Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

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@TheHangedMan Arcadius began thinking mayybe it wasn't a good idea to have chosen her to help him..but eh. Shrugging to himself he spoke "Good, then it's settled then." He picked up the book and held it out to her. "First, see if you can lift it without me or yourself having to cast any spells to make you stronger...no offense but you look a bit weak on the physical side. Then again, others have said I do as well so that point is moot.."

Holding the book out he gripped it tightly for a few seconds before relaxing his grip, he was about to do the one thing he hadn't done in quite some time: Trust someone other than himself and his family with the Grimoire.

He really hoped he could trust her, he'd rather not have to potentially explain the dissapearance of a new student.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Zetsuko @Eklispe

"Forged by battle, were we?" Azrael asked with a larger smile. His lessons had been similar, many days of his flesh being bruised, battered, and hardened by the harsh training of the Spirits. "My training was similar, but not by the passing challenger." "I signed up for a fair bit of everything. These classes should prove to be a real challenge, I can't wait to start learning either." Sol's enthusiastic mood was infectious. Az felt a bit lighter because of it, a stress relief that he sorely needed. He shifted from foot to foot, getting a little stir-crazy in the close quarters. He turned to the other boy, noting his unique sword handles and the way they simply hovered as if hung from a sword belt. It was an ingenious way to keep your blade on you and Azrael promised to himself to ask about the spell work necessary.

"What about you Kieran? Did you learn under a swordsmaster or are you a soldier of fortune as well? Any classes you're particularly looking forward to?" Azrael asked, not wanting for the third party to feel shunted from the conversation. These two would be excellent training partners. Azrael thought of Aleksandra as well, who would be a good addition. With these three, the other well-versed students, and the intensive and advanced classes about to begin the boy easily saw that his powers could grow by leaps and bounds if he just made the most of it.

A bit of an altercation caught Azrael's eye for a moment. It seemed Chen had found some equally rowdy students and they were like peas in a pod. Azrael's fierce new friend might have found a woman after his own heart. Through the moving bodies, Azrael glimpsed a drawn knife and wondered if Chen would be alright? But the situation seemed to resolve as quickly as it started.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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"No offense taken," said Meruin. She really was on the weaker side of the physical spectrum. There was a reason for that, but it was uneccessary to be mentioned at this point. In any case, Meruin took the book in her hands and gripped it tightly. She had no idea why he wanted her to try lifting the enermous tome, but it was his request . . .

Meruin took the book from his hands, and was consequently nearly thrown into the floor. The little mage's face turned slightly red with the effort, but nonetheless, she managed to keep the book close to her chest.

"As - wheeze - you can see, I am completely - wheeze - capable of holding up - uuurgh - okay nevermind. A moment - wheeze - if you please," she groaned, her arms shaking a bit.

The little mage tapped the floor five times with her left foot, muttering a few hurried spells in intervals under her breath, and in response, an overgrowth of vines and plants sprung up under her, forming the shape of a hand. Meruin fell back into it, letting the new construct of nature support her weight and that of the books.

"There, no strengthening - huff - magic on myself, from you or from me," she said with a succint look. It was loophole, but whatever. She could do without details for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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"I prefer to think of myself as Moriarty. We are going to be battling soon after all, we're just having a pleasant conversation beforehand." Chen shrugged and looked over at Arcadius and Meruin. That was some advanced magic to perform with only a few taps of her foot. "Interesting. When do you think this pathetic excuse for a meet and greet will end?" He asked the others as he turned back towards them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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"Yes, disciplinary committee is charged with stopping any 'Major' problems that would potentially pose a threat to the school and its population" Aleksandra stated with the upmost pride. The way things were going in the room Aleksa could feel the energy levels rising, "were you planning on getting into fights right away charles?" she asked after shifting her weight onto the back of the chair and propping her arm up, "I know I have to be ready for the hell storm to start".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@The ghost in black
he looked at her then looked at everyone else "...was i planning to?.. no... i don't really like being around people.." he says getting bit more comfortable talking to her "..then again.. with my abilities.. unless it's required... i wont need to..." he tells her "if it is... i'm not to sure how well I'll do against anyone.." he states "..my abilities can be bit... unpredictable to me if a fight happens..." he tells her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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Ava smirks. "I figured as much." She states. "That's why I haven't bothered putting much effort into this little charade. Yes you know my power, but it's what one can do with the power that truly makes it effective." She stands and looks at the two. "Give a kid a toy and they are gonna find their own unique way of playing with it." Ava said. "Well seeing as we're all going to kill each other anyways. Good luck." Ava then turns and begins walking back to where she sat prior to the meeting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran looked over at the student with a gun, who's name he couldn't remember, and the girl with the knife, who's name he'd missed entirely, as they got into a heated situation. it cooled off quickly however and he returned his attention to Azrael and Sol. "i suppose i was taught by a master, though it comes a bit more natural to me." he held out his hand and one of the handles one his belt floated into his hand "it depends on what kinds of blade i'm using" a small dimensional rift opened within the handle and a longsword blade appeared on the handle "my styles will differ between something like this" another handle floated into his other hand and on it appeared a curved shotel blade "and using something like this" both blades disappeared and the handles returned to his belt "as for my classes, i've taken an interest in rituals, sealing and binding beings and spirits to things. something i aim to master" he said the last sentence with a growl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@TheHangedManArcadius looked at her, slightly puzzled at the fact she took a question for examination as a challenge to overcome and the fact of how easily she cast that spell while under stress of trying to lift the massive paperweight that was his Grimoire. "Interesting way to get around the need of a strengthening spell..however I simply meant if it was needed to be cast it shall, and if it didn't neither of us would have to expend energy to do so. Not so much of a 'see if you can do this, if not too bad' sort of thing so much as a 'if you can't do it this way, we'll do it this way' kind of thing." He spoke.

At-least now I know if she tried to steal it she wouldn't exactly be the most subtle thief. he thought to himself. "You can read through it now if you want, I'd suggest starting at th first to get used to the text gradually." He told her. "One thing I forgot to mention earlier, just don't let anyone else read it or tell them its contents."

It would be bad enough for her to have powerful family spells, but if everyone and there mother had them they could level the entire school without the proper knowledge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Ah, so you have different styles depending on which blade you use, interesting." Azrael stated, watching as the swords appeared in the empty hilts. If only his blade did something other than never wear or break. "I've taken quite a few classes, so we'll probably be seeing each other again." Az was glad he'd see a couple of familiar faces in his classes. Again, he noted the curious sword belt Kieran had. "I'm curious, is the floating unique to your swords and magic, or could I get something similar for my own blade? It's a bit of an antique." Azrael affectionately patted the pommel of his hilt in a familiar fashion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Once he saw the meet and greet session was almost at an end he shook of the cloak making him invisible to magical eyes and non magical alike and appeared on the podium. "Well hello!" he shouted his voice attracting the ears of everyone in the room, even some of the ones sleeping.
He then slipped back into a normal levelled voice. "I've never been one for long speeches so I am just going to say Hello." With that he cloaked himself again and walked down to a spare seat where he sat down and uncloaked himself, fiddling with a small dark flame in his hand and smiling...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin huffed, relieved of the weight of the book. "That's good to know. Well, just consider my earlier demonstration as a challenge to myself," she replied without missing a beat.

"I will read it later, preferably while you're working on it. I'll be able to sublimate information much quicker that way."

Meruin placed the book on her newly created shrub stool, and tapped it a few times with her index finger. A small explosion of black miasma and magic energy erupted from the tip of where her finger touched the book. Meruin drew her hand back in a snap.

"Well, at least I know your family put adequate defenses on it, your own not withstanding," her expression was even, and she looked seemingly unpeturbed bu the fact that her finger was smoking. Meruin had just attempted to forcibly transfer random bits of information between her and the book, bypassing and even breaking right through a few enchantments before hitting a defense too powerful to overcome. That was completely within the bounds of her expectations, of course.

"As for the secrets of your Grimoire, I had thought that that was a given? Naturally, I would never be so rude as to simply divulge its secrets to those unrelated to it; 'The power of magic lies in its mystery' - that was one of the first teachings of my master. It was a lesson that will stick to me for quite a long time yet. Quite literally in fact."

Suddenly, Meruin began to take off the blouse she was wearing, exposing the pale pink skin underneath. With an unconcerned expression, the tiny mage pulled down a bit of her bra, revealing the flesh above her heart to Arcadius.

"Keeping secrets is something expected of us Mages to do. In fact, had you not asked me, I would have reminded you right after slapping you for being an utter fool."

At the spot of her exposed skin, a strange symbol rested. It was a rune that constantly shifted and changed shape - looking at it was absolute torture for the eyes, with humans unable of being capable of even processing what they were looking at, and clenched the heart with fear: Fear of the unknown, and fear of being confronted with an overwhelming power.

"My master placed this curse on me to ensure that I never divulged her secrets to anyone - correction, to anything. Had I done so, my very existence would have been split apart and thrown into different dimensions, preventing me from reincarnating and even wiping out any memory anyone ever had of me. To be honest, I had expected you to do much the same."

Satisfied with her explanation, the still stoic Meruin drew back. The point she had wanted to make was simply this:

"This is only between us. Your secrets are safe with me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Upon seeing his introduction, Flare could sense that he was an user of the Dark Arts. It reminded him of the time that he was a Devil Lord and how horrible that time was. It doesn't hurt going to talk with someone, now does it? Also, I want to keep an inspection to see if his powers won't make of him a monster, just like I was..., he thought. Flare got out of his chair and walked to the possible last person of the introductions to present himself and talk, since he was bored from playing with Undefined Fate. "Hey... uh, how's it going? I wanted to know your name, since you didn't spoke on your introduction.", he spoke, trying to hide the fact that it was his powers that mainly dragged him to a dialogue...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yukisaa
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yukisaa The Evil One...

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Nova stepped up the podium "Howdy! my name is Nova Terra, it is nice to meet everyone" saying, while bowing at the same time. hoping not to take a lot of time in front of everyone, i made a short introduction and walked off the stage back towards my seat, where my cat was waiting for me, while noticing others showing off some of there powers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@MagusDream As he spoke his concentration wavered and the dark flame went out, he glared up at him. Sensing the dark in him he became more curious then hostile, he replied "Hello my name is Max, Max Olderson" and as he finished saying his name a shadow rippled over his ring.
He gave him a smile that was meant to be friendly but the magical shadows across his made it look slightly sinister. He looked down at the hand with his ring on again, closed his eyes and a dark flame appeared again blazing in front of him on his hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Flare sensed the malevolent darkness surrounding Max and saw the dark flame growing. He was going to mention something about it, but he decided to keep it to himself and not speak a single word, especially because they had recently met.. "I see. Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Agni Blackheart, but you can call me Flare.", he said, smiling. However, Undefined Fate resonated with Max's own darkness. The 8 cards started to float around and to show its own flames, in response to the malevolent shadows surrounding their owner's new acquaintance. Flare sighed at how unwillingly his weapon acted sometimes. It reminded him of how Cerberus were when they were together...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Agatha accepted the offered hand with a slight blushing in her face. A warmth began to seep out of her body and began to surround her body slightly.
"Thank you, Apollo. You are a true gentleman. Now I wonder where the best place to find a teacher is. You are a bit taller then myself.... can you see an authoritative like figure anywhere?" she asked as she tried to calm herself before she turned completely red.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUltimatum
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TheUltimatum Six Paths of Pain

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@Aisling @TheHangedMan

Apollo nodded, there is something he had been meaning to try out. Apollo began to close his eyes and attempted to concentrate, and suddenly he began to float, but for a prolonged time like 5 minutes. He then began to scout over the room. He then found a girl whom appeared to be a mage talking with another mage, Meruin and Arcadius was it? Apollo then pointed at them and he fell down. He then walked towards them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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@TheHangedMan @TheUltimatum

Agatha watched in surprise when Apollo floated upwards but it did the job for he saw a teacher somewhere. Agatha was slightly worried that he had hurt himself and hurried after him so she could be there to support Apollo when he talked to the teacher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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"perhaps we will, friend" Kieran tried for a friendly Smile "but i'm afraid the levitating is something i myself do with them, but hey you may find a way to get something similar with yours in your time here" as least there weren't any comment's on the ancient look to the handles, the less he had to come up with an explanation for the better.
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