Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Phoebe Hyperion

Phoebe nodded as she took a bouquet of hand picked flowers for herself. In the back of her head, she was feeling slightly guilty about it, since Mary obviously wasn't planning on giving free flowers to Harpy's, but she was glad that she could avoid conflict between them. Hopefully she never had to find out.

Just as she was about to slip away, Goldas spoke once more, and his words were hardly civil. She paused to watch him do his reputation justice, as he verbally lashed his date, which made it all the more pitiful to watch. After brutally rebuffing a girl, he proceeded to eye Mary in a way that would disturb normal people. Phoebe herself was just slightly disapproving, though she was still going to stay out of this. Whatever argument the two had between themselves was none of her business, and if they wanted to fight, that was also not her business. The Guild Master was aware that things like this happened quite often, and she had never taken a firm hand to stopping it either. Both guilds knew what each felt about each other and venting it via combat was a natural result. Therefore, she would not get involve-

And that was when Phoebe realized that from now on, she was staying far away from Goldas.

Goldas redirected Mary's challenge to her in his place, while simultaneously revealing her status as a Harpy's Wing member. Under normal circumstances, this would have been no problem, as Phoebe would simply activate Sun Chariot, and leave, because this was not worth her time, but right now, she held a rather damning bouquet of flowers in her hands that was quite frankly betraying her in the worst way possible. She couldn't just leave, not while she was holding it. That would be equivalent to stealing, and she really would rather not have the S-class Flower Mage barging down her door, demanding reparation.

She wanted very much to simply return the flowers and leave, however . . . she needed them. She really did. So she did the best thing she could think of, and approached Mary, ignoring Goldas confident smile.

"If . . . you could please just ignore me . . . I would really rather not have to fight anyone," she said, her voice barely audible over the crowd in the square, "and if you don't mind . . . these flowers are beautiful. I don't want to have to fight over them. It seems like such waste."

She had said her peace. The small mage looked up at Mary, her face devoid of actual expression, though her eyes revealed her intent. If Mary insisted on fighting, then so be it, but Phoebe would not be the one to throw the first punch, especially if it was someone else was asking her to do it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kyvirn Xaesos

Currently feeling like a bully
Interactions: Shy Girl

Ky didn't really move at all, trying to think of what to say as he saw the Harpy girl shrink away from him in fear, his head tilted to the side in slight confusion. While his announcement of his presence hadn't been pleasant, he didn't expect for their to be such a reaction from the girl. It actually made him feel a bit bad about what he said . . . and awkward when she stuttered out apologies. He started to make a few gestures out of instinct, trying to communicate with his sign language, but he quickly stopped since he had never met this person before, and the chance of them knowing what the hell he was doing was fairly unlikely. This made him extremely uncomfortable, and he just wanted to switch over to Xae and just not deal with this, but he could already see how bad an idea that would be.

Might end up scaring her off this roof with such a sudden transition . . . He thought with a sigh, before forcing himself to speak a few words, his own voice matching her's in it's quietness, though it was much more stern and reserved than her own. "Wasn't you particularly . . . just the situation. . . like to be alone. . ." As he spoke, Ky slowly began to back up to the edge, looking up at the sky with a distant look in his eyes as he tried to think of something else to say. However, he took one step to many, unfortunately, and suddenly before he knew it, he was falling off the edge.


That was all he had time to say before he begun free fall, though as he began to fall, he didn't feel overly worried. In fact he was glad for his clumsy exit, as it gave him an excuse to avoid further conversing with the shy girl, though now he had to think of a good way to avoid dying at the moment. And so he'd fall, looking at the rapidly approaching ground with a scowl on his face as he tried to come up with an efficient way to avoid his impending crash landing, or at least avoid crashing so hard that he ends up dead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A man from harpy's wing approached, saying nothing aside from encouraging Sora to hit the targets and placing a hand on the flame-haired girl's head. Haine decided that Sora's guild mate wanted to avoid the possibility of one of their members getting ganged up on. Perhaps their relationship was a bit more youthful?

Chloe answered his call obediently, trying her hardest at a certain pop gun game. For these two girls, effort failed to pay off as they both fired with a miserable level of accuracy. While Haine initially was satisfied and forced himself to contain his laughter as a shot bounced off of Sora's head, as the two continued the man was starting to worry about the amount of cash the pair had spent.

Sora changed lollipops, and eventually managed to acquire her sought out prize: an oversized stuffed animal. With the amount of money she had probably spent, she could have easily purchased ten of those from a store. Looking at her, Haine realized that the adorable girl could easily be his child's age ...

The knight shook his head, casting the thought aside for various reasons and regaining his composure. "The two of us signed up with Golem's hand. Magic is still uncomfortable for me, so the guild's martial philosophy is more in line with my own."

Glancing at Chloe, he didn't know what to say. The knight wanted to avoid the possibility of a fight between himself and the harpies, but he also felt it was his job to keep Chloe in line considering how she clung to him.

"What about your boyfriend here? You should introduce him to us as well." Hopefully that would be awkward enough to distract Chloe from the possibility of battle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Koe found himself struggling to suppress his giggling, tittering in spite of the girls inability to hit a simple target, but ended up bursting into loud laughter watching Sora get hit in the forehead with the cork. It made it worse when he remembered the Golem girls boisterous words, so confident that she could 'show her how it was done'. Koe lost himself in the guffaws of his own laughter, barely registering the fact that Sora had actually won and claimed her prize.

His laughter quelled quickly, realizing that in the end, it wasn't exactly that funny, despite the irony. Hiding the destain of his own actions, Koe took a a few swigs of his drink, its alcoholic content relaxing him. By no means was Koe a drinker, in fact, he rarely did so, but on social occasions such as these, he couldn't help but join in the revelry.

He absent mindedly fiddled with his drink, a lopsided grin plastered on his face for reasons unknown to him. The grin went unabated until the corners dipped down when Sora went on to introduce herself, and not at least acknowledge his existence. Koe wasn't offended, just a bit peeved, nothing noticeable, as his smile regained its 'lopsidedness'.

Shaking his head at the Golem guys explanation for his reasons for joining Golems Hand was in no disrespect. Apparently he wasn't comfortable with magic, in what facet, he wasn't sure. Was he not comfortable with using magic himself, was he not comfortable with it in general? Koe avoided asking questions in the end, afraid that he was gonna end up having to listen the guys whole damn back story.

That proved to be a mistake, as soon, he was at a loss for words, despite not saying much before hand. Koe was a sociable guy l, but talking with your rival in such an environment was a recipe for disaster. He was sure the Golem guy was thinking it to. Luckily, the guy was right on top of it and was there to lighten the mood a bit.

"Go ahead." Koe said mockingly, looking down at Sora expectantly at the Golems beck.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sandria Leningart

"Sure has. How've ya been Sandi~?" Kyuuten responds and asks back at Sandria.

"Nothin' much." she responds with a wink, "Going out with your girlfriend huh?"

"W-W-We are not..! It's nothing like that!" Pyrrha responds flusteredly as she crushes her cone.

The Wizard laughed at Pyrrha's flustered state.

"Oh come on let her have her fun. Besides would it really be such a bad thing if it was true? Is that kind of thing even allowed? A celestial spirit and a wizard...?"

"Don't say weird stuff like that idiot!" Pyrrha demanded as she waved her hand and zapped Kyuuten.

"Gah!" Kyuuten sank to the floor his hair frazzled and smoking.

"What did I say...?"

The gunslinger couldn't help but to chuckle at their whole reaction.

"Haha, don't worry about it," she then says casually to Pyrrha as she approaches them and brushes off Kyuuten with her surprisingly smooth hands, "It was just a joke. You guys would be a pretty good couple if you two were a thing, but I digress. What do you guys plan to do here at the festival? "
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Wasn't you particularly . . . just the situation. . . like to be alone. . ."

Huh? It wasn't her that he was annoyed with? Well, that was...actually pretty comforting. She was worried she had done something wrong and didn't realize it. And he liked to be alone? Well...she could sympathize. That's why she was up here, after all. She didn't really know what to say, though, and instead simply stared back up at the guy as he took a few steps back. A few too many steps, actually. All she heard was a quiet shocked expression as his foot slipped off the branch.

Her first thought, was that good, he was gone. She could return to her solitude and he got what he deserved for being somewhere he shouldn't. Her second thought, was that she was a horrible and terrible person for thinking something like that and that it was probably her fault for making this entire situation awkward, which made her only feel worse. Even more so, that she had no idea what to do here.

"Eep! What do I do?" She leaned over the edge of the branch, looking down at him as he fell. Well, it wasn't like a fall from this height could hurt her, so theoretically she could jump down and not be harmed and catch him or something...but she wasn't really strong enough to do something like that. Maybe...maybe she should go get someone? If Klisa was here she'd likely be able to help in some way, but...but...they weren't. Only she was, and there was no way she could get help from someone else before he...he....he went...splat.

But...w-what could she do? She wasn't strong like the Guild Master or the other members of Harpy's wing...



Well, that could have infinitely gone better. To say Chloe was a bad shot, was an understatement. She missed pretty much every single shot, and those she did hit were only glancing blows. Honestly, this was annoying Chloe just a bit. What good were these wimpy little gun weapon things anyways? Even if you hit something with them, they did absolutely nothing. By the end of the entire event, she came up empty handed and prizeless.

"So in case some of you didn't know my name is Sora Takamichi. I figure you guys are Golem's Hand members? You probably all know i'm apart of Harpy's wing, I believe I was labeled with the title efreet."

Chloe admitted defeat, hanging her head, sighing as she lamented her loss. The mood didn't last long, though, and soon she was giving Sora a bright grin as Haine introduced them as members of Golems hand.

"The two of us signed up with Golem's hand. Magic is still uncomfortable for me, so the guild's martial philosophy is more in line with my own."

"Yep, Chloe Vollan! That's me. Resident Dragon slayer of Golem's hand~" She threw out her title, sounding quite proud of it. She seemed to completely ignore Haines comment about Sora and her 'boyfriend' though, and instead clapped her hands together as if she had another good idea. "So, so, hey this is a festival and all, right? Now that you two are here...maybe the four of us can have a two vs. two match or something! We gotta entertain people at the festival after all, right?~"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 8 days ago

Mary Boyce

The smug grin slowly vanished from Mary's face as Goldas revealed his true nature by embarrassing his date by publicly telling her off. It was a cruel act to witness, enough so to temporarily suppress Mary's cockiness. But Goldas wasn't just being a jerk to his (ex) girlfriend, but also to the other girl that had come up to the stand with flowers. Phoebe, so he called her, was also a member of Harpy's Wing. Mary's brown eyes drifted back to the girl. While she was unassuming in appearance it was claimed that she could make a match for Mary. The young woman didn't even need to stand up to tell that Phoebe was a head shorter than her on top of being noticeably younger. And considering Mary couldn't feel her magical presence when she wasn't using any spells she felt no compelling reason to believe Goldas.

"Throwing this girl under the bus, eh?" Mary finally responded after Phoebe defended herself. Her gaze went back to the young man. "You seem like the despicable type. I'm half tempted to put you in timeout for your behavior." The smirk returned as she finally put her feet on the ground and stood up. Mary was slightly taller than average for women her age, making her comparable in height to Goldas but significantly taller than Phoebe. "You can keep the flowers girl. Phoebe, is it? But it isn't a matter of fighting over the flowers. You wouldn't have to win, you'd just have to participate. You see, I like beautiful things..." She placed her left hand on the stand and leaned forward, to allow herself to be closer to the two Harpies. "And few things can match up to the beauty of battle. The exhilarating but fleeting experience is rarely met by conventional things. These flowers, for example, are some of the very few that could be compared. Beauty like this is hard to find."

Now she stood up straight and crossed her arms under her chest again. "Fighting is never petty, unless it isn't beautiful. There is nothing that isn't worth fighting over. It's like an art. It must be done with grace, creativity, and finesse. But most importantly it must be done with style." By now the two Harpies may or may not be tired of Mary's speech, but it wasn't over for them yet. Green vines began to grow from the ground at their feet, coiling around them loosely as they made their way up to chest-height of the two Harpies. They were not wrapped tightly, in fact it was very loose and allowed them mobility. They could even break free relatively easily if they desired. But as soon as the vines stopped growing various flowers began to sprout from the sides, granting the appearance that the two had been covered in flowers up to their necks. "And that is why I challenge your guild to fights when I can. It isn't because I hope for a challenge, it's that I want to show off my beauty. After all, is it not true that my magic is the most beautiful to behold?" If the two were patient enough, now the vines would begin to retract back into the ground as if time was being rewinded. It only took a few seconds for them to be completely flower-free, aside from Phoebe who was holding a bouquet of flowers.

"So let me say it again, Gold... Do you think you can match me? Or is it in your nature to use girls to make up for your ugliness?" Her last sentence was spoken with a slight tinge of spite, though its primary purpose was to provoke rather than to upset. Goldas has already abused two different girls since Mary has met him so it seemed like an apt insult. One could even take it literally and assume she was talking about the scar on his face, so bonus points for that. While Phoebe would also be a target, being she is also a Harpy, Mary had decided that beating Goldas would be more rewarding. His personality had gotten on her nerves so it was worth letting Phoebe get away if it meant baiting the more annoying Harpy into a fight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Goldas x Mary x Phoebe - @j8cob -@TheHangedMan

Easy, he urged himself melancholy, his deadly intent to claw, raze, and destroy boiling to the surface.

Not a single soul in Luna Crescente had known. Not a mouse or bird, cat or bug could have guessed the sporadic destruction he had left along his trails. So how could he blame Golem’s Mary Boyce for testing the waters. She hadn’t known that she was the worst possible opponent for him. That her plants meant nothing to his devastating flames.

He had to keep up the act, the mask that was glued to his face.

Goldas’ smile faded into a saddened half-frown as Mary’s plant’s receded back into the ground; through the cobblestone and smooth earth beneath. He was looking at Phoebe when his composure was slowly gathered. For a long, inconsiderate moment, he just stared at her with chargin.

When he did turn his eyes to Mary, it seemed she had just finished a long speech. One that he had heard, his Dragonslayer hearing making it impossible to miss, but he would pretend to have ignored entirely.

He touched his cheek with his index. “Sorry, I’m just now realizing how innocently cute my guildmate is.” Then beneath his breath, so quiet that it went missing in the wind he said, “There’s no beauty in battle though. Only pain and bloodshed.”

Goldas intook air so sharp that it sounded loudly, the breath that followed suit was heated beyond the abilities of the human body. “I’m bored now. Guess I’ll go find more gullible, less strong-willed women to play with. You two are stretching my charming muscles to tattered strips of flesh.”

He turned to walk away but stopped mid-twist, looking to Phoebe in that same, hurt expression from before. The wicked charm in his eyes dulled as they fell to the ground. “This is outta of character for me, so don’t take it to heart. Just know I’m sorry, I’ll let you figure out what for.”

Then he started off again, his pacing and long strides taking him five feet from the girls in less-than a second.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kyuuten Rallis


As Sandria brushed him off after his session of shock therapy, a black demon-esque tail unfurled from under his shirt. It was just as frazzled from the electricity as his snowy white head of hair. Kyuuten brushed and smoothed down the tail's fur as Pyrrha turned away pouting and her face red from the Golem wizard's comments about them as a couple. "Don't worry about her, she'll get over it." It wasn't uncommon for the pair to be teased about their closeness. Considering it was by her own magic and choice that Pyrrha was a around most of the time, it was an easy target for jokes. That aside, due to the frequency she may get flustered but she won't be upset for long. "What do you guys plan to do here at the festival?"

"The usual, have fun, hit up the food vendors, maybe shake up the ground with some of you Golems hehe~" The Celestial wizard grinned cheekily. Kyuuten may see the rivalry differently from most everyone involved, he always had to admit that a good brawl with Golem was a lot of fun. "Oh! I hear you guys are getting a new guilmaster. Sounds pretty exciting~"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Phoebe Hyperion

The flowers were hers, and that was all she needed to know. Everything else that came afterwards was processed through a veil; she understood them well enough, but it was not a matter of importance to her anymore. For Mary's spiel, she simply offered limp, courtesy nods, and didn't so much as blink as the vines wrapped around her. She was not going to fight her, she did not need to and did not want to as much as she did for Goldas.

Goldas apology and subtle warning fell on deaf ears. He presumed much, but knew little about her, and there was nothing wrong with that. Maybe she even preferred it that way, though she would never really know; she didn't have the time to make sure if she did. Also, being close to him would probably just mean more disturbances. She would rather avoid that.

With him gone and with the flowers she needed in hand, Phoebe looked at Mary and gave a small nod of thanks. She probably wasn't going to get her fight today, which would be a slight disappointment for her, she was sure.

"Sun Chariot," murmured Phoebe, and for a very brief moment, her own intense magical power leaked out, before she vanished in a wink of light, leaving Mary alone once again.

Less than a second later, she reappeared to the side of Koe. She looked around to confirm her whereabouts, before nodding in satisfaction. Turning slowly, she gave Koe a curt nod, before noticing he was in the middle of a conversation. She turned around, to let them continue and looked about. Alcohol, preferably wine, was what she was looking for. This was where most of the Festival-goers were going for drinks, so she could probably find what she needed easily.

Then, she paused, and reached into her satchel. Rummaging through it, she found her lacrimas, some jerky, and nothing else. Like her wallet. She stared at the good-as-empty bag for a moment before soundlessly letting it go. She wondered where she left it . . . then she realized that she had taken it out in anticipation for the bouquet of flowers she now held in her hand, which meant her wallet was most likely . . .

Back at Mary's booth, a single, brown leather wallet lay forgotten and sad.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sora Takamichi

"Koe Otome his name is Koe Otome." Sora stated her eyes losing the child like mirth it held as she looked forward. "A fight does sound interesting something to entertain the masses perhaps but in a fight I wont lose so easily" She said as she eyes started to gleam at the prospect of a match a chance to stretch her legs and show that there was more to her than just fire and ashes. "Dragon Slayer magic a lost magic one where a dragon teaches a human their magic if I am not mistaken." Sora muttered under her breath now wasn't that interesting she never got to dragon slayer magic up close before it should be interesting to see how she fares against a lost magic. "If you really want a fight be it a group or single I am not one to say no Chloe was it?" Sora concluded as she waited to see people would react.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Vega Ashworth

Location: The Grand Tree
@Leslie Hall

Overlooking Luna Crescente is a gigantic ancient tree, the trunk the size of a building, gnarled roots thick enough to be tree trunks themselves, and it's height easily four stories high. It's branches are large enough and the tree itself large enough that the village has built ways to safely scale the tree, stairs leading into the tree, and out the branches above, the interior of the tree over time has become something of a residence and market place.

Laying on one of these branches was Vega Ashworth, a trouble maker and one of Golem Hand's most formidable combatants. Considering his attitude, and that Harpy Wing was expected to also be in town in larger numbers than normal days, he was ordered to stay away from the main festivities, else he would start fights with Harpy Wing members out of the blue. Despite his aggressively free spirit, he conceded out of respect for the guild, no more, no less. The distance he was away from the main town square is enough that he couldn't hear the hustle and bustle of the crowds below, plus the view from here was amazing.

Today he was going to just try and sleep off the day. Being told to sit tight and wait until the festival was over was going to be a boring ordeal one way or another. He laid there on his back, hood covering his eyes as he spoke,

"What's the matter Umi? Broke a nail at the festival and want to cry?", his insult came out, but it didn't have the aggressive tone behind it, it was lazy. The one he referred to was an Umiko Shimizu, another mage of Golem Hand. He was quiet and reserved, so rarely did he rub Vega the wrong way, generally he was pretty okay with him.

"Whatever, just don't be noisy. Sooner this boring day is over the better", as he said this he remembered this was also the day their guild master would change. That meant Delsin was going to be his guildmaster now... He wasn't sure what to think, maybe things get more interesting, or boring, who knows. It might get better though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 7 days ago

Umiko Shimizu
Atop the Grand Tree.

| @Sho Minazuki |

Light flickered through the gaps in the thick canopy of the great tree, shining brilliant rays of warmth down onto Umiko's skin while he stood out on its furthest branches. From his vantage point, the young man would have been able to see the entirety of Luna Crescent, from the great waterfalls that sent the water crashing down into the intricate waterway system of the town; the market plaza where merchants exchanged goods with passing traders and talked economics. The Golem's Hand guild hall could also be seen, as well as the crowd of people outside it's doors. The hustle and bustle of the small town was at an all time peak as citizens enjoyed the festival. Of coarse, Umiko wouldn't have been able to notice all of this because he was far too concerned with not falling to his death. The young man stood on one foot, the other raised and folded at the knee. His arms were spread wide and his gaze focused. Beads of sweat slowly trickled down his exposed torso, and if one were observant enough they could even see the young man shaking.

A few birds flew past him, chirping happily as they returned to his nest. Umiko closed his eyes and let the rush of adrenaline flow through him. Even through his eye lids, he was still envisioning the gap between his perch and the roots of the great tree. He grit his teeth in frustration, mentally scolding himself to move past the fear. Slowly, he moved his raised leg back behind him whilst opening his eyes. He stared down the azure sky, his right hand quickly moving back to grasp the hilt of Suijin. As soon as he touched it his skin crawled; Susano'o hungered. He began to slide the blade from the hilt, wisps of sea green magic spreading from the small gap in the saya.

"What's the matter Umi? Broke a nail at the festival and want to cry?" the dry, monotonous voice shattered the young mans concentration. Umiko released his grip on the blade, turning his head slightly to stare at his companion. He sighed in contempt. Umiko had hoped that his spot would remain free today, although he supposed it wasn't fair to call it that. The Great Tree was home to the Harpy's Wing Guild Hall. Not that the Harpies would mind him being there, having been a former member. He was still on good terms with some of them; the ones who understood the reason why he left. No, Umiko's only real threat was his sister. No doubt if she found him up here there would be hell to pay. He turned his body to face Vega, a gentle breeze cooling him down and brushing his hair away from his face.

"Not my type of party. Although the company up here leaves much to be desired." Umiko retorted with a smirk. When he'd first joined the guild, the young man had found Vega's condescending and smug attitude very offensive. Not being one to stand by and take it, he foolishly challenged Vega and was easily taken down by the more experienced mage. It took some getting used to, but Umiko eventually learnt to just dish it right back at him. There was still a pang of uneasiness in his tone however, since Umiko wasn't yet comfortable with identifying the line of when friendly banter became too personal. Even Vega being considered a friend was still up in the air as far as Umiko was concerned.

Umiko walked towards the thicker part of the branch, where his Oikaze blade and Shimizu family robe lay in a pile. He also had a towel, the novel he was currently reading and a bottle of water. Toweling off, Umiko quickly wrapped himself up in his robe and then downed his water with such gusto that you'd think he'd spent the last week stranded in a desert. He removed the now empty bottle with a refreshing sigh.
"Whatever, just don't be noisy. Sooner this boring day is over the better" Umiko could practically taste the bitterness laced through his words. He stared at the man for a while before opening up his book.
"So, who's got you on a leash today?" He said nonchalantly, even despite the rather insulting implication. Perhaps that had gone too far. Though for some reason, Umiko didn't really feel the need to apologise to Vega. He buried himself in the novel, though he was also watching Vega in the corner of his eye to watch if his statement had garnered a reaction.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Vega Ashworth

Location: The Grand Tree
@Leslie Hall

"Hahahahahahahaaaa... Hah. Leash. The guildmaster", and almost quite literally too, which is why he laughed.

"'we don't need you starting fights' he said, 'if you can't control yourself for the day don't go' they said, boooooring, I know I wouldn't be able to resist beating someone in down there, so I'm up here instead. I'm not one for 'formal' events or traditions either so a day off is fine by me", he did a little lazy stretch before adjusting his position again. So it was somewhat self-imposed... He seemed quite self aware though.

In any case it was going to be a long day if he was going to spend it all up here. Why does Mary get to go? She always goads or lures some of Harpy Wing into fighting... Well then again, it's short of Vega just outright attacking in response sometimes. The more he thought about it the more it irritated him, so he's decided to just not think about it anymore.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Carefully making her way through the town was a rather unassuming looking young girl. She had long fine hair with a navy blue color, similar to the flowing dress she wore on her slender frame, though the clothing was a few shades darker. Despite being a resident of this town for half a decade she couldn't look more lost in the crowded streets. It wasn't that she didn't know where she was or where she was going, it was just that she was so surprised by the amazing bulk of people in her town!

Klisa Bay was more than a little thrown off by all the hustle and bustle when she returned. She had taken a last minute mission a few days ago that ended up being a little longer and more troublesome than she'd really care to admit. In all that excitement she had forgotten that today was the start of the festival. Well, heck she forgot what day it was exactly, she had never been good with dates and times and all that stuff. How many days had she even been gone again? Two, three? It wasn't more than a week was it? Not that it mattered at this point. If her years among Harpy Wing had taught her anything, it was most important to be in the now. And the Now was festival time. Which, she was admittedly not particularly interested in. I mean normally a local festival would be a nice enough time to be out and about but she sort of just wanted some quite after her mission. She pursed her lips in thought, looking back and forth in the filled streets. Every person for several towns and villages within miles must be in town this year, she hadn't seen this place so packed before. Now was she going to find a quite spot to relax for a few moments before really engaging with other more tiresome people?

The answer came to her in a moment. Ceri! Ceri would most certainly have found a nice little quite place to hide, the shy girl was so good at doing that klisa was half sure it was some secondary magic that Ceri was unaware of. Besides, it would be nice to see and check in on her friend as well. She knew she was having trouble adjusting to life at the guild and around so many people. It was a struggle that Klisa herself was very familiar with, though she had probably never been quite as shy as Ceri was. Still, few people in the guild could relate and understand Ceri on this level like Klisa could, so she had made a point to always help the young girl since she had arrived. But how to find her in all this mess? She almost slapped her own forehead when she figured out the solution. "Use your slayers senses dummy." She mumbled to herself.

She closed her eyes and focused. Blocking out all other sensations as if she were pulling curtains over windows until all of her thoughts on her sense of smell and finding Ceri's scent. Why did Klisa know Ceri's scent well enough to pick it up from anywhere in the city even during a big event with people and food cooking every where? Why don't you mind your own business.

She half opened her eyes and began to walk, following her nose to Ceri's location. She found herself, almost predictably, at a great big tree. Ceri always had a thing for heights. But not just any great big tree. The Crazy huge mega tree that made up the harpy wing guild house. Even more specifically a little corner of it that most guild folks didn't bother going to. Didn't have the easiest way to get to it unlike other bits of the upper tier of the tree. Which would figure why Ceri would go there...though for the life of her Klisa couldn't figure out who she got there. She looked up and could see the dark robes that indicated that Ceri was indeed up there. And...someone else? Oh, that someone else was now falling.

Klisa blinked a bit in surprise as that fully registered in her mind. Someone was falling from the tree branch! Without thinking much more she leapt into action, calling with strength from her dragon slayer magic and leaping up, watery claws forming about her hands and feet as she used them to scale the side of the guild tree. Acting more on instinct rather than anything else she firmly accorded herself into the side of the tree and extended her hand, pumping more magic into the watery-dragon-claw-contract and focusing on the idea of making it reach out and grow.

Much to her surprise it did. It wasn't smooth or particularly pretty and she was sure as heck not sure how long she could hold a move like this or how many times she could do it, but that didn't matter, just the immediate results. Out shot her watery claw and caught the falling figure. She quickly allowed moved her hand downward at the gradually slowing pace to make their stop not so abrupt before placing them on the ground. She then retracted her claw and continued to scale the side of the guild till she was up to where Ceri was.

"Ceri!" she called once she arrived on the same branch as her, her thoughts flowing out like a overwhelming river of thoughts and emotions "Are you okay? Is everything all right? Was it okay that I saved that person or where they bothering you? Should I have let them fall? Sorry if I just saved someone you was giving you trouble. If that is the case, I could go kick his but or something." She paused, her thoughts returning to a much more normal place and added "Also, Hi, I'm back from my mission. Hope you haven't had too much trouble since I've been gone."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chloe proposed a two-on-two combat, which Haine shook his head slightly in response two. He wasn't interested in that right now.

Another person appeared to join the Harpies through some sort of teleportation, but left just as quickly. Aside from raising a single eyebrow, Haine didn't react. The middle aged man was used to seeing far stranger things in his life.

What surprised Haine more was how Sora didn't deny that the man was her boyfriend - she didn't confirm it either. Perhaps something was going on between them? Her immediate acceptance of a fight with Chloe was not something the former military man was interested in, and he lightly grabbed Chloe's sleeve and pulled her away slightly.

"Let's all be peaceful here. This is a festival and we should be celebrating, right Koe?" Perhaps the other man would help separate these two girls before someone was seriously injured.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 16 days ago

So much for avoiding a fight. Koe thought to himself exasperatedly. Dragon Slayers always seemed like they had to release some pent-up energy, and it always seemed to have to be through fighting. Needles to say, Koe had no soft spot for the lot of them.

Before he could voice his opinion on the matter though, a boisterous, ceaseless ringing resonated within his head which spun in a bewildered state. As his eyes came ajar after shutting them, he was blinded by a torrent of radiance as if the sun itself descended upon him at point-blank distance. Expeditiously his eyes adjusted to the light and he hastily examined the culprit with shock and partial curiosity, only to be let down with the fact that it was Phoebe's doing.

"Flashy as always I see Phoebe. Drink?" Koe said sarcastically, his eyebrows knitting in concern as he offered the other cup if alcohol that floated next to him. She could pluck it out of the air when she wished to. The life seemed to have drained out of her.

His head turned to the sound of his name being called, remembering the Golem Guy's request to introduce him. It wasn't as glorious as he imagined. Koe frowned as he watched Sora confidentially accept, even encourage the challenge, ready to fight the Slayer one on one. Koe was loved fighting just as much as the next guy, the Luna pretty much got thier full of Golem Harpy antics every other day of the year, he wasn't sure what made this so special.

Thankfully, the Golem Guy hit the head on the nail.
"Let's all be peaceful here. This is a festival and we should be celebrating, right Koe?"

"We fight every other day of the year, it would be nice to actually celebrate together instead. But a fight would interesting, with sprits high, fighting would take a different dynamic, In all honesty I don't mind."

The words tumbled out of his mouth without much of a fore thought. It was his subconscious talking not him, but it was true, the sound of a fight actually excited him. A tingling in his stomach in anticipation clued him in. His headphones began to take on a red hue.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kyvirn Xaesos

Well, that's enough falling for now. Time to . . .


As Ky flipped over in the air, getting ready to use his magic to break his fall, he saw a girl suddenly leap into action up the tree, reaching out to catch him with a giant claw made out of water, before letting him down easily. He looked up at the girl, who quickly continued on her way without a word, causing the Godslayer to tilt his again once again in confusion before he realized something. Reaching down to check his sides, he let out a slight curse as he realized that he left his swords up on top of the tree. Not really wanting to go through the hassle of actually climbing that tree again, he decided to just bring them to him, as they still held a tiny bit of his magic in them from when he used them to fly up to the small hang out spot in the first place.

Up where Ceri, and now Klisa, where talking a sudden flash of black light would be all they'd have to alert them to the activation of the weapons before the two blades flew up from where they were stationed, cutting off the tip of Ceri's hood and the heat from one blade singing one of the straps of Klisa's dress to the point that one sudden movement would likely snap it. The smell of burning cloth was all the lingered as the blades soared down towards the waiting hands of Ky, who then sheathed them before walking off, whispering to himself as he did so.

[color]=Ivory]"Twilight Godslayer's Veil"[/color]

And with that, his form would soon faded into nothingness as the magic took hold, and tracking him after that would be hard as he would soon lose himself in the festival crowd's, his less than familiar scent lost in the maze of human bodies. After some walking around, Ky would discover Mary's stand, and saw that she seemed to be involved with some golden haired pretty boy of some kind. He didn't know what the deal was, but as he stood near the two, looking too and fro, he'd notice a small brown wallet on the table stand. He reached forward to pick it up, and to the two in question, the wallet would seem to rise into the air all by itself for a moment, before drifting off to the right and suddenly disappearing. Any confusion the two might have, however would be answered soon enough as the Godslayer suddenly spoke, this time coming from Mary's left.

"Hey . . . know who this belongs to?"

The wallet would appear again for a brief second before disappearing again, as Ky didn't want to get too involved in whatever was going on between his fellow S-class guildmate and this golden fop. As such, he'd keep walking slowly around the area within earshot of her response, and once he had it, he'd hopefully be on his way.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 7 days ago

Umiko Shimizu
Atop the Grand Tree.

| @Sho Minazuki |

Umiko had began to retire himself to the intriguing novel he'd picked up from the local library. He'd already accepted that Vega wasn't interested in talking and that suited him just fine. He adjusted his position so that he could shed some light on the page he was reading. He was so close to delving into the sea of words before a series of chuckles burst out from beside him.
"Hahahahahahahaaaa... Hah. Leash. The guildmaster." Umiko sat with his legs crossed, his head turned slightly to watch Vega as he moved into a more comfortable position. Of coarse, Umiko already knew that it was the Guildmaster's doing. Who else would Vega have listened to? Perhaps Mary? The thought of Mary telling him off for being too reckless turned his stoic, disinterested expression into a smile. It didn't take a genius to tell that Vega was irritable at the moment, so Umiko resumed reading his novel in the assumption that there conversation had ended.

"'we don't need you starting fights' he said," The brief silence was interrupted, Umiko shutting his book entirely and placing it beside him, "'if you can't control yourself for the day don't go' they said, boooooring, I know I wouldn't be able to resist beating someone in down there, so I'm up here instead. I'm not one for 'formal' events or traditions either so a day off is fine by me." Vega's mocking tone towards the Guild master might have offended Umiko on any other day, but the young man understood well enough when a person just needed to vent. It was clear that the situation didn't feel fair for Vega. Umiko had to admit that he felt the same way.
"Well, today is supposed to be a day for our guild." Umiko's voice softened upon referring to Golem's Hand as his own guild. He was still a little bit touchy on the subject. Although it wasn't as though he could ever return to Harpy's Wing with his sister there, so he may as well get used to referring to Golem's Hand as such.

"Doesn't seem fair that the Harpies get to be there enjoying it while you don't." Umiko was trying to be supportive, but at the same time he hoped he wasn't sparking any ideas about going against the Master's wishes. He was starting to wish he hadn't spoken at all. He looked out below at the festival. The people looked so small from up here, but he could still tell that they were having a good time. Perhaps Umiko would have enjoyed it, but today he wasn't in the best of moods despite his calm persona. The idea of getting into a fight with a Harpy never really appealed to him, but the young man was feeling quite frustrated today for some undisclosed reason. Whatever it was, Umiko had decided that it would be best for him to distance himself from the festival lest he let his emotions go rampant in the heat of the moment.

Penny Evergreen
Luna Crescente Festival Grounds.

| @j8cob | @Renny | @Raijinslayer |

A local swing jazz group performed in the center of the festival grounds, setting the carefree mood for the other festival inhabitants as they danced merrily to the catchy tunes. Moments ago Penny had been right at the front of the dance floor, sharing in the excitement with her parents. However right now she was crouched next to a stand, fidgeting with her glasses while strips of sticky tape hung from her lips. Her brow furrowed as she concentrated on her make shift repairs. Penny had been rhythmically swaying her head in beat with the music when her glasses had flung off of her face, only to be stepped on by one of the other dancers. Thankfully the lenses were still in tact, but the frame had been bent way out of shape. Regardless, the little girl was determined to right her wrongs. She carefully held together the frame with some strategically applied tape, her eyes beaming with delight when they were functional once more.
"Good as new!" She proclaimed, though in truth her glasses were now anything but. They sat crooked on her face and the thick wads of tape looked rather obnoxious. Regardless, Penny was happy with her results and stood up to stretch.

"Now, let me see what's next." Penny observed her surroundings before bringing her fingers up to her face with a pensive, almost contemplative expression. She began sorting through the various color coded bands that were wrapped around her fingers. She'd used this system as a way for her to remember all of her various activities. Today her fingers were loaded with reminders, as she had quite a lot to get done today. However her eyes immediately locked with a small, green band sitting just on the tip of her index finger. Of coarse, Mary's flower stand! Penny would have been absolutely devastated if she'd missed out on that. She quickly waved down her parents and let them know she was going to go look around some of the stalls. With that, she was off down the aisles of food, goods and games in search of Mary.

Thankfully it wouldn't be hard to find her. The gorgeous booth was luscious and green, just as Penny had expected it to be. Barely able to contain her excitement, Penny skipped forward towards the booth without even realising she was walking straight into the middle of a conversation. There was a man with blond hair that Penny did not recognise. He really rubbed her the wrong way. Of coarse she had no reason to dislike him, having only just met him, but Penny often found it unwise to not listen to her gut instinct when it came to such matters. Ignoring the two men, Penny beamed at Mary's flowers with her mouth open in awe.
"They're so pretty! May I have one, Ms. Boyce?" Ever respectful to the S Class wizard, it was no secret that Penny shared Mary's interest in gardening. Inexperienced and lacking the green thumb of her elder, Penny often sought out Mary for advice with her own gardening exploits. Though some would observe that the persistence of her queries could be interpreted as rather annoying to Mary. Penny was none the wiser to such allegations. She was far too occupied with her own tasks to care for any gossip about her.
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