Avatar of Benzaiten


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Woop! Shipden Peak RP has started. Can't freaking wait for this to unfold.
2 yrs ago
The Witches of Shipden Peak RP is starting this week! I'm equally excited and nervous.


💀 Welcome to this Hell Hole 💀
Also Known As
Ben, Benji

26 years

24 Feb


English, German

Roleplay Preferences
I mostly enjoy writing in the Casual section of the guild. Character development and exploring character relationships motivate me. I like to really think myself into my character and their view on others and the world around them which is why I prefer to stick to one character per roleplay. I love world-building but I am also easily overwhelmed with very detailed concepts I haven't been met with before. So you could say I love a decent amount of world-building and prefer original builds. Once everyone has settled, expanding that world and its concept is a great way to create more depth and keep me as a player hooked as I love to discover new things!

My favorite genre is and has always been fantasy. I guess you could say I love escapism to a point where I like to flee the mundane world entirely. I also feel drawn to sci-fi roleplays but I have noticed that those usually intimidate me. I feel like I am not adept at writing about technology and all that sci-fi goodness so I mostly just pine over how awesome some OOCs look and never apply to them.

When it comes to fantasy I feel right at home. For my mind, it is much easier to grasp magical concepts and worlds than sci-fi ones. As a result of this, all the worlds I write up (be it here as a GM or elsewhere) tend to be fantastical in one way or another. I especially enjoy adventure RPs and witch RPs. I like to see new magical systems and am always eager to learn more about the worlds I RP in.

Additionally, all my characters are queer, always. Since I am queer myself and can't imagine playing straight ^^

Latest Roleplays
Although the days of witch hunts are long past us, life isn't roses. While the upcoming election is threatening witches with a potential anti-witch politician claiming the title of president, unrest is stirring in the corners of the world. A rise in threats has been detected - unnatural beings, magical beasts, and other supernatural phenomena pull media attention and feed directly into an anti-witch campaign.

The Death Knight's Squire (GM)
A D&D One-Shot. A group of adventurers is hired to find the missing grandson of a wealthy couple visiting the town. He was taken by a mysterious knight who rode his horse into the deadly woods nearby, taking the young boy with him. But the knight is not a simple man, he is said to be a resurrected ghostly figure forever in search for a squire, kidnapping young boys who never return home.

Wandering Topside [1x1]
The Cult of the Dragon has come to Phlan, a lawless refuge on the Moonsea. Now, with no significant authority to stop the cult, other power groups in the Realms – the Harpers, Order of the Gauntlet, Lords' Alliance, and even the Zhentarim – must unite to stop the cult from fulfilling its dark purpose in the city. Meanwhile, Rhana, a drow rogue with a questionable past, and Salissa, a dhampir bard with flair, find themselves somehow involved in this as they tackle different missions aimed at stopping the cult.

Other Places of Interest
This is just my character archive. I have recently reorganized it. I made a whole new thread for it, moved the CS I wanted to keep for memories sake over and am now less ashamed to have people stumble upon my creations.

How To Run A Multi-Arc RP (by BlueSky44 and Morose)
Some helpful tips on running and organizing your roleplay and what to do when your story is concluded. This should help you when running a multi-arc roleplay. You will also find some tips on setting up an Interest Check and OOC here.

I always write my IC posts in gray due to finding the white color pretty straining on the eyes.

Most Recent Posts

@Mistress Dizzy Glad to have your interest :) I am sure we can help you figure it out. As for dice, on the main page on the right side it will say dice. Otherwise, here's a link.
The Death Knight's Squire

Hello! I am usually one for many words but I want to keep it short this time.

This roleplay is supposed to be a short story. The Death Knight's Squire is a fan-made adventure module meant for solo play. It is pretty straightforward. I am offering to run it as a GM with a group of 2-4 players. This is supposed to be a low-stress RP where you can simply log in and write a post without too much thought put into it. Though I do still require you to have decent grammar and write at least one paragraph, preferably two with some character insight. This RP probably runs best if all participants are able to post at least once a week.

Once upon a time, hung from a tree a black dark knight called to thee
'Dear my child, come, come to me, an adventure I guarantee'
Whisked away on horse at night a son was stolen oh so bright
But in the deepest starless night, a hero set out clueless of fright
And went to steal back what once was the knight's required squire

A few rules need to be established for me to feel stress-free when running this.

1. You may only choose classes from the Player's Handbook (though you may choose subclasses from other official sources). I understand some won't like this but it makes it significantly easier for me.
2. You may choose any official race from any official source.
3. Stats will be rolled - you may roll twice and take whichever you prefer. You can put any number where you want after that.
4. All rolls for this RP must be done with the guild dice and always within the same "dice campaign". Additionally, please label your dice rolls. E.g. "Investigation Check" or "Stat Rolls".
5. You get the starter equipment that is listed with your class and background.
6. You may choose any background from any official source or choose none. The GM reserves the right to refuse any background if it doesn't fit.
7. You must be a "hero". Whatever your internal motivation is, your character must be willing to offer help. Best suited are of course characters with the alignment "good".

You will start at level 2. You get your max HP from level 1 and roll for the additional HP for level 2. (Example: As a monk, you'd have 8+1d8+constition modifier HP). Death is possible, so be aware of that. If your character dies, you may make a new one.

I will not be playing a character in this, so I am solely GMing. The adventure can end in total failure, partial success, or full success.

In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Salsa Verde Perhaps this would offer the opportunity to ask one or two of the people who didn't initially get accepted to have a go at it? Depending on how much we downsize if at all.
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I second the suggestion of a posting order.
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Prisk You can bully me all day long.

Location The Forest
Interactions Simon @Prosaic, Manon @PatientBean, Phalko @CasLink, Stormy @Blizz
School of Magic Necromancy, Illusion & Divination
Items 1 Dagger, small component pouch

It was overwhelming how quickly their group of two - Simon and herself - had grown. All of a sudden Zhalia found herself with a handful of people at her disposal offering to help find the traditional herbs in spite of picking them yourself not being the main go-to in the US anymore, hasn't been for the longest time. Of course there were always people still adhering to older traditions but in a world full of large cities and shriveling nature, it was hard to get to the resources sometimes and she knew this. Some people also didn't see the point in it. They could buy the herbs or even raise them in little pots or gardens themselves, there was no need to go hunting in woods. Especially woods such as these.

Her eyes trailed over the tree line before she began to confidently step closer. It seemed the people present were concerned about the woods. She gave a smile to the last person who joined them, a man with a beard she would recognize anywhere so long as he wouldn't shave it. She had seen him in the food tent earlier with two other witches, delighted about cake. "Oh? People are talking about me already? Only good things, I hope." Of course, she knew that wasn't true. Some people were more concerned hiding their whispers than others. "Zhalia is right", she confirmed for him.

Both Manon and Simon expressed some... reluctance? was it?... toward heading into the forest that stretched out before them. Phalko turned out to be the third person, naming the woods "dangerous". Zhalia felt like someone was trying hard to keep young people out of this area for some reason. Her best guess was that Miss High And Mighty Lina Calvo wanted to make sure no one passed out drunk here or had wild teenage sex. Petty reasons. Zhalia inwardly scoffed at Calvo's bad attempt. Wasn't she aware that no such rules could keep rebellious teenagers out of such a tempting area? You can take the witch out of the woods but you can't take the woods out of a witch. We belong here. If Lina Calvo wasn't full of shit - and as much as Zhalia wished she was just someone looking to control people's sexual activities and alcohol intake, she knew she wasn't. Lina Calvo was bad news and she was smart and cunning. So, if Lina Calvo was indeed scared of the woods then Zhalia had just found her new favorite place. With longing eyes, she looked upon the green. If Lina Calvo feared these woods, Zhalia would claim them.

"Thank you for your help", she said to the group. She had expected to walk into this alone and now she was accompanied by four other people. It was a turn of events she hadn't dared hope for. Maybe this could be a new beginning after all?

As Zhalia began to head into the woods, she found the others following her. Some more reluctantly than others, but they all fulfilled their part in the quest and began to look for the needed herbs. She didn't expect to find all herbs in these woods, let alone without delving deeper. But as they began to chit-chat and Zhalia crept deeper and deeper into the woods, she noticed some of her companions beginning to slow their pace. She kept pressing on, determined to penetrate deeper into the forest. Her heart was light and full, the twigs around her ankles, the leaves brushing against her head, it all felt so much like home to her. She could not fathom how anyone could feel fear when they treaded these parts. It was wonder and it was beauty. And it was far away from the loud electric world out there. The witch pushed deeper, all the while looking for the herbs needed, collecting some nettle and some other things into the component pouch that hung at her belt. After fifteen minutes of slowly delving deeper, she began to realize that something was amiss.

Around their ankles, fog was floating. It wasn't the usual fog that would engulf your calves but a fog that stayed consistently low to the ground, covering it so you could trip if you weren't careful. Her eyes narrowed as she crouched down to run her fingers through the curiosity. "I have seen this before...", she mumbled to herself. But it was impossible. Absolutely impossible. Her eyes carefully searched the tree lines around them when her heart sunk into her chest.

Before them, appearing as though a shadow taking shape, a large black dog-like figure stepped around the trunk of a big tree. The creature's eyes were dead-set on the group of witches before it, shining white orbs in its otherwise dark appearance. It was haunting. Zhalia forced herself to begin to breathe again as she realized she had instinctively held her breath upon spotting the creature. Her heart was pounding but she forced a silent and slow breath to fill her lungs and slow her heart. Within seconds the panic lifted and her face showed nothing but collectedness. Her eyes fixated on their sudden opponent, Zhalia didn't dare move.

In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
When are our characters supposed to get or realize they got their powers? Obviously there's the book now. Should there be a night of sleep before they start showing signs of their powers or should they begin to show first signs now?
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

act one: way down we go
Ritman High [Football Field]
Interacting with everyone
As the group continued to grow, some people seemed more chatty than others. Melanie let her eyes trail over the group and its individuals, trying to place people she couldn't quite recall as they got wrapped up in conversation. More often than not she found herself leading her gaze in the general direction of Natalie which would have been less obvious if the woman wasn't standing right next to her. She couldn't help it. It still felt like a fever dream to see everyone again, and as excited as she was to finally get to lay eyes onto Dante again after so many years, Natalie Miller engulfed her senses. Melanie was content with letting others talk, listening in and getting acclimated to her surroundings, she'd exchange a few words when addressed but didn't make an attempt to insert herself into the conversation otherwise.

It shouldn't have surprised her and yet it did when Sara and Jack showed up carrying a keg of beer between the two of them before a third party offered help. That was also the point in time when Meir returned from his excursion to retrieve the forgotten time capsule. Aren't they all already drunk? Melanie had not expected people to bring a whole ass keg to the football field. She'd expected multiple packages of beer and maybe some other alcohol produced from backpacks but this? This seemed excessive and a waste of energy when carrying six packs would be so much easier. Billy seemed enthusiastic enough about the provided beverage and poured himself the first drink.

Melanie's eyes fixed upon the time capsule in Meir's hands as the young teacher began to ty and pry it open. It took a bit longer, dragging the anticipation out as though in a movie scene, but eventually he managed to open the metal grave of their old high school memories. Curious Mel tried to peer into the capsule. It had been years since she saw that miniature she had put into it. She was hoping it still looked decent, that the color was still sealed and well preserved. Those things weren't cheap, especially colored since Mel sadly didn't have the artistic vein to paint such miniature creatures. She was planning to prop the thing in a display case on her D&D shelf no matter the condition it was in as a sort of preserved and honored memory of the beginning of one of her most beloved hobbies. But all she found was disappointment when several people expressed their surprise about the actual inner condition of the capsule. It was empty save for a book none of them seem to have put there.

Mel honestly couldn't remember what others had put inside it. Maybe the book did belong to one of them? Or maybe it belonged to someone who had been there when they buried the thing but wasn't here today to retrieve it? She would not know, she had not cared back then. And she wouldn't care right now if it wasn't for all their missing items. "That is strange", she mumbled to herself though loud enough for people to hear. A frown had appeared on her forehead. "Why would anyone feel the need to retrieve the capsule and steal all of our things just to bury it again?" She'd not be surprised if they all had been 17, stupid teenagers do stupid things, but they were adults. "Do you think someone went back for it years ago and took all our shit just to leave this book? Other than being a long-time prank I can't see a reason for someone to dig it out just to bury it again." She gazed toward Natalie to see if she had any answers. As far as Melanie was concerned, Natalie would be the person who knew most people back in high school and could possibly know who would have done this. "In any case", she continued as she averted her eyes again. "It doesn't really matter. It would have been nice to conclude this chapter as predicted when we buried the capsule but nonetheless we got together and wasn't that the point of it all?"

As the reason she came here seemed concluded - the capsule was retrieved -, she began to feel the need to retreat from the group and make her way back home. The tips of her fingers tingled as they longed to move and work. Though the chill air and the warm sweater reminded her of how good it was to collect memories with people and not just by herself, she longed to get into her truck. She took a small step backward, probably meaningless to anyone around her but a sign to herself that she could turn around and leave at any point.

She didn't really know what to do with such a group of people. She expected their next line of action to be further alcohol consumption coupled with some weird "catching up" that she probably wouldn't quite understand; laughing at inside jokes and good old times or falling back into high school habits of drinking games. Melanie had never really been invited to those during high school. If they'd all now turn back into their old high school groupings where some people drank and talked with nothing else to do, Mel would prefer to leave and be done with the act. Although something like a round of truth or dare also had its appeal. She hadn't played in ages, college was the last time. It would be a missed opportunity to not act out one last teenage fantasy for all of them before returning to their adult lives.

And it would mean she would play it with her. "While we wonder where our stuff has gone, anyone up for a round of Truth or Dare? Don't know about you but this being the last time we ever set foot onto our school grounds, with each other no less, kind of seems like an invitation to be young once more before we grow old." It sure would make for a fun memory if nothing else. But it could also serve as a way to ease up, sit together as a group, and just get to know one another. Of course, Melanie had never experienced a game like Truth or Dare to the extent that frat boys would play it. Though she knew people could get very deep, mean or sexual with their questions and dares, she didn't expect anyone here to do anything too crazy. They were adults after all. Right?


@DeadDrop Unfortunately I will bow out. Things have picked up life wise, it's gotten a bit whirlwind. I can't foresee when it will die down. Could be a week or a couple months. I'm wishing you a lot of fun.
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Salsa Verde For Melanie, a Dracolich miniature from the finale of one of their D&D campaigns in school
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