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2 mos ago
Current I have an unhealthy preference of having the urge to drink smoothies and eat hotdogs. And I'm all out of baked beans.
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2 mos ago
anyway what are yall beautiful brigands up to
2 mos ago
if you remember me posting gibberish on the status board you are old and so am I
5 mos ago
Hey guys, Alty here with eight simple steps. That's right, with these eight simple steps, you too, can take Vorkuta.
5 mos ago
I ate some food today it was great
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I have done rhe thinkable

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This time, Byzantine could finally manage an awkward smile as she walked ahead of Sarah. 'She's nice.' She thought. Byzantine looked back at Sarah before she continued heading for the exit, and to Beacon.
"You can call me Bizz. Uhh, if we meet again."
She said and trotted away fast. As her feet reached out into the courteyard and out of the airship, Byzantine covered her eyes at the bright sunlight. Staying indoors staring at the floor until the last minute wasn't really a good idea when it was extremely sunny outside. Groaning weakly, Byzantine walked into the middle of the courteyard and through a forest of what seemed to be taller people. 'I didn't drink enough milk.' She protested meagerly inside her mind. And these people had tall weapons, too. She looked at Malice. Long, but still shorter than others. Even if it was in scythe mode.
Byzantine shook Sarah's hand. The difference in thd height made Byzantine raise her arm a bit higher.
"I'm Byzantine, nice to meet you."
She glanced at Sarah's weapon. There seemed to be lots of words to describe it, and one obvious one was 'intimidating'. It looked as if Sarah was holding a Byzantine on her back. 'That'd be weird.' She thought as she imagined this towering girl holstering herself on the back. Hmm, weird. Instead of answering back with another smile, Byzantine ended up with a rather neutral face, with a slight color of confusion from the thought she just came up with. 'What a face to show, Bizz.' She told herself.
Byzantine looked up at the news as it showed an image of who seemed to be a criminal, followed by a news of a faunus right ceremony disupted by the White Fang. Byzantine sighed weakly. Things seemed to be quite troublesome. Just then the news was replaced by an announcement by a teacher. As it ended, Byzantine could see Beacon getting closer. 'Finally, this boring flight is about to end.' She thought as she jumped down the chair. It's been a boring trip, since she didn't feel like talking to anyone. And of course, people seemed to... 'tower' over her for the most cases. Byzantine was about to turn back to the window when her face collided with some giant weapon.
"Oh, sorry."
She said. To her luck, she didn't collide in full speed, and the pain was tolerable.
Cannot disagree.
Byzantine did nothing, except for breathing, swaying her legs back and forth, and thinking. Her seat was a bit too high to reach without jumping. Yes, she was short, but still. She was probably holding her Malice too tightly, and her hand started to hurt a bit. She wanted to let go, but she was too nervous for it. There were tons of strangers around her. And she could still remember her parents' look when they saw that she was accepted to Beacon. 'As if it was obvious.' She thought. She was afraid of more pressure rather than excited to meet new friends. Eventually her eyes fell downwards, staring at the floor as if there was something special on it.
"Only if I could get away from it."
She muttered under her breath.
Oh, the ic already started.
Will post soon.
Name: Byzantine "Bizz" Lingo
Age: 17
Gender: female
Race: human
Appearance: Bizz has a two toned hair reaching down to her shoulder, with the lower part being the color her name resembles, and the upper being jet black. She tends to tie it into a ponytail for the most of the time. She has hazel eye. The height of 158 cm makes her look younger than her age. Bizz has a thin yet well built body.
Bizz's outfit consists of a Byzantine coat that reaches down her knees, dark purple fatigue pants, and a blue shirt.
Bio: Becoming top notch huntsmen and huntresses was a family business for Bizz's family. She was forced into education for becoming a huntress from early times, and has been training ever since. She herself did have passion to become a huntress, but it became weaker as her family kept increasing the pressure on her to become something more than just a huntress. After gaining basic education in Mistral, Bizz joined Beacon Academy under her parents' instructions.
Semblance Name: platform
Description of Semblance:
Bizz can form transparent platforms(the color same to her name, of course) that can stay in it's position, which can be used as either a shield or a way to reach positions.
Semblance Limitations:
Platforms can withstand little damage(about two to three shots from a high caliber gun), meaning it can't be utilized effectively when used as a shield. Bizz can have up to two platforms existing at the same time, which makes it hard for it to be used for the whole team.
Weapon: Byzantium Malice
A giant war scythe, similar to Crescent Rose, but shorter. Since it's a war scythe, it's blade is a bit different to the one of a normal scythe. It can fire shotgun ammunition, and can be shrunken into a semi automatic shotgun.
Favored Dust Element: fire
Other: Bizz's fighting style concentrates on approaching her enemies for deadly blows with her scythe and shotgun.
Will post my CS tomorrow, possibly.
Hey, still breathing here.
I'm thinking up a good CS.
By far no much luck.
Hey, I came from the iCheck. Is this still open?
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