Avatar of Ammokkx


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8 mos ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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10 mos ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
1 yr ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
1 yr ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

Taka Tsuin

Taka cursed under his breath as he trudged through the dry grass, the muttering drowning out the crunching beneath his feet. The encounter with the weird girl and purple-haired punk had left him with a fouler mood than usual. Him also having taken possibly the most inconvenient, backwards way to get anywhere on these campgrounds also didn't help matters. As the boy closed in on the theater, the destination Taka had been fixed on from the start, he could see a girl jumping off the stage. She looked to completely ignore another boy on the stage who was crouched down next to her a few moments prior, making her way off in the direction of Taka's right.

"...! Oi, hang on a sec!"

Taka jogged over to the black-haired girl, seeing as she was making her escape before he even had a chance to ask her anything. It didn't take too long to catch up to this person, as she hadn't gone very far from the stage yet. Once he was only a few steps away, Taka felt a shiver run down his spine as he looked at the girl.

(Damnit! She looks like she's just as bad as that other girl!)

Taka shook his head, trying to get those things off his mind as he addressed the person in front of him.

"Hoy, can I ask a question? Did wake up here just now like everyone else and, uh, do you also have a Super High-School Level talent?"

(...! Fucking hell Taka, couldn't you be a bit subtler?!)

Taka kicked himself mentally, his brow furrowing in response. Combined with the leftover feelings from earlier this made his face contort into a rather unpleasant scowl, unbeknownst to Taka, aimed squarely at the girl he was addressing.
@King Cosmos Playtesting shouldn't be too much of an issue since we're scripting everything. Don't worry about making a functional deck, anime characters don't have those either.
@King Cosmos The duelists in the top 2-5 don't need to be as detailed as your main guy nor will they need as much focus. They're mainly there to give a bit of variety to the cast and make it so the PC's aren't the only people on the entire island.

You also don't really need to tell us the theme ahead of time, it's preferable you just write up a sheet and we notice ourselves what links them all together.

I haven't had a chance to read through all of the information, I'll do that soon, but being a former player and fan of the show I am definitely interested in taking part.

If I'm reading this right you are only allowing one person from each dorm, so I'd be somewhat restricted in terms of what type of decks I can play being last? Let me know what my options are and I'll throw something together.

Well, we don't mind deck overlaps and dorms aren't strictly deck-based. We want a core theme for your dorm in term of personality, rather than a core theme in the deck. Currently we have a calm Wind dorm, energetic Fire dorm, reserved Dark dorm, misfit Synchro dorm (mine) and generally gets-along-with-eachother-and-everyone Xyz dorm (Gm's). None of the dorms also have decks strictly of their attribute or themeing.

Fire has Toons
Wind has a Gem-knight/Crystal Beast hybrid
Dark has Heraldic Beast
Synchro has Armors (as in I physically beat the shit out of you)
Xyz has Pendulum Dragons

so yeah, dw about it
We kind of want to get at least one more player in on this, so I'm bumping this to see if anyone else is going to show interest.
@Satoshi Kyou Let me help you with that.

@ThePlumbum@Deluge@MidKnights What do you guys think of this? Should we start now, or wait for another person to show up so there's a little more variety in the cast? The first two or so posts are going to be pretty railroadey anyway and after that is a short sandbox segment to get everyone settled in, so starting a little ahead of ourselves shouldn't hurt too much. Still, it'd be better if we had another person to fill out a dorm so we're not quite so limited with our cast.
This isn't dead, for the record. Me and Sat are currently figuring out what we're going to do, considering neither tree nor stalfos are showing up.
Taka Tsuin

...Well, at least that was out of his system now. Setting the initial disbelief aside, Taka took a deep breath and reassessed his situation. He stared off into the distance of the camp, a little lost in thought. Part of his line of sight was blocked by a small forest of trees off to his top left and some cabins to the right. Gargantuan metal fence aside, there wasn't much out of the ordinary in this place. Taka was about to take a step forward and start exploring the place, but his attention was caught in the nick of time by a female voice off to the right of him. He turned to look at her, entirely unimpressed by the way she was looking at him.

(Are you kidding me?! I don't even know this chick and she's already looking down on me!)

Taka clenched up his fist as he felt the anger inside him start to boil already. The boy couldn't stand people like her. He wasn't just some brochure you could pick up off the street, flip through and then toss into the garbage can. Still, Taka couldn't afford to make enemies. Not yet, anyway. He was just as stuck here as the girl opposite to him, judging from the way she was talking, so the smart thing to do was to play along for now and not make enemies, loathed as he is to do it.

"Some sort of camping ground, clearly. Don't ask me where, though."

Taka scoffed and looked away from the girl he was talking to, feeling a light breeze pass by him. Did something just fly by? He sure didn't notice anything or anyone, so it must've been his imagination. Figures were still moving in the distance but it got a little hard to see with all the stuff covering his field of view. Standing around wasn't going to change much, clearly. His head turned back to face the other person again, his frown matching her complete lack of emotion. He slipped one hand into his pocket, but let himself hang loose otherwise.

"Fine, I'll tag along. I'd like to know what's going on as well, and I won't figure much out by standing around. Lead the way."



A throbbing headache woke the person lying on a gym mat inside the sports cabin up. They were groggy and didn't think too hard when setting themselves upright, taking a few moments to properly regain their sights. Once they did, however, this person shot up to their feet. Around them was not the familiar environment of their room, nor did this look like the inside of a school building.

(Is... is this Hope's peak? Or... or did she get lost, somehow?)

The person's hand shot to the back of their head, grabbing the hair hanging from it. They tugged once on it just once, feeling the tough resistance of a well-tied ponytail.

(Thank god she didn't forget that... I won't have to go outside dressed like a girl.)

Taka Tsuin

Taka breathed a sigh in relief, stumbling back against a storage rack. He took a few more moment to assess the situation. He was in some kind of... storage room, though it looked pretty old. The windows around the place gave Taka the impression this wasn't part of a larger building, confirming his suspicion that a certain someone had gotten them lost on the way to Hope's Peak. There was a good bit of stuff here, though. Wherever Taka was, it was well equipped to handle sporting teenagers. Or at least, that's the impression it gave off.

He figured it wouldn't do him any good to stand around, so Taka kicked himself off from the storage rack and casually walked over to the door. The boy let his hands slip into the pockets of the uniform pants he was wearing, taking another glance around as he stepped forward. He should probably be way more freaked about this than he is, but it's not like he had any control over where he'd end up. It's strange that he was dressed up in a male's school uniform though, considering she was the one who got him here...

Once having reached the door, Taka slowly opened it up to reveal the outside world. He knew it'd be bright outside from the rays of sun dancing in through the windows earlier, but wasn't prepared for the full assault on his eyes. Taking a moment to adjust, Taka cursed under his breath. Any semblance of calmly opening the door flew out the window as he threw it in frustration, stomping out now that his mood was soured. Once his sights were regained, he could see a few things.

One, this place was weird. He knew she could be a bit of a klutz, but there's no way she'd end up in a camping ground of all places. Second, he wasn't alone. Some purple-haired idiot was messing about with something off in the corner of his eye and Taka was pretty sure he could see a few moving spots in the distance. Third, there was a giant fence surrounding them entire place.

"...What the FUCK?!"
Ayu Usui

"...Nope," were the first things to come out of Ayu's mouth when she woke up. She had been lying on top of the stone surface of the seating around the amphitheater, but that wasn't the thing she was worried about. Nor was it the oversized sweater around her threatening to slip off at any moment. Not even the fact that she didn't know the environment at all got a reaction out of her. No, the thing she was most worried about, is the fact that there were people around her. Unconscious at the time, granted, but still people. The girl got up and took a look around, seeing very few places to hide.


The girl hurried to her feet and took another look around, seeing a lone tree off to the side. Thinking that's her best bet, Ayu scurried over before the other two woke up. Once she got behind the tree and double-checked to make sure nobody saw her, the girl breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the initial excitement was over Ayu stared at the two others that weren't so far from her a few moments ago.

(Girl's plain. Black hair, casual outfit. I think it's casual. Is it? Boy... boy seems stuck-up with those glasses. Got a very refined face, I think? Also seems mature... can't get a good look. Don't want to, either. Don't like him. Girl seems okay. Don't know if she's okay. Don't want to, either.)

Ayu turned back around and leaned with her back against the tree. She stared up into the bright sky, her thoughts wandering off again. She began to wonder about where she was.

(Doesn't look like this is Hope's Peak. Don't remember walking in, either. Kidnapping? Nah, why would I be outside? Did I just dream? Sleepwalk? Wait, no, why are the others here then. Kidnapping now? Probably yes, actually. Why me, though? Because Hope's peak? 's kind of lame. I'm nothing special. Am I? ...wait. I don't remember getting here. Should I tell? Yes, I should tell. Not now, though. when people bother. Will get bothered. Boo... also, what is this place? Some kind of playground? Did they mistake us for kids? No, plain girl and glasses guy don't look like kids...)

The thoughts in her head kept rattling and rattling, slowly draining any and all expression from Ayu's face. She slouched down against the tree, but continued to stare up to the sky. The girl became completely unaware to her surroundings, her dull expression blankly staring up at the sky as she hugged her knees close.
Hey yo. This has gone fairly quiet. Any mews?

Well, we're currently on three players. You, Deluge and Knight. However, we kind of want 4 to start at the very least. @AdmrlStalfos19 isn't replying to either me or Satoshi at the moment, though. I also know @The Irish Tree is working on a sheet, but they've told me they're busy with school. So we're basically waiting on either of them.

Sorry for the slow burn .m.
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