Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by musicway
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Eh.. on second thought I think you have enough people.. ^ ^' Wasn't really sure about the whole anime-ish setting, anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, so...I'm moving to a new place tonight and I'm not sure if I'll have internet access there immediately, so I apologise in advance if I take a while to post again after today...or during today, since I'm still not done packing, ehe.

Now then, profiles:

Juliet: Looks good to me. Accepted.

Angelo: I'm not sure about the contract, mainly in terms of its personality. I don't mind bad characters in the RP, but I'm less willing to accept something that's pure evil.

Kermack: I'm afraid I can't accept this. As I said in the OP, the RP's meant to be fairly light-hearted, which his backstory doesn't really seem to fit in with. Also, I'm not sure about the fact that apparently he's meant to come off as approachable, but at the same time does his best to make sure most of the student body fears him as someone that could flip out and eat them at a moment's notice.

Mira: Accepted.
Sakura: Accepted.

Natsuki: Looks good so far.

Momo: Accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aqua Regis
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Aqua Regis Gentleman Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The idea is he is almost a manifestation of the constant temptation from Angelo's dark side, Angelo himself isn't a bad person. He just has a lot of anger and hasn't really found a purpose so he has just slid further and further into delinquency.

It gives the character plenty of flexibility in terms of where he goes like starting as a minor villain and then finding redemption or losing control and becoming part of a larger big bad
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldmarble

Goldmarble Old

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

No problem, good luck with the game.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

•Name: Aaron Conway
•Age: 17
•Personality: Cool and aloof, Aaron doesn't let anything stress him out. His constant calm attitude makes it easy for him to make friends. He's also unapologetically lazy. His relaxed nature is actually a result of his laziness. He doesn't want to have to bother with a stupid thing like stress, even less than he wants to deal with a stupid thing like work. He's surprisingly smart, he just never applies himself.
•Clubs: The Official "Sleeping In Club"
•Brief Backstory: He grew up in New York City with his parents. He absolutely loves the city life, though he does wish he could have had a yard growing up. His favorite hobbies are paying his violin and listening to music. His mother was a musician, and it was her who taught him how to play. His mother is also responsible for his unfortunate relocation to Covenant Academy. *Sigh* She meant well, but this meant that he had to actually put effort into something. What a pain.
•Contract(s): Ouroboros

Contracted Beings:
•Name: Aura
•Type: Ouroboros
•Personality: Friggin' snake needs to learn to keep her tail to herself. If he didn't know better, he'd peg her for a succubus. She's always wrapping around his body underneath his clothes, for warmth really, but that doesn't make it any less uncomfortable. She's quiet and observant of her surroundings (usually watching from out Aaron's sleeve or pant leg), but that goes out the window whenever she sees something gold. Aura loves gold, and it works better than katnip whenever Aaron wants her to get off him for a while. A gold coin thrown out a window usually keeps her away for a good twenty minutes. She's greedy towards other things with value as well, but she goes crazy for gold in particular. Her infatuation with Aaron makes it an extremely unwise move to harm him. Aaron himself has to avoid doing anything to really upset her for fear of falling victim to her cold fury.
•Powers: A thin, near-invisible armor of metal scales covers Aaron's body. The scales are both extremely tough, capable of stopping a bullet fired at point-blank range, and extremely abrasive, shredding through skin faster than an industrial sander. The scales quickly shed after contact and flake off, becoming momentarily visible before disappearing. It has the appearance of golden flower petals falling off of Aaron's body and then twinkling out of existence. By making larger scales, he can make the armor fully visible (it looks like golden snakeskin) and make simple weapons out of the shed scales, which can be controlled for a few seconds as they fall off. The most common scale constructs are a sword, a shield, projectiles, and a hoverboard. The latter is tricky to get used to, since he has to replace the scale he's standing on every few seconds, but it's a lot of fun.
•Fusion: Huge golden scales cover Aaron's body completely. In this state he can freely control the scales and is able to move and shape them into many configurations, like wings, a tail, a huge pair of jaws, a chainsaw, etc. When Aura's personality takes over, they take the shape is that of a huge golden cobra, with Aaron crucified on the inside of its hood.
•Summon: Aura takes the form of a small serpent, made completely of golden scales. Her eyes are glittering green emeralds, the only part of he that isn't solid gold. She can change her length and size at will by adding or absorbing scales, but she only takes full size with Aaron's permission. At full size, she is over forty feet long and easily capable of swallowing a person whole. Her only real power is being a gigantic metal snake that's a real pain to get rid of once released. Oh, and she turns any nearby metal into gold. She doesn't seem to like the gold she's made as much as natural gold though. At this point, Aaron is sick of seeing gold and is perfectly happy giving the stuff away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anderiel
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character Sheet complete.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stein
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Stein That's Queen Stein, thank you.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

If this is still open, I would definitely like to express interest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diomedes


Member Offline since relaunch

Is there still room? If so, I'm definately in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RavenxVoid
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

^ Same question as above
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Okay, um, I know that Tachi is very busy at the moment, so he might not be able to respond for a little while. I think it's still open to signups, but, um, I don't know for sure and you're probably better off waiting until he can respond.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Um, signing up again since I forgot that the signup from the other place deleted

Name: Roland Wright
Age: 16 most of the time
Appearance: Most of the time Roland has messy black hair that tangles up and falls over at least one of if not both of his brown eyes. Roland is usually around 5'4" in height and ridiculously pale due to his powers making it more than a little difficult for him to get a tan.
Personality: Roland is a huge fan of anime and video-games of multiple genres ever since he was little. This has an unusual effect on his worldview, as these days he sees himself as the protagonist of his own story, causing him to try and act like a hot-blooded and "cool" hero.
Even though he's somewhat delusional Roland really does work hard to protect Covenant Academy and its residents and sees each and every one of the people he knows as characters with an important role to play, striving for a "Best Ending" where people can live in happiness and peace.
Brief Backstory: Roland contracted with a Phoenix at a young age thinking that it would help him become a hero! Instead his contract mainly got him into trouble when his attempts to "defend the weak" from bullies got local parents up in arms against him and slapped him with a label as a budding juvenile delinquent. Hoping that being around other people like him would help keep him out of trouble, Roland's parents shipped him off to Covenant Academy, where he's been ever since the start of middle school. Luckily he's been able to properly try and defend others since, earning him a place on the Covenant Academy Security Team
Contract(s): A Phoenix
Contracted Beings: Name: (Optional)
Type: A western-style Phoenix
Powers: The primary power Roland gained from contracting with the Phoenix was the ability to magically generate and manipulate flames and their heat. This also comes with a secondary power of being almost totally immune to damage from heat and flame, or at least to the extent of not burning himself via proximity. The actual secondary power granted to Roland by the Phoenix contract is Rejuvination, in that he can heal himself of just about anything up to mortal injuries, but doing so reverts him to an 8-year-old form temporarily. While in this state his flame powers are greatly diminished and he is unable to heal again until he re-ages.
Personality: n/a
Fusion: Roland's hair becomes a fiery red, yellow and orange color reminiscent of flames, with spike-filled styling to match. His eyes also become reddish colored and he gains the ability to generate flaming wings from his back that let him fly at high speeds. His flames also become much more powerful. However while in this state he loses access to his healing abilities.
Summon: like a big bird of prey. Made of fire. The Phoenix is about the size of a Philippine or Harpy Eagle and can generally hurtle around like a feather-y fireball with talons attached. It can also heal others or itself of major injuries at which point it becomes something a lot closer to [url]http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/the-random-creatures-of-anime/images/13867817/title/chibi-phoenix-photo?ir=true] this [/url] and vanishes soon after.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hisami


Member Offline since relaunch

This is it I think, maybe I'll edit later to add some details and stuff~

•Name: Hiro Yamada
•Age: 16


Hiro is quite energetic person. He's rash and reckless, but in time of need he becomes focused and steady. He can be quite stubborn sometimes and gets in trouble because of that, but he doesn't mean any harm(mostly). Hiro is talkative with people close to him and likes to challenges. He's also quite clumsy but Hayate helps him get by.

Currently none, but is looking to join one sometime.

•Brief Backstory:
Hiro had normal childhood, was a good student and liked by others, but he was quite clumsy. While young, he would hurt himself a lot, once endangering his life. His parents were worried and tried to find a way to protect him. A friend of his father was a contractor and proposed contracting a spirit which would protect him. Soon after Hiro contracted his first spirit, Hayate. Hayate was quite young spirit and enjoyed Hiro's company. Slowly Hiro stopped tripping and falling constantly, it was due to Hayate's ability as Wind Spirit. He would make sure that Hiro always had his balance. As Hiro gew older he started exploring Hayate's powers. He joined Covenant Academy to learn to use those powers and learn more about spirits.
•Contract(s): Hayate, the Wind Spirit

Contracted Beings:
•Name: Hayate
•Type: Spirit

Hayate is gentle and playful spirit, he's quite young even thought he likes to act experienced. He's fond of Hiro as both contractor and a friend and will do anything to help him.

•Powers: Hiro has accelerated speed and can make any object sharp. He's still learning to control these powers.
•Fusion: Hiro gets armor of wind which can block most ranged attacks and negate some of damage by blunt objects. Appearance wise he stays mostly the same.
•Summon: Hayate is weak by himself and doesn't like being summoned for battle. But if summoned he appears as wind which strength varies on his mood(i.e. he will be soft breeze if in state of peace, but in state of anger he will cause a small storm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sorry I took so long to respond, we forgot to take my computer out of the truck yesterday and when it finally got here today, it turned out there was no internet and I had to go get some ridiculously expensive USB modem set up. I'm afraid I'm kind of exhausted at the moment, so I'll have to put off talking about profiles until tomorrow. I'm definitely still accepting characters though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 1 yr ago

This is a CS for a contractor being, so if anyone is interested in forming a contract with this nice (mean) yokai just give a shout :)

This is a CS for a contractor being, so if anyone is interested in forming a contract with this nice (mean) yokai just give a shout :)

Name: Wakahisa Kuro
Type: Yokai
Personality: Will expand more
Kuro is a reserved being. Soft spoken in demeanor, this boy gives off the impression of a quiet, if slightly indifferent creature. This image however is not true. Beneath the first layer of politeness, the young yokai has a sarcastic streak that accompanies his playfully mean spirited personality. A quick, sharp tongue will cut anyone not prepared for his wit. With an intellect that exceeds most expectations when laying eyes on his blank visage, Kuro is a yokai in the truest sense; cunning, selfish and out for more. This does not mean that he is inherently evil; He simply knows what he wants and will do a lot to achieve it. As his affection and loyalty for his contractor develops, he will likely use this uncompromising self-interest for the good of that student that chose him.
On the outside a calm, if slightly cold boy, blank eyes will often stare indifferently at the world. Keeping his hands in his pocket most of the time, this boy has a certain légère kind of attitude that speaks of silent self confidence and being at peace with himself.
Following his nature as a yokai, Kuro is very self-reliant. He knows how to do things for himself, by himself. If it wasn't for his contractor, this boy would probably be roaming the world, doing whatever he pleased. However, bound to a mortal by mismatched fate, kuro grumpily stays by his contractors side and, though not entirely willingly, lends them their power.
Kuro is a very young yokai, in comparison to the other members of his kind. Having just reached the age of 50, this boy is yet to achieve anything of merit both on the yokai realm and the world of mortals. However, his powers are already remarkable for someone so young, and he has just begun making a name for himself.
For reasons he cannot quite discern himself, Kuro has taken a liking to cats. Obviously, he would never admit to this, and only in the most subtle of actions will his love for anything feline be visible to the knowing eye.

Powers: Time warp. -Details TBA-
I'm not sure how exactly yet, but I want Kuro to rotate around the themes of time and darkness

Fusion: -To be discussed-

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Natsuki: She looks like a lot of fun to me. Although, I'm a little iffy on some of the luck based stuff. I just want to clarify, but, how far does the summon's luck manipulation go? Um, as in, I'm not sure if I'm misinterpreting it, but it seemed to me as if it might be a bit of an "I win" button, in terms of making anything her opponent does fail horribly while anything she does turns out perfectly.

Aaron: I'm not sure about this one. More specifically, I'm not sure about the contract, as I can't really find anything relating the Ouroboros to gold (feel free to correct me if I'm just missing something) which...seems to make up almost all of the power set except for the "giant snake" based parts. Which I find a little odd, as most of what I've read about it seems to link the Ouroboros to immortality.

Roland: Accepted!

Hiro: Accepted.

Enigma: Just out of interest, when you say "time warp", what's that likely to involve?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yo Tachi, do I have to make a CS for Iris to use her abilities? I never intended on summoning her at all, or communicating with her much (she's quite busy.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yeah. At the very least so I know what she's actually capable of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aqua Regis
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Aqua Regis Gentleman Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aqua Regis said
The idea is he is almost a manifestation of the constant temptation from Angelo's dark side, Angelo himself isn't a bad person. He just has a lot of anger and hasn't really found a purpose so he has just slid further and further into delinquency.It gives the character plenty of flexibility in terms of where he goes like starting as a minor villain and then finding redemption or losing control and becoming part of a larger big bad

so we ok?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ah, right. Sorry. Um, I'm not sure if I'm misinterpreting, but, contracted beings are independent existences, so you might get a demon, but you wouldn't get something like a manifestation of the contractor's dark side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aqua Regis
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Aqua Regis Gentleman Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

hmmm maybe represents is better, or takes on the role of his dark inner voice. Cause you know, he wants to cause as much mayhem as possible
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