Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 14 days ago

Amy heard the knock on the door just as she was about done gearing up.

"I'm almost finished, see you down there," she shouted, double checking everything to reassure herself she wasn't leaving anything behind. She grabbed her rifle and secured it behind her before attempting to find her sensor.

"Goddammit!" she whispered, cursing herself for not being able to find the small gadget. Amy almost always managed to lose an item or two at the very last minute, causing her to stress out over something as simple as a misplaced item. Needless to say, she found said gadget a couple of minutes later underneath some of her other belongings. Once she was ready, she quickly left her room to meet with the others down at the shuttles.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by iTem
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iTem Trying

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Matija had finally felt fresh and clean. No more of that sticky and disgusting feeling. Now, she felt more alive than earlier. With that, she grabs most of her rappelling gear and headed straight to the cargo bay, one of the largest area in the ship, and started practicing flips, runs, and walks with her gear. After asking for permission to anyone around there of course.

Hours later, she, along with the others, had been ordered to the war room – a command that she couldn’t help but roll her eyes to but had to abide to, for now. She sluggishly headed up with her equipment in tow while tugging on to the belts on her body out of habit. In the war room, Stryker said something about detouring for another member before continuing the briefing. The parts where she was not required bored her, but she tried to listen in anyway until the hologram of the mining station appeared in front of them.

”Typical,” she said to herself while studying the hologram in front of her, until they talked about something called the “Planet cracker.” She focused her attention to the hologram, and half to their plan. ”…you engage immediately and leave no survivors.” Matija’s interest was finally piqued, and that interesting bit of info helped her retain attention throughout the briefing. She only reverted her attention somewhere else when the ship jolted when they docked in wherever they are right now and then immediately left a little after.

”So where were we? Oh yeah questions.”

The siren furrowed her brow, wondering where she might get assigned to. She vaguely remembers something about a strike team or something. Since the Planet Cracker did not exactly fit her fancy, she thought that maybe she could just go and kill people or something.

"Question. I may not be going on this mission and doing the dirty work, but does 'no survivors' extend to kids? I don't mean to sound like a pansy, but they ARE kids after all." She looked at Tibilus and thought of the same thing. But then again, why would someone bring children to a seemingly abandoned mining ship. She thought, ”These bastards can’t fully control me anyway so if there are some stupid kids there, I guess I can just shove them in the lockers or something. As always, Lataniva spoke with morbid detachment that made her smile out of amusement. She supposes that the slender woman would not get to where they are right now if she was soft or stupid. Still, she prefers to somewhat save the kids that she comes across, regardless of how slim that chance may be. But then the Blind girl ran out and she couldn’t help but think if she really was that squeamish, considering how clean she seemed in comparison to everyone else. Matija couldn’t help but subtly hiss out ”pathetic” in between her teeth in slight disgust.

”Soo... Captain. Which team do ya' need me and Skelly for?”

”Oh right,” she said to herself as she perked up again and raised her hand enthusiastically. ”I wanna be in the strike team!” she chimed excitedly until her request has been acknowledged.

"Alright, everyone dismissed… Get your gear in order and be ready to move when we hit the system. Anyone who needs an ammo top-up, see Grayson in the Armory…. Be ready to move," said Stryker to everyone before leaving them to their own devices. ”Aye-aye, captain!” said Matija with a salute as she eyed the man out and headed towards one of the terminals a little after. It was amusing to see Lataniva struggle, too. ”Guess she doesn’t go out often,” the siren smiles to herself while Lataniva and that one guy helps her out. She too, tries to butt in to help whenever she could, but she found herself rarely needed since that weird guy was more than capable with customer support.

"What's you're name?" she said, as she stared up at the man. "Wait. Don't answer that. You're pretty handsome and you look like a Jack to me." With a moment of contemplation, she beams at the man and chuckles "You're Jack now, 'kay?"

When they were done, Matija went through the catalog and placed an order for one box of 7.62 gauss bullets and two boxes of 45s.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Can do, can do."

Tibulus heard his command and kept his comm open, pulling around the nearest moon with incredible precision and expertise, and he parked the giant ship in the shadow of the moon. He cut the engine of the ship, and dimmed down the lights so everyone could see what was going on while still remaining some form of stealth. He had the front of the ship facing the mining rig that the mission was at, and he knew what he wanted to do. With a smug grin, Tibulus went to the intercom of the ship and decided to be rather humorous at the time.

"Attention all passengers, this is your pilot speaking, we have become stationary behind one of the moons, and in the overhead compartments you will find a brown paper bag that can be used for nausea. Thank you for riding with Revenant Space, and please enjoy this small break."

After all was said and done, Tibulus went over to one of the lockers he had expected in his hours of silence before hand and pulled out a small robotics kit. Why was it there? He had no idea, but it had a bunch of parts and it was always entertaining to Tibulus to see what he could do with it. As he kept his comm open, he began to mess around with the kit, awaiting further orders.

@Crossfire@PlatinumSkink@Rultaos@mackielars@Xandrya@Dark Light@BKburke@Tickout@Turbowraith@Azereiah
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I'm not anticipating needed any one of you to go any lower into the station than the cargo bay you'll arrive at. The ship's weapons should be enough to take out the lasers. I suppose it'd be better safe than sorry, if you can fit some form of demolition charges in your loadout, I'd say take them along just in case, but assume you'll be sticking with the rest of the boarding party, clearing out the upper levels" Stryker said in response after Benny asked which team he was supposed to be on.

"Aye aye, Cap'n! I'll be sure to bring things to make a day at the office more excitin'. I'll try to lay off on the nerve gas though, in case some of you don't have filters or rebreathers, heheh." Benny said with a chuckle, remembering that he had managed to make at least 2 airborne biohazard charges during their trip. He was a little disappointed he wouldn't be using them but he figured he would get the chance to do so on a later deployment. I need to see if they work as designed, after all. And it would be stupid to test that on our ship... Though I could test out the spike-grenade idea I've been having after we get back from Helsin... Benny was distracted with the new explosives ideas he was having as the meeting continued.

He barely noticed two new faces, Grayson and Maxi enter the room. Though he glanced at them, made a mental note that the new guy with the glasses looked stupid, and then proceeded to stare around the room caught in his own thoughts as Stryker explained the mission to them.

"Alright, everyone dismissed. Get your gear in order and be ready to move when we hit the system. Anyone who needs an ammo top-up, see Grayson in the Armory. According to this, there's a keyboard embedded in a wall hatch alongside the armory door, type your requests in there and he's supposed to get a notification on the Armory terminal about it if he's in there. Be ready to move" Stryker announced as he left with one of their combat drones.

Benjamin stretched his neck around a bit as he walked out of the room. He decided to get a head start on the requisitions in case a line formed there later. Approaching the terminal, he punched in a request for 150 standard assault rifle rounds, 20 shotgun pellet rounds, and 4 Alliance-issue fragmentation grenades, and 3 remote-activated High-explosive charges in case he needed to destabilize the mining facility if things went bad.

Once it had been confirmed, he went off to change into his BDT Specialist Suit, grabbed his RWC-BR7 (along with all 3 attachments), slipped on his L32 wrist-mounted laser, collected a few of the explosives he crafted during their trip (2 cluster grenades, 2 EMP grenades, and 1 of his Acid charges), and keeping his helmet tucked under his left armpit he joined the others in the shuttle bay. The cyborg, Arex appeared to be assisting Lataniva with her comm unit. Benny found it amusing that she was struggling with a simple device even though they seemed very capable with matters concerning fighting and killing. The cheery woman, Sandra, was also chiming in and seemed to poke a bit of fun at Arex by insisting to call him Jack for whatever reason.

The new arrival, the weird guy with the glasses, seemed to have just finished scanning the others with something that vaguely resembled a basic medical drone, as he went off to the side. Benny quickly grabbed a comm unit and slipped it into his ear before putting his helmet on.

The comm unit felt uncomfortable pressed against his ear and the BioVisor helmet's interior, but he didn't have much of a choice. He shrugged it off by telling himself that he suffered a lot worse discomfort when Skelly was first installed on him. Without much else to do but wait for the deployment order he sat down on one of the boxes, pulled out the frag grenades in the front pockets of his suit, and fidgeted around with them, knocking them together, tossing them around in the air to the point of juggling them for short periods, and even tapping them on the front of his helmet just to see what kind of vibrations they might make inside. Needless to say, he was already getting bored.

Then, the comm systems of the ship came to life and Benny half-expected Stryker to be speaking to them again. But to his surprise, it was their skeletal pilot talking through it.

"Attention all passengers, this is your pilot speaking, we have become stationary behind one of the moons, and in the overhead compartments you will find a brown paper bag that can be used for nausea. Thank you for riding with Revenant Space, and please enjoy this small break." He said

Benny got up from his box and stretched out. "I sure hope our job on that mining station is a lot more intense than tha' way we got captured and dragged onto this ship in tha' first place. I've been itchin' for some real excitement ever since I finished makin' some new toys" He said to no one in particular. Benny had no idea what they were going to run into on the station, but he figured it had to be a lot more fun than spending another second sitting down inside the Revenant.

@Crossfire @Tickout @mackielars @PlatinumSkink @Dark Light
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Location: The Revenant.
Interacting with:

Mid way through his earpiece demonstration, without so much as a hint of hesitation, a subtle pause or tiny stir Arex whips out his tech pistol and aims it back at the small scanning robot. Holding the pistol in his right hand he didn't miss a beat as he continued to show the Dalentian woman how to use the earpiece.
Slowly he tightened his firm grip on the trigger so it sat teetering on the verge of firing, the fine line between silence and chaos, ready to go off any second should the robot not stop scanning him.

Turning to meet the owner of the robot, and growl a warning at the man he had not yet seen. Arex was instead surprised to be confronted by a young bright and bubbly alien looking girl staring up at him.
After a brief conversation with herself she renamed him Jack and maybe even flirted a bit before suddenly disappearing just as quickly as she appeared.
"Right, Jack it is." he said as she departed giving her a small smile and nod.

Left a bit confused, he was about to turn his gaze to Maxi when his eyes passed over Amy as she arrived. He couldn't help but pause for a second to see how the blind woman was going. After a pointless nod of acknowledgement Arex mentally cursed his own stupidity and went back to his attempt at threatening the robot owner.

As if the pointed gun at a near point blank range didn't give enough indication of his thoughts, the deadly tense and serious aggression in his intimidating cold stare should have made things obvious. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, Tibulus's voice boomed over the ships speakers interrupting him with his bit of pilots humour.

In a flash he whipped out his second pistol and put a short burst of bullets into the speaker before Tibulus could even finish speaking. The pilots voice was replaced by the hissing fizzle and crack of the broken speaker.

"Right!" he groans with a faint sigh. With one gun still on the bot his second raised up to to see Maxi. "If you wanna know what's inside me I'm gonna find out what's inside you! Fairs fair n all. Problem is I don't have no flashy robot, just these." A sickly sinister grin sweeps across his lips and agitated face as he gives a little wiggle of his gun to make his point clear.

Before Maxi can reply Arex notices the man juggling grenades. "Are you fucking serious!?" He yells at him in disbelief, lowering his guns and shaking his head.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh great, he’d found one of the less patient people on the crew. Something as innocent as a medical scanning didn’t come off as something worth getting upset over to him, but it looked like it was enough to set this guy off into firing. He stiffened up when the shot at the speaker rang out, and froze when the gun was lowered to his head. A gun at his bot was fine, it had some decent defense and was repairable, but he was very not so repairable. He frowned, looking at the man aiming the weapon point blank at his head. He was smart enough to wait until the gun was no longer aimed right at his skull before speaking. “Well I mean, it’s my job as a medic. I don’t want to mess up if anyone gets injured, and if I don’t have data on you I could rather easily mess up on saving your life”. His explanation made sense, at least to him. His frown remained, but from behind his glasses his eyes lowered into more of an unamused look.

“If you prefer, I can delete the data I got from your scan and when you get injured I can stare at your dying body and have no idea what to do”. He seemed to have gained his composure a little bit, and was looking at the man who had just threatened him with a gun the moment before. How violent. Maxi didn’t really have any plans to help him out if he did get injured after this whole gun fiasco. If he even made it out alive. Fair's fair, huh? How did a gun wielding warrior shooting him to death count as equal to a harmless scan that could save his life? He’d better get some sort of an apology for that reaction. He noticed more people filtering into the room; someone who had talked with gun man and someone who looked ready to blow up the entire building in particular. Hopefully he didn’t do that; Maxi already had the threat of a gun at his head.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Location: The Revenant.
Interacting with:@Tickout@Rultaos

'Well I mean, it’s my job as a medic. I don’t want to mess up if anyone gets injur...'

Arex let out a sigh as his itchy finger squeezed the trigger. A short burst of bullets suddenly exploding out of his pistol into the scanning robot.
While he listened, he paid no attention to enything else the man said after that. With his point made he moved on.

The room was quickly becoming too crowded so Arex made his way directly to one of the shuttles. (Shuttle 1 on the ramp)
Stopping just before he entered he looked back to Benjamin to speak.
"No offence Benny, but I'm not shuttling there with you and all your grenades. That one is yours." he says pointing to shuttle 2. " Hope to see you there though." with that he disappeared into the shuttle.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 2 days ago

Edit: RPGuild is screwing up at the moment, ended up getting doubleposted
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 2 days ago


No longer comfortable.

Renli and Rento were both idling obediently in the gunnery seats, waiting for the mission to arrive, when a spurt of gunfire from the deck immediately beneath the Tower caught its attention. The sound, though dampened by the flooring and machinery between the source and the Tower, immediately pulled its attention away from the two bodies. Rento went motionless as control left her body, and the Tower found itself excited, nervous, and very defensive. The ship's crew was rather violent, then, despite the relatively friendly view it had gotten from Stryker, Grayson, and SAL.

The six round doors around the base of the Tower opened and a bundle of ten cables per hole erupted in all directions within the storage room. The tips of the cables began their work, melting their way into the walls, the floor, and the ceiling in search of systems to hijack. The Tower saw through the tip of one cable the rough shape of the ship's interior, and remembering the rough floor layout of the ship, it quickly wormed its way around bundles of ship wiring, conduits, and insulation to the doors that sealed the bottom deck off from the rest of the ship. The jaws at the tip of the cable clamped onto the wire between the control systems and the door's motors, then neatly sliced it in half, giving complete control of the door to the Tower.

The other cables, meanwhile, continued worming their way throughout the ship slowly, searching for systems that would provide the Tower a survival advantage against the rest of the crew if so required. The door to the storage room the Tower inhabited fell almost immediately. The infecting cables no longer needed direct supervision to do their job and the Tower fell idle once again.

Renli snapped to attention, no longer running on an AI routine. It had been some time since the body had been actively used, but it felt good to be in his own head again. The good feelings passed quickly, though, when he remembered what he was doing. Neither he nor Rento had heard the gunfire through the ship, indicating that organic human ears may have also missed it. He stood and left his post to find Stryker or Grayson.

"Just heard gunfire on the bottom deck. Thought you might want to know -- didn't see a firing range down there at all."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Banana@Azereiah@Turbowraith@Tickout@BKburke@Dark Light@Xandrya@mackielars@Rultaos@PlatinumSkink

"For fucks sake" Stryker cursed as Renli alerted him to the goings-on down below "Thanks, I'll handle it, get back to your post"

Stryker crawled down out of the forward battery and made a beeline for the elevator, hoping he'd still have something resembling a crew when he got down to the cargo bay.

"WHAT IN ALL THAT SHINES IN THE FUCKING 'VERSE ARE YOU ALL DOING DOWN HERE?" Stryker roared as he stepped out of the elevator. He took a breath and observed around for bodies. His eyes wandered up to the sparking wreck that used to be a speaker.

"Not gonna lie, I was just thinking it's only a matter of time before someone put a round into one of those things" he said to break the tension "Alright, alright. Time for a fucking speech, really hopin' I'd never have to do this. First thing- full disclosure. I'm not a leader guys. I've worked alone my entire career, never been part of a team, now I'm in charge of one. Dawson... the Alliance. They had their reasons for throwin' me onto this ship, same as everyone else. Hell, maybe they were hopin' for us to kill each other off, save space in the prisons. Listen, none of us really wanna be here, stuck under the Alliance's foot, that much is obvious, but think about this... we're stuck together for now, and the one thing we universally have in common is a hatred of the Alliance, we stay alive long enough, maybe we find a way to give them what's comin to 'em. I'm no expert, but I hear that combat builds bonds or some bullshit like that, you never know, the guy next to you might be the only one that can save your life in a tight spot, so give it a go, just this once.... and if that don't work, we'll clear out that gym upstairs for a weekly fight club, to boost the morale. Now, everybody breathin, pile into shuttle 1. They gotta purge the air in shuttle 2 so Grayson can get his shot, and we don't have that many airtanks, so sorry if some of you are uneasy with your shuttle-mates, but that's all we can do. Good hunting guys"
He fished out his datapad and quickly enabled the full-range of voice commands for the drones.
"Platform 772, Platform 900, board shuttle 1, enable flight control on Platform 900. Platforms 116, 209, 361, 444, 529, 614, 688 and 928, board shuttle 2. Run IFF pre-operation scans. Standing orders- eliminate all hostile targets. Move out"

Stryker gave a final nod to the team as he boarded the elevator to head back up to the Command Deck. Upon arrival, he tapped into the comms line to the cockpit as he walked back down to the forward battery for a final check on the weapons systems.
"Tibulus? Seal down the cargo bay and lower the ramp, the crew's ready to move out"


Grayson chuckled to himself as he hung out the side of shuttle 2 all during the chaos and Stryker's following tirade. The guy sounded like the coach in a bad sports film from the 21st century. He'd decided to stay out of it, the way he looked at it, he'd stuck his neck out enough for the crew so far this trip, playing nice with his new best friends (at least until one of them tried to kill him). When they got the order to roll out, he swung his legs inside then cleared the doorway for the drones that'd be riding with him and SAL.
"Come here often?" he joked to the blank-faced automatons as they piled in.

Finally, the lockdown alarm rang out and the shuttle doors sealed up as the cargo ramp began to lower. SAL fired up the engines and they were off with a light thump as the shuttle slipped beyond the ship's artificial gravity field. Grayson got to work immediately, unloading the weapon case at his feet containing the ZR-98 Heavy Sniper Rifle. It was a specialty weapon not often used in Alliance circles, but the thing still reeked of their blatant lack of imagination when it came to firearm design and aesthetics. The only reason he agreed to bring it was the rotating cylinder that lay just underneath the barrel, the graviton field emitter, a device that would produce a bubble of artificial gravity to seal the bullets inside, and ensure they'd find their mark, instead of floating uselessly in the expanse when he shot them.

The ZR-98 was effective up to an astounding 15km, the only thing that kept it from being the most popular weapon in the galaxy was its sheer weight of nearly 50 pounds and unwieldiness unless strapped in to some kind of stabilizing device. The shuttles' were quite a ways out from the station, so he took his time to ensure the weapon would be fully secured to the shuttle's heavy weapon mount. After almost 10 minutes, SAL chirped up to alert him they'd be entering within range for communications.
"Fire up the comms then, try and bullshit our way inside"

SAL flicked a few switches and the radio whined as a voice crackled to life.
"....dentififed craft. Hailing unidentified craft, you are entering restricted space, identify yorself or you may be fired upon"
"Transport Shuttle UH-991 Kodiak from the Uniac Mining Federation Flagship Mirantha. This is an unannounced inspection. I have company representatives on board who are demanding access to your station"


"Kodiak, we're not seeing any Flagship on our long-range scanners, how copy? Please re-align your shuttle's flight path until we confirm"
SAL muted the radio "Showtime, opening hatch"
Grayson did a quick final check to make sure his suit was sealed, then flicked the oxygen tank on and opened the flowline jury-rigged to his suit. With his eye implant already engaged, it only took him a second to identify the weakest points on the station's satellite array. He gripped the rifle and fired. He re-racked the bolt, adjusted slightly and fired again, then a third shot quickly behind. He increased the zoom to watch his handiwork. There was no sound of course, no big explosion, just a faint spark as the three antennas broke free and drifted off. Piece of cake. Grayson pulled the weapon mount back out of the way as the shuttle hatch re-sealed, then poked his head up into the cockpit to see how the negotiations were going.
"Negative Station Command" SAL was saying "I can ensure you that we have relayed the Flagship's holding pattern accurately. Any issue must be on your end"
"Copy that Kodiak, the fact remains that we have no ship signatures on any of our scanners right now. We cannot confirm registry, so we must ask you to kindly turn back"

As a precaution, Grayson tapped into the squad's comms line.
"Stryker, I don't think they're buyin it, we might need some help, I'll keep the line open"
He turned back just in time to hear the raio officer's ultimatum
"Please avert course, or I will give the order for your craft to be fired upon"
"Cut the call" Grayson said "We're goin' in loud. Stryker? Wanna open that door?"


"Copy that Grayson. SAL, AP-900, divert to holding position Gamma, transmitting now" Stryker stood in the forward battery, his hands hovering over the controls for the main cannon.
"Pilot, fire her up, bring us into range. Gun crew, I've unlocked your controls. On my command, be ready to rain hell down upon that station"
He twisted a knob, the ship's main cannon was heating up. The screen in front of him lit up with a feed from a front-mounted camera. He could see the station in the distance, his targeting controls lit up 2 tiny red specks, the shuttles, and then a blue dot, the target. The cannon was ready, the ship in range, and the comms open.
"Hold her here, we're in position. When I confirm the hit, burn away and close the gap between us and the station, we don't want em twisting that Planet Cracker around to fire on us while we're at effective range" Stryker said calmly as he gripped the trigger. His finger tightened up.
"I've always wanted to say this.... from hell's heart, I stab at thee" The trigger clicked.

Stryker was blinded by the brilliant blue beam of particle energy that rocketed out of the main cannon. It streaked across the system at high velocity, twisting violently until it found its mark- the Helsin facility's cargo bay door.
Back at the shuttle, Grayson was awestruck at the destruction of the thick plating blocking their entrance. He tapped SAL on the shoulder, who seemed similarly lost for words
"Let's get in there mate"

Grayson had the MARS rifle configured to an assault formation, ready to go. The shuttle slipped inside, followed seconds later by the other. The twin craft landed in unison, the hatches popped, and the games began. Grayson slipped out before the drone's crowded the way, firing a grappling cable from the Spider's Web up to the rafters. He used his Cyber Eye to scan the room. Plenty of shuttlecraft and bodies lay destroyed in the wake of the Revenant's cannon, a few small fires burned throughout the main throughfare of the large cavernous room. He looked in-between intact shuttles and reapir bays to see living miners, uniformed in gray jumpsuits running for the exits. He took a few potshots at them, more so to alert the squad than to kill 'em. At the rear of the room, he saw a door slide open and armed robot stomped inside.
"Ladies and gents, may I spare your attention for just a moment?" He said into the comms "Your first course for the evening comes courtesy of.. I wanna say.... Quasar Cybernetics, they have that look anyway. We have 12 Security bots armed with automatic laser weaponry, to amateurs, I would say rest in peace. To you crazy sons of bitches, I say 'Bon appetit'... also I call dibs on the first one"

The MARS reassembled to its base sniper mode, long enough for Grayson to sight up on the lead drone and fired a shot that cracked through the cargo bay like lightning. The bot's head erupted in a shower of sparks, gel and ricocheting metal that only Grayson could truly appreciate, given his vantage point.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

What an idiot. He had shot the medical bot, the source of all his supplies, so that it was flinging sparks and clunked to the floor. A scowl crossed his face, and he silently picked the busted bot up from the ground. A couple harsh dents, but hopefully the contents were still intact enough to use manually. He muttered a few curses and held the box under his arm, glaring at the attacker from behind his glasses before a shout gathered everyone's attention. Stryker, the commander, had come down to give a little announcement about the fiasco. Tension, being stuck together, something like that. He wasn’t really paying attention. He was glaring at the person who shot his bot in a hissy fit, thinking of how he’d love the guy to get shot or injured so he could strut over and tell him that he couldn’t save him because his bot was busted. He was silent through the lecture, and just as quiet when he loaded onto the ship. The mangled bot was held close to his chest, and he was tampering with it to see what hatches were totally busted and which ones he could open manually.

He hardly noticed in his focus when the ship took flight, and remained silent for the intercom conversations. Blah blah, identify yourself, some identity lie, not buying it, going in to fight. He was more absorbed in opening hatches and de-attaching the parts of the bot that still worked. By the time they reached the ground, he figured out how many hatches he could open and the ones he couldn’t. Plus, he’d have to carry the bloody thing now that it was busted. He really wanted to clock the guy over the head for shooting his robot, but he was both too small and would probably get shot first. Ah well, karma will get him.

The ship landing jolted him to attention, and he clung his bot to his chest in a nervous fashion and stared at the now opening hatch. He made sure to exit last and remain behind the people who were actually skilled at ripping stuff apart. Without his bot and with only a few easy to handle weapons, he doubted he could do much against robots. People maybe, if he was lucky. He poked his head out from behind whoever went in front of him, watching as Grayson utterly destroyed the bot that entered with a well placed shot. The rest of the placed was utterly destroyed by the blast that let them in, save for the people scrambling off from the blast. Sucks to be them. He didn’t plan to charge in first, and hopefully stay behind others who loved blowing stuff up more instead. That sounded like the safest route for him, the closest thing to an amateur in the group.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Lataniva obviously knew it was Arex that was closest to her, because of his very distinct impact to her field of awareness. Regardless, she wasn’t about to show him an inch more respect than anyone else in the crew, and when he had been the closest to her when she had trouble with the comm-device, then so it was him that was commanded to help her out. Sandra also joined in here and there, teaching Lataniva how to use one of these. Okay. So press that button when intending on communicating, and wear it like this, and… The unnatural cause- and effect infuriated Lataniva, who didn’t get why pressing a button caused communications to happen. Regardless.

Sooner or later she had good enough a grip of it that she could use it… to a degree. She might fumble trying to press the right button, but she had an idea. She didn’t give any particular thanks for the help of those that had assisted here, merely a nod of acknowledgement, before she got herself ready.

Lataniva really had no objection to being scanned. However, she didn’t raise any particular objection to when Jack fired at Maxi’s robot. If they had problems with one another, that was their problem. She wasn’t about to take the role of a babysitter if the rest of the crew got themselves into arguments. More like, the less arguing that was being done, the better, but Lataniva was most certainly not going to get herself involved in any ongoing argumentation if she had no reason to. More like, the mere fact Jack had fired first made her less enthusiastic about being close to him while the attention was still on him.

When it was time to get ready. Lataniva sat down, waiting for the time to be unleashed. She closed her eyes, perfectly calm, letting the noises around her sound out before coming to a rest until the next amount of sounds. There were jolts, flashes and other things happening, one of which could very possibly be a beam from the station obliterating them and her life if something had gone wrong. Wasn’t really a concern to her. If it happened, it happened. Now it didn’t. Lataniva had no means to affect their odds during space-travel so, may as well stay extremely calm.

So, then after numerous shots and other things, the door finally opened. Lataniva was on her feet so quickly, it could have assumed she had used her own psionic telekinetic ability to propel herself, and such an assumption would be correct. She had already withdrawn her halberd from back and dashed right out the door, prepared for action. So… the comms said their first opponents were a bunch of security robots.

‘Tsk. Robots. They are not even alive. No instincts to assist them. Their kind could never hit me. They do not interest me.’
Lataniva complained with a raised chin glaring down the room. What on the hand DID interest her… were those fleeing miners.

‘So eager to run…’
She mumbled as she grabbed a knife and threw it in a single deft motion. Now, in addition to the force of her arm, she also applied her full telekinetic force to the knife, sending it flying unnaturally fast towards the slowest miner’s left leg, at the back of his knee. If Lataniva hit as she intended, her sharpened knife would pierce straight through his knee and he most certainly would not be running away from them no more. She needed at least one mind to read.

She then took off running in his direction, using her power of awareness to avoid the bot’s fire if they were firing at her, predicting where they’d be aiming before they fired and avoided the fire. That was her intention. After that, it was simply a matter of catching the miner she had intended on disabling.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 2 days ago


Moar Dakka

Renli hopped back into his gunnery seat as commanded by Stryker and reclined lazily. Simple mission - kill everything, right? It wouldn't be too hard to achieve that. But he wondered what the point of a boarding party was. He turned his head to the organic gunner, Sammn.

"So, any ideas why we're trying to board the station we're actively shooting at? I'm no strategist, but I'd have thought we'd want to keep our people out of the way of the big guns for a little longer."

Regardless of the reply, though, he kicked back and relaxed for a short while. A glance at the control scheme of the gunnery station revealed it was rather poorly thought out, but that was to be expected from human shipmakers. In a ship with working artificial gravity, a touchscreen setup or mouse control would have been better by far than the joysticks sitting in front of him. Fine motor control is better for precision shots than gross, after all.

The continual sensations, sounds, and images coming into his head from the Tower told him that it had successfully gained control of the ship's reaction control system. He would allow the pilot to input his control, of course, but he felt more at ease knowing that if necessary, he could simply rotate the ship out of the way of oncoming fire, or stabilize the ship's rate of rotation. It would fly much more smoothly and intelligently than the simple computerized autopilot that had been desperately trying to keep up with the pilot's commands before.

More cablevision crept into his consciousness. Engine power injection was coming next. There would likely be a hiccup for a miniscule fraction of a second while the signal to the engines was reestablished through the Tower, so he set up an algorithm to overclock the main engine to compensate for thrust lost at that moment, whenever it came. The Tower's inbuilt infection routines were sometimes a little bit janky, after all.


The Revenant burned towards the station at full speed in the hopes that it would get under the Planet Cracker's effective range. Renli sat patiently in his gunnery seat, fingers at the controls and ready to open fire. He designated himself as primarily a defensive gunner in this scenario, and moved to the frontal starboard gunner position, then spoke. "Sammn, I'd like you to take forward port. I -- excuse me, Rento -- will be primary port-side damage output, but we need defensive gunners on both sides too."

With that, Renli went limp and his AI processes took over his body. Rento snapped to attention and slid out of her seat. It would be much easier to put out damage with all of the port turrets firing at once, after all, and she readied herself to madly dash between positions and adjust firing angles. A mass of some sort appeared under her top and snaked its way up her back and through the neck hole, revealing eight long motorized cables, each tipped with two pairs of jaws and an arc welder tip. Two each moved to take the four free port gunnery controls, wrapping the ends around the joysticks.

Renli and Rento both waited for Stryker's command to open fire, and Rento took aim at four important-looking locations on lower end of the station -- two of what appeared to be hangar controls, a cockpit overlooking the Planet Cracker's alignment array, and a section of station that seemed like a logical place to put a power conduit.

Rento shouted toward the cockpit, "Hey, pilot! Try to keep the portside guns on target, please. If we could stay between two and five kilometers from the station in a tight orbit, that'd be perfect for us back here."


The order to fire eventually came, and Rento unleashed hellfire upon the station. While the turrets weren't individually as powerful as the Revenant's forward gun, they certainly didn't disappoint at all. The four turrets under her command scattered split-second beams of brilliant light across her targeted positions, indicating that she wasn't simply holding down the trigger, but rather feathering it at a machinegun's pace to keep the guns cool. Overheating was the bane of many a laser weapon, and she refused to let that be a problem.

There were no explosions and no sounds audible inside the Revenant. Just blinding lights flashing out of the side of the ship, each ending in a pool of molten slag on the station. Hangars facing the Revenant were sealed in an instant, and what Rento assumed to be a control room was vented into space, along with a pair of crew members. Asphyxiation was a miserable death, so she mercifully tapped a pair of focused bursts into the floating crew members. Both disappeared into a small puff of superheated gases without a trace.

The external conduits melted beautifully, and with each shot, a group of lit windows went dark. Not a very useful series of shots - the important systems were likely deeper inside the station. But at least cutting the lights and door controls to some rooms might be helpful to the boarders. The rear port turret continued spraying precise shots across conduits along the station to cause as much chaos inside as possible.

Through her Tower's communication array, she sent a communication on all frequencies to the Station. "This is the Uniac Mining Federation Flagship Mirantha, hailing Helsin Station. We are experiencing difficulties with our weapon targeting systems. Our engineers are working to remedy the problem. Please disregard all accidental weapons discharges -- you will be compensated for any accidental damage and loss of life."

Shortly after, she sent a second broadcast. "We thank you for your patience, Helsin Station. Our engineers have fixed the targeting systems. Accidental weapon discharges have ceased and all weapon discharges are now entirely intentional. We also remind you that this coming Saturday is Earth Day, in celebration of our beautiful homeworld. If you have a potted plant in your quarters, be kind to it! If you don't have one, please report to the airlocks for disciplinary action concerning failure to celebrate Earth Day. Happy mining!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 14 days ago

Amy wasted no time in disembarking as soon as they landed, her first order of business being to take a few shots at the group of robots that were quickly approaching them as she simultaneously made her way to cover. Amy landed a perfect shot against one of their opponents, a quick smile forming as she derived a little bit of pleasure from her skilled marksmanship abilities. But that smile soon faded when she focused on the miners running for their lives.


The young woman then started firing on the miners. She knew her father wouldn't be doing any of that slave work as he was there on very official business, but nonetheless, he would be killed just like the rest of them if she didn't get to him first. Amy slowly went along the wall of the cargo bay until she reached a small door, then quickly stepped inside the dark room before closing the door behind her. The lights flickered on at her presence, definitely motion-activated, and she found herself to be in long and narrow hallway. Amy went in the direction which would take her further into the station, hoping that no one from her squad would notice her sudden absence.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Revenant Shuttle bay: Prior to deployment

Benny instinctively ducked down when the shot from Arex's pistol rang off. Taking a moment to compose himself, he saw the cyborg threatening their new member who claimed to have been a medic trying to get a proper scan on them. "No offence Benny, but I'm not shuttling there with you and all your grenades. That one is yours." Arex, then commented as he pointed to Shuttle 2. "Tha's rich, comin' from the guy who shot speakers as if their mornin' coffee got pissed on. Grenades dinnae pop until I pull tha' pins. Your shots coulda' ricocheted around the room and hit anyone if they dinnae get embedded in tha' walls." Benny retorted.

Before things could escalate too far however, Stryker, their "leader" came down to try and defuse the situation with a pep-talk. "WHAT IN ALL THAT SHINES IN THE FUCKING 'VERSE ARE YOU ALL DOING DOWN HERE?" Stryker exclaimed as he arrived, before later lowering his voice to something more akin to a sports coach, telling them that they can either form bonds or beat the shit out of each other between missions; whichever made them feel better until they got their chance to get revenge on the Alliance. Heh... He sure knows how to appeal to common hatred. Maybe we're not screwed with him in charge after all Benny thought as he crossed his arms and leaned against a wall for the duration of Stryker's speech. He was then ordered to go into Shuttle 1 as Shuttle 2 was going to have its air purged. "Looks like yer orders ain't bein' followed today." He said with a chuckle as he turned to Arex. "Don' worry, I ain't gon' blow up our vehicle in space unless I have a way out." Benny said, turning to Arex as he chuckled a bit. Afterwards he loaded onto Shuttle 1 and did one last check on his gear as they prepared to deploy.

Shuttle 1: Approach to Helsin Mining Station

Their ship flew silently across space as their colleagues attempted to make contact with the station to try and trick them into letting them board peacefully. Halfway through the conversation it was clear that the station wasn't buying into any of it. "Ahhh, good ol' Helsin Mining Corp... You won't find more paranoid workers anywhere!" Benny said to no one in particular when they were told that they were going in loud. Through the viewports of the shuttle, they caught glimpses of the Revenant firing upon the mining station and its planetcracker to disable it and clear the way for their landing.

Benny caught sight of the Revenant's guns blasting apart the mining station's shuttle entrance, clearing out almost everything in the immediate vicinity. "Wow! I wonder if some poor sods were unlucky enough ta' be caught in that blaze. I wonder if the rest o' them will still feel so lucky once they meet us." Benny exclaimed as he turned towards his team. As the shuttle got closer to the entrance he pulled out his BR7, loaded a magazine inside and prepared to come out guns blazing.

Helsin Mining Station: Strike Team Landing zone

Once the doors of the shuttle opened, the team wasted no time in getting to work. Miners ran for their lives as the men and women of the Revenant's crew began killing everything that moved. Maverick Grayson, their sniper and arms master, took several shots at the groups of fleeing miners to alert them of their direction. Benny fired a few bursts of rounds from his rifle into the groups of fleeing miners before priming one of his cluster grenades and tossing it into a group nearing one of the doors.

The cluster grenade exploded in mid-air as tiny frag bombs scattered across the area, and shattered into shrapnel that made short work of several unarmored workers as cuts began appearing all over their bodies as they collapsed onto the floor. Some were bleeding out, while others died outright as critical organs were ruptured by all the metal bits blown into them.

Suddenly, their comms came to life as Grayson spoke to them. "Ladies and gents, may I spare your attention for just a moment? Your first course for the evening comes courtesy of.. I wanna say.... Quasar Cybernetics, they have that look anyway. We have 12 Security bots armed with automatic laser weaponry, to amateurs, I would say rest in peace. To you crazy sons of bitches, I say 'Bon appetit'... also I call dibs on the first one" The sniper said as he began firing at one of the mechs, destroying it with impressive accuracy. Soon however, laserfire began flying towards them, Benny dashed behind a slightly charred shipping container and leaned against it as he pulled up Skelly's Skeleton Key holographic display.

Lataniva seemed disinterested however. ‘Tsk. Robots. They are not even alive. No instincts to assist them. Their kind could never hit me. They do not interest me.’ She said outright as she charged forward with a halberd. Benny didn't think this was the most efficient way to deal with the problem, but he wasn't about to stop her. He turned back towards the holographic display.

The display showed the different electrical systems that Skelly could connect to. Benny set the filters to show only combat drones, and the remaining combat drones still functional were shown on his display, though a couple quickly went offline thanks to the handiwork of the rest of the team.

Okay, okay. Quasar cybernetics makes powerful combat models, but the software is fairly simple. Though they have potent antivirus systems that can quickly correct bugs and purge viruses. Still suscpetible to short-term malfunction however during the cleanup process... And the cleanup process can be made longer if they have to sift through extra junk... Benny thought as he quickly began encoding a virus that would scramble their IFF's to reverse the friend and foe designations. He used a virus template that he had saved from before and quickly modified a few lines of code to work properly on Quasar models, and added several gigabytes of junk data to distract the antivirus software. With that, he selected a couple targets from the display. Will take too long if I send to too many at once, the antivirus software would clean and purge it before it takes effect. Sending it into two mechs would let them do some damage before their system gets cleaned. Should have at least 48 seconds of effectiveness Benny thought. He looked over the displayed locations of the drones, and selected the two furthest back as he uploaded the virus into their systems.

Benny activated his comm unit and spoke. "Boomer here. I sent a virus to tha' two drones in the back o' their lines. Try not to shoot them for the next 48 seconds so they can kill some o' their friends until the virus wears off" Benny announced as he took a quick peek over his box cover, fired a 5-round burst into the nearest combat drone to damage its head, potentially frying its optics as it sparked and twitched, and took cover before the robot could return fire.

Then the hologram on Skelly notified him the upload was complete, and sure enough he noticed a slight decrease in the amount of laser fire coming their way as he heard drones getting hit lasers further away than the ones his allies were shooting.

"I sure as Hell hope the fun's just starting! We haven't even caused any REAL damage yet!" Benny exclaimed loudly as he waited for another gap in laserfire to begin shooting his rifle again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Jack, or was it Arex?

Location: The Revenant.
Interacting with:

Besides flashing a faint smirk at Benny's words Arex sat silently brooding for the duration of the trip, caught up in his own distant thoughts. He paid little focus to what was going on outside and was very slow to move after their landing.
Eventually he casually waltzed out of the shuttle and onto the battlefield whistling a spritely tune. With only one pistol in hand he spun the gun around his finger as he nonchalantly strolled behind the others, showing far less enthusiasm or devotion to the task at hand.
He watched as his crew eagerly took to slaughter.
"Forgot to use the little boys room before we left, I'll be back soon." he sarcasticly and blatantly lies as he heads off to a side door leading into a long hallway. (@Xandrya Shadowing Amy)

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 14 days ago

When she carefully rounded the corner, her pistol aimed straight ahead, Amy sighed with disappointment as she relaxed her posture. She knew she had limited time to find her father before she'd have to get back to the others, but all these empty hallways would just make the search that much longer than it had to be.

Amy continued down the hall, this time at a quicker pace than before. She was still being vigilant, and that's when she heard footsteps from somewhere behind her. She slowed down just enough to not be noticed, then quickly whipped around.

"Don't fucking move!"

Her voice echoed of the walls, and even though it took her a few seconds, she recognized his silhouette...

"Arex? What are you doing here?"

@Dark Light
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tibulus was busy piloting the ship with everything that's going on. The quick assault on the Planet Cracker was with no time to waste, as he sped past it and lowered the door to the cargo bay, having the doorway open for everyone to assault the cracker. He spoke over the intercom as this happened, his voice booming around the ship with the rumble of... well... a surprising sense of calm perspiring around his tone. The skeletal pilot of the cargo ship began steering the ship to portside as the gunnery crew could unleash their torrents of laser-powered spice at the drill, and he brought the ship around again for the crew on the opposite side in order to allow the most damage onto the rig. Tibulus remained vigilant as he piloted the Revenant, not responding to anyone as he flew it through the cold vacuum of space.

The small robotics kit was in a good construction, as a small fan was busy blowing onto Tibulus' forehead while he did all this.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago


"I could ask you the same!" he shoots back boldly and sternly, but not without slowing his steps and slightly raising his empty hands. He continues to stare intently at her with an accusatory glare, almost scolding her like a parent that patiently awaits a confession they already know.

He wasn't sure if Amy could even see his facial expression right now but she certainly had some form of vision, and it was good enough to distinguish himself from everyone else. Not that it surprised him the in the slightest.

"Well?" he asks, pushing her for answers as he lowers his hands and begins closing the distance between them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 14 days ago

Amy lowered her weapon, but didn't put it away as she left it dangling by her side.

"You scared the hell out of me, you know that?" she replied, trying to ease the tension between the two of them as she unconsciously took a step back. "I went after one of the workers who slipped through the door. He thought he could get away, and he obviously succeeded." She sighed, looking behind her. "If you want we can split up and go after him, or I can resume the hunt by myself."

She hoped that by giving him two options to choose from, Arex would either leave her alone or go off on his own to search for a ghost.

@Dark Light
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