Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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When an RP that is going strong begins to die off... who is the one to blame?

Now this can vary from roleplay to roleplay, but in my understanding the only time a GM is ever at fault is:
A: They failed to create an interesting world environment (mostly from the get go)
B: They ditch the RP
C: They let problematic participants continue to play

Other than that I'm willing to bet that most roleplays that die off are due to the players.

Case 1
A large group of players are in a roleplay and one player in particular is a bit too eager to post. As soon as they see an opening they pounce their character into the situation and reply, even if they replied a couple of posts earlier and even if it has the risk of character/scene breaking.
Problem: What this does is kill the flow. This player probably doesn't realise that they have blocked out several others and because of that it becomes immersion breaking. Other players will only take so much of this before they throw in the fowl and say that they're done. At that point you've got a roleplay that is at risk of dying all because of one obsessed individual.

Case 2
A roleplay starts and after several posts in IC, 1 or 2 players decide that they want to drop out. One of them announces publicly, the other just leaves silently.
Problem: While this is acceptable as things happen, there are ways to go about this and ways NOT to go about this, especially when the GM has spent time setting up a story and a role for each character. You, as a player, chose to enter the roleplay so therefor it's your responsibility that if you bow out you at least tell everyone and talk to the GM about how your departure is going to affect the roleplay. And if you're the type of person that leaves silently while the RP is still running strong, then thank-you for being the jerk that you are, because by the time everyone realised, what could have been a clean departure could now be a mess because people were waiting for your reply.

Case 3
Problem: Not even going to gloss over with an example, but this has to be the one thing that will annoy any roleplayer. I've seen characters gather information from invisible sources, I've seen characters make impossible dodges from non-telegraphed attacks, and even use information from the OOC that hasn't been implemented in the roleplay yet. The problem is things like metagaming is that it really is a virus. Once it is allowed in an RP it will spread and people will accept it as the norm because everyone will believe it as Canon.


Do why am I bringing these few case studies up on various RPs I've seen or participated in (and I have plenty more)?

Because I heard of someone tell off a GM for making a boring and dull roleplay.I'd like to dispute this fact with several key pieces of evidence. Firstly, this roleplay was running pretty strongly and we have a group of people that are thoroughly enjoying it. We just happened to have a couple of non worthy people that were terrible players or ditched the RP. Secondly, looking back at this persons posts they seemed to enjoy it otherwise they wouldn't have collaborated and written up detailed posts themselves. Finally, the original OOC was quite clear of the expectations of the Roleplay. If you failed to grasp that then it is not the GMs fault.

So yeah... I'm annoyed and having a Mega bitch for once because how many fucken roleplays do I have to enter where it is the individuals, who have entered with me, who are the ones that ruin a perfectly good roleplay.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MoiraEl
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This is less an annoyance and more of a confusion-turned-irritant. I saw a RP go up recently directly into an RP category (it did not fit the requirements for the level) but the thing is... the GM didn't make an interest check. Like, buddy, your RP isn't going to gain any traction if it's buried under a page of active roleplays. The intchk forums are there for a purpose and for god's sake, if your first IC post doesn't fit the minimum requirements for the level-of-play that you're posting in, please consider moving it down
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pair of Hearts
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Maybe they're new.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MoiraEl
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Maybe they're new.

They are, definitely, but I mean the system is still pretty self-explanatory.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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My annoyance is that I can't find the effort to post anymore. Roleplaying is slowly become less and less fun for me by the day and I don't understand why. It's supposed to be my hobby and my enjoyment, but I've turned it into more than that and now I only have myself to blame.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pair of Hearts
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Me too, when it's a private roleplay. I feel bad for people waiting on me.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Me too, when it's a private roleplay. I feel bad for people waiting on me.

This x1000000.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 9 days ago

@Cynder I know you have several RPs you were in when I talked to you last, but maybe limit those down to only a small handful.

I for example, have a 1x1 with a partner that is super relaxed, meaning that we post when we feel like it. Posts can vary from day to day, to week to week. It means we only post when we have time and a reply is more like a present than a chore.

At the most I will only enter 3. I have a stagnant mechanical one that might kick off again, the 1x1, and one I just entered that I'm trying out for interest sake. I find any more than that and roleplaying for me becomes a second job.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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I know you have several RPs you were in when I talked to you last, but maybe limit those down to only a small handful.

Yeah, this is part of the problem. I've dropped about four or so since we last spoke. It's also because of the fact that I'm just tired and lethargic lately. I'm also still in high school and it's the last month of the year. Not exactly the easiest time, you know how that goes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pair of Hearts
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I think it's because Cynder is a student, and sometimes teachers have an odd superpower of dumping homework and assignments on students at the same time other teachers did. Top that off with life and its jokes, usually we'd end up MIA from posting roleplay IC for a few days.

Then one of them starts to imply you're slow and things go downhill from there.

For me, I feel pressured because usually 3 posts in, I just don't feel the zing for the roleplay but can't Spit It Out. Other times it's because they rushed me. I don't know why but when they rib me about posting in Spam/OOC Rant threads instead of replying them, I instantly feeL off. Like, turned off. Like finding out your crush isn't a Greek god(dess) after all kinda' off.

UPDATE: Forgot to mention I started in RPG by posting everyday, and then my parents started asking to hangout more about two weeks ago. I think I spoiled some of them into thinking I sit there all day just roleplaying when I'm really chilling here in between conversations and chores.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 9 days ago

<Snipped quote by NuttsnBolts>
Yeah, this is part of the problem. I've dropped about four or so since we last spoke. It's also because of the fact that I'm just tired and lethargic lately. I'm also still in high school and it's the last month of the year. Not exactly the easiest time, you know how that goes.

Sounds like you're experiencing a burnout. Same thing happened to me a while ago with my signature images. (One below doesn't count as its just a crop) but at one stage I was doing requests, entering in Signature of the Week competitions, making my own things, experimenting with large photomanipulation images... and I got my first mod position on a gfx site. In the end I stopped using Photoshop for about 3 years I think and its only been in the last 18 months that I made several different signature images.

Don't let yourself reach this stage. The moment you change your hobby into an invested interest that you want more out of, is the moment you start to loose sight of why you began writing in the first place. Was it to explore character personas? Journey to new worlds? Take on history with a new meaning? Or design monsters and beasts to battle?

Admiditly you do have the last bit of school and that usually is a handful, but once you finish see if you can ground your views again and go back into writing. Write because you enjoy it, not because you have to. :)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Thanks for the advice, @NuttsnBolts. I'll keep that in mind.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 9 days ago

For me, I feel pressured because usually 3 posts in, I just don't feel the zing for the roleplay but can't Spit It Out. Other times it's because they rushed me.
UPDATE: Forgot to mention I started in RPG by posting everyday, and then my parents started asking to hangout more about two weeks ago. I think I spoiled some of them into thinking I sit there all day just roleplaying when I'm really chilling here in between conversations and chores.

Tokyo Ghoul RP... never felt so neglected when the IC went up and there were so many posts that I felt as if I was pushed out of the RP by force for not keeping up... and I can post daily too!

As for living on the internet.... yeah.......... >.>
We won't discuss the USB port that's attatched to the side of my head. ;D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pair of Hearts
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I just can't. Maybe it's my age catching up on me or something, or I just got used to the city nightlife after two years of trying to "make it", and now that I'm home to be close to Ma and Pa, find myself still adjusting to quiet hobbies such as roleplay.

Not to go off topic; I used to date a guy who saw me as a cashcow by forcing me to write short essays and selling them for quite some money. When we broke up and he told me "writing is all you're ever good for besides laundry", I grew to resent writing, much less roleplaying. (I stopped writing entirely for two years. Well, one and a half.)

You can say I'm desperately trying to ease back into this healthy past time currently. The anxiety isn't helping me build interest or healthy foundations from the getgo of how often I post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 9 days ago

@Pair of Hearts
Not all guys are like that. Hopefully someone you meet will see you for who you are and view your writing as a part of you, not a part that needs to be sold off.

Anyways, need to head off for work. Take care you two. @Cynder
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pair of Hearts
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I know. Which is why I'm writing again! (Returns one arm hug.) A little rustier than ol' Titanic so bear with me, y'all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vesnic
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My turn, loves.


Seriously, I've reported so many of these bitches and it's ridiculous.

Which COD do you play?
I would rant about how I get killed so easy before I get to get a kill, but.. I'm a knifer. I can't really complain. I do it to myself cx

My own personal bitch-rant has to do with finding understanding, reliable people to RP with. They express an interest in an RP and then take the time to make a character, post a few times and then suddenly poof. Like @NuttsnBolts said in his Case 2. It's SO irritating and it's literally happened in the last 2 RPs that I've tried starting up (as a GM), and 2 RPs that I joined in the last 4 months. One RP, it wasn't set up completely when I created my characters, but it had SO much potential and the GM didn't even get their characters up, nor did the only other member besides the Co-GM and I. The Co and I were the only ones with our characters up.. I hate getting myself so excited over an RP, only to have it get shut down by inactive people or people who fall into the disinterested category. I've got a current RP up right now that I'm afraid is going to do the same as the other 2..

Another rant.. what tf does it matter that I RP in the FPOV?! Many, MANY books have been written in FPOV and I have yet to hear someone complain about that.. I've RP'd on this site for roughly 3, going on 4, years now, and only recently got bitched at for RPing in FPOV, apparently "ruining the flow of the writing". -_- Just.... UGH!

.....okay, I'm done now.. >~>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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@A Tattooed Girl Black Ops 3. It's good, actually, and, in my opinion, made up for Ghosts, and I don't really have a problem with modded controllers, it's just the actual console; because with said console, they can glitch, do modded lobbies, and interrupt the connection and pretty much just end games.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pair of Hearts
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Reactionary roleplayers, group or private. They mostly write a frame of time so small only 5 seconds passed in their post. Every post.

People who want to be the protagonist. Obvo you're just there to help them shine, you second-rate love interest or sidekick chum you.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Another rant.. what tf does it matter that I RP in the FPOV?! Many, MANY books have been written in FPOV and I have yet to hear someone complain about that.. I've RP'd on this site for roughly 3, going on 4, years now, and only recently got bitched at for RPing in FPOV, apparently "ruining the flow of the writing". -_- Just.... UGH!

.....okay, I'm done now.. >~>

The only time I have a problem with 1st person is when it is mixed with 3rd person narration (such as in a collaborative post). The mix just hurts my brain trying to figure out what's going on.
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