
Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
I have an RP idea in mind where you play either a militarized task force designed to eliminate paranormal activity, or something akin to the Umbrella Secret Service.
10 mos ago
I am trying to worldbuild god civs akin to the Time Lords or Xeelee, but so far I've yet to get anything concrete down. It is a tad frustrating, but I'll come up with something eventually. I hope.
10 mos ago
@Obscene: And that is true. I might try that with a character I'm making for a fic actually. Though they'll be no-nonsense in a largely jovial kind of way.
10 mos ago
Yeah. Static was just what popped into my head as the closest descriptor since those are less focused on the character's arc or internal struggle. Not the best wording to use admittedly.
10 mos ago
I just want more protagonists with that same resolve, or barring that ones who aren't confused young adults looking to find their place in life analogues.
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I just feel like I killed the vibe, suddenly everyone be gone

Nah, you're good. You also gotta keep in mind that besides not having much to do on my end, again Thoth decided upon a course of action and went for it, I'm also going to start the process of withdrawing from my university today. Up till now I've been researching jobs in the tech sector and looking into the proctoring software/service my school uses, and taking my time coming to a decision on all that. The former is, to be blunt, shit at the moment hiring wise and the latter not something I want to engage with.

That and I just don't think something like software engineering or data analysis is for me, but I digress.

Anyway, I've also been looking at companies near me that are hiring and planning my next steps once I'm no longer pursuing a bachelors degree. So I've been busy with that as well. You've not killed the vibe at all, in my case at least, I'm just dealing with a spot of real life issues at the moment. Ones that will be resolved within the week, at least so far as the withdrawal process is concerned, so I should be back to posting eventually.

Well, as soon as I can think of other ways for Thoth to help out that is.
I'm only holding off on posting since there isn't much else for Thoth to do at the moment. I mean I suppose it could also communicate via holographic avatar like Harbinger did in the games when he was puppeting the Collectors, but that might detract from its current landscaping project.
Hang on guys!

New ship incoming...

@Monstrox, @Hey Im Jordan, & @Fabricant451

The OOC is up if you're all still interested. Just mentioning that in case it was missed.
<Snipped quote by Havoccultist>

Wondrous! We have the perfect space for him somewhere here. Perhaps a nice relaxing yoga class? You already know he's accepted into the roleplay but please ensure his CS conforms to the template given in the OP.

Will do.
I'm here and so is Ranth. He needs a vacation after wandering from one metanarrative to the next.
@Mao Mao@Carolus Rex I'm going to say no to your applications for now but allow you to take reserve slots for if someone drops/gets exploded.

I just don't think the playerbase, or myself, can handle two more ships

While this is completely understandable, I'll admit that I was looking forward to Thoth and Shepard interacting.

Granted, I suppose they still might get the chance depending on how things go.
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