Avatar of Almalthia


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Two more days to a year that I'm not supposed to be counting. The little Tom Hanks in my soul is marking days without you. Castaway on an island surrounded by an ocean of tears getting deeper daily.
6 yrs ago
Want a Slice of Life? Sol City is your ticket! Large, friendly group always room for more! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
November 10th, 2017 4:30 pm CST. You let go and I wasn't ready. I'm still not ready. I miss you.
6 yrs ago
Two months and a week. I miss you. This sucks. Is it bad that I pretend that you PCS'd and will be back before long? Then I remember you're gone and won't be back even if I wished it. And I do. Daily.
6 yrs ago
Two months, four days. I miss you. Can't listen to Mike and the Mechanics "In The Living Years" anymore. It came on at work yesterday as the last song and I cried.


Ugh...I hate this part. So I'm super into Sailor Moon...which no one else is...and that's okay. I also really love Items, Escaflowne, Vampire Knight, Fushigi Yugi, Ah My Goddess, K Dramas, Chinese and Tiwanise Dramas as well. I torture people by making them read the TV.

Oh this is where I tell you I'm American...and I just lost a few people but oh well. Trust me if I could afford to live overseas I would. So yeah...that's me.

Most Recent Posts

Approval 2 of 2
You have my approval. So 1 of 2 so far.

The original homeworld of the Jedi Order, Tython is a planet rich in the Force, steeped in mystery. Particularly powerful disturbances in the Force can cause the ground to rock with earthquakes, or the sky to be ravaged with Force storms. It is a planet with jaw droppingly tall mountains, deep oceans, lush forests, endless plains and harsh deserts. The world has existed for ages, still ripe for discovery and adventure. Once a populated planet with old cities, it's only inhabitants now are the Jedi Order, and the wildlife which teems the world. Native fauna of all shape and sizes call the planet home, some hostile. With Coruscant still in ruin, Tython is home for the Jedi, a place to explore, learn, grow and truly embrace the light side of the Force. Though intense danger lurks around the world for the unprepared.

How long do you usually write?
Several paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? Yes
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? Yes
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? None
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague? None
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? No
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? Heal the wounded. Long term rank of Master.

Approval 2. Good to go.
Tishombra Ferro


Interaction: Mara

Mentions: Dash @Fallenreaper; Corinth @Apollosarcher; Haiki @Espada Emi; Talik @JessieTargaryen & Mahree @Bea

Smirking Tishombra titled her head and looked over at Corinth and raised an eyebrow. She waved to him and headed into the tomb. She wanted that central room so that she could push them onward and break them up. She knew they would cluster. Especially Mahree and Dash. That had to stop. Darth Embrus would not allow it and Tishombra was loath to have the girl put trust in someone who did not seem like they would last long. She checked the room to the left after opening the door and found Overseer Cessair, in her mind Mara. "Really couldn't you pick a better room? Well this works well enough. I need to let Mahree in here and get her to get the baton from you anyway. Dashara will want to keep Mahree from any punishment she can. Besides separation will allow me to convince Mahree that Dashara is using her. Which she is. I just have to break Mahree to do it. Besides even if Mahree does win your little game she'll end up hating Dashara. Oh and that little zabrak... is he yours? Did you mess with him already or is that other students deciding he is prey?"

Tishombra tilted her head and smiled at Mara knowing that Mara would have no problem with what she was going to do...
Approved. You have 1 approval.
Tishombra Ferro


Interaction: Open

Mentions: Mara; Dash @Fallenreaper; Corinth @Apollosarcher; Haiki @Espada Emi; Aria; Atria @vFear & Mahree @Bea

Tishombra smirked as Aria stormed off. Looking over at Dash. I have learned so much about you my dear. You shall learn quickly that you should only trust yourself and your Master.

Tishombra's thoughts turned quickly and inevitably to just yesterday...

Tishombra smirked and walked over to the three kittens. "Well, well, look what we have here.Kittens the lot of you. Soft. Cute. Weak. Only those that really have issues at the Academy come here. So something is wrong with you. This will fix it.I will fix it for you. Now I have supplies on me but I want you to know that I won't be just giving them away you have to earn them."

Tishombra tossed her hair and indicated the sand seeming to get worse. "For now let us enjoy this fine day on Korriban."
Tishombra felt him fall asleep and wondered if their continued relationship was too much for him. He seemed too stubborn to say so. So she'd have to slow the pace down. How she'd manage that when she was just as eager for him as he for her she had no clue.

She paused. This was something she wanted to continue by any means necessary. She didn't want to let this go, let him go.

A few hours later Tishombra woke up and attempted to gently disentangle herself from Drey while not waking him up. She rose and removed all of her clothing that they neglected to fully do. She stretched turning toward the bed fully, not just in profile anymore and saw him watching her with a pleased smirk.

She raised an eyebrow at him. "That's a very cocky look Corporal." She attempted not to smile at him. Her eyes failing to hide the mirth and her lips twitching ever so slightly.

"I'm within the privacy these quarters provide, so I think I am allowed it." The voice was teasing and full of self pride at the glow he created within her.

Drey pulled onto his stomach to admire the view. He didn't appear ready to leave the bed or feed his primal wants. At least, not yet.

"It sounds like you're enjoying the company. I feel you've decided to at least see where this goes or did I read too deeply into your comments earlier?"

Tishombra shouldn't have been surprised. He wasn't stupid and the reason he was still alive was that he was observant. Very observant. One could almost attribute it to the Force. His records had indicated he wasn't a Force User but that didn't mean things didn't work out in his favor or a particular skill wasn't heightened by it. Those little things weren't part of the test.

"No you weren't mistaken." She stated carefully. Her doubts and insecurities rose up inside her as she attempted to wrestle them back down. No use in borrowing trouble. If there wasn't a reason for it...yet. She knew he'd follow along with what she wanted. But they both wagered some big things.

Drey`s eyes narrowed as he sat upright. The sheet wrapped about his hips and provided the modesty he needed.

"I feel there's a but…"

Tishombra stepped closer then reached out and ran her fingers through his hair. "More like a wish." She smiled sadly at her thoughts. Thoughts that would likely get her killed, or worse.

Drey`s gut stirred, but he ignored it. He would handle the challenges as they came and worrying about them now seemed pointless. He inhaled and kept his smile on. His hand reached up and gently placed his hand on hers threading through his hair, trapping it in place a moment longer.

"It is interesting. The noises you make while you're pleased. However, you spoke one language I have never heard before. If I didn't know better, I would've guessed you were cursing me out."

Tishombra laughed softly at his change in subject. "All of the House of Ferro speak the language of our fore bearers. Or at least that's what I was told growing up whenever my mother or father, who rarely did, came to see me. So I learned. It is commonly used by my family. And those noises are purely a you reaction."

He gently began to pull her closer, hoping to get her onto the bed. "I guess I'll just have to get use to it, won't I?"

She hummed to his comment as he pulled her closer and she straddled him. "I'm wearing you out Drey. If you want anything left by the time we get to Korriban then slowing down is an option. I'm not the only one allowed to call the shots."

"My mind says to slow, but my body doesn't want to. I guessed I missed the intimacy more than I thought I did." He rolled his tongue against his cheek.

"I'm content in the sex department for a while, but what about you?" Drey carefully observed her reaction while her weight settled on him.

"Oh I want all you can give me there because it just keeps getting better. I'm new to the intimacy but I'm enjoying it." Tishombra curled an arm around his shoulders as she sat in his lap. "I just know that it has to be different out there than in here, and I'm not keen on that idea but I'd not risk your life."

She needed him to understand that. If she had to break it down further for him she would, but she doubted it.

"I'm not exactly ignorant to the world of the Sith. I have more knowledge than you might think. I've worked alongside two of them for about six years and I am still alive." Drey stated firmly, his hands rubbing her thighs.

"To be frank, I didn't expect this to go farther than a one night stand. Most Sith only sleep with a guy like me because they think I can't fight back and can be killed without notice. Expendable."

"I'm not them. I wasn't kidding when I said the soldier was the backbone of the Empire. I know that. Besides there are more of you than us. All of us at some point are expendable to someone."

Tishombra lowered her lashes. "After your performances you thought you could shake lose of me? Not gonna happen Corporal." She said squirming under his hands with delight.

"Well, I'll make a note of that." His head leaned into hers, loving how she began to squirm from his touch.

For a moment, he savored the silence and affection. He broke it to finally address the challenge ahead of them.

"From what you've mentioned, do you have a plan? Cause I doubt me casually entering your quarters every night will go unnoticed by other Sith. At least, while we are assigned in the same area."

Tishombra nodded. "Believe it or not I have a normal apartment in Korriban and don't live near other Apprentices. Most of them stay in the compound. I am fortunate enough that I can have my own retreat. I picked a complex that had no one that was Sith in the area picked. And besides my lack of rank let's makes me practically normal. Oh and looking human helps."

"Hmmm, it does. I heard Pureblood anatomy is hard to work with for a human so for that, I'm thankful." Drey nearly growled in pleasure.

"However, you realize I'll eventually return to my post or be enlisted in other missions. I can't promise if I'll be able to return to Korriban any time soon. Can you survive without me?" His voice held mirth and a teasing quality.

Tishombra tapped her lips drawing his attention as she looped her legs around his waist scooting closer to rest her forehead against his. "So if I said no I couldn't survive …?" She teased back even though it fell a little flat since she was serious.

Drey sighed, dramatically and exaggerated to show his playfulness. "Sadly, if I must so should you. You're a big, strong sith after all."

Tishombra threw her head back and laughed. Her hair slid down his legs like a silk curtain as she tossed her head back. "Yes the big, strong Sith that was seduced by a Corporal. Because that is not how you look at this at all, right?"

"Hey, if I go over the line, you can force plop my ass on the sofa. Not many women can say that." He pointed out.

Tishombra shook her head. "I crossed a line when we first met that I promised myself long ago that I wouldn't do. If I'm in this relationship then we should be equals. Which means if you can't do it neither can I. So unless you want to open that discussion it would be telling you that your sweet, sweet ass is on the couch. And don't expect to be alone there long Corporal."

Drey bursted out laughing, his ribs jiggled and his face crinkled by the mirth. After his ribs started to hurt, the sound began to die down. It was clear he loved knowing the fact she gave him.

She shook her head. "Back around to that wish again…" She muttered.

“I learned wishes are just what-ifs. Fun to want, but the present and now should never be forgotten. You make do with what you have.”

Tishombra nodded. "Point made. And either you're getting used to me being naked or I really am losing my touch. Either is really depressing. But since you're not interested you can always ask about the Force or other interests Corporal." She trailed her nails up and down his back lightly in random patterns and gave him a quick kiss biting his bottom lip then soothing it with her tongue. She grinned flashing dimples and pulled back knowing she was teasing him.

“That or I haven’t been this satisfied in a long time. Besides, weren’t you the one that suggested we slow down?” Drey’s fingers squeezed her thighs when her nails scratched his back.

His muscles tensed and left tingling from the roughness. He could his arousal budding again, but he pushed it down a bit. Inwardly he debated if he should risk bring exhausted when he reported for duty or not. Her temptation didn’t make the decision easy.

Tishombra stood up slowly and pulled him up gently directing him into the shower. She pulled him along behind her so he got an eye infection. "I just wanted to know that I hadn't lost my touch."

“If you had, it wouldn’t have been that much fun.” Drey followed her up, as his eyes couldn’t help but look. No matter how many times he saw her in her purest form, he couldn’t shake the heat that swept through him. He let her pull him along to the shower easily. They both needed to… clean up.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Tishombra panted and rolled into him snuggling as her heartbeat tried to slow. "I'm gonna wind up either always naked, which I'm sure most wouldn't mind but I have a feeling you would outside a private room; or chained to your bed."

A lighthearted chuckle erupted from his throat. “I like the last option. You wiggle less.”

The merriment in Drey’s voice was clear and undeniable. His arm wrapped about her as held her close, but the moment would be short lived eventually. Time never stopped. For now, he would enjoy it. He pulled the covers over them in order to chase away the chill.

“I’m just glad you had a good time. Now that I know what you like, it’s going to be easy to please you.”

"You say that like you're so sure of yourself." She chuckled pleasantly. "I created a monster."

“I was a monster way before you came along. I just like toying with my prey.” Drey retorted, pulling her closer to him.

She laughed with feeling and reached out to cover her mouth. She'd never laughed like that. She raised an eyebrow. "Well that was unexpected."

“You act like you’ve never had fun. Related to your past?” His voice was gentle, but curious. He had no intention to rip answers from her if she didn’t want to give them.

Tishombra propped herself up on her elbow thinking ignoring the covers that shifted. "Yes I'd say that has a good chunk of the reasoning. The last time I recall having as much fun, or close to it, was fencing and saber classes. And they're not a close second. I most certainly can tell you that the past five years have been hell with no end in sight. And that's mild. Thankfully that wasn't true."

Drey listened, but didn’t react with much shock. He seemed to expect this. His eyes looked at her with admiration and contentment. A finger brushed away a stray strand from her eyes.

“I didn’t notice before, but your eyes are gorgeous.”

Tishombra leaned down and kissed him. She pulled back her eyes dancing with pleasure. "Only Sith thing about me. Other than that I look like my mother's mother. Everyone else looks more like my father's side. Especially the twins."

Drey enjoyed the scent and texture of her lips the moment they hit his. Any tension that had risen to his body fell away. “How about I get dressed, get us some food, and we can talk. If this is going to be a regular thing, I feel at a disadvantage with you having looked over my service record.”

"I knew there was a smart man under all that muscle." Tishombra grinned. "I'm famished and I always get this way when it’s found out I rigged the game."

Drey give a wicked smile. Mischief light up in his eyes as he considered his options. “You know… it wouldn’t take much to punish you.”

Tishombra laughed and shivered at his mischievous look. "Oh really? But I've been such a good girl." She egged him on. Daring him without so much as saying the words. She blinked innocently.

“You’re just such a terrib-” Drey’s words were interrupted by the growl of his stomach. Immediately he dropped his head on to the mattress and let out a husky laugh.

“I think my stomach has other ideas. So we’ll need to postpone this for later.”

With a gesture, he pulled the sheet from his waist and stood up to retrieve his clothes. Slipping each article on one by one until he became presentable once more. Straightening his tunic, he flashed her one last smile before departing out the door for the mess hall.

Tishombra might as well get dressed and she was famished. She got up and dressed in a pair of black leather shorts and a black leather v neck vest. Foregoing footwear she padded around and straightened up.

It took half an hour, but soon the door hissed open again. He juggled the food in either hand as he somehow managed to press the button.

Tishombra looked up to see Drey enter. She didn't realize how truly hungry she was till she smelled food. Her stomach rumbled and she blushed prettily. "Well well. Corporal you're a brave soul. Come to the web to see if the spider is home?" She mock whispered. "I'm the spider."

She rose and walked over to him smirking as she watched him watching her. The shorts were daringly short and she had put her hair in pigtails. She looked really young.

“No wonder you never starve. Anyone caught in your web would consider themselves lucky to be on the menu.”

He sat down the meal on the metal table. It ranged from meat to vegetables, an obvious betrayal he didn’t know exactly what she liked. As she moved toward him, he hopped to her seat and pulled out the chair. His hand gestured for her to take a seat first.

She sat down at the place he indicated. Smirking she tilted her head and blinked at him innocently again. "Why I'm sure I don't know what you mean Corporal."

The man leaned over, his head drawn closer to her ear. “If you’re a bad girl, I’ll make sure to bend you over my knee.”

Drey straightened up once more as he sat in his own seat, facing her from across the table. His smile turned into a sly one. He kept his easy-going voice while he addressed the ‘innocent’ comment.

“I’m sure you don’t. Someone as pretty and innocent as yourself has no interest in luring handsome men for her personal entertainment. Or teasing him just to see him squirm.” He knew she would catch the last part being about himself. His hand cut a piece of steak and popped it into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully.

Tishombra chewed thoughtfully. "Define bad." She knew she was pushing the line but she was having too much fun.

The temptation of flipping food at her and providing an example popped into his mind. He resisted, being smarter than he acted some times. Instead, he swallowed his latest bite and commented in a faked chiding manner.

“Now if you can’t figure that out, your parents didn’t teach you very well.”

"Ah getting caught. I ask because some people have different definitions. I just want all the rules lined out." She pouted cutely.
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