Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Neko Sensei
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Neko Sensei The crazy cat lady

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Saturday ︱ 01:17 AM ︱ Summer

Night had long fallen over the city and the bright street lights tinted the avenues in hues of orange and white.
During the day, people rushed through these same streets from the hotels to the shopping centers and exclusive restaurants but, as the nigh fell, new and exciting areas seemed to come to life.

It was a busy night in a city that never sleeps. Exams had ended not long ago and college students and high schoolers were eager for their first free weekend, while the warm weather was starting to bring tourists to this big city near the coast. And as the summer breeze blew in between the tall buildings that overwatched the night scenery, young people walked in small groups to the souther district of the metropolis.

The southern district was a big commercial area placed far away from the residential zones, but it was also known for harboring a number of nightclubs, brothels and bars. At night it became a dangerous area, in which accidents and deaths often took place, always blamed to the alcohol and drugs. And still the place had given birth to a trendy club famous for its extravagance and dark and mysterious appeal.

The 7th Sin was almost like Denis' second home. The young, beautiful blond boy leaned nonchalantly towards the bar, drink in hand, as he scanned the room with piercing, almond shaped eyes. He touched his slightly exposed chest as he distractedly toyed with his necklace while he waited for a suitable prey. This was the perfect night for a hunt, and the young demon licked his lips at the thought of finally unleashing his instincts after weeks of starvation. His pupils dilated and a pair of sharp fangs pierced through his lips as he tried to control his urge of killing. His self-control was slowly shattering.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mateotis
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Mateotis The Guardian

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The metaphorical clock struck midnight and Lucrezia Cancelliere entered the 7th Sin through the main entrance. She was always exactly on time, every single day—so much that some people were all but expecting her to appear. The demon liked that, she liked when people were aware of her presence because that meant her supernatural allure could take its effect that much easier.

A few eyes turned towards her as she walked through the club with elegance and grace. She wore a long black dress which went very well with her hair of similar qualities. Her amethyst necklace glinted in the club's light, and so did her striking amber eyes.
She made her way to one of the five tables that stood in the middle of the bar, near a counter and slightly elevated from the dancefloor to make for undisrupted and calm drinking and chatting. Though it was a table for two, it was reserved for her only. The only others who could sit here were those she brought there herself. The...special ones.
A bartender was quick on the duty and served her up with her cocktail of choice. She usually drank it merely out of formality and to look more natural—the demon hungered for a much different kind of cuisine.

It was not unusual for a daring and adventurous human to approach her within minutes of her sitting down. Today was not such time. She looked around the 7th Sin, having good view on both the entrance and the main dancefloor. She saw many different faces, some regulars but mostly new ones, almost all of them in their early 20s or even younger. It was that time of the year again: summer and a lot more free time for most humans. The most prime opportunity.
Lucrezia slowly spun the straw in her cocktail. She felt different entities in the popular club as well—her own kind. The demon aura was much stronger than the human, much easier to be spotted. She stayed unfazed. There was more than enough prey here for everyone. But if anyone wished to challenge her chosen one...they would end up wishing they had never done so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Rick entered the bar for the first time. All of his worldly possessions were in his hotel room nearby. He has just left the US Army and had no nowhere to go and all the time in the world to get there. He was looking for some excitement and would stay in town for as long as it was fun. Once it got boring he would move go to find excitement somewhere else. Right now that was Rick's only plan. He loved the thrill of combat. He found that adrenaline was an addictive drug and he needed more of it. He hoped to find some fun and excitement here.

Rick walked up to the bar to order his drink. He nodded to the young blond kid down the bar from him. Rick wanted company tonight, but he was looking for some female company.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Saturday ︱ 01:31 AM | 7th Sin

Davina Culebros entered the location 7th Sin at exactly 1:31 at night. Her usual leather vest with the skull with fangs and snake on the back sat above her plain black long-arm shirt. Her dark jeans were held tightly by a black belt with pointy rivets on it. She was wearing black high-heel boots that wrapped up all of her lower legs gracefully.

Unnoticable in her high boots were two knives hidden. Davina never left home without a weapon, in fact she didn't even go around her own home without any, she always carried at least a knife with her. Considering that no gun was in her personal leather vest and no further weapons beside the two knifes were anywhere hidden on her body, she considered herself unarmed.

Her dark eyes gazed over the dance floor for a second, and then spotted the queen of the location. A dark haired, very confident looking lady that would probably snap someone's kneck if she got feeded the wrong kind of cherry. A fancy necklace was shining in the nightclub's lights and for a quick second Davina wondered if she'd steal it, just to make her crazy. But decided against it. She didn't come to make trouble. At least not tonight. She didn't come to take someone's place. At least not tonight. And she didn't come to start a long lasting rivalry with the 7th Sins queen. No, not tonight.

Davina wandered straight through the dancing people, who seemed to split when she approached them too closely, and went straight for the bar. Most people jumped out of her way, just because she had that certain look about her, that she would rather kick them down than move around them. She stood leaning against the counter and ordered a beer for herself.

Only seconds later she held a cold bottle in her hand and was drinking some of the liquid. It was decent enough. She kept her eyes on the dancing people, not really observing them, just looking into the air.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Hestia
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Lady Hestia

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Exams had ended not long ago, and to celebrate their first free weekend, Brianna and her friends had to night of clubbing was in order. She walked arms linked, with on of her friends has they lead the way to 7th Sin. She had heard that it was popular, But she had never gone before. She was always to busy with her class projects, But when she did have free time. She would go to campus parties, just encase she was inspired. She could run to the art studio and work on a new piece. But today, was her friend's birthday. So of course she would go where ever she wants for her birthday.

She dressed up rather casual for clubbing unlike her friends who had worn more sultry clothing. But she knew, she stood out in her own way. Unlike her friends who had opted for dark colors. She was wearing long sleeve, plunge red skater dress. That complimented her pale skin and strawberry-blonde hair. She wore black boots, that came up to her knees while her friends wore heels.

When they had arrived at the club, her friends wandered off to the dance floor and started to dance with other people. She head to the bar and ordered herself a drink, and watched her friends from her seat at the bar. She let her blue eyes roam over the other occupants of the club to see, If there was anyone who might catch her interest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Divine Darkness Numb

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Nina had arrived at the 7th Sin night club over an an hour ago. She sat in her usual booth that gave her a good view of both the dance floor and the bar. Her dark brown eyes casually watched the club's ever moving patrons as she stirred her cosmopolitan with a thin slice of lime to mix in the crimson red substance she had poured into the drink from the tiny vial that she wore around her neck. Setting the fruit slice down upon the napkin, Nina picked up the glass with her delicate hand and brought to her glossed lips. Her lips curled into a slight smile as the cocktail touched her taste buds. Vodka, the tangy taste of lime, the sweetness of cranberry and triple sec, and a hint of the coppery flavor of plasma swirled inside her warm mouth for just a moment before she swallowed.

She had come to the club with the intention of getting her dance on for a bit before heading home for the night. But, shortly after stepping on to the floor Nina found herself surrounded by three drunken frat boys whom were getting way too handsy for her. Of course Nina could have dispatched of them with ease, yet in doing so she would have exposed her true self and placed not only herself in danger but the rest of her kind as well. Instead she tripped them upon the dance floor and gave the drunkards the slip. Now here she sat. Nursing her second drink and growing bored out of her mind. After taking another sip from her glass Nina sighed. Maybe she would just call it a night.

With her danty little purse in on hand and her glass in the other Nina left her booth. Her four inch heels clicked along the floor though their sound was drowned out by the loud music that was being fed through the club. Her velvet dress with lavender shoulder straps and waistband complimented her figure nicely but by no means in a slutty way. Nina had decided at the last minute to by bottle of Van Gogh so she make her own cosmos at home. As she began to walk towards the bar Nina found herself looking at a young brunette dressed in a biker's outfit. Nina had noticed the woman approach the bar earlier, but when no other bikers joined her at the bar Nina lost interest. It might have been quite interesting for a gang to have rode up into 7th Sin. Maybe it was all the leather she wore or perhaps the way she was caring herself, now Nina found the woman with the short dark hair quite fascinating.

Nina was maybe five feet from the bar when her left arm was grabbed firmly. "Hey, sweetness." It was one of the frat boys from earlier. "H-How about dat dance now, huh?" He couldn't have been more than twenty-five standing at roughly six foot. Sweat had caused his dress shirt to start to cling to his body hinting at his musculature.

"Let me go," Nina said firmly, her deep brown eyes glaring up at him. She could have broken free of his grasp easily, and broken him in half before he could blink, but as before Nina did not wish to make a scene.

"C-Com'on, baby," the drunkard said looking down at her with glazed over eyes. "Dance wit' meh an' my friends. We'll all have a... have a gud time. I promish!"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Davina Culebros

The brunette still leant against the bar and drank her beer lazily, her eyes fixed on the dance floor she watched as a guy stumbled across it. Not feeling interested in his actions, she looked away to watch some students dance, obviously drunk and not very skilled with their body movements. She would have been amused if she didn't feel like it was so pathetic how they girls shook their tiny asses in their tiny skirts and the boys moved their hips upwards as though any of this would help their cases.

She sighed and seceretly shook her head over them. Another sip from her ice cold beer - man this was good. She really liked cold drinks. All kind of them. Smoothly her eyes went over the rest of the club. The lady she had seen earlier - black hair, heavy necklace, attitude - was still sitting in her throne and seemed to not bother about a thing. But that was only form her perspective, who knew if that was even true.

"Let me go." The sudden words suggesting that someone's personal space had been invaded, made the biker girl look for the source. A pretty brunette was being held at the arm by some drunk douche. Davina got up without thinking about it and stepped over to them. "The lady said let her go." Her voice was harsh and did not suggest any other reaction but leaving would be harmless for the drunken guy. She would love to give him a nice bruise or even a broke nose to remember her by.

Hearing her little brother beg for their father to 'leave him' and 'let go' of him made her weak to these certain words. She would not watch anyone get harmed, or anyone's space get invaded, so easily. She was sure the pretty lady could have handled this situation herself. There were many options to get rid of a drunk loser like this one, especially in a club full of people and bouncer. But she couldn't hold it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Rick saw the drunk grab the lady's arm. He stood up to help when when he saw the biker chick approach the two. He decided the situation was well taken care and he just wanted to sit down and watch the fireworks. He turned to return to his bar stool. In the minute he was standing some bastard stole his seat. With a sigh he looked down the bar. He smiled to himself when he saw an empty seat.

@Lady Hestia

Rick stood behind the empty seat. Speaking to Brianna he said, "Hello there. Do you mind if I sit here? My name is Rick. Crazy place here. I love it. Have you been here before?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mateotis
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Mateotis The Guardian

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Time passed slowly. Lucrezia was more in her thoughts than anything. The music in the background, though almost obnoxiously loud and not even her preference, did not bother her. She sipped her drink casually and watched as the club slowly filled up with people as it got deeper into the night. People...and demons. Their presence was ever-growing, although she could still only sense a few. Perhaps they hungered more than she did. Over the years, she had learned to handle this forever insatiable need well enough to never be in risk of losing herself to the primal instincts. Yet, not all demons could say the same...

Every once in a while a human with a stronger than usual aura caught her attention. The first such came about an hour and a half after Lucrezia arrived: a young woman, her appearance fitting her striking emanation. Others noticed her too as she strode past. Just like theirs however, the demon's attention was fleeting as well and soon her eye was on other interesting ones, be it a lonely grunt or a social butterfly. They all seemed different, unique. Lucrezia wondered. Maybe, just maybe one of them could finally break the monotony of her days...

The idle, silent scouring came to a halt as new sounds entered the air besides the thumping music. Raised voices, perhaps an argument starting. Lucrezia turned to see for herself. It was the woman she took a good look at earlier, and another one. One with an aura invasive enough to be felt even without the demon's heightened senses.
"Hmm..." Lucrezia murmured. A dominant demon. It has already been a good while since she fought another of her kind, but it has been much longer since she last used her...most preferred skills to win. She was not one for feuding when it was not necessary, but she had to admit it has been far too long without a real challenge. Maybe it was just the other demon woman's extraordinary aura clashing with her own...but she knew she could not let this go with a modest smirk and a nod, like she handled many matters.

She stood up and calmly approached the scene.
"Well, well... Is there a problem here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Hestia
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Lady Hestia

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Brianna was focused on what was going on in front, keeping a eye on her friends. While watching what was going on her she didn't realize that Rick had sit down next to her till he had spoken.

"Hello there. Do you mind if I sit here? My name is Rick. Crazy place here. I love it. Have you been here before?"

Brianna turned herself to face him, Still giving herself a good view of dance floor. She smiled at him as she looked him in the eyes. "Hi...It's actually my first time here as well... I'm Brianna" She told him as she offered her hand to him to shake hands. She waited for him to shake her hand, before turning her gaze back to the dance floor to spot her friends. "I haven't quite decided if I like here yet. But, My friends have been here before and they absolutely love coming here." She gestured to her friends, who were dancing in a group together. "They really love to party"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@Lady Hestia
Rick smiled and shook Brianna's hand. "Your friends like to party. Does that mean you don't? It's my first time here too. Everybody says this is the place to come for a good time. For some excitement."

Rick used his beer bottle to point at Nina, Davina and Lucrezia. "Unless I miss my bet, that biker chick was about to kick that guy's ass. She was getting all set to pound him into the ground. But then the lady in the black dress showed up. I'm guessing there won't be any ass kicking now."

He smiled at Brianna, "See, excitement, not the normal everyday stuff. Where else can you watch a biker ckick beat up some drunk? You gotta love that."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Divine Darkness Numb

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"The lady said let her go." It was the young woman in leather who seemingly was coming to Nina's rescue. Her stance and the tone of her voice showed that she wasn't all bark. By Nina's observation the lady was ready to rumble despite being out of her weight class.

As the frat boy's two drunken friends came over so too did another woman. "Well, well... Is there a problem here?" Nina felt her presence long before she came to stand with them. This woman was kin so to speak. Her long silky black hair flowed seamlessly into her long black dress. Nina quirked a a brow as she wondered about the new stranger's intentions. Was she simply there to help cool down the situation? Or was she looking for chance at an easy meal?

The frat boy was dumbfounded for a moment, staggered by the appearance of two more ladies. Then, he smirked as he and his buddies eyed each one. "Ladies!" he said a bit too loudly as he released Nina's arm. "I meant no off.. off.. offense! Why don't you come back to our place an' let ush show ya'll a gud time, huh?" Each of the college boys seemed to be having a little trouble keeping their balance as they stood there grinning stupidly at the three alluring females before them.

Nina took a small step backwards, stepping slightly behind the lady in leather, letting her hand ever so briefly touch the hand of her would-be rescuer. Yes, she could handle these boys by herself. But, Nina was curious as to how this leather clad beauty would take on the situation. Not to mention wanting to make sure the female demon was in plain sight. The bouncers were sure to make their way through the crowd any moment now yet surely these two ladies could a few good jabs in, be they vocal or physical.

"Whaddya say?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Davina Culebros
@Divine Darkness @Mateotis

The brunette badass looked the newcomer up and down. What did this wanna-be club-royalty think to interrupt a conversation she was having? Her eyes darkened with anger for a moment, before remembering that she didn't plan on starting a long lasting feud today. She glanced over the necklace and once again wondered how upset and pissed the ladybird would be if she stole it. No trouble today, she told herself.

A soft touch gazed over her hand as the sexy brunette stepped slightly behind Davina. What would have seemed to be her hiding behind the leather lady, was more her being flirty and letting Davina do the dirty work. She knew that full well, but didn't mind a bit. She enjoyed the dirty work.

The boy's buddies had turned up and were just as drunk and miserable as him. Davina could have taken them all out within a second and no one would have noticed anything. But she once again had to remind herself that today was a day for no troubles. Though she didn't even remember why she had said that. Nevertheless she would try to be nice today.

"You take your pity asses and get them out of my sight or I will make you remember this night in a quiet different way. Given how drunk you are, remembering anything from tonight would seem like a blessing, but when you wake up seeing that your most precious manly object has been removed from your disgorged bodies and your little tiny brains actually make the effort to see what a wonderful gift the world was given to now that it will never see mini-yous in this galaxy, you might also put into consideration how less of a douchebag you will be able to represent without said object hanging limpy between your shaking legs. So move your asses right now, because I am looking for trouble and you three seem to be just the right candidates." It felt good to spit some words into someone's useless face, but she was so ready to show those little boys what she was capable of doing. Davina knew how to fight, more than anything else.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mateotis
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Mateotis The Guardian

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lucrezia's arrival did not shake the irritating boys enough to leave right away. No wonder, she thought—they were so far gone into their pitiful intoxication that they would not notice if an entire army came for them. Although that might as well have been the case right now too. One demon, if resourceful and skilled enough, could potentially beat dozens of humans. Two, together, could take care of hundreds. But there was no need for open conflict. Not here, not now.

There was however, more than enough time and place for the subtler ways. At least for Lucrezia and the human woman. The other demon backed off a little, a move Lucrezia regarded with a momentary chuckle. Perhaps her sudden appearance was the cause of such abrupt change in her behaviour, or perhaps she merely wished to observe and not stoop to the lowly level of humans. It seldom mattered.
“Look at yourself and think again,” Lucrezia quipped back at the three boys. She sincerely hoped it was only their inebriation speaking from them and not sheer stupidity. “If you are still capable to think, that is.”
“'ey! No need to be sho rude...” The ‘leader’ peered back at his two friends once again. “'twas an offer! You don' want ush to get rough...”
“Don't we now?” Lucrezia turned to the young woman besides her who wore a black jacket. “I see you view them with just as much disdain as I do. I don't advocate violence, but... I say you have your way with them as you wish. I'll make sure there's no interference.”

After suggesting as such, the demon broke away from the group to quickly seek out the bouncers who also took notice of the scene and were moving to break up any forming fight. She stopped them and told them everything was going just fine and that the situation was under control. She spoke so confidently to the staff as if she was the owner—but she was not, in fact she knew nothing of them. Still, she was a long-time regular whom many knew and that was enough authority in this case. The bouncers were actually glad to hear they did not have to throw out a bunch of whiny boys from the club once again and went back to the sidelines, assuring Lucrezia they would only interfere if things got more heated.

It was all but settled by the time she got back. The three boys were backing off slowly, angry but frightened. She did not see any bruises on either of them—mere words were probably enough in this case.
“Well, wasn't that just wonderful...” she spoke, all the while retaining her self-assured smile. “I think this night needs some brightening now. I will have you both as my guests for a drink, if you accept.”
She mainly kept her eye on the demon. She backed down from the three humans—was she willing to take the invitation, the challenge of one of her own kind?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord-Of-Frozen-Flame
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Lord-Of-Frozen-Flame Plus ULTRAAAAA

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hey i didnt know if u were still accepting but wanted to know if i could join if so im at work atm but would put up a cs after
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PaintLynn
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PaintLynn A Toy Zombie

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

CJ walked into 7th Sins with extremely high expectations, haveing just moved in from the country side, she hadn't bothered to change. Mesmerized by the beauty and possable excitment that would await her, she strutted over to an available seat at the far end of the bar. Looking around she couldn't help but eye the other females
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Neko Sensei
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Neko Sensei The crazy cat lady

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Yes, we're still accepting, but please don't post in the IC thread! xD
I'll wait for your CS then~ ^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Divine Darkness Numb

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Nina watched intently as the leather clad lady and the demon with the silken tresses dealt with the drunken college boys. In the end it seemed that even though the short haired biker was itching to throw down, all it took to break the boys' confidence was some well said insults that made their heads swim in their liquored up state. That and the fact that one of them had apparently piddled himself during the confrontation.

As the boys staggered away, Nina stepped up next to young woman in leather. "My hero," she said softly, her glossed pink lips smiling invitingly. "I have to admit I find it sad it only took a well placed tongue lashing to scare them off. I was looking forward to seeing you action." Nina's dark eyes drank in the woman's feature. She had black eyes that looked as if they could suck in one's soul, a strong jaw and the cutest dimpled chin. The biker babe had a similar figure to Nina with wide sensual hips and a magnetic derrière, and a modest bust. "Well, maybe another time," Nina said with a wicked smirk.

Nina was just about to offer to buy the young woman a drink when the raven-haired demon returned. “I think this night needs some brightening now. I will have you both as my guests for a drink, if you accept.” This caused to quirk a brow at the demon. Though her smile remained polite Nina seethed inside.

"Buying you a drink is the least I could do for the courage you showed on my behave," she stated softly to the lady in leather while subtly staking her claim. If her hero did in fact accept the other demon's invitation Nina would follow as she was unwilling to give up this beguiling young human just yet.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Davina Culebros

Davina was a little taken by surprise when these two beauties started arguing about who is gonna buy her a drink. She had men argue about her before, but never two sexy girls and somehow this made her excited. Having men fight for her attention bored her and even annoyed her. But these two ladies... she couldn't help but feel slightly proud of it, though she was aware that the lady-in-need has never really been looking to be rescued.

Her lips curled into a small smile. "Thank you, but I still have some." She raised her hand that was weirdly still holding the beer she had bought earlier. She didn't wanna take nor dcecline the offer to sit with either of them. It seemed this was something they had to handle themselves, but Davina didn't really know how it could be handled if not for her to make a decision.

Davina Culebros smiled and offered a solution. "Why don't I buy you two a drink instead?" And before they could decline, she was off to head to the bar and yelling to the bartender to give her some attention so she could order. Turning back at the girls, she asked: "What would you like?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mateotis
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Mateotis The Guardian

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It came as no surprise for Lucrezia that the demon countered her offer almost immediately. While she retained the calm demeanour on the outside, the small signs—a momentary shift in expression, a piercing look, a quirked brow; things that flew past almost anyone's attention. They were all very visible for Lucrezia, who took wicked delight in the reaction. She knew how much it angered demons to have their territory, their prey challenged. Impulsive, thrill-seeking ones were quick to snap and go blow-for-blow to assert their dominance, while those more refined preferred to wage subtle and intricate battles by other means.

Lucrezia's newfound opponent, much to her contentment, was visibly the latter. The way she spoke every word and made every move in a grand effort to draw in the young woman was admittedly quite intriguing to watch for the venerable demon. It was a skilled foe she was up against—and that was exciting.

In the end, both offers found their mark all at once—or rather, neither of them did, as the girl instead took it upon herself to have the demons for a drink. She bore no objection either and quickly walked over to the bar to order, leaving the two behind for a moment.
“It's a shame we can't have her both,” Lucrezia said over to the other in hushed tones with a smirk before walking up to the counter herself. “Why, that is most kind of you. A perfect Martini is all I need right now.”
There was no need for a complicated order—the emphasis was somewhere else right now.
“Commendable work back there. You look like someone who stands up for their morals. That is...rather rare nowadays. Especially at places like this.” She struck up the conversation. “So tell me... What brings you to the 7th Sin?”
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