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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Greyson Groaned as he was faced against the ankou knowing this Grim was about to call out and get back up which Greyson didn't have that certain luxury at the moment knowing his other classmates were in similar situations. Greyson was on his own as he charged at the Grimm. Quickly using his semblance to make the ankou freeze for a moment when it tried to hit him. Greyson was about to attack but he misjudged the Ankou's speed of recovery and was barley able to block its strike but he still got a cut on his leg as a result which just made this that much harder to fight the ankou.

Greyson needed to take it down fast. He loaded his sword and got ready using his semblance one more time when it hit him but this time Greyson didn't try to outmaneuver it to try and flank it instead he took it head on.

Greyson used his shotgun and got it right in the face which unfortunately made it screech. Now it seemed more important that he needed to kill it quickly before its help arrived. God if Greyson Gets out of this predicament, he will in the future make sure not to venture into territory like this alone again...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sangue Naga – Survival

Sangue raised her blade by her waist when it was apparent that more Grimm would appear. Though she did initially try to simply decapitate the Grimm, she felt haste in her actions. The woman still had room to improve, and she knew that she needed to improve in order to keep up with her classes under certain disadvantages.

A sigh escaped her lips, but it directed neither to herself or anyone else around her. She sighed at the sight of Grimm rushing in. Glancing at her surroundings, Sangue slowly walked over to a man wielding twin blades (Daniel) as she decided to use him to gain an advantage over the Grimm. Not that she saw him as incompetent or a tool, but she herself needed someone to watch her back, as she had to focus on full offense if she were to ever be useful with a single arm.

The woman then encountered an Itzamna that flung itself towards her. Startled by the sudden appearance of the Grimm, Sangue slashed through it effortlessly with her blade. She managed to kill several of the weak creatures before something odd happened.

When she threw the Apophis Claw at one of the Itzamna, it latched itself onto the claw.

And when she tried to pull the claw away, one-by-one, more and more Itzamnas gathered around the claw, latching onto it.

She had the basic gist of what was going to happen next, and she did not like it. Since the Apophis Claw was connected to her body, if she was unable to pull it away from something…

Sangue felt her body swing forward as the Itzamnas knocked her off her feet by tugging at the Claw. Gritting her teeth, the woman felt her body slowly getting dragged away from where she initially stood. With desperation, Sangue plunged her sword onto the ground, momentarily stopping her from getting dragged. It was hard to forcefully tear away the Claw from her, but it was still essentially a limb to her.

…Help,” she muttered, albeit a bit loudly. The sword trembled as she held onto it. Sangue remained calm and waited for any kind of assistance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sarina Tala Dei - Survival

Sarina had been watching the survival students fight right beside Vorosky though she noticed that Sangue from team BAST was in trouble when she uttered for help. It was time for Sarina to intervene. Strapped on her back were Arbiter and Tormento as she ran swiftly towards the Itzamnas. As she got closer to the Itzamnas she unsheathed Arbiter, with her finger on the engine trigger. She brought up Tormneto, holding it as a shield…

And when she got close to Sangue she activated the trigger of Arbiter and vertically swung at the Itzamnas biting on Sangues claw. Her strike was flawless as blood spilled out from the remains of the Itzamnas and bits of them spilled onto her clothing and there was some on her katana. She then briskly walked to Sangue looking directly at her on the ground. “More of them are coming. Prepare yourself.”


The whisper in her ear made Sarina look above to see Itzamnas in the sky. She braced her feet into the soil, sheathing Arbiter and bringing Tormento to her chest looking up at the sky. She waited until they got close up and unsheathed her sword and launched several strikes in her while simultaneously firing Tormento in the air killing the small group of Itzamnas trying to lunge on her.

Sarina then followed Vorosky to the river and grabbed a pallet and floated down the river.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gren Orchid

From his vantage position Gren rained a hell of bullets and rockets down onto the enemy. He did his best to keep the Grimm at bay, but there was only one of him and potentially hundreds of these monsters. They were coming from all sides and the best Gren could do is scatter large mobs so the hunters on the ground can take them out one-on-one. Things were going fairly well until, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a gout of liquid come strait at him. Gren slid down the tree to dodge it as the fluids crashed into the branches above him. More where coming in by the trees, climbing along the branches to surround the hunters. At least six by Gren's count, but more could be coming. He tried to shoot them down but the trees provided them enough cover to protect them as they moved, and their armored plates deflected Gren's bullets. And he couldn't risky shooting rockets into the forest less he bring a tree down, which may end up crushing one of the hunters by his negligence.

Not to mention that Gren was still trying to do his job at stemming the Itzamna horde. These Salamanders took up vantage points like Gren, firing jets of acidic venom down at the hunters below. More annoyingly they would. Not. Stay. In. Place. After they fired one jet, they'd move to a different branch or a different level on the tree and fire another, constantly on the move to give the appearance of there being more than just six of the damn things. Even Gren had a hard time tracking them in the chaos. The only good news was that the Salamander's constant moving allowed one of them to come to him.

Both where caught by surprise by each others presence, but Gren was quicker on the draw. He blasted The God Eater directly into the face of the Salamander, it's armored skull being the only thing that prevented instant death. But it was dazed now, flailing it's claws and spitting acid at random. Gren was caught by a full splash, but his armor as well as his Aura were steadfast. Switching The God Eater to it's Terror Form he sawed the Salanader in twain, eliminating one of them. But there were still other Salamanders moving through the trees, firing down at at the hunters busy on the ground. When Gren surveyed the battlefield he noticed that Sangue girl he had spoken to prviously in a bit of a pickle. A few jets of acid splashed in her general direction, telling Gren that the Salamanders were also targeting her. And worse of all, she was pinned down by a group of Itzamna grabbing her claw. Gren moved to a spot on his tree where he could see Sangue and sent a wall of bullet her direction, specifically at the Itzamnas. His bullets tore through most of the monsters, and those who weren't killed were significantly weakened. Gren took out his SCROLL and made a call to everyone in the area.

"Salamanders in the area! Find cover and don't get bogged down! Take to the high grounds and take out the Salamanders, and we can deal with the Itzamnas at-"

Gren didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as an Itzamna pounced on him. During his brief chance to look back, he noticed that the lizard creatures, like the Salamanders, were climbing the trees. They all were going to attack from the high ground. He wasn't sure how the Itzamna's were going to do that seeing that they lacked range weapons, but they certainly had the leg strength to survive such a fall. They'd come in hard and fast, faster than these hunters could if they don't get their act together.

Luckily for Gren he landed on the Itzamna that attacked him, cushioning his fall and killing the beast. He landed near Jack @Sho Minazuki, giving him a short statement before trying to head back into the trees. "There are about five Salamanders circling through the trees around here. Itzamnas are coming in from above. Follow me and help try try to even the odds, or go find someone and make sure they don't die. Either way, I have to go, hurry!" The screeches of more Itzamnas were coming in fast, so Gren charged up the side of another large tree to get into position as quickly as he could, occasionally dodging or getting hit by a jet of acid that he didn't see.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Abel Fulgurate

Obliterating the first Itzamna he saw with a flash of lightning made Abel's hopes rise. This optimism evaporated faster than the smoke of the Grimm's body when the woods around the clearing discharged its brethren by the truckload. Within seconds every student in the place was fighting for his or her life, but to Abel the world became narrow. He focused on each one that came at him, suppressing the fear that he would be overwhelmed. Experience fighting with the Ampere had taught him that while he had the range advantage on melee-oriented foes, if they managed to get past the defense offered by the point of his blade, he was in trouble. The first Itzama rushed low, dodging beneath the Ampere and aiming for Abel's legs. Filled with an image of him getting dragged off his feet and forcibly disemboweled, Abel jumped into the air, and the jaws of the raptor snapped shut around nothing. The next instant, Abel landed with the full weight of his body driving the Ampere's blade straight down. Unfortunately, the quicker-than-average monster weaseled out of the way, and at the same time two more appeared at its side. The guardian touched the ground already, spinning, and his blade sheared through one of the Grimm before it could react. While the others leaped back out of slicing range, one wasn't quite fast enough, and the Ampere's edge cut through its mouth. Shrieking in garbled pain and with its bottom jaw flapping loose, the Itzamna moved in to make use of its hook-talons, but it moved slowly enough for Abel to dispatch it. He spotted four more trotting up to him from the underbrush, and heaved a heavy sigh.

At that moment, some of Gren's artillery scattered the mob unwittingly formed by the Itzamna. One of them fled straight toward Abel, who thrust the Ampere out with one hand and speared the Grimm through its throat. Two more of the original group headed his way, and Abel decided it was time to move. He leaped back over a fire, retreating in the direction of other students to keep his back covered. The last thing he needed was some Grimm jumping him from behind. To his astonishment, both Itzamna hopped the fire as well before running at him simultaneously. Seeking to eliminate both at once, Abel attempted a wide overhand sweep, but one Grimm went low while the other went high—the pack hunters were working in sync. Abel was forced to alter the Ampere's path to intercept the low one, and the jumping Itzamna clamped its jaws on Abel's forearm. Instantly, its vicelike maw began crushing the armor, digging itself in. Twice the guardian pulled away futilely before he let go of the Ampere, guided it with his semblance, and gutted the Itzamna to release its deathgrip. At that moment, Sangue's call for help went up, but however much it hurt the protector to abstain from rushing to the girl's side, he had other problems to deal with. Gren's call came through as well, alerting him to the presence of Salamanders. Sure enough, when Abel glanced skyward, he could point out arcs of sizzling greenish liquid spewing through the conifers.

“Hey!” Another girl's voice came from a couple meters away. Abel couldn't keep himself from looking.

Rayna, looking at him with no small amount of urgency etched on her face, pointed to an incoming squadron of Itzamna that had managed to group together. Without explaining, the girl held up one of her hands and pointed it at Abel. Something launched toward him, and Abel flinched before realizing it that it was not a bullet, but a chain. The guardian held out his own hand and the chain latched on, and instinctively he heaved it into a spin. Rayna allowed herself to leave the earth and be whirled around by the chain, her gunblades flashing through the air, and the cluster of Itzamna fell like flies. Just like that, the chain vanished and the tandem attack was over, and the battle moved on.

A forceful splatter hit Abel in the back. His armor sizzled, and some of the acid dripped onto his blue jacket, melting holes. Abel spun around, shifting his Ampere into staff mode as his did, and let loose a lightning bolt. The thunderous electricity slammed into a tree on the other side of the clearing, instantly seeking the moist sap beneath the bark and exploding the bark away in its attempt to do so. There was no sign of the offending Salamander. When Abel turned back around, Ampere once more shifted to blade mode with a serious of clangs, he found himself standing next to Oswald, watching yet another wave of Itzamna appear. This time some Salamanders lumbered in on the ground as well. The clearing was becoming a very dangerous place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 1 day ago

Oswald Connoly- Survival

As more Itzamna came out, Oswald realized that he wouldn't be able to keep up with the others, only having one usable arm and two weapons to wield with it. He could try to fight with one arm, but against more than three or four enemies, he'd be overwhelmed after even the smallest mistake. Deciding to move to the rest of the students, he narrowed his eyes and watched as the others cooperated. Goodwitch's assistant managed to save one of their classmates who was in a bind, Gren made a call out to everybody, alerting them to the presence of Salamanders in the area.

Cursing, Oswald nodded at Abel, who had appeared near him after having eliminated some Grimm. "Stick by me, if you would. Only using one arm has made me quite the easy target." As he spoke, a group of five Itzamna charged them, moving to surround the pair of boys in a pincer attack. "I'll take the left." Hoping that Abel could handle the larger share, Oswald turned to the pair closest to him, staring the creatures down.

Both advanced at once, trying to get him between the two, but Oswald teleported to the side of one and stabbed into its side, causing the raptor to leap away, wounded but still alive. Grunting, Oswald stepped out of the way of the other Grimm, which had used the distraction to make an attack. Oswald threw his cloak onto the Itzamna and stabbed straight through it, piercing the monster's shoulder, then turned his attention back to the first raptor, which was now stalking over towards him, even more angry. Repeating his original attack, Oswald teleported directly in front of the Grimm, stabbing upward into its throat.

Turning as one creature disappeared, Oswald smirked as he watched the second Itzamna free itself from his cloak and leap at him. A shoulder roll to the right, and he'd flanked the raptor, slashing downwards with his sword, slicing its tail free from its body. Now heavily wounded and bleeding, the Itzamna let out a guttural screech, causing some salamanders to make their way towards the pair. "Dammit, they're just gonna keep calling for the others! Abel, we need to find the rest of the students and form up!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sangue Naga - Survival

Sangue coughed when the Itzamnas stopped pulling on her claw. Her grip on her blade loosening when Sarina helped her, the red-haired woman shakily stood up, giving the helpful woman a respectful nod.

Suddenly, the woman saw something fly straight towards her, causing the swordswoman to jerk her head and barely dodge a fistful of venom. Glaring at the skies, she frowned. A salamander had decided to bully her by preparing to send another streak of venom.

Fortunately, fire could not fight easily against fire. Sangue's semblance, after all, would be useful against Salamanders.

Flailing her claw up in front of her, Sangue loosely defended herself from another streak of acid, coating the Apophis Claw with venom. The Apophis Claw seemed to keep the venom sticking to itself, though it was evident that the poison would only be used in a few attacks before vanishing. And even if she got hit, the venom would heal her.

...She would probably be unable to keep up with the Salamanders due to her lack of proper far-ranged weapons, however.

While she was paying attention, several more Itzamnas appeared and headed for both her and Sarina. Her open eye squinting at the sight of Grimm surrounding everyone, Sangue whispered to the dark-haired woman,

"Please take care of the beast in the skies. I will cover you as much as possible."

The red-haired woman prepped her blade by her waist before slashing through an Itzamna that got too close to her by itself. There were approximately four Itzamnas headed for Sangue, and one Salamander and several other Itzamnas apparently deciding on whether to attack Sarina or Sangue. She decided to save the Apophis Claw's newly coated venom when she was given the chance to face other Salamanders that decided to attack her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Robert Fallson - Practice

Robert continued standing at attention, waiting for the other students of the class to get to the range so Ms. Vanhomrigh could start the next part of the class. He was slowly getting impatient though. At first, he started rapidly tapping his foot on the ground. Then he began rocking back-and-forth on the soles of his feet. After a while, Robert decided that he'd risk getting in trouble with Ms. Vanhomrigh, if only to give himself something to do. He'd talk to one of his classmates. "I wonder how the guys in Survival class are doing. Probably something boring like learning how to build fires and pitch tents and stuff," Robert said to no one in particular. He hoped someone would still hear him even though everyone had their ear protection already on.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
Avatar of Sho Minazuki

Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jack Orpheus | Survival

For a good portion of this fight, Jack was absent. In fact he was coming out of the woods, with a bundle of sticks, announcing his return, before he realized he was tailed by a bunch of Itzanmas. He turned as they charged him, and in that split second that would normally force anyone to block or even just take the hit, Jack was fast enough to weave to the side. With an unchanging expression he dropped the sticks and drew a single blade all in one movement, before plunging it down the neck of the Itzanma that dared charge him, beheading it. As he side stepped the Itzanma, he out of the corner of his eyes saw the other two, and the moment he confirmed the hit on the first one, already made use of his Semblance to zip around and strike the other two. Finishing that, he turned to the clearing, where the camp was... And...

"Okay, so-... I guess everyone's kind of busy...", and had it under control too. That was until he saw the Salamander join in from the other end of the camp.

"Yep. Definitely busy". He was a little elated, a new opponent oh boy, enough that he charged the Salamander instantly. The other students only saw a blue lightning and what seemed to be multiple strikes upon the Salamander from multiple directions. The trees in the area let him use his Lightning Rod special move, but that extra speed meant nothing in the face of the Salamander's armour, his strikes barely did any damage. After several strikes upon multiple parts of the armour, he dashed back to a sliding halt alongside the other students. There were also a bunch of Itzanmas too on the way. Hmmm... Should he dispatch the Itzanmas and let everyone else handle the Salamander? Or should he try and get the Salamander's attention and try and keep it from moving too much so the others can take it down...? After a moment he came to a decision. He announced to the others,

"Don't worry about the Itzanmas. You guys just handle the Salamander", and with that he was off. In a blue flash one was cut down as he passed by it with his Semblance, before coming down on another from above by jumping directly out of his dash. He decided he will hold back the Itzanmas, try as they might, these raptor Grimm weren't going to catch him under normal circumstances.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
Avatar of Kaithas

Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Amy turned toward Diamond, her eyes falling from the medallion to the other girl’s face, then to the grappling hooks on the ground. Her arms and legs were on fire, having pushed herself as hard as she could already. “I’m excellent with a grappling hook, but… Not gonna be much use in the condition I’m in. Care to help a girl out?”

The theatrical way in which the new obstacle was revealed made Diamond roll her eyes, however the task didn’t seem to be that hard, not with her actually saving her strength despite what the teacher wanted. She considered that a sound tactical decision right now. The desired object was hanging by the ceiling. If she put what she had left into it, she could probably form platforms with her semblance to get that high before she completely exhausted herself, but the teacher didn’t want that and she doubted she could cheat stealthily enough, although she wasn’t above cheating if she could get away with it.

Fortunately the help needed appeared by itself. “Certainly. A recovery of a lost item from a safe location. Just like old times.” the ex-thief grinned, eyeballing their options. She could see herself with the grappling hook, but just thinking of pulling up another person made her arms numb. The blocks around of various size and weights would chisel a good bit off of that distance, but stacking them up seemed stupidly dangerous. Of course, she could wrap her shadow around to strengthen the construct, but the teacher frowned upon using semblances in his class to Diamond’s great displeasure. Her mind wisely chose not to consider the poles and pogo sticks.

Snapping her fingers and pointing to one of the bigger boxes, she whispered: “Let’s try stacking something on that one?” she didn’t want anyone else to overhear. Old habits died hard, and her mind was going with the thief analogy. And Diamond couldn’t let anyone get first to what she was stealing.

Amy nodded, moving toward the large box Diamond had indicated, gaze focusing on the gold medallion tied to the ceiling. “So… That box, plus another, smaller one? If we get close enough, we could jump and touch it… Or use a grappling hook to swing toward it, I suppose.” She glanced at Diamond, her eyes looking the other girl up and down. “What are you planning?”

“Like something you see?” Diamond couldn’t help herself when her thief eyes noticed Amy’s all over her. Thinking over the suggestions Amy brought up, Diamond wasn’t entirely sold. “Jumping smells of broken legs, not all of us come with feathers,” she smirked, “The grapple sounds doable, or we could use one for stability while climbing a higher stack.” she said as she scratched her chin.

Of course she pulled jobs where she had to get to high places, but that was usually when her semblance came to aid. But other than that, she was certainly more comfortable using a length of rope than relying on her body alone. The thug didn’t have doubt she could jump that high from the boxes, but she drawn blanks when she thought of how to land with the grace of something else than a brick. Using a rope for balance while they climbed the stack seemed the least physically exerting and above all else, both could reach that the same time. As the ex-thief was heavier, anything else would have her supporting the lighter girl, and she prefered sharing the profit to letting someone else get the loot.

Amy smirked slightly. “The stability idea sounds the best… I don’t want broken bones anymore than you do. So… Just stack this stuff as high as we can, then climb it? Okay…” Amy leaned over to push the box Diamond had indicated, starting to push the box. She looked over her shoulder at Diamond, making sure the other girl got a very nice view of her butt, then barely winked at her before she moved the box to the best spot to start a stack.
“Find a box, put it on the stack. Your turn.”

“Much appreciated.” Diamond said, her hand instinctively flying up to tip her hat only to grasp empty air. Measuring the boxes available with her gaze, she found a few that looked sturdy enough and would get them there. On her way to fetch the next one, she also grabbed a length of rope with the hook tied to the end.

Pushing the box to the first one wasn’t a problem, but getting it up there took some effort. She went off to get two of the vaulting poles and made a sort of inclined plane along which she slid the box up. “What, two more? The lighter ones should do now.” Diamond said, dropping the rope near the boxes.

Amy nodded, picking up a box–God, did her arms hurt–and put it on top of the lower box, then pulled herself on top of the lower of the two and put it on the higher one. “Hand me another one. No reason to climb back down so long as I’m here. Particularly because I pretty much can’t feel anything from my arms except pain.”

“Ow, my poor baby. Perhaps you should stop by after classes. See if I picked up something from those golden hands of yours?” Diamond grinned, waving her fingers. She picked up the rope and handed it over to Amy: “See if you can get it up, it’s getting wobbly up there.” Afterwards she turned around and dragged the last box to their stack. Pushing it up before following onto the first box, she carefully stepped on the next one to keep the tower in balance.

“Maybe so.” Amy’s smirk never left her face as she picked up the rope, and with practiced ease threw it over a girder near the medallion. She pulled some of her weight onto the rope, letting the boxes restabilize as Diamond climbed up them. “Okay, so… We’re both gonna climb the rope at the same time? To both the victors go the spoils?”

Looking around to check their competition, diamond was happy to see no one was as far - well, high - as they were. She praised herself for saving her energy. “That’s the idea, unless you intend to be a backstabbing find and throw me off at the last moment.” Diamond smiled, reaching for the rope to help drag herself up the last, dodgy block. She was glad for the support, otherwise she was certain she would have lost balance a long time ago. Wrapping the rope around her right hand, she offered her left to the other girl to help pull her up. Once there, she looked up at the trinket now within their reach. “On three?”

“On three. One, two, three–” And their hands both touched the medallion at the same time, whatever surprise the PE teacher had planned undoubtedly happening. Though, Amy reflected, the PE teacher likely wasn’t going to give them anything.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
Avatar of Scarifar

Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Daniel rolled to the side to avoid a lunging Itzanma. The Itzanma turned to lunge at him again, but Daniel was quicker to retaliate, stabbing it in its chest. Jumping back as the corpse disintegrated, Daniel yelled out happily, "This is too easy!" Unfortunately for him, those words would come back to bite him in the ass.

Salamanders were firing shots of acid, which were coming down on him and the other students, forcing Daniel to keep moving to avoid getting hit. Daniel shot one fireball at the trees where an acid shot had come from, but it did next to nothing to even lessen the amount of shots. One shot managed to hit his short sword, and Daniel threw it to the side out of instinct. Great, now he was one weapon short.

With only one sword left and no way to fight back against the Salamanders, Daniel decided that he might as well just fight the things he could fight. Right now, that was the Itzanmas. Slicing through an Itzanma as he ran, he jumped and cleaved through another Itzanma that was lunging toward Oswald. Grinning, he turned toward Oswald and said, "You owe me one now!" before running off towards the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Esther Vanhomrigh - 5th Period, Practice Class

White glove slipping into her coat pocket, she slipped out her Scroll to check the time. Pocketing it and looking up at the students as they arrived one after the other, she adjusted the brim of her cover. Once everyone had finally gathered, she turned to face a table where various rifles and boxes of ammunition sat and motioned towards it with her white gloved hand.

"For this next period of instruction, we'll be moving on to evaluating your firearms knowledge and skill. Eyes and ears."

Slipping her slung rifle off of her back and pointing its barrel up towards the sky, she held it firmly in a one-armed 'chicken wing'. Turning so that the students could see, she unsnapped one of her black leather magazine pouches from her belt and pulled out a blue-colored magazine.

"Those of you who are unfamiliar with firearms manipulations and manual of arms, listen up and pay close attention. With a magazine, load it into the magazine well and 'make ready'."

She slammed the blue boxy looking object into an opening on the underside of her rifle.
Grabbing a latch on the rifle's side, she ripped it back as the weapon noisily clack-clacked. The sound itself intimidating and threatening.
"Make ready."
She turned to the students, the barrel of her special rifle still pointed safely skyward.
"Simple, right? With this, a round is chambered and your weapon is in Condition 3."
Taking a step, she swiveled at a straight angle to face down range. Shouldering her rifle, she pointed her muzzle at a small circular paper target approximately 25 yards away. Settling to a stance, she gave further instructions.

"Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, a slight bend in your knees. Lean into your weapon by bending forward at the waist slightly. Stock high and firm in your shoulder. Firing hand high and firm on the grip. Bring your head down to your weapon's stock, not the weapon up to you. Both eyes open and focusing on the target."

With a slight flick of her thumb, she swept her weapon's safety off of 'Safe' and onto 'Semi/Fire'. With the pad of her pointer finger, she squeezed off 3 consecutive shots. Her rifle thunderously booming with each shot, fire spitting from its muzzle. Down range, three small holes touched each other and made an opening the size of a Lien cent piece. The opening dead center of the target. Flicking its safely back on, she pointed her rifle again towards the sky and turned towards the students.

"After you've assumed a positive and comfortable shooting stance, point your weapons down range at your targets. Use your thumb to sweep the safety selectors onto 'Semi/Fire' and with the pad of your pointer fingers gently SQUEEZE the trigger. You will fire FIVE WELL-AIMED shots on my command on the firing line. Earlier I may have stated that you would be using your own weapons should they have their own firing mechanisms. You're not. Today, you will all be using the stock issued weapons here that are similar to those used by the Vale military past and present. Once we have your shot group and time, the rest of today's instruction will be left with Professor Rowan. I will merely observing, answering questions and so on for the remainder of the class."

Pressing her rifle's magazine release, she ejected the blue magazine and slid it back into its pouch, snapping it in. Grabbing the charging handle on her rifle, she racked it back once and ejected the chambered round to snatch it out of midair. She then slung her rifle onto her back and pocketed the spare round. Walking away, she reminded them "Booger-hookers off the bangswitches until I declare the firing line hot, lest you want to make good friends with Terra Firma and my knuckles."

She made her way to the center of the range and back some to be able to observe them all.

Kuhaku Shiro - 5th Period, Practice Class

He turned to Marcus with a curious look on his face as he told him his time. Frowning, though he had passed, he was certain he could run that course faster than just four minutes. To be honest, he wondered how Professor Rowan and Ms. Vanhomrigh could do the course. Tapping his chin in thought, he lost track of himself for a moment and forgot that Marcus was in conversation with him. White ears perking, he looked a little stunned.

[b]"Oh! Thank you for keeping track of my time. I appreciate it."
Shiro smiled at him, until Marcus stated that he would probably do better than him on the range. Whether he was prodding Shiro or not, he didn't know. He frowned again, before it slowly transformed into a mischievous smirk.
"Ah, maybe you could do better. But then again, maybe not. You seem to have some prior experience and training with firearms."
His golden brown eyes looked Marcus up and down, still grinning his signature white and toothy grin.
"But who knows, maybe I'll surprise you." He then had a brilliant and fun idea. Ears perking and eyes practically sparkling, he turned back to Marcus. His tail up and sweeping side to side. "Say, you wanna make a wager? I bet that I can do just as good as you if not better at the range. If I win, I want an offroad ride on that tank of yours. If I lose..."
He thought for a moment, what would be a fair offer? He shrugged, smiling.
"I don't know, you think of something? Maybe a few swings of Kladenets and Perun?" He chuckled.

As he arrived to the range and found an annoyed looking teacher's aide waiting on them, his joy from conversing with another student died out a little. Something about Ms. Vanhomrigh kind of did that to him, making a piece of himself feel dead inside. Maybe it was something about her fierce, yet simultaneously dead stare that bore into your very soul. Shiro shivered and forced himself to stop thinking about it for a moment, swallowing dryly.

"H-happy thoughts. Th-think happy thoughts. Distracting thoughts to avoid her judgemental, crushing gaze. Ha ha.."

Adjusting his protecting eye and ear wear, he made sure they fit comfortably and properly as Ms. "Van" began to run through what they would be doing next. Instructing them on basic knowledge of the manual of arms for firearms. Shiro's mind wandered off as she spoke, though he tried his best to hide it and not show. He more or less already knew everything she was teaching them, it was more of a refresher. Though, he was relieved to find out that they wouldn't be using their personal weapons today. He had forgotten to swap out some parts to his weapons that would allow them to fire. Not that they were in any operational shape, that is..

Ms. Van Roaring at them, Shiro jumped slightly. Startled into a frenzy, he quickly ran up to the table where the weapons were secured and slid his sword and shield off to set them aside. Grabbing a rifle, it unlocked and he took it from the weapons rack. Slinging the rifle safely onto his back, he snatched up a magazine and jogged to the nearest spot on the firing line. Looking around for Marcus, he winked after he saw him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Abel – Survival - Forest Clearing

Though already beginning to feel the tug of fatigue on his muscles, Abel faced the next challenge readily enough. The three Itzamnas that faced him fanned out, causing the guardian to narrow his eyes. If their intention was to fracture his defense by forcing his polearm to target only one of the three, the raptors weren't so unintelligent after all. As much as he appreciated a challenge, Abel did not relish the prospect of smart Grimm with teamwork that rivaled -and perhaps even surpassed- that of the students. With Oswald at his back, however, Abel felt another obligation egging him on: to not let the other boy down. The feeling lasted even after Oswald teleported away, and when the first Itzamna darted in for the kill, Abel was ready. He pivoted on his heels, slicing open the creature's snout. It yelped and retreated, but the damage was already done. With Abel's focus divided, even for a moment, the Itzamna on his far side jumped in. It hopped straight up, lashing out with its hook talons, and scored a major hit on Abel's back. If not for a combination of armor and aura, the guardian's lower right back would have been reduced to ribbons. Even with the wound prevented, Abel still felt the impact, and the sense of inadequacy from allowing himself to be so easily struck stung him. The Ampere floated free of his hand, and cleaved through the air twice. The Itzamna, never before privy to the sight of such a power, reacted too slowly and fell, their long necks obliterated.

At the same time, Oswald finished with his pair. “Yeah,” Abel agreed. The intensity of his own voice surprised him. Though the battle only paused for a moment, he could see how bad of a situation the students were in. They were in territory only the Professor was remotely familiar with, surrounded by Grimm whose numbers -despite the carnage wrecked by the students- were sustained by a steady stream of reinforcements, and the air grew thick and hazy with the vapor of the slain monsters. He caught a peep of movement up in the trees and attempted to throw a lightning bolt its way, but his semblance hadn't recharged enough to do so. “Not form up...” he reluctantly said.

Professor Vorosky – Survival

“Well folks!”

Vorosky fired off three short bursts, taking down an Itzamna with each one. One of the raptors reached him and lunged, but the professor deftly waited until the exact moment before clubbing it with his rifle. He reached out and caught the stunned Grimm before it fell, maneuvering it into the path of an incoming Itzamna. The dazed one let out a shriek as its brother tore apart its insides, and began to dissolve into smoke. Vorosky let go and kicked the limp mass toward the other creature, blanketing it in a shower of darkness that clouded it long enough for him to shoot into the smog and kill it. Carrying on from where he'd been interrupted, he raised his chipper voice over the roar of battle. “It has been very educational half-hour but I think it is time to call quits for today. Full retreat! But cover your ears...now!”

The professor unslung a grenade, pulled the pin, and flung it into the air. It blinked twice, a brilliant white, before detonating. While the explosion itself was unremarkable, its shockwave shattered the special dust crystal within, creating a earsplitting burst of sound that resounded throughout the entire woods. As one, the Itzamna collapsed, writhing in pain, and Salamanders dropped from the trees like burlap bags. While undoubtedly painful for everyone, it particularly affected the Grimm, whose bestial senses were more receptive to sound. Vorosky smiled at his handiwork, though the expression was hidden by his mask. “Special kind of dust! Sonus dust is very rare, but very effective. Let us depart before their heads stop ringing, eh?”

He led the way to the edge of the clearing bordering the river, casually stepping on Grimm as he passed. Already they were stirring. Even to the most bloodthirsty hunter, it was clear that to spend any time on extra attacks against the mostly-helpless Grimm would be to invite his or her own demise. Vorosky followed the river for about fifty feet through the forest and revealed a stack of pallets by the waterside. “The teleport back home is downriver,” he explained as he fished a handful of washers out of a pocket and tossed them on the ground for everyone to get. “Right in front of a waterfall, in fact. Very dangerous, but everyone who survives will get wonderful grade for first day of survival class! If you are fast,” he looked at Jack at this moment, “You can follow along water's edge and then hop from rock to rock to reach the anomaly. But for everyone else, use these!”

Vorosky pushed a pallet onto the river and jumped on. Immediately it was clear that the current flowed faster than anyone might have previously suspected—clearly, there were rapids ahead. The professor rocked a little, but the pallets were obviously built with floating stability in mind, most likely solely for this purpose. Since there were two dozen more of them, all very similar, this seemed to be the case. “Itzamna can't swim, Salamanders swim too slowly! Only problems are Harpies, who will most likely be heading this direction on account of Sonus grenade!” Vorosky was starting to float out of hearing range. The river was widening and deepening the farther he went. “Quarter mile to waterfall!” He shouted. “Get moving before nasties get chomping! Stay away from riverbanks!”

Abel – Riverside

Abel laughed out loud. Surfing? Sure, why not? He lugged a large pallet to the water's edge, shoved it in, and hopped aboard. He immediately fell to all fours, terrified that the pallet might capsize and send his heavy, armored self bubbling to the bottom. After a few moments, and with the aid of the Ampere as a walking stick, he brought himself int a steady kneeling position before the current took hold and carried him away.

Coach Ahriman Agesander – PE

"Congratulations!" The physical education teacher laughed and he clapped. "An excellent display of both physical prowess and the brains to put them into good use! As promised, you may head off to the lockers. Unfortunately, I cannot split a single extra credit point in half, so neither of you will be getting an extra surprise."

He next addressed the remaining PE participants, who so far struck him as disappointingly unenthusiastic. "Anyone else feel like bothering?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I'll have a gander at it," Aurellius said as he stepped up to the plate, windmilling his right arm to stretch it. Even without his Semblance, he was feeling good. Exercise was just another daily thing for him, and the stuff thrown into PE was for pipsqueaks. He barely felt the burn through his arms and legs, and even then he paid it no mind. He was used to harder stuff. Even if he was tired, all he had to do was activate his Semblance and let the pain trickle away.

Watching Diamond walk back, he grinned slightly and gave her a thumbs up. Their solution to the problem was pretty boring, but he had to congratulate her for finding another person to do the job with. Equal split of labor meant an easier time, too bad Agesander was being a bit of an ass. Aurellius stepped forward as Agesander clicked another button, the area reforming back to its previous state so participants couldn't just steal another student's way with no work.

He rubbed his chin as he examined the area. Blocks of all sizes, grappling ropes scattered in random places. It would be pretty stupid to go through all the effort of stacking, so he improvised. Technically, there was no rules against what he was going to attempt as he bent forwards, picking up a small foot by foot cube.

The medallion wasn't too high up. Shot-put was easy, too. All you needed was good form and even a modicum of strength turned into greater gains. The box itself was the problem. It obviously gave the finger to aerodynamics. He let out a deep breath as he got into position, activating his Semblance. Whatever the teacher didn't know wouldn't hurt him, and he needed the extra strength to make the shot more accurate.

It was a damn good shot. Almost perfect as it soared through the air. His slightly pulled arms growled at him, but he paid them no mind as the box impacted with the rafters. The medallion clattered as it was ripped from its post, jingling as it impacted with the wall and fell back down to the earth with a final clang. Aurellius calmly strode over to the trinket, picking it up and grinning.

"All you said was that I had to touch it, boss."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

Member Seen 7 days ago

Trad Oak – Practice

“Well, not exactly.” Trad turned his gaze to the ground, he knew someone would ask that sooner or later. “Let’s just say I wasn’t technically accepted here until a few hours ago.” He wasn’t ashamed to admit his failure, but he rather not go around telling everyone about it. Besides, he was just getting to know this guys, he didn’t even know his name.

“Ah, there’s time for stories later. Let’s get to the range before we get our heads ripped off.” Trad changed the subject mostly so they could get a move on, he dared not imagine what Vanhomrigh would do if they lagged behind. “My names Trad by the way.” He held out his hand to the tank driver, but couldn’t help but notice pain in his voice as he called out another student’s time. “You alright? Didn’t hurt yourself on the course did you? ”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Robert Fallson - 5th Period, Practice

Robert didn't really pay attention to Ms. Vanhomrigh's instructions on how to properly load a rifle. He knew how to load his own weapons and the teacher's aid had already said earlier that each student could use their own weapon. He did pick up bits and pieces of what she said though, one of which was the new instruction that the earlier instruction about using their own weapons was no longer applicable. Robert panicked a bit. He had to hope that using these rifles wasn't much different from using his own bracers. Of course they were.

Robert chose a random rifle and fumbled with it at first. He'd seen so many movies where action stars would easily lift up heavier guns one-handed that he'd expected himself to be able to do the same. Now holding the gun with both hands instead, he carried it to the firing line. Robert took his stance, wishing he had paid more attention to the aid beforehand. Instead of being parallel with his chosen target, he had his left food forward and his right foot back. He completely missed the instruction of leaning forward and bending at the knees. At least his feet were at shoulder-width distance and his head was brought to the gun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 1 day ago

Oswald Connoly- Survival

As Oswald and Abel fought off the Itzamna, they found assistance in the form of their fellow classmates. Daniel easily eliminated an Itzamna that attempted to sneak up on Oswald during his own battle, before running off and calling that Oswald owed him one.

Meanwhile, Jack the speedster was making his way between Itzamna, tearing through the raptors like a hot knife through butter. It would be a lie for Oswald to say he wasn't impressed; to make such effective use of a Semblance like that must have required quite a bit of training. Learning how to focus while moving so fast was a hell of a feat.

While the students fought to eliminate the Grimm surrounding them, their professor called out for them all to cover their ears, before throwing a grenade into the air. Oswald barely managed to do so, but his broken wrist had led him to inadequately protect his left ear, which was left ringing tremendously. Dizzied by the sound blast, Oswald clumsily took off after Vorosky, deciding that in his current state, he would be less useful than a wet towel if he tried to do anything more than escape with his giblets intact.

After they reached the riverbed, Oswald could barely hear what Vorosky was saying. He noticed the washers the professor had thrown on the ground and grabbed one, following after Abel in hopes that it would be enough to show him what he had to do. As his classmate grabbed a pallet and got on board, Oswald did the same, floating a few meters upriver from his ally. Hopefully they were in the clear from here on out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla had no idea what was happening and she didn't really pay attention to the instructor because, hello, the girl is a gunfighter herself. So this was going to be like cutting a piece of cake in a birthday party. Good thing that she could use her own weapon, she took out her weapon pressing the small button as it turned into riffle mode. "Let's.. do this..!" she'd said looking towards her target squinting her eyes towards it.

Her left foot was forward and her right foot was back, as she bent her knees, while leaning a bit forward. Priscilla's aiming was good and all but with all these people around her it did put her a bit nervous. Her left eye was close, while her right was aiming targeting the target. She was at the firing line with the others, the instructor got Priscilla even more nervous. The others would see a bad bitch like Priscilla holding a pink riffle and getting ready for the shot, also Robert was in this class. Wow, she completely forgot about that, hopefully her ass won't be as nervous and make the shot good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Marcus Goldstein - Practice

Marcus shook Trad’s hand firmly.

“It is nothing major, I broke some things during the introductory spars. My aura can cover for me for a lesson.” he reassured Trad. The soul power was useful like that. Marcus turned to Shiro.

“Well, I only meant for fun, but okay. If I win you will help me out with maintenance for a day.” he responded to Shiro’s offer of a wager with a slight smile to indicate he bore the faunus no ill will.

“Hey Trad, want in on this too?” he offered to the side, yet at that moment they arrived at the range.

For Marcus a lot of the instruction was old hat. Frankly he would be more surprised by someone not knowing range safety. Even civilians were encouraged to teach children how to use small calibre rifles to hunt Ratotosk and the like. Still, there were always those foolhardy few that needed to be reminded that weapons were dangerous, and not toys. Basic safety lessons that every self respecting range conducting officer repeatedly drilled in the heads of anyone within a mile of their shooting range. Booger hookers made him grin for no real reason, though he smartly kept his head down and followed instructions to the letter. One roasting was enough for him. Idly he checked the stock of his given weapon, making sure the barrel was still pointing harmlessly into the sky. Just like the rifle of his childhood, the stock held a small compartment for cleaning and maintenance tools. Most importantly to him, it held a small table that helped shooters calculate bullet drop, wind factors and even effects of the Coriolis effect. As stated previously: Stock the thing was entirely capable of reaching out and touching a target two miles away.

Not that they would need it for the moment given the targets set up were more suited to assessing if the rookie hunters knew what end of the rifle made the bangy noise. A flash of pink caught Marcus’ eye and for a second he just stared in mute fascination before he snapped back and kept his gaze fixed forward. He prepared for high impact lessons reaching Priscilla in three, two, one...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rayna Bryson - Survival

What does one typically expect from a survival class? Well, lessons in survival is the clearest answer and up until a point, Survival class was precisely that. They were tasked with finding dry wood that would make good fuel for a fire. That task was easier said than done considering she didn't pair up with anyone - she simply didn't recognise anyone who she could feasibly move up to and begin a conversation with. So unfortunately, Rayna lacked the efficiency of the other students.

That, of course, didn't seem to matter in the long run of things as one of the thick-headed students disturbed a nesting group of Itzamna. That was all well and good until about two seconds later when the Grimm decided that the student in particular would make a very good meal and began to take off after him.

What happened after that point blurred away into a constant cycle of slashing, shooting and kicking any of the little beasts that strayed too close. Rayna wasn't paired with anyone so, out of a desire to remain in one piece and not subsequently fail Survival by dying in it, she merged herself with another group. Together and with the help of the other groups and the teacher, they somehow managed to repel wave after wave of the Grimm but attrition was becoming a real problem amongst them. As it went in Remnant, nearly all of them had some form of gun involved in their weaponry and once the ammunition began to run a little dry, it was mindlessly decided that they needed to evacuate - the next class was coming up, anyways.

Rayna was a tad bit disappointed, however. She had expected survival to simply be them lighting a fire or another mundane task but it had proven to be the most exhilarating class so far. So, upon slashing out the throat of another Itzamna and blasting its buddy into a cloud of smoke, she made a tactical retreat with the rest of them. A few of the students, including her, used their ranged advantage to give the heavily-armoured students time to get away on the small rafts before they too, joined them.

Just as the last of the students were making for the shore, Rayna dragged the makeshift pallet down towards the waters edge. With a single look over her shoulder, she noticed a few Salamanders dropping from the branches above - the Professor had let off a grenade which was giving them a small headache. Smiling softly, Rayna turned her attention back to the raft and dived forward onto it, pushing it into the water as it carried her forward. Surprisingly, it stayed afloat but the current was a lot quicker than she thought it would be. "Professor! How do we get out of here!? Was the entrance not back that way!?" She shouted over the chaos and the swell of the angered waters.
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