Avatar of AlternateMan


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current I have an unhealthy preference of having the urge to drink smoothies and eat hotdogs. And I'm all out of baked beans.
1 like
2 mos ago
anyway what are yall beautiful brigands up to
2 mos ago
if you remember me posting gibberish on the status board you are old and so am I
5 mos ago
Hey guys, Alty here with eight simple steps. That's right, with these eight simple steps, you too, can take Vorkuta.
5 mos ago
I ate some food today it was great
1 like


I have done rhe thinkable

Most Recent Posts

What's a video game circle strafe speed
supersonic FAST
We use metric system here good kind sir
Hmmm, that simple comparison could work.
Really really fast would need specifications. Not intense scientific sort, just a... scale to stick with, or something like that.
Last time I saw one person not in discord, the observed information asymmetry was.... a lot.
@Blackmist16 Oof. Okay then. Unless you can use discord any time soon, I guess I'll not make a discord for this rp.
Also everyone, would you prefer to have a discord server for OOC chatter?
Like this post to say yes. I'm considering it at the moment.
this is the exact situation I was afraid of
*plasma gremade flashbacks*
If everyone is bladed
No one will be

Hmmmmmm. Whaaaat about a uuhhhhhhhhh

What about flails
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