Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Clever ones...

As the goblins made a dead sprint towards their trap they sometimes got bit by the bats since they were flying and were familiar with their own home they were able to catch up. However what little damage the hobs gained was not enough to truly stop them. The bats could only "kill by bug bites" essentially and alone they couldn't kill an opponent but with sheer numbers and blood loss even they could kill others. As they got to their trap and lifted their net high they ended up catching a large quantity of bats that had followed them on the ground. 16 to be exact but as the bats screeched in warning the other bats stopped and withdrew so as not to get caught in their same trap. They were now hovering and surrounding the goblins at their trap unsure of how to attack with that giant net.

The goblins having caught some of their desired prey were now surrounded and again still outnumbered by the bats that looked for a moment of weakness before they would go in for the kill.

Trip down memory lane
@Haeo@Dark Cloud

As the goblin and hobgoblin agreed to join forces the hob suggested they got and find better weapons. As they journeyed back to the cave of the hobs birth they would soon be surrounded by trees. Shrik somehow actually found his way back to his old hunting area. The place that still had the paralyzing sap that he had used only days prior. He would find however that finding a proper stick to create a good quality spear shaft would be a much harder endeavor as they found no suitable wood would work. They were either to frail to be used or not big enough to create a proper spear with. He would instead find regular sticks that could be fashioned into javelins.

Reluctant Brother

Argos had just about had it and was ready to punch something and soon he once again was insulted by one of his sisters about dragging one away from the church even if all he was doing was trying to help! He had left and was ready to continue hunting alone and proving he was better before the sister that he had dragged away before came to convince him to come with her and her sisters. Clearly she wanted him to be a part of the trio. Though he wasn't sure if it was just because she genuinely cared about his safety or simply wanted someone who could fight the way he could. He groaned and placed both his hands over his eyes in annoyance before he took a deep breath to keep himself from getting angrier.

Even if she just wanted him to not die or that she wanted to use him, at least if he came he wouldn't be alone. He Hated going back to those mean sisters but at least she was trying. After taking a deep breath he placed his hands back at his sides before saying "My strength is my muscles. I am not smart but I can fight better then the others. If you promise to make something to make my fists stronger I'll come" he said with a sigh as he basically asked for something akin to brass knuckles or boxing gloves that would enhance his strength in battle. Even if she said she couldn't right now he followed her and stayed quiet as he went with her to rejoin their sisters since they seemed so keen in using traps like weaklings.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hakbert
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Hakbert Pokemon Lofi

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Goblin Qee

Coming into terms with her new physique, Qee cautiously looked around before wandering around the place they called their home. Her stomach growled in hunger, but a greater instinct was more predominant; the urge to survive. As much as her body sought for food, Qee felt that it wasn't the most optimal choice at the time. Instead, her eyes trailed until they landed upon the wrinkliest goblin within her sights. It was their elder.

"Greetings, great and wise elder." Qee smiled, waving her hands up into the air, trying to grab the older goblin's attention.

"Qee is hungry, but isn't sure where to go or what to do. Can great elder help me?"

She grinned, smiling at her own incompetence. Hopefully, she looked as helpless as she could.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Grandpa had been sitting on the pew nearby simply letting the day pass since he ate and when he saw another goblin wake up it was qee. He laughed a bit as she called him wise elder when he was just an old goblin. He pats her head lightly and said "I'm just grandpa little one no need to be so formal. As for food today is the day you hunt for yourself. I can't provide for you anymore so you need to learn how to hunt on your own. Their are rabbits not far from hear that you can hunt and even some berries. Most of your siblings gave already left but now but I hear talking outside so maybe their are some still nearby
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hakbert
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Hakbert Pokemon Lofi

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Goblin Qee

Although not receiving anything tangible, Qee couldn't help but give off a gleeful smile. There was something comforting about pats to the head. Hearing that she had to hunt for herself didn't excite her, but learning of the rabbits and berries, Qee felt relieved. From her initial interaction with the elderly goblin, she could feel that he was kind. Whether this was genuine or not, she didn't really dwell on it that much.

"Oh, okay. Thanks grandpa!" Qee shouted as she waved farewell to her wise elder. It was time to search for some rabbits and berries. Since it came from her elder, these thing were probably safe.

"Rabbits and berries, huh?" Qee's fingers twiddled her hair as she thought. She was certain she knew what these things were, but she wasn't certain where to find them. Thinking as hard as she could, a single word popped into her mind.

"Bush!" She screamed, as if she made a breakthrough.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

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Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

"That is a... rather vague explanation." To say the least, he was frustrated, but then again, given what he just saw, it might be actually as complicated as explained. It might just like attempting to explain how he should walk. He'd likely also just say, 'put a foot in front of the other'.

The more Arch thought the lighter the frown got. He murmurred to himself, "But it is something to start with. How did he even manage to start doing that..." before looking at Zats properly again, "I'll teach you properly as soon as I manage to do this. But in general, just avoiding to step on noisy things and keeping an eye out helps is good not-dying practice." He nods seriously before looking over at the stone Zats was moving.

He looked at the small stone very intently... but then after focusing on it for a bit he paused, and asked Zats, "Do you think of something when you move it closer?"

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago


// Day 3 // Afternoon // Following Skrik //

Interaction: @Haeo

Grasping at the stout stick his cousin handed to him, looking between it and the hobgoblin giving him directions as he walked away without slowing pace. Under any other circumstances the young goblin would have protested and demand his cousin slow down yet it wasn't something he felt he earned the right to do yet as Skrik made it clear that he wouldn't acknowledge his name until Grik was stronger which made the goblin determined to prove his worth to the hobgoblin Skrik.

Forgetting about the rabbit he had just killed and eager to follow the hobgoblin Skrik, the goblin bounded after his cousin with the stick the hob gave him gripped tightly in his grasp. It was fortunate for Grik that he had not hesitated to follow his cousin longer because he spotted the hob walking ahead at his own pace, breaking into a sprint the goblin ran after Skrik with so many questions swirling in his head.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Hobgoblin Zats

Zats was about as satisfied with the explanation Arch gave him as Arch was with his explanation, but he understood that a church wasn't exactly the best place to discus moving without being noticed. He wished he could offer more advice on Earth Call (lesser) but it wasn't like the summary of the kill was a wealth of information either.

Luckily Arch asked a rather smart question, unfortunately even the first time he used it on the loose page he just willed it to come to him so it was no help. He shook his head. "Good question, but no. I even got it just by willing something light enough to come to me. Then something clicked, he had even known about it before but didn't consider it important. "You do need to be attuned to Shirali.." No that was the wrong name, what was she called again? ""The "Goddess" of Nature for it to work."

@Darked13 @Jangel13

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hobgoblin Luz

Simple Division


Sadly Luz's plans to lead to tried to lead the bat into Gird's other webs only seem to produce poisonous fruits, for it made it easier for the bats to catch up and bite them. Thankfully their main trap was somewhat the success for though it did not trap all of them, it did trap most of them. While holding the net Luz notice blood and bite marks on her arm from earlier and notice the bat's bites were kind of weak, to the point where she barely felt them.

14 bats remain so there was no time to lose, Luz quickly grabs her sword she left laying near the net and regroup with Gird before standing back to back with Gird before taking a combat stance with her sword in hand. Thankfully the bats were held off as if looking for the perfect moment "I think we can do this, but this next part is going to suck can you bear with it? Faint weakness on 3 then kills as much as you can with one swing." She states tastefully feeling like time was short.

"1,2,3!" and at the moment she said 3 Luz collapse forward to her knees in order to fake weakness so that the bats attack dive forward to attack the both of them Luz would wait until the perfect moment where she can kill the most bats with one swing of her sword at that moment she would use Quick Strike along with her Gift of Dexterity to try to kill or injury at least 4 bats, even if it means letting a few bats attack her first.

Though Luz didn't have time to explain this plan in full detail, the plan was essential to not only trick bats into divide themselves near equally in order to attack the both of them but to kill most of them during there attack to further but down their numbers, that way there wouldn't be enough bats left to do serious damage to them.

Summary: Luz tell Gird to feint weakness with her on the count of 3 so that the Bats would attack them both nearly equally. During the bat's attack, Luz would use Quick Strike to try to at least kill 4 bats as they move in to attack.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Arch frowned slightly as Shirila's name is misspoken. "Shirila is Her name." He took in a deep breath, "And she truly is the Goddess of Nature, I'll see what I can show you about her sometime. I was planning on properly communing tomorrow after introducing some of the new goblins to her..." 'and show them some marvelous things that following her can provide' he was about to say.

He didn't have the chance to do so, however as he understood that this ability Zats was using, may just be something Shirila can help with. This certainly would help him get Her more followers, beyond any practical hunting measure.

"Thank you for the explanation Zats!" Arch said sincerely as soon as he noticed he just stopped talking in the middle of a sentence. This time her attempted a new approach to it. After all, if it was something that worshipping Shirila was a requirement, he might as well ask her guidance! He did have the Earthen Weave to serve as a conduit to speak to Her after all.

Therefore he grasped the Earthen Weave, took in a deep breath and prayed, "Please, Goddess. I know that I've asked much today, but please, help me execute this... ability that Zats uses. If I have your help learning it, I am sure that it will be easier to teach the young goblins to follow you. So please, help me do this."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Day 0 || Morning || Forest

Well someone seemed to have anger issues. That was bothersome. Yet Kir simply shrugged as Argos tried to demean her by saying she 'simply ate up the leftovers the Hobs gave her', though, as frankly it didn't bother her either. Sure she had taken what others brought them, but so what? It was resources to use, and she'd capitalized on that opportunity to give herself a leg up of sorts. It didn't matter how she did it, as she wasn't trying to impress everyone. Admittedly she looked forward to whatever gift that pale Hob had promised her, but all the same she'd apparently made that kind of impact on him with her actions to be given such a thing. It was a simple matter. Sure just shrugging everyone off wasn't good either, that was something she got the impression of in the back of her mind amidst those fuzzy memories, but at the same time obsessing with pleasing them all was nothing to look at either.

But her own thoughts on things aside, she quietly let Argos walk away from her as she stood there, just stomp off into the woods before the one he'd tried to drag off seemed to go after him. Shortly thereafter the two seemed to come back, her brother just silent and there in general. At least Lexi seemed to want to get moving before they lost any more daylight at least. Even so Kir let out a quiet sigh as she looked up at the sun and then back at the forest ahead of them.

"Look, I know the two of you want to make traps, but I'm looking for good supplies and making myself a bow and stuff before doing a little hunting myself first. If you want help on traps after that then feel free to ask me, but until then I'm going to make sure I have something to fight with," she said, looking between Lexi and Aya directly as she spoke before continuing on, glancing back at Argos for the next part, "And look, I didn't mean to rile ya up before. But being stuck in that building for three days has made me my own kind of riled up. So I apologize for all that back there.

Still, if you want to go hunting rather than make a trap I'll be doing so after I get my weapon and such together while these other two start on trap work. You don't have to come if you don't want to, but the offer I made before also stands if you want."

This was a pain, but hopefully one that wouldn't stretch too long out in the end. Blargh. But at this point Kir simplyy gave a silent nod before going to walk deeper into the woods. Time to get to work...finally.

Summary: Kir stood there, stated her intentions to her two sisters after everyone came back to where she was (@TheMushroomLord and @SilverPaw), apologized to Argos to try to genuinely somewhat diffuse tensions (@Jangel13), and has now very blatantly and without hesitation walked out deeper into the forest to get started working.

Kir's intention is to go and make the best bow and the two best arrows she can and the best horned-rabbit-pelt cloak she can. This is so she can made good-enough quality recreations of the arrows to use them effectively, by making the original ones of a high quality. After this, she intends to go hunt a couple of rabbits in the woods with her finished bow and wearing her rabbit-pelt cloak if she can.

If Argos comes along, she'll let him hunt with her without saying a word. If Argos accepts her former offer, after making her stuff she'll help him fashion the horn and fur of his dead rabbit into something of a horned punching glove before she goes hunting.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 35 min ago

Hobgoblin Gird
Run away! >> Swarm Tactics /// Day 0 // Morning

Running from the bats wasn’t the best and they seemed to be able to avoid most of the walls. Continuously getting pecked by them wasn’t helping either, at the very least his bone armor helped to absorb the damage but he wasn’t sure how his companion was doing. The net at the end worked as expected but the bats quickly squealed and drove the rest up and away from them. Gird quickly dispatched many of the bats that were still struggling in the net. Using Blessings of the dead he whispered, “We thank you for your sacrifice, we thank you for what you will provide for us, and we hope that Duvelna accepts you into her fold.” He spoke quickly then joined up with his friend back to back against the hoard.

He wasn’t sure if the goddess would accept these creatures as offerings. This however didn’t make them less dangerous. Luz’s plan seemed simple but she was right, the swarm would only grow if they waited and the bats had the height advantage. Following his friends plan just as she did for him. Gird feigned getting his foot caught in the net as he moved away from her and landed on the ground face first.

The hobgoblin landed so that he would be able to push himself up quickly in order to strike at the swarm. Using a combination of his skills to combat the perusing swarm, unarmed combat, beginner, Sharp Bite, Bloody strike, and Silk spinning. All were combined and used in unison, unarmed combat to raise his overall combat ability using just his teeth and sharp claws, sharp bite and bloody strike to injure or disable as many of the flyers as he could and silk spinning to be used as he swung his arms around to again tangle or catch any of the bats. He wasn’t trying to kill them out right, which could be done later. Right now he was just looking at diminishing their fighting ability.

Summery: @Jangel13 Gird killed a some of the bats trapped in the net quickly so they couldn't escape then offered their souls to Duvelna. then went back to back with @demonspade64Luz and on the count of three faked getting his leg caught in the net and fell to the ground away from her. he positioned himself in a way he could get up easily then used all of his combat skills to injure or disable as many bats as he could to decrease their fighting ability.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Skrik Day 3

The return to familiar paths was not difficult. It also included some notable gains toward Skrik's goal of rearming himself. A fresh supply of numbing poison and six sticks good enough for javelins was a big help. But, this trip back 'home' had disappointments as well.

Skrik was mildly disappointed in his young cousin for leaving his first kill behind, for one. While Skrik had been moving quickly, he had been going in a straight line and not taking steps to hide his trail. Tracking him should have been easy. But, this simple test told him of the thinking of his young cousin. Straight forward and immediate, he should not be relied upon for complex or subtle tasks. Power, simple force, would be his strong suit... at least for now. But, the young will grow and the ignorant will learn. Time would tell. Besides, the decisiveness and sincerity of his young cousin were pleasing and highly positive qualities. This unequal relationship might well become an equal one soon enough, or even become reversed.

That thought brought a smile to his face, though he couldn't tell exactly why.

The greater concern and disappointment was the lack of any wood suitable for a good spear. Without a spear, Skrik was unsure of his odds against more powerful predators. Poison couldn't become a crutch. He was sure that there would be creatures that could shrug off such things. And, even if the poison was effective, it would have to be administered first. That would take speed, cunniung, and strength.

Skrik had also failed to find any of the poisonous berries. Without a stronger poison, challenging that bear and the wolves would be extremely dangerous. Still, there were almost enough materials to work with for the time being.

Skrik led the way to the cave and began to search for stones that were either already sharp or that could be chipped into blades or points. He drew on his memories of his previous sharp stone, seeking others with the same qualities. At the same time, he gave instructions to his young cousin.

"Find vines, sand or gritty dirt, stones that are round and about the size of your fist, and... dry wood. Bring them here as soon as you can. We need to hunt before dark or we will spend the night hungry." Skrik wasn't sure why he asked for dry wood but he had a feeling that it would have something to do with staying warm and safe on the ground. He felt sure that he'd figure it out once the wood was in hand.

Skrik would focus on finding stone blades that would be useful for weapons and tools. As soon as he finished his search for suitable stones, he would use one to shape the sticks he found into javelins and poison half of them. With this, he would have four "(Numbing) Poisoned Light Wooden Javelins" and two "Light Wooden Javelins". This would be enough for a hunt, especially if his young cousin found rounded rocks. His throwing skills would be a good compliment for the Stout Stick. Of course, if he did well in finding everything, then Skrik intended to teach his young cousin a little bit about how to improve that stick. If he finished his own crafting before his young cousin completed his tasks then he would spend a little time improving the rocks that can be sharpened. Ideally, he would produce a couple knife stones, a spear tip, and a heavier blade to add to a club.

@Dark Cloud @Jangel13
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheMushroomLord
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TheMushroomLord I am me... I hope.

Member Seen 5 days ago

Goblin Aya

Aya almost signed aloud as it seemed she’d convinced her brother not to simply throw himself to the wolves, only stopping herself as a means of saving face. It seemed he wanted her to make some kind of weapon for him. Fair enough, she’d been planning to do this if he wasn’t capable of doing it himself anyway, the question was what to make. On the one hand, Aya’s own preference was to put as much distance between herself and her opponent as possible in a fight or better yet not directly confront them, but she doubted that convincing Argos of that would be within her power so she was left to devise something more hands-on. Still, anything was better than nothing at least and he’d said he wanted something to improve his fists, so maybe knuckles of some kind? “Um… I guess after we're done hunting I could make you something to brace and protect your fists so you could punch harder without risk. Ideally, I’d make something with some heft so you could get more force out of your punches but for the time being we’re probably going to be stuck using bone and wood. It should still allow you to punch harder without hurting yourself and a smaller impact surface would increase the damage you could deal…” Aya realised she was rambling so she trailed off and retreating back into her head again.

As much as she wanted to ponder the ideas for weapon designs that were beginning to surface for which she definitely didn’t have the tools, materials or know-how to make, right now Aya had a more important task and that was to gather the materials for the tools she could make. The only problem was now that she was looking for it she couldn’t seem to find the vital component her ideas had hinged on, a stand-in for rope. She’d been hoping for vines but there were none in sight and in hindsight had probably been unreasonable to hope for ones that would be flexible enough to work into a net in the first place. The alternative was to break up other plants for fibres and work those into rope, which while time-consuming would be a better solution in the long term anyway, but looking around now none of the shrubbery seemed like the kind she could break down without a time investment beyond what she could put in for now, certainly not without having the right tools first.

Aya was about to ask Lexie for suggestions, given she'd shown interest in the rope plan, only to realise that they’d wandered off at some point. Worse still, sister Kir was now saying she planned to go off hunting without traps and was inviting Argos along. Actually, that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, all things considered, Kir was obviously at least fairly intelligent and could violate physics so they’d be fine and the fact that she was now talking to Argos was also great, if anything their mutual head-on approach made them a far better match up without Aya getting in the way. Still, that wasn't exactly great for Aya.

Should she just give in and go hunting without making every advantage she could for herself? She really didn’t want to without knowing anything in advance. Move further away to search for materials? A much better idea but still risky, especially the prospect of crafting in the middle of nowhere. Maybe just pray to Shirila and hope that easy pray would come straight to her? She had no reason to assume the gods of this world actually existed or that they would respond in any case, even if she did know the proper rites to worship them. Wait, why did she know that? It wasn’t something the elder had gone into in that much depth... Was it another case in which by learning a bit she’d somehow attained a wealth of related knowledge? If that was the case then she’d totally been going about her lack of information in the wrong way this entire time, all she needed to do was understand enough that she could spontaneously learn the rest, in fact, if the number of mistakes she’d noticed after learning to craft was any indications her understanding of the subject didn’t even need to be strictly correct.

Aya was getting excited at the prospect of learning something new, both in terms of understanding how this spontaneous learning worked and hopefully learning about the ecology of the local creatures, or better yet just ecology in general. Having hyped herself with this plan to the point that she found herself rationalising that she could look for materials as she went, while completely ignoring the risks that would normally be plaguing her mind around that point. “It doesn’t look like there’s anything I can use as rope here so I'm going to go looking for something further out and to scout out anything that it looks like we could hunt safely while I'm at it. Okay? I’ll tell you guys if I find anything worthwhile.”

Even as excited as she was Aya still maintained a degree of her usual paranoia and while she figured the horn Argos had given her would work as a decent weapon until she could get make something better having the other hand empty didn’t exactly do much to help her either so after a brief moment to look around Aya picked up a sizable stone that had long since fallen from the crumbling church, before she beginning to move away from said church and into the wild, al the while trying to spy any subjects for her analysis and mumbling to herself about the creatures she’d already seen.

The horned rabbits were most likely herbivores considering what Aya knew about rabbits and creatures with horns, though now that she thought about it Aya cursed her own stupidity for not thinking to check out the creature's teeth when she’d had the chance. If she had to guess perhaps the horn had once been a tool for digging or pulling up roots that had then later evolved into a more defensive weapon. Given that Aya was pretty sure that rabbits were meant to live in burrows for safety and that she couldn’t imagine the horns making that lifestyle all that easy she guessed that there was probably a predator that could hunt the rabbits in their burrows, thus leading the this otherwise disadvantages evolution and that there was a strong possibility that the horned rabbits didn’t even live in burrows.

Moving on to the only other species she’d had gotten a good look at thus far Aya went back over everything she’d already guessed about goblins. They grew almost impossibly fast, probably survived via throwing extreme numbers at things and having the lucky ones propagate by chance and probably had some unknown method for suddenly gaining large amounts of knowledge. As for their growth, Aya had noticed that the goblins seemed to come in two sizes with a large gap in between, at first she’d assumed this meant that goblins somehow synchronised their births to ensure the maximum number of newborns released into the wild at once, especially since that seemed to be supported by the large litter she’d been born into, but this theory fell apart when she realised that there were small goblins that were not part of her generation, did goblins go through specific growth spurts, that might mean they lived longer than she’d worried about, or perhaps it was some other epigenetic response that grew them to specific sizes. The sudden bursts of knowledge proved to be harder to explain, perhaps the goblins shared some kind of pseudo-hivemind that let them learn things from one another, which might explain the apparent disinterest in teaching the new generations before sending them off. Actually, that might not be a goblin unique phenomena, perhaps even the rabbits could do it.

@Jangel13@Crusader Lord

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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bat soup...

The hobs had managed to feint weakness and cause the bats to dive in for the kill not knowing they had fallen into yet another trap as the hobs had attacked the second the bats got close they were able to kill most of them with only two surviving the skirmish and screeched loudly before escaping knowing that without numbers the bats had no way of truly defeating the goblins. As they took the moment to see the effects of their battle they would then tally a total of 27 out of the full 30 bats they had fought with were either dead or captured by the two.

Hobs Gird and Luz gained 3x27XP:81XP! Hobs Gird and Luz gained the following skills after eating the bats:
Echolocation: The ability to hear noises clearly within their immediate vicinity by creating a sound eg.a snap of the fingers, click of the tongue etc.
Vampirism: the ability to regain health by drinking the blood of other creatures
Nocturnal: Gain bonuses to both sight and sound when at night, during the day makes seeing farther distances harder.
Equilibrium: ability to balance on precarious positions like being upside down and still being able to identify the proper directions

@Haeo@Dark Cloud

As the two had gotten into the hobs old camp area and was disappointed not to find any worthy sticks of making a spear with they gave the younger goblin orders to find sharp stones. After a few moments of searching the goblin would soon find the stones the elder hob had mentioned small stones as big as their fists that looked ready to be chipped away. However the young goblin found something interesting and in searching within the dirt he would find a dark almost black glass like stone that looked so sharp it would cut his finger just from a touch. Question was would he bring this to the attention of his elder hob or would he keep this to himself for an advantage?

Grik has discovered: Obsidian


Earthen weaves call

The hob would soon commune with the chosen goddess and while she had been quiet as of late the idea of inspiring the young goblins to worship would push her to help. The weave would then shake in his hand and would soon strike his skin as if the plants that made the weave became needles and injected themselves into his arm coiling around his forearm and wrist in a painful manner until just as sudden it started it ended. Now a literal flower bloomed in his wrist but the roots appeared to be inside his very muscles and bones. As he would think to move a stone towards him the stone came to him quickly and forced him to duck or hit himself with his own new power.

Hobgoblin Arch lost earthen weave
Hobgoblin Arch Earthen weave transformed into: Earth conduit Without a natural affinity for magic the goddess had to take more drastic measures with what little power she owned. The weave has now engrained itself into the hobs very muscles and bone structures giving him a literal conduit towards earth and earth based magics now powered by his own stamina rather then mana

@TheMushroomLord@Crusader Lord

Argos nodded silently as he listened to his sister start to talk over his head about bones and smaller impact radius. This was why he asked for help, things like this just flew over his head. He just wanted to be able to punch better. Argos didn't consider himself dumb by any sense but he knew when to ask for someone intelligent to help rather then go off half cocked. As they walked back over to Kir he listened as she apologized for what she did and Argos couldn't help but sigh a bit and said "sorry for insulting you, so lets just hunt and get this over with I really need to punch something" he said and quietly followed both of them as they let Kir lead the way into the forest to get what she wanted before they could finally hunt properly. All this talking was making him hungry.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hobgoblin Zats

Zats was confused when Arch took out his bracelet and prayed to it but that confusion soon turned to actual horror as it seemed to fuse with the other Hobgoblin in a painful manner. "A..are you alright?" eventually the fusion seemed to stop and instead of the bracelet Arch now had a flower of some kind growing out of him.

Zats quickly realized this could be serious and decided they needed to talk to Grandpa. Figuring it might not be a good idea to touch Arch and not knowing if he could move on his own he figured that it was for the best if he went and brought the Elder over. "Wait here, I'm going to get help."

Since this clearly had something to with Shirila Zats wished Gina was there, sure his girlfriend did not know as much as Grandpa but she was still the High Priesteres. He pushed those thoughts away and focused on the matter at hand, as he could already see his target.

"Grandpa, grandpa! Something is wrong with Arch. I was showing him a skill, when that bracelet of his fused with him and now he has a flower growing out of his arm!"

@Darked13 @Jangel13

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hobgoblin Luz

Blood for dayz


The bats had fallen for the trap hook, line, and sinker allowing Luz and Gird to quickly cut down their numbers before the rest of the group could cause any meaningful damage to them. Afterwords Luz starts pulling bats off her and then starting biting off chuck off their necks before throwing them to the floor to die. Soon enough the bats realize how out match they were a retreat with what they had left, leaving the captured bats alive.

At the sight of their retreat, Luz smiled and laugh very lightly before she began supporting herself with her sword. She began catching her breath before turning to Gird. "Looks like we won, are you okay?" She asked him wiping the bat blood on her cheek with the back of her hand which also was cover in blood from her wounds on her forearm, which made the attempt pointless. She then sighs."...God damn it." She said sounding slightly annoyed.

She then grabbed a few pieces of the bats off the ground before handing them to him. "Here start eating? I'm going to kill the rest of the bats before they can find a way to escape the webs." She told him calmly.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Wan Baw Mcgraw

Day 0, Morning, Church

The young goblin woke up from having a strange dream, he did not know what it meant but it was oddly inspiring. Rubbing the sleepies out of his eyes, he stood up from his bed. The past couple of days provided him with quite a lot of ideas for inventions. And because he was old enough to be on his own, he was planning on convincing the protector of the goblin children to venture out in the world. But he noticed the old goblin running with his kin, screaming something about a fire. He didn't really care much about some fire that could be put out.

Taking in his current surroundings. The first thing he wanted to see or get his hands on was some building materials, he had some ideas while in the church of what kind of inventions he could build. However he was not sure if any of his people had the materials needed, and if he waltzes into a human village he would most likely be killed.

"Wot the fuck am I gonna do." The techy goblin was starting to walk around asking around for anyone to join his venture out in the world.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Despite gritting his teeth and using as his willpower, Arch screamed in pain as he felt the roots burrowing into his muscles and bones. Still he held on as he knew this was definitely a part of a grander thing by the Goddess. After all, he was doing everything he could for Her. The pain eventually disappeared, as suddenly as it came, and with that Arch could finally relax. Not even spending time to take note of how the bracelet was looking or anything, he attempted to pull a stone with as much willpower as he could gather (something he failed to do just a while earlier and failed). To his surprise the stone came quickly at him, just as he had visualized. He ducked under the stone, making it bounce against the wall behind him and then a few times on the ground.

He laughed loudly for a few moments, in triumph before thanking the Goddess, "Thank you, Shirila for this gift! I'll be sure to use it well!" He turned to Zats and Goblin Grandpa, "There is no need to worry! I am doing well and better than ever!" Only now did he stop to have a proper look at the bracelet, and himself. He could feel it rooted inside, and better, he could see the flower. Although it was just a flower, it did remind him of the Goddess' Child he had met who had a tree on his back.

He smiled widely as he said, "Look, completely fine! Shirila has blessed me! See?" That said,, he extended his hand towards the rock he just ducked under, and tried to pull it to his hand with just enough strength so that he could hold it. This should be enough of a show, at least for the goblin that awoke late, and maybe even for Zats, so that he could later attempt to do it as well.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago


// Day 3 // Afternoon // After the Search //

Interaction: @Haeo

Grik considered keeping the strange rock as it looked useful, however Skrik may reward Grik if he brought the black rock to him and that sounded much better than taking an item he didn't know how to use properly. After considering this he collected the various stones he found in one hand while he carefully held the strange rock in the other as he made his way back to where he last spoke with the hobgoblin Skrik.

"Skrik," the young goblin excitedly exclaimed as he quickly made his way over to the hobgoblin "Skrik I found something very strange in the dirt." Grik told his cousin as knelt to put the stones down beside Skrik.

Grik stood from the ground then he stepped closer to Skrik, and held out his hand so his cousin could look at it closely. "Skrik do you know what it is?" Grik asked the hobgoblin.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 35 min ago

Hobgoblin Gird
Swarm Tactics >> well deserved rest /// Day 0 // Morning > Afternoon

It worked, a bit of an issue here and there but it worked. Only a couple bats escaped from the colony and they were left with the rest. The bats were dead and he could finally satiate his hunger, even Luz seemed to be enjoying herself. Gird did not wait to dig into their catch leaning up against the tree as he did to catch his breath and rest.

The bats tasted ok but they would do for now, these new skills were about what he expected although the drawbacks were not. He could almost feel his hearing get better and better the more bats he ate, the light from the sun seemed to bother him a bit more but he even felt the pain from his wounds slowly dull as he ate their flesh and drank their blood.

As he neared the end of his portion of bats he found himself just starring at the last 4 bats. Something didn’t seem right, almost as if something deep down was telling him that the bats were not ready to be eaten just yet. The pale hobgoblin continued to eat just the wings from the four bats and set what was left next to him. Slowly he began to dig a hole next to the tree and placed the small bones of the bats that he did not consume as well as whatever scraps were left with some portions of his webbing into the hole and buried it.

“Again we thank you for your sacrifice, through you we grow stronger, and may you return to Duvelna to rest forever in peace.” There was always peace and order in death and the small prayer he made was all that he knew he could as he waited for Luz to return from gathering the bats trapped in the rest of the webs. He would wait for her and rest letting his food digest and to regain his energy. During this time the hobgoblin would ponder what to do next.

They were already north east from the church, farther north west from them were the spiders and he could get better thread control from them if they went that way. The snakes may be a good idea for later then there was always the possibility of whatever goblin grandpa told them to the far north. A beast of legend, something even he wasn’t sure of only that it was there. Girds curiosity and want to find a challenge sparked his interest. Once Luz returned he would ask her what she thought.

Once Luz returned, “Luz now that we are rested and fed do you still want to come with me? I am having a craving for more spiders but more so. I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that terrifies me. The thought of some beast of legend roaming the northern forests. We are already close to the area and the thought of even just seeing such a beast fills my heart with excitement.”

Summary: @Jangel13while resting Gird ate all but four of his bats other than their wings and buried what was left of the other bats he had eaten. He buried them next to him and said a small prayer. While resting he thought of what to do next, he wants more spiders but also wants to find the legendary beast to the far north. After Luz@demonspade64 returned he would ask her what she thought of where he wanted to go next.

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