Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Trixie looked around in her house and smiled. It wasn't a big or exceptionally amazing house. In fact it was rather small, and most things were second hand. She was trying to gain as much money as she could so she could buy new, better furniture, but for now, this would have to do. And still, this small house filled with second hand things, made Trixie smile. It was her home, a place for her own, with no bosses, clients or whatsoever, and she loved her home.

She sat down on a red chair, which didn't fit at all with the green sofa and blue carpet, and stared at the white wall she was facing, thinking. She had no job at the moment, and the money she had, had been scraped together by doing all kinds of simple, one time jobs that nobody else wanted to do. She really had to find herself a decent job, but who was going to hire an AI with a history like here?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Running. Running. Gotta keep running. Damnit, damnit….why did they have to send him? Of all people; was she really that much of a threat? Apparently so, as the girl with the long coat and the blazing red hair continued running for her life, weaving past street corners and scouting ahead for potential safe-zones.

Nothing yet but…ah, there was a place! A small house that didn’t seem like anyone lived there, or at least they were gone for the night. No lights were turned on…this was a good thing.

Exuding the last bit of her energy, Kiara Bastion leaped forward and hid near one of the Imperium issued garbage baskets near each and every home, waiting for the sentry units to pass by. Once they did, she released a sigh of relief before searching around the building for an open window.

Until she could formulate a new strategy, this would become her temporary home for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Trixie kept thinking, still sitting in the chair. There had to be a way for her to earn money. She wasn't made for an office job, anything mechanic or something specific or impressive, so that wasn't going to be an option. She wasn't willing, or able to be picky in her situation, so a lot of things would be good. At the moment, she would even be good with working in a store or cleaning up toilets. She'd be good with everything, really.

Well, everything except for that one thing. There was no way she was ever going back to the way things used to be. She and Elliot had done so much to get her away from that life, she wouldn't go back to that anymore and let all their effort go to waste. That wasn't worth it. She'd rather be poor than than going back to her old life.

Trixie let out a silent sigh and tried to think of other things. Of good and nice things, instead of thinking about her past and how she would ever be able to find a job again. Stressing over her past would be useless, and there was no use in just thinking about getting a job. She would have to do something. So like the last few days, she was going to search for a job tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Sorry about this…whoever you are. I’m sure you won’t mind too much.”

Kiara muttered these very words to herself before summoning Volunta into her grip and plunging it into the window pane. After having a quick scope around the establishment, she found that no, there were no open windows in sight for her to use. Figures. She would just have to cut her way through, like all things.

The weapon’s blade pierced through the glass without making a sound, acting almost like one of the latest models of beam swords. Cutting a large circular pathway for herself, Kiara gently removed the cut glass and slipped through the newly created entrance. So far so good.

Well, that’s what she would have liked to believe. However, the world usually doesn’t play its rules by any one specific individual’s standards and desires; it just didn’t work that way. So of course, Kiara was only faintly surprised that the window was connected to the living room with the house’s resident still very much here.

“Shit,” she cursed in her mind, having landed directly the house resident’s red chair. A simple step…careful…if she had to fight, then she was more than willing to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Trixie heard something from behind her chair and turned to look around, shooting up from the chair when she noticed the woman only a few steps away from her window, out of which she had cut a perfect, circular shape. Unlike how many would react, Trixie didn't shout, although she still acted cautiously. "There is nothing of high value in this house, so I suggest that you leave." She said, though it was obviously not meant as an option.

No, this was Trixie's home. She had worked hard to be able to live here, and she was not going to accept it that some woman just thought she could break into her home and steal the things Trixie had earned in a right way, paid for with her own money she had worked hard for.

Of course she knew that if it would come down to a fight, Trixie actually didn't stand a chance. She had no weapons or combat skills. Not at all. She wasn't made to fight, she was made for... entirely different things. But this burglar didn't know, and Trixie hoped she could manage to scare her away with just threats.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Whoah, whoah, easy now. I’m not hear to steal anything, alright?”

Having been noticed by the house resident, Kiara made the effort of walking closely to her and placing her hands up to where they could be seen. From her observation of the other female, Kiara could deduce that she was in the presence of an AI unit. The lights in the eyes gave it away, not to mention the fact that this woman seemingly lived alone. Not a lot of humans did that these days, or rather any other species except maybe demons.

“Look, I swear I’m not gonna rob you. I just needed a place to crash cause I…um, I lost my job today. Kinda broke now, so…um, mind I can be your new roommate? You know, just until I get back on my feet.”

Kiara offered her a smile, specifically avoiding the use of her full name. Technically, what she said was true, as defecting from the World Kingdom of the Imperium was pretty much an equivalent to losing one’s occupation, if not greater.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Trixie looked at the woman and sighed. So this woman was in a situation similar to her own situation, but apperently even worse. She had nowhere to live, even though she had just recently lost her job. Not having a job and therefor no way to gain money for anything at all, was a very difficult thing. Of all people, Trixie knew that all too well.

"That doesn't make it appropriate for one to damage the windows of another to break into their house." She answered. Unemployed or not, what this woman had done was wrong, and she shouldn't try to justify her actions or blame it onto her current situation.

But even then, how could Trixie refuse this woman her help, knowing so well what she was going through? Letting out another sigh, Trixie looked up to her again. "I can't offer you much; I'm at the moment hardly able to take care of myself, let alone someone else. You can stay here a few days and I will not ask you to answer any question you do not wish to answer, but only if you return that favor." She said.

"My name is Trixie, by the way." She then added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Oh, uh, heh, sorry about that. I didn’t think that you’d actually open the door for a complete stranger.”

Kiara tried to shrug it off, taking one more glaring look at the open window behind her. Noticing some curtains pushed over to the side, she pulled them out and carefully covered the large gaping hole to keep out the cold.

“There, it looks brand new! Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to pay for it eventually.”

Crossing her arms behind her head Kiara walked closer to the AI and spun around slowly to get a good long look at her new home. If she needed to make a quick escape, she need to be sure there were viable exits.

“I can't offer you much; I'm at the moment hardly able to take care of myself, let alone someone else. You can stay here a few days and I will not ask you to answer any question you do not wish to answer, but only if you return that favor. My name is Trixie, by the way."

“Trixie huh? That’s a nice name for a robot. You must have been one of those fancy ones who work at the train stations, right? Man they pay big money for that kind of work.”

Grinning, the coat-clad girl brought her hand forward to shake.

“Name’s Kiara. Just…Kiara.”

Best not to give her full name, and she was confident she could take her down if Trixie did turn her over to the Imperium.

“So Trixie, do you live here alone?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Trixie watched Kiara close the curtains, only to act like that solved any kind of problem the hole in her window caused. "From the inside of the house, the hole is not visible, but on the outside, it still is. And a closed pair of curtains won't stop anyone with bad intentions from breaking in." She remarked. It was just unsafe and didn't look right, and that bothered her.

Trixie shook her head in response to Kiara's guess as to what kind of job she used to have. "I wasn't exactly designed for such jobs." She answered the girl, looking at her. Working at a train station was far from anything she was meant to do, that wasn't anything like her original purpose at all. The only time she ever got at a train station was when she was searching for a customer.

When Kiara asked her if she lived alone the AI nodded, glad to change the subject of their conversation. "I do. I used to stay at a friend's house until I was able to afford my own place, but ever since I have been living here without any company." She said. She looked at the woman's outstretched hand and shook it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"From the inside of the house, the hole is not visible, but on the outside, it still is. And a closed pair of curtains won't stop anyone with bad intentions from breaking in."

Kiara shrugged in response to that, making the notion of summoning her weapon. Twirling the strange sword around, she showed off the Volunta as if it were a mere toy or commodity.

“You shouldn’t be too worried you know. If anyone decides to break in, I’ll make sure to protect us; got it?”

Dispelling the weapon, she reached over to shake Trixie’s hand with a confident grin.

“Alright then Miss Trixie. Mind showing me around the place?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Although Trixie wasn't fond of fighting and weapons, she had to admit that in a certain way it felt good to know the girl owned one, yet at the sane time, not so much. Of course she was right, she could protect them, but she could also use the weapon to harm Trixie whenever she felt like it.

Kiara asked if Trixie could show her around in the house, at which she nodded. First she headed to the kitchen, which was rather empty. "I suppose you understand that you and I are two different beings and feed ourselves in separate ways. Therefor, I'm afraid there's not much edible here for you. If it is though, feel free to eat it. I won't have use for it, anyway." She said, before showing the other rooms. The bathroom was equally simple, with maintenance items such as oil rather than wellness products that would be of any use for a human. Trixie suggested that Kiara could use the larger bedroom, telling her she'd only need to able to recharge in the bedroom anyway and that as long as that was possible, she was good with it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Somewhere, far away from Trixie’s own home, a man clad in all black walked casually down the sideways of the bustling city. Bright lights and neon colors of all shades flashed above him, though the man in black payed no heed to their disturbance. Tipping his fedora downward, he smirked.

“Well now. It appears our contact is late. What do you suggest we do then Giltwith?”

The man turned his innocent grin over to the younger male tagging behind him. Dressed in the garments and coat of a warrior, the red-eyed boy was easily identifiable as a Knight of the Imperium. The two had been sent to rendezvous with another fellow Knight from a different division; one that would assistant them in their hunt for what their Superior labeled as the Catalyst.

Meeting his mismatched gaze, Giltwith showed no immediate emotion as he answered.

“We wait Spencer. I’m sure Miss Thorne will meet us soon enough.”

The older man shrugged lazily.

“Ah. Waiting it is then. How very boring.”

Back in Trixie’s home, the red-headed existence known as Kiara nodded her head in acceptance at all ground rules and placement of other objects. Seeing as it wasn’t her home, she needed to at least repay what little money she had in respect.

“Seeing as you live alone, I’m just gonna assume that I take the couch then?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Member Seen 1 day ago

It wasn't much later when Jackson and and Elliot saw the two others, noticing them from a distance. "I think it's them, Jackson." Elliot said, pointing the two of them out.

Jackson noticed the two and nodded, approaching the two of them. The mage greeted their new companions with a friendly smile, but the knight kept the same, straight, cold expression on her face.

"Mister Spencer Parker, I assume?" She said, stretching her hand out for Spencer to shake it. "My name is Jackson Thorne and this here is my assistant, Elliot Vineblood. We were told that you needed our aid on your mission to find a certain fugitive named Kiara." Jackson greeted them formally.

Trixie shook her head. "You can sleep in the bed. It's comfortable for me, but I only have to recharge, so the bed will do you more good than me." She answered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Spencer grinned as he placed his fedora in his left hand and bowed. Likewise, Giltwith said nothing more, only standing there silently in respect.

“Good evening Miss Jackson Thorne, Elliot Vineblood. I’ve heard a great deal of many things about you two; to think of having you two serving under my ranks? This is indeed a rare opportunity. Ah, let’s not refer to our target with real names, yes? Our benevolent and almighty Superior has labeled her “Catalyst” and would prefer we strictly use that code name. Legal issues I suppose.”

The man in black swept his arm to direct both of their gazes towards Giltwith. The red-eyed Knight gave a curt nod before smiling lightly.

“This here is my assistant Miss Jackson. A Knight with exceptional power and ability…you can call him Giltwith.”

Back at the house, Kiara raised an eyebrow at the suggestion but did not question it further. Of course an AI would possess no need for any real sleep.

“Well if that’s alright with you. Thank you.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Jackson lowered her arm when it became obvious that the officer had no intention to shake it. She looked at Spencer and frowned. Under his rank? Yeah, right. "Let's just hope that you are just as good as they say you are." She decided to say. It wasn't something that would help him to like her, but she didn't care for that at all. She wasn't wanting to make any new friends, anyway.

"But, I suppose that rumors and reputations are not our priorities." She added. "So, the Catalyst, you say. What else, other than that she's a traitor and a skilled knight, do we know about this woman?" She asked.

As usual, Elliot was quiet. Although she was his partner, Elliot hated it to work with Jackson. She was always so bossy, arrogant and most of all, cruel and cold. She never had any trouble with killing someone right on the spot. In fact, she always did when she was given the opportunity and permision to do so.

Trixie simply put a small smile onto her face. "It's no big deal. I have been in a situation similar to yours, so I know what you must feel like. I'm just happy that I can help you out." She answered. She liked helping people. It made her feel good, like she was actually making a difference.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

If Spencer was put off by the Knight’s cold demeanor, he did nothing to show for it. Instead, he kept only that same smile creased onto his face.

“As good as they say? Well…eh, see I’m not all up for fighting. That’s your job Miss Jackson. But you’re right; we should get down to business.”

Giltwith raised an eyebrow at the two’s exchange but said noting, directing his gaze onto Elliot now.

“Yes, yes…it appears that this Catalyst has discovered confidential information regarding our fair Imperium. And maybe even the Superior as well....however to send us in place of the Four Knights of Ragnorak is quite an interesting move.”

He tipped his fedora in light of this information.

“Regardless, what’s done is done. What we do know is that she possesses a very dangerous weapon called the Volunta. It’s originally a tool made for assassination. Would you like to know what exactly it does Miss Jackson?”

Back in Trixie’s residence, Kiara crossed her arms and leaned back on the wall.

“Heh, well I suppose we’ve all been there, huh? You know you’ve been so kind to me Trixie, and I don’t even know your story. How does an AI like you end up living all alone like this?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Jackson listened to the officers' explanation and nodded afterwards. "Some information about her weapon should be very useful, especially considering the fact the chance that at least one of will have to fight her, is quite large." She answered. By now, she couldn't honestly tell if she liked or disliked this man. At the very least he wasn't trying to become friends or whatever, unlike many, so that was a good thing.

Elliot sighed softly, looking away from the two. Of course, this was all nothing new to him. Jackson discussed whatever was important and took the lead, while he just stood there awkwardly. His gaze met Gilwith's, who seemed to be in the same position, and he offered the guy a friendly smile.

Trixie looked at Kiara while she sat down again. "Well you see, not all AIs are designed for great and wonderful jobs. Some of us are meant for not so pleasant things, and in my case, that kind of thing was sexual pleasure. I was meant to be not much more than a toy or a slave, and when I was bought, I ended up in the prostitution, with several others like me. I spent a long time living like that and I hated it, but after much hoping and waiting and planning and whatnot, I met a mage. He helped me to get away from my owner, the others and the building we lived in, and offered me shelter. I lived at his place for some time, until I was able to afford this place. Even now, we're still good friends." She told, seeing no reason as to why she shouldn't tell her story. Sooner or later, Kiara would've found out anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Sure, sure. Whatever you say Miss Jackson.”

Spencer tilted his fedora forwards in confirmation of the information he was about to disclose. Next to him, Giltwith caught Elliot’s gaze and only nodded once more. A second of hesitation, and the Knight soon brought a small smile with his nod as well.

“Now let’s see here…ah yes! The Volunta is said to be a mismatched sword of some sort that can actually drain away a being’s very existence. Shocking I know, but there’s more. The weapon also drains away the existence of its own user and that means that the weapon has to connect. Otherwise, it’s suicide to even use the thing. Knowing this, you can see why it was considered a high class assassinating tool. Still, that’s some pretty potent magic for only a sword.”

The tall man in black placed his hands in his coat pockets casually and grinned.

“Well? Does that satisfy your curiosity Miss Jackson?”

At Trixie’s residence, Kiara widened her eyes upon hearing the robot’s story. Then a blush soon formed on her cheeks and she blinked in surprise.

“Whoah, whoah, wait a minute. You’re telling me you were like a sex doll? And this mage of yours? I take it he still checks on you from time to time?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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"Well, it might be quite useful if you could also tell me where our target has been seen last, I suppose." Jackson answered to Spencer. Of course, it was important to know about the woman's weapons, but there were other important things they needed to know of, too.

Elliot quietly wondered if things were the same for Gilwith as they were for him. Elliot himself really didn't have much of a say in what he and Jackson did. The woman was usually spoken perfectly fine with bossing around and ignorong pretty much everything he had to say. He hoped for Gilwith, that Spencer treated him in a different way. Though at least Spencer and Jackson were both unsettling people, by the looks of them.

Trixie nodded. "Well, not exactly, but I suppose you could call it that way. A doll is a non-sentient creation. It has no actual intelligence, feelings or such things that AIs do have, even though in my case, my purpose is not that of the average AI. I suppose the term 'former prostitute' would be more accurate than 'sex doll, not to mention that it is also more respectful." She answered. "And yes, the mage who helps me still visits every so often. He's just a friend, but very kind."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Where’s she been spotted last? I’m afraid that information isn’t up to me. So sorry. See, I can’t say for sure, but I think she was spotted heading for one of the lower districts? You know, the little apartment complexes? Tough to say though, so I guess you three are just gonna have to check it out for yourselves.”

Spencer spun around on his heels and hooked his thumbs in his coat pockets; glancing over his shoulder, he tipped his fedora before calling out to his three allies.

“See, I’ve got some business of my own to take care of. Paperwork and the like; I’m, eh, not really the fighting type if you catch my drift. Not to worry Miss Jackson, I have complete faith in your valiant endeavors! Just try not to screw up, yeah? You can tag along too Giltwith.”

The Knight in question raised an eyebrow at his superior but said nothing, only looking back at Jackson for further orders. Spencer flashed them all a knowing smirk before casually walking away into the night.

“Right then,” Giltwith finally said, walking up to Jackson. “Shall you lead the way Miss Jackson?”

Back at Trixie’s residence, Kiara sighed and shook her head.

“Well if it means anything to you, I never would have expected you to be a digital whore. You act too refined for that kind of crap, you know? Anyway, I think I’ll stay up a bit before calling it a night.”

She gave the AI a sly grin.

“Guess being on the run has made me a little paranoid; sorry about that.”
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