Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A long time ago, when castles conquered the land and Kings sat in their thrones. And when monsters ravaged the peaceful lands. There was one that roamed the deep dark woods near the kingdom of Calviar, a forest citizens fear. It is said a beast lives there and anyone who enters, never returns. Many brave knights have ventured into the forest, in a chance to slay the beast and bring everlasting peace for their king. Yet they were never successful. Rumors of vicious snarls, agonized screams, and fearsome howls that came from the forest spread so much that people feared for their lives in their own home. But the beast had never stepped out of its home...

The full moon hung brilliantly above the dark sky that was decorated in beautiful starlight. The forest a pitch black, save for a few clearings that showed this. One particular clearing had a gentle waterfall with a pool at the bottom, and a gentle stream. White flowers decorating the clearing that glowed brilliantly under the moonlight.

A very large figure padded along the clearing, fur black as night and eyes a bright glowing blue. It looked like a wolf, but it was about the size of a horse. Her name was Zari, a werewolf that lived in this dark forest. The beast everyone feared. Stretching out, she glanced to the cave behind the waterfall which she used as her home. To be honest, it was a bit lonely being here all alone. Yet there was no one of her kind. Snorting she padded through the dark woods, fluffy tail swishing as her ears perked in alert as she listened for any intruders.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

The kingdom of Calviar has stood though many wars, the great light grey stone walls of the castle stretching far enough to protect it’s the castle from the dangers believed to stalk the dark woods that surrounded the outermost castle walls. Despite the protection and well trained guards of the king, still many villagers of the busy and crowded towns which lay near the stayed as far from the woods as possible. Living in fear that the beast within the forest would attack the village, and drag them into the woods at night.

All but one, inside the great castle, there was one person who didn’t believe in this great beast that lived in the woods killing any who dared to enter. Princess Grace was the third daughter to the king was much more adventurous and reckless than her other two older sisters, likely caused by the fact she was the youngest. She didn’t believe in this beast that stalked the woods, not truly anyway. No one was said to see this fearsome and vicious beast, it was most likely just something the villagers and her father had made u to scare their children away from going into the woods. Foolishly the rincess wanted to be the first one to prove this story was not true.

Little did many people know there were ways of getting out of the castle straight to the woods. Quietly the young princess snuck through one the many unnoticed cracks in the stone walls, and headed into the woods. The young woman was actually slightly tall for her age, standing at around 5’6, long dark maroon red hair that flowed down past her shoulders and emerald green eyes. A copper and golden hooded cape with castle Calviar fancy seal upon it, wrapped around her light pink dress, protecting her from the coldness of the full moon night. A smarter person would not be foolish to go on a night such as this with only a small dagger to protect them.

Around the time Grace was halfway into the woods, the guards would notice the fact that she was gone and would likely come looking for her. However that was silly, for there was nothing in the woods, right? The princess made marks into the trees to lead her way home as she walked with the dagger. Unknowingly making her way to the wolfs clearing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Step by step, the massive beast creeped through the woods, winding its way among the trees with ease. It was a peaceful night, a full moon in fact. A night in which she was at her strongest. Because of this fact, she figured no one would dare wander into these woods. Course, no one really lived to tell the tale of the beast that lived in the woods. Of course, she kept it that way, for she did not want to be bothered by petty humans. They only wanted to fight and mount her as a prize! Humans were selfish, taking more land and slaughtering those who are different. This was a reason why she didn't usually hesitate in returning the favor. Even if the wolf showed kindness, they would only skin her in return. So what other choice was there but to seclude herself and kill humans who wander in her home?

It was to her surprise, that a unfamiliar scent drifted against her sensitive nose. A smell of sweet flowers and fine silks. It also stunk of human.. A soft growl rumbled in her throat, her ears lowering in aggression. A human out in this hour? Were they crazy? Well... They would regret making such a foolish decision. Perhaps she would play with them before killing them? Run them down until they are exhausted. Chase them deeper into the forest and watch as they get lost? Mhmm yes that sounded like a plan. After all, she had all the time in the world.

Quickly picking up the pace, the wolf snuck toward her target who did not even bother to attempt to hide themself. They smelled and made plenty of noise. Moving among the shadows, she kept herself hidden until she found tonight's prey. Again, to her surprise it was a young human girl. With red hair and emerald eyes. Pretty tall, yet young... Usually it's knights who braved the woods or men who wants the coin for her head. A woman was a bit foreign, and she couldn't help but be a little curious.

Wincing a little as her bloody heart twisted, Zari felt the familiar pang of loneliness. A feeling of yearning for a companion. Why now? With this human girl? Pfft how ridiculous. But... It was a full moon... No that was a bit cruel. That was selfish and the werewolf would be no better than a human. Still, it's not like it would kill her. Snorting to shake the thoughts away, her blue eyes narrowed as she crouched as her gaze fixated upon the strange woman.

With a fearsome snarl, she lept behind the woman, her massive body blocking the path that led back to the city. If there was one thing, she couldn't exactly allow this girl to escape. One way or another... Black fur bristling, teeth bared, her massive paws padded closer. Blue eyes watching the humans every move, waiting for a reaction. Would she run? Or fight? Or simply collapse?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Grace didn’t bother to hide herself because it would be useless; the most she would find in these woods would be deer, which would run from her. Or a bear in which she would climb a tree to get away from. She turned for a moment, the feeling of being watched was strong, and a smarter person would have turned around and tried to go home. Grace though continued marking the tree for a way home. The loud wolfs snarl caught her attention, and she turned to see the very thing that she believed to not be real.

The wolf was larger than the ones her father proudly hunted and placed on the walls of his trophy room. She hated that room, who would place something’s head on the wall? She stared at the wolf for only a moment, the pitch black fur and bright glowing blue eyes, before realizing that it was moved closer and blocking her way home. The fight or flight instinct kicked in than, and she quickly tugged on the hilt of her dagger to protect herself. The only thing was, when she noticed the wolf, she dug her dagger into the tree deeper. Or maybe it was because of the slight panic she was feeling, either way she was unable to get the dagger out of the trees bark.

With the ability to protect herself clearly gone, she had no choice but to choose flight. She slowly took a few steps backwards, making sure to look any were but the wolf’s eyes as she did. The princess didn’t want to challenge the wolf; she wanted to be as far away as possible from it. Taking a few more steps back she muttered a few words about the wolf not being real, before taking off running deeper into the forest as fast as she could, in hopes outsmarting the wolf, to find a way around back to her safe castle.

However she didn’t know that the wolf was planning on getting her lost in the first place. As it was Grace had no clue where so ever she was going, having never been in these woods .There might have even been another kingdom on the other side of these woods for all she knew. At least that was what she hoped, and that she would find it shortly, and be safely out of these woods, that beast wouldn’t be able to get to her that way. Though she should have been paying more attention to where she was running, instead that thought.

However she wasn’t and didn’t see the huge tree limb that blocked her path, causing her to trip, and go rolling down a hill. Landing her roughly on her back, and knocking the air out of her, Grace laid there on her back trying to catch her breath, looking up at the moon in the sky. She was exhausted, and hurting from the trip. Her cloak was ripped in a few places from running through the brush. Not to mention that, though she didn’t want to admit it, she was possibly crying as well…..just a little bit. Hearing what sounded like a branch, her eyes quickly looked around to see if it was the wolf again or another animal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Blue eyes watching the girl intently, never leaving the preys form as the human seemed to accidentally dug their dagger deeper into a tree. Obviously losing any slim chance of defending herself. Each moment, her massive black form padded closer, a low growl rumbling in her chest. Zari watched the fear and disbelief appear in this girl's face as she took a few fearful steps backwards. Why? Did she not believe the tales of the villagers? What a shame... Coming here without realizing the rumors we're true. Now, her life was the price of this tragic mistake.

Just then, the human's instinct kicked in and she took flight. Perhaps thinking inside the wolf could be outsmarted. Fool... Many have thought that, brave knights have come and tried and died. In a swift motion, the werewolf took off after the human, easy keeping up and staying within sight. Werewolves could easily outrun horses, so she really didn't have to move fast to keep up with a apparently groomed human girl. Still, she would follow and block this new prey from escaping though the forest stretched for miles. The human girl would never be able to make it, Zari doubted at least.

However, the human girl's panic got the better of her and she made a mistake. Tripping and falling down a hill, Zari watched as the human landed roughly below before padding carefully to the bottom and stalking closer. Right up until she was right next to her. Giving another growl at the human girl, curling her lips and lowering her ears. Though she stopped when she noticed the tears, ears perking slightly. It was probably cruel do toy with her, so perhaps she should just end this?

Slowly, she loomed over the human, paws moving to pin down the arms. Baring her teeth slightly as she prepared to bite. Perhaps the final blow... At least make it as quick and painless as possible. Yeti she still found herself hesitating. Women and children were always the hardest to kill.... Even most times she allowed children to go. This girl didn't seem to have intention in actually hunting her,,, but she was old enough to know what she was. Or what she thinks she was...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Grace’s chest heaved up and down slightly as she tried to catch her breath again, her eyes, blurred from the tears she was notcrying, looking around for the wolf until she spotted it moving closer to her growling. As much as she wanted to get up and start running for her life again the lack of breath made that impossible right now. When got closer to her though, it’s ears perked up and stopped growling at her as she watched it, it looked like it was thinking and for just a second she thought it was going to let her go. She had mat the same made a simple mistake, if the beast was smart enough to know why she was crying, it had to understand that right?

The beast loomed over her however, pinning arms down, which even though it hesitated made Grace cry even harder, her eyes showing total fear. No, no please don’t kill me! She mouthed the words though no words came out of her mouth. At least not until the beast finally bit down into her flesh, the pain making her catch her breath again. She screamed out in pain, tears rolling down her face now as she went into full panic mode.

She was trying to beg for the wolf to let her go, but her words came out mumbled from the loud pain filled crying. At the same time she moved her hands trying to push the beast’s paws off her arms, her knees pulling up under it to try and push the thing off of her. If she was going to be killed in the forest, by something that shouldn’t be real, she wasn’t going do so easily. She would make sure if the beast had a heart that it would feel regret for killing her. As she tried to protect herself in the end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This girl was making it hard to kill her. In a physical sense, it was easy since the beast overpowered her, but mentally it was draining. It was easier if this girl just gave her a reason to be mad or to hate this human girl. Yet she felt hesitation as the human silently begged for her life, crying beneath her. It made her heart twist... But Zari had no other choice now.. Hoping to make this quick, her fangs bit down on the human's neck, hoping to quickly rip it out to make the process as quick as possible. Yet she found herself stopping, her ears pinning back at the mumbled cries of pain. No, she had to finish it, the bite has been done and it would be crueler to leave her with a curse.

Yet she would live...

A voice spoke within her mind, making the wolf lose her grip around the throat. Kill.... Yet how? The scent of a bull caught her attention as she raised her head instantly, licking the human blood off her fangs. This human tasted sweet as well.... Damn her. A bullish roar screamed in the air and her fur bristled and her throat growled as a bull humanoid creature wandered out, fur a dark brown and eyes full of rage. This is what one may call a Minotaur.

They were strong creatures, temperamental and ready to fight. Looking at the human thoughtfully, the werewolf pondered if she should leave and let the Minotaur finish this girl off. That way she wouldn't have to do it. Yet she found herself releasing the human and slowly padding to the Minotaur, snarling. The human would most likely flee back home, if she could find her way, but after being bitten.. she would return.

With a vicious snarl, the massive wolf lept at the Minotaur, slamming into it with paws outstretched. Fangs biting into the creatures shoulder. It cried out in pain, its hands grabbing at her black fur and making swift punches to remove the large beast. It carried its axe in its right hand and slashed at her. Quickly, Zari lept away before being caught, but quicky lunged again. Fangs biting into the right arm and shaking it. Attempting to rip it right off. However, she didn't react fast enough as the Minotaur's horns suddenly swooped down and managed to cut across the werewolf's muzzle. She yelped painfully but snarled as she moved under and up to lunge at her opponents throat.

At the edge of the woods were a group a men on horses, most knights who cautiously stared at the entrance. Though a man in silken robes with metal armor and tunic underneath looked around. "Grace! My daughter where are you!" He called, worried for her safety having not long ago discovered her disappearance. He had hoped she did not enter these dangerous woods... but he was going to hecl anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Grace closed her eyes as the wolf loosened its grip on her neck, a little bit of hope still running through her. Perhaps she was just foolish, to be so headstrong when it came to being the ever hopeful one. She heard the beast licking it’s lips above her, before the bloodcurdling roar ripped through the air making her open her eyes wide looking for what that was. Grace didn’t notice the wolf looking down at her, because she was trying not what that was. For just a moment she thought maybe it was other wolf, coming to finish her off if this one wasn’t going to, until the wolf let her up and started snarling at whatever it was.

When Grace was let go she didn’t want to waste any of the time that had to get as far away as she could, from that beast that was trying to kill her. She looked for only a moment at the wolf which was fighting what seemed to be….a Minotaur? Yet another thing she didn’t believe was real! Though she didn’t let herself dwell on that fact instead she got up and fled using the trees on the side of the hill to get up it, then ran in the direction she thought was the way home.

She could hear it when the wolf yelped out in pain behind her, and she felt bad for it, for not trying to help it whatsoever. She felt bad for something that was trying to kill her? Trying to rip her throat out? What was wrong with her? Sure if it hadn’t tried to kill her, that would make sense, Grace normally liked animals, which was why she hated her father’s trophy room. Despite the need to get home, to go out of these woods, when she got to the dagger stuck in the tree, she stopped looking back. Why did she want to go back so badly, to see if the wolf survived?

She slowly started to take a step back the way from which she ran, but she was so tired and bleeding from her neck. The fact that her adrenaline was pumping, was the only thing keeping her from realizing how cold it was without the her cloak she abounded, and keeping her from passing out. "Grace! My daughter where are you!" Hearing her father’s voice she turned around and started to run towards the edge of the forest. To get to her father, and the guards that would keep her safe.

”Father!” She screamed as she ran out of the forest and into his arms before passing out. Putting some cloth against her neck the king picked his daughter up in his arms, carrying her into the castle to the doctor has Grace had been running a high fever from the panic of being attacked. The bite marks on her neck was covered by a bandage and she was laced in her room. Until she woke up, the king wouldn’t know for sure what happened to his daughter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ears flicking slightly at the sound of fleeing footsteps, Zari mentally cursed as she bit down on the Minotaur's throat, ripping at it. She listened to the bull creature scream in agony before roaring in absolute rage. With a swift motion, its horn swept down, stabbing the massive wolf in its left foreleg. Yelping and growling, the black werewolf clawed the bull's face before leaping away. Stumbling a little as she landed, she whined as she lifted her bleeding left foreleg. Blue eyes glared at the injured Minotaur, who rubbed its bleeding throat and gave soft croaking painful groans. Its red eyes glared angrily at the black beast, but slowly it retreated further into the woods.

Watching the Minotaur leave, Zari slowly licked at her wound. It would heal quickly, werewolves tended to do so. Any regular creature would have lost its leg after being stabbed by a Minotaur's horn. But it would take at least a day or two to fully recover again. Glancing toward where the human ran, she snorted, knowing that it was now a lost cause to go after her. Deciding to head back home, her body slowly changed into that of anthropomorphic black wolf, standing around six feet and five inches. Walking on two legs, Zari headed back to the clearing, her legs moving swiftly among the woods.

Reaching the pool of water, she knelt down and cupped some water in her good hand, gingerly sipping the clear water. After getting a drink, Zari grabbed some nearby herbs, grinding them up with her claws to rub the little liquid against her wound. Hissing, she went behind the waterfall and inside the cave. Seeing the leaf made nest, she found herself lying down on it with her back. Her blue eyes closing in exhaustion, though her nose twitched every so often.

What was the human doing now? Would she return? It had been a full moon tonight... Which means... There was a chance for change. What would this human girl do though? Zari honestly hadn't had much experienced with newly made werewolves, just naturally born ones. Deciding not to worry about it until tomorrow, the large humanoid wolf yawned before falling asleep.
The King sat beside his daughter's bed, watching her with the greatest worry. The good thing was the Doctor said his loving daughter would survive. Yet those injuries... Those injuries could have been obviously fatal. Could it have been the monster that roamed that forest? Yet no one had survived such an encounter, not even a body was left to examine. If it was true, his daughter was the only one to describe the beast.

"Sir Valdamor, I want all the information about this beast, gather the finest knights and train the squires to the fullest. I want that monster dead as soon as possible. That skin will be part of my daughters bedroom floor for daring harming my youngest daughter." The King growled, watching his best knight nod before making his way out of the room.

A girl around Grace's height and had long blonde hair with very pale blue eyes, indicating she was blind, frowned slightly as she stood by Grace's bed. "Father, do you think she will be well? Such a bite could be lead to a infection and who knows what this beast is capable of. It could have venomous fangs..."She whispered in worry as her fingers neatly on her lap. Her body covered by a pretty light blue dress with a golden jeweled necklace.

"Mhmph, well Lily our dear sister should have known better to go trending off to that forest. Everyone knows a beast resides there. She should of just stayed at home and slept like a proper lady should." A girl a bit smaller than her sisters barked. She had long luxurious auburn hair with very light green eyes. Wearing a blood red dress, having puffy shoulder cloth with white trimming around the neck. Her hair tied in place by glorious emerald gems and her neck having a gold and silver necklace.

The King sighed and looked at his auburn haired daughter scoldingly. "Rose, please, we will save the matter for later. Until then, we must make sure Grace is properly cared for." He said, his tone firm yet held a hint of exhaustion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Though she slept the rest of the night away, she was pledged with dreams of being back in the forest. However she wasn’t the one running away, she was the one following someone else, they were running away from her terrified, for a reason she could not understand. It would take a few days, for the change to be complete, it was a slow change. The bright morning light shining brightly into her window was what woke Grace from her rather restless sleep, and she lay still in her bed for a few moments as she quietly recalled what had happened the night before in her head. Surely that was just a nightmare, it hadn’t happened.

Grace’s room was quite large, it was painted a mixture dark purple and light green, her walls lined with paintings she had done in her lessons. Stretching she sat up to start the day as she always had, dealing with her elder sisters and lessons. When she looked down though the proof that it was not a dream was clearly there, the light pink dress she was wearing had tiny rips and was dirty from running in the forest. Her hair was tangled with twigs from lying on the cold forest floor, catching her reflection in the mirror and the bandage on her neck Grace got up slowly and headed towards her vanity.

She started to pull at the bandage to look at the bite mark, it didn’t hurt as much as it did the night before, and the princess wanted to see the damage. Right as she started to pull it away the door to her bedroom opened causing her to yelp slightly in surprise and turn to see her sister Lilly, keeping her from seeing the fact that the bite marks had already started to healing on their own. Taking a calming breath she smiled. ”Good morning Lilly” She said softly, only to be met by an angry frown, causing Grace to sigh. ”How much trouble am I in?”

”You could have been killed Grace, if father hadn’t found you. Who knows what that beast could have had, now Valdamor is going to have to go slay it.” She answered with worry in her voice. The news that her father’s knight was planning on hunting and killing this beast was a surprise, and the princess felt….sad? Worried? Why did she not want this wolf killed? Seeing her sister tilt her head slightly at her silence, Grace finally sighed. ”I…I think I’m going to get cleaned up. Can you please tell farther I am awake for me?” She asked her softly and waiting for Lilly to leave her room to start getting cleaned up.

She dug around in her dresser to find a new, dark brown dress to wear; as she changed she made up her mind though it was an odd choice. She was going to tell her father that it was the Minotaur that attacked her, driving them further away from the castle and hopefully save the men from the wolf. She put on her own necklace, which was gold and copper, luckily she hadn’t wore it last night or else she would have lost it. Which reminded Grace that she needed to sneak out again tonight if only to get her dagger, sighing at the fact doing such would not be easy, she took a brush and started to brush the twigs out of her hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Morning came, a yawn escaping the black werewolf as she shifted in her bedding. Opening her blue eyes, she rubbed her fingers against her muzzle at the cut that had been left there. Already the injury had healed and gone, though she felt her arm was still sore. Looking outside, she frowned a little as the sunlight shimmered against the water which concealed her cave. Her kind were not at their best in daylight, they drew their strength from the moon after all. At least they don't burn in sunlight like some particular vile creature so that was always a plus.

Now, most days, she would be sleeping through the day to continue wandering at night. But, she would at least get a drink and a quick walk in. To make sure that Minotaur had left her forest. There were plenty of creatures in the world that man did not understand, but that doesn't mean she liked other dangerous company. Especially Minotaur's... They were just bull headed and temper mental. Hah, funny.

With a snort, she got on her two legs and left her home to get a drink from the river. Zari then continued to wander the woods. Ears perked and nose up as her good hand held her injured arm. It was then she caught that human girl's faint scent. Slowly, she followed it to where it was perhaps strongest. Soon enough, she found a dagger stuck in a tree. Mhmm right... This was her only means of protection.. And that girl had managed to get it stuck. It made her ponder if the human would return for it. Most likely not, since that would suicidal after just about getting her throat ripped out.

Yet why... Did Zari feel a little anxious? Hopeful maybe? Must be because she wanted to finish the human girl off. But that couldn't be it because surely news of the wolf had traveled among the other humans. Still... Perhaps for now, she would wait.. Leave the dagger be and see if that girl would return. The change was not to happen for quite some time. Maybe she should ease her possible new kin into the change? Mhmm don't know.. She would have to think on her next action if the human should return.
Soon enough, the King entered his daughters chambers, smiling happily as he saw his beautiful little girl alive and well. "Grace, my little girl I'm glad you have finally awoken." he spoke with a sigh of relief before looking at her sternly.

"Grace, I've told you to never enter that forest. Your little adventures among the castle walls, I could tolerate, but that forest could have been the death of you. There are reasons for all those songs and rumors." he scolded roughly before shaking his head and looking out the window thoughtfully.

"But that will end soon... I will have that beast finally skinned after this. No more harm shall befall us and the people will not have to live in fear. Grace, your the first to survive such a encounter if this was the beast. You must tell me what you remember... I know it may be hard... But it is for the good of the kingdom." He spoke, turning his gaze to look at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

The king finally came to her bedroom, Grace heard the relief in his voice and turned to face him with a slight smile. Though he looked at her sternly and started to scold her for going into the forest, Grace’s smile was wiped from her face and she hung her head slightly. She didn’t want to worry her father…she simply wanted to prove that those silly songs and rumors where false, now she was in deeper water than even she realized. ”I know father, I am sorry that I had frightened you. But the castle is utterly boring” She said softly as he looked out of her window, the princess kept her eyes to the floor and her hands folded in her lap, she knew that if he wanted to he could lock her in her bedroom.

Her father’s words about killing and skinning the beast, made Grace physically cringe. Why did her father think killing everything was needed? He had wiped out two kinds of animal out already. The princess didn’t want to answer her father, she didn’t want the beast killed and skinned, but he said it was for the good of the kingdom. Was it really? Sure people were scared of the wolf, but was that such a bad thing? There were clearly other things in the forest that were just as frightening and powerful, the beast never was said to leave the woods, but could the same be said about the other things?

The good of the kingdom….what a load of crap!

The thought surprised her, but it was right. Perhaps other people being afraid to go into the forest was what was really for the best. ”I am afraid I cannot help you father if you are after the beast of these silly rumors in town. That wasn’t what attacked me.” She answered him as she turned to get the citrine studded hair clip and started to fix her maroon hair into a half ponytail. It was odd really, normally she was a horrible liar, she would stutter and refuse to look at whom she was talking to but this time. She kept eye contact with her father as she told him that her dagger got stuck in a tree and she still went further into the woods. Grace told him that it was a Minotaur that attacked her and the only reason she got away was something else attacked it, though she didn’t see what.

The rest of her day went as usual, Grace was still made to go to her lessons, which a proper lady should do, as her sister Rose pointed out when she tried to get out of it. Her lessons were in art, music, proper etiquette, and a few others that her mother had insisted in. Most of the lessons were really useless though the only one of the few Grace cared for was the art, as she was a painter. She listened to the proper etiquette lessons as well, though she found them boring, everything that was fun and entertaining, was deemed improper. If they had their way she would be the same level as boring and mean as her sister Rose.

When the night came Grace snuck out of the castle yet again, wearing a black cloak lined with gold thread the inside of the cloak being golden colored as well, it was easier to blend into the shadows in black. If her father would not get her dagger for her, than she would go and get it herself. That dagger belonged to her great grandfather. Grace quietly snuck through the cracks in the grounds wall of the castle and into the woods, she was watching her surroundings much more carefully now. As well as trying to hide herself and be quieter this time, not really being as brave as the night before, she just wanted the dagger back and then she would go back home. Putting her foot against the tree as she started pulling on the dagger, at the same time she was listening for the wolf.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

They day went by quickly, Zari watching the dagger from afar while also resting. Her ears perked as she listened to the sounds of the forest. To be honest she was hungry, but she would hunt tomorrow. Just to be sure that she didn't reopen the wound. The wolf didn't know why she waited here, for some human girl. Waiting all day seemed rather silly. Even she couldn't decide what to do if the human returned. Attack or confront.

Hiding amongst the undergrowth, the sun fell to be replaced by darkness. Not too long after, that sweet scent entered her nose. Her ears perked as footsteps walked cautiously into her forest. Blue eyes narrowing, she spotted her target move closer to the dagger, less confident then yesterday. Why would any sane weak human return to the deadly forest? Was this girl a idiot? Now what though? The time was to decide...

Though she already knew what she planned to do, considering she brought her makeshift cloak made out of bear fur.

After a few heartbeats, her body shifted into one of a human. Hairless body except for the long black hair. Muttering slightly to herself as she felt the cool air hit her bare skin while struggling to keep any wolffish parts from revealing themself. For Zari, it was hard maintaining human form, though apparently werewolves who are created have a easier time at it.

Her tan skin was clear minus the injury on her arm which was a large cut. Slowly, she draped the black bear cloak over her body to cover it before standing. Humans didn't seem to enjoy showing their bodies. Well, of course, they didn't have any coverage! It's a wonder how they survive out in this cooler weather. Then again, they kill animals with fur to keep them warm.

Taking a soft breathe to keep her instincts in check, Zari moved silently closer before stepping behind this strange human girl.

"....Awfully late for a stroll, Miss." The human looking Zari spoke, her voice deep and smooth, a soft innocent smile crossing her lips as her blue eyes glowed in the darkness. Shimmering under the moonlight, waiting for the human's reaction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Grace was surprised to hear someone speaking, and addressing her from behind. She made a slightly afraid whimper before turning her head to look at the woman behind her. There wasn’t supposed to be anyone else out here! The villagers were afraid of those woods as they should have been. Who the hell was this woman? Grace bit down on her lip slightly before turning to the tree and lowering her foot back on the forest floor. Letting down of the dagger she turned to the woman returning the friendly smile, and curtsying trying to be proper even though it wasn’t her strong suit.

She wasn’t stupid though she had another dagger on her. “Yes I do suppose it is, though I am after my dagger.” She answered her voice was soft and sweet like sugar, though it was very guarded. For all she knew this woman could be setting out to rob her or something. Her emerald eyes looked over the woman slowly though she was looking for weapons that could be used against her.

“May I ask what you are doing out here? My father as forbidden the towns people from coming into the forest. There is a Minotaur out here.” She told the woman, though she didn’t mention the wolf that was out here. She didn’t want her father to get word she had lied to him. Not that she realized that this woman was the actual wolf herself, or the danger she was truly in. After a moment of saying those words she pursed her lips crossing her arms. “Unless you’re one of his bloody hunters.” She added annoyed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Zari could only smile in amusement as her blues watched the human's every move. Nervous and guarded, afraid of who this stranger may be. Nodding at the girl's reason, a smirk crossed her lips as she watched the emerald gaze look her over.

"Now now my dear, you will make me blush by staring. Unless you really want to see my body under this fur. How naughty." the human shifted werewolf teased, her eyes glinting mischievously. Curious about how easy it was to tease the human girl. After all, depending on what Zari decided, the girl could be living in this very forest. Might as well have fun teasing.

At the cautious questions, Zari just laughed, her voice ringing in the dark forest. "Is that so? Well im afraid im not a townsfolk or a servant of your father. In fact, I live in these woods, and I know it wasn't exactly the Minotaur you should warn people. Though, Minotaurs are quite dangerous as well I suppose. Tempermental bunch they are. As for being a hunter... I am one, but only for survival purposes. After all, these woods have a reason for being forbidden by regular people." the raven haired woman cooed before stepping closer, her movement graceful and confident. Almost prowling.. as her eyes glinted in judgement.

Stopping just mere inches from the royal human, Zari leaned closer with a innocent smile. "So, is this dagger really so important to risk coming here again? After all, by the look of your throat... you barely escaped a gruesome fate." she questioned curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Grace’s face turned bright red at the woman’s words about seeing her body. “No…I mean…I don’t…um.” She stuttered embarrassed as her eyes flashed back the woman’s blue eyes. She hadn’t really meant to stare at her body other than to catch her for weapons, that didn’t mean that she didn’t happen to linger her gaze a little bit longer on the woman’s frame. “Sorry.” She added as she bit her lip softly.

She had hoped the woman’s answer to her questions would help calm her nervous. Instead it only made her even more nervous, she was almost sure that no one lived in theses woods. How she knew the Minotaur wasn’t what attacked her, was beyond Grace. Maybe this woman had seen the wolf before as well? Maybe she wasn’t the only one it let go.

“Perhaps…I don’t want my father to kill what attacked for some reason.” She said standing a little straighter, as she spoke. A mocked attempt of authority laced throughout her tone, normally she had no problem with acting like she was in charge without her father. Though something about this woman had her nervous and frightened, when she took a step closer to Grace, her whole body felt heavy. As if her legs were trying to make her sink down to the ground, she was trying to be submissive, and was unaware of it.

When the strange woman leaned in near her, Grace took a step back with a frown her emerald eyes meeting the woman’s blue eyes. Looking at her for a moment it finally clicked in the princess’s head, the woman’s black hair, blue eyes, and the cut on her arm. The fact that she knew what had attacked and tried to kill her. It clicked in her mind that this woman had to be the wolf, she had heard stories of werewolves before, but she hadn’t thought of the fact that the beast could be one.

A quiet whimper sounded in the back of her throat as she looked around from the woman. “Yes it is, it was my great grandfathers dagger.” She said softly her voice shaking as she took a step back, to get away from her. “Just let me get my dagger and I’ll leave. She added softly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Zari smirked victoriously as the human girl flushed and stuttered in embarrassment, quietly apologizing at the fact of looking. "Quite fine, it's not like I mind if it's from a pretty girl." she cooed softly! only taking another step closer when the human girl backed away! her body puffing up a little as the human tried to even attempt to talk with authority.

This pup had no authority here, and the girl knew it. Zari could tell instincts were already kicking in, and the growing wolf blood knew that the black wolf was the dominating one currently in this forest. Older and stronger... But Zari tried not to let her animal instincts take control of her too much, in case she gave herself away.

"Is that so? That is quite odd. I had expected you to tell... Any normal person would. Perhaps you were worried for the guards? After all, you have seen just how dangerous this beast could be. Yes?" The werewolf purred, tilting her head slightly as she moved closer until she had the human just by the tree.

Tilting her head innocently, despite seeing the girl grow suspicious of her identity, the black haired woman simply chuckled. "Now now, darling.. I am not here to harm you. I'm but a simple woman.... Here to examine you. Tell me, do you truly think you will leave? Not come back? You came here twice now... And even protected your attacker...? These questions must trouble you as well." Zari said softly, her voice smooth but gentle, her eyes never leaving the emerald ones.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Grace didn’t notice that the woman’s body puffed up at her trying to act like she had authority, she was to focused by the feeling of being pushed down to the ground without being touched, Also the fact that in her mind, she was apologizing over and over again. It was strange, this feeling she had, she wasn’t used to feeling as weak as she did in front of this woman. Grace wasn’t very fond of this feeling, and fright against it with all her might as she was backing away.

“No, no I’m not worried for the guards, my father’s guards are some of the best. I’m worried about the townsfolk. What would stop them from coming out here? The beast doesn’t leave the forest…..from what they say. What about whatever else is not here?” She answered the woman truthfully, in her mind not telling the truth was protecting the other people in her father’s kingdom. If it was going to protect others than wasn’t it better to lie and suffer the truth herself? “Besides even if it had attacked me, it was beautiful. I don’t want it’s head on my father’s wall. I never spoke of being normal, if I was proper and normal I would be in bed. Not speaking to you.” She added softly as she shook her head.

Soon the woman had Grace where her back was against the tree, the truth slowing coming to her head. It was not a place she wanted to be, but she was afraid to move around the woman. Even the fact the woman said she meant no harm, Grace was shaking, afraid and fighting the urge to sink yet again. At her words about examining her, the princess’s eyes looked at her confused. How did she plan on examining her?

“Well yes of course these questions trouble me! But not as much as the idea of you killing me, this time does!” She squeaked out in rushed words, they had come out before she had time to stop herself. She took a deep shaky breath closing her eyes to calm herself before anything else could come rushing out, opening her eyes she continued. “I would like to believe that….that I can leave and never come back if…if that is what you really want. Though the fact you didn’t kill me the first time and haven’t yet….”

What the hell was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she just shut up!! She let out a small growl at herself closing her eyes again as she tried to pull herself together. The new part of her was causing her to almost plead for her life to this woman who was just “examining her”. It was sickening how weak she sounded to herself right now.
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