Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Hidden Lilly Tea.Books. / Cats.Music

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Daniel emerged on the poop deck, the ever constant salt infused wind pulling his hair every witch way. Using one hand he pulled some of it back out of the way so that he could see where he was stepping. How ladies tolerated their locks was a mystery to him, his own seemed like it needed a trimming. He wondered when the captain would be up, so he could use his strip of leather for his hair again. As he was moving along the poop deck towards the Avery's quarters, he saw a reflection of red through the tangled bits of his own hair. It was damn near impossible to miss her when the rest of the crew had black or brown hair if any.

There was a brief struggle in his mind as to what to say to the woman. Should he ask for an explanation? Should he just hand over the piece that was apparently very valuable and deadly? Other suggestions of what and how crossed his mind. Reaching the bottom of the steps while she seamed to still be dancing away from the quartermaster he called up to her.

"Cap'n." he said. Remaining rather ridged and expressionless.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Avery turned to the doctor and said "perfect! See bane? The doctor is right here to take a look about me. So just leave us be" she put her arm around him and said "just follow and say nothing..." She lead him away to the back of the ship. She opened a door to a empty cabin full of beds and cabinets.

"Sorry about that. My quartermaster is stubborn when it comes to my health, which is fine before you ask. But us talking in here will get him off my back" she jumped up and say on the desk at the back wall of the cabin and looked at the doctor. "You most likely have many questions...and I believe you have a right to know anything you would like to know after what I put you thru today so...ask away"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Hidden Lilly Tea.Books. / Cats.Music

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Daniel was somewhat stunned by her. She had a kind of spark that was uncommon to most women, and a wild sense for adventure. Avery had, as far as he could tell, been rather truthful in her words. By far she was an odd person to encounter; a truthful pirate?

"Aye." He admitted, leaning against the wooden cabinet across from her. Though he would have liked to relax, this was still as foreign a place as ever so he continued to be somewhat tense. His arms naturally hung themselves in such a way as to be in an easy position to draw his cutlass. There were many questions he could ask; his selfishness urging him to ask of his fate, his empathy wanting to ask of her injuries... "What th' nine hells are ye?" fear had won though it didn't so much dance in the expression on his face. As usual, in attempts to mask the inside he often carried a mildly pissed-off grimace. Once he relaxed he would, well, relax and the contortion would fade. Until then, it was a fairly good defense mechanism.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Avery sighed, lowering her head. "I guess that would be your first question..." She reached up and pulled her collar down to show a red birth mark on her collar bone. "Since I can remember I have had this curse...that when I am touched by Dead Mans blood, the blood of a man that died or is dying, I become...unhuman. I'm not sure I can call myself a demon...I just become unstoppable...for a time. Sadly...how I got it I do not know...but the glows when it happens so it must be linked....I am sorry you had to see that." She looked at hin again and said "Which speaking of cursed...you still have my Jade piece...your in danger carrying it. You should have given it to Bane"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Hidden Lilly Tea.Books. / Cats.Music

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Daniel huffed in thought, absorbing her words be they truth or not. Unfortunately he had learned that when a pirate spares/saves a life there are strings attached and the savior may cast the saved into the tempest when it best suits them. Despite how easy she was in conversation, how open and honest... It made him more suspicious. A dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.

"It be hard to trust a man ye 'ave ne'r met b'fore." He said, letting the comment marinate in the air and hang between them. Despite all she had done for him thus far, after so many years of watching one's back to make sure a wayward knife didn't stab it, it was difficult to trust. Anyone, not just Avery, but anyone really. A crew was never really his family like it was for the other sailors. He was always stuck between worlds, walking a fine line to survive.

He finally moved after the 30 seconds of empty space. He reached under his jacket and untied the velvet bag. It was soft in his weather worn hands. Bits of rough skin catching on the fabric as he pulled his leather thong away from the bag and handed it to her. His second question slipped out before he could really stop it, Daniels hands already busy eagerly pulling his hair back.

"What be so important 'bout tha' piece?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 18 min ago

Avery sighed and looked at the bag, trying to decide if she should tell him or not. Then she said "its part of a relic that brings luck to those who own it. But that luck comes at a price. Loss of things they hold most dear...followed by madness and despair..." She opened the back and pulled out a piece of black crystal and said "its called Black Jade, or Shadow Jade. It holds a dark power within it...and when the relic is together as a whole...its power will be great enough to change the course of many lives..." She put the piece back in the bag.

"Which is why I have to find the pieces first and make sure no one ever finds them again..." She put the bag in her pocket and flinched a little. She held her side and added "Guess not everything healed...guess Bane had a point. Only my wounds I receive in my demon state heal fast. Other wounds don't heal on their own while I'm out of that state..." she lowered her head, her face twitching in pain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Hidden Lilly Tea.Books. / Cats.Music

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Daniel's brow creased as he finished fastening his hair back. Finally with it out of his face he was able to see what he was doing clearly.

"th's quite a quest." he said, crossing the distance between them. "Move yer 'ands s' I can take a look at ye." Daniel instructed briskly while already reaching for the bottom of her shirt. "Don' be shy, a waist is nothin' I 'avn't seen b'fore." he tested, learning more about her based on her reaction. Already tugging the bottom on her shirt, his fingers skimming the dressing placed there before.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Avery sighed and moved her hands, moving the shirt for him to look at the wrappings. "Its nothing to worry about Doctor...wow I am so rude, I never got the chance to ask you your name?" She said, tilting her head at him.

"You also never told me how you got on that ship in the first place, since we are asking questions here"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Hidden Lilly Tea.Books. / Cats.Music

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Well Miss- Cap'n," he corrected, somewhat distracted as he reviewed the bandages that hugged the curve of her waist so well. He was damn good at his job, there was only light blotches of blood peaking through. "Yer stitches are held fast, don' move t' quick or ye will tear 'em out. Fixin' tha' would not be a pretty business."

"Me name is Daniel Blythe an' me story is not an unusual one, nothin' worth tellin'." Daniel guided Avery's shirt back over her bandaging. "Anyth' else hurt?" he asked. He really didn't want to discuss his past. It was better left buried or drowned as it were.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Avery looked at him then shook her head. "nothing that rest won't fix...Daniel, what are your plans now that you've escaped?" she moved back, not liking be so close to the doctor in this setting
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Hidden Lilly Tea.Books. / Cats.Music

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Daniel noticed her shift backwards on the table. Her body language had grown uncomfortable when he had guided her shirt back down. The pirate in him saw it as an opportunity, a moment of weakness and tempted him to press further. The honorable gentleman in him, the side that he made a point of choosing, encouraged him to take a step or to back. Daniel obliged to his conscience. It was one of the things he was proud of, one of the things that made him feel more civilized. Continuing to treat women as people as opposed to mere services. On top of that there was still the image stinging in the back of his mind of Avery cutting down each of his old crew members. It was certainly another kind of encouragement to treat the woman as her rank would suggest.

Daniel thought on her question for a moment. He had the chance to make a life on land like he had dreamed of as a child, but all he knew now was the sea. He felt caught, between comfortable, challenge, ambitions and old emotional scars. He hadn't been free since he was a boy, before he was sold into being a cabin boy.

"I'll go where th' tide takes me." he said. A true sailor's answer, though he wasn't sure if it was what he would truly want. This quest of hers did sound interesting, and he seemed to be the only doctor aboard. The pirate and boy in him reveled in the idea of an adventure. Finally, since their first encounter, he smiled. It was only a slight curl of the lips and it was uneven, but it was a smile none the less.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Avery smiled back at him and said "Well there's the smile I was looking for...well since your undecided, why don't we do this. My ship needs a doctor, which your the best I've seen in years, and you need somewhere to go. Why don't you stay on the ship for as long as you like. You are a free man here, the whole crew is a good group and no one is a slave in anyway here. And when we get to a port at any point and you feel the need to go out on your own, all I ask is that you help me find a doctor to take your place. Does that sound fair?" She was relaxed again now that the doctor wasn't as close.

She never minded men being close to her, but right after shifting she could see smell the blood and could hear his heartbeat. It made her sick but the part of her that didn't come out very much wanted to make that heart beat faster and to hear him pant. To hear him ask her to do many things to him and it made her want to vomit. But with him back a step or two it caused that voice to go quiet and she could think clearly again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Hidden Lilly Tea.Books. / Cats.Music

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Having some time to think about the situation, and being strangely assured by her, he had his answer.

"Aye. Ye have yerself a doctor." Daniel said, the smile fading from his expression. He raised his right hand to his mouth before spitting into his palm. Daniel held it out to her for her to shake, fairly certain that she was aware of the custom equal to that of a contract. "I do expect t' be paid like any other man on yer vessel." He said, more of a polite reminder since pirates often conveniently left out details and he did not want to miss a payday. Often it covered his supplies among other things that warmed the insides.

A part of him wondered if the saliva hand shake would gross her out like any other lady in port, but the other part fully expected her to spit in her hand and shake hardly phased by the action. Avery was for many reasons, not merely a lady.


Amelia began to stir from her sleep. She felt stiff and groggy, more tempted to call her time in dreamland a rest as opposed to a nap or sleep. It was exhausting waking up on another boat, though the woman that brought her here seemed nice enough. She was older to be weathering the seas but if she was out here still it make Amelia wonder at what must be her incredible skill.

"Mmmm..." she tested, rolling over to look out into the kitchen. The older woman was busy about the food, moving faster than she had seen any cook move before. Quietly, she tried to sit up without making much of a noise. On the last vessel, Amelia had been taken hostage due to her age and moderate looks from a port the pirates had plundered. She had learned there to be the cook's assistant and the man was about as picky as a bird and tough as nails. There were multiple times he swatted at her with various cooking utensils for not knowing what to do or not doing it fast/quietly enough. The entire ship terrified her. This boat was much ore welcoming. The woman was so kind to her. Scarlet, Amelia recalled, was her name. She seemed like a lovable mama hen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Avery smirked and spit into her own hand and grabbed his, shaking it. "Its a deal. And you won't miss a payday, everyone gets his share...and if you do well, it adds to your amount. Hard work is rewarded on the Shadow Strike" She jumped down and looked around, thinking.

"I guess as a doctor you will need an office to see your patients. This was the medical cabin when my father planned the ship out. There's a room in the back that should work for sleeping...it even has a window as well. I can have Ms. Scarlet and Lady Iris help you get this cabin into shape to see the crew when they are of need of ya"


Scarlet was humming as she worked, making some kind of a stew for dinner. She walked over to the box she had rescued from the other ship and opened it, almost bursting with joy. "Look at all of this...things I haven't seen before...these will make wonderful dishes...and will be good for the crew..." She clapped her hands and stood up, starting to unpack the box when she happened to look over and saw her little guest was awake.

"Good afternoon, little lady! I'm glad too see you were able to rest after the day you've had. Did you sleep well? Are you hungry? I have some snacks hidden away we can treat on while I make dinner for the crew." She smiled brightly at the girl, her red hair falling from its bun and Scarlet sighed. "Not again...bloody stuff won't behave"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Hidden Lilly Tea.Books. / Cats.Music

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"tha' 't would be of great assistance." Daniel agreed, never before having had his own room. Often it was a simple hammock in the back of the Orlap deck. His medical supplies would be tucked under the hammock as well, he was lucky if he had a crate or two for his patient to lay on. "I'll go below decks to fech me supplies from th' corner I sto'ed 'em away in. Thank ye Cap'n." He finished, managing a respectful half-bow. On both the ships he had been on prior such formalities were enforced. Daniel moved towards the door to open it for her, both an act of habit with her being a woman as well as a respectful act for the captain of the ship.


Amelia smiled at the vibrant woman.

"Maybe if you braid it..." She suggested meekly, in the soft tone of speech that seemed to be unique to her. Amelia pulled her legs close to her, similar to how a mermaid would sit. "Would you like some help?" she offered. She felt free to come creeping out of her shell here. This little area with the cook seemed so warm and much safer than the ship she had come from. Amelia was thankful that she had not been on that vessel long, that she had a hope for finding her family in port.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Avery walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder. "Please, Daniel...no need for such formal actions. I am human as much as you are...well, kind of. We are equal here...I just keep the ship going is all" She walked out the door and whistled for one of the cabin boys to fetch Scarlet and Iris for her. Bane was watching from the side and he walked up to the doctor and said "Glad to see your getting on...how is she? Will she be alright?"
Scarlet smiled and stood, her hands already working on the braid. "Good thinking, love...if you want to help me cut up some veggies for the stew that would be most helpful. YOu can stand on that crate there. The counters in here are a little taller then normal, the cook before me was a very tall man" She went back to unpacking the box when she asked "So what is your name? I'm Scarlet Jones..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Hidden Lilly Tea.Books. / Cats.Music

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Daniel regarded the quartermaster with a stern look, their relationship not starting out the smoothest.

"She'll be alright." he said, turning to watch the quartermaster watch her. "She needs t' take it easy fer a while. That wound on 'er side will be 'er greatest challenge. 't was t' deepest an' longest. 't will make a pretty scar though, so long as she do'n't rip those stitches." He looked back to his new captain, watching her interact with the rest of the crew. She was kind, but commanded respect. "I'll do th' best I can t' encourage 'er t' rest." Daniel added, a small olive branch for him to extend.


Amelia rose from the little spot that Scarlet had no doubtingly made for her to rest in. With quiet feet she headed for the counters, they were rather tall. She was average height for a girl, on the cusp of her coming out age too.

"My name is Amelia Gastrell." she said before realizing that she likely shouldn't have given her last name. Her family clan was among more of the wealthy folk in Britain, the very low end of the upper class. She had been warned constantly by her father from a young age that others may try to take advantage of her because of her name. She flushed in embarrassment of her mistake, keeping her head turned down and allowing her long hair to act as a curtain. At least Amelia knew how to cut vegetables in an efficient manor now, she had been getting used to the knives the other cook used. The carats were tough to cut through but she was well into working away at her first carrot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane sighed, looking tired suddenly. "I guess its the best I can for...it could have been a lot worse..." He rubbed his eyes and said "I'm sorry for before, I get very protective when it comes to the captain...I didn't to sound like a wolf back there." using wolf to compare would seem a little off for a pirate to use, but he looked at the doctor and held out his hand. "I never did introduce myself. Bane Clawson..."

Scarlet smiled and nodded, putting things away from her crate. Then she paused and said "Gastrell..." Then she turned and stared at the girl, then a smile spread on her face. "Oh my goodness! Your duke's youngest daughter aren't you! Wait a moment" She went to a trunk on the far side of the kitchen and started digging thru it. "I know its here somewhere...just a moment...AH!" She pulled out a sealed letter and opened the wax, reading thru the letter then said "I thought so!" She walked over and knelt in front of the girl.

"Its kind of a long story, but to make it short I have a girl friend who married a footman of big time family in London, any way I write her a lot and she keeps me updated on big news in the city. Anyway she sent me a newspaper clipping of a kidnapping and a wanted ad. Your father has been looking all over the place for you" She handed the girl the letter and in it was the clipping of the raid and of a young girl going missing. Another clipping was her father asking for aid to locate her daughter.

Scarlet smiled and said "If you like, we can talk to the captain and see where we make port again, maybe we can get you back to your family. What do you think?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Hidden Lilly Tea.Books. / Cats.Music

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Daniel extended his hand to the quartermaster.

"Daniel Blythe." he said, giving a firm handshake though he was still a touch unsure about Bane. The way the quartermaster watched Avery, how he was in fact very protective of her. Daniel found himself wondering of their connection, how they seemed to be close. Actually, it seemed as though they were children stuck in an interesting position. His special care for her being unrequited but her good nature only allowing for her to dance away in play. No wonder the man would look so tired, he was the ever chaser of his captain. Even if they had no special relationship, as second in command he would have to chase her the way she moved like fire. Daniel hardly knew the woman but even a blind man could see that though burdened she had a passion for adventure.

"Please feel free to call me as you wish, Quartermaster." he said, unsure as to weather he should allow this crew to call him by his given name. This was a new start though, it felt more positive than the other life changes he had encountered.


"Oh that would be wonderful!" Amelia exclaimed at Scarlet's suggestion. It was a God sent miracle, she could go home! She could see her family, the animals, the sturdy stones beneath her feet in the gardens... all the lessons she had to attend, the uncomfortable clothing, boring social events... Amelia's good memories became balanced by sour ones. Home was home regardless, she convinced herself. She wanted to feel the earth beneath her feet once more, not wood and water.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane smiled weakly and said "Please, call me Bane. We don't go by titles here...captain's orders..." He rolled his neck again and muttered "I just wish she would listen to her own orders once in a while..." he sighed and said "If you need anything in supplies come find me. If we have it on board I can find it, but if not we will make a list and pick them up next time we are in port, alright?" He turned and walked away, rubbing his neck.

A voice next to the doctor said "Poor thing barely slept while the captain was gone...it makes him nervous her being gone. Understandable since they are basically family" A tall very tanned woman was leaning against the wall, cleaning a long throwing knife. She had bright eyes and a well toned figure. She was wearing bright colors, her dark hair in many little braids. She looked up and said "Iris, at your service, doc"


Scarlet smiled brightly and said "its settled then. After dinner we will speak to the captain and see what can be done. I promise. Somehow we will get you home"
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