Avatar of AlternateMan


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2 mos ago
Current I have an unhealthy preference of having the urge to drink smoothies and eat hotdogs. And I'm all out of baked beans.
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2 mos ago
anyway what are yall beautiful brigands up to
2 mos ago
if you remember me posting gibberish on the status board you are old and so am I
5 mos ago
Hey guys, Alty here with eight simple steps. That's right, with these eight simple steps, you too, can take Vorkuta.
5 mos ago
I ate some food today it was great
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I have done rhe thinkable

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Speed-o-sound Sonic
what you want school uniforms?
@Randomness I'll edit it rn that's on me

@Jade Kiyo no school uniform.
Qlright everyone, ic is up.
You guys are all in the same class for convenience.
Violet(the teacher, played by BC) is the homeroom teacher for your gang.
Hang around and talk and stuff.
Another year, another wave of Sunderer recruits. The young fighters, gathered from across the nation of Fidelis, were lined up in an orderly fashion in the grand main hall of the Institute of Sunderer Education. In front of them was a large wooden stage, and a podium in the center. The general interior was quite exquisite, steel beams consisting the bones of the structure decorated with bronze sculpture of warriors climbing them. The walls were painted in the combo of purple and yellow, with the letters ISE written on each one of them. Not to mention that the floor was lined with granite tiles cut to a set of perfect squares. There was no doubt there was a fortune put into building this facility.

A minute or two of waiting later, a man wearing a boonie hat emerged from the back of the stage. He marched up to the podium, placed his hands on each end of it, and cleared his throat. His staring eyes scanned the lined up students and momentarily wrinkled into a frown.
"Students. Welcome."
The man's voice boomed throughout the hall, boosted by the speakers attached to the walls.
"Welcome to the opening ceremony of this year's batch of Sunderer initiates' education. You have passed the perilous tests to prove your worth as a Sunderer initiate, and are now proudly standing in this hall among many others who have made it. From now on you will be the part of the Institute of Sunderer Education, the very forge of the legendary heroes that is Sunderers. As honorable as it is to prepare to fight the enemies of the nation, I must warn you that it comes with a responsibility. If you are treated with respect, then you shall behave like a respected individual. Remember that you represent the Institute as its pupils, and act as a fitting member when you are in and out of the Institute."
He paused shortly, clearing his throat once again.
"Do not take your position so lightly, as Sunderers are the only ones separating the innocent lives behind the wall of Fidelis and the Genocidal machines outside of it. Now, good luck to all of you. And Let Justice Be True!"

The man did not wait for a round of applause to come. He simply turned and marched back away like the way he came once his speech was over. Once he was out of the students' sight, a flickering humanoid figure in the color of bright blue materialized at the podium. Behind it formed a wide screen in thin air.
"Alright, that was our principal giving you the welcome speech. Don't mind his words too much, he's always like that. Now, I shall announce the classes that you will divide you and what teacher you must line up in front of. Make sure you don't mess up, that'll be an awkward sight."
With that the screen started to write names down by itself. There were portraits of teachers on the top, each getting a downward line of names marking classes and their homeroom teachers.
"No time to waste, chop-chop!"
Soon TM
Alex is a floating brain
But also a brain in a can by her choicr
To be fair you will have a 128 years old psychic lady as a teacher.
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