Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Witches Of Shipden Peak

In the town of North Bennington lies a little hill. On top of that hill lies a little district, much a miniature town of its own. This little plot of land is called Shipden Peak. With a small town hall, some living quarters and more land than houses, Shipden Peak is a wonderful place to settle down. There runs a little river down into a freshwater pond. To its north lies a thick forest, often covered in mist.

Shipden Peak is home to a witch coven.

Although the days of witch hunts are long past us, life isn't roses. While the upcoming election is threatening the witches with a potential anti-witch politician claiming the title of president, unrest is stirring in the corners of the world. A rise in threats has been detected - unnatural beings such as undead creatures, magical beasts, and other supernatural causes pull media attention and feed directly into an anti-witch campaign.

News report a rise in witch registrations (which concludes a rise in witch births), a rise in magical phenomenons and, in some parts of the US, unusual weather situations.

Whether you have been a part of the Shipden Coven since birth or only joined recently, you are in fact now a witch of Shipden Peak.

Discord Link

The idea is that our group of witches will be met with different challenges and opponents along the way.

Act 1:
They first will be met with changes and difficulties they deal with from their home base, Shipden Peak. This might be political changes, magical threats, an uprise of the humans against the witches, etc. All of this brewing underneath the surface. There may be a "villain" introduced as well as a witch group defying the status quo which might lead to further unrest.

Act 2:
A change in political power will lead to many changes and a different way of life. Witches begin to be more threatened. Here, the Shipden coven might begin to discuss sending out a Unit (a group of witches) to protect people, to battle against the rising threats, to investigate the sudden magical phenomenons, or to investigate the "villain". Alternatively, the witches might be drafted for military purposes by the US government to serve in a special unit or they might be forced to flee as witches are being made responsible for the threats and detained. Depending on Act 1, this can go many ways.

Act 3:
Whatever path we choose to take, in Act 3 the reason for all the problems occurring will begin to surface, if it hasn't already. Connections will be made. Allies will be lost, enemies will possibly re-surface. And here latest will the Unit meet the "villain" or whatever main threat there is head-on if they haven't yet.

Further On
This shall not be the end of the story but it is unlikely I can predict any more than this unless I set a course for a story already. I would much rather we do this together, though.

So what do I expect from you? And what can you expect from this RP?

I am aiming for a focus on RP over combat. There will be combat and there will be some political stuff but I want the main focus to be the connection between the PCs. While the circumstance of the world and the happenings will be important, forming bonds and experimenting with RP is more important to me. There will likely not be any "stats" for our characters for this very reason and there won't any permanent character death (unless specified by the player).

I am not the best at world-building and building political systems, etc. But I will try. So please bear with me if it isn't entirely "realistic".

I expect us to form this story together. While I will drop situations that might occur - especially in the beginning - I highly encourage you to do so, too. At the discretion of your GM. If you have a unique idea for a backstory - ask me. If you have a fun idea for a plot hook or an enemy - let us discuss it. You may do so privately or openly. Together we can build a richer and more enticing story than I could on my own.

Furthermore, I am expecting this to be a moderate to slow RP. We might be fast posting in the beginning, but I know that most people always have life come in-between. As I would still like to keep this going even then, I am thinking of having a once per week or once per 2 weeks posting schedule. I wanna emphasize the writing, the connection, and especially the love to develop a story, over the hustle of cramming posts.

This list might change / expand.
  • GM has the last word
  • Any action which has another character give involuntary information or act involuntarily MUST be discussed with the player, in case of NPCs it MUST be discussed with the GM
  • Any post must be related to events stated in prior posts, include a reaction to all PCs which are included in the scene (no one gets "ignored") and further the plot/scene. No "empty" reaction posts. Your post must add something new.
  • Any post must have some insight into your character (motivation, feelings, thoughts, struggles, whatever fits the moment)
  • No character can be a broody loner; you may have it be part of the character's traits but essentially, I need you to make a character that will want to engage with others on some level
  • Maximum of 2 characters per player, so choose wisely
  • You may make a villainous (side) character/an antagonist ONLY as a secondary character (note: villains and antagonists do not have a "right" of posting, the GM and you will decide together when it fits to have them show up/interact with PCs or NPCs; an antagonist might pop up and reappear later). Your antagonist may be human, witch or other.

Character Creation

Infos for creating your character:
  • Please make your main character between the ages of 23 and 37
  • Make a Shipden "hero" before you make an antagonist (corruption arcs for "heroes" are possible though)
  • Fill out all required information in the given CS, you may add more any info if you like
  • You may format the CS how you like but pls keep it easy on the eyes and organized
  • You may choose any power you can think of for your school of magic - I will then judge whether it fits the world or is too OP and get back to you :)

From here on you will find info about the world our characters live in. For the schools of magic, see "Magic System".

Magic vs. Normalcy
Casters, magicians, sorcerers, wizards, warlocks, witches, or whatever else one might have called them throughout the times, have always existed alongside humans. The history of witchcraft vs. humanity is long and dull and splattered with blood and betrayal on both sides.

Humans, having feared the power of magic users, have tried their best to secure themselves through various means. War. Peace treaties. Witch burnings. And witches, sometimes out of hunger for power, sometimes out of vengeance, and other times out of desperation, have done the same to the humans as they had to them. Whoever started it is unclear.

Nowadays, in the United States of America, witches and humans live side-by-side in peace. Witch huntings and burnings have long been stories of the past. As have stories of vile witches stealing children and casting curses upon entire families. However, mistrust remains.

In this great nation, witches are as welcome and protected as anyone! But they must follow certain rules. The safety of the masses - witch and human alike - must be the nation's front and foremost concern. So the nation has established a rule system that all witches of the United States must follow.

  • Rule No. 1: All US citizen witches must join a coven of their choice and register their name with the government upon turning 18 within the first 2 months of their adulthood. Prior to completing the 18th year of life, any underage witch and any witch's child must be registered in the Young Witch's Coven of the United States OR be registered to another coven of their legal guardians' choice.
  • Rule No. 2: No witch may intentionally or out of lack of responsibility and care use any magical ability, directly or indirectly, on another US citizen, including other witches.
  • Rule No. 3: Any witch may be drafted for military purposes at any point to protect the United States of America from threats foreign and domestic.
  • Rule No. 4: Any witch must follow the enforced rules of their covens and sub-covens at all times or stand trial before the sub-coven, coven and finally the US law.
  • Rule No. 4: Any witch may freely choose to change their registration to another coven with a 2-year-period of membership.
  • Rule No. 5: Any witch must attend a witch's school for a minimum of 3 years of study between the ages 12 and 18 additionally to the regular school requirements. The course of study of magical properties and abilities may not exceed a total of 10 years.
  • Rule No. 6: No witch may use any magical ability outside of their coven's seating at work, for work, for job applications, or otherwise in connection to professional employment, unless explicitly stated and granted within their contract of employment.

The Covens
In general, covens are a community of witches. There are multiple covens all over the US but due to the scarcity of witches (1 in 1.000.000) covens with actual witch communities are rare.

Usually, a coven consists of multiple sub-covens. There may be a "CA Witches" Coven which in turn has multiple regional covens underneath its heading which it's responsible for. Those regional covens then have their own seating somewhere, this is usually a part of a small town that is only meant for witches. There you may find a witch's community including a school for witchcraft and a witch's town hall. However, a witch may also be officially registered with a regional coven but live outside the coven's seating. In this case, they would be surrounded by humans and likely have little to no personal contact with other witches due to the scarcity. Witches tend to flock to those small communities and live within their covens for various reasons.

Covens are under observation and regulation by the US government. Any sub-coven must have at least 50 witches registered to it at all times to be officially recognized. Any coven must have at least 300 witches registered to it at all times to be officially recognized. If the number drops beneath the required amount at any point in time, the coven or sub-coven is granted a 30-day period to fill the missing spots. If they can't, the witches within the coven must register with a legitimate sub-coven or coven or they will be randomly placed into one by the US government.
Magic System
The magic system of this world consists of 8 main schools of magic with various sub-categories.

Curently, the US has a female president who is pro-witches and trying to change the laws which restrict them. Her main subjects on this matter are the enforced military draft and the restriction to 10 years of proper magical education. With the latter, she succeeded right after her election - almost 8 years ago - and has since done her best to limit government supervision of covens and witch's schools.

With re-election coming up, the president's most promising rival is a man who is - not surprisingly - anti-witch. He continues to spew subte hate and fear among the US citizens and speaks out for stricter observation, registration and limitations of witch's property, education and political rights.

It is unsure as of now who might win this election. (A president may serve up to 4 terms, a total of 16 years.)

All witches have had the right to vote since human women did, including male witches (who previously couldn't vote).

About The Witch's World

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

This seems really cool! I'd like to put my interest forward!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Very interesting/interested!
I'm trying to get back into things here after a long hiatus- & would love to get wrapped up in this story with you all.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sounds pretty sick. I'll get to work on a sheet if I'll be had ^^
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 16 days ago

Interested, definitely.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Marmalised Junk
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Marmalised Junk I'm not a clown, I'm the entire circus

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sounds awesome! If this becomes a roleplay, I'll definitely apply!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'd also like to throw my lot into this, as well.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ShepherdOfHope
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Also interested.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

For everyone's concern: Now that there is some interest, I might as well mention that spots for Necromancy will be limited. I don't know to how many yet. I also wanna mention that Necromancy is the hardest to master of the schools and the most controlled/regulated by the US government. It will also be the one school of magic I will restrict most in means of abilities. You may not run around with a horde of raised dead on your heels and at your command.

Other schools of magic will not be as restricted in terms of what you might come up with for them.

I am not sure yet when I will make an OOC but I imagine I will put a Q&A section into the 0th post or so, considering that many questions about the world, its restrictions and especially its magical means will be piling in.

You may join the discord server if you like. Getting your questions answered over there will be quicker than on here.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Leophael
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Leophael Hellacious

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tentative interest! I'm starting to potentially spread myself thin, but you've got skeleton for a very interesting story!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Here my gal. Even though it's not the official thread yet, I always find it helpful to see how other people are working their sheets, so maybe this'll be helpful to someone. Pls pardon any errors, I am notoriously bad at proofreading.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by OddnessApproved
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OddnessApproved I'm passionate about hating people.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Interested! I'm thinking of a character who specializes in transmutation and is also an animagus. Maybe by tomorrow night I'll have something up.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Katakuri glad to see you're interested. We have a lovely discord server you can join if you like. I'm looking forward to your CS but please know that no CS is required until I've dropped the OOC, so no stress.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by OddnessApproved
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OddnessApproved I'm passionate about hating people.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Benzaiten Thank you very much! I'm delighted to be here. I'll join the discord and think about my character more. Thank you for letting me know, but I'll probably make one just to get a rough idea.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Alise
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Alise ‎‎눈치

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Interested. I might wait slightly before deciding on the magical abilities. I figure I'll go with a combination that is underused.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by OddnessApproved
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OddnessApproved I'm passionate about hating people.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Here is my work-in-progress character, Kadir R. Morelli.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Sniblet
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Sniblet drinking problem

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hello hi everyone this looks cool
so anyway here's a character sheet
This was pretty fun to make
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Aiyanna
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Aiyanna Elven Envoy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hey, thank you for linking this to me. I've read through the premise and rules, and this one would be PERFECT for me. Are you still taking people in? I'd love to join, but I'll need until the weekend to be able to cook up a character premise. I'll join the Discord later. Can't wait to talk more with you all!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hey, thank you for linking this to me. I've read through the premise and rules, and this one would be PERFECT for me. Are you still taking people in? I'd love to join, but I'll need until the weekend to be able to cook up a character premise. I'll join the Discord later. Can't wait to talk more with you all!

We are definitely still open for applications. Official reviewing of CS will only begin once the OOC is up. I'll be looking forward to your submission :)
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

For anyone clicking on this Interest Check, follow me to the OOC:)
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