Avatar of Almalthia


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Two more days to a year that I'm not supposed to be counting. The little Tom Hanks in my soul is marking days without you. Castaway on an island surrounded by an ocean of tears getting deeper daily.
6 yrs ago
Want a Slice of Life? Sol City is your ticket! Large, friendly group always room for more! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
November 10th, 2017 4:30 pm CST. You let go and I wasn't ready. I'm still not ready. I miss you.
6 yrs ago
Two months and a week. I miss you. This sucks. Is it bad that I pretend that you PCS'd and will be back before long? Then I remember you're gone and won't be back even if I wished it. And I do. Daily.
6 yrs ago
Two months, four days. I miss you. Can't listen to Mike and the Mechanics "In The Living Years" anymore. It came on at work yesterday as the last song and I cried.


Ugh...I hate this part. So I'm super into Sailor Moon...which no one else is...and that's okay. I also really love Items, Escaflowne, Vampire Knight, Fushigi Yugi, Ah My Goddess, K Dramas, Chinese and Tiwanise Dramas as well. I torture people by making them read the TV.

Oh this is where I tell you I'm American...and I just lost a few people but oh well. Trust me if I could afford to live overseas I would. So yeah...that's me.

Most Recent Posts

It is with a heavy heart I write this. Unfortunately a long time Marvel Hero has died. His name, Stan Lee. While we all morn the loss of a great man who brought to life many of our childhood idols let us take a moment to remember that though a Hero he was also a man. He came from the least of us to rise as a writer and creator of many awe inspiring and edge of your seat moments. Frankly Stan will be missed. Although he is no longer here his legacy will live on in our hearts. I hope to carry on his dream with our campaign, for as long as we push forward he will live on.

Stan may you rest in peace and may you forever inspire us to ever greater heights.


Location: Facility Library - Outside

Interaction(s): Tristan @Malice

Mention(s): Doctor Cranham @Eric Horst; Caelia [@Aamaya]

Beatrix knew that it was only a matter of time before they came to test her. This was the first time that the dream sharing was only subjects. Maybe if no one talked about it then she’d be fine. But that likely wouldn’t last long so she had a limited window to enjoy the day before they marched her off for testing.

Beatrix looked up as Caelia entered the room. She smiled at her but the girl didn't notice. Caelia had few friends if any. Beatrix actually preferred her company most afternoons due to the lack of emotions on the surface which is where most often the random flashes of emotions stirred that she picked up on. The room was a calm blank state. Beatrix was about to ask if Caelia wanted her to read aloud which she often did for others but in walked Tristan.

She swallowed nervously. Was this it? Did they send her in to fail the dream testing now? Was Tristan, one of the few white coats she liked, going to perform the test? One she always failed at? She didn't like the tests they weren't conclusive. Ever. She was always punished for the outcome. Dreams were much more mystical than scientific. But that never stopped the tests.

Beatrix scooted so that her toes touched the floor on her right foot her left foot curled under her as she leaned forward her hair swinging forward with the slide one normally associated with silk. Tristan's easy happiness filled the air and reminded her of warm sunshine. She relaxed and smiled warmly at him.

Then another of the white coats showed up. Doctor Cranham, Sam, showed up. Beatrix was nervous till he started speaking to Caelia. Beatrix looking up at Tristan got up from the window seat. “Tristan would you like to take a walk outside?”

There will be an event off campus in the city that everyone can potentially participate in. Yes including the Shi’ar. There will be a local cover band playing everything from jazz to metal. It is the weekend Friday after classes and those under 18 will have a curfew of midnight those older will have an extension till 3 AM. Have fun…
This date includes your prior posts after the skip unless you note otherwise...

PS It's a 3 day 2 night event (Friday night all day and night Saturday and till sundown on Sunday)

There will be an event off campus in the city that everyone can potentially participate in. Yes including the Shi’ar. There will be a local cover band playing everything from jazz to metal. It is the weekend Friday after classes and those under 18 will have a curfew of midnight those older will have an extension till 3 AM. Have fun…
This date includes your prior posts after the skip unless you note otherwise...

Location: Sol City Outskirts

Interaction: Joel @Pilatus

Mentions: Paige; Milo; Bradley; Rita & Lexi

Siobhan was thanking the fates that she could go back to wearing her jeans. She had grabbed a pair that she bought as a spur of the moment thing. They were practically painted on. She had been staying in shape and even firming up with Paige pushing her along, apparently she had grabbed a size that was a bit smaller than she normally wears. Hence the painted on look. Unfortunately she couldn’t return them. So she’d just wear them. She wore her jacket that matched Joel’s and under that a white ¾ knit top, ankle boots and some super cute leg warmers.

Joel’s hand was on her thigh and driving her crazy. The weight and warmth of it was enough to do the job but you added in the fact that it shifted if either one of them did and that was just like lighting a match and holding it to tinder. She was sure that Milo’s forge would pale in comparison to the heat she was feeling. She made herself concentrate on what he was saying but got lost in the timber of his voice. They had stopped and he had removed his hand and asked her a question. “Huh? Oh umm…” Siobhan looked around and after a few seconds she recognized Bradley and pointed him out. “The one in blue jacket and jeans next to the one in the black trench.”

Siobhan thought about how if anyone like Rita got their hands on info like this that Lexi would kill them. So Siobhan kept her hood pulled up to cover as much of her hair as possible. Siobhan was tired of this issue and was about at the point of socking Bradley in the nose just to get him to leave her alone. Race or no race. Her car wasn’t finished and she was damned tired of the bull. If she didn’t have so much pride she’d have told Paige and just let her take care of it. Who was she kidding if she didn’t have so much pride she’d have never been in this situation in the first place.

Siobhan grimaced at her thoughts and shook her head. No use crying over spilt milk. Can’t change anything now but she could learn from her mistakes. This way at least Joel would know what the guy looked like.
Kaylee Everose & Coleman St John

Location: Flashback - School Grounds; Present - Office

Interaction: Kaylee - Coleman St John @Pilatus

Mentions: Ashford


Staring out the window watching Cole saunter across the grounds she was taken back to that fateful interview…

Kaylee let Cole open the door and she got in. It was nice to see that he had thought to roll the windows down as she pointed out the property line. Not to mention the cameras. “So St John tell me about your qualifications.”

Kaylee turned to gaze at Cole's profile admiring his features. He was good looking and wondered if he was a good fit for the school. She smiled absently as she thought about how many of the girls would have a crush on him. He seemed pretty put together and a gentleman so she had to be sure to ask if he would be bringing on a girlfriend or anything like that. Kaylee blushed and focused her attention back to him.

Cole knew as he turned the key that he had forgotten to switch off the radio as was his usual custom and wasn’t expecting someone else to be in the car. A song blinked over the dash and was silenced as his hand moved and spun the volume knob. “I’ve been working as a PI here in LA for several years now.” He said driving along the perimeter line and taking in the layout of the campus noting the continuing theme save for one large building beyond the track and field complex. “That binder on the floorboard contains copies of the information I sent you along with my CV and some others.” He said with a small nod towards the bag that was now at her feet. “This town rarely ever disappoints,” He continued catching a glimpse of her blush and smirking a little surprised at the apparent, natural chemistry between them that was absent when he spoke with her on the phone. “I’ve been looking to expand my business and I thought I would give you a call and see where it led.” His gaze again looked to the one large windowless building that was distinctly modern in appearance. “Seems like you have a pretty interesting operation here.”

Kaylee nodded and as he indicated the files she picked them up. Skimming them she recognized them from the faxes she had received from him. Pleased that he wasn't hedging his bets she closed the file as he commented on the operation of the school. Smiling at his up front attitude she pointed at the windowless building. “That would be the off site storage unit. You're qualifications are excellent as well as your letters of reference, but you knew that already. Tell me why a PI, Coleman. What drew you to this job? That is if you don't mind me calling you by your first name. If so I apologize.”

This was the first time in a long time that she'd actually been attracted to someone instantly. She'd liked him over the phone but he was even better in person. Normally she had to get to know the guy but this one...totally different. She had a feeling she'd be stacking up anyone else to this one and they'd all come away lacking comparatively.

They rounded the large building that Kaylee felt compelled to describe as the “offsite storage unit” and Cole resisted the urge to glance back at her and merely kept driving. Looks to be pretty ‘on site’ to me. He thought to himself keeping his expression professional while she spoke and the gravel of the outer perimeter road crunched under the tires. The building was obviously of reinforced construction and had a purposed, slightly angular profile that he had seen before like it was meant to deflect or hold things within. What are they storing in there? Depleted Uranium? They turned the far corner of the large building and the back of the main campus returned to view. “Just Cole is fine,” He said answering her question. “And I don’t mind.” He thought about her next question briefly, seeing the gate that led to the back of the main Hall coming up and where he was going to stop whether she wanted to or not. “If we’re going to be candid, I think the main reason is curiosity.” He said stopping slowly in front of the gate and looking over at her. If she was going to get out and end the interview at least she wouldn’t have to walk very far back to her office. “Ma’am I’m not the sharpest ever, but I know for a fact that building back there is not a storage unit.” He said matter-of-factly catching her eyes and trying to only let his expression harden into qualified concern. “Look, if you don’t want to tell me everything up front, that’s fine I understand, but you don’t have to lie to me.” Partly expecting her to get out and end the interview he moved the shifter into park triggering the automatic door locks to disengage. “Just tell me what you need me to do and I’ll tell you if you’ve got the right man for the job.”

Kaylee blinked at him blushing a tiny bit caught in a lie. “I need you to be able to protect about 30 students that range from 10 to early twenties from malicious intent. I need you to be able to access a situation quickly and efficiently knowing how to make the most of it in your, our, favor. And most of all I need you to be able to keep a very large secret. No you’re right that isn’t a storage unit. Dr Ashford is still a doctor and he likes to putter. He has a lab that he works on things for a Pharmaceutical company. The door is biometrically keyed to him. Only he can let you in. Now if you’re up to the task then I suggest we move the rest of this interview inside. It’s much easier to sign a contract and negotiate pay once you have a full understanding of what is going on here. And yes I promise I will be completely forthcoming if you take the job. I have a lot of students to think about before I start handing out secrets willy nilly. Oh and Cole whether or not you take the job it’s Kaylee, please.” Kaylee smiled at him. She really hoped he’d take the job. She’d be seeing a lot of him then. If he didn’t she had every intention of asking him to dinner anyway, but she doubted that anyone more perfect would walk through the door. Perfect for the job, she told herself. Fibbed to herself.

Snapping back to reality from a month ago Kaylee smiled and cleared off her desk in anticipation that Cole would be coming up to her office. It was a hope, a pretty solid one, that he was coming up for a coffee and a chat. It had become a routine for them. She got done with classes and they had a coffee and talk about random things. Then he’d go home. She wished he’d taken the offer of living on campus but it was his choice and she still got to see him daily.

Kaylee brewed a pot and waited for Cole to come on up.
Uná O’Brian; Tabitha North “Professor North” & Nikolai “Demo” Markov

Location: Danger Room

Interaction: Professor North; Nikolai @webboysurf

Mentions: NA

Uná wiped off the sweat off her forehead as she strained to keep the fight between Luke and Vader going on in detail a practically perfect replica of the movie. The light sabers looked a little flat to her but she'd work on that.

“Pause here Uná. Let's go to something that you're working on. Not that the scene from Star Wars was bad but I think if you pulled something out of yourself then you could get a better feel for it.” Professor North's voice came over the loudspeaker in the Danger Room.

The Star Wars scene faded as Uná let go of it. Breathing deeply in then out. Then slowly the sunsets and stars come out. Smiling Uná reached up and seemed to pull the stars from the night sky and smooths them on in the form of a dress much like the ones that Debbie Reynolds wore in Singing In The Rain. Giggling she started the number "Good Morning"

Nik stood back, his arms folded. He wore a simple tank top and pair of athletic shorts, both black in color. He seemed to mutter under his breath, shaking his head when Una made a mistake in the fight’s progression. As Professor North’s voice filled the room, Nik gave a slight nod, taking a seat on the ground and pulling out a metal marble. He tossed it in the air, tossing it up and catching it without looking.

The sight of the stars were an interesting sight. He wasn’t at all surprised Una would make that move, choosing to keep her head in the stars. Her switch to Singing in the Rain was a bold choice, though not unappreciated. He gave a smile as she started the song, keeping his distance for now to let her focus.

Uná whirled as she dropped the song and fell back without fear as a cloud caught her. She sat up and smirking tossed a metal marble at Nikolai. "Catch Nikolai."

Nik tossed his own marble into the air, lifting his right hand to catch the new marble from Una while his left lifted up to catch his falling marble. He didn’t skip a beat, and he gave a somewhat boyish smile in amusement at his own reflexes. ”Nice trick, Red.”

Uná grinned. She just thought of a great idea. "So want to try something out Nikolai?" She had the cloud float down to Nikolai with her on it. She hopped off and stalked around him grinning.

Nik raised an eyebrow, sliding the marbles into his pocket as he slowly rose to his feet. He gave a grin as Una stalked around him. ”What do you have in mind?”

Uná stood in front of him and looked up at him still grinning. "Great. Do you know the game 'cups'?"

Nik shrugged, tilting his head slightly. "Uhhh... I don't think so. Unless it's a drinking game."

"Nope not a drinking game. So it's a game where you try to guess which cup a ball is under. Normally it's played with three cups. You place a bet and if you win you get double your money. But let's make this interesting and IF you win you can get one wish. When...sorry if I win I get a wish. Now it has to be something that the other one can fulfill." Uná holds out her hand grinning. "Agreed? Or do you have conditions?"

Nik gave a small smile, nodding his head. "Ahhh, the shuffling game? Sure, why not." In his mind, at that moment, he was confident. A little too confident. Years of baseball taught him to have a sharp eye and notice the slightest shifts in motion, especially as a pitcher. A simple game of figuring out which ball a cup was under... that wasn't difficult in his mind.

Uná grinned and walked behind Nikolai. She then walked from behind him. Then another Uná and suddenly there were three of her in the room all dressed the same. "So which one is the real Uná?" They all asked at once.

Nik gave a defeated grin, his tongue pressing against his upper molars before releasing a deep sigh. He looked them all over before his eyes narrowed slightly, stepping out and circling to examine the three a little more closely. It was, in a small effect, a ruse. He was breathing in the air, trying to determine where he could detect the faint smell of vanilla and jasmine that often signified her presence. He kept circling until he finally stopped in front of one of the figures, taking a long step forward to place both hands on her shoulders and move his lips towards her ear to softly whisper three words. "Again, nice try."

Uná shivered lightly and tried to cover it by setting her hands on Nikolai's hands and laughing. It came out a little breathless. "Alright what gave me away? So what is this wish of yours?"

He shrugged his shoulders, backing off as her hands rested upon his. He spun around, his back to her. "I don't know, I guess I'm just that good." Without surprise, his playful response reeked of overconfidence as he did his best to not laugh.

Uná banished the others with a wave and marched over to stand in front of him. She had a stubborn set to her mouth which he'd seen over the past month a few times. Her eyes blazed blue fire as she poked him in the chest. "Nikolai Markov you are not that good if you don't know how you did it! If that's so you can prove it again!!"

Nik shrugged his shoulders. "Double or nothing, Red." He had the cocky grin of a man who knew he couldn't be beat, running a hand along the top of his stiffly-gelled hair.

Uná narrowed her eyes at him. "You're on." Uná stalked off past Nikolai ticked as hell and threw up a wall for a second then waved a hand to make it vanish. Once again there was three of her to chose from. All of them had their arms crossed and looked miffed. "Done." All three of them said in the same tone.

Nik followed the same method, walking past each figure twice as he used his nose to determine which one it was. He walked in front of one of the illusions, as if to signify that was the correct one, before spinning on his heels and point at the one he determined to be the real one by scent in his last walk-around. "Una, I presume?"

Uná waved the other two away and growled in frustration. She stalked over to Nikolai. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Yes. Technically they're all me. Alright what gives? What was it? What am I missing?" She looked at him seriously still a little pissed but more at herself now than at him.

Nik gave a deep breath as she neared, before finally tapping the bridge of his nose. "If you're going to try and trick someone, you need to know yourself better than anyone else. That means knowing everything about how you look, how you act, how you move, how you stand... and how you smell. Vanilla and jasmine?" He seemed uncharacteristically analytical in that moment, before finally reverting back to his playful teasing.

Uná looked stunned. "Vanilla and jasmine...but I don't wear perfume..." Uná looked up at Nikolai and blushed. He just described her shampoo and conditioner. She stuttered and was utterly flustered. "You can...that's my...shampoo and conditioner." She could feel more heat creeping up her neck. She turned around and pulled her hair out of the bun it was in so that she could hide behind it. There was an audible swish and she cleared her throat. "So what is your double or nothing wish Nikki, er Nikolai?" She tossed the comment over her shoulder casually. Much more casually than she felt. She hadn't meant to call him that it just kinda slipped out. I am going to really embarrass myself if I don't quit making assumptions. Just a friend. I am just a friend....

Nik gave a small smile, shrugging his shoulders even if she couldn't see it. He knew she was acting more strange than usual, most likely just from the embarrassment and teasing. Regardless, he had one final card to play. "You'll find out later. You never said I had to request either of them now."

Uná spun around her waist length hair fanning out prettily. She gaped at Nikolai. "Not sportsmanlike at all!! Come on! I don't want to find out just before we have to turn in our term papers that I have to do yours as well as mine. At least give me some warning."
Uná looked at him as she braided her hair slowly. "You're not the greatest in Lit..."

Nik shrugged, giving a devious smile. "The only specification is that it had to be something you can do. But don't worry, I'm not going to ask you to help me cheat. I have other things in mind." At the last line, Nik wiggled his eyebrows to ruin the effect before spinning on his heels and calling out. "Was that a good lesson, Professor?"

Uná tugged on her braid and tossed it over her shoulder and grinned at Nikolai. She let the illusion fade away as Nikolai asked if it was a good lesson.

There was a chuckle and Professor North came back over the speaker. "She almost had you Nik. But yes good lesson."
@PrinceAlexusamazingly enough we are even. So it doesn't matter.

Yes I counted everyone...and I have my reasons for saying what I did.
@PrinceAlexusI love that you are interested but I have all spots filled at this time. I will keep you in mind if we lose someone. Thank you Prince!!!
@Silver CarrotYou can move her on over. Welcome to the institute.
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