Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~|Day 2, 18:15-18:20 GST|~
~|Khan, Prisoner Complex (Medical Bay)|~

Koren's clap didn't so much startle Khan or scare him like it did Jayda as much as it shook him out of his little combat-happy reverie. The fact that the Zabrak was likewise counseling him against it definitely helped, especially her mentioning that their fight was likely to be interrupted if they started here and now. That said, he couldn't help but be pleased that his strategy of friendship over outright opposing her was working much better than he'd hoped or anticipated judging by her stance and reaction, although he was a little bit puzzled by the mix of sadness, nervousness and apparent affection that ran through her body language in pretty fast succession when her attention was fixed on him but then again he was reading body language, not minds. The laughter felt like a definite victory at least, even if it became tinged with bitterness.

Koren was probably right along with Jayda, and it was probably bad of him to forget even for an instant that they were on a dangerous prison ship with Jayda's reminders about Sish possibly torturing him derailing his little victorious and eager to fight burst. Still, the Zabrak's legitimate concern for him was obvious enough to someone who had spent his entire early childhood communicating almost exclusively through body language and it was certainly enough to make him think that she might be...well, definitely different from how he had been raised to think a Sith ought to be, for one thing. They were supposed to be merciless, calculating killers or else monsters ruled by wild passions lashing out at and corrupting everything around them. Avatars of everything that was...well, evil. But this one wasn't that at all, in fact he couldn't help but wonder why she was with the other Sith to begin with. So, with all the tact and strategy of someone his age, he asked.

"You don't seem like a Sith, so why are you with them? If your Master really is as terrifying and violent as all that, why is he your Master? You seem a lot more like a Jedi anyways, so how did you wind up coming here? It...doesn't seem like the sort of place an honorable warrior comes to easily."

The boy didn't go so far as to ask her to join them, and he adjusted his stance with his comment to try and indicate the statement was just one of surprise rather than actually questioning her honor. After the question he actually smiled at her and inclined his head slightly without taking his eyes off of her.

"No, when we do fight I don't want it interrupted, and I guess being tortured would impede my ability to have a good fight. Please do me the favor of staying in decent enough condition to do the same!"

With that he stepped cheerily closer towards the other Jedi, trying to hide the fact that with his curiosity used up and his mind taken off of the possibility for a decent fight to express himself with, the thought of the reptilian Sith torturing or maiming him had begun to swirl around in his head and yes, frighten him a little. He had mainly been semidetached and curious about everything so far with the exception of Xid nearly being taken away earlier, but now it was finally occurring to him that this was all terribly real despite his trying to keep a positive front. He glanced over to Xid in the tank and wondered if it would be him in there before long if they didn't escape. The matter of the droid popped up in his head too though it was hopefully concealed from Jayda. Maybe that would allow them to escape such a fate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~|Day 2, 18:20-18:22 GST|~
~|Nazca, Prisoner Complex (Medical Bay)|~

Nazca snorted at Jayda's words. "That makes two of us. I don't want to be here, you don't want to be here. I'm a prisoner, you're a prisoner. I know ul'Zabrak, you know ul'zabrak. The only difference is, one of us has an opportunity change their imprisonment. Which one, you ask? Only time will tell." She smiled at the Zabrak, idly glancing over at Khan as the child began to speak. She immediately winced when he spoke to her about being a Jedi and shrugged helplessly at Jayda. She murmured quietly, hopefully so the cameras wouldn't pick up what she was saying, to Khan. "Careful what you say about her Khan. Her master despises weakness and finds the term Jedi synonymous with it. He flipped out when he thought she was acting like the Jedi. Comparing her to them while cameras can listen in is a bad idea if you want to help her not get the shit beat out of her."

She shrugged again. "What's done is done. Strength comes from pain, doesn't it Kasluat*? You and I know that very well. Remember; **Shureen fro'tlesu atar" She gave Jayda a crooked smile. "Or at the very least die trying. Not high on my list, but it could happen at any time."


**We will prevail.

~| Day 3, 20:30 - 20:35 GST |~

~|Location: Melloch, Mos Eisley, Tatooine within Egrens shop|~

After leaving the group, Melloch made his way over to the shop in question. Once there, he came across his greatest foe on worlds that didn't have a large Herglic population: small doors. "Excuse me," Melloch called apologetically into the shop "this is going to take a while I'm afraid." He began to work his way through the door, shifting, twisting, and forcing all of his considerable mass and blubber through the small frame. It took far longer than he would have liked, but they always do and he was far past being embarrassed by other species not having the good sense to make doorways larger than they need to be.

Once he was finally in the store, he smiled sheepishly at the shop owner. "Forgive me if I cause a scene. Herglics weren't meant for exploring other planets that don't have properly sized doors it seems." He walked over to the counter, idly glancing at all the various relics sitting around. "I'm looking for someone that I heard frequently visits this place. A green Twi'lek by the name of Jiek. She runs messages for Janglor. Has she been around here recently?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

~|Day 2, 18:23- 18:26 GST|~
~|Jayda, Prisoner Complex (Medical Bay)|~

When Nazca snorted, then shot off her mouth with words smarter than one would’ve expected. At least more insightful compared to her recent experiences and actions onboard resulting in her being continually damaged. A slight smile threatened Jayda’s mouth. Her lips twitched then ceased abruptly at the movement, becoming painfully aware she needed to be careful about how she acted. The zabrak hadn’t forgotten the Jedi’s attempt to swipe Jakali’s lightsaber and if the woman tried it with her, she would end up with a broken hand. At the thought of Nazca’s recent experiences, Jayda’s eyes flickered to the current Knight floating in the tank. His figure out cold and serene, lost most likely to slumber as he recovered. Surprisingly, a slight disgust washed over her when a thought entered her mind. The Knight had let this happen to himself and escaped the Sith’s attention,but he was allowing his friends to pay the price in his place.

“No, I assure you there’s a deeper difference between you and me then merely who or what we’re chained to.” Her voice, however, hinted uncertainty in her own words.

She shook her mind from the thought when she heard Khan’s comment.

Jayda’s eyes fell to the ground almost instantly, feeling Sish’s words echo back at her. Her hearts flared with pain as if he had struck her with a blade, wounding her thanks to the words that formed it. Was it that obvious? She couldn’t help asking herself the question, the boy’s observations shifting in her attention and then caused her to look into the nearest camera. Her head shifted to the right and held her sight there for several moments, feeling the dread sour in her core when the sensation of being watched drowned her into an icy cold sensation. The sith apprentice shuddered. Sish was most likely viewing everything with sadistic glee or furious disappointment, either would likely gain her a punishment of some sort. A snarl formed on her lips when she pulled the upper one back to expose her canine ever slightly.

She didn’t like him seeing her this calm among the prisoners, especially when she such a nervous wreck among the rest of the ship. Releasing her eyes from their upheld position, the Echani’s earlier request caused her mind to stop for a moment and struggle to understand it fully. Trust was a dangerous thing and she knew it but it was hard not to soften at his excitement. More memories of a younger Kaet fluttered to her, her gut filling with hurt and partly regret over her hasty departure. And worse, her determination never to return. Knowing the child was too similar to her own brother she decided to answer knowing fully well she was going to suffer for it later.

"By the way, for calling me a slut earlier..." Knowing the Lizard didn’t know her native tongue, Jayda slipped into the Ul’Zabrak dialogue. She would deal with the aftermath later as she faked irritation at the woman's earlier comment seemingly to return an insult. “*It’s alright, it doesn’t matter in the end, I'm not going to come out of this unscratched either way.*

“It’s very complicated, but at the time I thought it was simple.” Jayda began pulling back into basic, her tone slightly emotionless to keep herself from looking weak. “He took someone’s life that was very precious to me. I hope to get strong enough to avenge that death one day but I doubt I’ll be returning home or going back to my old life ever again. As for acting like a Jedi, I have no idea how a Jedi moves, acts or even is suppose to be like. Everything I learned was while I was back on my homeworld and not by a Jedi. ”

At least she secretly hoped.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

~|Day 3, 20:45-20:46 GST|~

~|Fa-Val-Kuul, Location: Mos Eisley, Docking Area|~

Walking around the docks without suspicion was a bit more difficult than Fa had hoped, mostly because it seemed like everyone she encountered regarded everyone else with suspicion. Although, she supposed that meant that she did not have any specific suspicion on her. However, she had experience in such places as well. Tracking a target could take her through a city just as easily as the wilds, so she had to be adaptable. After observing the people around her, she did what she could to match her mannerisms to their own. But, at that point, she had already attracted some attention.

Fa stopped in her tracks and sniffed the air when she caught a familiar scent. It was the one she had been tracking, and it was close, very close. It was that scent that alerted her to the pickpocket at her side, and she might have been angry had the child actually been in a position to take anything. Her valuables were in the pouches on her armor, not the cloak she was wearing over it, so the pocket he had reached into was empty.

Without making too many sudden movements, and without looking directly at the children, Fa spoke up just loudly enough for them to hear. “If it is credits you want, I have a job for you.” She offered, directly and calmly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~| Day 1, 23:32 GST - 23:39 GST |~
~| Prison block Aurek |~
~| Som Lorso |~

The prison was dark, the captive Jedi all asleep when the subtle gas hissed out from above, slowly submerging them into an even deeper sleep. It would not last long, but it would last long enough. Some five minutes after the gas struck, the turbolift doors on prison bunk room Aurek hissed open. Not one of the prisoners noticed or even stirred in response.

From the turbolift four troopers in fully pressurized suits moved out as stealthily as they could, their padded boots hardly making even a single noise on the floor. Once out, they did not hesitate, moving along the bunks until they located the right one. Again, they did not make any sudden moves, but gently lifted the unconscious prisoner up, carrying him away. It took them no more than two minutes from the moment they entered till the moment the turbolift shut behind them. A perfect surgical strike.

~| 23:51 GST - 00:17 GST |~
~| Somewhere else |~

The moment Som Lorso woke up, he immediately knew something was wrong. For starters, his head was woozy, not the way it should be when waking from a natural sleep. As a follow-up, he could sense that his body rested upon a hard surface and not the bed he had gone to sleep upon. He knew that the Sith had moved him, but he would stick to his beliefs - He would not fall for whatever ploy this was.

He tried to rise, to look about. He got one knee raised, one foot under himself when something hard hit the back of his head. His sight blacked out, but he managed to cling to consciousness as something hard was swung towards his knee. He knew he should have been able to resist, to dodge, but whatever the drug he had been exposed to was, it interfered with his focus. There was a noise unlike any other and a lance of pain in his leg as the object smashed his knee. As could be expected, he screamed in pain.

“Call on the Dark Side, Jedi scum!” a voice shouted out from somewhere behind him. There was something familiar about it, but he could not quite figure out what. Maybe one of the Sith that had shouted during the horrors in the temple? or perhaps a recording in the temple archives? Or was it perhaps just his imagination. He did not have time to think much on it, for at that point, he could feel a squeezing sensation somewhere in his chest. His oppressor was using the force to crush one of his internal organs!

It was not a powerful squeeze, but with his head so muddled, so much pain in his body, he found summoning his natural resistance harder than it should be. He could feel anger at himself, but resolutely resisted the urge to use it to fuel his resistance. He would not bow to the dark side. He would not fall.

After what felt like several minutes, with the squeezing only increasing in strength, he finally managed to bury his feelings, he pushed the pain down. He could still feel it, but it was a background noise, not the roaring flood it had been. Ever so slowly, he raised his telekinetic barriers higher, pushing out against the squeeze upon his liver. As he pushed, he could feel that particular pain fading. With the resolve worthy of a Jedi Knight, he slowly rose to his feet, the uninjured leg first.

It wasn’t easy, but no more attacks hit him. He could still feel the Sith trying to find gaps in his barriers, but his defense remained strong. Then, when he put weight on his other leg, he felt just a moment too late that something was wrong. The pain he had buried returned thousandfold as his leg proved it could no longer support his weight. He felt himself fall back onto the floor.

Som's hand hit the ground hard, blood oozing from his palm as it pressed against the cold, hard surface. He tried to raise his head, but his willpower seemed to be seeping away, how could it end like this? How could he feel so weak?

From within he felt a burning energy just out of his reach. All he'd need do would be to relax and allow the power to rise inside him, enough to win this fight, enough to burn down the galaxy. He pushed back against it, unwilling to succumb to his fear, to his pain, he was no coward and if this was to be his fate then he would face it on his own terms, as the pure hearted man he knew himself to be.

With his convictions restored Som braced himself, drawing on his own inner power, the light of his soul and the souls of those he had touched, and slowly rolled over. "I will not fall," He muttered to himself as he sat up, with barely the energy to sound the words. Even such a simple act helped to focus his mind, helped him to block out the pain as his father had taught him to as a child.

He could at last see the Sith. Or rather, the robes of the Sith, for she wore a deeply hooded robe, her face not even visible with the only lights behind her. All he could see was the faint contours of a body that was clearly female.

"I will not fall." The words were louder now, and Som watched as the Sith turned towards him with an expression of surprise, as if she'd expected the Padawan to have already collapsed in shame.

"I will not fall!" This time the words echoed around the chamber as Som dragged himself a step forwards, and then another. His hand reached out, plucking a broken pipe up from the floor, one end of it stained with blood. His blood, he realized as he held it like a club steady by his side. Som slowly moved closer and closer to his enemy, and each meter he moved forward upon the ground, he felt his power gaining, knowing the Force was with him in his moment of greatest need. "I will not fall!"

With a contemptuous flick of her wrist the Sith brought her lightsaber round, easily passing through the Jedi's neck, letting his head fall down onto the floor, his expression still as steady and determined as it had been a moment before. Turning away from the crumbling body the Sith moved off, ignoring it. Someone else would clean that up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

~|Day 2, 18:26-18:31|~
~|Jayda and Khan, Prison Complex (Medical Bay)|~

Khan winced visibly at the reaction his comments had prompted. It might have been reassuring under other circumstances to confirm that his insights about the Zabrak had been close to the mark, but it was clear by her reaction and the others’ that they had likely also hurt her and would probably get her in major trouble with her master to boot. There was still that strange mix of anxiety, pain and concern about her when she regarded him too, not that he was any closer to figuring out what it all meant even with his ability to detect the feelings in the first place. He had no idea what Nazca and the Zabrak’s brief exchange in the other language was about. To him it seemed like it might just be a continuation of what he assumed were insults from before, but the body language present just seemed to confuse things rather than clarify. The rest made much more sense to him, though. Revenge and need for strength weren’t just Sith concepts and more broadly understandable between warriors even if the Jedi rejected them, he supposed. But he still wanted to know more, well not just about Jayda but everything in general and there was at least one opening available to him.

“So um, if we’re all done trading insults and planning and none of us are going to fight can we at least get lunch? I’m starving!” He looked back and forth between Nazca, Jayda and Koren, shifting his stance from one foot to the other to indicate as much curiosity and impatience as possible while still staying ready to fight.

Jayda shook her head, amused some about the boy’s eagerness. Her body halted as she considered a moment, her stomach promptly seemed to agree with the boy when it rumbled softly. With all the healing she had been doing lately, she had increased her meal amount to help it along. Now, after the bastard’s little stunt she was now stuck down here where it was the least safest to be with her association among the Sith. Her eyes fell to the ground for a moment considering when Sish would actually get off his scaly ass and retrieve her, assuming it would be some time inconvenient. She knew she wouldn’t have much time to gain answers to her questions rattling in her thick skull as she inhaled, determined not to waste much more.

“Well, I don’t know officially when they feed you but it will likely be at the same time every day. So you might have to wait a few minutes until then. However, I doubt the Darth would’ve went through all this trouble to raid the temple and collect you just to leave you to starve.” Jayda stated simply, her mind considering what to do and how to escape the camera’s glare. She had noticed the boy’s anxiety building causing her hearts to tense in pity at his stress, mentally cursing herself for being this attached since he was a child in her eyes. “I’m not sure how the system with padawans and masters work with Jedi, but with Sith the Lord or Apprentice usually decides if they want the apprentice and why they teach them. In Sish’s case… he chose me when I refused to let him get away with what he had done. I tracked him across the galaxy until…”

She stopped, realizing how she nearly slipped in revealing she had killed a child because of the Lizard back on Tatooine. Swallowing the ice cold sensation creeping down her spine, she fell silent but her figure was filled with signals of pain and discomfort, flaring the signs like a lighthouse to the Echani boy. A fact she knew was true.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~| Day 3, 20:35 - 20:40 GST |~

~|Location: Egren, Mos Eisley, Tatooine within Egrens shop|~

Egren winced as the Herglic tried to work his way into the shop. The shop wasn't the most spacious even by Tatooine standards, with shelves piled high full of various items. From family heirlooms to old scrolls and the odd bit and bob that he just bought out of sympathy for someone fallen on hard times or he felt it would resell. He was actually hopeful when the Herglic had first entered his shop but then he noticed the lightsaber on the beings hip and winced to himself. He wasn't a Sith, he didn't think so anyway at least if he was he wasn't very violent so that must have made him a Jedi.

Egren wasn't sure if that meant the council had finally got fed up of him running around the outer rim on his own or if the Force just had a wicked sense of humor. Though he was determined not to let anything slip, he could always have tried to pry. Cast out his senses and find out of this truly was a Jedi but then if this being didn't know he was Force sensitive he soon would. No, he'd play the long game instead. "Perhaps it is your species that is not normal sized, not my door hm?" Egren placed the tome he had currently been studying down making sure to close it carefully.

"I would also recommend that if you seek information one of Janglors employees perhaps you should see him? I am a simple merchant trying to make a living, I sell goods not information after all. I may be persuaded to change my mind, if you have anything to trade."

~|Day 2, 18:31-18:36|~
~|Koren, Prison Complex (Medical Bay)|~

"Jedi chose Padawans in a similar fashion, they are not assigned. We let the Force guide us to make a decision. Sometimes when a Jedi sees a Padawan they just know that it is their place to teach them. This is usually done after their initiate trials, when the Jedi has a chance to see the Padawans capabilities. Though of course each temple has it's own slightly different method of this, our differences are what makes us who we are after all." He flashed her a smile before looking to Khan.

"I'm sure we'll be fed in due course young one, and I'm sure the food will be the best prisons have to offer. Or at the very least it won't be the worst prison food I've ever had which is another victory for us!" He turned back to Jayda with a blank expression on his face. She was not a dark individual. She wasn't exactly light, but she wasn't dark. Her path had been chosen for her, carved for her, by the Trandoshan that much was clear. It almost physically pained him of such an individual being corrupted by a beast such as that, the entire scenario made her a possible ally. A dangerous ally but an ally nonetheless with one exception...


How much of this story could be considered genuine? It could all be an elaborate ploy, sadly it wasn't above the Sith to employ such tactics.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~| Day 2, 18:04 GST - 18:10 GST |~
~| Miasa, alone in her quarters |~

It had taken her considerable time to finalize the assembly of the arm framework and the integration of the concealed explosives, but at long last the machines were doing the brunt of the work. For now, she would have a good two hours before she had anything more to do for the construction. Not everything required her direct intervention, that was the advantage of automated manufacture. The brunt of the work was done by machines, then she did the work that would make the product exceptional.

She slithered over to the other table, lifting up the severed arm of the Sith Lord Sish. She had plans for it, and now at last she could go through with those plans. Though not a true burden, it was nonetheless heavy, ripe with muscles and strong bones. ‘Good.’ she thought as she moved over to one of the few crates not yet opened. With but a simple gesture, she opened up the crate. After that, she dumped the arm inside and shut the lid. She keyed in a series of commands into the control panel on the side of the crate, then coiled herself up to wait.

~| Day 2, 20:07 GST - 20:14 GST |~

Miasa had simply rested as she waited both of her current projects. She did not truly sleep, but neither had she been entirely awake. She shook herself awake as the crate with the arm elicited a barely audible sound, indicating that its task was complete. Using the Force, she opened the crate once more, lifting what had been the Sith Lord’s arm out of it. The sight of it made her smile.

But not nearly so much as the smell did. She did not hesitate for a second. With a quick twist of certain muscles her jaws, she disjointed her jawbone, then showed the fully cooked arm inside her maw. She did not bother to chew, that was unnecessary. Her stomach fluids were more than capable of dissolving such. The wonder of the taste as it slid down her gullet was beyond words. It was simply perfect. Her portable oven had done its work flawlessly as it always did. It took no more than three minutes from when she pulled it out of the crate till she had it deep inside her belly. It would take several days to fully digest, but she would enjoy every moment of it.

There was just something special about devouring the meat of both reptilian species and of Sith. When the meal was both, it was beyond words. The blessings of the Dark Side added a certain flavor to the meat that no spice could replicate. Her fondness for reptilian meat came from how it was familiar to herself. A rather simple fact, really. Eating properly cooked meat of the right sorts was one of the few things that made her smile.

Miasa had her doubts that any other than Nyiss knew of her particular fondness for eating such meals, but could not be entirely certain. It wasn’t something she shared far and wide, but neither did she strive to keep it secret. Her oven was designed especially to neutralize most forms of poison and venom, and her stomach acids took care of even more. With the propensity of some Sith to gather information, it was not entirely impossible for some to have discovered the truth, but she still did not think any paid attention to it.

Maybe she should consider thanking the Sith Lord for his generous donation?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

~|Day 2, 18:36-18:40|~
~|Jayda, Prison Complex (Medical Bay)|~

Lettting Koren finish talking to Khan, Jayda was quietly completing his words. Her mind absorbing the additional knowledge while she tried to understand then compare her own experience with Sish. He had tested her, through not in the way the Padawans had been, through his own set of trials based on her emotional, physical and mental strength. She had fortunate enough to survive through if Sish’s behavior was an example, she was certain not all would’ve.

“Sith seem to be more based on desires than Force guidance.” Jayda commented when Koren finished, her mind returned to the earlier subject. “Through while you seem to accept differences, it is the main source of conflict between why Sith and Jedi can’t get along. Any race that is push to their limits reacts with violence because no race likes to be forced to alter their ways, no matter how radically different it is or brutally seen.”

Hearing the words slip from her lips, her ignorance about the Sith culture was plain to hear. Abruptly this made her awareness flare and slightly irritated by how little of either cultures she knew. In fact of what she knew about the Sith was from Sish, tainted by his bias about the strongest survive and Jedi being weaker. Anything related to the Jedi, on the other hand, was not acceptable since her father was the only force user in her life and clearly not the best source. Her mind still wondered if he had in any way been what Sish clearly believed.

Her eyes fixed on Koren’s smile, studying him and inwardly wondering if it was genuine. Finally she voiced an additional fact she knew well at least. “Zabraks are known to act the same way, our own stubbornness and pride prevents us from giving in. There’s even a tradition called the Blood Hunt where Kelo or a Tlestri are hunted by family members then killed to restore honor.” Pausing for a breath, Jayds continued. “Yet, we’re not seen as evil like the Sith.”

She let the fact linger in the air, the truth undeniable by any individuals that actually knew about Zabrak culture as she then settled her eyes on Nazca, believing the woman might. Her flesh tingled, her head draw to seek out the source and spotted Koren’s blank face looking at her for some reason she couldn’t figure out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~|Day 2, 18:31-18:41|~
~|Nazca, Prison Complex (Medical Bay)|~

Nazca merely let the others chat on, eyeing the Zabrak. She had always known that Jayda could be a prospective ally, but only if her back was against the wall and her survival coincided with their escape. What she was learning now, however, was that the Zabrak could be an actual ally in the long run. Well, we might actually have a chance if we could convince her to give up any chance at her vengeance and help us. Nazca paused, considering what she had just thought. Never mind. We don't have a chance in Nek of that happening. So she put on her usual smirk, nodding in acknowledgement of Jayda's comment that was veiled as an insult, before turning her attention to what the Zabrak recently said. She tilted her head speculatively, before adding her two cents into the conversation.

"While this might seem all important to you guys, me too now I guess, most of the common people don't care who is in charge of the Force until one side or another starts knocking down their doors. It's when either of you start messing with the status quo on planets that the regular people start giving a damn about either side. As for the Zabrak and their brutality, it's true. But then again, at the very least they have 'it was for our honor' to fall back on. The Sith only use brutality because it suits them or in the name of power. Your species has justification, however thin, and you tend to keep it to yourselves. The Sith, much like the Hutts, do not. They take and they take and they smash anything in their way. They are Hut'tuun, cowards, and a blight upon the galaxy." Nazca wasn't sure who she was talking about at this point, and was fortunately saved from having too explain by the med bay lift opening, almost simultaneously with Leah's yell.

"Well," Nazca chirped with false brightness, "that was amazingly fast food delivery!"

~|Day 2, 12:50-18:42|~
~|Zanna, Prison Complex (Medical Bay)|~

After Nyiss spent a few more hours teaching her of passion, Zanna managed to regretfully slip away from the Darth and into her lab (fully clothed once more, of course). For the first order of business, and to make sure that even the Darth wasn't aware of her plans, Zanna began cooking up more of the healing goo that Jayda was going so quickly through. With several variations, of course, for when things needed to progress rapidly. Poison, Paralyisis, Blindness, all the fun things that could be hidden in something that was constantly shown as to be healing rather than a trap.

Her blue goo supplies restocked (for how long, who knows? Maybe Jayda will go through them all in less than a day again), and filled with surprises for anyone she deemed needing a surprise, Zanna moved on to the more directly useful part of her plans for the lab; Poisons. She'd need a lot of them. Most would have to be subtle. Heart attacks, asphyxiation, brain aneurysms, all those fun things that seem perfectly natural. She didn't have the time nor the materials to make more than one vial of odorless and tasteless poison, and a small one at that. I'll have to use that in a dire occasion. Never gonna get another chance. She thought, humming lightly to herself as she stored the vial in one of her robe pockets.

After a few more poison vials and bags went into her robes, the Red Sith turned her attention to what she really needed the lab for. Carefully taking out the blood sample she had gotten from Jayda when the Zabrak was unconscious, she began to study and make preparations for it. This is going to be harder than I thought...

...Time passes with sciencey things....

Her research done, Zanna collected her things, cleaned off and returned the equipment she had used to their proper palces, and paused briefly to make a request of Nyiss. She needed a test subject for her latest serum, and the prisoners offered the best test subjects. She couldn't help a smile as her request was granted, and she was given permission to go take one of the prisoners. The Kel Dor. Zanna quickly left, heading towards the prisoners.

On her way she gathered Imperial Troopers (she, after all, wasn't as stupid as Sish) and, surprisingly, found Corr on her way. It was a pleasant surprise to find another Red Sith (that wasn't Darth Nyiss) aboard the Kaggath. That pleasantness was soured when it was revealed that he was apprenticed to Lord Sish. Not only was he an enemy to begin with (if a pleasant one to converse with) he was directly in the way of her plans. Sish she could work around. He was a stupid lizard, after all. Corr was intelligent, observant, and above all dangerous. I'll have to kill him before he realizes what's going on. Just another body to add to her list.

She left him waiting for her outside the lift as she and the six troopers entered to go retrieve the chosen Jedi. Her face lit up in surprise upon seeing Jayda there. "Jayda, what an unexpected surprise. I didn't come here to retrieve you, but I suppose you can come along with the Kel Dor."

She gestured and the six troopers spread out, blasters trained on the Jedi. It was clear they'd stun them at the slightest provocation. Alat stood and began to make his way over to the lift.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

~| Day 2, 18:42-18:47 GST|~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, various|~
~|Zanna and Jayda|~

On hearing the doors behind her open, Jayda’s eyes turned outward to note a single Sith and six troopers standing safely within. She knew the Sith as Zanna. The red skinned apprentice seemed rather surprised at seeing her here, her eyes widened and her voice offered a ride out that she would be an idiot to refuse. The notion of leaving the Jedi made her hearts drop to her stomach abruptly. That’s when she noted the other, more predatory Jedi Alat at the door’s entrance. His eyes seemed eager and razor sharp, a creature use to being the top hunter among the prey.

The Kel Dor’s image made her instincts tense in fear slightly. No, not fear. Dislike and wariness were accurate, her gaze narrowed on the individual who then stepped into her wake to follow. To prevent the Jedi from interfering, the troopers filed out then marching past with their blaster out and ready. She was helpless, even if she cared about the Jedi’s fate, within this situation so she continued her walk to the turbolift. Her gait casual and a bit sluggish compared to her earlier movement, knowing Zanna’s lessons in reading body language was still new.

Khan, however, would know she was coming along begrudgingly.

Her hands moved to her sides where she then stepped to the nearest wall, her weight leaned against it and waited. She hadn’t spoken a word when the lift started to rattle and haul the individuals into the next level.

Zanna watched Jayda approach, trying to stretch out her new found body language powers. She couldn’t glean much from the walk, other than it was slower than normal and any fool could have figured that out. Scowling in slight frustration, Zanna turned her eyes to the Kel Dor as he approached. She couldn’t help a smile in eagerness.. “A pleasure to meet you Alat. I’ve been waiting for this session for a long time.” Not, perhaps, to meet him personally, but waiting for it for a long time nonetheless. How often would she get this opportunity, after all?

As the lift began to move, Zanna shifted to face Jayda, ignoring the Jedi for now, her various poisons making a slight jingling noise. She really would have to secure them better. “Now I know why Corr met up with me. After visiting Nyiss’ lab and making more alchemical products, he showed up and followed me here. I assume he was sent by Sish to get you.” She raised a quizzical eyebrow. “How did you manage to get stuck down there with the prisoners?”

Jayda’s eyebrow raised in question, her ama (spirit/soul) getting a sickening sensation within it. Her ears caught the slight jingling causing her to muscle to stiffen but her mind forced herself to relax, her body resisting a bit. Already the dark force energy was taking away the calm she had gained within the Jedi’s presence, a fact she was unsettled about and started to to tighten her control over her rising anxiety. Jayda knew lying was impossible until she learned better so the zabrak was honest, knowing the apprentice would see the recordings and confront her later about.

“You assumption was incorrect. He was the reason I was stuck down there when he shoved me off.” Her tone was growling and low, quiet enough any listening device might have trouble picking up. Zanna too unless she leaned closer.

The Red Sith had to lean forward to hear what her fellow apprentice was growling about, and she couldn’t say she was entirely surprised when the truth came out. Apprentices fighting for the attention of one master killed each other all the time. She had killed several of her own competition for her last master. Still, this was a very good opportunity to test a theory and eliminate an opponent.

“Ah.” Zanna reached out and stopped the elevator. “A fairly poor assassination attempt, if I’m anyone to judge, but give people enough chances and they’ll correct their mistakes and succeed at some point. What are you gonna do about it, is the real question.”

Jayda head turned to face Zanna, her eyes heated dangerously compared to the past times she had looked into the apprentice’s eyes. There was something… unsettling there. Something absent before but now seemed to have surfaced while she spoke, her tone too even to be normal. “I’ll deal with it and he won’t be an issue after today.”

Zanna smiled, despite the warnings that went off throughout her at the new look in Jayda’s eyes. So she can be pushed to use our ways. “He’s here now, unsuspecting. Why wait any longer than necessary?” Her robes shifted slightly, revealing the poisons within. “I don’t like anyone ruining my investments, and you could use the aid. What’s your plan and I’ll pick something perfect for it.” Her smile grew wider, enjoying herself as they slipped back into her realm, her waters. This is what she knew how to do best. “Killing is killing, and there is no honor here.”

This seemed too convenient in Jayda’s mind, her jawline tightened for a moment then loosened. It didn’t help Zanna was smiling widely causing her paranoia to sky rocket higher. Still, she knew little else where she could get the poisons and so far, the apprentice was her only possible source for information and growth. A fact, much to her irritation, she would have to come to terms with.

Inhaling a calming breathe, Jayda let her mind push away the suspicion for a moment. “Something that would prevent the wounds from clotting and the death look like nature enough to be considered heart or brain failure of some sort. Only lethal within inserted into the blood system, not on skin contact.”

Zanna nodded. Humming to herself, ignoring the Zabrak’s stupidly high paranoia, she quickly reached into her robes and pulled out a vial. “I assume that because you said blood system you want something that can be smeared on your claws.” She did not add that she doubted Jayda was subtle enough for anything else, instead continuing. “This will do the trick. He’ll have a heart failure and die.” She held out the poison, looking expectantly at the Zabrak.

“You really think he would consider having a drink with me after what he did? Unless he’s dense, I have to figure out other means to get around his defenses. With any luck, he could have a prideful streak and disposing of the body will be rather easy.” Jayda pointed out, showing a hint of her intelligence.

She wasn’t about to tell everything for fear of someone discovering it. At least this way, her hand took the poison cautiously from the fellow apprentice’s grip, she would know exactly who it came from. Which if she survived, Jayda would make sure to repay Zanna back in kind if that happened. She slipped her hand gripping the tube back into her robes as she shifted back to the tubolift’s wall.

“Fair enough.” Zanna shrugged, before stepping close to each of the six troopers. You never knew who was an informant, after all. After deftly removing their recollection of Jayda and her’s conversation, she turned to the Jedi. “Muffle him some how. I don’t care for him talking.” In short order the Kel dor was gagged (as well as they could with his mask), and they resumed the lift ride. In short order they were exiting, with Corr waiting for them.

“May I suggest the animal pens for your ‘training’” Zanna muttered quietly, before stepping out. “Corr! How come you didn’t tell me you were here to save Jayda from the Jedi rather than chat with me?”

Jayda had already considered what Zanna suggested, not bothering to correct or inform her of it. It was better if the Red Sith assumed she was more ignorant than she really was. A fact most the Sith seemed to overlook in Sish was that he might’ve been brute, but he was a predator and intelligent as well for his nature. Her eyes studied the Red Sith talking with Zanna, narrowing while she felt anger simmer a bit and gained an idea. Her foot stepped forward as she drew closer, her eyes sizing Corr up while she gave the full imagery of silent fury.

“You. You dishonorable, lying and cowardly kohju’kay* (asshole)!” Jayda snarled quietly, her teeth bared.

Promptly, and in a sly confusion, Corr’s head turned toward her as he excused himself from Zanna to approach her. Their conversation quickly escalated in quiet tones with Jayda putting off ridgely controlled rage until an agreement was made. Corr and her would settle it at a set time later within the training room, the Red Sith male retreating and trailing to what seemed to be a seething female zabrak. Despite his departure, it took several moments for Jayda to regain her composure. She had acted, true, but instead of using false, projected emotions… she had some of her rage, a faint amount, rise to the surface where it lingered. Inhaling several times, her mind refused to still at the notion she might actually use some of her pent up rage on the Sith. The thought was too tempting if she hadn’t been saving it for Sish.

Zanna’s head pulled back in surprise, staring at her causing Jayda to straighten up. The zabrak started to walk away, letting the Sith believe what she wanted, as she ignored her. Jayda left the female with one single sentence spoken in a low growl. “I’ll see you tomorrow for lessons if the bastard hasn’t cut me up before then.”

She managed to take one step to head beyond Zanna, the troopers, and the Jedi only spot the female Lady Lansha dart down the hallways toward them. In an immediate reflex, the apprentice snapped to the wall and bowed her head, avoiding eye contact with the Lord until she had passed. Her back was as close as she could get it to the wall, in order to avoid the Sith’s attention.

Zanna’s surprise wasn’t entirely faked. She hoped the Zabrak was merely pretending, all evidence indicated that Jayda had more control than this, but perhaps she wasn’t as versed in finesse Zanna had first thought. She merely nodded in acknowledgement of Vivithe’s presence, raising an eyebrow at the glare. She gave the two Apprentices walking away one last look, before taking her prisoner and her guards away. She had her own business to attend to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

~| Day 2, 18:42 GST - 19:10 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, various|~
~|Vivithe and Nazca|~

Vivithe approached the cells with a smile on her face, this one an expression with sinister plans behind it. The Darth had just made her a happy woman and given her a great honor, she was allowed to end one of the Jedi that was not seen as turnable to their cause. Her plan for this was one that would keep all the other Jedi on the edge, she had noticed that several of them believed they were safe from death aboard the ship. You can’t turn a dead Jedi, it was a comfort they should not have had. Three armed guards followed her as she stepped into the lift.

As the lift reached its destination, Vivithe noticed two of the other Sith already in the cells, along with six guards. The red Sith and Lord Sish’s cowardly apprentice, if they had any intelligence then they would stay out here way. She gave each of them a look, partly of acknowledgement, and partly for them to not get involved in her current business.

Then a moment later, the guards splintered from her, taking a hold of the Jedi she was allowed to execute. The boy put up no resistance, if he did then they would simply drag him out. The Sith Lord found the other Jedi she seeked, the foul mouthed Nazca. Vivithe exited the lift and approached the girl.

“Come with me Jedi, we have business to attend to.” Vivithe said, one hand raised as she used the Force to pull the Jedi towards her, also grabbing her attention instantly.

“Well, I guess she’s not gonna stay for di-Oh what now!?” Nazca complained as yet another Sith approached. This one was new to her. From the way she carried herself (that is, even more arrogant than normal) Nazca guessed she was someone important. The three troopers quickly grabbed Arix, Nazca muttering profanities under her breath and they did so. Her profanities were quickly aired for everyone to hear, however, as she was suddenl dragged through the air towards the Sith Lord (Lady? Lordess? Her Sith ranking system really wasn’t up to snuff)

“Easy, easy, schutta! You should at least take me out to dinner first! Besides, you won’t like me. I’m a biter and I like men.. Go find pretty boy who thinks he’s charming. The one with the scar. You can go fuck him. I’m not interested.”

“I’m afraid he isn’t present on board this vessel anymore, but that doesn’t matter at all to what you and I are going to do, as well as Arix here.” Vivithe replied as she moved back towards the lift, the other Jedi already inside, the trio of guards right behind him. Lady Lansha still had the poor excuse for a Jedi under her control as they both entered the lift.

Nazca perked up. He wasn’t on the ship anymore? Surely the galaxy didn’t let that good of things come to her. “Does that mean he’s dead? Please tell me he’s dead. Bastard deserves to be dead.” She shrugged unapologetically at the Echani. “Sorry. Not the most Jediish Jedi am I?”

She turned her attention back to Vivithe. “Since I assume you’re not going to let us go, what’re your plans? A riveting game of holochess? Card games? I’m good at both you know! Tell you what. If I beat you at either, you give me some information. If you beat me at either, I give you some information! Fair?”

“Perhaps I killed him, Nazca. Or perhaps not. As I said, it does not matter. Your mind should be clear for what is planned for you and Arix.” Vivithe replied, her hands folded over each other as she looked at Nazca. It was promising that she had held a grudge against the other Sith, she may be able to use that to her advantage.

“It will be a game in a certain sense, you’ll see.” She added. The Sith was correct in that regard, as soon as she had been allowed to put her current task into motion she had kicked the pieces in place. Vivithe had to have something specifically made for it, but that was not an issue for a Sith of her importance. The lift stopped and came open as the group exited. The guard trio forcing the Jedi forward as they followed Vivithe.

Nazca quirked an eyebrow at the Sith. “You have me at a disadvantage, Lady Schutta.” She didn’t like the way the Sith was talking. Too much like someone who had others completely in their advantage, and was getting ready to toy with them. She didn’t let the other woman see how much it disturbed her when Lady Schutta said they were going to play a game. She smiled crookedly at the Sith. “Oh? I love games! Is it strip pazaak? We have enough for teams. I’ve always wanted to see how these troopers get out of their armor. I love a man in uniform.” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively at the troopers around her. “Easy boys, easy! No need to be rough!” She chided as they shoved her forward.

“One of you may lose something, but not in the way you’re joking.” Vivithe said as she locked eyes with Nazca, the smile gone, a chilled look of seriousness on her face. They kept walking before coming to a stop in front of a closed door. The girl thought she was funny, she was not like the other Jedi, crude and filthy in the way she swore with an alien tongue. In other words she was perfect for what the Sith had planned.

“Please, let's enter this room.” Vivithe said as the door came open and the whole group entered. It locked behind them, sealing the Jedi inside with the Sith lord and her foul scheme. The room was medium sized, a contraption in the middle, sturdy ropes spun around and down. On each side of the room were thick barrels full of some liquid which stunk of death. It was a disgusting green, bubbling loudly every few seconds. Next to each of the barrels was more rope, enough to tie a full grown person in.

She rose a hand, and behind them one of the guards swung the butt of his rifle into Arix’s head, knocking him out cold. Then two of the soldiers dragged him towards one side of the contraption before they tied the rope tightly around him. Vivithe had looked at Nazca once more, one eyebrow raised.

“Well, it is a game, would you like to know the details?”

Nazca’s heart began to race as she saw what awaited them in the room. She braced for something to happen (knock out, grabbed and forcibly tied up, something that would make ARix have to save her from the barrels) only to see them knocking out and tying the Echani up. They’re going to kill him. The thought settled with dread certainty in her mind, weighing like a stone. You didn’t set up all this to merely frighten or maim.

Her eyes flicked over to Vivithe as she spoke. Fuck you, you bitch. She didn’t say that, merely smirked at her. “Very well, Lady Schutta. Whats the game? More accurately, how do I lose and what happens when I win?”

“Arix and you will both be tied on each side of this creation. Then you will both be raised about half way above those barrels of corrosive chemicals. The game is yours to be won, you must scale the ropes, with only your own strength you must reach the top. You do that, the other side lowers into the barrel. If you refuse to climb then I raise Arix and lower you into the vat.” Vivithe explained.

“Consider it like pazaak with cards made from incredibly corrosive acid. The penalty is a very slow, painful death.” The Sith added with a smile like she had just cracked a cruel joke. The other guard then stood behind Nazca, ready to escort her to her side of the game.

Nazca sighed as the game was explained. “Ni or'parguur darjetii.*” She muttered wearily, heading over to the barrel with a rude gesture to Vivithe. She had a reputation to keep up, after all. As she was hoisted above the barrel she gave a crooked, slightly insane, grin towards Vivithe. So this was it. This was how her story ended. She wanted to say she would go unafraid. That she was ready for this. Truth was that she wasn’t. She didn’t want to die. She still hated the Hutts with a passion and wanted to execute everyone of them slowly. Sorry I never quite caught that mercy lesson Koren. But she didn’t want to fail again more. She wasn’t about to let a life she could have saved die because of her own arrogance or cowardice again. “Aliit ori'shya tl'din** Sith! You might as well start lowering me in, Hut’uun, schutta, whore, slut, shit eater, jendoslu, Fuck face…” Nazca went on like this in a singsong voice, before pausing.

“Tell me, Lady Schutta, did you know that Trandoshan’s actually enjoy a good game of strip Pazaak? Especially with Wookies involved. Something about beating the wookie scum in every way possible since I wouldn’t let him murder her.”

Vivithe internally sighed, then realized that she had thought this might have occurred. Jedi were selfless idiots, she would just have to teach this one a lesson about life. She did not reply to the girl’s cruel tongue, instead raising both her hands. She started doing as Nazca asked and lowered her towards the vat, then she stopped as she spoke.

“That is a Jedi action from someone who is not the least bit a Jedi. On a place like this one must put themselves over others, always.” Then she forcibly rose Nazca upwards, towards the ceiling, lowering the helpless, unconscious boy towards the acid barrel. A smile on her face as she did so.

Nazca’s first reaction was one of pathetic relief. She wasn’t about to die and lose her chance at vengeance. Not yet at least. What followed next was burning hatred. She had never gotten past her emotions, not truly. They were always there, waiting below the surface. Now hatred, her old friend, came surging to the front. She didn’t scream. She didn’t shout. She didn’t even look at Vivithe. She merely watched as Arix was lowered steadily towards the barrel.

Her voice was quiet, barely echoing through the chamber as she was raised higher and higher. “Ni mav kyr'amur gar. Ni draar digur.***”

Vivithe used the Force to comprehend Nazca’s speech. The normally alien tongue translated to one she understood, the words made her smile grow more evident. Brilliant, just what she seeked to create within the Jedi. Then she continued on silent with the ‘game’, as she raised Nazca upwards more, Arix now nearly touching the acid, the fumes pouring onto his face.

“Perhaps you will have that chance, but never with the Jedi. You are too weak, held back by their idiocy.” Lady Lansha said.

“Are you trying to make a deal with me, Lady Schutta?” Nazca replied, glancing over at Vivithe. “If you’re trying to get me to join you, I’ll do it on one very simple condition. He’s returned to the prison chambers. Alive and in exactly the state you brought him in here. You get to have converted the least Jedi of the Jedi to the Sith, he lives, and I don’t get to be held back anymore. Everyone wins.” She smirked, eyes burning with hatred still. “Right?”

“You’re in a quite precarious position to be making deals, my dear. You are correct that Sith cannot be held back. But, mercy is highly frowned upon by the Sith. It’s a sign of weakness, that one cannot truly embrace the power of the dark side of the Forc-”

“Or it’s a sign of intelligence. Kill him, and I promise you I’ll never join you. I’ll even kill the others before I let you convince them. You kill him, and you ruin any chance of having me join you. Let him live, and you can have me kill him later. Prove my strength, my dedication to the dark side. Or are you so weak in the Dark Side that you’re afraid of trying to turn me, worried that I might turn you, Lady Schutta?” Nazca shrugged in her ropes. “If you want to, you can prove you’re no better than the Trandoshan. I’m sure he’ll approve of stupidity and brutality for no gain. And I’ll still kill you later.”

“Why do you so desperately wish for him to live? Even if you are speaking the truth, he’d be the first one you strike down if you do follow through with your words,” Vivithe replied, as she seriously considered Nazca’s words, so much so that she had stopped moving either Jedi. There was a chance the foul mouthed girl was lying through her teeth. “Were you ever even a Jedi? I sense the Force within you, but you have yet to even grasp its power.”

Nazca snorted, the motion sending her swinging through the air. “Does being a youngling count? I was in the temple for all of a few weeks before you came along and broke everything. The Force was nothing more than a bunch of mynockshit that the Jedi and the Sith used to excuse their wars when I was on Nar Shadda, then a Jedi saved me form a cage fight and I was swept away to Coruscant.” She spat to the side, resuming her answer. “With your teachings, I assume at least, I’ll be able to strike him down no problem right? This mercy inside of me is something you’ll get rid of. You win. I join the dark side under your teaching, you look good for Nyiss, and he still dies later. I’m already too emotional for a Jedi. How much more pushing do I really need?”

“I cannot return him to the prisoner cells, if I go through with your proposal then he will be isolated from the others in another room, safe and unharmed, fed and nourished until you strike him down.” Vivithe replied. Nazca was an emotional girl she was correct about that. There would be too many variables in place if she returned the Jedi that she was allowed to kill to the cells.

“If you betray me and refuse to follow my every word with your plan, then I will not deliver you death, I will do much worse than that to you. Death would be too kind in that scenario.” Vivithe added, her counter to Nazca’s words.

“We have a deal then? He stays alive, isolated, fed and nourished until I kill him, and I join you. If I betray you bad things happen.” Nazca smirked. “Like that wasn’t a given, Lady Schutta.”

“Yes, we have a deal.” Vivithe said, then used the Force to pull both Nazca and the unconscious Jedi towards the sides, safe away from the chemicals. Two of the guards approached the girl and moved to untie her as the third did the same Arix before he dragged him towards Vivithe. She spoke a quiet order to the trooper, he would place the boy in another room, one unknown to the girl or anyone but Vivithe.

“My name is no alien curse, girl, you may call me Lady Lansha. Respect will be shown to me, I do not care if it is to anyone else, but always to me.” The Sith lord stated as she strolled towards the one she was speaking to.

Nazca breathed a sigh of relief as the both of them were put to the side and Arix was taken away. She raised an eyebrow at Vivithe as she approached. “See? Was it that hard to introduce yourself to me, Lady Lansha? A pleasure to meet you…” She, for the second time in at least as many days, stumbled over the word. “..Master.” For some reason it left a fouler taste in her mouth than calling Koren had. Shaking her head, she resumed. “Before we get on with all the Sithiness, can I get into a shower and some food? You took me away before they were going to feed us….the prisoners, that is.”

“Yes, we cannot have you go hungry. You’re no longer a prisoner of the other Sith. You will be given an opportunity to tidy yourself up then your training will begin. First though, tell me, young one, what is it you desire most? Other than ending my life? You spoke of Nar Shadda and a cage fight. I presume there is more to speak of on the subject of that vile world.” Vivithe said, hoping that she would receive a somewhat honest answer, as she was curious.

Nazca paused for a moment, considering the sith before her. “I desire the destruction of the Hutts. I desire to return to Nar Shadda and burn their empire to the ground around them. I want to take everything they have built, destroy it, and leave nothing of their memory but hushed whispers of a reckoning that shook Nar Shadda to its core. I want vengeance. I want their death.” She smirked again, feeling freer now that she could be perfectly honest with how much of a terrible person she was.

“To get those things I need power. I’m told you can give it to me.”

Vivithe smirked strongly, very delighted to hear Nazca’s answer, especially since it had to have been the truth. Such anger, such a vision, it was a bold one but admirable if she played her cards right. The Sith lord spoke to the turned woman.

“Yes, you will gain more power than you could ever imagine. The greatest Sith have made the galaxy tremble, the stars bend to their thoughts. Nar Shadda will be ash, the Hutts deserve every ounce of destruction. With the Force empowering you it is all but a certainty. That is a most admirable goal, come, let us move on.” Vivithe said, as the duo departed, the guards staying behind to bring down Vivithe’s contraption.

*I hate Sith
**Family is more than bloodlines
***I will kill you. I never forget.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~|Day 2, 18:30-18:45 GST|~
~|Khan, Prisoner Complex (Medical Bay)|~

Khan was somewhat relieved by the idea that they would be able to eat soon. Although it soon became apparent that some feature of their conversation had pained Jayda, and from there the conversation shifted slightly to Sith culture and Zabrak culture. The Echani certainly found the discussion interesting as he had had few opportunities to really learn about other cultures in too much depth before this. Because of this he mostly stayed quiet, although he noted that the Zabrak seemed to have some doubts about the Sith culture as she spoke. He just listened as they discussed it, not really having too much to add to things or so he thought.

Still, it seemed like they were actually getting through to Jayda to his heightened sense of other people at least. That is until another of the Sith came into the room flanked by guards. Well, he supposed they were still prisoners after all, although this was nice while this lasted. He cringed a little as they marched Nazca away, though by now he had suppressed the idea of coming up with combat scenarios for dealing with them given how unfeasible it was and the fact that she wasn't nearly as injured as Xid had been. He did notice Jayda's obvious regret as she was lead away, so perhaps this whole meeting was more productive than he would have thought considering she obviously-though likely only to him-would have liked to stay and learn more about them if not stay away from the Sith as a whole.

He sighed in frustration and looked over at Koren

"Is there anything we can do for them? Also, well..." His eyes shot over in the direction of Xid and also the droid, hoping that maybe Koren could get some answers off it that would aid in the escape attempt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

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~|Day 2, 18:40-18:50 GST|~
~|Koren, Prisoner Complex (Medical Bay)|~

Koren turned to face Xid floating in the tank. He looked rather peaceful, it was a good look on him considering everything that had been going on. It was a pity that he had to eventually come out of the karking tank. "For the Sith and Nazca? Right now? No. In time, yes. There's always hope. Never let go of it young-one for the moment you do, is the moment our enemies -whoever they may be, win. That's something we can't allow-" He shrugged. "-We're a stubborn sort, but for good reason." He walked towards the tank, placing his hand against the glass. It was cool to the touch, that was good. He wasn't as medically savvy as the likes of Tolun Fi or the Lea but he did know Kolto, probably better than many of the Sith on the ship. After all he had spent time examining it before... oh so much time examining it. Cases could sometimes take you down the most unexpected routes, though the important thing was that he knew that the fact the tank was cool to the touch was a good sign. He'd be fully healed within a day, if the Sith let him remain in the tank for so long. He doubted they'd be so kind, though he could always hope.

He turned back to Kara and Khan. "Your well is well placed, but I'm afraid now isn't exactly the time for such thoughts. We should wait until Xid returns to the land of the concious first, after all he knows the story better than I. He's very good at remembering all the little details." He threw Khan a wink, before turning to Kara. "I believe after our last sparring session you had to leave my world before I could be the honorable victor and offer you sustenance. While I'm sure the prison food is terrible, I'm going to cash in what I owe you-" He turned, as he swept his arm around the room indicating them both. "-In fact I felt it was time we all had a little something to eat."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

~|Day 3, 01:20-1:45 GST|~
~| Xid & Nyiss, Nyiss’ Quarters|~

Xid walked between four troopers, his boots stomping along the metal floors and struggling to keep pace. The troopers about him seemed unconcerned by this. Their bodies rigid and each stomp marched in orderly fashion, timed ideally. If he didn’t know better, and boy did he, he would’ve thought they were droids programed to endlessly march forever. Their faces merely stared forward in blank expressions while they escorted the Knight from his current changing room. However, he knew he didn’t look like a prisoner at the moment. His lithe body covered by apprentice tunic and breeches, complete with boots and a belt. None of the soldiers were stupid enough to give him a lightsaber to holster on it however.

Not that it mattered since Xid wasn’t in the best of condition to fight after all.

Breathing slowly, he picked at the black tunic nervously while his blue eyes roamed the hallways idly. His blond curls were plastered against his head and dripped slowly upon the black tunic making the area around his neck wetter. He still cradled his side as the time in the Kolto tank hadn’t been enough to fully heal his wounds, the side still slightly puffy and swollen through the redness had died. The feverish heat on the skin had also ceased much to his relief, but breathing was still close to inhaling pins each breath.

They walked him into a new turbolift, one he had never been in, and then pressed the controls. Immediately the machine rumbled to life before Xid’s legs felt it jerk, his balance lost in the surprise. Promptly his hand came out to catch himself and bumped his uninjured side into the hard metal, his lip bitten by his teeth not to gasp in pain. He wouldn’t let them see weakness when he was suppose to be strong. A dark, familiar energy coiled through him the moment the turbo lift edged toward the ship’s lower levels. His fingers gripped his support tightly as his stomach curled into his chest, twisting into endless knots.

It took him a moment to realize where he had felt this energy before. In the day of the attack, back at the temple. The very day Sela had…

Xid forcefully swallowed some bile that had crept into his throat and tried not to hurl, his throat burning at the acidic taste rushing back down. The only question in his mind was simple and very, very important. Why was he here of all places?

His question was put aside when the troopers motioned for him to move, their blasters pointed from him to the exit. Again swallowing, Xid complied because he knew there was no other choice. Pushing himself upright, he cautiously stepped out into the red carpet room where they would likely meet the one person Xid had hoped never to encounter: the very Darth of this ship.

Darth Nyiss was waiting, almost in the center of the room, but slightly to one side. She was arrayed in robes somewhat reminiscent of her battlegear, her own lightsaber hung neatly at her side, next to it, Sela’s lightsaber. On the other side of her belt, Xid’s Lightsaber was clipped. The intent of the garb was clear - unnerve the boy, and let him know in no uncertain terms what had happened, and what could still happen. Her hands were clasped in front of her, but in such a way that her sleeves would not hide the Lightsaber collection at her waist.

“Welcome, Xid. It is a pleasure to meet you.” She stated, her voice genuine.

Xid felt a shiver go down his spine at the sight. The nameless, mystery and dark energy now had a face in his mind as he studied it a moment, unsure what to say back when she greeted him. He was seriously wondering why every Sith he had met on the ship seemed to enjoy meeting him when the feeling wasn’t mutual. His heart leapt into his throat and seemed to choke his words when he finally managed to speak.

Deciding to go with Tolun’s advice and not upset the Sith, the Knight’s words edging him into caution as he chose them carefully. “I’m afraid I can’t return the pleasantries, Miss…?”

It was expected that his voice wasn’t completely steady, through he was amazed he hadn’t stumbled and stuttered from the anxiety rippling in his system. For a moment he closed his eyes, trying to clear what cocktail of emotions were stirring inside. Worry, fear, and a hint of anger were all groping for control over his attention but he wouldn’t have it. His ears were perked for any reply to his words, his eyes ready to snap open and center on the source the moment it started. Through considering there was only the Darth here, he knew at least exactly where to look.

“Darth Nyiss” She stated. “Though for you ‘My Lord’ will suffice. Please. Sit.” She motioned with one hand to one of the chairs at the side of the room, then herself moved to sit opposite. Though phrased as a question, her tone made it clear that it was a command.

When she was comfortable, she spoke again. “Your master sacrificed a great deal for you Xid. At the time, I thought it a foolish, wasteful sacrifice. Typically wasteful Jedi martyrdom. I see now, that I was wrong. You are quite the special individual, a legacy well worth ensuring. I’m sure you know why.”

Xid’s heart curdled again as he pivoted on his heel, then started to walk to where the Darth indicated. His eyes warily watching her while her words held a hint of authority, his mind debating on whether to defy her by remaining standing upright or take her offer. The pain in his side made his choice for him causing him to edge toward the chair. His arm reached out and hand pressed into the fabric, easing up on his side and allowed him to shift into the cushion. He sank a bit while he tried to keep himself small as possible on the ‘chair’s end farthest from Nyiss, through it seemed more like a miniature couch. One almost big enough for him to lay across comfortably.

The fabric was a lush red and matched the decor of the room, including the red and black carpet under his feet. The moment the words left Nyiss’ mouth, his complexion paled more than it had been earlier and any healthy coloring faded instantly. It seemed his carelessness was coming back to nip him in the ass now and in the worse way. Why didn’t he listen to Tolun better?

It was too late now, his mind trying to search for a way to lie without being obvious. His eyes narrowed on Sela’s lightsaber, his heart sinking a bit at her memory, realizing her death wasn’t his imagination after all. He he inhaled a breath before speaking. “So what I felt wasn’t my imagination.You were the dark force we both felt heading toward Tolun Fi’s lab. The one she wanted me to avoid.”

He paused to absorb the information he had just given. Pain, sorrow and loss filled his core, quickly replacing his harsher emotions quicker than he expected. Xid adjusted, his arm protecting his side removed itself and placed his elbow on his legs to support his head. He ignored the throbbing pain in his side, not caring if his slouching made the injury he suffered worse, while his fingers dug a little into his forehead. The Knight’s voice was quieter when he spoke again. “As for a special individual, I’m sorry but I strongly disagree. I’m merely a Jedi Knight, nothing more. ”

The teenager didn’t mention ‘or less’ because in fact, he knew he was barely worthy of being the very thing he was claiming to be. Too many emotions he didn’t want want to face were swirling around him that he knew he wasn’t acting in the idealistic way his Order taught him to be. Shame edged into the pile, setting a small fire to them, and fueling what he felt helpless to stop. The only thing he knew was possible was to conceal, hide and deny it. With any luck, Darth Nyiss wouldn’t notice but some instinct within him cried differently.

His face rose up to look fully in the Darth’s face. He found himself noting what some might see as elegance and beauty, something he didn’t deny himself, but also something else. The ice cold monster he suspected lurking under the surface to emerge. Would this woman be the same as the others or worse? Xid couldn’t help but wonder.

Nyiss drank in the many feelings rolling off the boy as he spoke. It was delightful to see a Jedi who felt so readily.

“Don’t try to deny what you are. One of your own has already informed me of the whole truth. Your rank within the Order means nothing to me… I only care about your particular talent. It is a gift that should not be squandered.”

She looked him over with a critical eye while she considered her next words, noting the way he was sitting, the posture that was a clear indication he was in pain. The med-techs had told her he needed more time in the Kolto to recover, but she did not have time for that.

“And one that should not be risked by keeping you injured and vulnerable.”

Xid looked hard at Nyiss, disbelief edged into his eyes at the words as it faded to suspicion. His mind not wanting to believe what the Darth was saying being the truth as his fingers fisted at his side and his body felt like it curled in on itself. The way she spoke of his talent was creating a dark spot of worry growing inside of him. Her eyes studying him and no doubt noting his posture, her next words indicated she knew when a machine was in need of repair. His eyes looked down upon the floor for a moment then spoke with a surprisingly cold tone in his voice when it came to his potential, his downward position hiding the unnatural ice in his eyes and the mixed feelings swirling around them. Anger, bitterness, and pain were the strongest scars he had from Belsavis while he inhaled to clear his mind, only pushing aside the emotions. “Some gifts are best never brought to their full potential. As for my wounds, they will heal in time and I much rather go back to my cell.”

“I’m afraid we must disagree entirely.” Nyiss stated, her tone almost one of debate, though switching to one of confidant determination. “I will know your full potential. Now lay down, I must heal you.” She took on a knowing tone as she continued. “A damaged machine will not function at peak capacity...” She had observed carefully the interactions on record, and identified his manner of speech. To turn it back to him would likely give her a distinct advantage in interaction that other Sith had not thus far had. Inwardly she smiled. She had forgotten how much fun it could be to deconstruct a prisoner like this. Sometimes she spoke with the prisoners while they were on her operating table of course, but it was simply not the same.

“And if I refuse?” Xid asked, his head snapped upright and discomfort spreading through his eyes. His body jerked away instinctive, his figure rising to his feet abruptly as his side flared in pain causing him to slate to the side. His arm jerked out to catch himself while his breathing was slightly labored, his arm trembling and fear surfacing. Stop it, he screamed in his head. Stop it… He wasn’t a child afraid of the darkness anymore yet here he was purely terrified of this woman. “Please, I rather just heal on my own. Please…”

“Attempting to refuse would be to assume I was willing to allow my kindness to be turned down. I am not.” Nyiss Stated coldly. She made a slight motion with her hand, gripping the boy’s now standing form with the Force, firmly yet gently, swiftly picking him up off the ground, rolling him onto his side and placing him down on the couch. She continued to hold him in place with the Force, just in case he decided to attempt escape.

“If I may make an observation?” She spoke as if asking, but did not wait for a response before continuing. “Your tendency to test the patience of your Sith captors is precisely what has caused all this damage to you. It would seem that your self preservation programing is… faulty.”

As she spoke, Nyiss moved forward, raising off her chair only to kneel beside Xid on the couch. Her left hand moved over his wounds, a few centimeters from his clothing as she focused healing energies into his wounds. She tried to make it as painless as possible, though there would likely still be a sting. Healing of others was not her speciality, and the Dark side of the Force tended to make inducing pain far easier than removing it.

Xid couldn’t move. His mind raced with no way to escape as his body was pinned by the invisible force the Darth used, his ears listened while she spoke. Each word seemed to stab at him, unsure if she was mocking or trying to understand him, his eyes shifted to the side when she came into view. He flinched when she hovered her hand over his wound and the small pain started, hot and burning while his bones knitted back together and the bruising diminished. Gradually realizing he was helpless, his body started to unwilling relax and accept the healing.

“I already suspected such results. I was flawed from the very start after all.” Xid admitted, his voice blank of emotions. “Why bother repairing me when you know the other Sith will merely undo what you’ve accomplished? Why waste the resources, the energy or the time for a machine that doesn’t care about completing its function?”

“Any machine can be improved. Made to fulfill far more than its original function.” Nyiss began. “With your talent, you should know that any machine can be repaired and improved. Even one claiming to be flawed from the start.” She continued to heal the damage in his body as considered her next words. “Do you really intend to continue to provoke my Sith? What if one of them is overzealous and you are killed? What do you think your master would say if she knew that you are knowingly gambling with your life even after she made the ultimate sacrifice for you? Did her life mean nothing to you?” Nyiss’ voice took on more emotion as she went. She would never sacrifice her life for an apprentice, no matter how promising… But if she did that apprentice had better make the most of it. The idea that Xid would squander such an opportunity disgusted her more than she was expecting.

“Some machines are too dangerous for that. Their potential doing more harm than good, the only purpose a machine of that function can do is kill or destroy the balance when explored. Something that is unacceptable as a Jedi. In the end, it’s better to dismantle it and scrap the parts for something different.” Xid stated plainly, subtly hinting he had explored his own potential but seemed to give no further details over the incident. For now.

His fingers tightened against the cushion when Nyiss talked about Sela, his eyes returned to stare at the sofa back in grief. “Please...just don’t talk about her like you knew her or me. “

He wanted to curl into a ball, even with the Sith there and sink into his own thoughts. His mind darting through memories and thoughts about his old teacher, recalling both the pain and enjoyment they had had. Sela might’ve not understood him and even forced him to change but this, the self sacrificing attitude, she thought it was rather kind of him. Even if she suspected it was more due to his own degrading value about himself. “As for me provoking your Sith, it doesn’t take much effort so… most likely, yes. There is no Death, only the Force.”

Not likely the wisest to sprout a piece of the Jedi Code at a Darth who could easily kill him as he continued in a bitter tone. “The Sith, from what I know, value strength above all. It’s their primary motivation to obtain it through any means necessary even by killing their own. It’s an endless cycle and if someone isn’t strong enough to survive it, then they are most likely better off decommissioned. A fact a few of your Sith seem to agree with and take great pleasure in showing how fragile Jedi are.”

He knew if Sela saw him now, her heart would most likely be breaking. She never liked how he spoke in this manner as it made him more like the cold machines he worked on, less human in her eyes. Often she would frown in disapproval causing him to alter his word choice just to make her smile, a gesture he was glad to do even if he struggled with it. At some point, it became second nature to him. Breaking from his thoughts, Xid’s eyes turned to look at the Darth. He was expecting the gears of their conversation to continue to grind, his own shaky and jerking while hers was precise and well timed movements, and waited for her answer on what he had said.

“Do you know why they say that? That there is no death, only the Force?” Nyiss asked rhetorically. She was quite disappointed with Xid’s outlook on the world. With so little motivation to survive, she was amazed he had even made it to Knight. He had to have some motivation though. She just had to find out what it was. “They say that because it is possible, through extreme devotion to the living Force, it is possible to transcend physical form and live on as a Force Spirit… But only the most devoted and the most enlightened achieve this. What the Jedi do not tell you, is that the vast majority of beings simply… cease… when they die. That will be your fate should you die here. And a terrible waste it would be.”

She stood then, the majority of the healing complete. Looking down at him, she stated “No machine is inherently too dangerous. Every machine has a task, and even when that task is to hurt others, the machine itself is not dangerous. It is the will controlling the machine that makes it dangerous. I have a great many artifacts a few rooms over from here, all of them you might claim to be dangerous. To the weak of will, they may well be. But they are not dangerous to me, or when used by me. I understand them all. That allows me to choose whether they are dangerous or not.”

She sat back in her original spot before continuing, calming her voice somewhat. “You claim that you are too dangerous. You can only be so if you lack the ability to control yourself. Are you telling me that you lack the will needed to control yourself?”

“You see it as a waste, I see myself being more useful. I aid and help those who draw on the force in the same way I was taught. My energy would still exist even if it’s not what I am now.” Xid remarked simply, his head turned back to the sofa back and let the pinching sensation die away. His side had stopped hurting several minutes ago while he thought about the Darth’s mention of her holocrons, his body shivered at the thought of what the Jedi had taught him about them. Dangerous and best left alone, only select Jedi were ever allowed to retrieve them from known locations which was enough to dampen his curiosity over them for years.

Gingerly, he pulled himself upright and slide his legs off the chair’s edge and placed his feet onto the floor. His side was no longer hurting to the degree he knew it had been and even now, he could easily breathe. At the Darth’s last question, Xid didn’t speak as his arms curled around himself in silence. He hoped she would draw her own conclusions and be done with it. Control wasn’t the issue, but the result often hurt someone since he became so focused on the task that he didn’t stop to realise who might’ve gotten hurt in the process. It was that pain he couldn’t bare.

“Your energy is a tiny drop in the galactic ocean that is the Force. Your death would be a waste of all that you are, and all that you might be.” Nyiss stated, her making it clear that he should not argue without a stronger point than that.

“Now tell me. Are you so incapable of controlling yourself that you are a danger to all around you whether you wish it or not?” His lack of answer the first time had been quite conspicuous. She could tell that it must be something important to him, and so she would press the point until she discovered everything she could.

Xid tensed visibly, his lips tightened as he was thinking over his words carefully. He didn’t want to answer the question the Darth seemed interested in, knowing in inside it would be the worst mistake he ever made. His arms wrapped tighter about himself to push away the seeping dread growing inside of him before he tried to press the earlier point. “Yes, I would be one drop. Not unique from any other but even one drop helps fill an ocean. How many ‘drops’ do you think made it in the first place? As for what I might become… it’s best left unknown in my opinion.”

He paused a moment, then remain quiet for a moment before he answered. “I rather allow you to draw your own conclusion, honestly.”

Nyiss’ voice took on a scolding tone as she replied. “One drop can make a difference. But only if it reaches for the opportunities given to it to grow into something greater, and seizes them without a backwards glance. Something you are clearly not doing.” She then stared for a moment at the obstinate boy, calculating her options. After a moment she decided on one - carefully phrasing what she said next.

“My purpose is to gather information quickly. I have several means of achieving that purpose. I have polite, non damaging methods, methods which I use whenever I can. However, I am also possessed of less pleasant, more damaging methods of fulfilling my purpose. My purpose must be fulfilled. It is your choice to respond or not to any given method, but if you do not respond to one method, another will be selected.” She did not speak as quickly while using this turn of phrase. As capable as she was of matching Xid’s speech pattern, it did not come naturally to her.

Xid’s eyes studied Nyiss, raised from the floor where they had been staring at for a while now. He was already trying to think of a way out of it, but nothing came to him and though he might’ve discovered one sooner or later, it was likely the Darth would grow impatient during the wait. “A machine will always do as its programing requires and some machines are more fragile than they might seem.”

His voice was surprisingly calm, though he was an emotional wreck on the inside. He then added, in an afterthought, something he hoped might satisfy her. “If by control you mean I can access, maintain and use my gifts to accomplish my directive then yes. I can do this at will, but I chose to use it sparingly.”

Finally Nyiss thought. He had realised he should not fight her. But would the trend continue? She hoped so.


A single word, but all she needed. She would know by the end of this day, one way or another.

But it seemed that he had not really decided not to fight. The boy remained silent. The fool.

“Very well.”

Nyiss sighed, then began to gather her energy, focusing her mind. She was unsure of the extent of his mental defences, but she doubted he would be able to stand against her in this situation. Not while she could bring the full force of her mind to bear on him and him alone.


This time, she unleashed the word as a mind trick. The customary wave of the hand followed, but it was hardly a giveaway. By the time he saw it, he would already feel the mental onslaught.

Xid’s body tensed, his mind bracing for pain and expecting the cruelty most Sith could produce. His fingers dug into his arms through the black sleeves as he watched Nyiss, her words cold and firm in his mind. His mind was the first to relax, like being eased into an easier emotional state and coaxed into trust. It seemed to come from nowhere but it was the calm he was drawn to. It was the calm he needed as he gave into it gradually. His figure slacked slightly, his arms loosen and relaxed visibly.

Nyiss’ question rattled in his head, sounding gentle and a need to answer washed over him. His pupils glazed over slightly while his lips spoke before he knew what was happening, his eyes spotted the handwave too late. “I hurt someone with the results last time and they nearly died...”

A chill washed over Xid when he heard his own words, a shiver danced along his spine causing his face to pale. It took him a moment to feel the dread clawing at his throat when he revealed his greatest weakness.

“Thank you.” Nyiss said genuinely. “Now I understand.” Everything was falling into place now. She doubted she would be able to mind trick him so easily again, but she did not need to either. She had discovered what made him tick. He cared about others, and the pain they suffered, far more than himself. Threatening him was pointless, but threatening his friends and making sure he knew it would be his fault that they got hurt… That would prove very effective. Now she knew how to motivate him, she could far more accurately test his abilities.

“No. You mind tricked me.” Xid stated the obvious, his fear and anger seeping under his skin. “Why don’t you understand when I said some things are too dangerous? I won’t hurt people just to let you see what I can do. I refuse to allow that.”

His hands had fisted while he glared at Nyiss, trying to think of how to undo what was done. However, it was impossible and deep down he knew it. There was only way. He knew his friends were depending on him but he just put their lives at risk and now they would suffer. Part of him wanted to lash at her, attack and wipe whatever evidence there was that he had betrayed them away. That thought was quickly pulled away when he realised if he did attack, he was unable to turn back.

Dark, smooth words echoed again in his head causing him to feel sick inside. You and I are more alike than you will ever admit.

Xid’s head pushed down into his hands as his fingers gripped into his scalp, deep enough to attempt to draw blood, as he tried to clear away the mess in his head.

Nyiss drank in the torrent of feelings washing off of Xid. Anger and fear. Emotions no Jedi was supposed to have… and in significant intensity as well. She wondered if he realised just how close he was to the dark side. All he needed was a little push. She couldn’t resist the opportunity. He clearly hated her, and she had just made it personal by forcing his weakness from him.

She stood, looking down at Xid. Then she strode out to the center of the room and turned, such that Xid’s lightsaber was clearly visible on her belt. She used the Force to activate the comms panel on the wall. “Guards. I have what I need. Carry out order C7. Kill every one of the designated expendables. And do let the Lizard have one or two, I’m sure he’ll enjoy himself. Oh and keep Lea for me.” She pulled her Lightsaber from her belt, looked at it, then discarded it on a nearby couch. She threw the two Jedi Lightsabers next to it and turned as if to leave, hatred and satisfaction rolling off of her.

Before stepping, she turned to Xid again. “Thank you again. You are just what I was looking for, the rest of the unsalvageable machines will be taken apart. I’m sure those tiny drops in the Ocean will amount to something. Most likely more power for me.” She smiled, a cruel and hateful smile, and turned back towards the door.

Xid’s mind tighten and emotions swirled, clamping over his heart at her words. He had bottled them up, pretended they weren't there for a long time and no one seemed to have noticed. Not single one of his friends had ever thought to explore it or gotten the chance. Now it had festered but he wouldn't let it define him. He knew what he could become as he had seen it in a prisoner and it frightened him. It always had.

Slowly his fingers relaxed and his head pulled upright, noting the lightsabers she left before him and seemingly tempting him. His hand was held out and a lightsaber, Nyiss’, floated to his hand. The weight strange and almost alluring enough got him to consider using it in a way he could end his misery. The Jedi’s grip held it firmly, gears ticking over his options while his breath stilled in his chest.

That's when the memory of Shiri’s kiss surfaced. He couldn't take his life without hurting her and his breathe exhaled, his thoughts focusing on her.

He would not be manipulated this way.

Xid’s hand toyed with Nyiss’ lightsaber in his hands, getting a sense of what it was able to do and how it worked. Ingenious weapon really as he noted the button was for show while the insides were different compared to his own, his mind calmed when he examined the machine in his hand and memory of his friends.

Now Shiri and the others were about to be killed for his own stupidity. Their lives and suffering soon to be over, because of him.

His head turned to Nyiss, but he didn't get to his feet. “You’ve already analyzed my weaknesses but it seems you over looked the most probable outcome. Then again it might've never cross your mind. However I try to consider all my options and the possibilities. As you said yourself, my self preservation program is… faulty.”

Using her own phrase, he continued, his head now studying the lightsaber in his grip carefully as his tone held fast to a calm one. “You dismantle a single one of them, what purpose is there to keep me functioning? Every machine has the potential for self destruction, especially when their own programming can execute it freely.”

Not waiting for an answer, his eyes turned to the lightsaber he been examining then made a commented. “Force activated, a saber staff with a well balanced hilt. Suitable I assume from what I can sense because it also makes it impossible to determine when it's activated. “

He waited for her reply with the saber’s end pointed dangerously close to his chest, obviously hinting in his intentions. Without those he cared about, it would be easy to end it and still deny the Sith what she seemed to want. With her order currently likely on way to being executed and her death less likely to stop it, he knew he could at least protect the billions of lives he was connected to still. Unlike the Darth, he wasn’t afraid of death as it could easily be seen in his eyes. Now he could try to rectify what he had done or die trying.

Nyiss stood, struggling to control her disappointment as he completely failed to seize any sort of advantage, real or imagined. He stared at her Lightsaber, and she imagined he had probably already figured out the simple trick she had used in the activation mechanism. When he spoke, a grim realization began to come over her. She had miscalculated. The boy seemed to be suicidal that not only did he want a Sith to end him… He was actually considering doing it himself. Such a thing had never even occurred to her. The idea was completely alien.

She did her best to maintain her composure, but even her facade had limits, and it began to slip. “Are you mad?” She said. “What are you doing?” Her voice was raising in pitch. She had pushed him to this, but she wasn’t going to simply back down now, despite the risk it posed. To do so would be weak, and demonstrate a lack of conviction. Unlike him, she owned her actions…. And at the end of the day, if he died, it wouldn’t be a particularly great loss in the grand scheme.

“Your master would be disgusted.” She said, her tone returning to one of cold steel. She didn’t have the time or composure to try and use his method of speech on him, so she turned back to the more familiar approach - her voice gaining more and more undisguised disgust as she continued.. “Go on then. Kill yourself. I’ll make sure to show the recording to all the other prisoners over and over while they die.”

Xid’s mind already had process the reaction possibilities, this one being the most likely. Sith were monsters in the end and he wasn’t surprised to discover her mask slipping slowly at his actions. His lungs inhaled his most likely last breath if this went sideways while he flinched at her mention of his his master. Fear was spreading through his core at what he about to do but the sorrow was greater, knowing he had little left to lose by killing himself. The only thing that kept him going were his friends and allies, and with them gone, there didn’t seem to be a point.

His voice took on a hint of anger in his words, a coldness toward the truth he was revealing. “I asked you never to assume you knew her or me, now let me explain why since you insist on using her. You said she sacrificed herself for me, but I know she didn’t and I knew her far better than you. Even if I hadn’t been there, she still would’ve tried to stop you at the cost of her life. It was her function to stop Sith, like mine is to manipulate with and enhance machines. I had little influence in her choices save I would’ve gotten in the way, preventing her goal from being accomplished. That is why your argument is invalid when using her.”

If she had taken the time to explore his reasons, she might’ve realized that and not used it again. However, he kept that information silent while he took another breath to continue. “The prisoners were your only leverage in this, the very thing you threw away when you ordered them to be killed. You were hoping I would do something more drastic, but I won’t let you win. Call off your orders and I will relinquish the lightsaber back into your hands. I’ll even...” He paused, feeling the sting of his next words edge into his throat and forced them out. “Do as you want, within reason. If you don’t, at least my death will save more than the few I’ve already costed and will hurt with this. Sacrifice one to save the many.”

Xid made sure his words were clear and firm, his fingers tightened while his force was ready to pull the trigger deep within.

“And which many might that be?” Nyiss quickly regained her composure as she heard Xid’s final remark, a new plan forming in her mind. She prepared herself to nudge the lightsaber at the moment of activation, minimising the damage to particularly vital organs. She would be able to rush him to the alchemy lab the moment he collapsed and with the tools within, keep him alive. She would demonstrate to him, the foolishness of his attempt to kill himself, and the further cost of his actions. He would see that no matter what he did, people would suffer.

And then she would have what she assumed to be vital information wrung out of him, to discover what exactly he had meant by his last comment.

She attempted a swift but weak mind trick on him, she knew it would fail, but it would almost certainly scare him into action. “You will tell me.” She said, hand wave accompanying the words.

Xid realised his mistake far too late when Nyiss’ question reached his ears.

At the attempted mind trick display, his hands jerked the weapons’ end back to his chest center and activated the blade quickly. It came on perfectly. However, Nyiss’ force nudged it to the side where the end skimmed the heart and instead, it took a chunk of the lung. He hadn’t realised it was off center when the pain flared in his body. The hot, burning sensation started at his chest then flowed to the other side where it exited out his back, the end seared through the thin barrier provided by his current clothes. Clothes and flesh alike sizzled on touch, the burning smell filling his nose causing his stomach to twist into knots. His fingers clenched tightly about the hilt on impulse while he struggled to retain the trigger within the weapon.

Pain, so much of it filled his very core causing him to howl in reaction. Xid wished he had considered the full effects before he had stabbed himself as his mind faded rapidly, passing out thanks to his low tolerance. Immediately the light saber’s blade retracted and sucked back inside the hilt, leaving behind a small hole within his chest’s side. It tumbled from his relaxing fingers while his body tumbled to the chair’s arm where his body prompted up against the side, motionless.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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~|Day 2, 18:42-18:52GST|~
~|Navi, Prisoner Complex (Medical Bay) → (Aurek)|~

Navi listened to the conversation, recording each word easily, then stored it into his data banks. Likely when Xid was recovered, he would allow the Knight to view everything he missed when he was currently healing and come to his own conclusions. Through he was pretty sure Xid wasn’t going to be very happy about this. Trusting a Sith was like asking a nexu to watch a nerf and not eat it, something that was extremely unnatural and impossible to ever expect to succeed. Irritated, Navi merely huddled behind the tank where he made the least amount of noise during his effort to keep out of sight. If he was spotted now, his programming less flawed than Xid’s, the whole escape would go up in smoke.

“Well, I guess she’s not gonna stay for di-Oh what now!?” Nazca was already complaining, something he wasn’t surprised about, before the sounds of the lift doors clattered open and several troopers filed out. A Sith Lord then edged out from within, her hair dark and long, letting her dark force ooze in confidence and malice from her very pores.

“Come with me Jedi, we have business to attend to.” Her hand raised and the force flowed through it, bring the Jedi toward her, causing Nazca to curse out loud. The youngling’s body jerked instantly in her direction while the troopers filed past his hidden location. Their boots sounded heavy and loud until their figures vanished, heading into most likely one of the other rooms. Koren and Khan, as well as himself, could do nothing more than watch their allies be taken away. Their forms were hauled into the lift, Nazca’s words echoing on the way up, then disappeared to be seen again.

When Khan sighed in frustration and looked to Koren, Navi finally emerged into the open.

He knew, at some point, someone would have spotted him within the cells. It would be either in the vids live or logs, but with the passiveness of the Jedi, he was most likely to get caught sooner or later. It didn’t take a genius to note little shows of movement here and there, realizing something much smaller than a Jedi was within the cells. What it was would be unclear until they paused it at a key moment then zoomed in on the shoddy picture to make a vague shape obviously not a rodent one. However, before he could do something about that, he had to get the Jedi in gear and moving. This lacking action wasn’t going to help them to escape after all and a droid could only do so much without hands. With Xid mending, the last that was depending on him, the better.

Navi felt Khan note his whereabouts when spoke, his eyes shifted to see Xid’s peaceful figure still sleeping. "Is there anything we can do for them? Also, well..."

Koren turned to face Xid in the tank before he spoke, calmly in his usually wisdom. "For the Sith and Nazca? Right now? No. In time, yes. There's always hope. Never let go of it young-one for the moment you do, is the moment our enemies -whoever they may be, win. That's something we can't allow-" Shrugging, he continued. "-We're a stubborn sort, but for good reason."

When he walked to the tank, his hand rested on it to feel the perspiration over the glass’ surface. "Your well is well placed, but I'm afraid now isn't exactly the time for such thoughts. We should wait until Xid returns to the land of the conscious first, after all he knows the story better than I. He's very good at remembering all the little details.”

The man than turned to Kara. “I believe after our last sparring session you had to leave my world before I could be the honorable victor and offer you sustenance. While I'm sure the prison food is terrible, I'm going to cash in what I owe you-" He turned, as he swept his arm around the room indicating them both. "-In fact I felt it was time we all had a little something to eat."

When Koren finished and the Jedi headed toward Aurek Bunk, Navi moved toward the older Jedi. Navi’s pace was barely able to keep up with the casual walking Jedi Knight while he berated and disagree with his decision to wait until Xid was up and around, all spoken in droid. Namely when there was things they could do to ease their dependence on his master.

It was hard enough keeping him alive when the human thought so lowly of himself and Navi wasn’t eager to increase the challenge. Every so often, his figure shifted to nudge Koren’s leg like a irritated and needy puppy with each point. Each action was followed by another series of irritated clicks, whistles and buzzes. That included a few unsavory insults Nazca would’ve loved to hear since he was still upset at Koren for not immediately taking him to see Xid the first time. It wasn't hard to see that the droid shoved part of the blame for Xid's condition to Koren because of this, the rest solely his own fault for not sticking around but Navi wasn't about to admit that out loud.

If Khan, Kara and Koren worked together by creating a clustered group, their forms would easily hide Navi up until they entered the bunk. On arrival, Lea and Denso would easily catch the odd mechanical sounds Navi was making. Should their eyes lower, it wouldn’t be hard to spot Navi scurrying for cover underneath the bench nearest the entrance and what they were most likely using like a table. In his haste, Navi promptly bumped into Lea’s leg causing him to quietly buzz at his own clumsiness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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~|Day 2, 19:00- 19:05 GST|~
~|Jayda & Sish, Sith Sector (Common room)|~

When Jayda left Zanna’s side, she proceeded first to her room to drop off the vial and prevent it from being broke should Sish decide to punish her. Then aimed to take a detour to surveillance in order to delete the evidence of her idle chat with the Jedi. Her paranoia told her it was unlikely the other Sith would’ve looked kindly on her spending time alone with the prisoners she was suppose to be turning, her mind finding it hard to understand the difference between they besides life choices. While she crouched down to shift her mattress over and despite the vial carefully underneath, resting just on the frame’s edge. When she wrapped up covering her tracks, she would contact Sish to undo what damage Corr had done. Her hand settled the bedding back into place almost perfectly.

Her feet lead her outward into the hallway while her thought trailed to Koren, his personality a bit like her own father’s causing her stomach to sink a bit. Was he really one or was Sish merely speculating?

The question was slowly burning her as she tried to create possibly explanations, only to come up short on the plausibility. If he had been, he was one no more. And seemed not to have been one for a long time. Sighing, Jayda’s figure stepped into the surveillance room and abruptly stopped in her tracks. Her head raised from its lowered position to see Sish’s large frame leaning over the console. Her hearts thumped heavily in her chest that was certain it was going to bruise her as she stepped forward, her hand falling to her lightsaber at her waist. Each finger wrapped about the hilt thanks to the thoughts edging into her mind, worried questions over what he might’ve seen or heard. Could he know her doubts and regret? Would she have to face his wrath and could she survive it?

The last question caused her fingers to loosen, her arms slipping into their neutral position in her doubt. Her voice was cautious when she addressed Sish, through the venom still cut deeply into the tone. “How long have you been standing there?”

Sish turned around, Jayda’s scent wafting in seconds before she herself spoke. He grinned at her, remaining claws tapping thoughtfully on the computer board, before walking casually towards her. “The whole time. Quite clever of you to keep the Jedi non-aggressive. Granted, they were already cowed from previous experiences, but you handled yourself well, all things considered.” He was a little less than arm’s length from her when he paused, a thoughtful look on his face.

“That reminds me.” His hand snapped out and cracked a back handed blow across her face. “You let your guard down with someone who clearly viewed you as a threat. If he had been smarter, you would have been killed.”

Jayda tensed for a moment, her mind shifted to her lightsaber briefly, as the thought faded when Sish spoke. His praise giving birth to fresh anger and guilt inside her, the emotions snaking around her hearts where they tightened for a moment. Her eyes flickered to the side when Sish’s back hand darted into her vision. Crack! The back hand’s scales scraped and her legs crumpled, her body brought to the floor immediately by the force behind his strike. A bit of blood from a split lower lip dripped down her chin causing her to raise a right hand and wipe it away with her thumb.

“I’m still alive. It was a missed chance I don’t intend to allow him to have again.” Jayda quietly growled, her hands planted back on the floor while she started to rise again. A slight redness covered her face side from where the Sith hit, her mind ignoring the sting spreading across her skin in the effort to recover from the surprise. Her eyes didn’t watch where Sish was, though she could hear him well, as they found the floor.

“You’re still alive because he’s incompetent. I suggest you kill him before he has time to become less incompetent, as I’ll only be teaching the strongest of the two of you.” His hand cracked down again as she tried to rise, knocking her to the floor again. “I warned you repeatedly that this wasn’t your world anymore, that you’d have to be constantly on your guard. It appears you didn’t listen to me.” He stepped over her , casting one more final call. “Kill him or he’ll kill you. One way or another I’ll have a worthy apprentice.”

His words were like ice running through her veins. Her heart thumped within her chest, her eyes glaring at the floor and ears poised for his approach. Again, she felt another strike against her cheek when he struck her same cheek. This time she had been ready for it as her eyes closed, her head tilted to limit the damage. It still brought her down to the floor. Jayda hit hard as she fell to her side, her figure semi curled defensively, while she paused in getting up again. Her figure felt his clawed feet step over her fallen body and start clicking to the exit, his final decision echoed back at her before vanishing.

When his footsteps were a decent measure away, Jayda moved. Her arms pushed her upright and onto her knees, ignoring the warmth seeping down her lips and dripping onto the floor. A hot, burning anger fluttered through her starting from her heart and spread like wildfire. It tingled and heated across her surface, her fingers curled into fists then abruptly slammed down in full force against the floor. It took an extreme measure of control to prevent her from lashing again and again like some child tossing a temper. With whatever strength she could muster, her hand raised to pull herself upright as she leaned into the console. Her eyes noted the claw marks into the steel from where Sish had been infuriated on discovering Corr’s traitor tendencies.

It still would be an hour before she met the Red Sith and while it seemed Sish wanted them to get down and over with, Jayda wasn’t willing to be pushed into action too soon.

~| Day 3, 20:40 - 20:44 GST |~

~|Location: Egren, Mos Eisley, Tatooine within Egrens shop|~

Melloch chuckled despite himself, smiling at the little shop keeper. "Perhaps I am abnormally large. But normal is such a relative term, don't you think? On my planet you'd be considered abnormally small, whereas I'd be the normal one." He looked around at the shop itself with great interest. Antiques and unique items had always interested him, especially the kind you tended to find in shops such as this one.

At Egren's final words Melloch spread his hands in defeat. "I need her to take me to Janglor, actually. As for trade, I'm afraid I only have my lightsabers, which you may not have, and the clothes on my back. I somehow suspect that you don't want the clothes on my back anymore than I want to walk around through Mos Eisely in the Tattoine sun naked." Melloch shrugged. "Is there anything I can do for you? A favor for information. Of course I'll repay that favor immediately, rather than claiming to comeback if you prefer."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

~|Day 2, 19:05-19:20 GST|~
~|Jayda & Vivithe, Sith Sector (Common room)|~

Lady Lansha walked down the hallway in her usual maroon robe, she was alone this time, no guards accompanying her. Her stomach growled lightly, she hadn’t eaten in some time. Even a powerful Sith lord such as herself needed to eat. As she rounded a corner, her eyes popped open in surprise to find Jayda, Lord Sish’s female apprentice exiting a room.

Her lip and face bruised, likely caused by her master’s abuse. Vivithe almost felt bad for her, but it was her own fault that she allowed the lizard to beat her so badly. She felt compelled to say something to the girl, as she was walking right towards her.

“Hello, Jayda. Catching up on some recordings?” Vivithe asked her, noticing the room she had entered was the one the Sith lord herself had been around her early time on the Kaggath. It was also where she encountered that ghoulish being that scarred her beautiful face then disappeared.

Jayda’s eyes immediately found the floor as sheshe made a small bow, her mind recalling Sish’s lessons over how to address another Sith Lord. Those lessons she wasn’t eager to have him repeat when she lifted her head, her eyes briefly meeting the Lord’s then turned away slightly. Last thing she wanted was to seem like she was challenging the woman in the condition she was in. Zanna’s words peered from her memory and edged her to caution when she answered. “I was trying to see if my suspicions about recent and strange events onboard were accurate. Unfortunately, I upsetted Sish in the process and well, you can see the result. It should heal within a few hours.”

She was hoping her lying was improving some, her words vaguely touching on the reason beat and part of her hoped it wouldn’t be touched upon. Her feet considered moving to the common area or her own room, using meditation to calm her nerves, before didn’t want to draw attention to her inability to focus while still. She studied the Lord a bit then braved a question dancing on her mind. “If I may ask, where are you heading to, my Lord?”

“Did he see something on the archives that he did not approve of?” Vivithe asked the apprentice, locking eyes with the girl. She was surprised the normally meek Jayda had actually asked a question of her own to her. Still, she gave her an answer.

“I was going to have something to eat, my dear. Why don’t you join me? You look like you haven’t eaten in days. Has Lord Sish been letting you eat?” She replied as she started to walk again, her eyes still locked on to Jayda.

“I got reckless in my ignorance. Corr, another recent apprentice, had tried to… dispose of me.” Jayda chose her words carefully, forcing her breathing to relax as she mixed truth and lies. “He was disappointed in my actions and relaxed guard that he decided to remind me about the rules of being an apprentice.”

A soft sound rumbled through her middle causing Jayda to become rather aware about the last time she had eaten. Between the injuries and her high metabolism, her meal from earlier that day had been completely digested. On hearing the questions about Sish, Jayda considered what to tell the woman and in what manner. If she had asked her four months ago, her answer would’ve been rather simple and along the lines of ‘Only if she could catch it when it gnawed on her’. Vicious rodent like creatures on Sish’s homeworld had been her meal for those horrible two years with only enough discarded scraps if she was in danger of dying from starvation.

Inhaling, Jayda merely nodded seeing as they were likely to head the same way. “If you have little objections, my Lord, I would appreciate that. Maybe I could also fed my own curiosity as well.”

She knew she was going to be playing a risky game with what she was about to do, but she refused to ask Sish and Zanna was nowhere around to aid her. Jayda waited until the Sith Lord started to lead the way then moved in behind her at a respective distance she once learned.

“Good, we haven’t had the chance to speak properly to each other yet. Rare to find you alone, either that Red Sith is digging her claws into you, or Lord Sish is.” Vivithe replied with a smile. She started walking, then noticed that the girl had started to lag behind her, like a true follower. Lady Lansha slowed her walk to the point where she was alongside Jayda, even with her pace.

“I have yet to met this Corr. I did hear of his arrival, it is troubling that he is trying to get rid of you. It would be in your best interest to try something like that on him. Your master would approve of such a thing succeeding, I would guess.” Vivithe said to the girl, her tone quieter than it was before. She practically whispered to Jayda, her words hissing out of her mouth like a snake’s tongue.

Jayda hadn’t expected Lady Vivithe to pull back and walk beside her, Sish usually content with her following behind and glaring daggers in his back, as her neck hairs rose in alarm. At the moment her instincts were screaming to run away or get ready for a fight. It took serious amounts of effort not to grip her lightsaber for comfort while she merely forced them to hang at her side. “Zanna and I have a mutual agreement. Nothing more as crossing me isn’t the best idea if she wants to learn some of my skills and both of us to survive.”

She paused, swallowing some saliva collecting in her mouth while she added. “As for Corr, I’ll make sure he doesn’t have a chance to repeat his attempts. Through if I was smart, whatever is lurking on this ship might do it for me if I wait long enough.”

“It sounds like an agreement etched in trust, do you believe Zanna won’t turn on you in an instant? If your master receives word of your partnership, there’s nothing to stop him from abusing that. He could offer to teach her over you.” Vivithe said, her words calm and forward. It was hard for her to trust anyone on the ship, she almost laughed that Jayda had such a partnership of trust with a fellow apprentice level Sith.

“It might be in your best interests to stop his attempts. There’s more than one way to do that.” She added as they neared the cafeteria. A few minor crewmen were inside, two off duty guards at a table and some kitchen staff preparing food. Vivithe took a seat at a table in the corner, signaling for Jayda to sit across from her.

“Sish lacks the ability to teach me and he even encouraged it to some extent. However, like you he has already warned me to be careful. I suspect he might’ve also warned her from the scar on her face I managed to spot, however I can’t be certain.” Jayda carefully admitted, leaving some doubt in her own words and tone. She was fairly certain, now that she had time to think about it, he had marred the fellow apprentice but why was something she didn’t understand.

She also noted the slight hint of laughter on the Lord’s voice but didn’t comment. It wasn’t her place through the thought irritated her as she managed to keep pace and not fall behind. On hearing the Lord’s words on the matter of Corr, Jayda was curious a bit, and followed Vivithe to the table where she took a seat directly across from the woman as directed.

“I’ll admit my knowledge of the Sith is...limited.” There was a slight distaste and bitterness when she spoke of that fact, her eyes studied the Lord before like a bird waiting for the nexu to pounce on it. Her breath inhaled again to sooth over her nerves while she continued. “Since you’re rather knowledgeable on the subject, would you be kind to share your own experiences?”

A bottle of red wine was brought to the table by one of the servants, they proceeded to pour a glass for Vivithe, leaving another for Jayda. The Sith lord took a sip as the apprentice across from her spoke. She placed the glass down, looked Jayda in the eyes, and replied to her question. Her thoughts going over it in her mind.

“Depends what kind of knowledge you seek, my dear. I’ve been with the Empire for some time, been through the war, experience is not a thing I lack.” Vivithe said, one of her hands rubbing the wine glass.
“I’ve had to take care of rivals, you cannot avoid such a thing within the Sith order. If such an obstacle is in your way then it must be removed. A straight assault rarely succeeds, there are always other more appealing methods.” Vivithe added with a smile as food was brought to her, a healthy salad, made exactly as she requested it to be made. The dressing smelling extra delicious to the hungry Sith lord.

Jayda’s eyes followed the servant, noting the glass left for her and hadn’t taken a sip. Not that she wanted to be rude, but her biology was slightly different from a human and she was unlikely to gain any nutritional benefit from the grapes. Of course the Sith had little way of knowing that. She turned to the servant then ordered a raw Reek steak for herself before the man left to collect the food. Listening to Lady Vivithe, Jayda was trying to be careful in her chosen words as she debated which information was least harmful to deliver.

“As you’ve likely figured out, Sish’s methods are more...straightforward and without subtle motivatives. His point was pretty clear on what manner I should remove him and permanently. Straight assault is a tactic I’m most familiar with, I have little to no other experience or know any others.” Jayda stated referring to the fact Sish lacked education in that area. Through she was slightly lying as she recalled the anticlotting agent she was going to use on Corr and then release a beast to cover her tracks.

After their ‘fight’ caught on camera, it wasn’t too far fetched his own pride would’ve allowed such an event to occur. However, if it was investigated too deeply there would likely a few holes. Her little display with Zanna made it clear Jayda looked like an over tempered and ignorant apprentice, making Corr unaware she would try to kill him in a manner different from her usual methods.

When the steak was delivered, alongside the Sith’s salad, Jayda held off on eating a moment to ask more questions in a cautious way. Her fingers folded under her chin just to keep them from twitching and tried to focus. “From the way you spoke, it seems that is a common thing for all Sith.”

Her hands shifted her plate in front of her as she took a knife then started to cut into the bloody meat.

Vivithe had begun to eat her salad, chewing it as the apprentice spoke, her striking eyes focused on the girl as each word seemed to squeeze out of her mouth. She doubted that Jayda had ever done any real espionage against opponents within the Empire. Her master wasn’t that kind either, the brute charged head on into every single problem which Jayda admitted.

“It is, in certain area of the Sith hierarchy. Throughout it the strong prevail over the weak, intelligence is a strength. One more useful than brute force. I have killed my opponents before, other times simply embarrassed them to an unignorable point. But, it seems death decides which of his apprentices Lord Sish teaches,” Vivithe replied as she paused in her eating, one of her hands grasping her glass of wine. She took another sip of it before speaking, the color of the liquid almost matching the color of her robes. “You could take care of your rival with deceit, perhaps lead him into a trap. Make it look like an accident, like it was his own idiocy.”

“Maybe shoot him out an airlock.” Vivithe added with an actual laugh, with a smile that came from comedy rather than twisted thoughts. The idea of that being the scenario and actually succeeding a hilarious image in her mind.

“I’m sure you can figure something out. I hope that you’re a smart enough girl. Just think of the consequences before all else, how badly it could backfire, how likely it is to do that.” She added, the smile gone.

Jayda listened and absorbed the information, mentally noting to tread lightly when on Lady Vivithe’s wrathful side in the future. Though she doubted the Sith Lord would waste much time on her due to her lower rank. Not unless she proved she was stronger and motivated enough to threaten the Lord’s position, which was something the Zabrak lacked currently. She took a bite, her canine teeth easily sliced into the chuck that oozed its copperish taste onto her tongue, slowly chewing then swallowed.

“He does. Only the strong survive, something his trials proved all too well.” Jayda thought, her hand reached up to brush the scarring near her neck and seemed lost in her own mind for a moment. Then quickly shook loose from it, her eyes jerked up when the Sith laughed at her own suggestion about the airlock then abruptly turned serious. “Leaving doubt, from my understanding would work will in an Sith’s favor. Correct?”

Her hand reached for the wine, taking a light sip to test its effects on her stomach. Ignoring the festering worry weighing down her middle and causing her very stomach she was worried about upsetting, feel like it was dropping down several inches.

“Yes. If you want to make it look like an accident, ensure that is what is thought. I doubt your master would take kindly to you telling him that you had no idea what happened to your fellow apprentice, when in fact you did and the trail leads to your orchestration of the ‘accident’.” Vivithe said as she ate more of her salads, every bite calm and composed like she was. The Sith also eat very cleanly, as if illustrating her point. She had not spilt a single drop of wine.

“We wouldn’t want him to find out something like that, would we?” Vivithe added, resisting the urge to touch one of Jayda’s scars and instead put attention on them with her eyes. The reptile was a brute, but if he become a Sith lord, then it meant he was not a total idiot.

“I learned a long time even predators have their own type of luck.” Jayda stated, not going into more detail but seemed to reflect on what the Sith Lord had said while she finished her meal and wine. She doubted Sish was even going to like her talking with Vivithe in any instance, another round of pain at the reptile’s claws was likely to come. It was matter of enduring it until she saw a chance to end his life but part of her wondered how much longer she would be able to withstand his brutality. There was little proof, other than her endurance, she had grown in any aspect beyond what she already knew.

He promised to make her stronger, but all he had managed to was scar her. Her skin pricked where she sensed the Lord’s eyes looked causing her to become acutely aware and react in what could’ve been seen as an effort to hide it, her hands pulling up her collar to hide them from sight. She then spoke words in a hasty manner to advert the attention to her fading and fresh wounds.

“No, I rather he didn’t discover anything. I think I know how to create doubt and cover my tracks, through I still have time to set everything up before his arrival.”

“I hope you believe your own words, Jayda. I will forget this conversation occurred, it is best if you do the same.” Vivithe replied as she finished her meal, punctuating her words with a hard glare at the apprentice. She did not intend to get roped into a failed plan if one did occur, she only hoped the girl had actually listened carefully. Part of her was eager to see what was planned.

She finished her glass of wine, then rose out of her seat. Their talk was over with, there was other business to attend to. With another look, Lady Lansha exited the cafeteria as calmly as she entered.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

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~| Day 3, 20:44 - 20:48 GST |~

~|Location: Egren, Mos Eisley, Tatooine within Egrens shop|~

"Ah, but we are not on your world are we? Nor are we on mine and thus I am abnormally small on this world." He eyed the being up and down, trying to get a feel for him without using the Force. After all that would be a good way to give himself away. Whatever they wanted Jangalor for was none of his business anyway, he had other duties to attend to and a cover to maintain, if he let this Jedi away with the information he sought by saying he was a Jedi then word would go around that either he was giving away freebees or that he was a Jedi and business would surely dry up. Not many people on Tatooine cared to deal with Jedi.

"I shall perform a trade of another sort then. Information, for information. While it is not my birth home I grew up on Coruscant, and the home I grew up in is on that world. This war continues to spread throughout the Galaxy and information is slow to reach unaligned worlds such as Tatooine, how fares Coruscant?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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~|Day 2, 18:50-19:15|~
~|Khan, Prisoner Complex (Aurek)|~

As they moved out of the Medical bay Khan had moved to cover up Navi's scuttling along while they transferred to the dining commons area, knowing that the droid was fairly invaluable as a source of information for them if they could understand him and get his cooperation. He also quickly scooped the little droid up and hid him first with his own body and then under their own section of benches, hoping that the person Navi had bumped into wouldn't give the droid's presence away with their reaction.

"Shh, careful! We can try and get someone who knows what you're saying to listen to you but not if you get caught!"

With that he mostly tried to focus on the food in front of him, rather than the fact that Nazca had been taken away to who knew where to have who knew what done to her and his talk with Jayda had probably gotten her in big trouble with her master. He had to admit, the food would probably be kind of lousy under normal circumstances but as hungry as he was it didn't really matter. He ate slowly but nervously, assuming that something might happen that could potentially deprive him of food later but wanting to get what enjoyment and distraction he could out of the meal. He tried to scan the room as he did and read the people in it, but hunger and his own worries distracted him from figuring things out too much. That said, he was beginning to really come to terms with being imprisoned now and more importantly with the reality that they might not escape.

The whole thing made him incredibly frustrated coupled with all the suffering the Sith had already heaped on both himself and the galaxy, and he was almost tempted to just take some of the food he was eating and chuck it at the nearest Sith as an act of protest if it weren't for the fact that he was honestly too scared of the consequences of doing it. Though that said, it would make a good distraction if any of the Sith came too close to finding Navi, so he kept it in mind and kept a little extra food on hand.
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