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1 day ago
Current should've changed this. shitty passed two days.
10 days ago
one night shift left. then **me** time. mostly maintenance and editing stuff. instead of writing on 14 hrs of being awake!
16 days ago
Coming back from night shifts! And running on some bad sleep. Hope all is well with everyone.
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24 days ago
Bread Boy poetry
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24 days ago
sure you did. "bread"


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@Shadow Dragon Can you please redo your post? Since there is so many different levels of godmodding at once.

Also... the stone giant would have to cross the town, to fight the other beast.. which would kill everyone, unless he went around the town.. which takes time.
Book-worm had just barely noticed something as Maragaret had focused on the children. It was some manner of beast stalking about in the shadows as well. They did not want to really take the chances and sent a ball of pale light in its general direction, across from them striking the thing with radiant light and revealing it.

The beast took the appearance similar to that of a man barely covered in scraps of clothing that appeared to be gathered in patches of various victims. Yet it was somewhat taller and its skin was the hue of stone. Their long slender fingers were claws drenched in dry blood. This particular monster was hit by the ball of light but still leapt toward Maragaret to sink its claws into her. Its abdomen having a large scorch mark as it leapt toward her.

One of these creatures had leapt out of the shadows heading straight for the dragon knight with a flaming sword. Its teeth were incredible sharp an accurate as aimed to bite down into the knight's shoulder, able to pierce metals but much greater at the painful wrenching flesh from the body as if the combination of their teeth was like two swords being driven down into were it hit or would hit.

There were multiple other beasts like the one before were hidden in the darkness, and carefully clinging to the walls of the remaining city as they crept closer toward the group. Their carefulness and stealth of keeping close to the walls and behind objects would likely obscure them from being seen at all, there was six of the beasts. The sixth was beyond hidden, it seemed as if the entirety of their presence was erased as they got closer.

Arieus might be able to notice that something else unholy approaching way from a small distance was approaching as well. It was not quite invisible, though it seemed the very fabric of this darkness wrapped around it like a cloak making it hard to see or discern as anything sort of invisibility during the night to regular eyes, and those who could see through supernatural means would likely only notice the surface resembling a large dark orb rapidly heading their way. There was no way of telling what was in this moving orb of darkness.

A platoon of dozens of undead was headed straight toward the destroyed town. A loud battle cry could be heard from the other side of its city limits, as a two headed giant as big as Vagmir was approaching in the night. All of which disappear into nothingness a moment later, entirely into the shadows. The orb darkness disappearing as well, along with the manner of beasts that had attacked. One of them dragged Book-worm into the darkness, never to be seen again.

be bakc gonna try and post in 15 mins or so at the latest

@Skinner35 @Shadow Dragon @Sharidi37495

alrighty, done for now.
Anyone mind if I add stuff? @Skinner35 @Shadow Dragon
Book-worm would slowly walk their way back to the carriage. Simply hoping to guide the children along back to the carriage along with the help of Margaret. They did not really want to scare them further or fully remove their hood. It was bad enough when their appearance was revealed around adults. They didn't really need to send children off screaming from an encounter with a monster that got inside their head.

Hopefully it would be just a quick stop to bring the children to the carriage. Book-worm had kept ahead by roughly ten paces and kept a look out on things.

They managed to spot Ariues fighting some other figure on the way back and would gesture the others to head in a different direction. They would attempt to leave Ariues with some help however, one that didn't alert the enemy to their position as much either. It seemed like trouble to use a limited attack so early, but Ariues did appear unassisted at the moment and it would be better to help, even a little.

They hesitated to attack as it seemed they were noticed. They prepared the painful and mind piercing screeches to attack at the knight, should they come within twenty feet of them. The knight with the flaming weapon, didn't appear particularly negatively intended but worried about the well being of the children. It was likely a warrior who was trying to defend the remains of the town on their own.

We're looking for their parents. Book-worm messaged toward the knight's mind, not thinking much of it. but first need to get them somewhere safer.
Book-worm was a bit too slow to follow Margaret as they slung a bunch of potions into their bag and into small holsters somewhere under their robe. They did regret not being able to catch up with her at first but were quick to try and pursue after her into the city. They expected the paladin to follow after them, after all they were supposed to look out for one another right? Supposedly. If not the druid would likely follow after the paladin and grant them some help for whatever encounter they find.

Book-worm managed to just barely catch up to Margaret and noticed two younglings whilst looking over from an alleyway. Certainly they wouldn't be a threat, at least not as much as actual monsters around here. They still wanted to keep some distance between them and perhaps panicking survivors, but that was kept to themselves.

Should we take them back to the carriage? Book-worm would slowly approach.

They also wanted to check out the tower, but not do so whilst alone.
Will post in 30 mins. Need to get to home comp
Book-worm would huff after multiple days of study. They finished writing in a book that resembled the stars. They out a sigh of relief and closed their book, hiding it back in place. They had one and half special ink bottles left.

They held out their hand and a spark formed above their hand. A moment later a bright ball of white expands into existence. It resembled a small neutron star, with a pale flame starting to dance around it.

Given the third day and some spare time. Book-worm made spare potions though the process was tiring and hidden under a blanket.

Perhaps Vagmir can see some survivors and protect this entrance of the city as we go in. Book-worm made sure to keep their good

Book-worm got out of the carriage.
Welcome back!

Would you mind if I add corrupted flame to the spell book after 3 days, since there was time to write and study without disturbance?

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