Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Leslie Hall

Ezekiel Benson

As Ezekiel continues to sip on his non-alcoholic beverage, the Deacon makes his city-wide announcement. Looks like a Ceremony of a Miss Sister Elvira is going to take place. The guild master Maude instantly called for everyone to move out and head to the ceremony. The Sister was part of the Librarium is she? Ezekiel simply sighed at this notion. While it should provide some form of entertainment, the fact that it has to do with the Librarium made him more unmotivated then maybe some of the others. As he prepares to pack his bags and head with the rest of his guild, he suddenly hears someone nearby, talking about how long its been since he attended an Ascension festival. Looking back, Ezekiel can see a man with longish black hair, and sprouting fancy robes. He didn't recognize him as being part of his group. If anything he smelled a little of Librarium. He wasn't too sure. However, he couldn't help but to respond to his little statement.

"You reaaaaaaally wanna see Sister... eh, whomever she is, huh?" he remarks as he puts his now disgused gun onto his back.

The boy would wonder if Ezekiel thought the same to him. The blonde kid simply nodded.

"Sure," he replies, which was more of a lie for he really didn't care or want to go in the first place, "Why not I suppose. You just seem to be the most excited out of everyone here."

He begins to walk with his guild mates after saying so, but was lagging a little behind compared to everyone else.

@Leslie Hall@Crimson Raven

Ulysess Callistrophous

Ulysess smiled lightly at Elvira's response. Suddenly, the Deacon's voice announced throughout the vicinity. Looks like their time has come. The lizardman gets up from his chair lightly with a slight grown as he holds his Rune Sword in one hand.

"There's our call." he says calmly, "We should be on our way. We ought not to be late or weary for a festival like this."

But as he prepared to move out, he sees the little girl step towards him quietly and awkwardly held her arm out to him. She didn't mean to trouble the old "hunter", but she requests for him to escort her down to the village, her crown blinding her view. Ulysses was almost taken by surprise. He expected for her to be with Whirlwind, a human, instead of an old lizardman like himself. The fact that she called for him to lock arms with her first was indeed unexpected... but not unwelcoming at all. The lizardman smiles and nods.

"Certainly sister." he responds with a warm tone, "It'll be my pleasure."

With that, he lets the girl drape delicately in the nook of his arm. Once they were connect, Ulysses guides her outside, signaling Whirlwind to come along beside him. It was nice for both species, one supposedly of lower rank, to coincide with one another without hate or violence, even though Ulysses was already privileged to be the highest ranking one of his kind. His students respected him regardless, but having a more public figure not to hold any ugly bias towards his kind, was a rather welcoming feeling. Then again, he helps out some people with basic chores when he's not teaching. If only this is true for the rest of his dying species...

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Henry Machina

Henry hung off the chandelier with a grin on face and a non-alcoholic beverage in hand as he enjoyed the party, cheering at some sort of drinking game being played by the people below him. "Yeah! Drink them under the table!" He called out to nobody in particular. What a fun time, the only thing that would make this better is a great fight.

All of a sudden a voice Echoed throughout the tavern announcing that there would be an Ascension Ceremony in town. Henry's eyes brightened as he disentangled himself from the chandelier and jumped to the ground, not spilling even a drop of his drink. He slammed the cup down on a nearby table and left a small tip nearby it. Henry walked over to Asahi and nudged his downed form with his boot.

"Asahi, it's not time to sleep! We have to go watch Sister Elvira ascend, whatever that means!" Henry attempted to grab Asahi's arm but quickly stopped once he noted that he was covered in vomit. "Woah! I think you've had a bit too much to drink buddy, you stink!" Henry laughed as he said this and looked around. "Is there any water or something to wash him off with?" He asked everyone in the room, ignoring the fact that everyone was leaving.

@Altered Tundra
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 11 days ago

Lazulin Mulciber

"Sania. . . you don't think I went to far, did I?" Lazulin turned to the one who could be considered the redhead's only 'close' friend, scratching his chin a bit in confusion. "I mean, all things consider, it was a rather tame bit of annoyance I say." Watching Pythia storm off to pout somewhere else in the tavern, Lazulin took out a note-book from his outfits many pockets, writing down a few quick notes before plopping the thing back where it belonged. With that over, he was about to start 'helping' Nemu win her little drinking game really quick when he heard the unceremonious sound of emptied stomach contents, a sound that made him quirk an eyebrow curiously.

"That doesn't sound go- oh geez Asahi!!" The Devilslayer mutter upon seeing the poor lads condition. Letting out a sigh, he prepped himself to stand up, only to see that another person had came to assist the sunspot in his place. While he felt bad for the blonde(as well as possibly at fault, though what he gave the guy should've made stuff come out the other end), he also saw an opportunity in this moment, having his illusory self mix in with the crowd that was likely gathering around the edges of the tavern to check to see if their guild mate was alright and having it silently and inconspicuously disappear. With a sigh of relief, Laz watched as one of the other guild members came up levitating a ball of water, splashing all of the sick and vomit off of the poor lad until he looked a tad more decent, if somewhat soaked. "Hmmm, guess we'll have to wait until he cleans himself up before we can have him try on his new outfit, huh Sania? No one likes a server that smells like RUm and vomit."

@Altered Tundra
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

“Sania... you don't think I went to far, did I? I mean, all things considered, it was a rather tame bit of annoyance I say.”
Lazulin Mulciber

“You know how Pythia is, Laz! She’s probably j-just in a bad mood. She’ll forget about it just like last time, I’m sure. Probably.”

Sania Belchardt never could quite understand Pythia’s temperament but she never really tried to challenge it. In a perfect world for the cyan-haired girl everyone in the guild would never make each other mad or cause trouble, they’d be all friends and never take issue with each other’s antics. It was her vision and great hope for the Cloud Chasers, even considering the fact that Sania knew the concept wasn’t exactly a realistic aspiration to have.

The appearance of Henry Machina whom Sania referred to as “Machi” seemed to catch Sania off guard, and by extension out of her thoughts about Pythia’s current mood and the weight of Laz’s actions, as they asked everyone in relative vicinity to help with another guild member, Asahi, considering the fact he had decided it would be a good idea to vomit and writhe on the floor whilst not one fellow guild member took charge to help him out at all. Sania rose both of her hands to her mouth to cover up an expression of worry and slight panic.

Oh my g-gosh!

“That doesn’t sound go— oh geez Asahi!!”

Whilst Lazulin muttered under his breath Sania took off as she always did when a friend was in need of her help; a trait she held that to those who didn’t know her would seem contrary to her apparent meekness and shy personality but was very much part of who she was. It was here that as if on cue Sania summoned a small amount of magical energy which she quickly converted into her affinity— water magic to use in helping Asahi in his awful state.

“A-Asahi!” She exclaimed as she applied the water magic as directed by Henry.

From behind her shoulder Sania could hear the approach remark from Lazulin about the whole situation. “Hmmm, guess we'll have to wait until he cleans himself up before we can have him try on his new outfit, huh Sania? No one likes a server that smells like rum and vomit.”

She sighed. Why did stuff like this have to happen?

@Raijinslayer, @floodtalon, @Altered Tundra
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

⚙️ Marcus "Whirlwind" Astra
Y'Shtola, The Deacon's Hall

A quiet soul
A silent heart
A lonely smile

Whirlwind nodded once to Elvira's response, but otherwise didn't react. He stood quietly and patently for the Deacon's call. He saw no reason to make small talk and he never was good at that sort of thing. Ulysess often remarked that Whirlwind was more eloquent with the sword then his mouth. Thinking of his companion, Whirlwind's gaze wandered over to him. Though most simply saw a Lizardman, Whirlwind saw a formidable warrior, a wise soul, and a kind heart. Whirlwind himself had a healthy respect for the Lizardman, especially after he saw him do something scary once.

When the Deacon made his announcement, Whirlwind was the first to make his way out. He paused and turned back when he realized that Ulysess and Elvira were not behind him. His gaze softened a bit as he saw the little human girl clutching the arm of a large Lizardman. For just a moment, his mask slipped and he gave Ulysess a fleeting grin, but just as quickly as it appeared it was gone. So quickly that there was doubt if it even happened.

Seeing the girl look so vulnerable, Whirlwind slightly regretted his early rudeness. "Worry not, we shall act as your eyes." He said, reassuringly. With that he strode out, leading the way.

@Lmpkio @Leslie Hall

The Smiling Parrot, Floor 3, Room 2

Boredom was an old friend to Kage, doing nothing for days on end was nothing to her. That said, spending that time with another was...irritating. Especially if that someone was a loud-mouthed, obnoxious, lecherous old man. When he shouted and complained, she gave no reaction mostly out of petty spite because she knew it would irritate him. She did, however, tilt her head up when the Deacon's call resounded through the area.

"I'm going for a quick walk. Everyone should be distracted by the festival so I think it's safe."

Kage stood slowly and turned her mask to face Theodore. Unnerving shadowy black hands emerged from her sleeves and quickly weaved a series of signs.

Sigh, because wandering around town with a massive lance (here, she gestured at the one he was holding) on your shoulder is a great idea. she signed.

Kage was pretty sure that the oaf wouldn't understand, but it was pretty obvious she was concerned about his weapon.

She then pointed at herself, walked her fingers across her palm, and pointed at him, with a nodding motion her head. The meaning was quite clear, she would go with him.

She was quite curious about what all the commotion was about outside, about this "ascendence".
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

Member Seen 23 days ago

Avicenna Nemu

Only two shots in and Nemu was beginning to realize her blunder. Her throat was on fire and her stomach seemed ready to flip. If this is what all alcohol tasted like, she was certain to swear it off forever after this.

She looked incredulously at the hawkish man sitting across from her. He gulped down the spirits with a practiced effort, and a steady rhythm. He'd definitely played this game before. Four of her own shots were gone while she had only managed to drink two of his. And the massive tankard of amber ale was still waiting for them.

The two other contenders were already working on chugging their ale and exchanging glances to see if the other was about to slow down. Both men were sweating now as the spirits seemed to kindle a fire in their bellies.

The butterball was the first to finish. He laughed triumphantly and jumped to his feet. "Tha's roight! No one bests Ruckus Tuckett in-" The words caught in his mouth as his tongue fell asleep... along with the rest of him. He blacked out and fell backwards onto two innocent bystanders who were too drunk to dodge.

Oi! Git off me, ya fat oaf! one of them shouted in between the pained groans.

Ruckus's competitor tried to form a smug grin; one half of his face managed a dopey smile, the other sagged uselessly. He hadn't noticed it right away, but the moonshine had hit him much harder than he expected. The poor bloke teetered precariously before his face his the hard wooden planks of the table with a thud. Nose-first. An onlooker standing behind him sucked in a breath and grimaced sympathetically.

Nemu's eyes widened.

Am I going to end up like that?

Worried lines formed on her brow as she shot another look at her opponent. He was pausing between shots to brace for the next one. Beads of sweat began to form on his neck as his cheeks went red with heat. He looked ghastly after finishing the sixth, but continued with absolute determination. His eyes wavered slightly as he reached for the tankard.

Someone from the crowd shouted "Knock it down Harper! You gonna let some girl beat'cha?"

Nemu was on her fourth and had expected to feel something other than scorching bitterness. Lazulin had tried to explain to her what a "buzz" felt like one time--something like a "hazy awesome feeling". But, aside from her stomach groaning in protest, she didn't feel any different. To be honest, she was liking this alcohol stuff less and less.

The stout referee eyed the two intently. His gaze shifted back and forth, scrutinizing each of them. Harper may have had the lead, but curiously enough Nemu showed no signs wear despite her petite body and reckless idiocy. Admirable, but Harper was gulping down the last of his ale, while Nemu was just starting on hers.

"Well gents, I believe we have our winner." Laughter and shouts erupts from the crowd around the table. Coins exchanged hands in a frenetic shuffle as the bets started paying out.

Harper looked at Nemu and offered a conciliatory smile that betrayed his previously hostile demeanor. "Don't sell yourself short, kid. You just drank two grown men under the table." He looked a little surprised himself that Nemu was still conscious.

"You're right, I guess..." She said meekly, the acrid taste still lingering in her mouth. She smiled weakly. Being a runner up was fine, but her first grand experience in drinking with the adults didn't really go as she expected.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As everything in the room seemed as though it was spinning, Asahi felt a rush of water splash all over him. It was in that moment that he had came to his senses(of sorts). He jolted upward into an upright sitting position, shaking his head vigorously. He looked around, and saw a few of the guild members gazing at him.

W-wha—” Asahi still felt quite nauseous, but he wasn’t seeing double or triple anymore, so that was definitely an improvement. Still, that must’ve been a strong brand of ale that Maude kept on the shelf. The fact that he passed out and was feeling wonky afterwards wasn’t anticipated. And on top of everything else, his insides felt…questionable.

Rubbing his head, Asahi tried to gather himself. He had a killer headache that he knew wouldn't go away for a while. Or at least until he ate something greasy. The latter was most likely going to be the quickest way to feeling somewhat better. He didn’t see that happening anytime soon, however, so he just had to find solace in succeeding of getting to a vertical base.

Soon, after a few, failed attempts, Asahi was able to get up. He had the assistance of barstools and the countertop, not to mention some fellow Cloud Chasers would at least help him up. Based on how wobbly he was walking, there was no mistaking that Asahi was still feeling the effects of what could only be described as one killer hangover. It’s just so surprising to Asahi that it would kick in so quickly.

He rubbed his head as he leaned against the countertop. “Maude, my hat is off to you,” Asahi sluggishly spoke, “that is some strong ale you keep on tap.” Asahi still was in a bewildered state about that fucking ale.

When his body took a turn, Asahi let his blue eyes drift along the counterclockwise rotation his head made. In his line of sight, he saw both Laz and Sania right next to each other, presumingly worried about Asahi. He didn’t want to reveal how strange he felt, so he a hand gesture with his thumb and index finger making an “o”, signalling to both of them that all was good in the hood. Only, it totally wasn’t. But Asahi couldn’t let them know that.

So, I heard something about a new outfit.” Asahi looked at Sania and Laz...or anyone who might know anything about it.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 26 days ago

Sayuri Takashi

Sayuri sighs as she easily dodges another punch from one of the drunk teens that were surrounding her. She'd been having such a nice evening up until a couple minutes ago. She'd played most of the available games and even won several times getting few nice prizes which she'd stuffed into a leather pouch on her waist. She's given some pointers to some of the kids in the sparring pit before moving on to the free food that was out. The food had been really good as had the conversation she'd been previously having. A shy nervous girl probably sixteen or seventeen had walked up to her, probably on a dare from her friends a little ways away, and tried to start a conversation. She'd failed badly but Sayuri saved it and started the conversation for her. It had had lasted for a decent while and her friends even joined. It was nice until a group of drunk teenage guys came up and tried to get the girls to join them for some 'fun' that they were obviously not interested in. When Sayuri stepped in they told her to back off and when she didn't they started throwing punches which is where she was currently.

"I would suggest that you guys back off before this escalates and someone gets hurt. Someone being you guys," she really didn't want to have to teach these guys a lesson as it would look really bad on her. They were drunk and definitely had no idea how to fight, she was obviously trained as shown by her physique, and though she didn't look it she was older than them by several years. Side stepping another one as he threw himself at her. An announcement was made saying that the Ceremony was about to start, "Look the ceremony's going to to start pretty soon. Let's just forget about-"

She's interrupted by the leader growling at her and throwing a punch at her face, "Shut the hell up. Who gives a shit about some stupid Sisterhood ascension. We're just here for the drinks and to have some fun!" Sayuri sighs and catches his hand, "Alright you've officially become a public disturbance and I"m in no mood to deal with it so... Goodnight," she pulls him close and punches him straight on in the face and again in the stomach before spinning him and throwing him into another one of his groupies knocking them both to the ground. Another tries to get her from behind but she catches his arm and flips him over before facing the rest of the kids who were hesitant to get involved any further and raises an eyebrow, "Would anyone else like to try?"

Irene Takashi

Irene bounced up to where Asahi, Lazulin, and Sania were pocketing the money she'd made from her bet a huge smile on her face. When she arrived she nodded at Asahi smile widening slightly, "Yup. Your gonna have to wear the waitresses outfit cause you lost to Laz in a drinking contest. Speaking of where is Maude's Daughter she ought to have an extra outfit wouldn't she?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mercurial
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Laila Durrani

@Altered Tundra @Raijinslayer @Gowi @Floodtalon

As both Laila and Lal predicted, Asahi soon found himself keeling over, but not before he vomited all over the bar and made a big show of it. Laila felt a little bad for not trying to say something about this, but then again, she wasn't sure Asahi would have listened if she had. With his pride on the line, he probably didn't feel like listening to the voice of reason. In the middle of his big scene, the announcement of the start of the event rang out. It seemed like more than a few people were more interested in going to watch than helping Asahi off the floor. Laila for one started moving to help him, while Lal made for the exit.

"What, you don't feel like helping your fellow pirate?" She asked after him.

"Well, he did just cost me a good few coins." Lal answered before leaving without a care. Laila just shook her head. She knew he didn't really mean to be mean, but even if Asahi was being a big dummy, they shouldn't leave him lying in his own puke. Fortunately, some of the others had already mustered to help him out. Sania had washed him off, and Henry was there to help too. As Asahi came to, Laila moved in to help him up along with the others. The kicker was that Asahi seemed to have no insight into what had just happened.

"Asahi, sometimes I think your magic is the brightest thing about you." She remarked. She wasn't entirely sure if he was taking the piss or if he wholeheartedly believed it was just how strong the ale was. But if he was for real, she wondered if he would even understand the full meaning of what she just said. In any case, at least his obliviousness meant he wasn't going to object to going along with the bet conditions. She could definitely get a kick out of seeing him swan about in a dress for a while.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

Member Seen 23 days ago

Avicenna Nemu

Not feeling too invested in the drinking games anymore, Nemu turned her attention to the rest of the tavern. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves at the tables, but quite a few were leaving to attend the ascension ceremony. Truth be told, she was more than a little curious about it. She had heard the legends of Mother Juno before, but it seemed so amazing and unbelievable that a human, mage or not, could ascend like that.

Her grandfather always spoke of the Great Beyond which held the Dreamlands and a host of other otherworldly domains. Maybe this local sister would arrive in one of those sacred places when she ascended? The more she thought about it the more questions she had and the more she wanted to discover the answers. Her excitement welled as her thoughts raced, and her typical restlessness took hold.

If she was going to investigate this ascension ritual further she would need a trustworthy companion to assist her--just like in those detective novels. Reynolf! If anyone could be easily goaded into a mystery-solving adventure, it would be him.

She jumped up suddenly, surprising a few of the patrons, and quickly caught sight of her friends. Reynolf, Lazulin, Asahi, and several others we're congregated near the guild master and Maude. Thinking Lazulin and the others would probably tag along as well, a childish smile spread across her face.

In her excitement, potent sleep magic escaped her body, causing a few drunks nearby to start dozing off. Embarrassed, she whispered a soft Oops! before stepping past them awkwardly.

With the tide of her own magic stemmed, she weaved through the rows of occupied chairs and tables towards her friends. Rey was always seemed to be easy target for a so-called 'S-class' mage. She circled around to sneak up behind him, using the tavern patrons as a screen. When the moment was right, she casually strode up and draped herself over top of him like spoiled child. Her chin rested on Rey's head while her arms dangled over his shoulders as she lazily drooped against him.
"Hey Rey, I'm boooooooored~" She complained with feigned disinterest. Her flat expression might've sufficed, if it weren't for the impish grin tugging at the edge of her lips. "You should come help me solve a mystery. It'll fun. You remember what 'fun' is, right?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Right after the announcement of the sisterhood's ascension, Reynolf felt mass collapse on top of him. Then a certain softness leant right behind and above him, with what seemed like a chin poking his head. It didn't look like it but he had almost lost his balance due to his surprise, being barely able to keep himself upright. He had only one guess as to whom this individual actually was- Avicenna Nemu. The voice that had greet him confirmed his suspicions, with it indeed being her. There was also a slight hint of liquor pervading her aura.

"Hey Rey, I'm boooooooored~" Nemu expressed, her dulcet tone seeming to reflect her words,

"Hello to you too, Miss Nemu." Reynolf replied lacklusterly, disregarding the disparaging glances, whistles, and a few hoots given by their more inebriated guildmates.

"You should come help me solve a mystery. It'll be fun. You remember what 'fun' is, right?" she continued, with Reynolf not noticing her obvious grin due to her hanging on top of him.

"Indeed, I do know the definition of 'fun'." He answered, the goading going right above his head, "A mystery... huh."

He stroked his chin, contemplating whether to indulge Nemu, whom was still on his back. With his robes still draping lazily on the floor, it made for an amusing and peculiar sight, a woman hanging on top of an oblivious mage. After a few more moments of pondering he shrugged his shoulders lightly, managing to lift her up ever so slightly. Nothing of much noteworthy mention was happening eitherway, barring the drunken shenanigans of his colleagues. His eyes landed on the unstable Asahi, and the waft of liquor permeated throughout. Maybe a breath of fresh air would be nice change of pace after hours of being lodged inside the tavern filled to the brim with drunkards and sleeping folk.

"Well, you have my interest piqued. What is this 'mystery' you speak off? I assume it is related to the ascension?" Reynolf finally spoke, his head turning towards her rather close face, "Oh, you were still on me. Does that not get tiring?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Henry laughed as he got splashed with a bit of water, looking at Sania and giver her a thumbs up. "Good looking out Sania!" Henry reached down to help Asahi up along with Laila. This was why he didn't drink, it made you go to sleep sporadically. That and it tasted awful to him.

Henry grabbed Asahi's left arm and helped him get up, hearing something about Asahi cross dressing later. "Wow, alcohol makes you dress like a girl too? I'm for sure not gonna be drinking anytime soon now." He absentmindedly commented to himself.

Asahi took a few moments to orient himself and honestly looked like he was about to pass out again. Henry stayed near him just in case he did, someone should catch him this time. Unless he vomits. Henry took a few steps back just in case. Asahi made a little "o" symbol with his fingers, which Henry promptly poked a finger through with the precision granted to him by years of handy work.

"New outfits can wait! We need to go watch the thing in town! Everyone's already leaving!" Henry exclaimed loudly as he remembered why everyone was leaving the tavern. He then turned to the exit and began walking, looking over his shoulder to see if everyone was following.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Marth Takeshi

Marianne had locked on to Marth with her eyes, interaction was on its way. "What are you doing here, slayer?" She said. That was the question Marth had been asking himself this whole time to be exact. With whirlwind and a saint there wasn't much of a requirement for Marth to be there. He met Mariannes grey eyes with his sky blue eyes. "They put me on grounds duty to take care of anyone who try's and interrupts the ritual. I don't know why they would even do that considering the battle prowess already here without me". Marth said his focus unwavering and his posture presentable, "What brings you here Marianne? You weren't ordered to be here so I am quite curious to why you came" Marth said folding his arms. It was kind of weird a matter of fact, it was as if Marrianes whole vibe was not what he expected, she seemed a little bit more pleasant off duty. Was something on her mind?


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 11 days ago

Lazulin Mulciber

"Now Hold it right there Writer's Crutch, I ain't letting Sunspot off that easily. We'll just have to take him out on the town. Come on, Asahi, lets go get you gussied up, as well as we can do something about that vomit smell." Laz placed an arm around the sun mage's neck and half-pushed, half-dragged him over to Karia, who was lookin' less than pleased about the whole ordeal, knowing exactly what Laz was going to ask.

"Ain't no way in hell I'm letting that drunken buffoon wear me clothes, especially since he'll get the smell of sick all ov'r 'em."

"Aw come on now, Kaira, don't be like that. He lost the bet fair and square."

"Aye, but I never had no part in it, and I'm not about to hand it over to ye just to get them ruined."

Laz frowned a bit, scratching his chin with his prosthetic arm as he tried to figure out a way to convince the stubborn woman. ". . . I'll pay ya for 'em. Name your price." Kaira narrowed her eyes, seemingly weary of Laz's offer as she set down a set of drinks for another table of customers.

"Alright, if ya really that determined, I think . . . 30,000 jewels would be plenty."

"Oi, that's bollocks and ya know it. I bet that get-up ain't worth anything more than a 1000, but since I'm generous, how about I give ya 1500."

"Now whose the one spoutin' bollocks. If ya want the damn thing, ya better be willing to pay for it."

"Not when ya tryin' to bankrupt me, I ain't."

"Fine, how about 28,000? I've got a growin' boy to feed and the people her tip like crap, not to mention a few get to handsy when they they get a few mugs in 'em." As she spoke, Kaira continued to serve drink to the patrons, glaring at one drunkard who'd tried to reach for her backside, only to find his order come slamming down on the offending appendage with a heavy slam against the table.

"Well, I can see why if Maude tries to bleed people try like ye' do. 3000 jewels for the clothes, and I'll even through in tossin' out a few of your trouble makin' customers as a bonus."

The two would continue this hagglin' for a while, Laz dragging poor Asahi around the whole tavern if he didn't manage to escape from the Devilslayer's grip. Eventually, they settled upon the amount of 5,500 jewels as a good price and soon Laz would thrust them into Asahi's hands with a rather chipper look in his eyes despite the hit to his funds as he threw his prosthetic arm around the blonde mage's shoulders. "Now hurry up and get dressed, Asahi. I'll be waitin' to see ya around the Ascension festival grounds, and if ya aren't wearing it. . ." As he let the thought drag on, his smile would become a lot harder, his eyes narrowing slightly before he became chipper once more. "Well, wouldn't want to spoil the surprise, would I? With an ominous chuckle, he left Asahi to put on the garments( or not, if he was prepared to face the consequences), to walk over to the others who seemed to be heading on their way out.

"Irene, Nemu, Sania, let's get too steppin'. We need to get going quickly, else the festivities my end before we get there. As he spoke, he turned to Laila, smile on his face as he talked to the woman. "You should probably come to, Nutcracker. Deal with any dumb hoodlums that can't hold their liquor. I'm certain they'll be more than a few." With his invitations handed out, Laz started making his way out the door, holding it open for any who decided to follow him right then and there. However, while he seemed all cheery and smiles, he felt a slight chill run down his back, thoughts sliding into his head in soft whispers.

𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔩𝔢𝔱 𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲

𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔩𝔢𝔱 𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲

𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔩𝔢𝔱 𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔡𝔢𝔣𝔶 𝔶𝔬𝔲

𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔦𝔰 𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 𝔣𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔡

𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔣𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔱 𝔲𝔭𝔬𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔴𝔢𝔞𝔨𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔰

𝔩𝔢𝔱 𝔫𝔬 𝔰𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔤𝔬 𝔲𝔫𝔭𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔡

𝔩𝔢𝔱 𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔲𝔯𝔫 𝔦𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔰

𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔢 𝔪𝔢𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔬𝔣 𝔣𝔢𝔞𝔯

Lazulin shook his head, trying to ignore the voices as best he could. Still, for just a moment, his gaze turned towards where Pythia had stormed off to. To the guild, he'd seem to be just giving a small wave to the petite red head, even blowing her a kiss in truly over-dramatic fashion as he turned and walked away. Behind his illusion, however, would be him tightly gripping the door handle as he took deep breaths, the glow within his eyes burning with demented flames that wished to be free. However, almost as soon as the voices came did they soon after leave, retreating to their place in his subconscious mind once more, gone but never forgotten. Crisis averted, Lazulin hurried to catch up with the rest of the group, as he'd fallen behind a few steps while fighting back his inner demons.

@Altered Tundra

Marianne Shimizu

"Look around you, Marth. A majority of the girls here either have sisters in the Sisterhood or will eventually be sent there. It's the unwritten law of the Librarium to send at least one of your daughters, and as an exception, I find it . . . interesting. I can't help but wonder what life might've been like if I had been sent there like all the rest. Praying and waiting 'till my day of 'Ascenscion' with either trepidation. . . or terror." Marianne shifted her eyes amongst the crowd, while she spoke, noticing some commotion a little ways off but paying it no heed for the moment. "It certainly a strain of thought that adds some perspective to the ceremony, even if it takes away some of the celebratory cheer."

Marianne might've said more, but out of the corner of her eyes she noticed a pair of bodies go flying through the air. With a sigh, she turned to see that a pack of hoodlums seemed to have gotten on the wrong side of someone who knew how to fight. Marianne didn't pay too much attention to the scene, however, quickly flicking her eyes to Marth expectantly. "Well. . . aren't you supposed to be handling this kind of thing? Might as well do something besides standing around."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Marth Takeshi

Marth listens to Mariannes more subtle side, he was a little intrigued and wouldn't have guessed to get that response, looks like she does have some fears and terror. Marth smirked and then looked up at the clouds,"Now that you put it that way, you have a point. Though I don't know exactly how you might feel, I have a good idea". Soon a ruckus had started, Marth turned in the direction of the ruckus that was starting. Marianne signaled him to take care of it. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to be up someone's ass today" Marth said sighing. He he He walks over moving his coat out the way and revealing his sword, "Channler". The sword that boosts magic power when channeled through the sword, Marth walked over, seeing only one girl standing and bodies on the floor. "That's enough of that, stand down or I will have to use force" Marth said his hand on the swords handle. She knocked these people out single handedly and flawless, Marth squinted and evaluated the situation carefully, she didn't appear to be apart of the Librarium so where did she learn to fight like that?. "I am gonna have to take you for questioning, come quietly and everything will be fine" Marth said keeping a slight distance. Marth blew a whistle calling for backup from other cleric knights incase she tried to run.

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