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Adachihara Yachiyo, Tetsumi Shiki, Yutsuko Soga

Interactions: @Claw2k11 @Sunbather (Collab)

Shiki collided face first into what he assumed was a stone wall. There was no way the girl he saw was that tough. Needless to say, his eyes were shut before the impact. After the collision, his body weakly slumped against the towering dragon. Shiki was barely holding himself up by the dragon's sweater, occasionally twitching in pain, but still conscious.

”Uhhh...What happ-” He muttered out, slowly glancing up the dragon's massive body. His eyes widened in disbelief upon realizing the grim situation he put himself in. This dragon...is undoubtedly related to Tanifuji-Sensei and has joined in on the fun!

”AHHHHH!!!” He panicked once more, attempting to pull himself away from Soga.

Only to find that Soga had already grabbed him by the shoulder and was really none too pleased with what had just happened. He could not disclose the actual reason why he had intercepted him, that would be just a tad too embarrassing for him to admit. He glared for a moment at Shiki, his grasp tightening ever momentarily and his eyes narrowing as if a predator was about to pounce on him instead of two students interacting.

"First of all, no running around here and..." As he said that, he realized he looked as if he was about to beat his fellow student, so, all things considered, he calmed himself, his features relaxing to the point where looked like the stoic student he had been until now. "Second, you could have crashed into someone and caused a big mess for both you and..." And as he turned towards Yachiyo, he realized he had not yet found out her name and simply turned towards her for a moment, looking momentarily confused.

Yachiyo snapped out of her heart-eyed haze upon feeling the impact of her two classmates colliding, flinching just a bit as the crashed into each other only inches away from her. She scanned the two individuals; one undoubtedly stealing more glances due to his draconic appearance. Her sense of etqiuette and gratitude snapped into place at his words, straightening her posture. "Yachiyo! Adachihara Yachiyo. Thank you very much, Dragon-san. I didn't... pay attention for a second."

Shuffling closer towards the oddly clinched pair, she examined their expressions, particularly Shiki's rather... affected visage. "Are you two alright? Did you bump your heads? I can ask sensei for medical assistance if you require it?"

"My name is Yutsuko Soga, happy to meet you, however I don't know who he is, but he was running from what I can assume is a teacher." He said pointing towards Tanifuji. "I am not sure if he is a student here if he was attempting to run away from a teacher howe-" However, before he could finish his sententce, he heard Yomodachi calling for them to enter the hall, shortly after her, Guodo reassured everyone around him, including Shiki, who he guessed to be the student he was currently holding.

So, with that entire situation solved, Soga let go of the utterly terrified Shiki to do as he will and turned towards Yachiyo putting on his best smile. "Shall we go inside?" he asked her, walking very slowly towards to entrance as to walk inside at the same time as her. However, as he walked, he could not help but look at Yomodachi once more and the authority she had ordered them, he wished he could be just like her, at least in that regard.

Shiki was unable to pry free from the dragon's strong grip. That piercing glare and predatory expression on the dragon's face effectively silenced him. It didn't help when Yachiyo recommended medical assistance from one of the teachers. He thought this was the end as cold sweat trickled down his face. However, as the conversation went on, Shiki became less frightened.

Wait...This guy is also a student?

As Shiki was gradually returning to his senses, he began to understand Soga's reason for intercepting. Perhaps, Shiki did overreact a little by Tanifuji's appearance...After all, she didn't notice him until after he screamed, so he could've simply avoided her. A sigh of relief escaped his lips after Soga released his grip. Shiki quickly bowed apologetically to Soga and Yachiyo.

”P-Please forgive me for my reckless behavior...I didn't mean to endanger anyone...My name is Tetsumi Shiki...Once again, I'm sorry...”

Shiki wanted to explain his reasoning for his terrified behavior, but that would have to wait until later. He overheard Yomodachi call out to them and timidly followed the other students, all while trying to avoid Tanifuji-Sensei.

@Zelosse Ahhhhh! Bard Mineta is back! xD

Quirk: USB (Tail)

Watching the altercation between Turbine-Kun and the other students from afar, certainly didn't make Shiki any less concerned. All of his attention was focused on them, until he quickly realized something. If a fight were to break out involving their quirks, he didn't want to be caught up in it. He was well aware of how powerful Sakimoto gusts were during the entrance exam, as demonstrated during the very beginning. So, he made an attempt to break away from his group, only to be interrupted by Shun before he even had a chance.


"Y-Yeah..." Was all he could mutter, but it wasn't because he wanted to get Shun off his back. Shiki's eyes were locked on one particular individual beyond the gate.

It was her...Tanifuji-Sensei, otherwise known as 'The Dragon'. The person who effortlessly threw him across multiple zones during the entrance exam, causing Shiki to suffer several injuries as a result. She was nothing more than a heartless villain to Shiki and the very reason why he cannot peacefully sleep at night. The sight of her caused Shiki to lose grip of his coffee cup, spilling its contents by his feet. Yet, his posture remained the same albeit frozen in fear with his heartbeat racing. The unsettling memory of that day was replaying in his head. He paid no attention to the Smiling Hero's compliment or anyone else for that matter, though it probably would've helped if he listened. But, it was too late...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SHE CAME BACK TO FINISH THE JOB!" He shrieked, having his hands placed on top of his head while he shouted. His outburst was just as loud and echoing as Hiroki earlier.

Without much hesitation, Shiki attempted to flee away from Tanifuji-Sensei much like before. Once again, he was surprisingly fast with the rush of adrenaline and all. Only this time, he had plenty of human obstacles to maneuver around, assuming it would deter Tanifuji from pursuing him. His eyes were locked onto the staircase descending down the mountain, screw the first day, he thought. However, he miscalculated and noticed the newly arrived tardy student walking into his path. He was running way too fast to stop himself and the collision was imminent.

Quirk: USB (Tail)

Shiki had to readjust his glasses with his index and middle fingers after Shun's remark. His lenses were fogged up from the cold weather, hiding the eyes from his rather annoyed expression.

"I don't mean to boast...but I was technically the first one to complete the objective before the uh...incident. That had to account for something, at the very least." He responded to Shun with a stronger tone, but was still quiet nonetheless. It was the only real accomplishment he achieved during the exams, everything else he did was mediocre. He then turned his head after hearing somebody else approach them.

Ah, how could he ever forget about the blue skinned loudmouth. In fact, his blunt motivational speech at the very beginning of the exam allowed Shiki to act on his own, which didn't really end well for him. Regardless, he wished to express his gratitude, but was unsure how to approach the guy. He remained quiet and averted eye contact with the loudmouth, feeling intimidated by his hostile presence.

It wasn't until he came up with a brilliant plan soon after Mari arrived and apologized to Sakimoto. At least knowing one half of his name helps. However before he could execute it, Sakimoto went off to do his own thing. Darn, maybe it can wait until he was finished.

The amount of people gathering around caught Shiki's attention. Everyone who participated in the same exam were coincidentally brought together he noticed, go figure. Although, Shiki was highly curious of the individuals who were not present during his exam. There were little to no data on any of them, excluding Shun. He established a goal to thoroughly analyze every single one of his classmates for educational purposes.

After wiping his glasses, he briefly observed the others standing in the same spot next to the gates. What were their entrance exam like? His concentration broke when Sakimoto's obnoxious shouting started ringing his ears, but what followed soon after caused Shiki's glasses to slide down his nose in disbelief.

"Magical Miracle Purity Light?! Where?!"

"T-This guy...D-Did he really just call him that?!..." He asked those nearby, sounding concerned for the husky student. Unintentional or not, shit was about to go down.

Interactions: @Scribe of Thoth

It has been a stressful three days since the entrance exam took place. Shiki couldn't remember the details of the exam's conclusion, but he does recall the dastardly "villain" who was responsible for putting him out of commission in the first place. The Dragon's sadistic laugh and her intimidating silhouette still haunts him while he sleeps. He will never forget that frightening experience of being thrown across the examination zones like a rag-doll.

Due to his recently developed night terrors, Shiki was unable to get a proper good night sleep and suffered occasional headaches throughout the day. At least the letter he received from the academy brought some positivity in his life. All this time Shiki believed he wouldn't be able to pass through the first milestone, it was quite relieving to see that he was wrong. Perhaps, he does have what it takes to be a hero after all...or maybe he just lucked out. From that line of thinking, he began to doubt himself once again in this never ending cycle of uncertainty.

The morning routine went by as normal. Today, Shiki packed sealed cups of pineapple tidbits in his backpack for both snack and lunch. He didn't make the mistake of forgetting his bottled water this time around either. After grabbing his puffy winter jacket, he exited from the apartment an hour earlier than usual. Reason being, he wanted to get a head start into discovering a route with the least amount of walking by using his quirk. There were just some areas the GPS failed to properly map, which created difficulties with his ever changing schedule.

Eventually, Shiki finally arrived at the front entrance of the school by the end of the extra hour. He managed to pick up some pineapple flavored coffee along the way to keep himself awake. Scaling up the mountain wasn't too difficult than he originally thought, after all he did pace himself.

It was there he spotted the energetic Shun, one of the participants he teamed up with during the entrance exam. There was a blank expression on Shiki's face, he knew it was too late to turn back now. Shiki was cautiously approaching Shun, contemplating whether to greet him or be on his way.

Why did he feel so hesitant? It was because Shun was drinking coffee. Shiki was well aware of how hyperactive Shun was in the short time they've spent together. He simply didn't want to know what a can of coffee will do to him now.

β€œHello Datari-Kun...” He accidentally slipped out.

@ShwiggityShwah Feeling intimidated Turbine-Kun?

Usb boi here.
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