Avatar of Almalthia


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Two more days to a year that I'm not supposed to be counting. The little Tom Hanks in my soul is marking days without you. Castaway on an island surrounded by an ocean of tears getting deeper daily.
6 yrs ago
Want a Slice of Life? Sol City is your ticket! Large, friendly group always room for more! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
November 10th, 2017 4:30 pm CST. You let go and I wasn't ready. I'm still not ready. I miss you.
6 yrs ago
Two months and a week. I miss you. This sucks. Is it bad that I pretend that you PCS'd and will be back before long? Then I remember you're gone and won't be back even if I wished it. And I do. Daily.
6 yrs ago
Two months, four days. I miss you. Can't listen to Mike and the Mechanics "In The Living Years" anymore. It came on at work yesterday as the last song and I cried.


Ugh...I hate this part. So I'm super into Sailor Moon...which no one else is...and that's okay. I also really love Items, Escaflowne, Vampire Knight, Fushigi Yugi, Ah My Goddess, K Dramas, Chinese and Tiwanise Dramas as well. I torture people by making them read the TV.

Oh this is where I tell you I'm American...and I just lost a few people but oh well. Trust me if I could afford to live overseas I would. So yeah...that's me.

Most Recent Posts

@Penguin You're good to post her over.
Tishombra Ferro

Location: Korriban

Interaction: Other Apprentices

Mentions: Master @Jorick

Tishombra yet again turned her blade to parry Shiygo’s blade. “You’re getting boring Shiygo.” Spinning she dropped and swept his feet. He was apparently ready for her and jumped over her long lean leg clad in skin tight white leather.

Smirking Tishombra jerked her head to the right while Shiygo was still airborne. Shiygo was tossed head over heels for a brief moment then he was steadied. Tishombra looked over at Raevys who had a hand up in Shiygo’s direction. Interfering little bendy bitch. Tishombra’s eyes went cold with anger.

Tishombra followed through with a leap at Shiygo. She spun into an impressive moulinet as she touched down bringing the single lightsaber down to his throat centimeters away from taking off his head. Such was her control the moulinet performed was flawless and spectacular. “You just cost him his life Raevys. Next time don’t interfere with my match. Tishombra held the lightsaber on a moment longer, keeping intense eye contact with Shiygo. “I hope for your sake you’re not sleeping with her. You know the Master won’t like it.”

She gave a chilling smile and flicked off the lightsaber. Tishombra walked over to Raevys and looked her in the eye smirking. “He’s really not that impressive or inventive. And if his swordsmanship is anything to go by, you’ll be doing all the work. But then again you would be able to tell since you’re lacking in that area, so you’re both perfect for each other.” Tishombra turned away and walked out the door. Almost laughing as she walked down the hallway to the study.

She could hear the ensuing argument and slowed to a stroll her footfalls soft and nearly soundless. And here comes Hanna with just enough arrogance to push it over the edge. She could hear Lord Zisna snapping about how they just gave me a clear advantage. She was especially not happy with Shiygo who took the bait far too quickly. Tishombra sucked her teeth at that and silently stalked down the hall.

Slowing Tishombra thought about how to use this to her advantage. Ideally they could be positioned to pay more attention to each other than a rise in power. I don’t find it worth it but she seems to be attracted to him enough that I could use it to my advantage.

She found herself at the study door and decided that she was going to see if there was a reason that her Master had to possibly go on a mission off this rock. Lord Rahl had kept her busy with things to do. The last few months had been to establish her position behind the Lords in favor. She’d gained that now she needed to show her Master she could be just as indispensable.

She had sensed her Master’s presence but he had not come in to the training hall to watch them spar, as he normally did. She wondered what had his attention as she stopped at the door. Knocking politely she waited to be addressed. She smoothed down her bright red hair and adjusted the supple white leather skin tight outfit. The white brought out the red in her hair making it look like wet blood.

It covered her from neck to ankles and the white knee high low heeled boots blended with it to look seamless. Her arms were bare and you could see the lightning scar that ran from her right shoulder down to her elbow. A testament to what she could endure.

Tishombra Ferro Apprentice to Darth Embrus
@KillBoxUnanimous decision
@Almalthia Finally got around to rereading sheet. (so many shiny objects... so little time...)

Force throw isn’t a thing. It is merely a part of telekinesis.

You’ve described her force use in combat, but how do you imagine she tends to use it outside combat?

Fix those two thingsthat one thing, and the sheet should be good to go.

Asked about Force Throw in Discord was told to keep it.

Updated her use outside combat.

@Tyler Night I’m good with this. If you want to do a Face Claim for a real actor, or what not I think it’d be cool. But just a suggestion.
Personnel Files:
What is “Sith-Human”?
Do you mean Sith Pureblood? Imperial Human?
Given the Sith ancestry percentage listed, her species would most likely be the former.

While not “wrong” per se, it is unusual for an apprentice of her age to have delved into three spheres of influence enough to be considered “associated” with them. Most Sith tend to only start branching out considerably later in life, when they have more influence and experience.


Narrowed down.

It generally takes a lot of Force Lightning to leave visible marks on the body. Or a lot of electricity for that matter. As burns go, electric burns are the least visible kind. Perhaps replace the source with something more technological? Something like an energy beam, a plasma torch or somesuch?

She should probably have at least latent hallmarks of her Sith ancestry, well beyond the sharply defined cheekbones. Some options could be: Cheek tendrils, bone spurs, “sithy” collarbones, etc.

Appearance wise lightning leaves a scar when someone is struck by it. I have a friend that has a scar similar to my character and that is where I pulled the idea from.

I have added that she looks more human than her siblings, a toss to her human ancestry as flavoring. Her eyes are very Sith though.

Would it be a problem to write a bit of a descriptive bit on her use of the Force in addition to the nice list?

What sort of style does she favor? Is there anything she avoids doing?

You misspelled “crucitorn”.




Descriptive text would be nice here too, so that a better impression of what the character is like comes across.


Combat & Lightsaber
Presuming she uses standard-hilt saber? It isn’t specified. Like the previous two sections, a bit of a description would be very nice.

It seems quite unusual to innate talent for such a wide range of lightsaber forms. We’d recommend shaking it up a bit and adjusting some of those talents over to just training. Probably for the less well-trained forms primarily, but we’d also recommend talking out the lightsaber stuff with Echo.

Updated. Also added a basic skill of unarmed combat.

None of the lightsaber talents are innate. Fencing, if this is what you’re referring to is. The advanced level for that skill with the years behind the character makes sense, after all with Olympic athletes train for shorter periods in life and are the best in what they do at a national level.

Being an apprentice of Embrus, she will have some influence due to his being a Darth, but you could perhaps specify that virtually all her influence comes through him.

Perhaps invent a couple of (really) minor folks that she has influence with, probably from her primary or secondary sphere. Even a regular ol’ army sergeant, corporal or such can be an asset, even if he or she cannot exactly change imperial policy or anything like that. For that matter, a friendship with a good cook can come in handy as influence. Don’t think solely about influence with major figures.
Plus, such characters might give other players something to work with (or against).


Is any of these four more important as rivalries go?
Verification: the lost limbs is the rivals losing said limbs, right?

Affirmative hence the language of “...lost to Subject…”

See the influence point, that overlaps with this one.

Added a couple here.

Which academy, the less-used one on Dromund Kaas, the one on Korriban or some other? The resettlement of Korriban is still in a fairly early stage, so there isn’t much in the way of civilians living there. Especially not next to the Academy.

She owns nothing except those three things? Really? Is her master that stingy with her? From the ownerships, it feels more like she’s a neophyte or acolyte than a full-fledged Sith.

These Academies are not named in the lore. None of this information is in the lore.

I have explained her reasoning for the lack of materialistic possessions.

Not much to say on this section. A bit short, but concise. Perhaps build up a bit to show how her flaws affect her personality?

Noted; but no need to give away things that can be explored in role play. Also see the six month review at the end of her bio from an underling of Darth Embrus.

How is she observant in spite of her partial extreme focus? If it is counteracted like that, why is it even a flaw listed?
What is she possessive of? Her few belongings? Clothes? The non-existent associates/underlings? Knowledge?

What makes her arrogant? Her ancestry? Her skill with the lightsaber? Her skill the Force? Other skills?

Is she arrogant in the face of all, or just in the face of some? If the latter, who?
What is she stubborn about?

I did not define it with real world definition, ADD is commonly characterized by those who have it as functioning in this way. It’s still a flaw and can be overwhelming at times but focusing exercises assist with lessening the fixation tendencies. Most people who have ADD tend to be more observant than the average person, it’s getting them to tell you what and when that is more complicated.

Expanded upon.

Expanded upon.

One does not have to have one thing in particular to be stubborn about.

Is she disinterested in improving her skills with the lightsaber? With the Force? Does she seek anything in her life beyond slicing and enjoying herself with song and dance?

Expanded a bit in this section.

Highest marks at what? None of her listed skillsets immediately stand out as truly exceptional.


Some minor grammar stuff in the first failure (missing comma).


Being two years old upon enrollment at the academy is extraordinarily young, younger than both Darth Theya and Darth Nyiss were at the start of their training.
It is especially strange when combined with the fact that she passed from Neophyte to Acolyte early. While early discovery allows for some things to be taught early, there are many things that cannot be taught until the mind and body have reached a certain point of development.

We would suggest adding in some idea of how old she was at reaching each of the various key points in her training. Especially whenever she earned a new title.

Generally speaking, Sith don’t get the title of Apprentice until they either are claimed by a master, or (more rarely) amass the power to seize it for themselves. Sith seeking apprentices often come by the academy, or send underlings to look for prospective apprentices meeting certain criteria.

It takes a lot for a Darth to betray the Empire. Way more than you’ve described. Darths are powerhouses in the Empire, controlling significant forces and are generally ridiculously aloof. They would not inform a lowly apprentice that they’re going away, especially not where they were going unless they had a need for said apprentice to report to them there.

We would suggest rewriting the former master as at most a Sith Lord and to expand more upon the treachery situation leading up to this.

There is nothing saying that this is incorrect in the lore given. Nor at what age that a character is enrolled in the Academy. Again extrapolation from the lore given, is that there is a chance that the family could reside near an academy and therefore the child would be assessed and found early. None of her talents or skills, save for seduction, are outside the lore that is given. I broke down an estimate of when it was taught; Neophyte, Acolyte or a cross. The skills are listed as being things that she’d have learned within those years.

I have updated Major Achievements and Failures to reflect the ages as requested.

The lore once again is vague on what would be considered appropriate timeline for the Titled Apprentice, ergo extrapolation. Not to mention that it doesn’t seem to take much to get the title. Simply please an Overseer. While that may be an oversimplification it is not clear in the lore given. It is also confusing on the point of the difference in a Titled Apprentice and one that is de facto Apprentice by way of being chosen by a Lord/Darth. To make things simpler I have taken out the Titled Apprentice achievement.

I have made Darth Rahl Lord Rahl as suggested. The character’s lack of knowledge is what kept her alive. She would not know classified information so expanding on it serves no purpose in a file on this character. Nor would the recorder likely have access to that information.

All in all, this sheet is a good start, but needs a bit of work to flesh it out fully. We think that a bit more work on fleshing her out will make for a good Sith.

Updated and thank you! @Ellri

Gender Balance

Male - 16 Female - 15

Collaboration with @webboysurf

Jex Saranth walked briskly towards the Jedi Grandmaster’s Chambers. His breathing was calm, almost meditative. His footsteps were equally measured, and his mind was at ease. Under his breath, the Jedi Knight was muttering the Jedi Code up until he approached the door. Without so much as a knock, Jex waved his hand and the door opened. His eyes locked on the two padawans. He slowly walked forward, turning his gaze towards Padawan Farlance. ”You may take a walk. I wish to speak with Padawan Dayne. Alone.” His voice was firm and deep, and his expression was stoic and stern.

As the door opened, Brye was half expecting Satele to walk in; instead walked in someone who she hadn’t really seen much, but she still knew who it was. Jedi Knight Saranth, though is first name eluded her.
He was quite stern as he spoke, even more so as his gaze fell on Brye. Although unintentional, Brye was half glaring at the Knight at his tone, though she did not hesitate for a moment. She turned and left the room in the next moment, not even sticking outside the door. She would find somewhere that she was needed more.

Jaslyn watched Brye leave and sat up straighter. She waited for Knight Saranth to speak. And waited. And waited. Well we are either waiting on Brye to get out of earshot or this has already started. Possibly both. I’m gonna go with this last one.

Jaslyn studied Knight Saranth. He is physically imposing. If he hadn’t been in the temple I’d have assumed he was a normal street thug. Maybe a laborer that worked with his whole body. I don’t remember seeing much of him around here.

Jex simply stood still, and he moved his hands behind his back as his feet were shoulder width apart. His eyes focused intently on Jaslyn for a moment, and the rest of his body seemed still and locked in place. He turned his head to scan the room, before his eyes fixed back on Jaslyn. While his hands remained firmly behind his back, Jex spoke with the same deep volume, but ditched the same sternness from earlier. ”I am Jedi Knight Jex Saranth. My purpose for being here is to determine what exactly transpired between you and the Force Sensitive earlier today, why you used your lightsaber against a fellow Padawan, and what you experienced. I am not here to pass judgement, and I am not putting you on trial. I am looking for the truth. Let’s start with how you ended up alone with the Force Sensitive.” Jex’s expression softened slightly as he spoke, and his eyebrows furrowed as he finished as he seemed to show signs of concern.

Jaslyn watched him warily as he made his speech. She relaxed at his tone. It was much different from San’s, Battlemaster Kyla’s, Grandmaster Shan’s and even Brye’s. He sounded like he wasn’t passing judgement like he said. Jaslyn nodded. “I had been out roaming the hills checking on sensors as well as practicing my forms. I like to practice the movements without a saber and I prefer the challenge of utilizing the terrain around me. I saw Selene...uh the Force Sensitive crash into the rift. I took the bike that I had over to the Rift. As I was in route I saw Battlemaster Kyla’s ship pass over and they landed before I got there. I followed them down into the Rift. We were able to locate the wreckage but not Sel-the Force Sensitive. We were then attacked by something...wrong. We quickly ascertained that it was a group of them. Knight Elav held them off and was wounded. He’s dead now they tell me. And apparently I’m to blame for that.” She pulled a grimace that spoke of self loathing at that thought spoken out loud.

Jex’s only movement was a slight nodding of the head to Jaslyn’s words. He did his best to keep his expression stoic at the news of Elav’s death. From what he had heard, the deceased Knight was a good man. But Jex put that aside for now. It was something to deal with after this matter was sorted. ”Your actions alone did not kill him. His death is part of the cycle of the Force, and he honored our order by sacrificing himself for the sake of others.” His voice had softened significantly, but hardened again after Jex took a deep breath. ”They told you he was dead after the fact. Where were you? Were you separated from the others?”

Jaslyn weighed his words. My actions alone...still held accountable.

“We fell back at my suggestion, since there were six of the beasts, and climbed to the top of the Rift. I had started climbing first and was in a position to observe someone, presumably the Force Sensitive, climbing to the surface and upon reaching the surface I noticed that someone was in the ship as the doors were closing. I made the decision to get to the ship and that is when I was separated from the others. I requested assistance from the Force Sensitive and was told that I was to get out or sit down. I made the decision to see what she was up to.”

Jaslyn sighed. And that is the part that will get me in trouble.

Jex gave a curt nod as he closed his eyes at the last part of Jaslyn’s explanation. He tilted his head, and his expression seemed to scrunch up in confusion.”Then you spoke with the Force Sensitive? Did she say anything else to you? Even just a name?”” While he was typically able to keep his emotions under control, a small well of frustrated anger grew in the center of his chest. She just left the others behind out of curiosity… Dangerous.

Jaslyn nodded. “Her name is Selene. Or so she said. We had a slightly philosophical debate about the Jedi Order. She expressed her truth I expressed mine. Besides stalling for time and trying to find out why she’d even come down here. Then we didn’t talk because we were in the Silent Desert.”

Jex began his pacing at this point between Jaslyn and the door, each step equally paced to the last. He churned through the thoughts in his mind. ”Do you believe that Selene, an individual with a strong connection to the Dark Side to the point this planet reacted as if it wanted to tear itself apart, shared her ‘truth’ with you? And what made you believe that you could discern a truth from Selene that a Knight or Master could not?” He was growing more impatient internally. Externally, he seemed rather stoic and contemplative, as he did when he was trying to solve a case. Before Jaslyn could answer, he added one final question. ”And what happened from the time you entered the desert to the time you and Selene were found?”

Jaslyn’s jaw set stubbornly and watched Knight Saranth pace. “We all believe in something. What matters to me may not matter to you. The way I see things is no less important than how you do. We all have ‘truths’ are hers the same as ours? I know that you won’t believe me if I told you that she believes what she said.”

Jaslyn looked away then sighed and looked back at Knight Saranth. “Leaving the ship, to whatever destination was programmed in it, we leapt to the surface. She seemed to know where to point the beast and have it open the way to…” Jaslyn looked fascinated by the mystery as she went on. “I’m not entirely sure what it was exactly. Tho Yor. Symbols that looked older than Aerabesh. It was almost alive with the Force. It had a pulse, almost. Or a call. I’m not doing it justice but there are few words that would.”

Jaslyn trailed off and was staring a hole into the floor contemplating what it would mean if she explained what happened to her in the Tho Yor.

Jex closed his eyes as Jaslyn got defensive. He knew this would be the reaction, and she was clearly taking the bait. What did surprise him was her description of what happened next. He stopped pacing, and his brow furrowed in a confused expression as he turned his gaze towards her. ”A call? What do you mean by that?” Jex took a few steps toward her, his expression seeming to show the tiniest bits of curiosity that the Jedi Knight didn’t bother hiding. This was becoming more interesting as things developed. ”What is this… Tho Yor?”

Jaslyn looked back at Knight Saranth as his questions pulled her out of her morbid contemplation. “I’m not sure this is accurate but, ships that brought early Force Users to Tython from...possibly from all over the universe. Do you know anything about this planet’s past? The Je’daii?” Jaslyn was curious to know that what she was told could be corroborated by facts.

Jex folded his arms, shrugging his shoulders. ”If you’re interested in these ‘Je’daii,’ I’m sure you can find something in the archives. My areas of expertise are focused on the present, not the past of our order.” His eyes focused in on Jaslyn’s, his expression returning to his bitter stoicism. ”This… Tho Yor gave you some sort of vision, then? Or spoke to you? Told you that about Tython, I suppose.” Jex’s jaw then began to clench for a moment, before he gave a sympathetic sigh. ”What none of this tells me, however, is why you never attempted to stop this Dark Sider. Nor why you lifted a saber in defense against a fellow Padawan. Please… just help me understand why you’re here.”

Jaslyn sighed and ran her hands over her hair to the ponytail positioned high in the back of her head. Then finger combed her tangles as she talked. “I am not equipped to make any of this right, as much as others wish it so. I knew that I didn’t have the power to turn the ship into something that could be used to break atmosphere. I knew I didn’t have the ability to stop her from taking the ship. I knew I didn’t have the ability to cast her off planet with a thought.”

Jaslyn leaned over and tapped the arm of the chair lightly but firmly every other word. “Yet knowing all this I chose to observe. Knowing that at some point someone would be needed to say why she was here. And after all that risk to my reputation and everything that I’ve worked for to have a fellow Padawan undo all of that was unacceptable.” Her hand made a fluid slashing motion in the air as she shook her head. She winced slightly at a tangle that was particularly knotted that pulled when she shook her head.

Making eye contact with Knight Saranth directly Jaslyn went back to finger combing the snarled places in her hair that were left. “My risk of self was fine. I was willing to take that punishment but I was not about to let anyone else suffer. Killing Selene out of hatred served San no purpose but to further her down a dark path. I did her a favor, even if she does see it as such yet. In short, I did what I could do to help knowing that I was risking more than my life.”

Jaslyn was done finger combing through her hair by the end of the speech. And although that is the truth I doubt that anyone is going to believe it. That’s why I was pretty much treated as if I’d betrayed the Order.

Jex shook his head, placing his hands behind his back, giving a small sigh. He had gathered what appeared to be all the information he was going to receive, yet the normally reserved Jedi Knight stayed for a moment and turned his eyes to Jaslyn. ”The Jedi Masters and even the council will see your actions as a failure. While you claim you didn’t have the power to stop or impede Selene, I believe that you could have if you had chosen to. It could have come at a terrible cost to yourself, but that’s a price a Jedi is willing to make.” Almost as if anticipating a response or backlash, Jex raised his hand and continued speaking. ”The path you chose, however, was in part inspired by the Code. Your choice to defend Selene by turning against a fellow Padawan who was succumbing to the dark side was a sign of courage. More so, you sought a path of peace and knowledge. Your master should be proud of that much, Padawan. Two words of wisdom, however: Jedi must always be willing to sacrifice themselves even when the odds look unwinnable, and don’t trust those trained in the Dark Side. Their lessons are rooted in fear and power.”

Jaslyn nodded at Knight Saranth and massaged her temples. She noted he made a motion to stop an outburst as if she was supposed to interrupt him, which she had no intention of doing. “I understand. I hope to do better in the future. Am I released to my quarters then Knight Saranth? I’d like to change if possible.”

Jex shook his head temporarily. ”Stay here, for now. Given recent events, especially regarding your fellow Padawan, I would prefer if you stayed here until someone comes for you.” Jex gave a slight nod, his face changing from stoic to melancholic. ”May the Force be with you, Jaslyn.” And with that, Jex turned on his heels and exited the Grandmaster’s chambers, waiting outside the door for Brye to return and resume her watch.
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