Avatar of Ammokkx


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8 mos ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
1 like
10 mos ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

And now for something completely different.

I like seeing @Spambot post on the guild because they always either have something funny or interesting to say. Sometimes even both. I generally have an appreciation for the RPdiscussion crowd, but they've been one of the most consistent to poke at my brain in one way or another.
Ey, how's the progress looking now?

Yeah, sorry. I edited it in but I probably should've said it in a separate post. I've been feeling ill and terrible for the past few days. Head's been too hazy to get anything done. I'm waiting for it to clear before I get any writing for any thread done.

Made some progress on writing it but I'm not 100% on it yet. Might double-check some elements of it with people, or re-think them outright before going ahead with it first. Lot of stuff to go over, but some of it has a disproportional amount of focus imo.

That is, to say, will need some more time to think the post over.

EDIT: Feeling sick and unable to write much of anything. Sorry for the delays.
I would get another GM post up today but I don't feel much like writing at the moment. I'll see if I feel more up to it tomorrow or something.
Yeah okay so this extends to far more than just Nation with the way he's written it and I'm going to take out an excerpt to demonstrate that.

The initial and most glaring problem of narrative based Nation RP's is that each player exists completely at the whims or favoritism of the GM, or Game Master. Were he a childhood friend, a legitimate argument could be made that events that pertain to your nation or civilization have a tinge of preference to them. Or worse, were you so unfortunate to have a bad experience with the GM, you may find yourself treated unfairly by the curator of the game--or excluded from joining entirely. This sets the stage for an unequal start, which is not gamebreaking in and of itself--as nations do not begin their worldly journey from the same positions in the real world, or most fictional worlds--but rather gamebreaking in the sense that not every one is given the fair shake. A GM whose ideals are based on his own opinions and considerations, cannot, based on the purview of the human condition, give every nation a fair shake, as it were.

The second failure of narrative based RP's is the over dependence on a continued narrative cohesion. Battles are often decided by gentleman's agreement between the participating players. The very premise of this idea is nonsensical and removes the incentive to succeed in lieu of a "functioning narrative." In a narrative based Nation RP--in the equation of deciding battles--you are asking someone to intentionally lose in the interest of story. This forced collectivization can cause resentment or even a tug of war of narrative favoritism in the vein of: "I lost last time, you should lose this time." Mechanic based RP's are black and white, assuming they are designed competently, and the functional requirements implemented are strategy and many other times luck (usually via online die roll or through the assistance of Random.org).

It's the Yu-Gi-Oh! problem. No, really.

To those who know me, they know I'm more than a little obsessed with the franchise and can dig up any old YGO RP from any random place (often to my own detriment because sturgeon's law applies) and what you describe here as why only game systems work is the exact problem I have with most of them. Like, let's think about this for a second.

First, you argue that you're a the whims of the GM and that's bad. To that I say: yeah, no shit. This happens even in D&D campaigns that rule lawyer the shit out of everything. Even if you look at RPing purely as a game, it's still a game you need people for. Not all people are equal. Some people like each-other, others don't. If your group doesn't mesh, no amount of rules is going to fix it. When I get 4 really bad teammates in League of Legends I don't care if I go to win the game when all they've done is berate and heckle me the entire time I was playing. In that same vein, if a GM thinks you're a sub-par writer or doesn't like you personally, no amount of dicerolls are going to save you from being booted. It's the nature of the beast. Par for the course- it's completely illogical to imply that GM bias somehow leaves people on an uneven playing field. Just... look for a different GM? There always needs to be someone overseeing the game, otherwise you just get a chaotic mess. And yes, the guy overseeing it will have biases. If you don't like it, do the job better yourself.

Second, you say that a "gentleman's agreement" is somehow a failure because it will lead to mob mentality, which, afraid as I might be to say it, is kind of a leap in logic. This is where the Yugioh problem comes in. YGO RP's are, obviously, based around a real game, which in turn has a show around it that most RPs draw inspiration from. It ends up causing a lot of problems because nobody can ever figure out how to best structure this. Do we use simulators? RNG our hands? What's the banlist, which cards are allowed? Do we just freeform it? It's a problem every YGO RP faces and, more often than not, those who stick to the real game often become a royal mess. I tried a system like this once, where people RNG their hands. It was a bitchfest. People were petty as all heck when they lost and tried to surrender before even seeing it all the way through, because actually playing the game, as it turns out, creates a lot of salt when people get competetive. This almost ruined the narrative, though I decided to axe it regardless as it wasn't very fun.

My preferred method now is to use a gentleman's agreement, because actually communicating with your players ends up causing the least drama overall, since people know what to expect and what they want. If people are still petty and want to win everything, well, I'll just say they weren't even remotely looking for a narrative to begin with. This isn't a failure, it's a complete incompatibility in priority. By actually forcing people to talk it out you create a more cohesive storyline and can give everyone a fair shot in regard to what you both think is best- and if you really can't get over it, flip a coin. It's the same as what I see reflected here- your thesis is that a narrative Nation RP can never work because Nation is more suited to be a game. It's completely asinine if you ask me. Why should losing be a punishment? Losing is a form of growth. Learning from mistakes not only makes characters stronger, but also nations. Taking severe casualties and being in dire straits sounds like a fun position to be in, because now you have to write as in going on the offensive and possibly getting the biggest upset possible.

People looking for a story are going to build a story, come what may. It might take more time than a stats game, because a stats game is a lot easier to figure out, but with enough dedication anything is possible. Insinuating that stats are superior to people talking it out is ludicrous because it's two whole different notions of fun. Stats can die out just as well if the game just, well, sucks.

Of course I'm coming from the perspective of someone who doesn't RP in Nation, but I see the argument reflected into a phenomenon I am all too familiar with, so I thought I'd share regardless. It's just unfair to say something is doomed to fail if you don't intend on giving it a fair shake.
@Rabidporcupine want me to wait on you or nah


"W-well, I'm just glad she didn't cause too much trouble," Nico replied to the mysterious girl, looking down and scratching the cat behind its ears. "She's not even mine, really... I've just been seeing her a lot lately. I doubt she's a stray, though... strays don't act this friendly to people."

It really was a curious case. Nico can't recall ever meeting their owner. She'd always just assumed they lived close to her school since the cat usually hung around there, but the both of them were unusually far removed from that area by this point. "Say, have you..." she said, intending to ask a question, upturning her eyes, and pausing. Nico saw it. The symbol. She couldn't before, because it wasn't too large and had been clutched pretty tightly, but between the fingers of this mysterious young woman was a Hex Symbol. Entirely identical to hers. Colour drained from Nico's face because she knew what it meant.


Silence. Something was caught in her throat. Nico didn't know what to do. Here she'd been, worrying about it just moments before. She took a deep breath and put her kitty down, petting its head. "Its okay. I'll see you later, okay?" she comforted it. Nico crouched, pulled her last snack for it out of her pocket, tore it open and happily watched the cat enjoy herself. It didn't take long to run off after it had finished, and after it looked up to Nico with a bit of confusion. She stood up. Nico didn't face the other girl, she just looked in the direction where the cat had ran off to. "Sorry. You're a magical girl, too, huh?"

Now she looked back.

"I don't feel right hiding it, so..."

Nico pulled out her own Hex Symbol. "I'm Nico Kaneko. It's nice you meet you."
Ayu Usui

A shrill voice pierced the curtain separating the waking world from the subconscious, as it had for the past few days. A set pattern. Consistent, easy to get used to: following the schedule to a T. Not that it was particularly hard to wake up; the only thing comfortable about the current situation, the warmth of another person, had already long removed itself from her presence. She still wasn't used to the bed itself. Still, Ayu didn't feel any resistance from her partner. She could afford to laze a little. Pretend to sleep in, at the very least.

Not with the scream, though. Her eyes flickered open, she groggily pushed herself up on the side of the bed. The girl took a few moments. It had to register in her hazy mind, still. It wasn't hard to draw a conclusion on what happened, but there were several possibilities. The voice... wasn't it from Iclyn? Hard to tell, considering how muffled it wound up due to-

A body has been discovered!"

Ah. Right, that made sense. Everyone was still in the same situation, after all. Ayu brought her thumb to her lip, started biting the nail. Where did that voice come from again...? Not too far, clearly... while her groggy mind had trouble registering the sensory information she was being fed, it still sounded loud enough to not be too far.

...Across, even.

"Did you hear that?"

Ayu turned around. Hisakwa had asked a question. She nodded.


She observed him. Eyes wide and darting, a cold sweat breaking out. Vision blurred. Rub her eyes, look again. Obviously shaking now; very panicked. Didn't keep his cool, huh? Not outside expectation, really. She looked down. Her wrist was unbound. Ayu could leave if she wanted to. The crime scene wasn't far, clearly... voices were just outside. Just outside Hisakawa's cabin. Everyone needed information, and people would be curious to see what happened. It's logical.

"...Hey. Want to investigate with me?" Ayu asked, eyes and head turning up toward him. "I think I'd feel safer with you around," she mumbled, averting them again. An awkward pause and a brief silence followed. She got up. He'd follow her, she was sure of that much.

"I'm going, then."

Ayu stepped right outside. Outside the cabin. Yep, crime wasn't far from it. Just ahead... Naomi's? Yeah, hers. Makes sense... Iclyn's partner. And, from the looks of it...


...very, very dead. That became clear as she'd come closer to the entryway. All the others got closer too, pouring in one by one. Someone had screamed before she went outside, a male, but they went ahead already, clearly. Nobody was outside. They had to be inside. Was it the gray haired one...? He cursed, right? Oh, or maybe the other one... Tsuin. Yeah, must've been Tsuin. Ayu stood just before the cabin. She turned around. Yeah, he was there.

"Hey, can you take the lead? I'm not... very good at this."
@Hammerman thanks for reminding me that I wrote 'roar' instead of 'howl' like a fucking dipshit

wolves don't roar, I know this

This is why you don't try to rush posts, kids

(fixed it btw)
@Ammokkx I made a post. If you want to blind chance stumble into Saya, I'm down. :P

Decided to take you up on that offer due to a lack of other viable options.
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