Avatar of Aewin


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2 yrs ago
Secured myself two interviews next week and waiting on the outcome of a third, feeling good today 💕
4 yrs ago
I think there are far more important things to worry about than people calling their characters "muses".
5 yrs ago
Imagine how sad your life must be to flex on some nerds online.
6 yrs ago
nuke the status bar
7 yrs ago
I passed my exams!


a e w i n
also known as the weirdo that fangirls a lot
annie 26 united kingdom


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Tell me, how many times have you heard that this was not x's scene? That this was not a place they felt very comfortable in? I'm assuming a lot. If you ask Yousef directly, he'd count himself amongst that group... but it's not true. Anyone with eyes could see that Yousef was in his element, mingling amongth the posh and the pretentious.

He may not have been raised in a wealthy family, but Yousef knew how to deal with them. He smiled politely towards the families that thought him to be worth less than their shoes, and he maintained small talk towards those that weren't complete assholes. It wasn't for very long though, he could feel the unnerving stare burning the back of his neck from his boss if he lingered in one place too long.“I apologise, Mrs Baker, but I must return to my duty.” Yousef raised the almost empty tray of champagne glasses briefly, enough to bring the tray to the elderly woman’s attention.

Mrs Baker gave the tanned boy a look before digging into her clutch to pull out a few pristine bills. Before Yousef could stop her, the woman tucked the money into his blazer pocket before sending him away, only letting him go once he promised to return to continue their conversation during his break. Yousef humoured the woman before disappearing into the crowds.

Yousef counted a number of glasses still on his tray, finding only two glasses remaining. Yousef decided it was time to return to the bar where he could return the empty glasses for the filled ones. On his way to the bar, Yousef crossed by the one family he was very acquainted with, with two notable absences. ‘She’s around here somewhere, probably bothering some elderly woman by talking about her dog.’ He was certain Cassandra would never think about leaving their home without bringing darling Analise with her, but he couldn't say the same thing for her son, Benji.

He passed by Cassandra and her husband without alerting the two of his presence. The last thing he needed was for Cassandra to make a scene and bring unwanted attention towards him. Yousef took quick steps towards the bar, expertly avoiding the crowds around the bar to make his way to the front and ask for the empty glasses to be replaced. “Mr Tarhan.” Yousef froze at the sound of his black haired boss behind him. Bracing himself for a telling off for talking to Mrs Baker for too long, he was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn’t him Boss Lady had a problem with.

Samantha was supposed to be back from her break five minutes ago, and Boss Lady was not happy. Yousef spotted Samantha rushing from the elevators from the corner of his eye, and he inwardly sighed. “Really? I saw Samantha by the stage a few minutes ago.” Yousef lied. Boss Lady didn’t look like she believed him for a second, but Yousef was sure she had no reason not to believe him either.

Yousef wasn’t sure whether he had gotten away with his lie. Boss Lady was still hovering by the bar, rubbing her temples tiredly, but she wasn’t saying anything else to him. When the bartender tapped him on the shoulder to grab his attention, Yousef took the tray of champagne and ran.

Right into Samantha.

He shoved the tray of delicate champagne glasses in her direction. “You’re late. I told Sarah you were covering the stage area.” He gave Sammi a look. “You owe me.”
Might as well.

Name: Lucia Jane Everett (Subject to change)
FC: Daria Sidorchuk
Colour: b69683
Position: Assistant chef
@Dirty Pretty Lies Can't wait! <3

Well, this is peculiar.

Braden was certain that he had last fallen asleep on his hospital bed in Axis Mundi. This was not Axis Mundi. Or... at least that was what he thought. He let out a heavy sigh, pulling himself up to a sitting position on the floor against the elevator wall. His head felt heavy, and his stomach let out a growl, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since dinner.

Whenever that was.

Braden stood up, holding onto the handle bolted against the elevator wall for support. Opposite him was the elevator doors. That fact alone was not interesting enough, but the message drawn in blood surely was. "Abandon hope all ye— what the fuck?" Braden was not the type to dream very often, so Braden was almost sure that this was not a dream.

He approached the doors, his hand reaching out to touch the cold metal before he started banging heavily against it. "Oi! Let me out!" Maybe this was all just a prank... a stupidly dangerous prank... Braden's breathing grew uneven with every bang of his fist, slowly feeling his heart drop to his stomach. The doors did not open, and all Braden got for trying to leave was two aching fists. He rubbed his hands to soothe the pain to a tolerable dull ache while looking around the rest of the elevator.

Propped up in the corner of the metal box was his two puppets. After picking up the puppets, the Infinite Ventriloquist held the puppets in each arm. The moment he did so, the monitor n the top corner of the elevator turned on. On screen was a two toned bear sitting on top of a hospital bed, the teddy bear introduced himself as Doctor Monokuma Killgood before introducing many names and faces that Braden did not recognise.

And then... it was his turn...

"Braden Carke isn't a very interesting person. I mean he has that moe appeal that makes him vaguely interesting to beat up, but that's it. And the Ventriloquist must realise it. Why else would he spend so much time pretending to be a bunch of dolls?"

"That son of a bitch..." Braden looked at Erica, who had her arms crossed in front of her tiny body. The usual smile on the puppet's face looked fake, almost irritated. Braden inwardly felt the same way towards the talking teddy bear. "That bastard is a talking teddy bear! He's no better than me." Erica would have humphed if she could. "At least I'm cute!"

The moment Erica finished speaking, the elevator doors opened for them. Looking around, Braden felt somewhat relieved that there was no one around to hear Erica. Braden wandered around the hallways, looking for any sign that would let him know where he was. The hallway looked similar to what he was familiar with from his stay at Axis Mundi, but the feeling was off.

At the sight of the first infinite, Braden held up Elias, the puppet stroking his chin before throwing his arms in the air excitedly. "Well hello there! I guess I should introduce myself." The puppet clapped his hands enthusiastically. "My name is Elias! Wait a minute..." The puppet pointed his tiny, stubby hand in Braden's face. "Braden! My name is Braden Clarke! Nice to meet you guys!"

Braden lowered the puppet for a moment, looking around at his surroundings. Seeing nothing of note, he looked at the infinite. "So... what is going on exactly?"

With the traitor stealing Krista's e-handbook during their attempt at looking for the telephone booth, Krista found herself at a loss. The night of carnage was over, yet Krista was still stranded outside her room. Up until the announcement, she had been hiding around with Jezabel and Bliss to avoid being caught by Monokuma, but with that ordeal finally over but without her e-handbook, she couldn't enter her room and she did not have the energy to deal with Monokuma or the carnage sisters after the night she had.

At least the other team was successful... Krista felt relieved to hear that Aleecia had been moved to a pod, so that meant she was safe for now. Even the news that there was no deaths made Krista happy. The plan had worried Krista - who in their right mind would confront an angry robot with a deadly killing machine?! But through some miracle there had been no casualties, and even she somehow lived to see the traitor singlehandedly destroy three of the four carnage sisters.

Krista stood up, tucking the seat under the table neatly before leaving the break room. Krista helped herself to an early breakfast in private in the break room, and now that she could hear talking down the hallway she felt it was the time to leave. She suppressed a yawn by biting down on the inside of her cheek. She tried to nap in the break room but it was just too uncomfortable to maintain the position for very long. Combined with the stressful events that occurred during the night of carnage, Krista was too terrified to fall asleep, worried that the traitor would return to take advantage of the fact that she was alone and silence her permanently. Call her paranoid, but if Lucas taught her anything it was to not trust the intentions of others as easily.

As she approached the new floor, Krista realised she was not the only one that thought it was a good idea to explore. Coming up the stairs, Krista found herself in the art plaza. As much as she found doodling on the corner of a notebook in school fun, she was no artist. The dojo and the indoor beach retreat were two places she knew she wouldn't be as interested in. The beach felt like Monokuma was mocking their desire to leave the hospital, while the dojo simply was not for her. The kitchen was exciting enough, Krista made a note to look for a cookbook inside the study so she could whip up some interesting dishes to pass the time. The music plaza... Krista couldn't hide the massive grin on her face. She explored each instrument available excitedly. There was even a recorder! "Oh my... how long has it been..."

She shook her head, trying to stop herself from thinking of the days back in Germany where she would play the flute (badly, she was no Infinite Flautist). She did not acknowledge Alice, too wrapped up by the many ideas she was having about her next piece, but she did give the Recon a nod just before leaving the music plaza. Finally, Krista checked out the last room; the zen garden. Krista was taken aback by the simplicity of the room. It was pleasant though, calming. She took a seat, her eyes following the patterns drawn on the sand with the rake, her soft breathing being the only sound in the room.
swiggity swooty please welcome the new booty

@BrokenPromise Stay safe, boss!

Collab with @Melo, interacting with each other, Harvey @Grim327 and Ava @Altered Tundra.

“Please, the pleasure of meeting you all is mine. Ophelia hasn’t told me too much about you all, but I assure you, nothing negative was said.” Anna noticed the twitch, but she barely had time to glance over her shoulder to check in the direction of the twitch. It did not look good, but she thought it was not her place to comment on.

Just keep smiling.

“I like to think I haven’t given Phe any reason to say something negative,” Analise laughed. “It seems like she doesn’t like to talk about the people in her life.” She gave Ophelia a teasing grin.

At that moment, Harvey excused himself to take a phone call. Anna stepped aside to give Harvey enough space to leave, leaving just Christian, Delilah, Ophelia and Anna remaining beside the column. With Harvey gone, Anna pounced.

“If I had known you already had your eyes set on someone I wouldn’t have been so pushy about you going on a date with Mason from theatre class!” It sounded like Anna was chiding Ophelia, and Anna realised it a little too late. She clicked her tongue, shaking her head. “No worries, I really do think you and Harvey look super cute together— did you see the way he looked at you? He seems like such a prince!”

Ophelia sighed inwardly at the mere mention of Anna’s prior attempt at matchmaking. Ophelia didn’t want to seem too condescending, but she couldn’t really muster much respect for a guy following theatre class of all things. For a moment she thought of her father, and how the guy would likely never see the light of day ever again for touching his daughter when he had so little going for him. Harvey, on the other hand, had a lot more charm to him, not to mention an actual brain. A lot of guys seemed to lack this as of late.

Ophie made a dismissive gesture at her friend’s comment. ”I appreciate your attempts. Truly.” She said, though it was a half-truth. She did appreciate her efforts, but the quality of her matches tended to be...wanting. ”Harvery’s nice, definitely.” She admitted. ”But it is a first date, so you know… we’ll see how things go.”

She then grinned at Anna ”What about your prince? Have you already found one?” She teased.

Anna pouted. ”My prince is waiting at home, probably in my bed with no care in the world.” It was too bad she could not bring Winston to the party. In all seriousness, Anna was yet to find someone she truly cared about, someone to sweep her off her feet like an actual prince from a Disney movie. But it was fine, it just meant she could devote her time to helping others finding their prince (or princess!) charming.

”Winston is a pretty dashing prince, I’d say.” She said with a soft chuckle before putting her hand on Anna’s shoulder. ”Don’t let it bother you. I know, how about we dance together for a bit later? I’m sure Harvey can miss me for a few minutes.” She winked. ”How about it?”

Anna was not the type to turn down an offer to dance. She nodded, giving Ophie a funny look. "As long as it doesn't make Harvey jealous." Anna wiped the funny look off her face, replacing it with a warm smile. "But really... I'm seriously rooting for you two. I really hope everything goes well for you guys."

Ophelia gave Anna an appreciative look.

Anna quickly hushed herself as Harvey rejoined the group, shaking her head with an innocent look on her face, but the grin on her face betrayed what joy she was feeling for her friends. Everything was going so well for everybody! When Harvey asked if he missed anything, Anna responded. “Absolutely nothing! Oh, I’m getting a little thirsty from all this talking… maybe I should-” Analise was interrupted as she felt somebody walk into her, almost causing somebody to tumble to the floor.

You could say Anna almost freaked out.

Analise waved off the brunette’s apology and hurriedly interjected her own. “O-oh my god, I’m so sorry!” She was aware that it was actually the brunette that had walked into her but it was very likely Anna’s fault for being so excited over Harvey and Ophelia in the first place. She could almost hear Benji telling her to cut down on the sugar.

As the brunette introduced herself as Ava, Anna began noticing a few similarities between Ava and the confident stranger from earlier that evening. Were they related, or was Anna officially seeing things? Maybe it really was time to cut down on that sugar… “I hope you are okay, Ava.” Anna chewed on her lower lip worriedly before realising she hadn't introduced herself or her group of friends.

"My name is Analise Arnette, but Anna will do fine." Pointing at Ophelia first, she began listing the people in the group one by one. "This is Ophelia Bergman, Harvey Rayner, Delilah Duclerc and Christian Maxwell." She ended it with a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ava!"

The peaceful atmosphere did not last very long. Despite Mercy taking care of Alice's wounds, things in the break room changed once Cyrus arrived in the break room bearing more information. Krista took a seat away from the group, far enough to be out of sight but not enough to be unable to hear what was being discussed. And unfortunately, Krista wished she had.

There was a traitor amongst them, and it could have been any one of them. Krista reacted poorly to Cyrus's suggestion. If there was a traitor amongst them, she was not going to open her room to anybody. What was to stop the traitor from planting things in her room? After all, it wouldn't be the first time someone would betray her trust. Krista did not know who to suspect, but she didn't know who to trust either. She remained in the break room as Zachary and Jezebel bantered between each other until Zach finally yielded and asked for the infinite clown to follow.

However, soon Isaiah had joined the remaining Infinites in the break room. Krista had rarely seen him attend the morning meetings so to see him in the break room suddenly was a surprise. And, of course, didn't bode well for the rest of them. Ice called for them to follow him to Aleecia's room, and when they had gathered around her quarters, he began to explain everything.

Aleecia was the next motive, according to Ice. Or conquest, but Krista didn't believe for a second they'd be able to defeat Alexandria's carnage chassis. The infinites didn't seem to care, and Krista grew frustrated.

"Do you really think it will be that easy?" She finally asked. "What makes you think that Monokuma and his robots aren't already aware of this plan of yours? There are cameras everywhere so Monokuma will be ready to react to anything! We need to help Aleecia but we cannot be reckless about this." Krista wrapped her arms around herself, very aware that she wasn't giving any suggestions about what they should be doing instead.
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