alicia got out of the car her father handed her the slip. "Give that to whatever class you have now okay?" Alicia smiled and nodded. "I know the procedure already dad, i'll see you later love ya dad."

Alicia remember that he class was gym and started making her way towards the gym once she was there she looked around and then saw Miss Flores and handed her the slip. "Sorry I am late." She said softly as she watched the other students playing touch football.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Caius, Claudia & Scott

Location: Carson City, Callie's shop
Time and Date: 13th of March 2017, 0930

Scott turned his green eyes back to Callie. They were cool, cunning, feral and frightening all at the same time. The eyes of a predator. He stared at her for the longest moment, his eyes looking as though they were probing into her very soul. "I suppose the different scents led me here. A sense of familiarity from these two..." he gestured towards the twins. "And a certain curiosity as why this place smells strangely of the wild and at the same time of...civilization." He began walking around inspecting the bottles and vials on display. He picked a bottle up, uncapped it and took a whiff of the contents. His brow furrowed and he immediately capped the bottle and placed it back in its place.

"For someone who looks like some sort of prince, he definitely looks out of place," Claudia mumbled, watching the strange vampire as he picked up a vial of a reddish fluid that looked like blood. "Hey, Scott, right? That's probably not what you think it is. It's perf---" Too late.

Scott blinked and hissed. He almost dropped the vial. But he caught himself and immediately replaced the cap "Humans have strange fascinations with scents that are...offensive," he commented with distaste.

Claudia bursted out laughing. "I agree with that in a lot of ways." She wasn't particularly fond of vampires. But this Original was fascinating. It was almost as if he was one of them.

Caius chuckled, obviously understanding what he meant. "Not all humans wear offensive scents." he leaned down and nuzzled Callie's neck, inhaling her scent. "I know mine doesn't," he murmured.

Scott turned his strange eyes towards Claudia, her laughter finally making him smile. And then his stare landed on Caius and Callie. "Yes, her scent is... milder than most." He crinkled his nose at another bottle he had opened. "What is the purpose of this establishment? Does it serve to give humans scents that would..." he trailed off and a thoughtful look settled over his face as he tried to look for the right words.

"Drive away our kind and your kind," Claudia finished for him. Scott nodded and both he and the female werewolf turned their attentions to Callie. Claudia had an amused look on her face while Scott looked serious. "You know, Callie, I've always wondered about that," she said teasingly. "Although I know that even if you douse yourself with the most offensive of scents, Caius would still stay by your side."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Layla Young

Layla closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. This was going nowhere. The child was terrified. With everything happening to her. The new scents, the new...hunger. The appearance of two strangers out of the blue didn't help much either. Neither since Layla had heard Corann say a few things before, and with what the child replied with... It was all becoming a big headache right about now.

She sighed deeply and touched her fingers to her eyelids before opening her eyes. They had a purple glow to them as she looked around the area. No one from inside of the school were making their way out, which was a positive. There were a few curious eyes watching them though from windows. Her hand waved towards them and they looked away, seemingly lost interest in their little gathering outside.

"Things are getting crowded," she said in a quiet voice and looked out towards the rest of the city. She could see people approaching, 'children', here for the hybrid she assumed. A hybrid was a formidable force, especially if tamed to your will. A young, inexperienced and scared girl would not be too hard to convince to follow in their footsteps. The world was so greedy.

"I'm sorry, but we need to move," Layla said in a louder voice as her body turned back to it's normal colour and the lines on her face started glowing. "We'll tell you all about what you are soon enough. There are too many prying eyes around." Layla reached out with one hand towards each of them and started drawing in the air. Symbols started appearing where her hands were tracing and soon after both Madison and Corann started glowing with a soft purple. A few moments later they vanished from the school.

To those not experienced with being teleported it would feel like the world is twisting, that nothing is the right way up before the world suddenly shows up again and you're not where you last were standing. Instead of the familiar scenery of the high school was now mountains. When they 'impacted' Layla quickly pressed her hands against the ground and a sphere expanded out from where she was standing until it covered the three of them along with some of the scenery.

Layla stood up slowly and took a few deep breaths as she calmed down. It wasn't often that she got this 'excited', so to speak. "Before you ask....we're on top of a mountain, with a protective sphere around us so no one knows we're here, but neither can we leave. I'm Layla Young and I'm a witch, so to speak, what you just saw was magic, and I'll leave the rest for Corann to explain. He is better at such things."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Corann Creed - Present Day - Carson City High School and Tahoe Mountains

"Which time?"

The girl's voice was soft, almost as though she didn't want him to even hear her. There was an obvious feel of stress, anxiety and even fear coming from her and really, he couldn't blame her. It hadn't been the first time he had to calmly explain to a newly transitioned Supernatural what their world was about, and who they were. But it was the first time he had helped to instruct a Werewolf-Vampire hybrid.

His thoughts were then completely interrupted. Corann could feel the walls of his mind being brought down by a force that was not his own, and try as he might he simply could not put them back up. Someone was trying to infiltrate his conscious, and the second he heard the cool and collected voice sounding in his head, he knew exactly who it was.

"Corann! I see that you're still praying on young girls outside of establishments. When did you wake up anyway?"

Corann's muscles in his jaw tightened. Turning his head just to the left a bit, he could see the Witch off a fair distance between himself and the new hybrid. Just what the hell was she doing here? Once again putting her business where it didn't belong? This was his task - he needn't any interference from her. Gods he hated Witches.

"Here for the hybrid I assume. Have you told her what she is yet? That she's not human any longer? I hope that you're aware that it's within my authority to end her. She disrupts the balance of the races, but I've never bothered too much with that."

"Careful, Witch. You speak into the mind of another who "disrupts the balance of the races."' he told her, back into her mind. But then she closed the distance between the two of them and handed him a small trinket. He was sure that his hand was about to start burning.

"If she grows too much for you to handle, then give her to me and I'll change her back to human, or whichever race she prefers. A way to contact me if a complication arises."

He could feel the calming sensation that she then put on the girl, and his eye twitched. Yes... the Witch was most certainly poking her nose where it didn't belong. This was his task, and he had been doing ones of the like for centuries without help from any Witch before, including her.

"That's all the help you're getting now. If you need me, just talk into the trinket."

Corann's fist closed around the trinket before he simply tossed it away, back at Layla's direction in a clear sign that he would not be accepting her help.

"You overstep-"

Corann's words, audible this time, were then cut off by a soft voice he had nearly forgotten about in his distraction.

"Nearly four weeks ago... What... What's happening to me? What is wrong with me?"

That fear... that raw, uncontrollable fear. Corann knew it well. He could have stopped it hadn't the Witch arrived and took things into her own hands. This was starting to turn bad - the girl's emotions were overwriting the ones Layla had tried to instill in her. Even his own sway of emotion manipulation wasn't seeming to work. A newborn, and yet this hybrid was already incredibly powerful. Even if she didn't know it.

"Things are getting crowded. I'm sorry, but we need to move. We'll tell you all about what you are soon enough. There are too many prying eyes around."

Corann's attention snapped back to the Witch, his eyes wide in disbelief.

"Layla!" he shouted out in a warning. But it was too late. There was nothing he could do. The feeling of being teleported was not a fun one. As soon as his feet touched the ground once more, his mind took a moment or two to adjust. Boris, on the other hand, was not so lucky. The large dog landed, and then collapsed, dry heaving until finally he lost the contents of his stomach where he then just lay there, looking up at Corann with big, pitiful eyes.

He could fucking kill her.

"Before you ask....we're on top of a mountain, with a protective sphere around us so no one knows we're here, but neither can we leave. I'm Layla Young and I'm a witch, so to speak, what you just saw was magic, and I'll leave the rest for Corann to explain. He is better at such things."

"Oh, so it's my turn now... is it?" There was an obvious tone of bitterness in his voice, his dark eyes glued to the Witch that had (perhaps knowingly) put all three of them in a situation that could have been avoided should she have left him to his own devices. He was angry. Beyond angry, in fact. Leaving his sick dog's side, Corann stalked over to Layla and though standing a head shorter than her, his gaze was intense as he stared up at her, his muscles rigid as he tried to keep himself from shouting outright.

"She is a newborn - you had no right interfering."

Boris, after realizing that he had been left alone, huffed a bit as he forced himself up and onto his feet. Legs still shaky from the strange feeling of being teleported, he staggered over to Madison and collapsed at her feet, pushing his large, heavy head up and into her lap where he let out a small, sick whine.

Corann jabbed a harsh finger into Layla's chest.

"She was seconds away from turning right there at the school. You're putting stress on her she doesn't need. If she turns now, you'll be putting more than just the two of us in danger. Your years of solitude have made you incompetent in recognizing a delicate situation, even when placed right in front of you. Leave the girl to me, as tasked by the Celestial Guardians even you pray to... should you have a shred of religion in that cold, insensitive heart of yours."

Staring Layla down for a second or two after, Corann removed his finger from her chest and tore himself away to look back at the girl. The sight of his dog laying in her lap, obviously needing attention and love from after the teleportation incident, would have normally made him smile and shake his head at the dogs expense. But the Witch's involvement in the whole ordeal put a sour outlook on the whole thing.

"Madison Burke... do not fear. Everything is going to be okay. I've been sent to protect you." Corann projected into her head, keeping part of their conversation private from unwanted ears. Though the next part he spoke out loud.

"My name is Corann Creed. Think of me as your Guardian Angel, kid."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Location: Mountains
Date and time: 13th of March 2017

Madison didn't understand anything that was going on. As the woman, the strange, clearly unhinged woman, did something, reaching out to her, Madison recoiled, baring her teeth for reasons she didn't know, she very nearly lunged at the woman, to bite or scratch, or to just allow herself to get away from her, but then there was a sensation like she was being tugged, spun about, turned around, until she didn't know what way was up, or even if she was...together. She fell to the ground as everything seemed to come back at once, scraping a palm, twisting an ankle, she huddled where she was, shivering-whether from fear or cold, she didn't know.

When the dog came towards her, Madison latched onto him, taking comfort from him, and stroking him. "Hey there, buddy..." He voice shook, but arms full of warm dog, it didn't seem like the dog had much enjoyed...whatever happened either. She pat him, trying to soothe him. She didn't look about, terrified of what she'd see. She had no idea what happened, how the woman had done this...

it just wasn't possible, was it? She was obviously delusional. Witch? What looney bin had this woman escaped from? She looked up as the man berated the woman, should probably have terrified her, but he was...doing so at her expense. Newborn? Turn? Celestial Guardians? What was going on, here? she closed her eyes tightly, and just focused on the dog. She could do that.

As the man spoke to her, she opened her eyes, glancing up. Do not fear? With everything? Taken to strange mountains in the blink of an eye? She looked up at him, trying to search for answers. There were none, but she couldn't deny the feeling of safety, and she drew in a deep breath. Maybe she'd died and this was her...what, hell? cause if this was heaven, she certainly wanted to speak to god about it. Although, at least there was a dog.

Uncertain over his words, Madison glanced away If you're my guardian angel, where were you when I was attacked by...by that thing?, she thought. The dog seemed the safest place to look, so she looked down at him, gently scratching him behind an ear. She was completely ignoring the woman, unable to deal with her. She was still barely able to just stay there, and if it wasn't for the dog, she probably would have fled. To where, she didn't know. Hell, if she could carry the dog, she might have run anyway.

Laying her head against the dogs, Madi let his scent wash over her. She wanted to run, to get away...but where was she? How far would she get before that woman...whatever she was...did something? The woman had...it seemed to madison that...she wanted to...control her? Madison decided she didn't want to be anywhere near this woman. This nut. Gently nudging the dog off her lap, Madison rose smoothly, not even noticing that her twisted ankle didn't pain her, she shook her head, stepping back. "I...I...I Can't" She took a few more steps back, stumbling again, but this time she caught herself, and spun around, now not even thinking.

These people were stronger then her. She knew that, more powerful, older. Instinct seemed to take over Madison, and the urge to run, to flee was strong. She hated leaving the dog, but she couldn't be around that, that woman. Part of her knew she didn't want to hear...to hear what had happened to her, what she was. What she was? had some part of her realised that she wasn't normal anymore? That panicked her further. If she wasn't normal anymore, what was she? Again, that quick, brief flash of jaws, a wolf biting down on her shoulder came to her, which just served to speed her onwards, running down the mountain, leaping, more atheletic then she had ever been before, faster and faster, so that everything was nearly a blur.

And at some point it wasn't running to get away. It was just running. It was thrilling, it was amazing to be able to run like that, to know where to place her feet, how to leap, how to land, and just how to run, faster then she ever had before, faster then she thought she ever could go. It was...freeing. And eye opening. She wasn't normal. That much was clear now. As to what she was....Madison didn't know, but she wasn't about to go back there and find out. Not with that...that...that witch. She suspected that Corann would be able to find her. She didn't know if that terrified her, or reassured her.

Although, if he brought the dog...

Without knowing what she was doing, Madison lifted her head, sniffing the air. Scents came to her along the wind, and at once Madison changed direction, moving towards where there seemed to be human scents. Fire. Cooking smells. And blood. Oh, blood. Blood. Blood. She wanted that. So much. At that realisation, Madison flinched, tripping over a tree root, she went flying, skidding over the ground. She didn't seem to have the strength to get up, revulsion at the thought that blood seemed appealing to her.

She recalled the warm, trickling liquid sliding down her throat, and she was nearly sick. She started to cry, curling up, everything just too much for her. SHe wanted to be home. That singular thought was all that enabled her to get up, and she struggled to her feet, thinking she could get a ticket home from...whereever the hell she was. Only, she didn't get far, as she hit something that was...invisible? She couldn't get out, and that made her panic even more, and she bashed up against in, as if she could break free of it.


Location: Carson City, Callie's shop
Time and Date 13th of March 2017, 0900

Callie watched the interaction, the only Originals she had dealt with were, of course, Caius and Claudia. It seemed that Originals came in all sorts of personalities and styles, just like humans. That was oddly comforting. She blushed slightly as Caius nuzzled her, as they moved onto talking about scents. Her scent. She had never really thought about that.

At the question, Callie appeared thoughtful, "For humans, this store is classed as a Wiccan store-I can't very well sell proper spells and potions to humans. But, yes, some of the perfumes, and charms are designed to keep them slightly protected from supernatural creatures. They're vulnerable. And with what's going to come...well. They'll need all the help they can get" She gave a shrug, "But I do sell spells, potions, and charms that are designed for supernatural uses-witches that don't have the time to do them themselves, angels that need a little something, that sort of thing. Not everything here is designed to drive away the supernatural, though.

It enables me to maintain my skills, provide people with a service, and every so often be able to help a supernatural in need"

She gave another shrug, feeling like she wasn't doing justice to her store, but it was the best she could do. "And to humans, the scents aren't offensive. Of course, they do have lowered senses then you guys"

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