Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location; His Apartment → The hallway
Interacting With; Roxanne via text -@HushedWhispers → Reed -@smarty0114 → Myriam via text @KahleenCuthald

Ryan looked down at his phone as it vibrated on the table, Roxanne's name popping up on the screen, picking it up he looked at Reed and nodded. "Of course it's cool. Not like it's an invite only type of thing, Zay's cool. She's likely already invited half of New York." He said with a laugh. "And getting shitfaced sounds like a good idea tonight actually." He added before checking the text from Roxie still smiling until he started to read it. Why the hell was Roxie freaking out about Reed being here? He was usually over to their apartment hanging out, or Ryan was over at his and Leo's.

To: Roxie
"Because he's my friend. It's kind of normal for him to be here, and he wanted food. I'll get him out, but why the hell are you freaking out?

With a frown Ryan clicked the send button before looking up at Reed and smiling as he brought up Roxie. "Things are good with Roxie, other than her acting like a weirdo today." He answered looking down at his phone again to see if she had answered back before looking back up and Reed. "And it's a crush, we're not dating and I'm not dead." He said with a small laugh after all it wasn't like Ryan was so deluded that he didn't think Roxie slept with people just because he secretly had a crush on her. They weren't dating, it wasn't like he was going to sleep with one of her friends or something.

"Just you know, not anyone Roxie and I know. That would be a dick move on my part." He added as a after thought. Ryan was smart enough to know that sleeping with anyone that Roxie was friends with would make the possibly for things to ever happen between them even harder. To do anything like that would be stupid on his part. Ryan grabbed his wallet before standing and shoving it and his phone in his pocket, before walking towards the kitchen.

"Come on dude, I'm bored out of my fucking mind. Let's go find something to do, or head to the cafe, something." He said trying to get Reed out of the apartment, plus it really was true, he didn't want to spend the day hanging out until they went to meet up at the cafe. He waited for Reed to head out before following him out before locking the door behind them. Pulling out his phone he sent out another text as they headed towards the elevator.

To: Myri ♫
"Hey my friend is singing at Village Cafe tonight, if you want to actually hear good music. Just a heads up :P"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location; Leaving Reed's Apartment → Her room & bathroom → Work
Interacting With; Zahra -@Beefydork → Ryan -@Love Dove → Ryder -@sakurasan → Liam -@Pundii → Joseph - @louie221

Roxanne was still reeling from the news of Reed being in her apartment. It was really bothering her and one could tell because she was cleaning almost everything in sight. Her phone buzzed again and she walked over to see Reed's name appear across the screen then unlocking her phone and reading the message. 'Ugh.' She groaned to herself while rolling her eyes as she saw Ryder walk in now. She smiled and offered the female a wave then went back to sweeping the floor. "You don't remember what happened last night?" Roxanne walked over to leaned back on the counter, tapping her fingernails on the counter. "That's so not good, Ryder." She continued until Liam walked in.

Every time she saw Liam, she couldn't nothing but smiled based on how they actually met. Her eyes looked at him as he greeted her along with Ryder. "Hey, Liam. How are you doing? Coffee?" She asked politely with a smile while staring at him and wanting to change the subject from his comment, awaiting an answer. She looked at Zahra, who was set on her performing tonight. Roxanne set her weight to one side of her body while looking back at Zay now. "Yeah but I am no blues singer, you know? I could do something soulful though." She said followed by a smile thrown her way. Zay's excitement affected her in a way and she didn't hesitate to let it show.

When she mentioned that she was singing along with her, of course she tensed up. She didn't expect everyone to know. Roxanne laughed a little nervously as Zay told her that she was going to be amazing and rested her hand upon her forearm. "Uhm, I don't really like Blues." Roxanne said bluntly while looking up at Joseph. "Hey there, Joseph. Everything is good here." She said while cleaning the display window now, where all of the dessert treats rested. "How are things with you today?" She asked while resting upon the counter now after cleaning the window. "And besides hearing the announcement of me singing tonight, nothing really." She shrugged her shoulders while looking back at her phone, seeing Ryan's name and picture pop up.

Roxanne grabbed her phone and opened up the text, reading it. She bit her bottom lip after reading the text, thinking of a reply but she had nothing. With a sigh, she typed a reply.

To: Ryan ♥
Just get here when you can.

She sent the message then sat her phone down with an eye roll, turning heel as she went back to sweeping the floor. She adored this time of the day as things were slowing down and everyone's lunch break was almost over. When she was done sweeping she sat the broom aside then walked back over to the group, resting her elbows on the counter again while listening in to their conversation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pepita
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ida Mercado

Location: Work
Interacting with:
Leo @Summer| Roxanne @HushedWhispers | Ryan @Love Dove | Reed @smarty0114 | Joseph @louie221 | Zay @Beefydork | Liam @Pundii|

Ida made a faux expression at Leo, her giggling almost ruined the deadpan moment. "Gasp! You were suppose to talk in our super secret code. You can never tell if evil is listening just around the corner." She gave him a soft nudge and a hearty smile at the joke, whilst unwrapping what seems like her third piece of sandwich. Ida couldnt care less about her growing eating habit, the autumn season seems to make her feel that way than usual but regrets come by winter when her elderly relatives passive aggressively comment on her weight the whole evening through.

During break hours she likes having these silly water cooler banters with her co-worker, although most of the time, plain teasing him is just as fun. Anyhow, Leo did agree to come with her tonight. "Great! I'll be heading back real quick at the apartment for a quick shower. I think I just leaned on someone sticky at the train awhile ago. Ick. We can just meet up at the complex if that's fine."

Ida always loved watching Zay perform, and indeed tonight will be awesome as always. "I know right! Zay is so awesome, her singing is so divine. Her aura, her hair, everything about her. I wish she'd adopt me." she dreamily talked with great admiration like a giddy pre-teen , sometimes a little too much than she would like to admit. "I wonder if the squad is coming." She got her phone out, swiped on the dashing picture of Prince, and navigated to messages.

To: The TSA Dream Squad
Who's gonna be at the cafe tonight? I'll be going, but that's hardly news is it? ;-]
See you guys tonight ^_^

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location; Ryan and Roxanne's Apartment -> Village Coffee
Interacting With; | Roxanne @HushedWhispers | Ryan @Love Dove | Leo - via text @Summer | Zahra @Beefydork | Joseph @louie221 | Liam @Pundii | Ryder @sakurasan

Reed chuckled at Ryan's response, although his statement about not sleeping with anyone that he or Roxy knew threw him off slightly. Luckily, he began grinning once more, an effort to make it seem like everything was good. He tipped back his bowl, which now only contained milk, and funneled the liquid into his mouth before rinsing it out in the kitchen sink. He slid off the counter and followed Ryan out of the apartment, sending a text back to Leo on the way

To - Leo
Hey if you get the chance, can you grab some groceries? we out

"VC sounds good. Chances are half the floor is there already," he said, smirking, and walking with his friend to the elevator. Once they were both inside, he incessantly pushed the ground floor button, like a child. Granted, he basically was a child, and slamming the elevator buttons was just another thing he did that proved it to be true. He took the time in the elevator to shoot a text back in the group chat that Ida had just texted him in.

To: TSA Dream Squad
Me and Ryan are on our way now. We should all go out after though

Once they finally reached the ground floor, he strolled out beside Ryan, squinting against the bright sunlight that was streaming into the lobby. Oh I am so going to regret this he thought, reaching into his pocket to grab a pair of sunglasses that he quickly put on, granting him a moment of relief before stepping outside.

He realized the full effects of his hangover once he and Ryan stepped outside, as his ears were bombarded with the honking of cars, the shouting from street vendors, and the all around hustle and bustle of the city. "Remind me to never, ever get drunk again," he said, knowing full well that he'd most likely get just as shitfaced tonight, as he had last night. Walking into Village Coffee was a beautiful reprieve from the noise and lights of NYC and he grinned big announcing his presence to the rest of the cafe, specifically the people from his floor, most of whom he considered friends. "Everyone's favorite drunk has arrived! And also Ryan," he said, smirking and taking a bow, before gesturing to his friend.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location; Village Coffee → Her apartment → Music Store → Village Coffee
Interacting With; Everyone at Village Coffee

Her shift was coming to a close and thankfully just in time as Reed entered the premises, along with Ryan. She ran up to Ryan and hugged him, completely ignoring Reed's existence and escorting Ryan over to the group of friends. It was a big burn towards Reed but it didn't matter right about now. To her anyway. She took off her apron and threw it in the designated area then clocked out. "Alright, lovelies." She hugged almost everyone but if she didn't hug someone, she waved at them. "Make sure you guys are here on time. Wouldn't want to miss me singing, am I right?" Roxanne winked while turning heel and walking out of Village Coffee now as she walked back to the apartment. With Ryan gone, she had plenty of time to think about what to wear and had the whole restroom to herself without having Ryan rushing her. Her phone buzzed within her purse as she pulled it out and saw the group message from Ida.

To: The Peepulation :D
Girl, yes. We're all going to be there! Come early though!

Roxanne sent the message as she made it to Times Square Apartments, walking through the lobby, seeing Mister Black there. She rolled her eyes away from his presence as she quickly scurried over towards the elevator, getting on it and hitting the fifth floor button. She made it to her apartment and threw her things down at the stand right beside the door. She had went over to her room and stood at the closet for almost fifteen minutes, trying to see what to wear.

Since Zay mentioned that she was singing something bluesy, she got a blue dress that fully sleeved on one side and the other side didn't have any sleeves at all. She went to shower and everything then sat down at her vanity mirror set while applying light dabs of makeup upon her face. She then got dressed and placed on her heels while grabbing her blue clutch purse. While exiting her room, she made sure she had everything before continuing her walk down to the elevator that eventually made it downstairs.

While she still had a few minutes to kill, Roxie caught a taxi to the nearest music store, wanting to pick out a song to sing. She felt like the world, well, the whole world of Village Coffee wasn't ready to hear her original songs just yet plus she didn't have anything blues worthy. Roxanne flipped through various music books then suddenly came across the perfect song. She squealed while sitting in a nearby corner, looking it up on YouTube and putting in her headphones while trying to learn with the minimum time she has.

As the sun was setting, she was walking out of the music store after buying the cassette tape and catching another taxi but this time towards Village Coffee. From a distance, her eyes saw the people that were standing outside as the nerves kicked in already. She chuckled nervously at the crowd before walking into the cafe now. She went over towards Melissa, who was working that night along with a few other people. "Girl, this event is going to be epic." She said while sitting her purse close to the stage then walked back over towards the door, letting the crowd in.

After everyone settled in, her friends had arrived and she was pleased within herself, Roxanne cleared her throat while walking up on the stage and staring out into the crowd, as they quieted down. "Alright, everyone. How's everyone doing tonight?" The crowd cheered and she heard most of their replies. "Well, before my girl, Zay comes up here and slays the stage, I'd like to get the crowd going with the sort of setting she is going for tonight." With those words said and a few mutters from the crowd below her while nodding her towards the person that was there to start up the music.

As the song started up, she swayed a little bit to the beat then held the microphone while really getting into the music. She held out the last note as long as it needed it then opened up her closed eyes as she stared out to the crowd. Most people were shocked and didn't even know that Roxanne had that type of voice, others cheered her on as she smiled and giggled into the microphone. "And now, everyone, Miss Zahra "Zay" Heaven." She introduced her while applauding her and giving her a hug when she came on the stage, whispering. "You owe me." She said while breaking the hug and walking off the stage now.

Roxanne walked over to the counter, leaning on it as she asked Melissa for some water. She squinted her eyes over the crowd and saw her friends, waving her hand for them to come over there towards her even though most of them already were. Roxanne was out of breath from the moment as she took a small sip from her water and looked at her oncoming friends.
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