Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Well the 'battle' unfolded like it was expected. Mass confusion on hte rioters' side, mass death, it was basically a genocide really. Botler fire and grenades tore through the lightly to no armored heretics and soon everything was tured into a nice paste of bone, flesh and blood everywhere. Vala was impressed actually, she had seen such scenes in the past, but usually in tightly cramped corridors on ships. To see it on the ground in the open was a whole different kind of experience. She salso supposed it was partly because on ships the targets were usually at least armored to some extend... Anyhow it appeared there were some stragglers who tried to run before they were reached by the decimation that unfolded.

One of htose was taken down quickly by Andromedai. That said, another silent shot also happened when Vala also fired at another self proclaimed runner of the carnage. Her solid slug projectile silently tore through the air, impacting at the back of hte head on her target. The effect was instantaneous as his face was basically blow away, leaving a huge hole through his entire head. The second shot she fired was at another one's leg, creating a bloody mess where his knee should have been. He wasn't dead, but probably was going to be if he wasn't treated soon. Still she had anothe reason why she didn't kill him." I secured a target for interogation. Someone can go fetch him... before he bleedouts." She stated with a shrug, firing at another fleeing rebel.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Adrianne surveyed the scene.

Or rather, the total chaos all around. She could see blood splatters, limbs and body parts everywhere. Most of the cultists, either panicked or confused, were running around without a plan, trying to get to cover as they were mercilessly picked off by the supportive fire.

It was a macabre scene, but that was but a small speck of what Adrianne truly felt behind her skeletal mask. Within the carnage and violence of the scene, she could feel the warp all around; the thin veil of fabric separating the materium from the mad realm of the warp weakening in all the bloodshed and chaos. The tear imbued with the primal human emotions for the cultists themselves, and the hatred carried by those whom gunned them down.

Adrianne took a step forward, not concerned by the cultists as they scrambled all around; too busy to pay her any heed.

She raised one hand up, deepening her consciousness as she attempted to touch that which no mortal mind should be able to. Reaching into the immaterium, she began to sense the currents flowing around her, a process that allowed her to feel the raw emotion and sensation of the moment. Though she could not see him, she sensed a terrified man huddled behind a heavy steel container 10ft to her right. Another man who had participated in the uprising was lying another 15ft to the left, shot but not dead; stunned; and though he did not scream, Adrianne could feel the raw terror, confusion and pain all emanating from his still body as his mind tried to make sense of it all. These emotions as well as their hosts meant little however, beyond their purpose as conduits to the warp. They were like flickering torches in a dark cave, burning bright for a moment, illuminating the way, before finally giving away, and dying forever.

Twisting her hand, Adrianne began to tear in the web of power and emotion, suddenly causing a sickening sensation to flow out across the entire yard.

Harold could sense it the most, as if parts of his body suddenly went on to live their own lives, like an arm suddenly feeling icy cold, whilst an ear felt hot like coal. As if his guts were moving, and his perception and balance were occasionally tilted, as if an unnatural presence had invaded his mind! It could be felt by the cultists as well. Adrianne spied in the corner of her eyes one of the cultists, hiding behind cover with a stubgun, looking at her with an expression of utter confusion as she simply walked around the battlefield as if she was in a different world, before he suddenly clutched his forehead as the sensation reached him, leaning to his left as the sickening feeling took hold.

Adrianne, so focused on her scrying, continued to twist her hand, sending out ever more unnatural waves of emotion, before she finally stopped; her eyes widening for a moment behind her mask, before suddenly narrowing on a fortified vehicle bay on the other side of the yard.

"I think I have found our anomaly." She suddenly spoke on her intercom, moving a finger up to touch the side of her helmet.
"I can feel an agent in the warp over at the old Vehicle Bay, an anomaly. I do not know what it is, but it may be feeding on on the nexus of emotions we have created."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 15 days ago

An unnatural silence now fell upon the warehouse and the immediate area surrounding it. The oppressive force that had appeared a few short moments ago now grew in strength, reaching out to each member of the retinue. Disembodied whispers that spoke in an unknown language came through their com’s, an old but still unwelcomed side effect when the walls of the warp were weak around the living.

“Forget the wounded cultist, we have a serious problem on our hands.” said Andromedai through her com, hoping the rest of the retinue could hear her over the foreboding whispers. With her left hand, she motioned for everyone to form a circle around Adrianne and hold their position while staying on guard. “Stand your ground, something is about to show itself to us.” Adjusting her scope to medium to long range target acquisition, Andromedai readied herself for combat.

“Adrianne, you said you can sense an anomaly coming from the old vehicle bay? Can you sense anything else perhaps more hostiles or an unseen threat?” asked Solares.

As if on key, dark colors from the void erupted from the old vehicle bay, forming a tornado of color and energy that overtook the building before ripping it into small pieces of debris that disintegrated around the heart of the vortex. From the warp storm, a blast of physical energy traveled across the ground, violently knocking everyone off their feet and onto their backs.

For a moment, Andromedai laid upon the ground before quickly standing up and grabbing onto her modified bolter, pointing it at the newcomers. “Open fire!” yelled Andromedai before pulling the trigger to her weapon. The rounds flew towards their target but then vanished as soon as they made contact with the agents of chaos, as if they were mere illusions.

The Chaos Space Marines broke formation and formed two blocks, allowing their leader to walk down the middle between them. Once he came to the front of his troops, he froze, making direct eye contact with each member of the retinue before speaking in a low, emotionless tone. “This is the best the Imperium of Man has to offer? They send a small squad of weak individuals to take on the might of Chaos? I will not lower myself to fight such worthless, pathetic foes. Soldiers of Chaos, eliminate these heretics and bring me their corpses, they may still prove useful.”

As soon as the nameless leader turned his back and vanished into the void, heavy automatic bolter-fire erupted from the Chaos Space Marines. The full number of rounds that flew at the retinue were impossible to dodge, but do to quick thinking and taking cover, the retinue was able to seek momentary shelter from the hail of hellfire inside of the warehouse after being hit only a few times.

Moving into a corner away from the entrance of the warehouse, Andromedai quickly gave orders through the helmets com. "This is Celestian Andromedai Morgenstern at Warehouse [313B] We have Chaos forces in the area and are under heavy fire, requesting immediate reinforcements at our position." The Celestian yelled into her com over the sound of gunfire before a voice responded back. "This is Sergeant Nickolaus of the Imperial Guard, we are the closest units to your position. Stay where you are, we will be there shortly with heavy armor."

Outside of the warehouse, the Rhino they had driven to the warehouse suddenly lurched forward a couple of feet as a rocket of some sort hit the weak armored rear of the vehicle. "Fall back, the Rhino has taken a rear hit from an anti-armor weapon and could explode any moment." yelled Solares as she dropped her jump-pack and started to flee to the other end of the warehouse. If the explosion was big enough, they had another problem on their hands, all the other explosives and flammables inside of the warehouse going off with a chain-reaction.

What the Chaos leader looks like:
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Ansgar, being braced as he was on the roof, was able to keep his footing and weather the wave of energy that erupted from the vehicle bay. Of course, those Emperor damned Traitor Marines came marching forward, things straight out of his nightmares. Nothing was ever easy for a Krieger, was it? Ansgar watched, from above, as the fire forced the retinue to take cover, smart, the Arbite's shield wouldn't have stopped those rounds. But he had to assume they weren't familiar with anti marine tactics. Usually? Vehicles and artillery, but they had neither right now. They did have some anti tank weapons, and the Marines were no doubt expecting the retinue to have nothing that could put those power armored traitors down. Surprise surprise, then, the Krieger considered, snapping on his vox to the rest of the retinue, the familiar role of squad leader already kicking in. He had to get the group organized, assuming they weren't due to the sudden arrival of Marines, before they casually marched in and slaughtered the lot of them. The closer those bolters got, the worse it would be.

"Assuming command! Psyker, vortex right between them and the Rhino, it'll pull them towards it as well as the Rhino towards them. Everyone cover her with anti tank weapons, if available, then free fire. If possible, aim for the joints, eye pieces, vents, anywhere that isn't plated. If not possible, as stated, anti tank grade weapons. Krak Grenades, that pseudo las cannon of yours, anything. If none of these are viable, aim for the eyes, the joints, anything to slow them down. Ma'am, bolter fire on the closest, working backwards, watch for more rockets." To accentuate his point, he launched a Krak grenade from his launcher straight for the nearest Marine, center mass, ducking down from the retaliatory bolter fire. He'd seen Krak grenades, weapons designed to, well, crack open tanks put down Traitor marines before. Sure, they were tough, but they weren't invincible. Concentrated fire, or enough anti tank rounds, could slow them long enough to get the help. Was it a risk to have the pysker open a Vortex right after the gateway was opened? Certainly, but they had to play that game right now, anything to slow those damn Traitors down.

Currently the odds were not so much against them, as it was they wouldn't last until the Guard reinforcements arrived. Using his old knowledge of Guard vox communications, he tapped into the Guard line that had been used to respond to the Celestian's call for help, firing off another grenade and ducking from the return salvo, the roof looking increasingly dangerous to remain on. They couldn't afford the loss of cover from above though, so he would keep braving the fire for as long as possible. He wasn't communicating with the Guard, rather, he was tracking the city wide situation, so he could be aware of what kind of situation they would be dealing with after this. Until something changed, he would remain on the roof, popping up, firing off a krak grenade at the nearest marine, and ducking down again, praying to the Emperor that the rest of the retinue listened. He couldn't assume they had faced off with Traitor Marines before, so he had dispatched the orders as fast and clearly as possible.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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"Such raw power!"

Adrianne thought as she got instinctively back onto her feet, the voices of the situation, their shuffling of her own equipment against the ground, and the ensuing bolter fire all muffled by a choir of voices that now assaulted the back of her mind.

"Kill them. Kill them all!"

"Charr their flesh from their bones! Feed their souls to the warp!"

She could feel a surge of energy flow throughout her entire being, an extreme sensation of being alive! Her eyes were wide open, her limbs were as light as feathers, and it felt as if she was walking in a dream! The warp was open to her, and she felt its empowering presence throughout her entire body!

"Psyker, vortex right between them and the Rhino, it'll pull them towards it as well as the Rhino towards them. Everyone cover her with anti tank weapons, if ava... "

"Kill the lowly guardsman. Devour his pathetic heart!"

She heard Ansgar's voice from off to the side, albeit muffled and distorted by the multitude of voices currently filling the air around her; most of them sounding more like unintelligible mumbling and indecipherable rambling in a forgotten tongue. It was in this moment that her attention fell on the advancing ranks of Chaos Space Marines.

"They are your dear brothers. Show your compassion and skin their hides!"

Normally, she should have been afraid. Very afraid. To witness the fallen promise of mankind in all their debased and spoiled vainglory.

Yet the sight of them didn't phase her, barely recognized by her as she felt the overwhelming sensation of the warp that seemingly threatened to block all of her senses. It was as if her mind was in a different place, her conscience adrift as she experienced every moment as if watched through a screen.

"I see their souls!"

" ... and they shall belong to you... "

Adrianne replied over the radio, as she suddenly threw an arm forward and clenched her fist, tossing it aside! Less than a hundred feet outside of the warehouse, one of the stacked cargo containers lying in the field would suddenly begin to lurch, before being tossed off its pile with a loud metallic screech to land flat in front of the chaos space marines with a heavy metal crash, blocking the Chaos Marine's line of sight to the lower sections of the warehouse!

With the obstruction blocking their immediate sight, Adrianne held out her staff and slammed the butt of it into the ground - resulting in the air all around them suddenly going completely silent, filled with static electricity.
Every muscle fiber in Adrianne's body was threatening to burst with excitement, the raw, uncontained power radiating from the warp rift flowing through her body like a conduit! The eye sockets of her mask were glowing with radiant purple light, like two gems in the darkest of night!

"I will send them back to the warp - in pieces!" Adrianne shouted, her voice distorted and echoing as she begun her ritual!

Out in the loading area in front of the warehouse, in the middle of the containers, trashed Rhino and advancing Chaos Marines, the wind suddenly changed direction as a blue whirl began to form in less than four feet of the ground; starting off as little more than a tiny whirlwind but rapidly picking up its pace as it started to pick up first small pieces of trash and random posters, but soon began to push over heavy fuel barrels and even made some of the containers groan!

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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The next minute of real time was taxing to Herold's body and soul, doing his best to grit through it without losing his sanity. The Psyker's ability seemed to take a hold of his body's nerves, making him feel as if something was squirming through his system. He grunted, doing his best to back away, as well as doing his best to not shoot the woman. He knew he could end this sorcery with one shell, but he had to keep himself from indulging in such an action.

Thankfully he did, for the Legions of Hell showing next were very much not welcome and they'd need all the help they could get. He'd faced Xenos before, but he'd only heard of the traitor legions. He hoped they'd go down with a well placed shotgun shell, and he did his best to guard his flank with his Combat shield as the others retreated into the bunker. He skidded into the relative cover and holstered his Shock Maul, then realized he had a similar weapon to the Trooper up top.

He too fitted Krak Grenades in his Launcher, fitting six of them into the it and hefted the barrel of the gun toward the Chaos Marines swarming about the recently fallen Rhino. As usual, he gritted his teeth to ignore whatever foul powers the Psyker was enacting, and he sent a volley of Krak grenades, round after round, at the largest mass of Traitor marines. "Enemies of the Emperor deserve the death we shall bring them!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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"DAMN!" Vala shouted as she got low for additional cover from the rain of bolter fire. In differance from some of the others, she was still using the garage walls as cover so all she really could do to make things better was crouch down and lessen her target area. It worked, she got away with just a few scratches of her armor from flying debry. The garage wall protected her from the blunt of the bolter fire. She quickly aimed around hte corner and started to fire rapidly her rifle at the chaos marines. Power armor was not something ordinary weapons could cope with, but luckily for her, the gauss rifle she used was extremely high powered and the ammo she fired was high density metals. each of these thigns would tear giant holes in unarmored targets, but against space marines it would probably make dents in the armor, but still feel like being hit by a hammer. Unless you fired at the helmets that were the weakest part of the whole armor as always. She aimed and fired her shots with precision, at least until the crazy psyker decided to use her warp shaenanigans. Which sadly rendered her rifle not really useful as the wind distored the trajectory of her fire. Instead she lightningly fast pulled her modified las pistol and started aiming carefully at the guns of the chaos marines.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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"They think to hide behind metal boxes?!"

"Fools! Destroy their petty hideout!"

Sounded the metallic, slightly distorted voices of the chaos space marines as rather than trying to walk around the heavy metal cargo container in their path, they resorted to simply shooting it up instead - a missile fired from one of the chaos space marines carrying a launcher penetrating the container and tearing it apart from the inside as it would a tank, the two warped metal halves throw aside as thousands of chandeliers rained out from inside the cargo container in the loud explosion, barely masking the manic laughter and gunfire from the advancing ranks of Chaos Space Marines.

The path to the warehouse was now clear, the only obstacle blown away, but the container had by now served its purpose, as Adrianne could feel the power coursing through her body was ready to be manifested entirely!

"To oblivion with you all!"

She shouted out from behind her skull mask, suddenly sweeping her staff across in a wide horizontal swipe as the air across the loading area became still for a moment, before finally, a whirling, gaping black hole would suddenly appear a few feet to the right of the chaos space marines, rapidly pulling in everything around it! Two of the nearby metal containers tilted and slid with a metallic screeching noise towards the swirling vortex, before being pulled into it, the massive containers suddenly being crumpled like paper as they were compressed and squeezed together until they were no larger than a pea before disappearing into the consuming vortex, gone entirely!

The chaos space marines were quick to react, quickly reaching down and trying to hunker down as best they could as they within the pull area of the vortex. Whereas any normal human would have been immediately swept off their feet, their supernatural beings and heavy armor allowed them to stay put, for now, although some of them had to relinquish their bolters and weapons to avoid being pulled into the vortex; the weapons in question being pulled in and much like the containers before them, atomized and consumed by the swirling vortex! One of the chaos Space marines wielding a large, heavy bolter found his footing slip, growling furiously as he found his own heavy frame sliding towards the vortex!

Adrianne slumped back, having released the terrifying eldritch might, and now feeling every fiber of her being pulsating with exertion as if she had just finished a brutal marathon!
But the Psyker refused to fall back until she had reached forward, a purple ray of lightning shooting out from her hand and hitting the Havoc marine in his shoulder; failing to penetrate his heavy, cursed armor but pushing him enough for the chaos marine to completely lose his footing and be pulled into the vortex, a hateful cry of fury barely audible before the marine was utterly destroyed and obliterated by the vortex!

As various cries of hate and even laughter escaped from the Chaos Marines as they were trying to pull themselves away from the Vortex and reform their ranks, Adrianne found herself walking backwards in a staggered form, barely keeping herself from tripping over her own feet as she walked back into the warehouse, passing the entrance and slumping against the side of one of the heavy stone walls.

"That was, even more fun than I care to admit." She let out an exhausted chuckle from behind her helmet, her voice hoarse and feeling a trickle of warm blood seep down from her nose inside of her helmet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 15 days ago

Both Andromedai and Solares hunkered down a safe distance away from the Psykers vortex, observing the powers of the warp betray the Chaos Space Marines and wreck havoc upon anything that was close enough to be affected by its pull. The swirelling vortex reached out with bolts of violet lightning in random succession, filling the air around it with an electrical energy unlike normal thunder and lightning. One of the Chaos Space Marines that carried a large, heavy bolter found himself pulled towards the middle of the vortex and quickly lost his footing upon the ground once Adrianne struck him with a ray of lightning. The Chaos Space Marine struggled against the forces of the vortex was was losing the fight and in a moment, would disintegrate at a molecular level.

Seemingly unaffected by the pull of the vortex, Adrianne staggered back into the warehouse, almost tripping over her own feet before slumping against one of the heavy stone walls where she remained for the time being. Solares quickly dropped her jump-pack and made her way over to the Psyker's side, taking a knee and inquiring if she needed assistance. "Are you alright, Psyker? they did not manage to shoot you, did they?" asked Solares, quickly but closely looking over the woman for any injuries. At this same time, the vortex had faded away, leaving carnage and debris in its wake, though the Chaos Space Marines still remained, in number and force.

Moving into better cover a little bit further into the Warehouse, Andromedai prepped her heavily modified bolter and aimed down its holographic site, ready to fire the moment they Chaos Space Marines showed themselves once more. "Take positions and do not let them take this warehouse, there's more usefull items than weapons in here." said Andromedai. Within a couple seconds, a few Chaos Space Marines turned the corner and entered the warehouse before heavy bolter fire erupted from Andromedai's weapon, striking critical spots upon the hostiles. Then, as if a wave upon the ocean, their forces breached the front of the warehouse and started to rush carelessly into gunfire.

"Hold your ground!" yelled Andromedai as she loaded another clip into her heavily modified bolter, then fired upon the hostiles once more. It seemed that the overwhelming force of the Chaos Space Marines would end their undoing, untill a number of explosions erupted from in front of them, sending gore and debris flying in every direction. Another round of explosions would shake the ground and rain viscera down upon the area. "Hellhammer at the ready, fire." the voice of the Imperial guard came through everyone's coms before the earth beneath their feet shook once more, almost knocking Andromedai and Solares onto their backs. Once the smoke, debris and gore settled around them, no living Chaos Space Marines remained. Large craters outside of the warehouse were now smoldering with glowing embers inside of them.

"There's your fire support Celestian Andromedai, the whole district is being overrun with legions of traitors from the forces of Chaos. We recommend that you board our Hellhammer and ride with us to the main source of the invasion." Andromedai looked around the warehouse and noticed that besides the large amount of bolter fire, the warehouse was in great shape. More importantly, her squad seemed to be the same, at least everyone but the Psyker. "Your assistance is most appreciated, guardsmen." Andromedai would pause for a moment before checking her weapons and thinking about their next move. "Solares, assist Psyker Adrianne in anyway she may need, the rest of you board the Hellhammer immediately." said Andromedai, slowly standing up and ensuring she had not taken any rounds to anywhere important.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

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Herold fell back into the Warehouse, taking up a position behind mounds of crates that he made sure were not explosives or ammunition. He'd be damned if a heretic, be they Space Marine or not, would kill him by simply firing at his cover. As he positioned behind that, he hefted his grenade launcher, fully reloaded with six Krak Grenades. He felt more comfortable using them against the Power Armor of the Chaos Marines. His fired round after round, the grenades making their signature 'krak' explosions, akin to their namesake.

By the Emperor, they moved quickly in their bulky armor! Still, four out of his six shots hit their mark, more or less, sending Space Marines back heavily wounded if not dead. He hoped the latter, though it was hard to tell with the smoke and fire going around him. He hastily reloaded his Grenade Launcher, now putting Frags in there. They'd do damage if nothing else, and began to play the role of the team's artillery, dispersing the Marines and wounding them where he could.

It was over before he knew it, and even the hardened Arbites was sweating and shaking by the end of it. The fallen Angels of the Emperor were a hard thing to aim at, much less fight. He thanked the Emperor for that Hellhammer fire. Herold wiped the perspiration at his brow, and formed up as the smoke began to clear. "Arbites at the ready," he replied. He dropped his Grenade Launcher, for the weapon had been damaged in the fight by some measure. Instead he grabbed a Plasma Rifle next as he entered the Hellhammer.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Ansgar snarled, slam firing grenades from his grenade launcher, in spiteful defiance to the increasing volume of fire from the traitor marines. If the Emperor demanded his life, he would not be found wanting. He would die, spiting the enemies of man, stalling them long enough for the help of his fellow Guard to arrive. He had been braced well against the pull of the warp, having often seen such things open as weapons against him and his allies. As soon as the vortex faded, he was up again, raining grenades down upon the hostile Traitor Marines. Let them come, let them come and see the absolute wrath of the Emperor's hammer. They will find themselves surrounded and drowned in the death they so crave to distribute, swamped in their own faltering and death. Thankful for the mask that hid his visage, even the look in his eyes from such a distance, or that hateful snarl would have been apparent to all who gazed upon his face. What he felt towards the Traitor marines was something beyond hate or fear. It was a loathing, for such beings, those that betrayed their oaths and plunged a unified Imperium into infighting and disorder. Perhaps it was from his experience in war, or perhaps it was from his lineage as a Krieger, but regardless, it was not a healthy level of hate.

The ever so familiar sound of weapons fire from Guard vehicles was a welcome boon indeed, watching the remaining Traitor Marines getting slaughtered by the familiar sound of superior firepower. He always appreciated the arrival of friendly tanks and armor, they brought the kind of firepower that, at best, required the kind of crew served, multiple Guardsmen approaches to manning, that their arrival via vehicle mountings were far better and preferred to crew served weapons, as vital and welcome as they often proved to be. With the smoke clearing, leaving the traitors dead, the Krieger stood up, reloading the grenade launcher, now intimately familiar, before slinging the weapon to make his way down the ladder off the roof. His movements were sure and quick, despite the fact that it was often a harrowing experience facing the traitor Marines. He had been there before, so facing them again was an oddly familiar thing. Hence his experience and surety of his orders when combat was met, and Marines confirmed as traitors, alongside tactics for fighting them.

Reaching the ground floor of the warehouse, Ansgar would unsling his hellgun, making sure it was charged from the backpack unit, started making his way towards the exit of the before stopping by the psyker. As much as he had his life made difficult by the powers of the warp, he didn't overlook how it had played a vital role in their survival here. "Good work out there, ma'am. Kept us alive, long enough for help to arrive. I can handle things here, if it pleases you Sister." They had all played their roles, but it had taken the vortex to slow and disrupt the Marines long enough to keep them from being overrun before help arrived from the local Guard regiments. Though he resisted the urge to, he wanted to point out and claim that he had predicted that this city was not ready for open war. It lacked any sort of serious ability to defend and retaliate against such sudden assault from all directions. He was aware of the fact that tending to psykers was not often a job of the Sisters of Battle, and often fell upon the men of the Guard, while normally Commissars, yet that duty could find itself in the hands of veteran or experienced guardsmen, handlers that could fight as hard as the psyker, often times harder if not for the powers of the warp. The lead sister's orders had sounded like a assignment of handling, so he offered an alternative, someone far more familiar with the dangers of the warp than the Sister assigned.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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"Heh... t´was nothing but the normal exertion that comes with tearing a small hole in the materium."

Adrianne chuckled with a tired tone as she nodded towards Solares, slowly staggering as she stood back up.

However, as she looked at the rest, Adrianne had to admit that she felt genuinely surprised to see what might be interpreted as concern from the Sisters of Battle. Not the usual concern that she; Adrianne herself; might suddenly and violently turn into a rift in the warp and a gateway for deamons, but that she as the person might be injured!

To say the least; it caught Adrianne off guard; causing her to stand still and simply watch them for a moment, the surprise on her face only hidden by her skull mask.

"But... thanks."

For a moment, she felt a little light headed; which she allowed herself to believe that, even for just a moment, perhaps it was because of the new treatment. But in most actuality, it was from her recent physical and mental exertion.

Feared, despised; or both. Those were usually the two attitudes that characterised her interaction with the ´normal´ people of the Imperium. At best, people who knew her powers simply feared her, staying a respectful distance away from her as if she was if she was simply a dangerous natural phenomenon or storm; at at worst, people despised her, but usually feared her too much to do anything about it.

"These are strange times indeed, Adrianne... "

"We all serve to protect the Emperor and his Imperium in our duty, and those who share in that duty will also always warrant our protection.

Nodding towards the guardsman and his comment, Adrianne suddenly noticed the small questions arising between Ansgar and the sisters. As odd; and perhaps even as fun; it was to see others vie for her well-being, Adrianne decided to step in; raising an armored glove to look at them.

"I am fine, but thank you all. I am tired but unharmed; I need but some water and a nutrient bar before our next move." She said with a reassuring and lighter tone(or as light as it could sound through the metallic voice box on her skull helmet), before adding with some dark humour at the end.
"If one of the traitor's bolter weapons had breached my defences, I doubt there would remain much to patch up anyway, heh."

Although her body ached and there was a painful but slowly diminishing throb in her brain, Adrianne knew she was otherwise fine. She had exerted herself physically and mentally, but fortunately; or perhaps because of her exertion; she had remained unharmed in the end!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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"Haaa..." Vala let out a deep breath as she felt a little relieve from the fact heretic forces were dealt with, courtesy to the heavy support that arrived. Things went well, considering they were not sufficiently prepared for this. She for once didn't carry weaponry heavy enough to take down chaos space marines. Her rifle could in theory take down one, but given the amount of enemies present it was not likely only the squad alone had enough firepower to take them down all.

The psyker did well, she had to admit, but that didn't mean she liked her attitude any. Still having someone with such powers was quite the boon. Back in her mercenary days, she only had very few occassions when she fought side by side with psyker of such great powers. Didn't like the personality of that one either. Maybe it was innate thing? She really needed to finish her new weapon in case she was going to fight more chaos space marines.

When the order was given to board the transport, she quickly obliged and got on without sayign much and then reloaded her rifle.
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