Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Luna Marionette

Luna ‘s attention returned to Alicia as she turned to face her, she felt her mouth curve into a lopsided smile one that allowed a sharp canine to peak out from under her top lip, though she had forgotten her friend’s tendencies. She looked taken aback and stiffened a little as Alicia pulled her into a tight yet friendly hug; with a somewhat awkward expression she returned it as best as she could...Luna wasn’t exactly the ‘hugging’ type. She was actually pleased at how happy Alicia seemed to be to see her! It was a completely new response to her presence... “Very well thank you” Luna answered lightly once Alicia had released her, she kept a smile on her lips as Alicia looked between her and Rory. “What about you?” Luna asked, whilst Alicia was looking at her...she looked like she was thinking over something before she announced they should all hang out tonight. She raised a questioning eyebrow at Alicia, why tonight...what was wrong with right now? She didn’t question Alicia however, just nodded in agreement, finally relaxing out of her smile when Alicia turned back to Naka, she took note that she had also forgotten Alicia's smiling was rather infectious.

Luna took the opportunity to steal a glance at Rory as she greeted her; she offered a smile though it faded into a smirk at Rory’s light statement. “Thanks, a change was needed” Luna thanked her she was toying with the idea of saying more but Rory’s attention had returned to Naka...without giving it much thought, Luna set Naka with a scrutinizing gaze trying to judge how bad the damage was, her eyes lingering a moment on Naka’s busted lip she could detect the sharp metallic scent of blood on the air, a slight yellow hue circled her chocolate eyes. She looked away as Naka spoke to Rory, content with being in the background of this situation, she had no interest in getting involved and something told her Naka wasn’t in the mood to be trifled with and Luna wasn’t very good at holding her tongue. She turned her attention back to Alicia with little difficulty eager to spark up some conversation. “So Alicia, did you get up to much over the break?” Luna asked her, catching Rory look back at them her eyes drifted up catching the wave to follow she nodded at Rory moving around Alicia to follow, making sure to stay even with Alicia if she followed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aetherian


Member Offline since relaunch

Sora stood in the corner, quietly contemplating the people before her. She was more of an observer than a socializer, and the darkness was where she felt most comfortable. She shifted slightly, and her form, which had melted slightly into the shadows, sharpened. She frowned. It was rather bothersome to disappear all the time. She supposed that she'd learn to control her ability eventually, but until then, she'd just have to put up with it. Such was life.

She brushed a strand of blonde hair out of her eyes. That was the natural colour of her hair, but she'd dyed half of it black. That was part of her acceptance of her newfound abilities. It had taken some adjustment. She'd always liked being alone, but she'd never wanted to disappear. However, now disappearing was unavoidable, and she was alright with that. For the most part, anyways.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DizzyIsabella
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DizzyIsabella She's a kind heart - but that mouth..

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Izzy and X Collab

Francesca didn't look back for a second once she turned her back on her elder brother, Alexander, she didn't care what he had to say, nor his opinion. Her lungs sucked in a deep breath as she tugged her carry-on luggage strap over her shoulder, and departed through the gate towards the plane that would take her away from the smothering grasp of the life her parent's had built for her. Escapism was a beautiful thing, and for once, she was allowing herself to run.
Three Days Later

The last time Frankie had stepped foot into a new school, she was 14, terrified, and her stomach felt like butterflies were tying knots within it. She was about to be thrown into a whirlwind of discipline, and rules, and regulations, something she had never had enforced very strictly. She hadn't belonged there. This was different. As soon as she slammed the cab door behind her, her feet planted firmly on the floor, an overwhelming sense of calm spread over her, her stomach settling instantly. It was an unusual feeling for her, calmness, belonging. Her teeth nibbled at her lower lip a little, a usual action for her when she was nervous, or preparing, and she reached to the latch on the gate, pushing it open, the soft squeak signalling a new beginning.

As soon as she stepped into the courtyard, she was met with a buzz of activity, most seeming to head into some kind of dining hall off to the left. She knew she was late, but she'd been told to arrive around lunchtime, the headmistress not wanting to overwhelm her on her first day. With her sensitivity to emotion, it was often too overwhelming to be thrown into a new social situation where she would feel so intune with everyone else. Student chatted, or even played around a little with their powers in the lawn area before her. A smile curled over her lips, and she spotted a sign signposting the office. She supposed that was where she should head.

Some stared at her as she made her way towards to office, she knew they may be wondering what her abilities were. She was nervous about that part, they weren't very offensive abilities, she couldn't throw fireballs, or teleport, but they were still useful. They must have been for someone from the academy to recommend her to the headmistress, although she had no idea who it was. She'd met a few mutants in her time. She pushed her way through the office door and made her way to what looked like a receptionist. Tucking a little hair behind her ear, she placed her arms on the chest high reception desk. "Excuse me? I'm new? Frankie...Francesca Dubro? The headmistress should be expecting me."

"Hm" The woman looked up from her desk with pretty brown eyes and smiled with full lips. "Indeed I am" The woman got to her feet and offered her hand to the young girl. "Headmistress Katherine Pryde, nice to finally meet you in person Frankie. Our receptionist is currently eating lunch so I thought I'd sit here just in case we get any stragglers like yourself" Kitty smiled brightly as she shook the young mutants hand. "Leave your bags behind the desk and I'll have our caretaker send them up to your room. Come take a walk with me, I'm sure you have some questions"

As the hand was extended to her, Frankie reached to take it, their palms connecting. Frankie's mind was automatically met with a flood of memories, in brief snapshots, of the headmistresses day. Kissing her husband goodbye, making her way to the auditorium, greeting students, and lastly, her speech. Frankie smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you too, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get here, my parents weren't exactly willing to let me come." There was a slight sadness in the young mutants eyes, but she soon broke eye contact, reaching for her bags again and pushing them behind the desk, settling in sync with the headmistresses steps. "I'm sorry I missed the welcome this morning, your speech sounded good, from the small parts I heard. I try not to take memories when they're not offered, but it's something I have to work on. It's sort of an automatic thing."

"I wouldn't worry too much about it, Miss Dubro. There are many students here lik you who take things involuntarily. We can help you control that. It'll take time and effort, no doubt but we'll get you there" Kitty locked her fingers in front of her and across her torso as she and the young mutant walked out into the large gardens of the estate. "You're room is on the second floor of the west wing, your name is next to the door. Your roommate is Alicia Taylor, sweet girl. Your class schedule will be waiting for you in the room as well a sheet of our rules. Now that all the official stuff is out of the way, we can enjoy this beautiful day" The headmistress placed her hand on Frankie's shoulder. "Your friend Duncan highly recommended you for a place here"

"Duncan's here?!" Frankie didn't manage to mask the surprise in her voice, like she usually did, and her eyes noticeably lit up. "I had no idea. Duncan Spencer? You're sure?" The two had lost contact around six months after Frankie was suspended from her old Naval College, after he'd left the college himself. The two had been inseparable, and protected eachother through thick and thin. She was alot different back then, their friendship very platonic. She'd been a late bloomer, and only once she'd left the college had she really grown into her features. She wondered if he'd be able to recognise her. She seemed to orientate herself again, shaking her head and turning her attention back to the headmistress. "Sorry, I'm not calling you a liar."

"I understand, don't worry. It's funny how many people meet here that had some form of connection in the past" Kitty's little grin popped up again. "Mr Spencer started with us when we re-opened the school. Unique boy. Quite solitary, maybe having an old friend around will do him some good...oh, speak of the devil" The headmistress pointed across the garden to where the strong figure of Duncan was about to take a seat under a tree. "Go catch up with him, we can do a full orientation later"

"Are you sure? Thank you!" Frankie resisted the urge to hug the woman, and instead gave her a bright smile. "Does he know I'm coming? It's been almost a year since you contacted me. I suppose we're about to find out. Thank you for inviting me. It already kind of feels like home" She gave the woman another smile, before disappearing across the field. She could feel excitement raging around her body, from her sparkling blue eyes, down to her toes, but she tried not to rush, nor be noticed. Placing herself behind the figure of her old friend, she folded her arms and raised her eyebrows. "Your posture is absolutely bloody awful. Weren't we taught better than that?"

"People think that a liar gains a victory over his victim. What I’ve learned is that a lie is an act of self-abdication, because one surrenders one’s reality to the person to whom one lies, making that person one’s master, condemning oneself from then on to faking the sort of reality that person’s view requires to be faked…The man who lies to the world, is the world’s slave from then on…There are no white lies, there is only the blackest of destruction, and a white lie is the blackest of all" Duncan read the book quietly to himself until the sound of an old friend filled his ears. He closed the book and smirked. "Well well" He turned and greeted Frankie with his usual discord. "Look who finally turned up to the ball dressed as Cinderella. It's good to see you, Frankie"

Frankie's eyes narrowed a little. "And look who escaped his prison cell and crashed the party." Her eyebrow perked a little, playful eyes giving her away. He was a little taller than she remembered, and his muscles had filled out, he was broader in the shoulders, but he still looked just like he did the couple years earlier. And those eyes, they were so sad, with so much emotion. She'd found herself drawn to the sullen boy as soon as she'd entered the naval academy. She herself had changed drastically, she was taller, and her curves had filled out, her skin was blemish free, and even her hair was glossier. Her faux serious gaze softened, and she broke out into a grin, dropping her bag off her shoulder and launching herself at him, arms and legs wrapping around him, knowing he'd catch her.

"Bloody hell Frankie" Duncan said in a laugh as his old friend wrapped her limbs around him like a boa constrictor squeezing the life from its prey. He held her close in a rare display of emotion. "Missed you too girlie" She had changed in their time apart, a lot more feminine than he remembered, it suited her actually. "You better get off me, Franks. You just got here but people will start to talk" DS placed her onto the ground and picked up the book he dropped to catch her. "You didn't just steal any of my memories did you?"

She chuckled softly as he let her down, shaking her head softly. "Who cares if they talk? Since when did you care what people thought?" She squeezed his arm softly, a warm smile spread over her features. "You'll never know, that's the fun of being my friend." She grinned gently at him, and reached to take the book from him, turning it over in my hands. "Ayn Rand. You always did like him. You'll have to let me borrow it sometime. I trust you'll still let me borrow your books?" She tilted her head a little, smiling at him. It was odd to find herself stood in front of him, but a pleasant feeling.

Duncan gave a somewhat childish laugh, unusual for the usually stoic and distant teen. "Frankie, Ayn Rand was a girl" He continued to chuckle at her mistake. "But sure, you can still borrow my books, providing you don't spill any beef curry on it like you did with my copy of Nausea. You didn't even make it out of the first ten pages" He placed the book in his bag and slung the satchel over his shoulder. "Walk with me, I'll give you the tour"

"Oh hush, you didn't even make it through To Kill a Mockingbird when I lent it to you." She laughed softly and deposited her bag back onto her shoulder. "That sounds great. I'm sure I'll get used to it though, it feels kind of like home already...like I belong here, you know?" She looped her arm through his like she often used to in their casual time, allowing him to lead her on the tour around campus. She soon remembered why they were such good friends, but this time, it felt different.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Danny and River

Danny had been sitting in the grass before the garden for sometime now. After eating the apple he grew out of the ground, he finished the meal he retreaved from the cafeteria and laid out in the sun. He could feel his body absorb the Vitamin D the sun was giving off, the rays sinking into his pores. His body was much like a plant. He needed the sun and water to keep himself from becoming weak and turning an unsightly green color. It only took Danny awhile to notice someone had joined him by the gardens. He was sure he'd seen this boy before. River was it? He had been here before the vacation. The two of them never really spoke, but they acknowledged each other. River was a bit shy and never really had anything to say to him. Danny thought he himself was shy, but there were some worse off than him. Who could blame them. Living in a world where no one accepts you can make you a bit anti-social.

Taking the initiative, Danny turned his body towards the dark haired boy and waved. "Hey! Why didn't you say anything when you came up? You're just sitting there being quiet." Danny chuckled a bit, taking a few sips from his water container. "River is it?" Being the first one to start a conversation was different. Usually others approached him. But with two shy people, someone had to break the ice.

At first, River didn't pay much attention to what was happening around him as the music blasted into his ears on a rather high volume. However as the voice continued, he turned to see if it was directed towards him and sure as it was, River was the one who was about to partake in the conversation. He brought his hand up to the headset and gently pulled it off, allowing it to rest against his neck as he spoke. "Oh, hi." He replied. River honestly didn't expect Danny to communicate with him but this was a new year after all, a new semester. Anything was bound to happen. As if answering his latest thought, a girl fell from the tree and quickly caught River's attention. He watched the scene unfold with wide eyes and didn't quite know how to act when a presumed stalker falls down before your feet. "I...didn't..." He continued, attempting to answer Danny's question but was rather dumbfounded with the new addition. Not long after did a second girl appear and the garden quickly grew rather crowded.

River's lack of social skills left him with but one option, to be silent and watch this play out. At least that other girl took over but how would a person react in a situation like this?

Danny knew this would probably be pointless as River didn't bother to really answer him. He then noticed that he had headphones in and probably couldn't really hear him. He was about to wave his hands again when River noticed him suddently. With his soft spoken "Oh hi" response, Danny couldn't help but laugh a little. Is this what others thought of Danny? Timid and soft spoken? Danny was about to say something when a girl fell from a tree and practically landed on another girl that was there. He was surprised he never noticed them come outside. Whenever Danny was in his own little world, he had a habit of blocking everything else out. When it came to him and nature, the tree always won. Danny himself didn't know how to respond to the girls before him. Next thing he knew, there were a bunch of people outside and kind of killed the quiet atmosphere of everything. He sighed heavily, trying to regain his focus.

He noticed River hadn't really answered him, but became flustered instead. It seemed like everything that happened was just too much for him. Danny moved his eyes from side to side, whistling and looking awkward before trying to restart the conversation.

"Anyway..." Danny laughed awkwardly, turning at the scene that happened near the trees. "Looks like we have company huh?" When all else fails, try to make something funny; if indeed that person had a sense of humor. "So you ready for the new semester or what?"

As Danny continued to speak, River decided to turn his attention towards him rather than the rather unexpected scene taking place in the front. "Yeah..." He nodded slightly at Danny's question and looked down. River did hope to become an X-Man one day, to be part of those heroes. That was a rather distant dream though, and what he had to focus on now was just doing well in school. He wasn't a very good student, but that wasn't because he didn't try, but rather because he wasn't prime school material. This was the part where he was supposed to follow up with a question of his own. He was supposed to ask Danny the same thing, that's how common courtesy worked. "You?" He managed, avoiding Danny's eyes.

"Wooow. One word responses. You sure are talkative today. Tell me more," Danny teased, winking at him. Danny knew he wasn't this bad towards others. Maybe this year he'd be the more outgoing and fun type. "I'm actually a teacher's assistant this year so I'll be helping out in the classroom. Biology to be exact." Danny didn't know exactly how he felt about being semi a part of staff, but the last thing he wanted was for the students to think he was just another teacher. He was still a student himself. He just loathed the day when a student might ask him to grow a little "Ganja" for them. He was surprised no one asked yet. "So in the future, he you never need any help with anything, you know who to find." Danny smiled warmly and looked down at the grass, playing with the blades in between his fingers.

"So do you have a roommate this year? I think I'm with one of my close friends here. A slut he is," Danny said with a laugh.

River blinked a few times at the mention of Danny's roommate and was reminded of the fact that he didn't know who his roommate was, yet. "I'll...find out." He replied, scratching the back of his head. So Danny's roommate was a slut. It nearly peaked River's curiosity as to what kind of person his roommate was. A mutant with crazy explosive powers or an everyday guy? Well, the latter didn't really exist in Xavier's School.

It was a new piece of information which had been given when Danny explained his role as an assistant. Could students even do that? Appearently. "And...thanks." He was sure that he wouldn't need too much help in class, even though he wasn't getting straight As, but Danny was nice enough to offer. "Maybe one day..." River began, putting his hands together. "I can train for real...in the danger room." That's all he wanted to aquire. Well, it was as good a driving ambition as any, he supposed.

A smile formed at the corner of Danny's mouth hearing River speak. He was rather adorable how soft spoken he was. He nodded his head a laughed a little. "Well I'm sure you'll be doing some sessions in the Danger Room this year. Every student has to be in there at least once to see where they stand." Danny turned away and sighed, drinking the rest of his water. "Well I better go inside and finish putting some of my stuff up. I'll see you around." Danny smiled and stood up, patting River on the shoulder as he walked passed him and back into the mansion, carrying his trash with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Coffee sounded awfully good. But so did alcohol, and that was currently what was available.

Now, Marlowe wasn't quite an avid drinker and didn't regularly imbibe; however, today was a much different story. No matter how much he truly wanted, he couldn't stop and that may have been partially because he didn't want to. The sting of the liquid and the heat that welled up in the pit of his stomach was a enough to draw his attention away from his thoughts. But, there was a slight glint in his eyes and a way that he bent forward with a reddish tint to his cheeks, not associated with a drunken stupor. He'd only had about four shots and that wasn't quite enough to tip him over. The furrow in his brow, accompanied by the disregard to comments thrown at him, said otherwise.

Pushing the heel of his hand into his eye, Marlowe stood from his perch to survey his surroundings. Seemed like Daisy left the moment Art and Freddie arrived: a cue for him to leave. He didn't quite feel like reducing his reputation as a drunkard teacher. The students wouldn't suffer his incessant rambling; Marlowe was anything but a happy drunk. Every time he'd drink with a problem on his mind, talking about it would somehow become the most important thing in the world. Ryan put up with it because the man actually enjoyed consoling him—masochistic asshole. Or maybe he enjoyed watching him suffer.

Marlowe shook his head, running a hand through his hair. His hand dragged across his face, rubbing the redness from his cheek and attempting to wipe away the alcohol from his breath. With his back to a wall, he rested his hand on one of the numerous tables that spotted the hallway—aesthetics. He was currently contemplating whether or not he should stay, seeing as he hadn't ever lived in the X-Mansion when he taught. The thought of going back there, laying his head on a pillow that smelled vaguely familiar was a conflicting mix of yearning and grief. To think he should be equipped to handle that was astonishing. It made for a sudden turn back toward the kitchen, ignoring what was currently going on there to poor him one last shot of whiskey before he stumbled out—not on the account of being drunk, but because he literally rushed his exit so much that his foot caught on itself.

Finding his way to one of the living rooms, Marlowe sat himself on one of the plush couches, assorted in a boxed area around a mahogany coffee table. He chose the one directly facing the TV, turning to lay himself down along the stretch of the couch. It was large enough to seat two people, which meant his feet and part of his leg hung over the edge to better accommodate his height. With both hands slowly dragging the length of his face, Marlowe let out a large sigh that faded into a low growl before he settled in and let his body sink into the cushions. He was content to simply stare at the ceiling for the rest of the day, if only to let the light buzz fade away. The stagnant, suddenly sedentary position did more than enough to let his mind wander. It went off to happier memories, though remembering smiling faces and shining eyes, features stretched in joy, did the opposite of what good moments should. It was frustrating and tiresome, to the point where Marlowe shot up, rubbing his eyes fiercely with balled up hands. Sliding across to rest along the arm of the sofa, he simply stared at his feet, clenching his eyes shut the moment the dull shine began to irritate him. He contemplated getting up, finding someone to talk to or just—he didn't know.

Just thinking, even during the slight haze of mild inebriation, was a troublesome task. Marlowe during a struggle was a ball of frustration who hadn't any idea whether to wander aimlessly, talk to people, or just sit and let it eat him alive. With a mind like his, the best course of action it determined was to do all of the above. It was a great way to exhaust oneself, but it was also a great way to stay exhausted, as it often ate up time more than anything. And Marlowe was in this state of panic all due to a phone call and one too many whiskey shots. He find himself settling into the wall nearest a window, the curtains perched on a hook where he leaned his head against. The soft, pale fabric wasn't acknowledged by the being that slide his way onto the bay windowsill, a cushion settled into the nook with pillows adorning the windows. This was far less comfortable than a couch, but the sunlight did a lot more for his state of sanity than the dimmed area he'd previously crashed on.

This was among various ways he spent his day, usually one of the worst that often happened once a week. He'd not take it out on his students, but he did seem a lot more distant than usual. Marlowe was a social body, but was content to spend these days alone and hopefully secluded. With so many inhabitants that was a tad difficult, but he managed without having to spill the beans completely. No one pried more than necessary and he'd be too stubborn to tell them the full truth.It was a good thing people got the hint when he simply uttered a, "Just a bad day," accompanied with a faint smile that quickly faded with the turn of his head.

Stark blue eyes, radiant in the light, never looked duller, substituting the color with a stand-offish gray.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

FaithsRose said
Luna ‘s attention returned to Alicia as she turned to face her, she felt her mouth curve into a lopsided smile one that allowed a sharp canine to peak out from under her top lip, though she had forgotten her friend’s tendencies. She looked taken aback and stiffened a little as Alicia pulled her into a tight yet friendly hug; with a somewhat awkward expression she returned it as best as she could...Luna wasn’t exactly the ‘hugging’ type. She was actually pleased at how happy Alicia seemed to be to see her! It was a completely new response to her presence... “Very well thank you” Luna answered lightly once Alicia had released her, she kept a smile on her lips as Alicia looked between her and Rory. “What about you?” Luna asked, whilst Alicia was looking at her...she looked like she was thinking over something before she announced they should all hang out tonight. She raised a questioning eyebrow at Alicia, why tonight...what was wrong with right now? She didn’t question Alicia however, just nodded in agreement, finally relaxing out of her smile when Alicia turned back to Naka, she took note that she had also forgotten Alicia's smiling was rather infectious. Luna took the opportunity to steal a glance at Rory as she greeted her; she offered a smile though it faded into a smirk at Rory’s light statement. “Thanks, a change was needed” Luna thanked her she was toying with the idea of saying more but Rory’s attention had returned to Naka...without giving it much thought, Luna set Naka with a scrutinizing gaze trying to judge how bad the damage was, her eyes lingering a moment on Naka’s busted lip she could detect the sharp metallic scent of blood on the air, a slight yellow hue circled her chocolate eyes. She looked away as Naka spoke to Rory, content with being in the background of this situation, she had no interest in getting involved and something told her Naka wasn’t in the mood to be trifled with and Luna wasn’t very good at holding her tongue. She turned her attention back to Alicia with little difficulty eager to spark up some conversation. “So Alicia, did you get up to much over the break?” Luna asked her, catching Rory look back at them her eyes drifted up catching the wave to follow she nodded at Rory moving around Alicia to follow, making sure to stay even with Alicia if she followed.

Exie said
She was about to respond to the ground around her when she heard another familiar voice chime in. Her head turned, and for a brief moment, Rory was distracted by the appearance of Luna. Luna was familiar, of course, but over vacation, it seemed that she'd gone through a wardrobe change. "Hey, Luna," Rory replied, as her eyes skimmed over her bold outfit choice, "You look good," she said, but it was stating it lightly. It was obvious from some of the side-long stares that Luna was getting that this look for her. Rory was impressed. Thankfully, Naka spoke again, reminding Rory that there were more pressing matters at hand here. "Oh! Of course!" She recollected herself, "It's just down the hall from here. They'll be able to take care of you there. I've seen them handle -much- worse." She gave her friend a grin. Of course, Naka was showing her defensive side. But Rory understood. Knowing Naka before now, and having experienced coming into this place without anywhere to go home to, she understood that certain situations just required you to be strong in order to feel safe. In order to feel like you had some sort of control. She didn't challenge her on it, but instead simply said, "Follow me." Her hazel eyes flashed towards Luna and Alicia, who seemed content conversing, and she waved them along, signaling for them to come along for the walk. As they passed through the doors, she spoke to Naka again, voicing the thoughts that had buzzing in her mind since she had unexpectedly found her here, "So...I had no idea you were a...mutant." She approached the subject a little hesitantly. It was strange discussing mutation with someone from her past, who had never known that side of her.

Alicia "Ali" Taylor

Alicia followed behind Rory quietly when she waved both her and Luna to follow listening to her friend talking to Naka, not wanting to disturb her friend Rory from getting reacquainted with Naka. Alicia looked at Luna who was walking alongside her and smiled before shrugging slightly when she asked about her break. "I mostly just stayed at home, been trying to avoid any skin contact with anyone, wearing gloves helps but it's annoying to be wearing them all the time." Alicia answered with a sigh she brushed a stray strand of her brown hair behind her ear. "But I did go out and hangout with my little brother and my summer was pretty nice went on vacation to my parents cabin for about two weeks. What about you, what did you do over the break?" Alicia asked, she looked towards Rory for a second and asked her friend. "So have you and Naka known each other for awhile?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LyricsKiss


Member Offline since relaunch


The young woman followed the lead of Rory, who seemed to know the place well, her other friends tagged along as they walked, and Naka had to hide her frustration. She seemed to have derailed these friend's evening, but right now she couldn't show it. Instead, she focused on the girl who she *did* know. Rory was full of welcoming feelings, and if the pain hadn't been so bad, Naka might have appreciated them more.

"So...I had no idea you were a...mutant."

Naka could have laughed at the bluntness of Rory's approach, but simply shrugged. "It ain't exactly welcoming out there for mutants, an' to be honest, it's none of anyone's business..." That was the excuse Naka had in a can. Was she about to tell some girl she barely knew that it was because she was ashamed? No. Naka gave her a small reassuring smile, and as they entered the clinic area, Naka knew she had nothing to be worried about.

The place shone with mostly metal instruments, soft melodies played through hidden speakers in the room, causing Naka to raise a brow. From behind a desk stood a tall young man, his smile was wide and full of caring. He seemed to be in his early 30's, his black hair and olive complexion making him seem almost boyish, gray scrubs clad him and hid well muscled arms from the girl's view's.

"And who did this to you? The first day hasn't even ended," His deep voice caught Naka off guard, causing her to look to Rory in disbelief. This man was gorgeous.

"I got into a fight, I...don't go here..." Naka said as she stepped forward. The man reached out and guided her by the forearm to a nearby gurney. "I can tell you have a cracked rib...mostly nothing I can do about that, the bruises will heal in time..." he took her chin into his hand and examined the shiner and busted lip.

"This is what I'm going to do," he spoke as he turned away and reached into a nearby cabinet," you're a mutant obviously, or else you wouldn't come here for refuge. Take these." He handed the young woman a small bottle of medicine, "Pain relievers, nothing too serious, but you'll feel a bit better. I'll get your name up to the office and we'll get you a room assigned." He patted Naka's knee, signaling that no matter what she said, that was what he was going to do.

The young woman tucked the small bottle into her vest and quickly scrawled down her details on a sheet. It asked questions she would never have answered before.

What is the nature of your mutation?

....I grow stuff...I can light a campfire without matches....I can tell you how angry your roses are for you cutting them...

She wasn't sure how serious or forthwright she wanted to be. She jotted down the bare minimum before handing the sheet back to the hunky clinic man.

"Ah...what a unique name...Naka. Nice to meet you, I'm Colin, but most call me Mender. I would fix that rib, but it will hurt more if I do. It'll heal on it's own. A..." he turned his brown eyed gaze to Rory, "Aurora...right? Could you make sure Miss Vejay here gets around safe, they should have her room assignment at the front office by the time you get there."

Colin smiled as he sat down behind his desk once more and set to putting Naka into the system.

"Can ya show me the kitchen...I need somethin' to drink with the meds." She shrugged as she turned to smile at Rory. Right now she needed to hang onto her, at least until they managed to get her room assignment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Exie
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aurora Claudwell

Rory's attention switched back to Alicia at the prompted question. "We used to party, y'know, pre-mutant days," she joked. Part of her felt bad for dragging them around the school when all they likely wanted to do was catch up with everyone, but the more selfish part just knew that she needed her friends. They helped her to focus on the present, when her burdened mind was constantly wandering towards the past. She wished she could tell them how much they were helping her now, simply by carrying casual conversation, but there were more pressing matters.

Naka seemed to close the discussion on her mutation with that statement. Obviously, Rory was curious, but she let it slide. Her mutation would come to light eventually, everyones did here, and she wasn't likely to get her to spill details in front of Luna and Alicia, whom she had never met before. Even she had to admit that she didn't know Naka all that well, aside from how well you could get to know someone over blaring music and suspicious plastic solo cups.

These concerns, no matter how valid, flew from her mind as they entered the infirmary. Her focus was easily stolen by the shockingly gorgeous man behind the counter. She caught Naka's view of unbelief, and returned it in kind. How had she been going to school here for months, and never noticed this guy? In fairness, Rory didn't require use of the clinic all that often. Being as quick as she was on her feet kept her out of most trouble, and the few trips she had made here she assumed must not have been on his shift. She would have definitely remembered this guy.

She observed as the dreamy doctor treated Naka, feeling a mixture of amusement and subtle envy. She had been leaning against the wall of the doorway, observing when he turned those warm brown eyes her way. She was only the slightest bit tickled that he knew her name. Tilting her head, she gave him a charming sort of smile that softened out her hazel eyes. "Of course, Colin," she chimed, as if there were no better way she could be spending her day, "Thank you so much for your help." Sometimes, her upper-class social graces were quite useful.

She gave a nod to Naka, and gestured towards the door. A mischievous smile played on her features as she lead Naka from the room. Once they had safely exited, she gave a snicker of laugher. It seemed that her flirtation with Mender had been playful in nature. "I think I may need some 'mending' in the future," she teased, giving a wink to Naka. She was already walking in the direction of the kitchen, leading the foursome as a casual pace, the heels of her boots clicking against the hard flooring and her dark hair dancing around her bare shoulders, left uncovered by the summery blouse she wore. "Shame that I've never met him before."

It would be brief journey to reach the kitchen, which was placed along the route the front office. Once there, Rory knew well enough to help herself to a bottled beverage in the refrigerator, which she displayed to Naka for approval. It was a chilled bottle of sweetened lemonade. "There's water in here somewhere..." she added as she rummaged about a few different packages, as an alternative if her friend turned the sweet drink down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Luna Marionette

Luna's gaze shifted to Naka briefly as they moved off down the hallway, she wasn't sure about her and she wasn't very efficient at hiding the fact she was making her feel uncomfortable. In her defense it had taken a lot of effort to reach a happy medium when it came to talking to Alicia and Rory, she wasn't as on edge around them. Having a new face within the group...Should you even be considering this a group? she twitched her head flicking her blonde fringe from her eyes in the process, she had almost missed Alicia's answer to her question.

Once she had refocused on Alicia she was able to take in everything she said the left corner of her mouth twitched up pulling her mouth into a small smile. "Good to hear you at least got out on occasion, how is your little brother doing?" Luna spoke somewhat hesitantly, as if she was really thinking on what she was saying, unlike before vacation where she practically blurted out whatever sprung to the front of her mind. Despite the fact she was acting rather peculiarly she continued.

She screwed up her nose as Alicia reversed her question and asked her what she'd been up to, her gaze drifted to Naka and Rory walking ahead of them briefly before returning to Alicia. "It was good, traveled mainly from one party to the next, didn't really settle anywhere for long. I would probably describe it as a bit of a blur" Luna admitted, a secretive smirk replacing her previous smile, she didn't offer Alicia any other details though preferring to leave the girls innocence on the subject intact. She raised an eyebrow as Alicia's attention returned to Rory, her own curiosity peaked at Rory's answer. Pre-mutant days? What a concept She stayed silent for a while quite happily following along behind Rory like a well behaved puppy, she had questions but she wasn't sure how to breach any of them into the conversation.

I wonder when classes will start up...I hope I haven't lost my edge She was distracted for a moment and wasn't looking where she was going which meant she almost collided with Rory when she stopped outside of the infirmary, quick reflexes allowed her to dart to the side, sliding between Alicia and Rory to stand a little further out in the corridor as Naka entered the infirmary. She lifted her hand to subtly play with her hair as they waited, her other arm folding across her chest resting under her bust as she glanced down the corridor eyes taking in the familiar wooden texture of the school trying to ignore the conversation happening within the infirmary however her interest peaked as she noted the flirtatious chime to Rory's voice, she shifted forward a questioning smile on her face Oh my... Of course her eyes instantly located the reasoning behind it, the rather good looking gentlemen in the grey scrubs she wasn't ashamed to admit his appearance alone made her a little hot under the collar. The infirmary wasn't somewhere she'd had to visit at all since she'd been here, who'd have thought fast regeneration could have been a curse?

She rolled her eyes at Rory's comment as her and Naka reappeared from the infirmary, she didn't follow the trio straight away as they moved off she chewed her lip and lingered by the infirmary door. After a moment more she moved off down the hall thinking better of showing herself up on her first day, that thought coupled with the 'lecture' she could already hear Marlowe...Mr Faraday giving her caused her to walk the short distance to the kitchen to catch up with the others. "Third package at the back, i can see them from here" Luna interrupted her tone teasing as she appeared beside Rory a sly smile on her face as she reached over the other woman's shoulder pointing at the package for good measure, shifting her gaze to rest on Naka. "Naka is it? Since we're kind of following you about...may as well introduce ourselves I'm Luna and this is Alicia" Luna spoke rather directly, signalling Alicia as she said her name. She watched Naka carefully regardless of her reaction Luna felt better for finally breaching the conversation and in a polite-ish manner to boot, she was on a roll today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Once Danny left, there wasn’t much to keep River’s interest alive for long. He’d follow Danny’s advice and leave but had no clue where to go. Well, anything was better than just sitting around.
River turned and started towards the mansion. With this weird start being the start of the year, his roommate could only be icing on the cake, wouldn’t he? River’s hand slid into his pockets, his grey eyes tracing the ground as he walked.

After he almost reached the mansion, River dropped down on a bench and rubbed his forehead. He hated the start of the year. There was nothing to do. No classes, no training, nothing. All he could do was to hang out with someone or sit around and wait for the real days to begin. He wanted to train, he wanted to shoot something. Sometimes it worried him a little. His interest was bordering on obsession. Perhaps he should get it checked? It didn’t really affect him in a negative way unless he was deprived of it, though. Wait, that is called an addiction. Well, no one’s perfect. River didn’t quite reach the mansion, but he did find it rather comfortable on that bench, looking into the calming fountain before him. Xavier must’ve been made of money to afford all of this. The sound of the fountain was enchanting, and if nothing else, would lullaby him to sleep eventually.

With little else to do, River reached into his shoulder bag which he was rarely seen without, and produced a notebook where he started doodling to kill time until dinner. He so longed to grip his gun again, not to mention playing around with all the other firearms in the training room. He had spent most of the entire previous semester there. Most weapons were non-lethal or had that option as killing was never a priority for the X-Men once they went out on missions. River had gotten well acquainted with the various firearms and found himself most attached to the ones firing non-lethal electro-bullets which stuns. Of course the guns could be set to lethal voltage but he hoped never to use that option. Soon he’d be able to go down there again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LyricsKiss


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It seemed to take the girls a few moments to recover from their close encounter of the hottie kind, but once they did, Naka knew they all had the same thought, they would all be spending *much* more time in the infirmary...or near it...Naka wasn't sure she cared.

The walk from the infirmary to the kitchen wasn't long, and Naka was glad for it. The sooner she could down these meds the sooner she could slip away and pass out. It would be a perfect kind of sleep, she imagined. One where you didn't have to worry about being attacked or falling prey to someone stronger. Here, Naka was sure she could hold her own, but she didn't know just how dangerous some of her fellow students were. As Rory found her a bottle of lemonade Naka shrugged until water was offered.

"I'll take lemonade, thanks." She managed before fishing out the small bottle and downing a twice the normal dose. The bottle popped open quickly and Naka tilted her head back to swallow. Once she had righted herself, she turned her attention to Rory's friends. They had kind of gotten pulled into her orbit because of Rory, but Naka knew she had to play nice, besides, Rory wasn't too bad.

Luna introduced herself not long after Rory finished looking for the water, and Naka inclined her head. "Nice ta' meet ya both." Now that her main directive had been achieved, Naka could focus on the people and things around her. She took in Luna, trying to make it not too obvious, before looking over Alicia, her gaze wasn't meant to be threatening, if anything it might come off appraising.

People rushed in and out of the bustling kitchen, causing Naka to slip over to one of the many counter tops. Within seconds she was sitting on the cool marble, sipping the remnants of her beverage. "So it seems I'll be going here...how easy is it to get kicked out?" she asked with a teasing tone, the injured side of her mouth curving up into a small, mischievous smirk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alicia looked at Rory and smiled nodded at her comment about their premutant days when she had gone to a party with a friend of hers and met Rory there. She looked at Luna for a moment as they walked towards the infirmary. "My brother is doing great he gets annoying at times but what can you do, I still love him to death and he also told you guys he said hi as well." When they made it to the infirmary Alicia leaned herself up against the wall as Naka headed inside to get herself checked out, she leaned through the door to watch the doctor in the room who she had met a few times before last year when she had gotten sick or injured by another mutant while in Daisy's sparing class. He was kind of cute looking and she had gotten jealous slightly when Rory started to flirt with him but she remained quiet about it Alicia had feelings for Rory for awhile now.

When they were done Alicia followed behind Luna quietly listening to Naka and Rory catching up, when they got to the kitchen Alicia stood outside thinking of getting herself a drink as well and headed towards the fridge grabbing a can of cola and opened it before making her way back towards the door near the kitchen and smiled softly when Luna introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you Naka." Alicia said taking a sip of her drink. "And not really sure how you could get kicked out." Alicia answered her question with a shrug.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Episode 1: Field Trip

Several weeks into the new school term and everything seems to going well at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. The vast student body are finally coming together and the young teachers are finally getting a hang of their respective roles. Headmistress Pryde feels like celebrating. The plan? FIELD TRIP!! Kitty, several teachers and a large portion of her student body head off to a museum in New York for education and hot dogs. Unbeknownst to them an unknown foe has targeted them. Several explosions rock the museum and the group of mutants are separated from one another as the museum goes on lockdown. What exactly does the mysterious Mr W have planned and where in the world is Kitty?!

3 weeks later…

Obviously a museum wasn’t everybody’s idea of a great time but Kitty did love her history. Turning herself to face the group of students that had agreed to come on this trip, she smile. “Okay guys, so here’s the deal. I’ve got some pull with the curator of the museum, so he’s allowing us free reign today. There are civilians here so no powers!” The headmistress didn’t say that part particularly loud but it was loud enough and forceful enough for her students to understand it’s importance. “It’s just gone 11am so, we’ll split into groups of four, three students, one teacher and we’ll have ourselves a good time and meet back here at 3” Pulling a clipboard from her handbag, Kitty scanned the names listed quickly. “Here are the groups:

Luna, Alicia, River. Your guide will be Professor Torres.
Oona, Danny and Naka. Your guide will be Professor Vaughn.
Francesca, Duncan and Harley. Your guide is Coach DiAngelo
And finally, Mila, Rory, Morena, Professor Faraday will be your guide.

Listen to your teachers, don’t stray from your group and do not leave the museum unless given permission. I may be a pretty lax teacher but I’m also pretty harsh so don’t make me have to raise my voice. Now go on, have fun. I’ve got a bit of work to do”

Kitty watched with a subtle smile as her young teachers walked off in different directions with their respective groups.

1 Hour later

“Is everything in place?” The dark haired man spoke into his cell phone with a smooth English accent as he stood outside the museum. A faint voice on the other end of the line gave him a solid “Affirmative sir, we’re awaiting your signal” The man hung up his phone and then swiftly dialled another number. “Showtime” Was the single word that broke from his lips as a series of small isolated explosions rocked both the inside and outside of the old museum building. Steel doors came flying down and bars appeared on the windows as the automated security system when straight into effect. The museum was on lockdown.

No way in, no way out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

The sudden explosion pushed River down to his knee and immediate chaos was erupting all around him. Was someone going to rob the museum or were they trying to blow the place to pieces? No, if that was the case, he wouldn't be alive right now. Perhaps they had a target, and as far as River knew, Kitty was the most known figure among them. He struggled back to his feet, noticing some blood running down his side as he placed his hand over the wound. The explosion hadn't happened far off and debris had made its way towards him. Luckily it had only grazed River but the cut was bad enough to leave him wounded and bleeding. The pure shock of the event removed any pain for the moment, that would come later once he had landed in the situation. This was very bad, and he had no way of protecting himself. The biggest downside to River's power was that he needed a weapon to make full use of it, leaving him nearly useless right now. No, he was useless right now, and damaged to top it off.

River attempted to regain his composure, trying to find his classmates in the chaos. They were there, good. But what would happen now? They weren't exactly alone and the humans would blame them if they saw any power in display. Even trying to help those fools would leave the mutants in the spotlight of a police helicopter. River dropped against a wall, leaning to remove strain. Hopefully their teacher could handle things as to prevent stressed out, scared out of their minds mutants from exploding in powers. This really wasn't how this day had been pictured, and it wouldn't be nearly as bad if River had any means of protecting himself but for now, he'd just have to stay out of the way and let the others do what they could.

Without much left to do, River started towards his classmates. They needed to stick together as much as they could or more casualties were waiting around the corner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~| Mila |~

Mila didn't know about the others but she was actually quite excited about the trip to the museum. A life of seclusion left her constantly yearning for new experiences and this would be a delightful day indeed! She hurried about her dorm, dressed in a casual white top and loose black skirt that went down to her knees; Her hair messily styled with her fingers. She quickly packed a few things into a book bag before nearly skipping across the campus to board the bus with the rest of the handful of students she had grown to know relatively well over the previous weeks. She flopped down into her seat with her bag over her lap. Through the ride she quietly hummed to herself, assuming the chatter would hide the simple tune. Luckily the ride had been short and she hurried out of the bus, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

They broke up into groups. It was Professor Faraday as the chaperone along with Rory, Morena and herself. As they separated from the other groups and began their journey. Mila's eyes flickered over every piece the museum had to offer with wide eyed wonderment. Though her grand time would be short lived. Suddenly several explosions shook the very ground they stood upon. Quickly, from a life time of training her instincts kicked in. She twirled out of the open and crouched behind a wide display as her eyes scanned meticulously for any threat. Her fingers faintly touching the small vial hidden within the inner seam of her skirt; filled with a few strands of hair she had saved for several years to use in case of emergency. As the last explosion died down she sighed, they were safe. For now at least.

She stood up from behind the podium display, releasing hold of the hidden vial as she flattened out her recently crinkled skirt. She walked back over to the group. "What the hell was that? Is everyone okay?" She asked with genuine concern.

She looked around another time. Several of the displays had fallen over and the rumble from the explosions had cracked several places along the wall. What the hell was going on? Was all she could think about. For a moment she thought it might be Nick Cage breaking in to steal some patriotic item but that concept was quickly squashed. Nick Cage would never use explosives. It might have damaged historically important artifacts. He was more respectful then that. She was back to the drawing board.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Luna Marionette

Luna folded her arms across her chest as they came to a stand still just inside the museum. "I can't believe you talked me into this..." She murmured to Rory as she came to stand next to her, Luna had opted to wearing her contact lenses today so she had dark chocolate eyes instead of the bright wolfish yellow most people had become accustomed to over the last couple of weeks. She had adopted a rather glum expression now they were here, she hadn't been in the best of moods anyway over the last few days she'd even dropped the ball in combat class, having been sluggish and unfocused throughtout the last couple if lessons. Luna glanced around the small group of mutants she had no doubt Alicia was stood the other side of Rory it was an oddity to see one without the other usually. A fact Luna was learning to live with, even if...She frowned at her own thoughts, listening as Kitty called them to attention.

Professor Torres? Great at least she'll make this place a little more interesting. She had nothing against the art teacher, she just hoped she wouldn't be expected to pay immaculate attention to every exhibit...Luna took a deep breath shaking away her negativity, she'd need to shake it to survive this human museum. "Should have figured we'd get separated" Luna managed to grin at Rory, as Kitty finished her speech. "Try not to have too much fun without me" Luna winked a teasing smile crossing her lips, a new development over the last few weeks was Luna's teasing it had become slightly more flirtatious in nature yet again it could have been put down to her shift in confidence, though it was rather directed at Rory...Offering a small wave Luna dutifully moved over to Professor Torres, waiting for the tour to start...

...Having dawdled at the back of the group for the last hour, responding to any questions with a light voice and forced smile careful not to reveal her fangs as she did. Luna was suitably relaxed, she didn't even care much about the small amount of humans dotted around. However as the first explosion went off Luna instantly hit tbe deck crouching low to the ground resting forward on one hand her other wrapping over her head protectively as the whole building seemed to shake almost on instinct her claws sprung into view and she released an angry growl dodging sideways as a display cabinet fell towards her the glass shattering across the floor, her eyes darted to rest on the nearest exit she heard a metallic whir and leapt towards the floor space trying to slide beneath the steel sheet that plummeted towards the ground. Unfortunately the steel door clattered down before she reached it, meaning she collided with it instead. In a fit of rage Luna lashed out at the door slamming her palms against the steel with force. "What the hell?!" She barked, her temper already getting the better of her as she spun on the spot she reached a hand up to her face forcing her claws to retract as she pulled the contact lenses from her eyes, carelessly discarding them as she tried to keep her composure
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Violet
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Today will be simple, she wrote, biting the bottom of her lip. Just don’t fuck up and everything will be okay. No one will get hurt, I won’t get stared at, and I’ll get to see some pretty cool artifacts. Spencer knew this wasn’t at all accurate, as people would look no matter if she exposed her abilities. They always glanced over her way, regardless of what was happening. She etched out the staring portion and in the midst of doing so, found herself scrawling all over the page, leaving no words to be visible. Spencer ripped the page out of her journal resentfully and wadded it into a ball, throwing it lightly to her side where it grazed the trashcan but didn’t make it in.

This day especially, was going to be awful. Today meant confrontation and small talk, two things that she was awful at. She was going to be closed in by four walls with hundreds of other people looking at historical objects that she didn’t give a shit about. She wondered if it was too late to opt out of this.

It was.

Spencer and the others piled into a bus, along with several faculty members that would be supervising them all throughout the tour. She scoffed, her face pressed against the cool window. I’m not a fucking child, she thought bitterly, I can handle myself. If only that were so. She knew that they weren’t really there to watch them closely so that they wouldn’t touch anything, but more so if anything happened regarding their abilities, they would be there to help. After all, they’d had years of practice with the oh-so infamous Charles Xavier who'd started this whole organization in the first place. Some of them, anyway.

The car ride wasn’t at all long, but Spencer was asleep by the time they arrived. Someone – she wasn’t sure who, exactly – nudged her shoulder, causing her to jerk awake to the sight of a large, white building that must have been the museum. To her dismay, it was packed, just as she’d predicted. She’d hoped that maybe they would be the only ones there, but even then, that was likely to draw more attention than if there were wandering people all around.

Curling her fingers into tight fists, Spencer wearily tuned in on the information being given by the headmistress, Mrs. Pryde. Spencer's eyes flickered slightly at the mentioning of her name in a group with two other people and Professor Vaughn as their guide. She rather liked Professor Vaughn. Not only for her looks, but also for the subjects she taught. Spencer had always adored English with a passion other students in her school clearly didn’t have. She understood it better than most did, and with that, there had always been a pressing thought that if her past hadn’t occurred the way it did – would there have been a chance she’d been able to pursue the career of being a teacher?

Spencer thought it was unlikely. She wasn’t much of a speaker. She also didn’t have much experience with teens other than herself, and if she was correct, most teenagers didn’t act the same way she did. Nor had they had a past like she did.

Shaking those thoughts away, Spencer shuffled behind her group, her head swaying in every direction. She couldn’t get enough of this museum. There was so much to see in such little time. Every step she took, she knew she’d missed something, but couldn’t bring herself to stop and actually look. Her group was moving too fast for that. Spencer couldn't keep up.

Taking in a sharp breath, Spencer muttered that she was going to the bathroom (if anyone had even heard her) and bolted to where they’d entered. Where the hell were the signs for the restrooms? Goddammit, why is this so fucking hard? She thought, displeased by the lack of signs that indicated where everything was.

Deciding to randomly select a direction, Spencer practically sprinted to the end of the hall. Veering a sharp left, she finally located the restrooms, and aimed for the women’s restroom. Had she known any better, she would have thought to use the men’s restroom. At least then, she wouldn’t have gotten judged so harshly. Spencer had just grabbed ahold of the handle when she knew something wasn’t right.

It started off as a rumble. It was low enough for her to assume that it was construction on a new project, but in seconds, it spread upward and then all at once, the sides came crashing in. “Get down!” she shrilled. Spencer found a straggling person and laced her arms around their frame, wrenching them to the ground with all of her force. Debris hit her back and she thought she felt a shard scrape her cheek, but she held still, using her arms to shield the other girl’s face.

Finally, after what had felt like years, everything settled. There was silence and then someone was asking if they were all okay. It was a girl from school – Mila, she thought her name was. Swallowing thickly, Spencer reluctantly released the girl, landing backward on a painting that had fallen. “Ouch,” Spencer grumbled. She craned her head to see Mila, now standing and totally unharmed. Spencer scrambled to her feet as well and brushed herself off, taking in account for everyone that was here. All of them appeared to be alive.

Crouching to the girl still on the floor, Spencer frowned. “Are you alright?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alicia sat in the back of the bus with Luna and Rory, she had brought her phone and headphones listening to music throughout the whole bus ride to the museum, she was excited to be out of the school even if it was a few hours. Alicia was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of skinny blue jeans and a pair of black sneakers and black gloves over her hands, then they all entered the museum Headmistress Pryde turned around to the students and teachers.

“Okay guys, so here’s the deal. I’ve got some pull with the curator of the museum, so he’s allowing us free reign today. There are civilians here so no powers! It’s just gone 11am so, we’ll split into groups of four, three students, one teacher and we’ll have ourselves a good time and meet back here at 3. Here are the groups:
Luna, Alicia, River. Your guide will be Professor Torres.
Oona, Danny and Naka. Your guide will be Professor Vaughn.
Francesca, Duncan and Harley. Your guide is Coach DiAngelo
And finally, Mila, Rory, Morena, Professor Faraday will be your guide."

Alicia knew she couldn't use her powers out in public she frowned slightly when she was going to be separated from her friend Rory, at least she had Luna to hangout with in the meantime and maybe they would catch up later. She followed the group towards the WWII section of the museum she looked at all of the displays reading some of the exhibits, that's when she felt the ground starting to shake and then heard a loud explosion coming from somewhere inside the building knocking down some of the displays and replicas down. Then large metal doors came over the windows, and doors knowing that the building had gone straight into lockdown mode.

Alicia noticed a large WWII plane swinging violently above the ceiling and it was about to crash to the floor she noticed a mother and child huddled on the floor scared, just as the plane started to fall Alicia made a run for both of them. "Move!" Alicia yelled getting close enough and shoved both of them as hard as she could and barely got out of the way as well. "Thank you.." The mother said Alicia smiled and nodded to the two of them, and quickly made her way towards River and waved Luna over towards her. "Hey over here!" Alicia yelled and looked at the both of them. "Are you two okay?" Alicia asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


Member Offline since relaunch

Morena had been fidgeting with everything she could in the front of the bus, she was bored sitting there. It was definitely time consuming but when they would get their she knew she would have a lot of fun.

"Luna, Alicia, River. Your guide will be Professor Torres.
Oona, Danny and Naka. Your guide will be Professor Vaughn.
Francesca, Duncan and Harley. Your guide is Coach DiAngelo
And finally, Mila, Rory, Morena, Professor Faraday will be your guide."

Morena smiled slightly, nodding towards the headmistress, she ignored the warning on not using her powers but knew she wouldn't anyways.Her powers were dangerous enough already, it would be horrible to use them in a museum. Stepping out of the bus with a huff she looked around, it was beautiful here! She knew it was just a museum but it was seriously amazing! So with a smile she got into her group, looking between them and following them.

When the explosions hit she had crouched, looking around silently as the red crystal on her necklace started to glow, she had shrugged it off this time though and waited silently for the explosions to die down.

"What the hell was that? Is everyone okay?" Mila had asked, Morena shrugged and smiled lightly. "I don't know, maybe we should check it out later? For now I assume it's safe to say it was nothing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Once River got asked if he was alright, his eyes trailed back to the wound and further inspection would reveal that it was worse than he first expected. The shock had made him think that it was just a scratch but the amount of blood covering his once blue t-shirt made him think otherwise. Now the pain was slowly coming to sting him deeply and River clenched his teeth for a moment to deal with the pain. “Less than…sublime…” He replied, lifting his shirt slightly to see the wound. A piece of debris had made its way through the skin and punctured a hole in River’s shirt. Removing that thing would cause him to bleed out but keeping it in wasn’t very comfortable.

River turned his eyes to the others, hoping that they’d know what to do. If they couldn’t help him, at least they could try to get out of there. Dying in a museum, on a school trip, sounded a bit anti-climactic for the guy who wanted to spend every moment of every day in the danger room, honing his reflexes. Like this, he would slow them all down. If people were indeed there to kill, River would only be a burden. If they came to the museum to steal some paintings, perhaps he could just lay low long enough to eventually get out and perhaps acquire some help.

Alicia and Luna were there along with the teacher, Professor Torres. River kept close to the others but had difficulties standing up for prolonged periods of time without having to lean on something. It would be a shame to bleed on something in the museum, though. River’s breathing was slow and his heartbeat was still relatively calm, which was actually rather scary. Was he going to die? It was a deep wound but not that deep, not that serious, was it? Hopefully nothing had been punctured. “Can anyone…” He began. “See a way out…?” River had no luck in locating a good exit at the moment, hoping that the others would perhaps be more successful. How were the other students doing? Hopefully no one else had been injured in the explosions. This was such a huge disaster. A lot of the students came to Xavier’s school to avoid danger, and now they were in the middle of a disaster zone. This was bad.
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