Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

As Zeke was staring to a chessboard there was a knock on the door of his personal room.
"Yes" was all the reply he gave and all he needed to give, the girls he had staying under his roof knew he always let them enter regardless of time or situation, this was just courtesy, meaning this was either Runa or Moena, not that he needed to guess, he already had felt the aura of Moena stopping at his door.
"The girls are all done packing master" she said as she entered the room.
"Good, then The day after tomorrow we will go to the training site" He replied without taking his eyes of the board.
"Our First rating game, I am excited" Moena said as she leaned over the board, her breasts swaying a little in corner of Zeke's eyes, she was in her Devil shape.
"have you checked on Ophelia yet, this will be her training experience away from our little home" Zeke asked, wanting to make sure their newest member was properly prepared for what was to come.
"I asked if she was packed but I guess I should check, see if she is not forgetting anything"
Zeke nodded and soon after Moena walked out of the room.
He wondered how the training week will be, it was not just that they had 1 new member, there was an older member that was unable to join last time they went, Yuriha was unavailable last time so this would be her first time as well, but at least she knew what to prepare as she has been a member for a while, Ophelia was a member for less then a week by now...

After a minute Zeke suddenly stood up and looked out the window of his room, it was night, but that was not the reason he looked out the window, now that reason was that an unknown aura had just flew over their little home.
not many supernatural creatures would be able to notice them though, it was an old school building, much like the gremory group had in japan, however this was holland* and this is a school that has been abandoned and bought by Zeke with some help of the Gremory's to act as their home, it was a full building that ow acted as their home and on walking distance to a real school a few blocks further where the girls would go to school tomorrow.
and best was, with some help of the maou's he had some seals around the building so nearly no one realized the building, sure they knew it was there if they were really looking around, otherwise they would just look over it

but still, something was in the area and he wanted to know what.
without letting the girls know Zeke exited the building and walked towards the angle the person was flying, it was a walk for quite a few minutes before he found it.
the figure was standing in front of zeke, a fallen angle trying to look cool on top of a street light
"Ive been searching for you, your hard to find you know" the fallen said.
"just means I am doing my job right" Zeke replied, though his attention was getting drawn, an other aura had appeared walking in their direction, an enemy? maybe, it could try to walk and attack from the shadows, but what if its a civilian taking some shortcut or something...
"Your Job is to hide, well with that sensing power of yours thats easy cash" The fallen said, he seemed confused at Zeke's remark.
"No, its to protect those who live under my wing" did the fallen just said he knew of his aura sense, then they know an ambush wont work, so this was a civilian, damn
"hey, whats the matter, sensing something, maybe a human in the area, I got some good senses you know, I think he's somewhere... there" the man said as he threw an spear towards the civilian in the area.
The figure did stop in his or her tracks, Zeke hoped that the civilian was stuck or scared and that the fallen had missed hurting him/ her
well he still had an aura so he was not killed in one shot at least, if he could get to it in time he could try and heal the person.
"you know I can sense, yet you fail to grasp the mistake you just made" Zeke said, anger sounded in his voice.
"what mistake, you have no idea how great it is to kill, its why I fell you know, cause there is nothing better then killing" the fallen responded in a delirious way.

Zeke did not even granted the guy a reply, instead he released a bolt of thunder from his hand, knocking the angle from the light.
"Man that hurts you know" the fallen said as he tried to get up, however from nowhere an spear of light stabbed him though his head.
where the spear came from, even Zeke had no idea.
"seems he gave you some problems, I Apologize for that" A new voice called from the sky, a voice Zeke recognized.
"yeah, while I'll take my leave now, got a nice new place in japan I plan to live, and dont worry about him, he was trying to start a new war, we have been looking for him for a while, I take it that with his death by my hands were all still at peace right, anyway maybe you should see to that human he wounded, seems he is pretty badly wounded, you know, if you have any of those pieces left you should use it, he has a nice little gear on him, great for a knight"
From that point on Zeke knew Azazel has left, damn that guy, he always knew how to avoid his aura sense, well its to be expected from the grigori leader to be a master of stealth...

Zeke started to run to the civilian, he did not wanted to do what that fallen angel had told him, but he knew the person was in bad shape, his aura had started to lessen bit by bit
the man was still conscious when Zeke found him, the spear had missed anything vital but at this rate he was going to bleed to death.
he thought about what he was going to do, he could not trust azazel, but on the other hand the fallen had no reason to trick him
still he had 3 options, let the kid die, no he could never do that, the kid was, what 16?
he could either let Runa treat the wound, it would likely leave a scar but he'll live, however the question is would he make it until he reached Runa, the kids chances would be better if he would take the risk and trusts Azazel, change him right here and now, use that to restore the wound.
"Kid, unless you wish to die I have two options for you, either we take the risk to get to healed with a scar, but we might not make it on time, or you become one of my peers, it will be an instant heal but you will become a devil, its your choice as long as your conscious" As Zeke said devil he shaped his aura so the boy could see, calling his wings and due to popular believe he decided to shape horns as he knew his wings were not that convincing as the bat ones his fellow devils had

(*its a fictional holland as not everyone here will be even in the slightness familiar with the country)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 16 days ago

Yuriha had just finished packing her belongings, but the anxiety of her first trainings trip with her new family was so much that she felt the urge to double check things lies than five minutes after she was done.

"I guess everything is here," she said to herself after repacking everything. The contents of her backpack where mostly books about all kinds of things that she had loaned from her school's library as well as some Zeke gave her on her last birthday a few weeks ago. She knew that if Moena, who she fondly calls Moe-nee, saw what she was packing she would get scolded but she simply couldn't part with her books, after all, how can someone give up on something so fun as reading?

"No, wait I forgot to buy more candies. I guess I'd I hurry to the nearest market I can still make before Moe-nee comes to check on me again." As soon as Yuriha said that she dashed out of her room and hid her tails and ears with her magic, she was still wearing her school uniform which was about the only clothing that she really liked, especially because Zeke had entry through the trouble of finding a school whose uniform looked almost like a Japanese one, but when Moe-nee asked him if it was because of some weird fetish he always found a way to deceive her.

When Yuriha excited through the front door, she found Hecate, or as she likes to think He-chan, training asks she always did, even when it wasn't necessary. Yriha always felt a connection with Hecate, she could understand the other girl's pain, because she too had grew up without a family and was forced to fend fo her own for sometime, but that was all that Yuriha knew about Hecate because she was even less of a talker than Yuriha is. She thought about calling the other girl out, decided not to bother her with small talk, specially since she didn't knew what to talk about, so she quickly dashed out of the main gate after stuttering a hurried "Good afternoon".

While she ruin towards the market, Yuriha couldn't help but think that she was the dumbest person in the world, for not being able to talk with someone that she considered more family than those of her own blood.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Marcus was walking home alone from school When he decide to take a shortcut through the backwoods. As he walked along his usual path home When some kind of flash of light caught his eye from the side. "Hmm!" He said to himself as he quick turn in it direction, as he wonder what the flash was he notice some kind of light peeking through the forest. He soon found himself wondering of there was someone else with he forest with him. He found himself walking in the light direction before noticing whatever the source of his curiosity was was quickly toward him. The next thing he knew he was feeling a wave of pain coursing though his chest, So much in fact that he didn't even noticed that he sent flying of his feet by whatever hit him.

OCC: keep in mind i'm not a doctor

He then found himself on the ground with a glowing spear piecing through the left most side of his midriff. The boy rolling over to his side to lessen the pain as he suffered through agony that keep him from even scream out. What the...what the fuck! He said to himself as his hand begin to explained the spear that was inside his body. Am...am i going to die? He asked himself. His mind was trying to process what as going on. As time pasted on he soon found it getting harder and harder to breath while at the same time he hope that someone would just to happen to be walking by to notice him. Someone please come by i can't die like this I'm still a virgin. He beg inside his head.It was much longer until who he hope could save him.

"Kid, unless you wish to die I have two options for you, either we take the risk to get to healed with a scar, but we might not make it on time, or you become one of my peers, it will be an instant heal but you will become a devil, its your choice as long as your conscious."

The man turn transformed front of him, taking the form of some kind of demonic looking entity, by the time Marcus was on ready losing coincidences. "Please...i don't want to die...not like this" He told him before he begin to cough up some blood. it wasn't fair for him to die so painfully,so and young,as soon as his life was starting to get better. He then reach his hand out to him. "Please...if you can...save me...then please...heal me now." Marcus asked him weakly before his hand touched his ankle,he then pasting out two second later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Having finished packing the bare essentials Hecate decided to do a run of her personal training, she grabbed her sword, the only thing she would be carrying outside of her bag as she never left home without it, which has given her the status of a delinquent at the school by nearly all teachers aside 2.
then again it made it easier to distance herself from most fellow students so she did not complain one bit.

Today she decided to train her basic sword positions and moves and after 15 minutes suddenly someone went past her stuttering "Good afternoon"
Hearing that Hecate stabbed her sword in the ground "f*ck" she said softly to herself, she had failed to notice Yuriha exiting the door, it was perhaps her biggest issue, when ever she was busy on something she failed to notice the stuff around her..
She looked as Yuriha ran off, wondering where she was going to.
Looking to the sky, it was getting dark so Hecate figured its better to follow the fox girl, as she calls her, making sure she's safe.

She was able to catch up on her easily but stayed behind her so she could easily watch her, hoping fox girl wont notice her.



"so you passed out, I wonder if you really knew what you were saying, but seeing how it is, you wont make it till we get to Runa, fine you wish to live as you shall, though not as a human anymore, for that I am sorry if you dont like it, buts its better then death I guess.
From his pocket Zeke took out his pieces, a pawn, a rook and a knight piece, judging from the pieces I need more then 1 pawn, seems Azazel was right when he said you possess a sacred gear, tss, fine I'll take the risk and listen to the old fool"
Putting his Pawn and Rook back in his pocket he arched electricity from his palm and carved a mark on the ground around the kid, shaping his personal circle.
Using his King piece traits the Knight piece started to hover in the air above the boy.
"Death shall have to wait for your soul as from this point on you will become part of my family, restore from your wounds and return to live as a devil, my name is Zeke Valefor, and as of today I am your master"
Having said his chant the piece flew down and entered the kid's body as the spear disappeared and the wound closed while the kids body was changed and reborn as a devil.
Zeke waited for the kid to wake up and once he did he spoke.
"Welcome back, from today on you have a new chance at live but to do so ive made you into a devil, my name is Zeke Volray and from on today you are a part of my family, you are free to live as you wish however, you can go home to your human parents but if you wish you can follow me to meet your seniors, you can even live with us if you so wish, its your live"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Marcus's eyes jump open,his head raised up a bit as he wakes. He begin looking around to confirm his location, he then remember that he was recently wound and yet the pain was gone. As Zeke begin speak Marcus sit up on the ground and begin looking down at his shirt, his hand then begin to search for the spot he was wounded in before he decide pulled up his shirt to find that there was no wound to be found, it almost it was like it never existed in first place. Marcus didn't know much about what a devil was, other then the fact that he was some sort of demon archetype, it made him feel a bit nervous about that, through his new boss seem a bit liberal so being a demon may not be a bad as it sounds."

Marcus then looked down as he spoke back to him. "I wish...to follow you" He told him before helping himself up, he seem to be shaky but he wanted to know more about his new condition. "Thank you for saving me, you have my gratitude." He told him while looking away to hide his embarrassment. He never thought he would find himself begging for his life like that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 16 days ago

Yuriha was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even noticed that she had arrived at the market, much less that someone was following her, until a clerk greeted her. "Welcome, Miss Yuri...ha, we got some new samples that you might like. Want to try some?" Despite the fact that the twenty and something young man still couldn't say her foreign sounding name right without stuttering, even when Yuriha has been a regular here for a few months, he always greeted her with a genuine smile whenever she came by and saved some of the samples of new sweets just for her to try, which made her very happy to have chosen this place over any other.

"Hmm... thank you!" Yuriha said as she picked up the bite sized treat and put it on her mouth. "!" She had to consciously will her ears and tails to remain hidden when the small candy began to melt on her mouth, otherwise, they would have perked in reaction to the sudden jolt of pleasure that she felt. "What's this?" She asked the man after finishing the rest of it.

"It's a kind of sweet our manager came across on his last trip to the Amazon jungle, he likes to fancy being an adventurous arqueologist, you know? There was even that time when he swore to have seen a being the locals call Iara, she's somekind of river mermaid, you see? Can you really believe it? A grown up man who still believes that supernatural beings exist... ha, what a joke! Anyway, this candy for sure is real, and it's made from 100% wild local ingredients. No man as had a hand in cultivating them and they say that those candies are really good to your health, even an aphro..." The clerk stopped short of telling a teenager girl that the candies were actually aphrodisiac too as it was not something someone of her age should know, or care about.

A few minutes later, "Thank you for your patronage!" the clerk said as Yuriha left the market carrying two bags full of pretty much nothing but sweets, including a pack of those Amazonian candies and a box of deluxe chocolat that Yuriha intended to give to Hecate as an apology for being so rude earlier.

However, on her way back, Yuriha noticed a few black feathers scattered on the ground in a trail that would lead directly to their house. At first she thought that it were just some random bird, probably some crows, but then she felt a really strong magical power coming from a park not too far way from where she was, and instinctively knew that her master was in somekind of danger.

"Zeke-sama!" was all she said after looking around to confirm that ther wasn't any other person on the street, it was already beginning to get really dark after all, casting away her disguise, she ran as fast as she could in the towards the source of the power, even if she wasn't as fast as Hecate still no human could run as fast as she was. "Actually, it's much more fun someone who doesn't believe that we exist" Yuriha though remembering the clerk's words, indeed, the modern humans had a lot to learn about the beings that crawled in the shadows of their society.

Even with all of her power focused on running as fast as she could, when Yuriha arrived at the park Zeke was already shacking the hand of a boy she had never seen before and the source of the magical power had already disappeared.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

It took him while, But Marcus finally notice how well he could see despite it being so dark, he figure it was because he was a demon now. He found that weird yet somewhat interesting. As Marcus followed him he notice a disturbances. His sense of hearing now enchanted pick up on the disturbance in the forest. Animal being spooked, Bird flying away, and the sound of trees and bushes blowing without the wind, it was giving him a bad vine. "Something wrong do you hear that?" Marcus asked his savior sounding like he was on edge. His eyes then looked around for something to use as a weapon when he saw a thick tree branch on was on the ground,he then ending up using his enhanced speed to get the the branch while barely noting how fast he just when. He then fixated on how weird that was before being spooked by strangle girl. He then ended up falling on his ass before fixing his eyes on the girl's strangle animal ears. it took him awhile but he finally asked the question on his mind. "Who the hell is she?" he asked the demon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"very well, then you can follow me, if you eventually wish to go home or gain your own room feel free to say so" Zeke said as he nodded to the kid's answer.
From that point on they started to walk, Zeke was about to ask the kid his name when he felt an familair aura.
"Something wrong do you hear that?" the kid asked before starting to run towards the aura that was closing in.
Zeke just sighed at the entire ordeal.


Silently Hecate was able to follow her own team member as she entered the market, she herself stayed outside and watched Yuriha though the windows, seeing her eat something and buying, she should have known, candy....
having seen enough Hecate started to walk back figuring it was fine, yet not long after did she stop dead in her tracks when she noticed the feathers on the ground.
As she was always more battle oriented she had done her research and with it she instantly knew what they belonged too, an fallen angel, seeing the amount of lost feathers it was likely a lower rank though..
still she did it again, she focused so much on trailing Fox girl that she failed to notice that an fallen had flew over them...

"Thank you for your patronage!" she suddenly heard behind her indicating that Yuriha had left the market, seeing a fallen has flew past them Hecate could not let her walk home on her own so she hid herself in some bushes waiting for Fox Girl to walk past her, at first to Hecate's relieve Fox Girl did not paid much attention to the feathers, hoping the walk back would be the same as the walk to the market, simple trailing for safety reasons, yet suddenly Fox Girl noticed something as she mentioned Z. (as she often called Zeke, though she had multiple nicknames for him)
looking around she grew her tail and ears and said something which Hecate did not really follow before she started to run off.
"damned Fox senses" was all Hecate said as she started to run after the girl, it was actually Hecate's first time running after Fox Girl so she was surprised at her speed, needing to use the knight piece in her at its maximum force to keep up, still she felt lucky that that was all she needed to do to keep up, if she had gone her full speed then the flames of her gear would surely let Fox Girl know she was being followed


"Yuriha" Zeke called out to her after the kid asked who she was, not to answer the kid but to call her.
"Why have you gone outside, surely you must have noticed the Fallen and known its not safe right now, well at least you were being protected from the shadows" Zeke continued as he was looking behind her.
"come out Hecate" he said simple to the bushes.

on his command Hecate exited the bushes "Sorry Z, she left so I figured I'll better keep an eye on her"
Zeke nodded "you did good" after which he looked at Yuriha her bags "you realize that if you wish to take that with you, you have to carry it all by yourself" he simply said to Yuriha before switching his attention back to the Kid
"Kid, why not introduce yourself to these girls as they are your seniors and with that your new family members"

H "he's a new member?, huh, whatever, names Hecate, dont bother me too much and were fine"

(OOC: when multiple girls/ zeke are at one spot I will use the first letter of the first names to indicate who is speaking as I did with Hecate here)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 16 days ago

"I'm sorry, Zeke-sama, I was just buying some..." Yuriha stuttered a little, unable to find the right words, but then continued "supplies, I guess?" She said blushing, knowing that it was an obviously childish lie.

"It was my fault for not noticing the fallen, I had my guard down for a little" Yuriha said while stealing a quick glance in Hecate's direction, she couldn't have been more conspicuous about the source of her distraction even if she wanted.

"At least I got enough for everyone. I'm sure Moe-nee and the others will like it. Also..." She said while going trough her bags on search of the chocolaty she bought for Hecate. "I'm sorry for being rude earlier He..." She stuttered a little before finishing the phrase shyly "-chan?" The was a certain charm in being do blunt about her feelings, but certainly Yuriha wasn't aware of that.

She them turned to the boy, based on what Zeke had said earlier and on the pool of blood on the ground, Yuriha understood that the source of the magical power that she had felt earlier was Zeke performing the ritual to turn the boy into one of his own servants. But there was another one that was even more powerful just a few moments ago, she wondered what happened to it, but soon have to on thinking about that. Zeke-sama was well and her family had gained a new member, so in her eyes everything was good.

"I'm Yuriha,"she said to the boy while bowing courteously in a way that only a Japanese person would. "I'm happy that to have a new member in our family, please take care of me."

"Can we go home now, Zeke-sama? If we stay put for this much time Moe-nee will scold is all." Yuriha asked while turning towards their house, sending that even now,Moena's glare was trained on them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Zeke ignored the supplies comment, he already knew she had bought candy again..
"At least your safe, take better care next time" was all he said to her with a smile.


As Fox girl handed over the chocolate, Hecate grabbed it, she always loved chocolate.
"When were you rude" She asked though it was more a statement then a question "thanks"


Zeke nodded when Yuriha asked if they could go "yes, lets, and do not worry I'll just say we went all out together" he grinned, it was funny how Yuriha always felt like Moena would scold, sure Moena would be worried but the way Yuriha acted, you would think Moena would be waiting them up with a frying pan ready to spank their buts old school.

As the group exited the forest and starting to move back to their house, they had no idea that something was watching them, something that could hide its pressence even if it would right past you.
"Just as I thought, thats the Valefor brat, this could be interesting"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Marcus didn't run toward the unknown force in the forest, well not Intentionally, He was simply trying to get a weapon to defend himself with. Being impale by a magic spear and meeting paranormal creature in the world had shaken him up a bit. Usually the most danger being he came across mere delinquent who took lunch for people smaller then them. It was fair to say that this was a bit much for him to get used to right away, Marcus was taken off edge when the two paranormals begin exchanging word so formally to each other.

he's a new member?, huh, whatever, names Hecate, don't bother me too much and were fine"

Marcus then looked weirdly at her. "Well she sure seem pleasant." he thought sarcastic. Though thinking back she remembered him about his past self.

"I'm Yuriha,"she said to the boy while bowing courteously in a way that only a Japanese person would. "I'm happy that to have a new member in our family, please take care of me."

Well she seem a lot more Pleasant then the red haired girl ,not to mention cuter, though she does seem to be a bit immature. "Is she cosplaying or are those ears real" he spoke quietly to himself.

So these two are suppose to be my seniors huh, well i suppose i should do what this guy says. He thought himself. He then bow the upper half of his body in a Japanese fashion. "Nice to meet you two, my name is Marcus Wilson, I'm a year two student." Marcus told them respectfully, though his height kind of made him look like he was still finishing middle school.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 16 days ago

Yuriha noticed that Marcus was staring at her ears and tails while they where on their way home and suddenly became very self-conscious of them,"I hope he doesn't try to see if they are real." She thought as she gave a few more steps in Zeke's direction as if seeking her master's protection. In all fairness, she wasn't afraid of the boy, but it's just that when other people touch her in those places she feels just... strange and thinking about a boy she met today doing it was kind of... embarrassing.

Since her senses weren't alerting her of anything dangerous nearby, Yuriha heaved a relieved sigh and, after putting a lollipop in her mouth (she also offered one to Marcus, of course), she drew a small book, actually a shoujo manga, that she was carrying on her skirt's pocket and began reading it while dodging the obstacles in her way by instinct alone.

"The boy seems strong, you can trust him." The Void Dragon King's booming voice echoed on Yuriha's mind, she nodded silently "He's kind too, just like Zeke-sama." she thought, just as she continued reading her book.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

If Sonitus could compare himself to any animal, he would instantly think crocodile. Cold, emotionless, silent. Most importantly, patient. All his plans required that one aspect. Everything he had envisioned for his future was entirely dependent on patience. However, currently he found himself extremely doubting his ability to wait.

The unlit warehouse made for an excellent hiding place. The shadows hid row upon row of boxes and shelves, some sort of wheelchair company. There were spare wheels, engine parts, even an entire section designated for the seat cushions. But he wasn't interested in using wheelchair parts. They were far more useful as objects to hide behind. He was currently situated within an empty box, silently waiting until his pursuers moved on. Yet they chose to stay, slowly walking the dark space in hopes of finding him. What was even more annoying, was that their leader was monologuing. The fool was probably spouting some crap about joining him and gaining power and influence, though he couldn't be sure since he didn't understand the language they were using. While he appreciated the fact he could hear approximately where the man was, he did find it irksome that he was being chased by such an idiot. If it weren't for the fact he'd give himself away, he almost felt like shouting out to the man to make him stop. He never got why people ranted like that. It was a waste of energy, and always ended up bad for the speaker. His train of thought was interrupted as one of the cronies walked past his hiding spot.

Quickly kicking his leg out, he made the man trip. Before the henchman could make a noise, Sonitus quickly covered the mans mouth. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a sharp knife and quickly slit the mans throat. The body was discarded inside the box he had hid in before he continued to a different location.

He didn't entirely know why these men were after him, although he did have several guesses. Perhaps he eavesdropped on the wrong person, and was discovered. Perhaps this was some revenge plot for a blackmail from long ago. Either way, he planned to eliminate these fools before they could do the same to him. He continued down the empty isle, careful to keep his footsteps as silent as possible. As he approached the end, he could hear another guards heavy footfalls coming near. He increased his pace, trying to avoid being detected. He didn't reach the corner a moment too soon, for as he whipped himself around the corner, he slammed straight into one of his pursuers. They both hit the ground as a result of the impact, but he moved first. Throwing his knife, it landed right between the mans eye. Two down, several more to go. He started towards the man in order to retrieve his knife when there was suddenly a loud crash. Apparently that first guard was not as securely hidden as he had anticipated. Loud running could be heard. It was coming from multiple directions, he was nearly surrounded. Looking around, he saw only one option ... run.

Sonitus quickly darted down the path that he calculated to be the way they weren't coming from yet. A few sharp turns later and he had found himself at a door. Kicking it open, he entered what appeared to be a staircase. He heard shouting behind him, the loud sound of the door being kicked open no doubt giving him away. Without thought he bolted up the stairs. No doubt this lead to an office of some kind. As he reached the top of the stairs, his guess was right. He quickly ran into the unlit room, and found a nice desk to hide under as far from the door as he could. A precursory examination of the place showed that the only way out was either the door he had come from, or a window leading to a painful drop onto hard asphalt. He had thought of trying to run down the stairs before they could arrive, but it was too late. A loud stomping noise indicated they had arrived.

As the thugs entered the room, the leader started talking again. He resisted the urge to sigh at the gesture. The sounds of the thugs grew nearer, and if he guessed, they likely had one posted at the door. Even if he managed to slay the nearest one, he'd still be stuck. He was about to make his move when he found himself being pulled out of his hiding place. Apparently one of the thugs was a lot more quiet than he had anticipated. He reached into his pocket to pull out his knife, only to find it wasn't there. Shit. He'd left it in the head of the last thug. Despite his best efforts to escape, he was simply overpowered by the man. The thug shouted out to the others, and he found himself being dragged towards the leader.

However, they didn't stop to kill him in the room. Idiots. If he was in charge, he'd have killed himself right when he was found. Apparently they were going to take him outside and shoot him into a dumpster. Idiots, total freaking idiots. These were less of thugs and more like baboons given big sticks. Nevertheless, he would end up dead either way. With no weapon, and not enough strength to overpower the two holding him, or wriggle free, he was stuck. The leader cruel smirked before pulling out a gun. There was a loud bang, a burst of pain, then the feeling of soaring through the air before his body landed in the garbage. Frankly, his last moments weren't of 'I don't want to die'. The were filled with regret ... of being killed by such idiots. It was extremely embarrassing to have failed that badly.

As his blood oozed out into the garbage, he began to focus more on the pain. It felt like something was poking him in the back, probably a chunk of cardboard or something. Trying to make his death at least more comfortable, he tried moving his hand around to find something soft. Maybe on old diaper, or a junk towel. Anything soft would do just fine. However, he couldn't move his hand, and he felt himself growing weak. Things started to get dark, and he felt really ... tired. His vision became unfocused, which was rather pointless as there wasn't much to see other than the top of the dumpster. His thoughts became less coherent as he faded ... his last thought being 'This really ... sucks'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Yumi has been spending the night, after finishing packing her stuff mostly on the roof, though she was in the bathroom when the fallen had flown over.
As she was laying on the hard pavement of the flat roof she looked at the stars a small Water made bat flew towards her.
"Hey Kiro, what's wrong sweety?" She asked as she noticed something was wrong.
The bat, Kiro started to fly towards the angle it came from, the small mental link they shared made it clear for Yumi that it wanted her to follow him.
"Alright, I'm coming" She said as she pulled on her jacked.
The water the bat was made off suddenly fell to the ground, however the soul remained and went into Yumi's jacket.
The jacket started to shift and and reshape as, well everything outside the sleeves reshaped, shaping a bats head from the hood and the rest became bat wings.
Yumi however did not control the wings this time, it was Kiro who knew where they needed to go, so she let it take full control.

After a few minutes Kiro brought her to an warehouse and exited the jacket.
Even though it was now just a soul Yumi could still see it as she was the one that had created it, a nice little trick of her gear, no one can see the souls of the dead, yet as long as she has called or created it she could see it, useful for espionage or calling for help as no one knows its there.
The soul shape Kiro started to fly down and circle a dumpster down below.
Yumi opened her aura wings and glided down.
"Is there someone in here?" she asked picking up the bat's general thoughts, she opened the lid "gross.., Fine I get it"

She tapped the back of her right hand and right away a crest appeared on her hand, the crest was the same crest that Zeke had carved into the ground each time he transformed one of his peers or when they teleported, it was Zeke's family crest, with this she would have signaled Zeke that she needed him.


As they finally reached the home base Zeke stopped in his tracks.
"seems I am needed elsewhere, Marcus you can do whatever you wish to do, feel free to act as you would at home as we are family now, if you have any questions you can ask Moena, she is waiting for us at the entrance it seems, just do not enter the basement for your own safety, its a true maze that even I have yet to understand, I have even experienced some traps"
From that point on a magic circle appeared under his feet, soon the light of the crest covered him and once the light ended Zeke was gone...


As the group walked to the front door they would see a long black haired woman with horns growing from her forehead, wearing what seems like underwear and a corset of bones under massive breasts.
"Hecate, Yuriha, where have you been, are you girls ok?" it was clear she had noticed the fallen angle and was worried about her two underlings.
She walked to the two and checked up, realizing Yuriha her bags "Candy shopping, next time at least tell me if you go out this late"

H "its fine Gem queen, I followed her to make sure"

Moena sighed "Off course, thanks Hecate" she then focused on Yuriha again "seriously Yuriha, cant you go without candy for one day, you bought these for the trip right? then I'll take them for now, otherwise you may start eating them by yourself" she said teasing Yuriha a little, still she did took the bags from her.
She was perhaps a little stricter with Yuriha, but she was mentally the youngest and most naive of them all so Moena often feared that she would get in trouble one way or an other.

Finally she focused her attention to the new arival.
"Excuse me, who are you?"


"Why did you summon me" Zeke asked as soon as he had teleported and noticed she was not in danger.

Y "Kiro wanted me to follow him to this dumpster"

Zeke walked to the thing and looked inside to find a nearly dead body, nearly cause there was still slight aura coming from him, it was very slim as he only realized it once he seen the body.
"Poor soul, no one should die like this"

Y "seems Kiro wants us to save him"

Zeke looked at the kid "I can, tell me, is he worth it to use a piece"

Y "He believes so, seems he watched him for a while tonight"

Zeke nodded "alright, you can go back home now, tonight is proving a bloody one, I rather we all stay home for safety"

Y "alright Zeke, I will be waiting for your return" from there on Kiro entered into her jacket again and the two flew back home.

Zeke then took out his evil pieces, checking the kids value "so I can use any type of piece on him"
Zeke thought about what to do, would he use a pawn to save his stronger pieces for later, it was a safe bet as the pawn could promote to all others, No, this kid seems to have quite the magical power, perhaps that is why Kiro wanted to safe him, if that is the case then perhaps its a good idea to enhance his magic further...
Seeing he had no other reference of the kids abilities, Zeke decided the best cause of actions was to go with one of the most basic strategies of picking a piece, enhance something the new peerage member is already good at.
Putting the other pieces back into his pocket.
He grabbed the now dead body from the dumpster and placed it on the ground while making the circle,

"By my orders, under my name Zeke Valefor, I Revive you into my family, You shall return to live as a Devil and my Bishop"
As the kid was already dead Zeke had to use a different chant but it went perfect and the piece entered the kid's body bringing new live into his body.
Zeke grabbed the body and teleported back to his house before the kid could wake up.
After tonight he just wanted some rest, turning two people, teleporting and attacking that fallen, he was tired, especially reincarnating people is draining.

Zeke walked into the living room and placed the newest kid on the couch.

(OOC: people can be in the living room, you guys can see who is where and what has happened in between
its even possible to PM for a small collab post between Yuriha/marcus and the girls before Zeke returns with the newest kid so the time difference fits
or state that you wish some stuff to happen before zeke returns with Sun
if its small stuff I can use my phone)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

-------while moving home------------

Marcus couldn't help but notice that the fox girl was trying to avoid him for some reason, he didn't have a clear idea as of why. While thinking to himself the girls animal like feature seem a bit real to him, so he guess she was something like a kitsune, or fox spirit. He could help but wonder what else existed in this world. The girl soon give him a lollipop in which he took happyfully. "Thank you" he told her nicely. "She seem like a sweet girl" he thought, unlike little miss sunshine with the blonde hair.

-------At the base------------------

Marcus had nobbled at Zeke when he finish speaking. "Yes sir, I plan on asking a few question,but Trust me I pan on going near anything until a have a go idea what i'm in for." He told him honestly. Marcus then followed the ladies inside and was fixation on the sexiness of the girl inside, follow by spooked by the girl's demonic appearance with made him jump and fall on his ass. "Jeezus!" He stated out loud before feeling a sharp pain in his head for calling on a religious figure. "Ouch" he said out loud.

Marcus was a little scare of her at first, however the demon girl seem friendly so his dear had retraced a bit. She seem like responsible type. He does with however that she wasn't wearing such skimpy cloth; don't get it wrong he didn't mind such eye candy to look at, what he does mind however that there was two girls their to observe his actions. He was forced to look away from her to preserve his appearance with the two other girls.

The girl then asked him a question in wish turn his attendance back to him.Marcus decide to position Hecate between himself and the demon, keeping her close to him so she may keep her from eating him. He couldn't help but wonder if he was really safe form her or if she was going to eat or from the looks of it become her new sex slave. "Uh yea, my name is Marcus Wilson and though i may seem human apparently i been turn to...some sort of demon, i believe it was like a,dee-vil or something." He pointed out nervously while trying to look her in the face instead of her breast; So far his eye sneak in a peek at least four times.

IC note: Though Marcus doesn't know much about Christianity being raised Buddhist, His mother would you religious style swears like "god damn it", or "Oh christ". usually speaking those words in English which sore of rubbed off him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

*Edited a bit
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I have been waiting for you all~"

A voice rang out from above the main entrance hall, a man dressed in fine clothing standing at the top of the stairs with his arms crossed in a prideful manner and a wide smile plastered across his face as she looked down to everyone with his azure eyes. "Seems like I missed Zeke, well that cannot be helped since-" After flicking out one of his wrists to straighten his sleeve, the man reached up and pushed his glasses up a little, the light catching them and giving him a rather sinister look "I was napping." Which was destroyed a moment later...

"Oh a new person? Well, allow me to introduce myself. I am Orin, number one best friend to Zeke Volray"

Orin made his way down the stairs towards everyone, his gaze falling on Moena for a moment "Why didn't you wake me when Zeke got here? Am I really not worth the bother?" He shook his head at the very notion that he was not "Of course it must be because you really do care about me and wanted me to rest right?" He grinned away, trying to tease the women but soon switched topic, trying to avoid being punished. "Sadly I cannot accept such advances. After all my heart belongs to only one." Almost like a homing missile he was next to Yuriha trying to touch her ears.

He did not do this nearly enough in his opinion, though it could not be helped since he did not really live within the house so he could not attempt man handling the half kitsune as much as he wanted. However that was likely a good thing for her given how blunt he was about his feelings towards her. "Are you looking forward to the rating game my love?" He peered towards the new member of the growing family "I can already see he seems to be building quite the army heh. A strong looking one at that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

(Before Zeke got home:)

Moena sighed as the new called Jesus which was followed by a stab to the head, at least he was a devil, that was for sure.
But soon after he started to nicely introduce himself.
"Nice to meet you, my name is Moena Sasumi" she then glowed and suddenly changed into her human shape "I am Master's queen, I take it you are a new member of our little family?" she then stepped aside "come in, i'll show you to the living room"

(after Orin came down)

As the devil was making his advances Moena felt she should step in, normally master would do that but he was not around at this time so it was the queens job.
"Orin, you lolli loving perf..."

But before she could continue a splash of cold water fell on Orin from the air.
A new face came running down the stairs "Ah, Sumimasen Orin-sama, I was practicing and it seems I made a small mistake what cause the water to fall, I hoped no one was standing under the stairs but... SUMIMASEN" Runa ranted while keeping to her overly polite way as she bowed to Orin as a apology.

Moena smiled, it was a great timing to give the guy a cold shower even though she knew Runa would never do that on purpose, it was a real accident.
"Anyway, I guess master should be back soon, if everyone would wait in the living room" She then looked at Runa "can you make some thee?"

Runa bowed as she replied "Hai, I would love to" she then walked into the left room while Yuriha and Hecate guided the guys to the right room, the living room.
Moena however went up, hoping to find Ophilia and Yumi as those were the only ones not downstairs yet.
She found Ophilia in her room and Yumi had only just arrived back, which means Master would return soon.

as the 3 girls entered the living room the floor lit up, revealing the groups crest.
Soon after Zeke showed up with an blood drenched boy in his arms.
He placed the kid on the couch, he would get it cleaned later and sat down in his own chair before looking around the room.
"seems everyone is here" Runa walked up to him to hand him a cup of thee "thanks"
He drank his thee slowly as the newest kid started to wake up.
"welcome back to live kid" he said, his voice showed that he was tired after today but he had promised Marcus some answers and the newest kid would want some as well he figured...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Death, the ultimate end which all creatures speed to at a rate that is generally far too fast for their liking. Since he was not a particularly religious person, Sonitus didn't have any expectations for being dead. That said, he did at least know of what people thought was the afterlife. Clouds, strange people with bird wings glued to their backs. Or someplace with fire that was bad. Waking up on a couch surrounded by others near his age, wearing school uniforms of some kind? That was totally unexpected.

Glancing around the room, he quickly tried to plot out escape paths. His first path would be to jump behind the couch and sprint towards the nearest window. Hopefully he could use momentum to break through, and providing the fall was not too great he could make his escape. There were too many risks with that one though, and he'd rather not break his legs and ruin any chance of future escape. The second option was to try and bolt out the door the group appeared to be coming from. The difficult factor would be getting past the arriving youths, and then navigating his way outside. The third option was a variation of the second, the difference being that he would take a hostage. With a hostage he could keep the others at bay, while also using the prisoner to help him navigate his way out. He quickly reached inside one of his pockets for a knife, but found it was empty. He remembered leaving it back in the skull of the idiot thug ... so the hostage plan was out for now.

["welcome back to live kid"]

Sonitus narrowed his eyes at who he guessed was the leader. Perhaps he could grab a hold of the cup the man was using, break it, and use a fragment's sharp edge to take him prisoner. He quickly raised himself into a sitting position, as he was trying to avoid looking weak. He was also incredibly tense, ready to enter a run from his position should he need to. "Who are you?" His voice was cold, his eyes moved about again as he scanned the room a second time. As more memories were returning to him on how he died, he found himself with more questions than answers. This situation was becoming incredibly annoying, nothing was making any sense. If he had been stabilized, he would have been at a hospital where the surgeons could have worked on him. If his knowledge was correct, hospitals didn't just give out patients randomly to complete strangers, let alone a group high school aged children.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Zeke put his cup down on the table beside him.
"I am Zeke and I would prefer if you could relax and take those aggressive feelings and need to escape down a notch, Its giving me a headache"
Never had Zeke met someone like the new kid and after a long and draining day those emotions were a bit too much.
"Now seeing you just woke from being dead I guess your want some answers, your not the only one with questions but seeing how things are I guess.." he looked at Marcus "I hope you dont mind waiting for your questions, we first have to straighten out the current situation with our newest member"

As Zeke had mentioned the new kid was aggresive and it was getting him an headache the girls in the room (well the ones I use), with the exception of Ophilia who was pretty new to the group as well tensed up.
Hecate had her hand on her sword, Runa her gear had materialized on her neck, Yumi her tiara had done the same and that she was ready to materialize her bow and Moena took on her devil shape while standing next to Zeke, right in the new kids eye sight.
"easy girls, as things are I doubt he will be able to utilize his own abilities, and even if he could" Zeke looked the kid straight in his eyes, no fear no doubt in his own or his words "I believe I can handle it"
He then started to speak to the kid again
"now I know that Moena her form must have been a shock but do try to calm down or we all will never get anywhere"
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