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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lucaris woke up with a start during the early hours of the morning. He sat there, his lungs heaving for air, and reflected upon what had woken him up so roughly. Lucaris' dreams weren't joyous ones for they were filled with fire and shouts that made Lucaris feel as though his heart was being torn out. The fire wasn't the only thing that visited him in his dreams. Behind the fire, almost as if taunting him, were faces he's seen during his travels over the past few weeks. Faces he's never wanted to see again. Faces that haunted him not only during the night, but his ever waking memory. Lucaris curled up as tears began to well up and pulled at his hair as he choked back sobs. "It's not my fault. I swear it's not my fault. They just wouldn't stop. If they had just stopped everything would have been fine." Taking several minutes to calm himself down Lucaris stood back up and finally took a closer look at his surroundings. He was so travel weary the other night that he hadn't even bothered to explore his new home. Now that he's slept, however poorly, Lucaris began to rummage about the room. On the wall next to the door was a clock which reminded him of the one he had at his old home. Walking up to it he examined the little details that were etched into the frame letting that fill his mind to replace his memories of his nightmare. I wonder if anyone is awake at this time? Six o'clock in the morning, huh. I didn't really sleep all that long did I? I wonder if there's any clothing in those drawers next to the bed. I hope so because I'd rather nobody saw mine. Lucaris continued to ramble on in his mind as he opened one of the drawers and took out a pair of trousers from the drawer. After a small search of the other drawers he concluded that there were around six pairs of identical outfits total. He assumed if anyone wanted to wear something different then they would have to obtain it through their own means. Stripping off his smelly, blood stained clothing Lucaris looked around the room for a place to hid his clothes. Because of his thick travel cloak he knew nobody would have seen his blood-stained clothes, but he also knew there was no way he would be able to wear his travel cloak all the time. Removing one of the drawers from the frame it was set in Lucaris stashed the clothing inside the dresser so that it would be hidden when he put the drawer back. Not the perfect hiding spot but it would have to do. Now, where did Victoritta say the dining hall was? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After about half an hour of making his way through the maze like halls of the academy Lucaris finally made it to the dining hall where all the other students gathered to have their meals before, between, and after classes. The first thing Lucaris noticed was how little people there were total. For such an enormous building one would expect it to be filled to the brim with people. Instead he could count the number of people in the dining hall on his two hands with a few extra still needing to be counted. Maybe it's still too early. It was nearly seven in the morning when I finally left my room, and I'm pretty sure it took me nearly an hour to find this place. Half an hour? Who knows, but it should be eight fairly soon. Now how does this system work? Lucaris continued to stand and watch as students would periodically go up to where all the food was located, grab a plate, and pile anything they wanted onto the plate from the food bar. The system was fairly simple and it took Lucaris no time at all to catch on. The main problem was what exactly he was going to choose to eat. Everything looked cooked, which would only make it a little difficult to swallow whole, and there were some things that were way too small to even attempt to chew with his teeth. All in all there were so many choices to make and Lucaris felt a little overwhelmed by the amount. Quickly grabbing a large slab of meat labeled "T-Bone Steak" Lucaris quickly grabbed a fork and knife as well as a glass of water before quickly finding a seat before anyone could ask him about his odd behavior. That meat looks pretty dry don't ya think so? Hell there isn't even an ounce of blood oozing from that slab of animal flesh. What kind of cooks are these? As much as I hate to say it. This is the one thing I will agree with you on. Only because I'm used to eating my meat fresh. Don't let this get to your head. Hmph, it was only an opinion of mine. I'm allowed to have those you know. Lucaris took his time with his meal. Making sure to chew the meat slowly so that it would go down without an issue. It was a process that sped up over time as he became accustomed to consuming the greatly cooked flesh. As Lucaris was nearing the end of his meal his table was suddenly invaded by another's presence that seemed to have come from nowhere. A woman he had never seen before had sat down at his table and immediately began her greetings as well as introductions without even considering if it were okay. Lucaris wasn't too bothered by the sudden company, and he looked at this woman curiously as she spoke. She had large wings that hung relaxed from her back like a mantle, and bright blue eyes that looked much like his mother's. Her eyes weren't the only thing bright in colour as her hair was a sort of bright pink that seemed to match her initial personality quite well according to Lucaris' first impression of her. "Ah, erm, hello there. Tokarin was it? My name's Lucaris Cain. It's, erm, a pleasure to meet you." Lucaris said all this in his usual soft and quiet voice while he tried to divert his gaze from hers, but found it difficult to do so. As he spoke Lucaris slowly placed his hands in his lap thus hiding them under the table. His own physical abnormalities weren't much compared to someone like Karnage, but his experiences with humans in the past has made him weary and cautious when it came to meeting new people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 10 mos ago

“That didn’t sound very convinced.” She chuckled, her wings coming up to fold to the side of the chair. “Sorry if I startled you there. I just haven’t seen you around and I couldn’t help myself.” She explained, her eyes catching his hands sliding off the table and exploring his dish curiously but she didn’t question it. Her voice was bright and melodic and her tone - friendly and easygoing. She sounded like she was talking to an old friend, even if she’d only just met him. “Hefty meal for a breakfast, did you not eat anything last night? There was a party and there was some lovely food there.” She said, taking a bite of her banichka. The salty flavour exploded in her mouth and made her eyes narrow in delight. “Oh, no, don’t worry about it. I wasn’t all that startled. Just wasn’t, uh, expecting company.” Lucaris gazed at the remains of his meal as Tokarin mentioned his meal. Compared to what Tokarin had brought the meal did indeed seem like a lot of food. Although Lucaris felt as though her meal was much too small. “Not really. I arrived fairly late to be honest. Plus the food was quite, erm, small. What is it that you’ve chosen for breakfast? It looks, uh, interesting.” The girl laughed and leaned back on her chair. “It's from Eastern Europe, it's layers of fried thin dough with white cheese inside. It's really salty and a bit greasy but I love it. They call it 'banitsa' or 'banichka'. Though I have a feeling you're more of a meats person so I'm not sure if you'll like it.” She pushed her plate slightly forward, offering him some despite. Lucaris tilted his head slightly as he watched Tokarin slide the plate towards him in an offer for him to try one of the so called ‘Banichka’ or ‘Banitsa’. He knew quite well it can’t have been poisoned due to the fact that Tokarin was just eating one a moment ago. Reaching forward cautiously Lucaris gave it a quick sniff. The scents it gave off were very interesting and not at all unappealing. Thinking it was better now than never Lucais took a large bite from the Banitsa. Tokarin didn’t lie when she said it was very salty as his taste buds were immediately assaulted by the sharp tang of the salt. Despite its saltiness the food itself had an interesting flavor that wasn’t too bad but also was something he’d have to become accustomed to. Contrary to its solid looks the Banitsa was very easy for him to eat due to its non-solid filling that cut down on any chewing needed. After wiping the crumbs and grease off his lips Lucaris nodded in approval before sliding the plate back across the table to Tokarin. “It’s interesting I’ll say. You really weren’t kidding about the salt. You’re right about the meat though. I definitely prefer that, but I can’t quite say I didn’t like this, erm, Banitsa outright. It was cooked far better than this meat was, heh.” “I know, right?” She smiled proudly as if she'd cooked the thing herself and dug into another piece. “I love trying new things, although sometimes it's more of a bad surprise than a good one.” She swallowed and leaned forward, arms on the table. “Do you like to travel? Where are you from anyway? Is it nice there?” Lucaris felt a little taken aback when he was suddenly asked several questions in rapid fire. Currently they were all about his previous home and his travels, but he had a small feeling the questions would extend far beyond that. Preparing himself for a potential onslaught of questions Lucaris began answering them to the best of his ability. “I can’t quite say I enjoy travelling just yet. This is my first time away from my home. I quite like where my home was, yes. My house was located deep within a forest. It was quite peaceful. I loved it there being surrounded by the trees and wildlife. My reasons for leaving, before you ask, are something I would rather not share. I am not fond of those memories. What about you, hmm? Where are you from?” “Ah! So you’re a sheltered kid, like me.” She giggled. “Well, maybe less actually. I grew up in Heaven, you know, the thing above?” She pointed to the ceiling. “It’s mostly desolated but there are a few places where you can still settle and that’s what my guardians did. My only knowledge of the surface world was what I was told and what I could see when the clouds dispersed. I’ve been on the Surface for about a year now so I know a bit more but I’m still a bit lost when it comes to some things. Like gendered bathrooms.” She giggled, slightly embarrassed. “I was happy to leave my home though. Sorry that it wasn’t quite the same for you.” “Heaven? So those wings do mean that you’re an angel. That’s pretty neat. I’ve only heard of Heaven through small comments made by my mo-- a friend of mine.” No wonder she reminds me of mother. She, too, is an angel. Although how come my mother didn’t have wings when she was an angel as well? “Hmm, do all angels have wings? Are there some that don’t have any? You don’t have to answer, just a little curious.” Tokarin looked confused for a moment, then she frowned in thought, looking at the ceiling. “Yeah, all angels have wings, and all.. people who have wings like birds are angels. As far as I’m aware. Maybe some demons have wings too, I don’t know.” She frowned again, this time at the table. “We should research that, probably.” Lucaris nodded in agreement and picked at the bracelet he had around his left wrist. Noticing that Tokarin was frowning Lucaris quickly began to think of something to say to change the subject. “So, do you have one of those so-called Fragments too? Most of the students I met last night appeared to have them so I, uh, assume that all of the students here have them.” Lucaris pulled one arm out and pointed at the crystal that hung from its wrist. “I found this one not too long ago. Apparently it’s a Fragment, but I’m not so sure about it. I’ll probably be learning more about it today. Which reminds me. What sort of things do get taught around here? Rumors were that this was a place to get stronger, or that’s how I interpreted them.” Tokarin leaned forward to inspect the bracelet, cocking her head in the process. “Well, that’s a peculiar fragment, isn’t it. Usually they’re weapons or musical instruments. Yeah, we all have one of them, if you haven’t been instructed about them you should probably speak to Hazumi or Lily about it. Hmm about classes… well, we have quite a bit of training classes which will make you stronger indeed, and then we get missions on which you get to prove yourself. We also have theory and things like anatomy and.. well, let’s just say it’s fun.” She smiled brightly. “I don’t know what those last ones are, but I’ll have to take your word for it. It does seem rather interesting, though, and there’s just so much to learn about the world. I never knew how different things could be before I left. You mentioned a Hazumi earlier, right? She’s the one that, uh, stormed out of that party room last night yeah? You sure it’s safe to be alone with her? Who knows, maybe she’ll try to melt me like she did her clothes.” Lucaris smiled at the thought and silently laughed for a second as he imagined Hazumi melting someone into a puddle of liquid for something silly like looking at her incorrectly. Now I kind of want to meet her, heh. “Yeah the world is so big and interesting~” The girl said dreamily, gulping the espresso down in one go and shuddering in the process. “Oh, wait, what? She melted her clothes yesterday? I wasn’t here for the best part of the celebrations, what happened? Did she actually strip? Why?!” “Well I had barely just arrived before it happened, and it happened quite close by too when it did. Although she looked as though she were about to strike some man, but held back and decided to leave the party room instead. Although her anger was strong enough to melt her clothing for some reason. It was all pretty bizarre, but that entire night was all kinds of bizarre for me.” “Wow… I missed all the fun!” She threw her arms in the air and dug into her dessert. “Yeah, she can be moody but I haven’t seen her snap at anyone to the point of trying to kill them. Maybe he was her ex or something.” She giggled and looked at her watch. “Lectures soon. I suggest you hurry with that steak.” She reminded, pointing at his plate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

While everyone slept, Karnage and some of the more nocturnal demons worked to clean up the hall. He did return to his room, but only to store his suit. he paid top dollar to get one fitted for him and to accommodate his abilities. After changing Karnage helped doing things such as scrubbing floors, disposing waste, dragging inebriated party goers to their room. Karnage would have liked to say it was more interesting than that, but that's what he and a few others did for the next five hours or so. Karnage himself didn't do much else, even after he finished cleaning up. He returned to his room and booted up his laptop. There he wrote a bit about the days events.
The party didn't start off on it's best foot, but in the end I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Hazumi, the guest of honor, had a spat with Solus. I don't know who that guy is, but he rubs me the wrong way. I think that power's got to his head or something, like many others. It put everyone one edge. Still, it wasn't a total lost. Met a new guy Lucaris Cain. Seems like a nice enough kid but it's pretty obvious he's got a dark past. But who doesn't nowadays? I'll have to talk to him some more later and figure him out. And than there was Reiko Sonata. I sort of already knew her, but I think today was the first time I've actually approached her on my own. A nice kid but rather broody. Her Fragment is a flute, just figured that out today. Seems pretty neat. She's friends with Aurelie La-Victoire-de-la-Reine, someone else whom I don't know too well. Her singing is quite divine. I also met with Alzir. Briefly. Making a note here: Know more people.
The Opening Day
After finishing up his entry Karnage left his room and resumed his patrols. He did not require sleep and it's not like there was much else he could do for the next few hours. Karnage roamed the school on the look out for anyone suspicious until the sun finally dawned. Many of the early birds of the school would be heading to the dinning hall right about now, so he decided to stop by himself. He could go for breakfast. Once inside Karnage waited in line, noting a few familiar and unfamiliar faces. He grabbed himself a classic and basic breakfast before finding Lucaris. He seemed to have found a new friend as well. "Good morning Cain. I hope yesterday's festivities were enjoyable."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Krauxis
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Krauxis Who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Reiko Sonata wheezed to life in the early hours of the dawn. She had let herself go at the party last night and had paid for it with a single cracked rib. It hurt, but it didn't impede her movement in particular, so she was just a little thankful. It was stupid, the whole lot of it, and she had herself to blame. Aurelie had been the first to start that stupid show, and somehow she'd been the one to call it off, or so Reiko had been told. She had whited out as the music had crested, as she foresaw. Baka ne... The time for parties was over, the time for school was beginning. Pain aside, getting up was relatively easy. Reiko did not sleep very deep at the best of times, and the pain in her chest only exacerbated this. She arose easily and skulked back to her room to change her clothes, having slept in her 'party clothes' (such as they were) in the infirmary. She tugged her usual dress down over her head, never the type to buy anything fancy that might tie up to look more feminine. Sparing a quick glance into the bathroom mirror as she washed her face to make sure nothing was amiss, she left her room on very little ceremony. Oddities led to you being noticed. Change your hair, your wardrobe, people will notice. It was not Reiko's style to be noticed for things like that, and so she kept to the same morning ritual most days. Her hair seldom changed, and her outfits all seemed to look alike, just with minor differences. She looked fine, overall. Not great, not bad. Just fine. But the consistency was important. After walking down to the cafeteria, she scanned the room for familiar faces. Too many were present for her liking. She was ashamed of herself this morning, and didn't want to talk to anybody who was around yesterday. This was reasonable. So, like always, she would order her food, the same as always, and sit alone, as she always did. Other people would not spoil this morning for her. "Bonne Journee, Reiko. I hope your chest is feeling better. Hey, we ordered the same breakfast." ...Must have been the wind. Turning the other direction, Reiko walked slowly, scanning the room for any more tables. In truth there were plenty, but she wanted to avoid sitting with certain people, if she could help it. "If you are looking for a seat, there are plenty, girl, just choose one and sit." Her ears were ringing today, for some reason. How odd. Still, it wouldn't ruin her morning ritual. Turning 90 degrees away from the source of her aggravation, she dropped to a table two away from where the large group was forming. Close enough to hear their conversation, but hopefully far enough not to be noticed. If she was quiet enough, her position would remain undetected. Yes, solitary mornings truly were the best. Mornings without the clinking and clanging of large metal weaponry. Or without the visible aura of high-strung energy emanating from a certain light-haired schoolmate of hers. Since when were they even this close? If she remembered correctly, Aurelie thought she was creepy and a bother. It had always been Reiko who had approached her, never the other way around. So this turn of events was both jarring and unfortunate. "I am glad I made it back to my room in time. Chevalière was lonely all by herself, you know. It felt as though I were, heh, au natural without her, is the saying? I even squeezed in some time for meditation and independant training this morning." Closing her eyes, Reiko rested her chin in her hand, her blank expression seeming a little more sarcasting than usual as she uttered her first words of the day. "I believe your table is over there, Aurelie-chan." Somehow, this hit home, and the inexplicable swordswoman seemed to take the hint. Simply shrugging, Aura scooped up her breakfast and moved herself over to where the group was conversing the morning away, leaving Reiko behind. She shoved herself into an open spot at the table, not particularly worried if her large weapon made anybody uncomfortable, before butting rudely into the conversation. "Hey everybody, what's all the excitement about?" Aura asked with an ignorant grin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Some time later...

Breakfast went without a hitch. The students met with their friends, teachers met with their coworkers, and Karnage was given his job for today. While more exciting than the usual "Keep the hallways clean" duties he's given, clearing out demons from one of the store houses wasn't a particularly exciting job. While most mortals shook in their boots at the sound of demons, these demons Karnage were well aware of: a band of somewhat intimidating but largely powerless whelps who's biggest threat was stealing things from the store houses. He had a run in with them before and killed some of their members in the past, but without the school's permission he couldn't leave to finish them off. They'd always escape before he could slay them to the last, mostly because of how many there were. And since they never were that much of a threat to the school itself Karnage was always made to deal with them himself. It was times like these he wished he could have summoned demons of his own again, but alas, he lacked such power in this world.

But than again that doesn't mean he has to deal with this alone. The demons were fairly weak but numerous; if he could just get some help in chasing them down they wouldn't have to deal with them again. He would only need maybe two or three others to help him out. And he knew just the people.

So during breaks Karnage went to find Reiko, Aurelie, and Lucaris. He told them all the same thing: "I have been tasked to clear some of the store houses of demons. They are weak things, no danger to me and likely no danger to you, but there are many of them. While I can slay most of them there are simply too many for me to catch on my own. If you have the time and are willing, find me near the gymnasium this afternoon. We will hunt these vermin and put your skills to the test."

It was about the right time. Karnage stood by the entrance to the gymnasium with his rifle beside him. He hoped the students would be willing to help him just so he doesn't have to keep dealing with the pest. Plus it might be fun for them, and gives Karnage a chance to show off his knowledge of demons and maybe some of his skills.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

With his new company to keep his mind off the time; breakfast was over far quicker than he had anticipated. It wasn't until he noticed the room clearing over time did he realize it was time to move with the flow. Not wanting to waste even a single scrap of food, Lucaris made sure to pick up the bone that was left over from his T-Bone steak before departing from the table after giving a quick farewell to those that were still remaining. With a small smile Lucaris exited the mess hall and began his travels through the hallways of the academy. He knew not of where he should be going, but that mattered none at all for him. For once Lucaris felt no sense of paranoia or dread with his surroundings.

The people here are far nicer than those on the outside. It's almost as if a small burden has been lifted, ya know? Ah, you wouldn't get it.

I wonder how long this false peace will last, hmm?

Lucaris payed his fragment no mind and proceeded to crack the steak bone in the middle with his powerful jaws to get into the marrow of the bone. As he slowly cleaned the bone completely of all its marrow and flecks of leftover flesh an interesting sound echoed through the halls. It sounded almost as if someone or another was locked in intense combat. The sounds reminded him of his early hunts when he was young. Lucaris quickly ran over to the nearest window and peered outside. The window overlooked an interesting sight. It was a flat site with numerous training sandbags and sparring platforms set about the area. Several students gathered around one platform in particular as two people were locked in vicious combat. After getting a better look he realized only one person was taking the fight with any seriousness and it was a student. Their opponent was the man that had greeted Karnage and the rest of the group last night towards the end of the party.

I don't understand why isn't this man striking back? Does he not fear for his life? That student clearly wants to cause him great harm for some reason, but he's just standing there dodging everything.

Those eyes just there for decoration or what, numbskull? Can't you even do a basic weighing of power? That man is far more powerful than that student. Tch, I wish he'd have found me instead of a certain little pansy. I'd be bathing in blood if someone like him wielded me.

Well why don't you just swap then, hmm? I'd be more than willing to give you to him.

Hah, you may be some hippy pansy but your hands ain't clean either. I didn't even have to convince you back then, y'know. Hey, do you still see them at night?

"Shut up!"

"Well then."

Lucaris nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a second voice behind him. A voice that sounded eerily similar to Karnage's. Yanking his claws out from the stone windowsill that he was previously giving a death-grip Lucaris turned to face the figure behind him. Low and behold the person behind didn't just sound like Karnage it was actually Karnage himself.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you. I was just, uh, just... Oh nevermind. I'm sorry but did you want something? I don't think I caught what you said earlier."

Karnage briefly explained the task he was given and gave Lucaris an offer to join him with his task. Lucaris simply nodded and told Karnage he'd consider it. He sat there completely still as he watched Karnage depart wondering why of all people that he came to him for a task such as his. Of all things to be offered to do this was one he was hesitating on. Lucaris turned back toward the window and examined the damage he had done to the windowsill. Eight holes dotted the top of the brickwork with cracks spiderwebbing across the face down to the bottom where his thumbs were moments ago. He was glad that the brickwork didn't completely shatter in his hands and hoped the damage will never be noticed. Giving the sight below the window one last glance Lucaris decided to depart and make his way towards the gymnasium.

He said to find him this afternoon, and it's nearly midday as is. It must have taken him a while to find me given I'm not exactly in a class. I'll take Karnage up on his offer, though. This'll be the perfect distraction even through I'd rather avoid killing. It's just a bit of vermin cleansing, though, nothing wrong with that.

You are the cutest little hypocrite I've ever come across, heh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krauxis
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Krauxis Who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aura smiled upon hearing her mission. It is time to see the results of my real training, she thought to herself. She wasn't scared of some low-class demons. While threatening to untrained humans, these sort of goons could be easily killed with enough firepower. The type of enemies that can be riddled with bullets and left to rot. Target practice. Aura noted the rifle at Karnage's side. There would be no danger, so her confidence was exceptionally high. She looked over at the dark figure brooding in the shadows, her arms folded across her chest.

Reiko could not be as confident about their prospects, if she was being honest. Her chest still hurt whenever she breathed too heavily or moved too swiftly. She wasn't a fighter to start with, and her ability to play the flute would be hampered at best, null and void at worst. It was unfortunate, but she would have to play a supportive role in this mission. The weight of her clothing reassured her that she would not be without weapons, even in an emergency. In short, she was weakened, but with proper preparation and caution, it was possible to pass through many situations with your skin intact.

Lucaris seemed troubled to Reiko, like he had before. Whatever he was going through, it seemed that he was still not prepared to share it with anybody... that was fine. Reiko herself had not yet opened up, so how could she judge the boy for his own trust issues?

Aura spoke up after taking stock of the situation. "Is this all of us, then? Is it time to get to the hunt?" Her eyes seemed to twinkle with anticipation as she spoke, the massive sword on her back looking like it was prepared to leap out of its sheath to her assistance at any moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Karnage looked at the students gathered. All three of them. He had no doubts they'll be able to handle themselves, but nonetheless he knew he'd have to make sure they didn't get hurt too badly. Pushing himself off the wall Karnage began to speak. "I am glad that you all could make it. I will be brief: Our mission is to clear out some of these buildings of a demon infestation. Do not fear, the demons themselves are rather weak, however they are quick and outnumber us. Normally I would handle these tasks myself, but there are simply too many for me to kill on my own. To that end, I have requested you all to assist me in exterminating these pests down to the last. After we have cleared out the demons, take these," Karnage than began to hand out small boxes. Inside of them were little silver balls that looked similar to bells, but made no noise. "Warding Charms. I created them myself to weaken demons who are within its presence. Against stronger demons like myself it is useless, but for the vermin we are hunting it will make them easy prey. After we have hunted the demons I want you to hide these charms around the building to dissuade more demons from coming later"

Once the boxes where handed out Tyrael gave everyone one more look over. They were just children to Tyrael, but one day they would be adults. And as adult they must be able to take care of themselves and others. He hoped that today would give them a good lesson on how to deal with their enemies and maybe even get them to know one another better. "As I have said, this mission is not without its dangers. If you do not wish to participate, I will not hold it against you. If you are ready, follow me and keep your head down."

Tyrael led the students away from the Gymnasium to one of the older buildings on the campus. While not exactly decrepit, it has been left in disuse due to it's location and because the school had no real use for it. Of course they still need to take care of it, and before they would send workers to renovate the building they needed Karnage to clear out the riffraff. As they approached Karnage put his finger to his mouth as a silent gesture that the others needed to be quiet. For a demon that stood taller than most mortals and at least twice their mass, Karnage was light on his feet. He took them through one of the service doors on the side of the building, creeping along to listen for their prey. Which wasn't hard as they were chattering nonstop, talking about what they would want to eat and where they'd find it. Of course it was all just fantasy for them. Soon enough the group would find a sizable amount of demons, 10 total, in a parlor area.

These demons were squat, ugly creatures that Karnage calls "Cannibals". They eat the flesh of demons and humans alike. Like Karnage told them, they were weak creatures, but fast and worked in groups. But so did Karnage and the students. Using the chatter of the cannibals to hide his own voice Karnage gave the others his battle plan. "Take them by surprise. One of you stay with me to secure this entrance, another two go around to the other entrance. Once in position, count to three, and we attack together." Karnage switched his shotgun off of safety and readied himself to start shooting.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
Avatar of Wind Wild

Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Why hello there, fellas!~" A loud voice greeted from the other side of the warehouse, it's sound making the demons jump and scatter even before the door slammed shut behind the newly emerged figure. It was tall and built, dressed in a weird hooded leather jacket, covered in spikes and heavy-looking chain hanging from his jeans among the two gun holsters. Despite his dangerous looks the young man was a student, one some might recognize by name as Fenrir.

Unbothered and with the same cheerful tone, the newcomer pointed out that it's hardly good sportsmanship to ambush unassuming targets, right before he pulled a Beretta out and fired a single shot. The bullet passed right trough the creature's weak skull, bursting it open like a pumpkin, and lodged itself firmly a mere centimeter in front of Aura's foot.

"Oops." He flashed two rows of ridiculously white teeth. "Maybe you should try moving next time, girl, hunting's a dangerous business. One I'm quite bitter not to have been invited to." He winked at Karnage, the challenge to Aura hanging in the air.

Aura narrowed her eyes, muttering under her breath, "Va te faire voir..." Any excitement she had towards this trip was killed off by this new arrival. She had no time to waste with delinquents like this. Aura studied hard, and looked down on people who clearly lacked her work ethic. But she was easily riled up, and this kid was getting her goat.

"I feel that right now we have other priorities, monsieur, than worrying about your personal tragedie. Though if you would like a duel, that can be taken care of later. For now, perhaps, we deal with these demons?" Aura wasn't sure she could avoid getting in this stranger's face, and she wasn't worried enough about these low-rank goons to not focus her attention on the real threat: friendly fire.

"Woah." The newcomer grinned, scratching his ear with the gun. "A bunch of words I don't understand. I'm impressed indeed. But a duel? That's taking it a bit far, we're not "foes" after all, are we?" He winked and proceeded, as if inviting her for a dance, "A simple race would be plenty for me, if you would, miss."

Reiko sighed, looking at Karnage. "Since I am still recovering, I would like to volunteer myself to secure the entrance with you. It will only exacerbate my pain travelling with these children. I have blades on me, but I think perhaps the others can take care of themselves a little better." If Fenrir and Aura were going to fight, better they do it far enough away that they'll only be hurting themselves.

Karnage grumbled at the appearnace of Fenrir. He knew the boy, not that he was in his mind when he was assigned this mission, and for good reason. Honor and glory had no place over tactics and strategy. The cannibal demons didn't really care for their banter and attacked, pounching mainly on Fenrir as he was the only one who had revealed himself so far. A few who followed the bullet spotted Aura and attacked her as well, though they were considerably fewer compared to the ones who swarmed Fenrir. True enough to what Karnage warned, once the little buggers started moving they moved fast; fast enough to go from clustered in a group to right on top of the students. Karnage couldn't risk taking a shot right now without catching Aura or Fenrir in the blast, as these creatures were too weak to be used as bullet shields. If Karnage tried to shoot them off he was just as liable to tear through the students as he was the demons.

"I need to focus on keeping those things from eating Fenrir, ensure that none of them take advantage of this." Karnage told to Reiko. He handed her his shotgun seeing that it wasn't going to be helpful right now and launched a claw at one of the cannibal demons who were going to bite Fenrir's arm. But he was also keeping his senses sharp for noise coming elsewhere; while most demons would scatter at the sound of gunfire, some of the more foolhardy ones would arrive to what they would expect to be easy carrion, more so if they're also cannibal demons.

Reiko blinked as Karnage tossed her his shotgun. For a moment, she thought he intended for her to use it, but a moment of thought made it clear that he just needed it off his hands. A shotgun was not a precise weapon, but Reiko did have tools she could use for this sort of situation. Reaching into her baggy sleeves, she pulled out a stack of small blades, not suitable for stabbing, necessarily, but razor sharp. Holding the heavy gun in one hand, she began launching blades into the throng of cannibal demons, making sure to avoid the chaos that was happening around her comrades. Several of the demons cried out in pain and got distracted, but disappointingly few actually went down. When I return to training, I must work on my arm...

Aura cursed. She had gotten distracted, and now the enemies were upon her. Pulling her sword off her back, sheath and all, she managed to toss the sheath off into a corner in one motion, freeing La Chevalière to do her work. "It's time to put our training to work," she whispered, possibly to her sword. As the demons pressed in around her, she swung the huge blade around, making a cursory check to see if she had enough room. She couldn't go wild in this hallway, but if she was careful and precise, things would work out. One of the small demons made a horrible noise as tempered steel lodged in its ribcage. Planting a foot against its chest, Aura pushed off, sending it sprawling and expanding its already large chest wound. "Heh, you all are mere fodder, accept your fate!" With a dramatic flourish, she stabbed her sword forward into another of the beasts. Though it tried to get away, the sheer quantity of the things meant it just bounced uselessly off the shoulders of its allies, and the tip of La Chevalière burst through its skull. There sure are more than I would have thought, though, Aura ruminated, watching the boy nearby get positively swamped. She wanted to help him, since that's what a true hero would do, but she really did have enough on her plate.

Distraction, once again, would prove her greatest enemy. As she had been looking over to Fenrir, she'd gotten flanked, and one of the creatures shoved its mass into her, knocking her down and pinning her. Her sword was too unwieldy from this position, and her right arm had been pinned down by another enemy. Shit.

Lucaris nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the first gunshot go off. He was nearly at the other entrance that Karnage pointed out when someone had decided to make their entrance in the loudest way possible. While he knew that the noise would be problematic for Karnage and the others Lucaris was silently thanking the newcomer for distracting him from unwanted memories. Lucaris figured it would be best to leave it to Karnage to explain what's going on to the newcomer. Sinking into a dark corner, Lucaris massaged his temples trying to alleviate the uneasyness he has been feeling. It all started when he had entered the warehouse. There was a certain cloying scent that premeated the air of the warehouse that set his mind on fire.

He had felt something like this once before. His skin tingled and he felt light headed as if drugged. He racked his memory trying to remember when he had ever felt like this before. The more he searched, though, the more afraid he got as if something were about to pounce on him the moment he found the memory. Suddenly a confused jumble of noise began to spread through the warehouse. Lucaris quickly scanned his surroundings thinking something was about to attack him. While there was nothing to be seen a very familiar smell reached his nose. It was almost exactly the same has the one that lightly hung about the warehouse.

Lucaris got down on all fours and began a mad dash through the warehouse towards the scent. He cared not for the demons who were attempting to flee the scene ahead. As he arrived at the scene Lucaris stopped for a brief moment to observe what was happening. A few of the demons had swarmed a boy he did not know and Aura. He still couldn't figure out where the scent was coming from so he decided to follow his instinct and immediately dashed towards Aura who was currently struggling with two demons that had her pinned. Digging into the ground, Lucaris sprung forward with all his might and barreled straight into one of the demons taking it with him and knocking the other one off balance. The moment they touched the ground Lucaris immediately plunged his teeth deep into the demon's throat and tore off a third of his neck in the process. At last he found the source of the scent.

Aren't you just the cutest little monster. Just one step at a time. You'll become someone worthy of using me. Oh how I look forward to it.

Aura was stunned to see Lucaris come to her aid. She'd had no idea where he was during this affair, but this sort of 'heroic rescue' was not what she expected. She was getting distracted again, she realized before springing to her feet, grabbing her blade in the process, and thrusting its tip all the way through the disgusting creature that had been pinning her to the ground. "Merci bien for the help, Lucaris, I owe you a big favor!"

She had recovered her balance and her focus, placing both hands on the handle of her sword and assuming a combat-ready stance once more. Now she finally had the freedom to throw herself at the horde that were attacking Fenrir. Seems like they were interested in the sound of the gunshot for some reason.

The man amidst the hoard didn't seem to be all that panicked as he should be. He kept his calm even when the creatures knocked him on his back and surrounded him. He kept shooting left and right, heads popping and blood smearing his face and clothes as he creatures fell systematically. He wasn't too bothered to get back on his feet just yet, even though he was perfectly capable of doing so, the demon's teeth and claws not near strong enough to go through his thich leather attire.

Eventually, one of the demons' claws managed to reach his face and create a gash across his nose. Fenrir's eyes widened, the smirk falling from his face. With a twist of his arms his body shot up in a back-flip, shaking demons off as snowflakes. He was just on time to see Lucaris rip a demon's throat off. His eyebrows arched as he absent-mindedly shot another thing his peripheral vision caught. "Oooh, someone's enjoying himself..." He whispered, and then shouted to Lucaris, pointing at a demon close to himself, his smirk returned. "Here boy! Here!"

"Oi." Karnage threw himself into the horde of Cannibal demons, crushing a few under foot. The demons were quickly killed, but the sound of scurrying growing ever so bigger signaled that more was coming. About thirty more. Karnage took the time to slap Fenrir on the back of his head. "This is no game, foolish mortal. I would kill you myself if I did not have a job to accomplish. Lucaris, Aura, and Reiko, go deeper into the warehouse and ensure that no other vermin escape alive! Fenrir, because you blew our cover, I am holding your accountable of taking care of the cannibal horde that's about to come."

The group didn't have much of a chance to discuss the plan further when said cannibal horde arrived. Thirty or so of the buggers swarming into the room, going after whatever was closest. Karnage ran to the aid of his students to give them a chance to flee, though he left Fenrir to fend for himself as half of the horde went after him, while the other half was divided chasing the students. "Go, now!" Karnage roared as his hand took the form of a claw, slashing a few of the demons in twain.

Fleeing the building after the series of gun fire were various other demons, small and weak like the cannibal but without their fool-hardy hunger. They were no more than demonic animals in terms of strength and ability, but still that was a series of large rodots, snakes, and insectoids who are more than capable of being a threat to the students.

Karnage himself had his hand full trying to stem the tide of cannibals. A lot jumped onto him and tried to bite into his flesh, though his armored carapace kept him safe. A few did the same to Fenrir, swarming him and grabbing his arms or trying to swallow his head whole. A few of them did the smart thing and disabled his guns, tearing the slide off the handguns.

“Dammit!” Fenrir cursed, less amused, as his firearms skidded across the floor. It was rare he was left without either the Beretta or Elah. While indestructible, the gun was very much demountable due to the nature of it requiring moving elements... and apparently the stupid vermin had realised that. And despite their weakness, they were still fast, and many.

Two people dealing with two dozen weaklings was a sure win. Two people dealing with two dozen weaklings where one was almost entirely disarmed, that was a victory they'd have to fight to achieve. And it would leave some bruises.

Fenrir whipped out his knife with a sudden jerk of his wrist and made sure he holds it tight. Not a second later, a demon lurched at him and had the honour to be the first one to perish by the knife. The steel caught it in the eye and as Fenrir pulled, slashed easily all the way through his ocular orbit and all the way down to the jaw. A nasty gurgle escaped the damaged head, the brain untouched and keeping it alive for as long as it took for it to either die completely or regenerate. Not giving it a chance to survive, the young man's boot immediately connected with the head as soon as it hit the ground, splashing red and pink all over.

Naturally, while he'd dealt with that one, more demons had surrounded him and were now attempting to pull his leather jacket off to reach the vulnerable flesh underneath. A few tried jumping on his shoulder and biting his head but were surprised to find the hood over it was an insuperable obstacle for their feeble teeth. Fenrir's only weakness was his face and the stinging pain of the gash of his nose was reminding him to make sure that's protected as he whirled around, stabbing, kicking and punching the demons with the grace of a raging bull.

Of course, dealing with this with his body alone, as opposed to with his firearms, would take much longer... but judging by the grin on his face, it didn't seem to bother him at all.

Lucaris revelled in his lust for demon blood. Just the feeling of it running down his maw felt so right yet a voice screamed in the back of his mind that what he was doing was wrong and revolting. His instinct was stronger than this voice, however, and it drove him to wipe out all of the inferior creatures before him as if they were nothing more than rats. When the main hoard began to swarm the group Lucaris followed Karnage's command and dashed through the bulk of the hoarde in am instant to attack the straggelers. There will be no running from him.

Aura nodded silently before taking off into the depths of the building, looking for where any other exits might be. A few demons were scattered here and there still, but she cut them down with a hefty swing of her sword. When she was not being swarmed, she was able to use her weapon most effectively, and she didn't have to worry much about her allies because she had been charging ahead so far. Reiko was following behind her as well, knowing to keep her distance, and was busying herself peering into the dark branching paths, looking for stragglers. From the look of it, she hadn't found any to speak of. This was good.

Finally they reached a significant-looking back entrance. All of the Cannibals seemed to still be in the thrill of the chase, as there weren't many still milling about. Most of them had charged up to the front. But Aura had the distinct feeling that when things went sour up ahead, they would be back, fleeing to this place. And when they did, she would be ready.

"Ah, hello there Aura and Reiko."

Lucaris was sitting rather merrily at the back of the warehouse surrounded by the unmoving corpses of the cannibal demons. His clothing was torn to pieces and, despite all the blood, his body was fairly uninjured with the exception of a scratch or two.

"Those two sure do look like they're having a lot of fun, eh?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

This didn't turn out as well as he'd like. If that man boy hadn't shown up, they could have gotten rid of this small band and cleared out before it stirred the whole building. But this mortal... Fenrir was going to be troublesome. But he'd also be dead if Karnage doesn't get him out of here. And while he'd like nothing more than straining the lifeblood out of him, he wasn't going to let the mortal be the victem of cannibals. At least not until Karnage kills him first. "You! Go find the others!" Shooting a claw into the horde of demons that were trying, and largely failing, to take down Fenrir, he swung his arm and cleared a path towards the exit. "Go, this is the only time I am going to be helping you! These demons need to be dealt with quickly before their masters take advantage of this!"

But alas, Karnage was a bit too late. Those "masters" were already on the move.

Where the other three students were, there were no demons, at least none that were alive. The cannibals, foolhardy as they were, fled long after their brethren faced their ironic deaths of being eaten by the mortal-looking Lucaris. But the stench of their corpses was ripe in the air, and allowed their masters to track them down. Suddenly, the room around Aura, Reiko, and Lucaris grew cold. Deathly so, like they had just walked into a meat freezer. From the shadows stepped three figures, as grotesque and ugly as the cannibals, but more proportionately human.

"Heh hn hn hn hn... You have done well, to stand against so many of my kin. But she delights in expanding her flock, even after so many have left before. You will join us, no? Or shall you be part of the celebration!?"

The ugly humanoid cannibal demon (Henceforth known as the "Cannibal Masters") did not bother to wait for the answers of the students, and took on their combat stances. In doing so many things changed about them and the battlefield. Parts of their limbs became encased in ice-like armor, viciously spiked for lethal damage. The area around them also became cold and the ground slick. Footing would be hard to maintain for the students, but easy for the Cannibal Masters.

"Now, we FEAST!"

The three masters opened up their attack with a barrage of icicles. Certainly daunting, but the icicles were easy to break. However they were very sharp, and could cut or stab the students if they could not dodge them, and they came in mass. They shattered easily against even wood, such as the various empty boxes and crates that scattered about the warehouse floor, or against the stone support columns.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krauxis
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Reiko grimaced at their new foes. These demons looked much tougher than the ones that had come before. Whereas the others fell easily, and even a wounded Reiko could have taken them down, these ones were able to form armor around themselves. Mendou kusai... What a pain these creatures were becoming. Why had she agreed to come on this expedition? Whatever the reason, she was here now, for better or worse. Her flute would be useless here, while the ground was icy. The mist would be more of a hindrance than a help, unless she were by herself. But she was not prepared to throw her allies under the bus like that. And the time for letting the more warlike of her comrades do all the work was over. She reached into the folds of her dress, pulling out two small but sharp knives. Cracked ribs or no, she wouldn't be able to complain if she got eaten because she was unwilling to fight. Chou mendou desu...

Holding the knife in her right hand upright and the one in her left reverse-style, she dipped low into a crouch, springing backwards away from the rain of icicles. She used the ice to keep her momentum even longer until she hit a wall on the side of the battlefield, out of the way of any attacks that would happen until she could get her bearings. She knew her place in this battle. Whenever one of the monsters exposed their backs to her, that back would be needled by several quick stabs to what would, ideally, be vital organs. Until then, however, she needed to become a shadow...

Aura's response to the icicle barrage was slightly less subtle. With a huge spin, she use the flat of her sword to bat an empty box towards the closest of the Cannibal Masters, blocking the majority of the ice as she slipped into the gap she had created. The slippery floor made it difficult to keep her balance, so she dare not swing her sword again until she was done moving. Instead of a large attack, she held her sword up in front of her, ready to block an attack - if any were to come. She would be in a blind spot until the box she had thrown was reduced to splinters anyway. It was a good defensive posture.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The icicles never reached. Instead they simply evaporated. The air crackled when an unnatural heat wave washed over the room. It was strong enough to make the eyes water and sting. It took the air straight out of the students' lungs and lit it on fire... and it made the demons scream.

Words became impossible as the heat pressed against their bodies, slowly eating away the ice that served as cells for their bodies like acid. Fenrir ran in just in time to see the skin peel away to reveal the ice underneath, and then that slowly liquefy. The heat in the room was almost unbearable and his knees gave way, a sudden dizziness hitting him like a hammer to the head. His heart beat faster, threateningly so, but the demons seemed to take it even harder. They'd tried to speak at first, but now screams were all that remained. The man had to wonder why they didn't retreat until his eyes found the answer. Their feet and hands were gone, an odd gooey blood pooling around the stumps that should have looked smooth and scorched. The vibrating air made it hard to see but it was quite obvious that instead they looked ragged and uneven, as if their limbs had been ripped away. It was rather gross but the man couldn't stop staring and as he watched the demons crumble in a heap of pain, a twisted smile spread his lips.

His enjoyment didn't last long. Unfortunately for him, once it had started, the process was quick to end. The demons literally liquefied in a puddle of odd silvery substance that he could smell even from here. The putrid stench wasn't as bad as that of rotting human corpses but it was unpleasant nonetheless. Fenrir's vision was fading, the heat seeping the life out of him at a rapid pace – it must have been over 60º fucking Celsius already.

And just as it hit, the heat wave was gone. The shock to his system paralysed his body and mind for a few seconds before it registered anything else. When it finally caught up, what he saw was Hazumi. Her hand was raised and the three liquid puddles were floating in mid-air in front of her.

“Now, we wouldn't want to waste that, would we?” She was saying with a casual smile. Her body was now covered in an armour but one that was leather and looked more for show than anything. Her half-spread wings and theatrical entry didn't convince him otherwise. The woman rose her hand further and what were moments ago living creatures splashed over the ceiling, a few drops raining back down. The rest remained there, three huge stinking stains.

Hazumi crossed her arms and looked pleased with herself. “That should keep them away, don't you think?” She smiled at the children, her huge black wings retreating behind her back somewhat. “Now come, I'm instructed to have a musical lesson with you guys and I'd rather get it over with as soon as possible than wait for your little game to end.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Ah... Hazumi. I was not aware that you had these students now. I apologize." Karnage entered the room covered in bits of cannibal blood. After getting Fenrir out of his non-existent hair Karnage painted the previous room in gore, luckily none of it belonging to Karnage or the kids. He was rather curious however to see Hazumi come in and take over his job. He suppose he shouldn't make any complaints, but normally someone of her caliber wouldn't be bothered with what amounts to pest control. But he wasn't one to question orders from her or the headmaster either, so Karnage took back his shotgun and looked at the students.

"Off with you now. I am sure our commotion has scared off any vermin that has the intelligence to flee. Anything else I shall purge, as is my duty. Thank you for your help as well. I shall reward you justly once I am finished here." Karnage collected the charms he gave to the students and bowed out. He went about placing them around the building to ensure no more minor demons roost here. Hopefully within a month or so the academy would finally have reason to make use of these buildings, or tear them down. That'll be one less tedious task for Karnage to have to deal with in the future.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Loom and Moscow- Afternoon


The blade flashed, seemed to sprout from the chest of the first one. From the outside she looked like just a punk skinhead Neo Nazi. The man could see her for what she was though. A demon in a once human shell. The others looked at her as she gasped her last. Blood bubbled from her lips and spattered the ground as she looked up in confusion.


The women's hands jerked feebly at the sword blade that protruded from her chest. Tugging feebly. It was ineffectual as she sunk to her knees her world going dark. The demon tried to wriggle free of the shell but it was pinned in place. By a mortal blade?

I found something

The others looked around fear in their eyes. Clutching automatic weapons they turned about adrenaline kicking in as the demons tried to hunt down the essence that was moving like a shadow through their midst.

Can’t this wait

Hands found the neck of one that had strayed too far from the group. There was a pop like the snapping of a piece of rotten wood as the neo nazi’s head was spun completely around. Incredible how this trash had survived even after Judas had risen and fallen. As his vision faded to black he stared into eyes like dead stars that moved through the shadow on the edge of the room like ink on darkness they slithered into the blackness. Swallowed up by shadows that shouldn’t be able to conceal their owner.

I wouldn’t be bothering you if it could

The others had grown even more nervous their eyes flicking back and forth. They began to manifest signs that they were demons. One grew scales like a snake and began to flick a second set of eyelids. Another produced avian features, sinister talons and slitted eyes as feathers sprouted along its arms. The last one did nothing other than become slightly translucent.

I don’t have time right now

The lights flickered for a second. The three remaining skinheads jumped whirling and spraying recklessly into the shadows of the warehouse. After they realized that none of their number were missing, ice began to crawl up their spine as they realized the other two bodies were gone, as well as the sword.

You swore you would help and I am holding you to that

The three of them moved closer together back to back. With only a small space between them. As they watched the shadows suddenly something moved detaching itself from the shadow to lurch towards them. The female lunged towards the group with empty eye sockets and a snapping jaw that dripped blood and saliva as she came at them. The reptile and the avian open fired on her as she came. They emptied every single round into the lurching corpse as it slavered and staggered towards them.

It collapsed to the floor and continued to crawl towards them, finally the serpent stepped forwards and with a heavy of its boot it smashed the corpses head in with three vicious stomps. Brain matter, bone and black blood spattered across the floor and more blood began to seep across the gray concrete floor in a slow pool like a disease invading a body. Slowly but steadily spreading out across the floor. It looked almost like a painting from above. As though an artist had used a brush and had not cleaned it. A single drop out of place as it spread out on the paper.


The lights flickered again.

I’m painting something

The remaining three drew back into their triangle

You can’t stop

An inky figure drew up silently from the floor where it hand landed silently in their midst.

Not until the final strokes are finished

It drew a single blade, one edge was perfectly straight while the back edge had a nasty serration the whole length of the blade.

I understand

The Lizard and the Avian were felled with two swift strokes. The reptile's head was removed from its body in a single swing. Parting the head from the body right below the third vertebra. A perfect cut. The Second was split down the middle with a single swing that perfectly bisected the Avians body from its crown to its groin from behind.

The last one whirled only to be yanked from the ground by an invisible noose.

Almost finished, give me a minute to clean my brush and I’ll be with you

The possessed human kicked and squirmed hands clawing at the invisible noose around it’s neck.

The man pulled a mask made of pure midnight onyx from his face. The shadows that had clung to him fell away as he wiped the blade of his sword on a white handkerchief. he’d produced from the inside pocket of his grey two piece suit. A black duster hung to the floor as he wiped the blade, enjoying the gurgling of the strangling demon.

The man touched his earpiece as he finished cleaning the blade. “Alright Alzir what is it?” The mask of Onyx hung on a cord around his neck resting on his chest casually. Lazarus started with cold eyes at the demon as it continued to choke.


Alzir sat calmly in a leather chair staring at the computer screen in front of him. “We have a bit of a problem.” The old man lifted a glass of vodka to his lips and took a long pull from it. “I found the person I was looking for.”

Lazarus voice came through clearly “Was this the Angel you were concerned about?”

Alzir nodded even though Lazarus couldn’t hear him “Yes, she is more dangerous than I feared.”

“How so?”

Alzir continued to scan the computer screen “Apparently she’s not just some terrorist, she’s a seraph.

There was a pause before Lazarus responded “That is concerning but not impossible to deal with, there is more to it isn’t there?”

Alzir smiled and tapped the scroll key on the keyboard “The russians have a full file on her, It looks like she’s been gathering followers. Claims she's a reincarnated member of the council. Say’s she can raise other Seraphims.”

“I don’t believe it..wait did you say Russian’s?”

Alzir ignored the question continuing to scroll “She’s not here anymore she’s moved on from Moscow to Loom, She’s our problem now.”

“Alzir….where the hell are you?”
“No where of consequence.”

Alzir stood up and looked out the window into the snow covered city scape that stretched out around the Kremlin.

“I should be home in a day or two. I trust you found what it was you were looking for?”


A few hours later Lazarus finished zipping up his duffle bag. All the samples he needed had been stored for transport. Turning he started walking towards the door and with a splat the body that had been hanging in mid air fell to the ground. Looking up at the night sky Lazarus put his mask back on. A memory surfaced.

The dean of Trinity college looked up from his desk “yes Thomas?” Thomas stared back “I’m headed home, Sir.” The dean nodded “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

Lazarus shook his head. It was always disconcerting to see his old friend with dead black eyes. At Least it knew better than to use Kathleen. He’d have smashed the mask to bits a long time ago had it done that.


The Temptress

Loom- Afternoon

Many had come, it was certainly a start. The oppressed flocked to her arms. The downtrodden, the abused, those tired of serving the humans. Those who suffered from the council’s disease. She would heal them. Metatron stirred beside her. The hulking Seraphim had been at her side since she had freed him from a Russian gulag. Her beautiful voice had called him from the depths of his depravity and self pity to be something worth while. She had raised him from those depths and then raised him to his heights by helping him to reclaim his lost selves. Metatron had always been a fighter, a follower of those great few who had gained his respect and now he followed her.


Finally she unfolded her arms and the crowd silenced itself. “Brothers and sisters. Thank you for joining me today.” Her voice was the definition of beauty as her English was curved around a tongue that had been raised speaking Russian. Even though she had reclaimed all her past lives and really did not have the accent if she did not wish it she kept it as a reminder of how she had gotten here.

“I know everyone of you came here today wondering if I am the genuine article. I would be skeptical myself in your place.” She smiled meeting their eyes like a loving mother to her children. “I know that all of you are in pain, and that it is not your doing. It those who you serve, who you bend to, who you are oppressed by.”

There were murmurs of agreement but they quieted down again soon enough. “I promised you that I would help and that is exactly what I will do for everyone of you. I shall help you.”

Many looked at each other skeptically.

“The council ruined life for all of us. Save the privileged few.” She gestured to all of them “The rest have been left to suffer.” She narrowed her eyes “As though it were not bad enough that Judas should enslave and conquer as he did we were left to fend for ourselves and help the pathetic humans. Separated forever from Heaven. And yet the humans have their home and the demons still frolic, feed and take their base pleasures in their Hell. What is left for us?!”

There was a grumble of assent at the validity of the words.

“It is time to take what is ours and I can give each of you the power to do that. I can cleanse the dark angels….and I can help you to reclaim your memories...Without the risk.”

The chorus of whispers rippled through the crowd. Was she serious?

“Not all of you will become Seraphims. But a few will. The rest of you will remember at the least five of your past lives, which will be much more than the rest of the traitor angels remember. It is time to take back what is ours!” She looked out at them with fire in her eyes
“Who’s with me?”

There was silence for a moment...

...Before the empty warehouse erupted in cheers

She smirked before whispering in Russian to Metatron

“Tell Raziel that we have begun, and then summon Purah back from Moscow. We will need her help.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Fenrir was finally done with his little horde of demons. More than a dozen bodies littered the ground, gashes painting the grey skin red in various places. Some were missing fingers, some were missing arms, some were just missing the blood that had cruised their veins minutes ago. Karnage had left him to deal with the pests and disappeared off to somewhere without much explanation. He doesn't seem to like me much. Fen thought with little surprise as he was wiping the blood off his knives. Nothing worse than a sticky crust preventing you from pulling your weapon out in the crucial moment.

Are you going to reassemble me eventually? A sarcastic voice sounded in his head. I will. He responded distantly but made no move to recover Elah. Something else had grasped his attention. It was warm and wet. One of the little demons had pulled his shoe off in an attempt to get at his feet. It had bitten right through the shoe laces. Had that proven the presence or the lack of any intelligence? Interesting. But what was more relevant at the moment was that the same demon's blood was slowly soaking his sock and engulfing his toes in a peculiar warmth.

Fen peeled his eyes off the red substance and went to the dismembered parts of Elah. For a few moments he was fidgeting with the gun, assembling it, then making sure it worked properly.

Why won't you shoot anything inanimate or dead? He asked as he pulled the trigger on one of the corpses in front of him and nothing happened.

It strikes me as incredibly pointless. The Instrument responded and they both went quiet.

Well, Fen knew the value of dead things. After he'd secured his weapons and retrieved his boot, his hand found itself fishing around one of the small pockets right next to the zip of his hoodie. Two little yellow pills and a grey one. The yellow ones immediately found their way to his mouth, but he didn't swallow. Instead he held them under his tongue as he picked up the lifeless leg of one of the demons, stepping on the body to keep it down. He pulled and a wet crack filled the room. The joint had given way but the limb refused to rip that easily. The pills' grainy substance was slowly dissolving in his mouth, the first tingles of the chemical taste reaching his senses. It sent a shiver of anticipation down his spine and increased his haste. With a swift pull and a heavy stomp closer to the joint, the flesh ripped and the leg came off, blood staining Fen's trouser and hoodie. Blood that shouldn't be wasted.

The heart was no longer beating so the blood couldn't flow quite as he'd like but there was plenty left in the femoral artery for a few small sips. Positioning himself comfortably against the wall, Fen took the final grey pill and washed the lot of them down his throat with some lukewarm blood. The metallic and the salty chemical ones mixed together and poisoned his senses. The dealer hadn't told him much about the drug, and Fen hadn't asked. He was just told to take a yellow and grey pill together, one yellow to induce the sweet narcosis and one grey to keep his body from acting out during the trip. What Fen had later found worked much much better, was using two of the yellow ones, and, well... what to wash them down with. The results of his little experiments were truly marvellous and as the world transformed around him, Fen rested his head against the wall and smiled.
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